Sasha disco and festering. Purulent: personal life and biography of a famous rapper. Antihype and a triumphant victory in the battle

Slava Karelin- the character about which will be discussed further refers to himself on the Internet. His last name on the passport is not Karelin, but Mashnov. " Purulent" is one of the many aliases he uses depending on the situation.


Slava was born in the Khabarovsk Territory in the 90s. It is known that he studied at the Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications, in his younger years he became interested in punk and drawing cartoons to order. I tried to sell psychological tests on compact discs, I worked in a water park, in cellular companies. The already well-known "Purulent" is quite recognizable in this old and small photo. He was born on May 9, 1990, now he is 27 years old.

Purulent became interested in rap relatively recently. According to records from the Internet, one can trace the beginning of his activity in 2012, as well as draw parallels with the Buchenwald Flava group, which inspired him with their songs, style and position in rap. The leader of the already broken up Buchenwald Flava group, Sasha Skull, recorded several conscientious songs with Slava CPSU.

In 2013, Slava applied to participate in a rap battle in the project SlovoSPB and wins it by defeating the organizer in the final - Dan Cheney. Further, Purulent begins to play an aggressive game, hitting every second - from popular to not very benchmarks. The tactics of "hurting everyone" who does not fit his system of views - quickly gives Purulent popularity, albeit in the narrow circles of the hip-hop underground. At the same time, he meets rapper Zamai with whom they later go side by side and get into the movement " Antihype", which exists in conjunction with another rap association" Renaissance” under the direction of the old battle rapper Victor SD Geviksman.

It is worth noting that Slava is impressed by the St. Petersburg battle sites #SlovoSPB, he directs his main oppression at their neighbors, competitors - Versus. He justifies his attempts by the fact that Versus is an overly commercial project that puts money in the foreground, and not battle rap.

The style of the rapper Purulent originated from the underground direction, where such an anonymous Obninsk rapper as Babangida, who partly inspired Slava, stands at the origins. He also doesn't like the rest of Russian rap, especially the part that gets into a commercially comfortable position. Actively diss Oxxxymiron "a, Rickey F, etc., and on Versus against Erensto Shut up, he ends his round by quoting Babangida's lines from the battle against Noise MC.

Under the pseudonym Slava CPSU, he takes part in the song "Bad Whites", which features Viktor SD, Sasha Skull and also the rap group Lenina Paket from Obninsk. At the first battles of SlovoSpb on Slava, a T-shirt with the logo of the same Obninsk LP group flaunts, which speaks of his sympathy for the art that The LP produces. He also wore this T-shirt on Versus with Ernesto Shut up.

You can’t say for sure where Slava gets inspiration for his songs, but for that you can definitely say that he is impressed by the Yekaterinburg group “4 Positions of Bruno” and the leader of the “Auktsyon” group Leodin Fedorov, where he quotes him in his songs.

The direction of enlightened nihilism, as one of the techniques of Purulent. As if on the instructions of Babangida, he collectively puts all the elements of world culture into one big garbage bag - and with a savory kick sends it on an entertaining and long journey of three funny letters. The main engine of his work is the emotional background - ardent hatred in bright colors to what is at stake. For the lyrics allotted in the songs, this does not always work, but it is absolutely effective in the context of hip-hop battles, where the main point is to go over the opponent (and everything that follows, including next of kin) as accurately and as accurately as possible. Pust's rivals scatter like skittles in a bowling alley, to watch this, at least, is fascinating.


Karelin has many pseudonyms, which does not tie him to any one image, but makes him a versatile, creative performer. Let's look at the main ones.


The staff pseudonym of Glory, under which he performs at battles, writes songs and even appears on Twitter.

Sonya Marmeladova

The name he uses for beat-to-beat battles, and also for grime-sounding tracks: hard beat speed purge. As an example, we can take Purulent’s challenge to the battle directed towards Ricky F, where the following text sounds in order to hurt the opponent:

I don't see a battle, I see a sucker
Crow on twitter that I'm not worthy of diss, but!
You turn on the gadget, but! You will see God
Know this missed call for the battle rapper.

Diss challenge Sonya Marmeladova to Ricky F

Buter Brodsky

A serious project of Glory: a gloomy rap about the existential nature of Russian life.

Glory to the CPSU

The name that Karelin usually does not use in the battle kitchen, however, nevertheless, it seeps there too . Accordingly, Glory to the CPSU appears more in the work aimed at writing songs. For example, in 2016, mixtype "HypeTrain" was released. The translation is a train of hype, this mixtape features 30 songs and many guest appearances. For example, Monetochka, which is popular today, or Oleg LSP are present there.

Valentin Uncle

An image in which Slava parodies other rap artists and not only. There is a whole parody EP-album "My Jews" dedicated to specific rappers Oksimiron and Jubilee. Also, after the battle with Oksimiron lost with Slava, the latter recorded a new diss - "Come and cool my ardor" by parodying the tweet of the first.

Battles of Purulent

Undoubtedly, Slava is known for being in the battle arena like a fish in water. Let's go through the list of his main achievements in this field.

  • Slovo Spb

in 2014, Purulent became a regular at the Slovo site. Slava also spoke at other branches of Slovo, of course, he did not miss SlofoFest either. It was there that the battle between Purulent and the rapper Nongratta took place, which later angered Karelin's Chechen listeners because of harsh words towards the culture of Chechnya. Later, who even intended to organize a meeting with Slava.

  • 140 BPM

in 2016, the #SlovoSpb platform launches battles to the beat, which are referred to as "140 BPM" (where members rhyme to fast music). One of the first participants, of course, was Purulent, but in the form of Sonya Maremeladova. For example, he smashes the opponent Edik "a Kingsta.

Real name: Alexandra Fedorov
Year of Birth: 1993
Place of birth: St. Petersburg

Sasha Diskoteka is a rapper's ex-girlfriend. The real name of Sasha Disco is Fedorov. Sasha was born in 1993. Interest in the personality of Alexandra Diskoteka arose after Oxxxymiron mentioned her name in a battle against Slava CPSU.

Sasha Disco and Purulent

Alexandra Fedorova and Slava Karelin met in 2014. The girl wrote to VK Slava offering to meet and take a walk around St. Petersburg. Slava agreed, as a result of which a romance began between the young people. A few months later, Sasha Diskoteka and Purulent began to rent an apartment together.

Sasha attended almost all the battles on Slovo Spb and parties organized by the Slovo organizers. In 2017, Slava and Sasha decided to end their relationship, because the guys got tired of each other, and they wanted new emotions in life.

How did the nickname "Disco" come about?

Sasha got her extraordinary nickname at one of the parties of the guys from Slovospb. Sasha too actively demanded that the guys arrange a “wild party”, when the guys sat quietly and drank Guinness. Due to importunity, a friend of Slava Karelina began to address Sasha as "Disco of the 90s." The guys picked up this topic, and as a result, Sasha was forever given the nickname "Disco". At first, the girl did not approve of this, but after Sasha even began to like her "nickname".

Sasha's hobbies Discos

Since the time of her studies at the university, Sasha has actively shown her creative personality. In 2013, Sasha had experience of participating in performances in the “apartment theater” on Dumskaya Street. In the same 2013, Sasha Diskoteka started taking photographs. Since 2014, Sasha has been earning money and living by organizing photography. The disco has repeatedly arranged photo shoots for her ex-boyfriend and his rap colleagues.

Vyacheslav Mashnov is one of the most famous Russian battle rappers, performing under the pseudonym "Purulent". The young man is the founder of the movement of rap performers in St. Petersburg, called "Antihype Renaissance". He is the winner of the first SlovoSPB tournament, and then his permanent host.

The rapper became popular due to his ability to talk to almost anyone, but he prefers not to disclose his personal life to the public.

short biography

Slava was born on May 9, 1990 on the territory of Khabarovsk. The young man has a sister, Dasha.
Ever since school, Slava was fond of punk and stood out for his unrestrained statements regarding the political sphere. In the last grades of the school, the boy, along with his friends, started making small congratulatory cartoons. Further, high school students began to compose psychological tests themselves, record them on disks and offer them to their peers and youth. The money he earned with his own hands, the boy spent on all sorts of goodies.

In 2007, a young man entered the Institute of Information Communications of Khabarovsk, where he received the specialty of an IT worker.
At the age of 22, the young man begins to rap. The impetus for the development of his own talent was the work of rapper Sasha Skul, who at that time was the frontman of the Buchenwald Flava musical group.
In order to be able to release his music, the young man worked for a cellular company, and then got a job at a water park, because there were higher wages.

Long term relationship

In his 27 years of life, Slava only once had a long-term relationship with a girl. This girl was Alexandra Fedorova, who is a photographer and is widely known by the nickname "Sasha Disco".

It was Sasha who initiated the relationship. In 2014, the girl stumbled upon the page of an aspiring rapper on a social network and wrote to him, offering to take a walk around St. Petersburg. Mashnov agreed, as a result of which the young people began an affair. And after a few months of relationship, they began to rent an apartment together.

Alexandra fully supported Purulent's aspirations to achieve success in the musical field, therefore she was present at all performances and parties organized by Slovo Spb.

But in 2017, the young people broke up. They argued such a decision by the fact that they were simply tired of each other and they want new emotions. Now Sasha and Slava are friends, and the girl has repeatedly held photo shoots for her ex-boyfriend and his colleagues.

New love

After breaking up with Sasha Fedorova, Mashnov did not remain alone for a long time and started a new relationship with Sasha Kuromysh. The girl was familiar with Slava even before his overwhelming success in the rap sphere and was photographed more than once with his ex-girlfriend.
Due to the fact that the fans of Purulent hoped for the resumption of his relationship with Sasha Diskoteka, while participating in the show "Success", the young man had to declare to the whole country that he already had a new love. At that time, Sasha Kuromysh was sitting in the hall, so the rapper's fans were able to verify his words.

Despite the fact that young people are complete opposites (the girl is rather modest, she studies as a designer and is engaged in the manufacture of dream catchers and various kinds of jewelry, and the young man is known for his unrestrained character), they are doing well. The couple does not live together yet, but Sasha appears at all of Slava's performances, it is possible that these relationships will end much more successfully for the rapper.

Participant name: Mashnov Vyacheslav Valerievich

Age (birthday): 9.05.1990


Education: Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications

Family: not married

Height and weight: 194 cm

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Vyacheslav was brought up in a simple, Khabarovsk family. He has a younger sister Daria. From childhood, the boy was distinguished by a stubborn and unbearable character, because of which he was often punished.

At school, the future rap star was fond of punk culture, famous for its negative attitude towards society and politics.

Failed IT-shnik

While studying in high school, Mashnov, in the company of school friends, founded a small business. The guys mounted congratulatory videos, which they offered to buy from them as a present or a gift to loved ones.

Then they switched to the sale of discs with tests in psychology. Vyacheslav spent the money he received on various sweets that he shared with his sister.

Having received a certificate of maturity, the young man decided to enter the Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications. Mashnov passed the exams on the first try, became a student at the Faculty of Information Technology.

The eccentric teenager, who is not used to ceremony and restrain the flow of obscene speech, has repeatedly been on the list for expulsion from the institute. At the same time, Vyacheslav received a diploma of an IT specialist.

In 2012, Mashnov met the frontman of the Buchenwald Flava group, Sasha Skul. Since that moment, the usual life of the Khabarovsk guy has completely changed.

He knew by heart all the tracks of the hip-hoper, it was they who inspired Vyacheslav to write author's tracks using profanity. In parallel with creativity, he worked in a cellular company.

Rap career

In 2013, Vyacheslav turned to rap music and recorded tracks under the pseudonym Slava CPSU. The guy presented his debut disc called "Pih-Poh", which included such popular tracks as: "Pih-Poh", "Kanaplya", "I love you", "Old image".

In the same year, Mashnov recorded a mini-album under the nickname Purulent, in company with Smesharique. This work was called "Jar of indigestion" and it included 6 songs.

Glory to the CPSU, he always strived to be the first and the best in everything, therefore, having learned about the casting in the Slovo rap project in St. Petersburg, he did not hesitate for a second and went to the selection. Having become a member of the battle site SLOVO-SPB, the self-confident rapper introduced himself to the audience and fans as Purulent.

In the standings, he bypassed all rivals, sometimes without even trying, reading the text from a piece of paper. In the final, Purulent defeated the future host of the project and the organizer of the next season, Dan Cheney.

After the solemn victory, Purulent went to Anapa for the Slovofest battle show. There, rapper Nongratta became his rival. As it turned out, it was not the most terrible opponent. In the final fight, the Rapper fought with the Krasnodar guy MC S'One, whom he lost.

In 2014, Purulent recorded the second disc - "Foliage in an empty pool", it consisted of 9 tracks. Some of them are collaborations with Sebastian Kadar, Bifidogostik, Smesharik. A year later, the rapper presented the fans with the video "Sit Out", which tells about the hard everyday life of prisoners.

In 2015, the Extended Play of Glory to the CPSU was released under the title "To My Jews". The mini-album includes such tracks as: “Oxy knows everything”, “My friend reads Russian grime”, “Yeti and animals”.

The following year, the rapper released a new song - "In the courtroom" with Sasha Skul. In parallel with this, Purulent presented a fresh release - "It's hard to be God." The hit of the album was the song "In the T-shirt of Babangida".

Another rapper's project is Monthly, in which the rapper, in a duet with his friend Vanya Svetlo, records more underground music.

Antihype and a triumphant victory in the battle

In 2016, Time Purulent becomes a member of the Antihype creative rap association. In addition to him, the line-up includes CD, Zamai, Booker D. Fred and Fallen MC.

Other rappers, including friends and even members of the association, as well as modern fashion and mainstream rap music, become the objects of irony of the outrageous "Antihype".

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Under the pseudonym Sonya Marmeladova, the rapper releases grime tracks, participates in battles to the beat, crushing opponents with his technique and confident delivery. Under the name Valentin Dyadka presents satirical remixes, on Husky and.

In 2017, Purulent presented two fresh, unlike other albums, discs called: “Tea for Two” and “Mosquito Parisian”. The latter was dominated by profanity, and the number of simple words could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

The composition "New Rothschild" from the album "Mosquito Parisian" is not recommended for believers and the faint of heart, because in it the rapper positions himself as God and the arbiter of destinies.

In the same year, the long-awaited between Purulent and Oksimiron took place on the site. However, even before the video appeared on YouTube, Vyacheslav's fans knew about the victory of their idol, with a score of 5:0. The video instantly became popular: on the first day, more than 10 million people watched the "historical" battle.

It is thanks to the triumphant victory that the rapper's name is now well known not only among those who are interested in battle culture.

TV presenters and just popular media people talk about him, Yuri Dud also invites him for an interview.

The rapper even discusses the features of rap battles in the program of the former Minister of Culture Mikhail Shvydkoy on the Culture TV channel.

The rapper never ceases to remind himself, every event in his life becomes an object of public observation. In November 2017, Purulent shocked his listeners.

Together with Philip Kirkorov and the singer, the outrageous rapper is a jury member of the musical show "Success" on the STS channel.

Recently there was another scandal involving the rapper. Unknown people beat Purulent with seven measures and shouted that the rapper should apologize for his work.

First love

A few years ago, Vyacheslav, in his interviews, said that he was dating a girl named Oksana Mironova, with whom he had a difficult relationship. For some time, the rapper's irony was taken seriously. But, as it turned out later, this is not a girlfriend or a girl, but a rival and foe of Purulent - Oxxxymiron.

The real chosen one of Glory of the CPSU was called Sasha Disco. The rapper dated her for about three years. He repeatedly emphasized that this is his first and true love. Unexpectedly, the eccentric couple broke up, and Purulent himself explained this event in two words: “Everything for ... lo!”.

Now Vyacheslav does not meet with anyone or carefully hides his chosen one.

Photos of Purulent

Purulent infrequently shares photos with subscribers on his Instagram. He usually posts funny pictures with other rap artists, as well as photos from concerts.

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