Bondarchuk destroyed someone else's family. Svetlana Bondarchuk has an affair with a young dentist - media Omar Gazzaev

Svetlana Bondarchuk ran away from Fedor to the elite dentist Omar Gazaev, who in turn left his wife and little son

She ran away from Fedor to the elite dentist Omar Gazaev, who in turn left his wife and little son

Fedor and Svetlana BONDARCHUK have been divorced for two months now - main topic for gossip in a social gathering. A beautiful and seemingly happy couple broke up after 25 years of marriage. Rumors immediately spread in the press: they say that the reason for the separation was the new hobby of the 49-year-old director - the sexy actress Paulina ANDREEVA. Naturally, the overwhelming majority of gossips immediately rushed to feel sorry for Svetlana and condemn Fedor. But few people know what caused the real reason discord.

In Nice with friends. After the divorce, Svetka became 15 years younger. Photo:

Svetlana and Fedor parted very civilly - no scenes of jealousy, no gargling dirty laundry in press. Just one short statement: “Our paths have diverged - there are no conflicts, grievances or contradictions behind this fact. We are no longer a couple, but we remain friends." Briefly, but nothing is clear.

To all questions from journalists Bondarchuks preferred to remain silent. True, Svetlana recently gave an interview to a glossy publication, where she complained that she had to move from the family estate on Rublyovka to a 300-meter apartment on Patriarch’s Ponds.

In her youth, she worked as a fashion model. And she had a relationship with Vova PRESNYAKOV. The girl on the right is Alla SIVAKOVA... Photo:

And the famous blonde, either by accident or on purpose, dropped the following phrase: “I like it when a young and handsome man" As if hinting that this is exactly the situation in her personal life. So, maybe that’s why 47-year-old Svetlana doesn’t look at all like an unhappy abandonment after her divorce from star husband? On the contrary, she blossomed and became prettier.

Actually, the all-knowing blogger also drew attention to this fact immediately after the Bondarchuks’ announcement of the breakup Bozena Rynska:

Beautiful Svetlana - alone? Do not make me laugh. Svetlana has not been alone for a very long time. Back in 2012, if I’m not confused, Fyodor persuaded Svetka to return, presented her with a stone... This is not my secret, I have no right to name names, but Svetka is not alone at all and has been for a long time.

...the first wife of Styopa MIKHALKOV. Photo:

“Before her, we lived wonderfully”

People around the Bondarchuks claim that Svetlana has been having an affair with a rich dentist for seven years now. Omar Gazaev. He is originally from Makhachkala, but after graduating from medical school he became a leading specialist in an elite Swiss clinic in the center of Moscow, where he often serves VIP patients.

As an example, here is a recent case that was leaked to the press. Footballer's wife Pavel Mamaev“repaired” Omar’s teeth for almost 3 million rubles, despite the fact that similar treatment in another clinic would have cost her about 6 times less.

Dubai. January 2016 After a night with Omar... Photo:

It was in his clinic that Gazaev allegedly met Svetlana Bondarchuk. They say a passionate affair with a young doctor (Omar younger than Svetlana for 10 years) turned the head of Fyodor’s wife so much that she did not even try to hide the fact of having a lover from her family. Moreover, at that time, their relationship with Bondarchuk had practically exhausted itself: there were rumors that the director and actor often looked for the truth at the bottom of the glass and sought solace in the arms of others.

Apparently, this began to infuriate my wife and she threw herself headlong into the maelstrom of new feelings.

Back in 2009, lovers Omar and Svetlana were targeted by the paparazzi. Journalists spotted them in one of the 24-hour cafes in the center of the capital. Nothing criminal - just a late dinner. However, as soon as Bondarchuk’s boyfriend noticed the glint of a photographic lens, he immediately flew into a rage. Agree, it is unlikely that it was just a friendly meeting if it caused such a violent reaction from the man.

The scandalous story was quickly hushed up. And, apparently, it had no effect on romantic relationships Svetlana and Omar - they continued to meet.

The dentist prefers blondes. Photo:

Finding Dr. Gazaev on the Internet turned out to be not an easy task. Yes, he still expertly treats the teeth of the rich and famous, but getting an appointment with him is almost impossible for a mere mortal. He keeps in touch through a personal assistant, and all of Gazaev’s pages on social networks are closed from outsiders. Some are even encrypted.

For example, on Instagram, beloved by our celebrities, he is listed under someone else’s name. True, the careless correspondence and cute hashtags that Svetlana put under her posts gave the lovers away. It turns out that the couple often enjoys walks together in the center of Moscow, and in January of this year they went to the United Arab Emirates together.

As we managed to find out, Omar has a son from 37-year-old Zarema, who also lives in the capital. But does she know about the adventures of her child's father?

“We broke up with Omar six years ago,” Gazaeva admitted in telephone conversation. “I’m not one of those women who can tolerate betrayal for years, so as soon as I found out about their affair with Svetlana, I immediately filed for divorce. It was only because of Bondarchuk that our family collapsed, and my son lost his father. Before her, we lived wonderfully! You can imagine how worried I was... But now the pain has subsided. I closed this topic for myself a long time ago. Let everything that Svetlana has done remain on her conscience.

For almost 7 years, Svetlana Bondarchuk has been dating a leading specialist at an elite Moscow clinic. For the sake of the dentist, the businesswoman divorced director Fyodor Bondarchuk, with whom she had been officially married for 25 years. The relationship of the doctor, who left his wife and child for the sake of a famous blonde, did not stand the test either.

Long years Chief Editor magazine "Hello!" successfully hid the relationship on the side. The press did not know about her lover, but her relatives, husband and even colleagues knew. Svetlana met VIP dentist Omar Gazaev, who is 10 years younger than her, during a visit to an expensive Moscow clinic. The doctor turned his head socialite and, being patient, waited for the day when his beloved decided to divorce the famous director.

Omar did not save his marriage. His wife left him immediately after she found out about her husband’s love affairs. According to Zarema, this happened 6 years ago. The woman could not tolerate betrayal for years, as some do, and immediately filed for divorce. “It was only because of Bondarchuk that our family collapsed, and my son lost his father,” Zarema told Express Newspaper.

Svetlana Bondarchuk's lover turned out to be VIP dentist Omar Gazaev
Photo: Facebook

According to the girl, before Omar and Svetlana met, the family had ideal relationship. The appearance of another woman in the life of her husband shocked Zarema. The pain from the experience only subsided over the years. A young mother disappointed in her marriage believes that Svetlana is responsible for the breakdown of the family and everything that the businesswoman has done will remain on her conscience.

In 2009, Bondarchuk and Gazaev were caught by the paparazzi. The news could become one of the most resonant and discussed on the network. The couple was photographed having dinner in a 24-hour cafe. The doctor was the first to notice the people with the lenses and became furious. Then scandalous story managed to hush it up. Probably the editor-in-chief of “Hello!” found a way to influence journalists, and the pictures were not published.

Svetlana and Fyodor Bondarchuk

The famous journalist Bozena Rynska has long talked about the fact that Svetlana Bondarchuk has a lover. In her blog, the star of scandalous chronicles assured that beautiful woman not alone, and the initiator of the divorce was not Fyodor Bondarchuk. While the press was discussing him, Svetlana secretly met with a certain man. Bozhena, like many show business stars, was aware of the romantic relationship between the owner of a PR agency and a doctor. Svetlana’s husband also knew about this. A few years ago, he tried to win his wife back and presented her with a ring with a large stone. Close friends tried to persuade Svetlana not to do anything stupid and to return to her husband. However, the 47-year-old woman decided to end the marriage.

The Internet continues to discuss the personal life of the editor-in-chief of HELLO! Svetlana Bondarchuk: the press reports that the blonde has not been alone for many years and she has a close relationship with VIP dentist Omar Gazaev.

According to rumors, Svetlana even became the reason for Gazaev’s departure from the family. This was reported by ex-wife Omar, whom he left with the child after a long affair on the side.


Very little is known about Gazaev: after graduating from medical school, he became a leading specialist in a Swiss clinic in Moscow. Gazaev himself is from Makhachkala. The famous doctor's clients are mostly celebrities. So Svetlana got an appointment with him, and later a romance began between the star patient and the doctor. It is also known that Omar is 10 years younger than Svetlana: she is 47 years old, he is 37.

The secular chronicler Bozena Rynska added fuel to the fire by writing on her Facebook page: “This is not my secret, I have no right to name names, but Svetka is not alone at all and has not been alone for a long time.”

Svetlana recently gave her first interview after the divorce. “I like it when a handsome young man is next to a woman. Nature is designed in such a way that a woman reveals herself at a more mature age, and at this moment a peer or someone older is no longer ready for anything. Or I’m ready with all my strength,” she told Tatler magazine.

Let us remember that the divorce of Fedor and Svetlana became known in the spring. At first, gossips began to say that a divorce was approaching because the director was in love with the young actress Paulina Andreeva. True, now commentators are increasingly inclined to believe that Svetlana also had an affair.

A very famous orthopedic dentist is Omar Gazaev. His biography is not as famous as he himself. After all, thanks to his affair with Bondarchuk’s wife, Gazaev became famous throughout the country.

A little about Omar Gazaev

Omar Gazaev is a native of Dagestan. Born and lived in Makhachkala. After graduating from school, he entered medical school, successfully graduated and received the specialty of an orthopedic dentist.

Then he and his wife moved to Moscow, where they had a son. Gazaev Omar began working in an elite Swiss clinic in Moscow, which is located in the center, where he became a leading specialist. Today he has 16 years of work experience. His clinic serves VIP patients.

Video: Russian national football player made his wife’s teeth for 3 million

Gazaev’s dearest patient was the wife of Pavel Mamaev, a famous football player. She repaired her teeth for 3 million rubles, although in another clinic the same procedure would have cost 6-7 times less.

Romance with Svetlana Bondarchuk

In 2008, Svetlana Bondarchuk came for an appointment at a Swiss clinic in Moscow. Omar Gazaev treated her teeth. Apparently she liked the dentist. They got to know each other better. Then a romance began, which Svetlana did not hide from her husband.

Omar Gazaev, on the contrary, tried his best to hide the affair from his wife.

In 2009, the love of Omar and Svetlana became known to journalists. One day they were caught on camera as they were leaving a 24-hour cafe, which is located in the center of the capital, after a late dinner. The fact that the couple was spotted by the paparazzi did not please the elite dentist, and he attacked them, and then, taking a bat from the car, tried to break the camera lens. As a result, not only the camera was broken, but also the windshield of the journalist’s car. Such aggression could not be called normal.

This incident with the cafe did not in any way affect the relationship between Omar and Svetlana, and they continued dating. According to a friend, Bondarchuk looked several years younger next to Omar. And the latter does not deny this.

As soon as the dentist’s wife found out about her husband’s infidelity, she immediately filed for divorce and stated that her son was left without a father, and this would be on Bondarchuk’s conscience. As Gazaev’s wife said, she is not going to turn a blind eye to infidelity for many years and it is best to immediately break off all relationships rather than be humiliated.

Gazaev Omar became known throughout the country thanks to his connection with Svetlana Bondarchuk, because before that practically no one knew him, except those who treated his teeth. The romance has been going on for more than 8 years.

Gazaev Omar - experienced doctor

As mentioned above, Gazaev, a dentist-orthopedist-implantologist, works in an elite Swiss dental clinic Moscow. Over the course of 16 years, he gained experience, and now he treats the teeth of “VIP” clients. Make an appointment with not so easy for a certified specialist in the field of aesthetic dentistry, but possible.

An elite doctor diagnoses, treats and prevents defects in the hard tissues of teeth, and also treats periodontitis, pulpitis, and caries. He also installs dental crowns, bridges, removable and fixed dentures and veneers.

In his work, he uses digital sophisticated technologies that help him cope with difficult manipulations. He has also developed his own treatment technologies and uses a microscope.

Periodically, Omar Gazaev improves his level of qualifications in Italy, Germany and Japan.

Attention, TODAY only!

Svetlana Bondarchuk / Instagram

The couple broke up after 25 years of marriage. Rumors immediately spread in the press: they say that the reason for the separation was the 49-year-old director’s new passion for a sexy actress. Naturally, the vast majority of gossips immediately rushed to feel sorry for Svetlana and condemn Fedor. But few people know what was the true cause of the discord.

True, Svetlana recently gave an interview to a glossy publication, where she complained that she had to move from the family estate on Rublyovka to a 300-meter apartment on Patriarch’s Ponds.

Omar Gazaev /

And the famous blonde, either by accident or on purpose, dropped the following phrase: “I like it when a young and handsome man is next to a woman.” As if hinting that this is exactly the situation in her personal life. So, maybe this is precisely why 47-year-old Svetlana does not look at all like an unhappy abandonment after her divorce from her star husband? On the contrary, she blossomed and became prettier.

Actually, the all-knowing blogger Bozhena Rynska drew attention to this fact immediately after the Bondarchuks’ announcement of the breakup:

“The beautiful Svetlana is alone? Don’t make me laugh. Svetlana has not been alone for a very long time. Back in 2012, if I’m not confused, Fyodor persuaded Svetka to return, presented her with a stone... This is not my secret, I have no right to name names, but Svetka is not alone at all and has been for a long time,” she said.

Those around the Bondarchuks claim that Svetlana has been having an affair with a wealthy dentist, Omar Gazaev, for seven years now. He is originally from Makhachkala, but after graduating from medical school he became a leading specialist in an elite Swiss clinic in the center of Moscow, where he often serves VIP patients.

It was in his clinic that Gazaev allegedly met Svetlana Bondarchuk. They say that a passionate affair with a young doctor (Omar is 10 years younger than Svetlana) turned the head of Fyodor’s wife so much that she did not even hide the fact of having a lover from her family. Moreover, at that time, their relationship with Bondarchuk had practically exhausted itself: there were rumors that the director and actor often looked for the truth at the bottom of the glass and sought solace in the arms of others.

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