Mig 31 crashed in Buryatia. The plane fell into Lake Baikal (video). Seaplane "Corvette" made a hard landing in the Selenge River delta

Thursday, October 24

26th lunar day with the element Wood. A lucky day for people born in the year of the Tiger, Rabbit, Monkey and Chicken. It is favorable to build a dugan, suburgan, do good deeds, complete the work started, carry out the “zhabtui” ritual, monitor your daily routine, do household chores, put on new clothes, sew and cut clothes, leaven. Going on the road means a discovery; all your plans will come true. An unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Cow, Dragon, Sheep and Dog. It is not recommended to give away or sell livestock.

Hair cutting - fortunately, to achieving your plans.

Friday, October 25

27th lunar day with the element Wind. A lucky day for people born in the year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. It is favorable to meet with friends, arrange a romantic dinner for a loved one, make sourdough, pacify the enemy, order “sagaan shukherte”, conduct funerals and memorials, as well as for matters aimed at development. An unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Tiger and Rabbit. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, start teaching, get a job, hire a nurse or workers, bring a daughter-in-law into the house, or give a daughter as a bride. Going on the road is unlucky.

Cutting your hair means good luck in business.

Saturday, October 26

28th lunar day with the element Fire. A lucky day for people born in the year of the Cow, Tiger and Rabbit. It is favorable to draw up an agreement, make a promise, meet a loved one, cross a river, pacify the enemy, to finally resolve issues. Going on the road - to increase material wealth. An unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Mouse and Pig; It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, make friends, start teaching, bring a daughter-in-law into the house, give a daughter as a bride, as well as conduct funerals and wakes.

The Russian MiG-31 fighter-interceptor of the Eastern Military District crashed in Buryatia, reported. The aircraft was performing a scheduled training flight in the area of ​​the Telemba training ground.

The accident occurred at 12.05 Moscow time. The plane crashed in a deserted place on the territory of the training ground. A search and rescue helicopter flew to the scene. The reasons for the plane crash are still unknown. No deaths or injuries were reported as a result of the incident.

Both pilots on the plane managed to eject, and now their lives and health are not in danger, the Ministry of Defense noted.

As a source in the emergency services said, “both pilots’ parachutes opened and they landed.” According to Life, the ejected pilots gave a distress signal by launching flares, which were noticed by the participants in the rescue operation. The crashed MiG-31 was performing a scheduled training flight in tandem with another aircraft, the publication clarifies.

At the same time, the press service of the Eastern Military District on the morning of April 26 reported the successful completion of a long flight of MiG-31 aircraft from Kamchatka to Transbaikalia. The fighters, the number of which was not specified, took off from the naval aviation airbase of the Pacific Fleet (PF) and landed at the Domna airfield of the Russian Aerospace Forces aviation unit in Transbaikalia, the flight range was 3.5 thousand km.

During the flight, the fighter pilots completed tasks air defense and worked out the elements air combat. In Transbaikalia, MiG-31s ​​will fly over unfamiliar terrain and will also take part in tactical flight interception exercises cruise missiles with live firing, the Ministry of Defense said.

MiG-31 fighter-interceptors are designed to destroy air targets in the border regions of Russia, as well as within the country. Aircraft often take part in exercises. Thus, in mid-April, two interceptor fighters at the Kamchatka Pacific Fleet air base practiced intercepting simulated cruise missiles in the stratosphere. To detect targets, the aircraft rose to a height of 15 km; their flight speed during the exercise was more than 2.5 thousand km/h. The destruction distance of conventional cruise missiles is about 120 km.

Since the MiG-31 began operating, at least 35 fighters have been lost in various accidents.

The last accident involving a MiG-31 occurred in January 2016. The plane, performing a training flight without ammunition, crashed 40 km from the city of Kansk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There were two people on board, both of whom managed to eject. The Ministry of Defense cited equipment failure as the cause of the fighter's crash.

The two-seat supersonic all-weather long-range fighter-interceptor MiG-31 was developed in the 1970s in the USSR. According to data for 2012, cited by TASS, in service Russian Air Force there were 252 MiG-31 aircraft, with 80% of the fleet in need of repair.

In February 2016, the Deputy Minister of Defense announced that the Sokol aircraft manufacturing plant in Nizhny Novgorod was engaged in the repair and modernization of MiG-31 fighters. The company’s contract with the Ministry of Defense provides for the restoration of 113 vehicles; during 2016 it was planned to repair 22 of them.

The MiG-31 is being upgraded to the level of the MiG-31MB - such fighters have modern system control, their target detection range reaches 320 km, and their engagement range reaches 280 km. They are capable of simultaneously hitting six air targets and tracking ten.

Photo from bpso.ru

Seaplane "Corvette" made a hard landing in the Selenge River delta

The emergency happened on the afternoon of September 12 in the Kabansky district of Buryatia. At about 12 noon, the Ministry of Emergency Situations received information that a Che22 Corvette seaplane had made a hard landing in the Selenga delta.

There were 2 people on board. The victims were picked up by the tug "Ivolga". Rescuers of the Baikal search and rescue team, a group of the GIMS patrol service and the fire department went to the scene of the incident, the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Buryatia reported.

In addition, a Mi-8 Buryat Airlines helicopter with 3 rescuers was sent to the site of the hard landing of the seaplane. With their help, the victims were loaded and evacuated to a medical facility in Ulan-Ude.

As a result of the incident, 2 people were injured. With injuries received (bruised ribs, bruised spine, concussion), the victims were taken to the emergency hospital, rescuers report.

A criminal case has been initiated

Based on the fact of the crash of a seaplane in Buryatia, the East Siberian Investigation Department for Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under Part 1 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of traffic safety rules and operation of air transport, resulting in negligence in causing serious harm to human health).

According to investigators, on September 12 at about 11.20 a seaplane crashed in the Kabansky district in the delta of the Selenga River.

Its owner, a 28-year-old resident of Irkutsk, was sitting at the helm. A 30-year-old man was on board with the pilot. local. As a result of the plane's hard splashdown, both people were injured, investigators say.

During the initial medical examination, the victims were diagnosed with closed head injuries, a compression fracture of the spine, rib fractures, and numerous cuts and bruises. The pilot and passenger were transported to Ulan-Ude for hospitalization.

As the investigation established, the seaplane flight was carried out without notifying state regulatory authorities air traffic, - reports the press service of the East Siberian Transport Administration. - Investigative actions are currently being carried out to establish all the circumstances of the incident. An investigative team is working at the scene of the incident.

The preliminary reasons for the incident are an aircraft malfunction and pilot error. The criminal investigation continues.

Let us remind you that Lately This is not the first incident with by air in Buryatia.

On the evening of July 7, 55 km from the Zakamensky village of Bayangol Robinson R-66 multi-purpose helicopter made a hard landing. It belongs to one of the Irkutsk travel companies. There were a pilot and 2 passengers on board the aircraft. There were no injuries in that incident.

A MiG-31 fighter crashed near a training ground in Buryatia, the pilots ejected, the Russian Ministry of Defense told Interfax.

“On April 26 at 12:05 Moscow time, a MiG-31 fighter of the Eastern Military District crashed while performing a scheduled training flight in the area of ​​the Telemba training ground (Republic of Buryatia), the ministry said.

According to preliminary data, both pilots ejected. A search and rescue helicopter flew to the area of ​​the accident. The pilots were “promptly evacuated, their lives and health are not in danger,” the military department told TASS.

They also clarified that no one was injured on the ground as a result of the plane crash, since the fighter “fell at a training ground in a deserted place.” Earlier, a TASS source in the emergency services said that the incident occurred approximately 120 kilometers from Chita.

MiG-31(according to NATO classification - Foxhound) - a two-seat supersonic all-weather long-range fighter-interceptor. This is the first Soviet combat aircraft fourth generation. It was originally intended to intercept cruise missiles across the entire range of altitudes and speeds, as well as low-flying satellites.

The aircraft was developed in the 1970s by the team of the Separate Design Bureau of Plant 155 (now RSK MiG JSC). The first flight of the MiG-31 took place on September 16, 1975. The aircraft was put into service on May 6, 1981.

Produced in 1975-1994 at the Sokol aircraft plant in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), in total more than 500 aircraft were built. Currently in service with the Air Forces of Russia and Kazakhstan. In the early 1990s, Syria, Libya and China showed interest in purchasing the aircraft, but no contracts were signed.

As of 2012, the Russian Air Force had 252 MiG-31s ​​in service, with 80% of the fleet in need of repair. In 2013, the number of combat-ready aircraft, according to Alexander Zelin, who held the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, was about 190 units.

MiG-31 aircraft take part in the exercises. Thus, today it became known that the MiG-31 flight made a long flight from Kamchatka to Transbaikalia, covering more than 3.5 thousand kilometers. According to TASS, in Transbaikalia, fighter jets will take part in exercises during which they will practice intercepting cruise missiles of a mock enemy.

On May 9, two MiG-31 supersonic aircraft will be used to celebrate Victory Day in Krasnoyarsk. As TASS reports, they will fly over the city during the festive procession.

Production of fighter-interceptors was discontinued in 1994, but since 2011, the Nizhny Novgorod Sokol plant began upgrading these aircraft to the MiG-31BM version. In 2013, the first pair of modernized interceptors began combat duty at the Monchegorsk airfield ( Murmansk region). Installed on MiG-31BM new system weapons control and radar stations, allowing you to detect targets at a distance of up to 320 kilometers and hit them at a distance of up to 280 kilometers. The aircraft is capable of tracking up to ten and hitting six air targets simultaneously. By 2020, the Russian Air Force should receive 60 MiG-31BM aircraft.

Chronicle of an emergency involving a MiG-31

Last December, an engine failure occurred on a MiG-31 fighter of the Russian Ministry of Defense on the way from Perm to Novosibirsk. At the same time, it became known about the emergency landing of another MiG-31 fighter at the airfield in Perm. The plane landed successfully after being warned of a malfunction in the aircraft's system.

In May 2016, an aircraft of this type was forced to land in international airport Bolshoye Savino. Then the “engine failure” sensor also went off in the cockpit.

In March, a MiG-31 fighter made an emergency landing in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. During the flight, the left engine failure sensor was activated.

In January 2016, a MiG-31 fighter crashed during a training flight near the city of Kansk. Krasnoyarsk Territory. The plane began to fall after an engine failure. The pilots managed to eject and were not injured.

In October 2015, a MiG-31 crashed in the Kamchatka Territory. The pilots were also not injured. Before the crash, the plane disappeared from radar while returning to its home airfield in the Kamchatka Territory after performing a scheduled training flight.

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