Sample property insurance policy. Real estate insurance contract sample form. List of papers received on hand

Insurer __________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ (name, address and bank details of the insurance organization) series ________________________ N ____________


On the terms of the Property Insurance Rules No. ______________ dated "___" _________ ____, attached to this policy, the Property Insurance Contract No. ______________ dated "___" _________ ____ was concluded. The object of insurance is the following insured property:

N p / p Characteristics of property Location of property Insured value (value of property on the day of insurance) Sum insured

The insured is ___________________________________________________________. (Full name or name, address, payment details) The property is insured in favor of the beneficiary without specifying the name (or: _________________________________________). (name of beneficiary)

The interest (of the policyholder or beneficiary) based on the law, other legal act or contract in the preservation of this property is __________________________________________________________________.

Insurance premium _________ (_______________________________) rubles.

The procedure for paying the insurance premium: ________________ no later than "___" __________ ____ in equal installments by ___________________________.

Insured events: _____________________________________________________ (full or partial loss, damage, illegal retention of _______________________ by third parties, etc.)

Contract time: _____________________________________.

In the event of an insured event that resulted in __________ (death, loss, shortage or damage) of the insured property, the Insurer is obliged to pay the insurance indemnity to the bearer of this policy within _________ after receiving and compiling all the necessary documents specified in the Insurance Rules.

The Insurance Contract certified by this policy may be amended or terminated in the manner prescribed by law and the Rules of Insurance.

Signatures of the parties:

Insurer: _________________________

Policyholder: _______________________

The insurance rules were handed over to the insured: _____________________________

1 In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation A property insurance contract in favor of the beneficiary may be concluded without indicating the name or title of the beneficiary (insurance "at the expense of whom follows").

When concluding such an agreement, the policyholder is issued an insurance policy to the bearer. When the policyholder or beneficiary exercises rights under such an agreement, it is necessary to present this policy to the insurer.

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In order to avoid certain material losses in case of property damage, it must be insured.

There are a great many organizations on the market that deal with insurance and the choice of the appropriate company is an individual matter for each owner of real estate. And in order to profitably insure property, you need to carefully draw up a real estate insurance contract.

The contract is a documentary confirmation of the relationship between the insured and the client. In the event of an insured event, the insurance company undertakes to pay the client the amount agreed upon in the agreement.

Conclusion of an agreement

Under the contract, any part of the property can be insured. The insurance indemnity cannot exceed the real value of the real estate at the time of the conclusion of the agreement.

If the insurance payment exceeds the cost, then such an agreement is invalidated. Drawing up an agreement in writing is an integral part of the agreement.

The contract is concluded for a period of one year or for an unlimited period. If the term is unlimited, then the agreement is considered extended at the time of receipt of 20% of the annual payment.

Components of a real estate insurance contract

An insurance transaction has the possibility of drawing up on one document or issuing an insurance certificate, policy, receipt, certificate on the basis of an application.

The agreement includes the following items:

    the essence of the agreement. This paragraph indicates the object of insurance;

    document's name;

    data of the insurance company, full name, addresses, telephones;

    information about the insurer;

    the sum insured;

    conditions of insurance risks are prescribed either exclusions from risks, or a list of them;

    the amount of the insurance premium and the procedure for payment;

    the urgency of the agreement;

    rules for terminating or amending the contract;

    other conditions and additions;


As practice shows, the insured cannot always receive insurance payments.

If the client intentionally caused damage to property, committed a crime that led to an insured event, provided false information about real estate or received money for damage from the person who caused the damage, then it is impossible to receive the sum insured.

The law also stipulates that an insurance organization is relieved of the obligation to pay insurance payments in the event of: military (combat) maneuvers, military actions; nuclear explosion, radiation exposure; popular uprisings and civil wars.

The insurer is released from the obligation to pay insurance compensation for damage caused by the confiscation, destruction, requisition, seizure or arrest of the insured real estate at the direction of the authorities, unless otherwise provided by the agreement.

The provision of the agreement may prescribe other grounds for refusing to pay, if this does not contradict the law of the Russian Federation. The decision to refuse payment of the sum insured is made by the company and communicated to the policyholder in writing with an important explanation of the circumstances of the refusal.

Below is a standard form and a sample real estate insurance contract, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

When applying for a policy to protect an apartment, you need to know which insurance option the client uses:

  1. Protection in the framework of mortgage lending.
  2. Registration of a policy not related to banking procedures and other protection agreements.

The list of required documents depends on the type of insurance. We will tell you in more detail what documents are needed for apartment insurance.

When taking out a mortgage

What papers are needed to insure an apartment when taking a mortgage from a third-party organization:

  1. Passport. If the owner of the apartment is another person, then the insurer will need two documents: the one who purchases the policy, and the passport of the owner of the property.
  2. Credit agreement. In the completed version of the agreement, all data on the loan must be indicated:
    • sum;
    • term;
    • number and date of registration;
    • Name of borrower/co-borrowers.
  3. Documents required for obtaining insurance when obtaining a mortgage:

  4. Schedule: not all companies require it, but it is recommended to bring all the documents related to the loan with you. If early repayment has never been issued, the primary payment schedule will do. Otherwise, the latest up-to-date list of planned contributions is required.
  5. The amount owed on the date of issue of insurance. You can print the certificate at the bank. There must be a seal and signature of the manager who issued the document.
  6. Property valuation. It may be required if the client insures housing for the first time under a mortgage agreement.

When drawing up an insurance document at a creditor bank, the client only needs a passport. However, a financial institution may charge a percentage for the service that exceeds the coefficients of insurance companies.

With the voluntary declaration of the client

What papers are needed in cases where a citizen takes out home insurance not on a mortgage?

If the client purchases such insurance, then the number of documents is reduced to a minimum.

It's comfortable:

  • Insurance companies understand that buyers do not want to spend time collecting and signing documents.
  • Buyers of an insurance policy can quickly acquire protection without burdening themselves with unnecessary hassle.

In 9/10 cases, only the policyholder's passport is required to purchase a policy. The client names the address at which the housing is registered and the data of the owner of the apartment.

Buy protection of the apartment can not only its owners. Often, the owners of the policy are relatives who give insurance to loved ones, or tenants of the premises. But only the owner of the home can use the funds in the event of an insured event, since he is responsible for its operation.

In rare cases, the company may require documents for an apartment. This happens if insurance services are offered by a private person, or there are difficulties with issuing a policy and determining the right holder.

List of papers received on hand

After registration of insurance, the client receives a document confirming the activation of the service. It could be:

  1. A sheet of A4 format, which contains the details of the insurance company, the amount and terms of the policy, the data of the insured and property.
  2. A letterhead that describes the fact of having a policy: the full name of the buyer, address of housing, insurance data and the amount of insurance.
  3. Custom version of the policy. For example, a “boxed” product that contains all the data about the purchased service and information about the owner of the insurance.

It must be indicated which company issued the document, who owns the property, the address of the apartment, the amount of the policy and the amount of coverage, the duration of the insurance.

In some cases, the data may be indicated partially on the main document, and be written in additional certificates attached to the package.


When buying a policy, the client must fill out an application for apartment insurance. It can be in electronic form or completed by hand. The difference is in the way you buy apartment protection.

Application example:

  1. Document header. Title - description of the insurance contract, its main components. For example, “Apartment, property and liability insurance agreement for neighbors”. Additionally, the insurance company that provides the service may be indicated.
  2. Information about the buyer and beneficiary. The line about the beneficiary may not be filled in if he and the buyer of the policy are the same person.

    Payment for an insured event is made only to the owner of the property. Third parties, including legal tenants, cannot receive payments from the insurance company, as they are not financially responsible for housing.

  3. Apartment address and information about it. If the cost of insurance is not fixed (for example, Sberbank, an apartment protection policy worth 2,500 rubles), the client must provide a detailed report on the conditions in which the property is located.

    Developed infrastructure and good repairs increase the amount of coverage, and, on the contrary, in old houses the risk of an insured event increases significantly, which affects the final decision of the insurer and the amount of payments.

    EXAMPLE- as a description of a residential property, the client chooses or indicates:

  4. About the building.
    • Year of construction.
    • What wall material - for example, brick or panel.
    • Type of object: new building in a luxury residential complex or small-sized housing in Khrushchev.
    • Number of rooms and total area.
    • Availability of amenities: elevator, intercom, video surveillance, attendants (security or janitor).
    • Infrastructure of the area: are there schools, kindergartens, public transport stops and grocery stores nearby.
  5. Insurance conditions. If the policy package does not include all risks, the buyer can choose which protection option he is interested in. The number of risks affects the cost of the policy: with “full” protection, the cost of the service is maximum.

    EXAMPLE. Policy protections include: the risk of fire, flooding, burglary, lightning and flying object strikes, and civil liability protection.

  6. History of insurance in this company (or competitors). This affects the amount of the policy (in case of renewal, the client receives a discount) and insurance conditions. In some insurance organizations, when switching from another insurer, the client receives an additional bonus, for example, +1 month to protection, or a 5% discount.
  7. Inventory of the intra-apartment property to be protected and housing decoration. The owner must describe in as much detail as possible what he is going to insure in order to provide evidence to agents in the event of an insured event.

    In case of theft, an inventory of the property specified in the contract helps the owners to return the money faster, as the company has evidence of the presence of items in the apartment (they are written in the policy).

Home Protection Treaty

The housing protection contract specifies everything related to the type of services provided.

It includes:

  1. Buyer and owner details.
  2. Information about a residential property.
  3. List of insurance risks.
  4. The amount of the policy and the amount of insurance coverage.
  5. Date of conclusion of the contract and its duration.
  6. Information about the manager who issued the policy and the insurance company.

Attention should be paid to the correctness of filling out the documents. If the insurer incorrectly indicated the name of the owner, or the address of the residential facility, in the event of an insured event, the company may not accept applications for receiving funds, citing the inaccuracy of the data. If the manager (or the client himself) made a mistake, it is recommended to rewrite the contract.

What does it represent?

Information in the policy is presented in a "compressed" form. The document contains only the main terms of the contract. In 9/10 cases, it is a letterhead in which the beneficiary, the amount of insurance and coverage, information about the insurance, and the validity period are registered.

If the policy is issued via the Internet, the client may not have a document "on hand". An electronic contract is equivalent to the classic version of insurance. If desired, the client can print out the form, which must have an electronic signature of the organization.

Pick up at the office or electronically

The buyer of an electronic insurance policy can choose, How to apply for a policy:

  1. The classic option involves a visit to the office of the organization with a package of documents.
  2. The modern look is online insurance. This is a simplified housing protection procedure. It takes no more than 15 minutes and saves the client from queues, the subjectivity of managers and collecting information.

With online insurance, the submission of documents is carried out by the buyer himself, who is personally responsible for filling out the documents and sending them. In case of errors or lack of data, the insurer may refuse to purchase the policy, or require the information to be corrected.

Making an apartment protection policy is the best way to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances related to the proper fulfillment of property obligations. If the client does not know what documents the company he has chosen will require, it is recommended to go to the official website of the insurer, visit the office for advice, or contact the Support Service.

Why do you need an insurance policy? What are the consequences of not having a compulsory insurance policy? How to restore a lost insurance policy? We will answer all these questions in the article below.

What is an insurance policy for?

To answer this question, we will analyze such types of compulsory insurance as medical and third party liability insurance.

Such types of insurance contracts must be concluded by all citizens working under an employment contract or managing transport. That is, these are the most massive types of insurance with a huge number of insured persons.

When applying to a medical institution for free medical care, the insurance company pays for the doctor's services instead of the patient, this is the meaning of health insurance.

In the event of an accident on the road, the insurance company indemnifies the participants for damage, auto insurance is aimed precisely at this.

But in case of going to the hospital or in case of an accident, it is necessary to confirm that the participants have concluded an agreement with a particular insurance company and are entitled to claim compensation in case of an insured event.

Since the insurance contract is a rather voluminous document, it is problematic to constantly carry it with you and a special confirming document is introduced into circulation - an insurance policy.

Contents of the insurance policy

As already mentioned, a policy is a document confirming that a person has an insurance contract with an insurance company.

Policies are made using special protection measures that practically exclude their forgery, which can reliably indicate that a citizen has fulfilled the obligation of compulsory insurance.

The policy indicates the parties to the insurance contract, the duration of the agreement and the main terms of the contract that determine the occurrence of an insured event and the procedure for the insured to act in the event of such an occurrence.

Since insurance is mandatory, the legislator has introduced a requirement that a citizen must have an insurance policy in cases provided for by law. Let's open it.

When applying to the hospital, you must have a medical policy, otherwise, the provision of assistance will only be possible for a fee, since no one will pay the doctor for the service provided to you.

When checking the driver's documents by police officers without an insurance policy, it is impossible to confirm the existence of an agreement on civil liability, which entails a large fine.

There is no need to panic if you lose your insurance policy. The insurance company with which you have a valid contract will issue a duplicate of the document without any problems, and, in most cases, such issuance is free of charge.

Below is a standard form and a sample insurance policy, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

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