Thick eyebrows in a girl are important. Tell us what shape your eyebrows are, and we will guess what character you have

The character of a person can be determined not only by his appearance or behavior. In our time, many non-scientific movements have developed that are engaged in determining the type of personality using the most unusual methods. One of these is physiognomy. According to this trend, the character of a person can be determined by the eyebrows.

At first glance, it seems that the eyebrows are just two stripes of hair above the eyes, but in fact, a lot can be said about a person by their shape. Their influence on the character of a person has been known since ancient times. For example, the ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of mourning, showing that they had lost all feelings and emotions.

Eyebrows come in different lengths, heights and shapes, but do they have perfect shape, and what is their significance in human life, let's try to figure it out.

Ideal Shape

Now almost every girl can create an ideal shape for herself thanks to various cosmetic procedures. But natural, unchanged can still be found.

The ideal form has the following features:

  • smoothness and accuracy;
  • the hairs should lie flat and not stick out in different directions;
  • they should be combined with the rest of the person's facial features, in harmony;
  • the length should be medium, the contour of the arc is curved.

Those that are given by nature are considered ideal. Many girls change their shape, fitting themselves to a certain stereotype, thereby distorting the natural, ideal beauty of their own eyebrows, which suit their character and other facial features.

The character of a person in the form of eyebrows

It is customary to distinguish 7 main types depending on their shape:

  1. Arcuate.
  2. In the shape of a semicircle.
  3. Takeoff.
  4. With the tips down.
  5. Short eyebrows.
  6. Broken or broken.
  7. Direct.

Arcuate characterize a person as romantic, capable of expressing feelings. This type prevails in people with a light, friendly character, but at the same time firm. They achieve a lot in life. It is believed that the arc is the most ideal eyebrow shape.

In the form of a semicircle, they are present in people who are cautious, prudent, insightful. A person with a semicircle shape is enterprising and self-confident. At the same time, he is very charming, energetic, has managerial skills, the ability to create and own profitable business, business.

Takeoff. A person who has this form has a persistent character. At the same time, such a person is very active, always achieves the goal. It has traits of aggression, sexuality, enterprise, self-confidence, but at the same time it may not get along with other people because of its pride. At calm look this form gives a person confidence, stateliness.

With the tips down, they give their owner a sad look, which also affects the character. People with this form are naive, dependent, weak. But behind these disadvantages lies a talented person who can achieve success in music, art, cinema if they find a patron or show strength of character. At the same time, they are kind, caring, excellent comrades and life partners.

Short eyebrows indicate that their carriers of nature are independent, ambitious. They are quick-tempered, hot, ardent, always achieve their goal. Short eyebrows characterize a hardworking person, capable of his diligence and great desire to achieve unprecedented success in life.

Broken lines are found in people with a strong temperament, a strong character. Natures with this form have great potential, powerful energy, strength. Broken lines characterize a person as adventurous, living according to the motto "all or nothing." Such people always strive to become a leader and succeed.

Straight people have courageous, straightforward natures, they always say what they think. Personalities with this type tend to take risks, are decisive, balanced, have inexhaustible energy, and become excellent leaders. They strive to be in society, "in public", they always need to communicate, but at the same time they are good family men.

Personality by location

The temperament of a person can be determined not only by the shape, but also by the location of the eyebrows. They usually have low and high disposition.

Low located characterize a decisive, practical, ambitious person, but these positive traits don't make it easy to get what you want. People who have low eyebrows achieve success in life late in old age.

Highly located people speak of purposeful people. Usually, a person with high eyebrows is quickly determined in life and chooses a specialty to their liking, copes well with the functions assigned to him. Such people achieve success in life - not quite early, but not at the end of life either.

Scientific research methods give us the opportunity to find new methods of cancer treatment, to explore unknown areas of our lives, to learn new patterns and characteristics of certain phenomena. But there are also non-scientific methods that can very accurately characterize the objects under study. One of these methods is physiognomy.

Physiognomy- an extra-scientific method for determining a person, his spiritual qualities and state of health, based on the analysis external features faces and expressions. (Material from Wikipedia)

Eyebrows and character human are closely related. For example, a shy person has pale and sparse eyebrows, he strives to be in the shadows, allows himself to be commanded. A domineering and authoritarian person, on the contrary, has dark, thick and dominant eyebrows.

A person with thin or plucked eyebrows looks submissive and weak-willed. Such a person will never be a boss. A person with smooth, well-defined eyebrows is self-confident, responsible for his actions.

Shaggy eyebrows, which have a light eyebrow color in Chinese physiognomy, characterize a sign of a person's sexual promiscuity, promiscuity in sexual relations. Women are advised to be vigilant when meeting men with similar eyebrows.

Read also: Language of the body. Gait and posture.

Eyebrow shape and character.

In physiognomy, seven types of eyebrows are distinguished. They testify to the character of a person and his capabilities, which are inherent in nature. In men, it is easy to determine the shape of the eyebrow and, accordingly, the character, since men rarely make adjustments to their eyebrows and facial features. But women's faces in this regard are very deceptive, they pluck them, paint them, make tattoos, etc.

Arched eyebrows. Arched eyebrows testify to the romanticism and sensuality of a person; he has a light, but moderately firm character. Such eyebrows are considered ideal, they talk about good character and enable a person to succeed in life.

Eyebrows up. Leaders with an active and enterprising nature have such eyebrows. When the eyebrows are close together, they can look menacing, so the owners of such eyebrows are not recommended to frown.

Eyebrows in the form of a semicircle. People with such eyebrows are cautious, insightful, enterprising and self-confident. They are energetic, charming, in addition, they have good business abilities.

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Eyebrows with downturned tips. The owner of such eyebrows is naive, not independent enough. But such people are often talented in the field of music, cinema and literature, in addition, such people are characterized by kindness, caring, they are good friends, reliable partners and excellent parents.

Short eyebrows. People with short eyebrows are independent and ambitious. They have an ardent disposition, are able to achieve great success in life, because they strive for success with all their hearts and make every effort to do so.

Broken eyebrows. This shape of the eyebrows speaks of the adventurous nature of a person. Such people are success-oriented and strive to become a leader.

Straight eyebrows. Straight eyebrows speak of a courageous and straightforward character. People with such eyebrows can become good leaders, they are decisive, energetic, balanced, risk-averse. They are excellent partners in the family, but have a need for communication with friends and being in society.

The nature and location of the eyebrows.

To determine the character of a person by eyebrows physiognomists take into account not only the shape of the eyebrows, but also other signs.

As we know, the world is made up of little things. Also, the ideal image is made up of details, even those that at times may seem subtle. To such details playing important role in the formation of features of appearance, it is necessary to attribute the eyebrows, namely their shape, size, length and other characteristics, on which not only the harmony of the image, but also the character of a person depends.

Features of eyebrows and the character of a woman

Eyebrows are not just horizontal lines of hair on our face that are meant to protect our eyes from sweat and dust. The appearance of a person and, to some extent, his character depend on their shape, with their help you can give expressiveness to the eyes, emphasize the depth of their color.

By changing the natural eyebrows, you can completely change the perception of your appearance. In what way would you like to appear before people: innocent, flirtatious or strict? Let's learn about the types of eyebrows and their influence on the character of a woman.

Without eyebrows

Let's dive into history a bit. In the 15th century, in the aristocratic circles of the Netherlands, France and Italy, there was a fashion for a pale complexion, a high clean forehead and a slender long neck.

To match perfect image and seem beautiful woman At that time, many sacrifices were made. To do this, they not only removed the eyebrows, but also shaved part of the hair above the forehead and at the back of the head. Now such manipulations to remove hair above the eyes symbolize the lack of character in a girl.

Eyebrows of different widths

Natural eyebrows without any changes do not carry any hidden information. But the thin line of arcs symbolizes superfemininity. Let's look at the effect of eyebrow width on a girl's personality.


A woman with such arcs cannot imagine her life without a man, she wants gifts, care, flowers and even worship. But thin and round form emphasizes such features of its owner as the desire to be a leader, strong-willed character, thirst for power, desire to become famous and purposefulness.

Crescent eyebrow

Like Beyoncé

As a rule, people with rounded eyebrows are real altruists: they always try to think about the needs of others. If you have such eyebrows, then you are most likely a rather gentle and caring person, you have many friends who constantly need your help or advice.

straight eyebrows

Like Natalie Portman

A girl with straight eyebrows in making important decisions is not guided by her heart, but by her head. You are probably very organized: you love order and logic in everything, you try to foresee everything and avoid unplanned situations. You are not impulsive, you know how to control yourself, which is why some people seem rather cold.


With sharp tips

Like Demi Lovato

If you have pointed eyebrows at the outer corners, then you are most likely just a reactive nature! You are impulsive and emotional, you make decisions with lightning speed, but, alas, not always correctly: because of your indomitable nature, you simply do not have time to think things through.

Long brow line

Like Kim Kardashian

Short brow line

Like Ariana Grande

Girls with a short eyebrow line live under the motto "Calm, only calm!". If you have such eyebrows, then you probably just can’t stand people who tend to dramatize everything. Tantrums, squabbles and scandals are also not your element. And you always stay away from gossip, hate to discuss and condemn other people. Alas, because of this laudable trait, some colleagues and acquaintances consider you unfriendly.

Upturned eyebrows

Like Olivia Wilde

Owners of upturned eyebrows with a sharp bend are usually perfectionists in character. You always make every effort to make everything perfect: this applies to work, relationships, and even household trifles. You are quite self-critical, which is why you make high demands on other people. Be careful: of course, you need to strive for perfection, but everything is good in moderation.

Wide eyebrows

Like Cara Delevingne

The owner of wide eyebrows is a girl who is very confident in herself, but does not like to flaunt it too much. At the same time, you are quite straightforward and often say exactly what you think. Of course, people don't always like it. But everyone loves you anyway - for your open disposition and active life position.

Thin eyebrows

Like Charlize Theron

Thin eyebrows are often a sign of a very assertive person. You are so stubborn that sometimes you even seem aggressive to others. If you want to achieve something, then you will definitely achieve it - by any means. In your career, your ability to “go ahead” helps a lot, but in relationships with family and friends, try to be a little softer.

Hello everyone :) Have you ever thought that every feature of your face can say something about your character? Of course, each person is individual, but people have long noticed that having similar facial features indicates similar character traits. There was even a special science of "reading" facial features - physiognomy.
Today's post I would like to highlight the eyebrows - they are perhaps the most expressive part of your face, after the eyes. They can say more about you than you think, such as how confident you are, how stubborn or accommodating you are, or how you make decisions. Let's use the example of celebrities to analyze 10 things that our eyebrows can say about us :)


Short wide eyebrows, like Britney Spears, usually indicate that a person is not very good at coping with stress and keeping himself in hand. Such people usually do not like to console their friends if they have trouble, because. they are very stressed out.


People who have long eyebrows, like Eva Mendes, usually cope well with stress, have many friends, because they can listen and comfort in a difficult situation. They are also considered good workers, very competent, able to take responsibility.


Naturally thin and Taylor Swift-like eyebrows tend to be people who tend to doubt themselves and love to listen to other people's advice. They are more careful with people and therefore somewhat closed in life.


Owners of naturally wide eyebrows, like model Cara Delevingne, are usually very active. They are self-confident, have what they call a “head on their shoulders” and a cold mind, they are able to grasp everything on the fly. It happens that such people easily lose their temper if someone gets in their way, because they are extremely purposeful and used to bringing everything to the end.


Eyebrows that are placed high above the eye and have a pronounced curve usually indicate that their owner is not as accessible and open to communication as it might seem. Such people are very sensitive and tend to hold back emotions. They often seem arrogant, but in reality they are not, they just need to understand a person before letting him near them. Also, these people are distinguished by perfectionism and good taste.


People who have a smoothly arched brow (such brows are usually set low over the glavs), like Lily Collins, are usually open and easy to lift. They also tend to keep their promises. If there is a person with such an eyebrow shape among your friends, he will always be on your side in a dispute.


Eyebrows that have a round curve, like those of Beyonce Knowles, indicate that their owner is very polite and always considers the opinions of others. They are tactful, good diplomats and never alone. seek long-term relationships.


Owners of straight, like Emma Watson, eyebrows are prone to logical thinking, and rather slowly make decisions, after weighing everything, and more than once. They are usually not emotional and very reasonable.


Eyebrows "house", the bend of which runs in the middle of the eye, have people who love fun, think quickly and make decisions. They are spontaneous, emotionally open, have a good sense of humor.


Since our eyebrows express a degree of confidence to everyone, if someone, like Pamela Anderson, is too fond of plucking them, then this, oddly enough, can affect this confidence in the direction of its decrease, and reduce the ability to make decisions! People with this brow shape often face someone crossing their path as their self-confidence has been reduced. Choose any shape of eyebrows, but not like this!

P.S.: I recognized myself in the fifth type, many of the indicated character traits really coincide. What is your eyebrow shape? :) 41 topics / 16 readers

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