Ointment from dead bees with propolis. What is it used for and how wax ointment with cedar resin is made. How is podmor stored

Nature creates masterpieces and miracles. And you can’t argue with that, especially if you look at the bees. These small industrious insects create such products and substances that it is even easy to compare them with the most modern preparations. Not only do they create health elixirs during their lifetime, they also bring great benefits after death. If you have not yet heard about such a thing as deadness and ointments based on it, then let's talk about it now.

Podmore-based ointment is an excellent remedy for pain in the joints, muscles, migraines and even neurological diseases. Dead bees are, in other words, the bodies of dead bees. Like any living organisms, insects will also use up their vitality and die. Dead bees accumulate at the bottom of the hive, so from time to time beekeepers clean the pallets. But the content is not thrown away, but prepared in a special way for further use.

It is difficult to say when it occurred to a person to use dead bees for the purpose of treatment, and how they came up with such an unusual method. But it is known for sure that recipes with dead death have been used in Rus' since ancient times. There is an assumption that even Ivan the Terrible used such an ointment.

Raw material preparation

Before making a miraculous ointment, it is necessary to prepare raw materials. Podmore should be of high quality and properly done, otherwise you can not expect any benefit from it. To do this, freshly harvested material must be thoroughly sieved through a sieve from small debris. Then you should put the podmore on the deco and dry it in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 40 degrees. Do not overdo it, follow this strict figure.

Recipe for ointment


  • 3-4 spoons of subpestilence;
  • 100 ml olive or linseed oil.


  1. Crush dry dead wood in a mortar, so that the result is a full one tablespoon of raw materials.
  2. Prepare a water bath and heat the oil until the color changes. But don't bring it to a boil.
  3. Add the dry husks to the hot oil and mix thoroughly. You need to insist at least a week in a dark place.
  4. Use the ointment for pain in the joints, with varicose veins, pain in the muscles. It is worth applying a thin layer on a sore spot, the product penetrates the skin very well.

Video "Podmor helps men"

As it turns out, both the ointment and the water decoction of such an unusual product can even overcome well-known male ailments. The video from the series of programs "About the most important thing" will be useful to you.

Ointment based on dead bees can be bought at a folk pharmacy, ordered from beekeepers, or prepared independently. It is enough to prepare a small portion in order to use it for a long time. And why this life-giving composition helps, read in our article!

The pharmacological industry today represents a very wide range of various medicinal preparations, gels, ointments and tinctures. But, as the long-term experience of our great-grandparents shows, a high price and an "abstruse" name do not always guarantee quality and success.

Only folk remedies that have been tested for centuries speak for themselves, for example, everyone's favorite wax ointment on cedar resin with bee deadness. Or the long-known and proven "old" ointment based on propolis.

Oddly enough, but among the whole variety of modern means, it is the latter that is still popular and sometimes simply irreplaceable. This miracle remedy not only perfectly nourishes, smoothes and soothes the skin, but also has a healing effect. We will tell you more about this now.

Ointments with propolis have a pleasant smell, thick consistency and yellowish color. Such a product is always made on a fatty basis, on lanolin and petroleum jelly. Depending on the scope and composition, or rather, on the amount of the main component contained - bee glue, ointments are divided into several types:


This species is considered the most "strong", it contains 30% of the medicinal component. As a rule, a 30% composition of propolis is used for severe skin problems, for example, for erysipelas of the skin.


It also has a strong healing effect. As the name suggests, it contains 20% propolis. Usually a 20% ointment is used for fungal skin diseases and in the treatment of boils.


These are ointments, which contain propolis in a small amount. Used as a healing cream for burns, frostbite of the skin. Also, to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, a 10% composition can be rubbed in as a nourishing and softening cream. A little ointment is also recommended to be added to a regular children's facial skin cream.


This type of ointment is a cross between all the presented means. It occupies an intermediate place and is used most often for the rapid healing of wounds, cuts, burns. It is rubbed on places of bruises and bruises, and is also recommended as a remedy for rashes, acne and even erosion.

Honey - propolis

Such a mixture, as the name already implies, in addition to the main therapeutic component, includes honey in its composition. This bee product has a great effect on the skin, nourishes, relaxes muscles, and therefore enhances the effect of propolis itself. As a rule, liquid flower honey is used to prepare such an ointment. But in principle, it is not so important. So, to prepare honey-propolis ointment at home, heat 50 grams of lanolin and 20 grams of petroleum jelly in a water bath, then add 15 grams of honey and 4 grams of bee glue to the thick mixture. Then you should mix everything, cool and transfer to a convenient closed glass container. Apply as needed as a nourishing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing agent.


As you know, resin is simply speaking, the resin of coniferous trees, such as cedar, which has found wide application in folk medicine, not only for external use, but also for the treatment of coughs. Propolis-gum ointment is a good old folk remedy against burns, frostbite of the skin. It is widely used in the treatment of eczema, ulcers and various wounds. It can be easily used for young children, including infants, who have a dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. In addition, it copes well with pustular skin lesions, radiation and sun damage, as well as hemorrhoids and erosions.


Propolis-wax ointment, in addition to the usual component, includes another bee product, which has proven itself as a means of accelerating the renewal of the skin epithelium, as well as the drying of the upper integument. This is a wax, an unusual product with a wide range of applications. It heals wounds well, prevents scarring, and, due to the wax content, also retains fluid in the skin after burns or frostbite. It can also be prepared at home. To do this, to prepare the base, you should take a liter of any vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn) and heat it in a water bath, then add 50-100 grams of natural beeswax, melt and mix. Further, at a temperature not higher than 70 degrees, add 100 grams of propolis and heat for another 30 minutes, stirring constantly. This wax-based ointment is slightly thicker than all other types.

Propolis - heliant

Despite the rather modern name Heliant, in fact it is a very ancient remedy. It is produced on the basis of propolis, as well as special substances that bees ferment from the collected sticky substances of tree buds. Propolis-geliant has unique therapeutic and preventive effects, it is used in medicine and cosmetology. Very often geliant ointment is used for problems with acne, with external defects, for example, to remove cellulite. With its help, you can overcome the problem of increased work of sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as the problem of corns and rough skin. In cosmetology, propolis-geliant is often prescribed as a remedy for wrinkles and sagging skin. It is considered truly unique and miraculous. It consists of more than 50 components, while some of them are rare, for example, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, 17 amino acids. Due to its inhibitory activity, it accelerates the treatment of inflammation and edema, and has an anti-allergic material. Oddly enough it sounds, but propolis - a geliant even replaces a dose of novocaine, as it has a strong analgesic effect. Today there is an opinion that this miracle composition has no analogues even in the whole world.

Podmore ointment with propolis

This folk remedy from bee deadness also proved to be excellent as a healing ointment. It is widely used mainly to relieve pain in the joints, in diseases of the legs, in particular, the vessels of the lower extremities. Propolis ointment, the use of which has a healing effect on ruptures of muscles and other soft tissues, relieves bruises and subcutaneous hematomas. Also, the product from the subpestilence has found application in neurological diseases. Can be used against bedsores.

Application and treatment

We figured out what types of ointments from subpestilence are, now let's talk about its use and methods of treating various ailments. As you already understood, I most often use this ointment for external use in the form of rubbing or applying medical compresses. Tampons are prepared from special gauze strips for the treatment of "delicate" internal problems of gynecology and urology (with hemorrhoids). Let's talk about this in more detail:

With hemorrhoids

Today it is a very common disease and contrary to popular belief, hemorrhoids occur not only in men, but also in women and even children. To prepare the ointment, they usually use ordinary butter, a little wax and internal fat, 10 grams of crushed propolis are taken per 100 grams of the product. It should be cooled, crushed and melt the mass to a liquid state, then cool again and with a swab dipped in the resulting solution, lubricate the inside of the anus 2-3 times a day.

For acne

The ointment is used both for pustular acne and for the usual rash. To do this, on a dry, clean face or any other area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that suffers from acne, apply 15% propolis ointment in a thin layer in the morning and evening. Remove the residue with a tissue after it has been absorbed into the skin. Thus, acne can be eliminated quickly. Suitable 10 or 15% propolis, but 30% product can burn the skin.

From burns

As we have already said, propolis ointment is the right treatment for the problem of burns. This folk remedy perfectly nourishes the skin, helps accelerate the regeneration of the upper integument, retains moisture, relieves itching and inflammation. To do this, a small amount of it should be applied to the gauze bandage and tightly applied to the affected area. Change the bandage every 3-5 hours.

From sinusitis

It may seem strange to some, but this ointment is used to treat sinusitis and special acute, advanced forms of the common cold. For the treatment of sinusitis, swabs soaked in 20% propolis ointment are taken, injected into the nasal passages and kept inside for 1-2 hours. After this time has elapsed and the tampons are removed, the nose should still be rinsed well with eucalyptus solution. Can be replaced with any other natural spray for sinusitis. It should be noted right away that this is the best and most effective remedy for sinusitis, which cannot be said about conventional medicines.

From a cold

Tormented by the symptoms of a cold: cough and runny nose, but the drops do not help at all? In chronic rhinitis or, more simply, from a cold, a life-giving bee composition is also often used. To do this, small cotton swabs should be well lubricated with it, and kept in the nose until completely dry. Replace as needed, do until the runny nose is completely cured. For this, you can use a 15% product from the dead. After a few procedures, there will be no trace of a runny nose.

With erosion

The best medicines for the most tender and vulnerable places are folk remedies. So, with erosion of the cervix, gynecologists often advise the use of propolis. To do this, before the introduction of a lubricated tampon, you should remove the internal secret of the vagina, and only then apply the remedy. Leave overnight or during the day for 8 hours.

With erysipelas

As you know, with erysipelas, the causative agent is streptococcus, which can penetrate into the epithelium through damaged areas of the skin. Ointment with propolis has an excellent antiseptic and antiviral agent for erysipelas. In just a few days of use, it gives a positive result in erysipelas. For treatment, you should regularly lubricate the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with erysipelas, as well as all nearby areas. You can use 30 or 20% solutions.

For children

Children very often, due to their strong exposure to environmental conditions, suffer from various skin ailments: rashes, irritations, pimples, inflammations. And in these cases, propolis has the best performance, it quickly relieves itching and burning, which is very important for children, effectively fights chronic and microbial eczema, helps with youthful acne. It is best to use gauze dressings with applied composition for the treatment of children, after 5-10 minutes of use, as practice shows, the itching disappears and the first anti-inflammatory effect is noticeable.

In gynecology

Possessing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, propolis-based ointments are now widely used in gynecology. Tampons with it are used to treat colpitis, cervical erosion, endocervicitis and other viral diseases. At the first symptoms, use it daily for 10-15 days.

For joints

For the treatment of arthritis and joint pain, therapeutic compresses with propolis ointment are used. Compresses can be applied to any area of ​​the skin. At the same time, it is desirable to make it on an oil basis, but not liquid, but the consistency of thick sour cream so that it does not drain from its destination and is well absorbed into the skin. To do this, 100 grams of propolis should be poured with 100 grams of hot vegetable oil. In the form of rubbing, you can use it on the basis of fat.

Few people know about the amazing properties dead bee. Only very recently, scientists have proved that the death, like all biologically active products of beekeeping, is the richest natural pantry of healing unique substances.

The body of a bee includes almost all components of honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, wax (amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, hormone-like substances), which have healing properties. The chitinous cover of the bee contains valuable chemicals: heparin and heparinoids, which suppress inflammation, stabilize blood pressure, and have a healing effect on the blood system, the state of blood vessels. This is a more powerful biologically active substance than crustacean chitosan. Its positive role in the regulation of all types of metabolism (carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, mineral, water-salt), general strengthening, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, tonic effect, as well as the ability to regulate the functions of the endocrine and nervous systems has already been proven.

Healing properties submora are enhanced and enriched when skillfully combined with other biologically active bee products, such as propolis.

Propolis or bee glue (bond) is a product of bees for treating cracks and crevices in the hive. Propolis is important for humans because it contains a full range of vital trace elements, minerals, vitamins.

The composition of the ointment with propolis and bee deadness: propolis, wax, dead bee, olive oil. Propolis - 20%, subpestilence - 5%.

Pharmacological properties of propolis ointment with bee deadness:

  • - due to the presence of the extract of dead bee and the bee venom contained in it, it has a pronounced wound healing, regenerating and restoring property.
  • - the presence of propolis has an antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, analgesic, antipruritic, deodorizing effect, gives anesthetic properties.
  • - two bee products: podmore and propolis - enhance the joint action.

Indications and method of application of propolis ointment with bee deadness: externally for joint and muscle pain, vascular diseases of the lower extremities, elephantiasis, migraine, thyrotoxicosis, neurological diseases, post-infectious and post-infusion phlebitis, injuries and bruises without violating the integrity of the skin (including muscle tissue, tendons, joints), subcutaneous hematomas. Apply the ointment to the affected area or to the tissue, applying it to the affected area, hold until absorbed.

Side effects: there may be phenomena of individual intolerance to propolis ointment (usually manifest in the form of itching, redness of the skin and a rash on it). In such cases, treatment must be stopped.

Storage conditions: the ointment should be stored in well-corked jars in a dark and cool place.

Shelf-life Unlimited.

Ointment with propolis with dead bees is an excellent remedy for many diseases. Everything produced by bees has healing properties. This fully applies even to the bodies of insects, and when mixed with propolis, their therapeutic effect is significantly enhanced.

Bee death - how it is formed and why it is used

Dead bees are the bodies of dead bees that accumulate at the bottom of the hive. It is obtained in two ways. The first is the simplest, when the beekeeper simply collects dead bees when cleaning the hive, usually after winter. However, the bodies are also collected in the fall, before sending the bees to winter. Of the two options, the autumn subpestilence is considered the best, but it is usually small in number. In winter, more bees die.

The second way is good for humans, but looks cruel to bees. Some of the inhabitants of the hive are isolated and not fed for a certain time. Each bee loses a little in weight, but completely empties the intestines. After that, clean insects are immediately placed in the freezer, where they, of course, freeze. Podmore obtained in this way is considered the purest and most healing remedy.

However, if the owners of the hives put on the market deadwood, obtained precisely by the second method, they would quickly destroy all their livestock. Bee bodies are saturated with the products that these insects produce. So it makes no sense to perform all these complex actions, to starve insects, and then freeze them again.

Podmore properties

Insect bodies contain many different complex and simple substances. However, it is the bees that are characterized by the presence of such ingredients that are not found in other beekeeping products. These include the following substances.

  1. Chitosan is an insoluble fiber that is concentrated in the coat of bees. It has well-defined regenerative properties and is used in the treatment of damaged tissues.
  2. Melanin is a component of chitin. It contributes to the protection of the skin when exposed to adverse environmental factors.
  3. Heparin is a complex substance that performs the functions of an anticoagulant. Heparin consumption reduces the risk of blood clots and blood clots.

In addition, in the bodies of bees, even dead ones, there is always bee venom, which is a very strong antibacterial agent.

  • vessels;
  • joints and spine;
  • digestive system;
  • urinary system.

With the help of subpestilence, you can fight against helminthic invasions, tuberculosis and malignant neoplasms.

Preparations from dead bees stabilize metabolism, increase immunity, bind and remove toxins, salts of heavy metals, radioactive isotopes.

The composition and properties of propolis

Toward the end of summer, when there are not so many flowers, some representatives of the bee family do not fly out for nectar. They collect resin, which is released mainly on tree trunks, on the leaves and young shoots of some plants. The bee pulls these resinous substances first into a thread, and then rolls it into a ball. In this form, she passes the resin to the bees in the hive, which are responsible for the production of propolis. These specialists process the resin with their enzymes and put the product in a specific place.

As a result of the vigorous activity of striped specialists in the production of propolis, a product is formed, which includes resinous and tannins, wax, essential oils, pollen particles. In addition, the resinous product contains benzoic acid, which inhibits the activity of bacteria.

Due to its composition, propolis is used as a strong bactericidal agent. However, it fights fungal diseases well, suppresses the development of inflammatory processes, heals wounds well, restores damaged tissues, and stimulates the development of immunity.

Thus, the combination of dead bees and propolis has a wide range of healing effects. By mixing both ingredients, a person receives a remedy that combines and enhances the properties of both components.

Ointments from propolis and subpestilence

Ointment from bee deadness with propolis may consist only of these two medicinal ingredients, and may be multicomponent.

Since we are talking about ointments, fats should also be included in the composition of all mixtures. The classic ointment with a subpestilence is done as follows:

  1. Take 15 g of powdered dead bees, 120 ml of olive oil, 30 g of wax, 20 g of propolis.
  2. The oil heats up in a water bath, but does not boil. Powder of dead bees is poured into this base, then wax and propolis are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting homogeneous mass should stand in a water bath for another 30 minutes.
  3. The vessel with the future ointment is placed in a container with cold water. The mixture should cool with constant stirring. When everything is mixed and cooled, the ointment is laid out in a vessel for permanent storage and occasional use.

On the basis of propolis and subpestilence, you can make an ointment with the resin of coniferous plants. Resin is a resin that is released by the plant when the trunk is damaged. It has excellent bactericidal and regenerating properties: for 100 g of resin of a coniferous tree, you need to take 80 g of wax, 200 ml of olive oil, 15 g of dead bees and about 20 g of propolis.

Olive oil is also heated in a water bath, then the deadwood powder is put into it. All this is stirred for 10 minutes, after which wax is added to the hot mixture. Now the future ointment must be brought to a boil, holding in this state for about 10 minutes. Only after that the last ingredient is added - resin. The ointment is cooled and stored in a dark vessel in a cool place.

Ointments were widely produced by different companies. So these funds in pure form or with additives can be bought freely. However, own production is a guarantee of quality.

When making your own potions, take care of the quality of the ingredients. The most difficult thing is with the dead. It is sold only on the market by beekeepers, so there is a chance to buy a bad stale subpestilence. Pay attention to the presence of foreign particles. If there is too much debris, this means that the bees have been lying at the bottom of the hive for a long time. Carefully inspect the bodies - for mold and rot. Dried dead bees should be clean, without changing the characteristic color.

It is best to order a dead bee from a trusted beekeeper you know. If not, then try to buy dead bees in the fall, when there is a chance that you will buy fresh bodies that have not been sitting for too long, accumulating dust on themselves.

Propolis is also better to buy from trusted beekeepers, but this product has many specific differences, so it is difficult to fake it.

Ointment with propolis and subpestilence is usually recommended to be used to combat diseases of the joints. However, this is not entirely true. The properties of all ingredients are such that their mixture can be used to treat any inflammatory processes that can be affected by external agents.

Very effective ointment for diseases of the respiratory system. With bronchitis, the chest is lubricated with it, with pneumonia, the ointment is also applied to the back.

The problem is that it cannot be used as a cream. This is still a therapeutic mixture and you need to use it as a medical procedure. The ointment should be warm, so it is better to warm it up slightly in a water bath before use. The product should not only be applied, but rubbed until completely absorbed. It is advisable to do this at night, since the patient at this time should be warm and at rest. It is best to wrap this place with something warm after rubbing the ointment.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the fact that all the ingredients of the ointment are completely natural, side effects and even contraindications are possible here. First of all, you should be wary of allergies, because propolis contains particles of pollen, which is often a strong allergen.

Skin problems may occur. If a person suffers from liver or kidney failure, then his skin is often irritated and reacts to external unusual influences with strong irritation. If a person is at risk, then you should first do test samples - first lubricate a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, wait about an hour, and decide on further treatment according to the reaction of the body.

Ointment from dead bees with propolis is made from the bodies of dead bees. Bees do not live long, dead insects are collected for 12 months. Their bodies contain all the substances produced in the process of vital activity: honey, pollen, royal jelly. The most useful is the cover of chitin, which consists of melanin and chitosan.

There are many medicinal preparations prepared at the seaside. However, if the beekeeper intends to use insect bodies to treat various diseases, pesticides should not be used to treat hives.

For the preparation of healing mixtures, fresh dead insects are suitable, dry, without visible traces of fungus and musty smell. Ready-made dead bee can be bought at a pharmacy, as well as funds from it. But it is also possible to make an ointment from dead bees at home.

Dead bees contain chitosan with healing properties:

  • heals wounds from cuts and burns;
  • promotes the regeneration of damaged skin areas;
  • stops bleeding;
  • relieves soreness.

Substance melanin, which is part of the bodies of insects:

  • prevents the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin;
  • has a bactericidal effect on microorganisms;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

In addition to these ingredients, Podmor consists of proteins, vitamins, aminocarboxylic acids, and apitoxin. Due to the combination of all components, this "bee product" is used in the treatment of many diseases:

  • blood vessels;
  • rheumatism;
  • blood clots;
  • benign neoplasms of the prostate;
  • inflammation of the mammary glands;
  • inflammatory processes in the ovaries;
  • arthrosis;
  • with back pain caused by pinching of the sciatic nerve;
  • diabetes;
  • visual impairment;
  • ulcers and cuts.

The use of healing mixtures from dead bees helps to lower cholesterol levels, improve bowel function, and remove toxins. A drug based on subpestilence stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes the function of the vascular system, eliminates inflammation of internal organs, and treats thyroid diseases.

There is another opinion about the benefits of ointments and tinctures. Some beekeepers question the benefits of this drug. Due to a long stay in the hives, the corpses of bees emit a putrid smell, which contains toxins that are dangerous to humans. However, despite this, mixtures based on dead insects are a fairly popular means of getting rid of many ailments.

Application methods

Podmore can be used to prepare decoctions, steams, tinctures for alcohol and ointments. The bodies are dried, freed from the husk and fried in a pan with the addition of sunflower oil for several minutes. After that, it is ground into powder and used for medicinal purposes.

On the basis of dead insects, ointments are made that effectively eliminate many leg diseases, including varicose veins, relieve joint pain, and also eliminate some neurological pathologies and migraines.

How to prepare an ointment

First of all, the raw materials should be mold-free, with a pleasant sweet smell. First, the bodies are sifted through a sieve, garbage and wax are thrown away. Before preparing the mixture, the material is dried in an oven at a moderate temperature. It is necessary to store the workpiece in a dry place, placed in a box or a tight bag, no more than one year.

Before using the mixture, check the skin for an allergic reaction. A small amount of frayed subpestilence is applied to the skin of the elbow folds, wait for 15 minutes. If there is no swelling and burning at the site of application, then the ointment will not cause harm.


There are several recipes on how to prepare an ointment from bee deadness.

To relieve joint pain

To prepare the ointment you will need:

  • bee powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil - 40 g;

The ingredients are mixed, heated and left in a dark place. Honey can be added to the composition. Apply three times a day for a month.

Remedy for psoriasis, eczema

A small part of beeswax is mixed with olive oil, melted over low heat until partially dissolved. Next, the mixture is infused for 1 hour. Mix in another tank:

  • 15 g honey;
  • 15 g of mashed bodies;
  • 8 g of propolis;
  • 8 g of aloe juice.

All components are thoroughly mixed, wax and oil are added, put on fire, brought to a boil. The resulting mixture is cooled and the affected areas of the skin are lubricated daily.

For arthritis symptoms

This composition is prepared using the following components:

  • bee bodies - 50 g;
  • beeswax - 10 g;
  • lard - 5 g;
  • propolis - 2.5 tablespoons.

The ingredients are mixed, melted in a water bath and added:

  • 1 tablespoon ground horseradish roots;
  • 1 tablespoon dry, mashed psyllium.

The mixture is insisted for 2 days, lubricate problem areas several times a day.

For varicose veins

Prepare this composition:

  • 1 tablespoon podmore, ground into powder;
  • petrolatum.

Mix well, apply to the affected areas in a heated form.

For the treatment of muscle pain, neuralgia and migraine

  • 3 tablespoons of crushed subpestilence;
  • 1 pack of melted butter.

The resulting composition insist 10 days in a cool place.

For diseases of the knee joints

The following recipe based on vodka will help:

  • 100 grams of deadness;
  • ½ liter of vodka.

The mixture is insisted for 10-12 days, filtered, rubbed into sore spots, applying a warm compress on top. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Medicines based on dead bees will be an excellent addition to drug therapy. The most important rule is to be able not only to listen, but also to hear the signals of your body and respond to them in time. Well, do not neglect going to the doctor in order to recognize the emerging ailment in a timely manner.

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