Black lies, White helmets. Syria under attack by fakes: how the White Helmets deceive the world with “evidence” of SAA shelling in Eastern Ghouta What they write about the White Helmets organization itself in the Western media

Ah, this little Syrian girl who is regularly rescued by the White Helmets.

Yesterday, on December 9, the VZGLYAD newspaper published an article “Berlin and Paris demanded from Damascus to ensure the exit of the White Helmets from Aleppo.” After which I decided to learn more about the White Helmets organization.

Berlin and Paris demanded that Damascus ensure the exit of the White Helmets from Aleppo. December 9, 2016, 23:34

Damascus must ensure the exit of civilians from eastern Aleppo, including members of the White Helmets, which positions itself as a human rights organization, German and French Foreign Ministers Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Jean-Marc Ayraud said. “We demand from the regime and those who support it to ensure the safe evacuation of those members of the White Helmets who want to leave. Civilians must be able to leave the conflict zone safely and without hindrance,” the document says.

Aleppo will soon return to the control of the Syrian authorities. December 9, 2016, 04:30

On the eve of the Permanent Representative of Russia to world organization Vitaly Churkin, following the meeting, which was attended by UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura, said that all members of the UN Security Council at a closed meeting on Thursday in their speeches proceeded from the fact that Aleppo would soon return to the control of the Syrian authorities. All members of the UN Security Council at a closed meeting on Thursday in their speeches proceeded from the fact that Aleppo would soon return to the control of the Syrian authorities, said Vitaly Churkin, Russia's permanent representative to the world organization, following a meeting attended by UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura.

What do the Western media write about the White Helmets organization itself?

1. Syrian "White Helmets" - who are they? October 6, 2016

The Syrian Civil Defense is an organization for the protection and rescue of civilians, better known as " White helmets". These unarmed volunteers, which we often see in amateur videos posted on the Internet, dig up the rubble to save lives. They began their work in Syria in 2013 and since then have been the first to go where the bombs fall, pulling victims of airstrikes from under the ruins of destroyed buildings.
"Here is my hand. Do you see me? Do not be afraid. I will break this stone and get you out of here," says one of the volunteers to a woman buried under the rubble.
"Help me. Give me your hand... You're almost free," the man urges.
This organization, which remains out of politics, but accused by Moscow and Damascus of having links with terrorists, is engaged in saving people in the regions outside the control of the Syrian government. In Washington, the head of the White Helmets, Raed al-Saleh, called for donations to the Civil Defense, whose members are regularly killed by bombs.
“So, over the past eight days, we have witnessed a brutal campaign against Aleppo. We have documented 1,700 air strikes on the city. During 19 of them, anti-bunker bombs were used. In two hundred cases, these were cluster bombs and weapons prohibited on international level Al Saleh says.
The organization consists of more than three thousand women and men who came from different parts of Syria, leaving their jobs as bakers, engineers, and school teachers.
"Today, 120 volunteers are working in Aleppo. 12 of them were injured, so we are trying to conduct trainings in the city to recruit new rescuers," al-Saleh shares.
These shots, filmed in Idlib, went around the world. A White Helmets volunteer rescues a four-month-old girl named Vakhida from the rubble, injured and covered in dust. Rescuer can't stand the stress and cries.

2. The White Helmets of Syria have saved thousands of lives. Now they are being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. August 18, 2016

Detachments of the "Syrian Civil Defense", also known as " White Helmets", were nominated for Nobel Prize peace. Made up of some 3,000 volunteers, the White Helmets, credited with saving more than 56,000 lives, can now receive the most famous "peace award" on the planet.
In the words of 29-year-old volunteer Ishmael Alabdullah from Aleppo (from his recent interview), you can see the whole philosophy of the White Helmets:
"When you see the suffering of people, you need to do something to help them. I consider everyone who remains in Aleppo, everyone, heroes."
On their website, the White Helmets explain "what it takes to save a life":
“In the deadliest conflict of our era, an incredible group of heroes was born. Former weavers, bakers, teachers and other ordinary Syrians united in the name of saving lives from the rubble of the bombing and the brutality of the war in Syria. Now their hallmark - the white helmet of the Syrian Civil Defense - for million is a symbol of hope.
When bombs fall from the sky, the White Helmets need to hurry. Where public services no longer operate, these unarmed volunteers risk their lives to help anyone in need, regardless of religion or political affiliation. These volunteers have saved more than 60,000 lives through their work.
The motto of the White Helmets is taken from the Koran: "Whoever saves the life of a person, it is as if he saves the life of all people." In a conflict where too many have chosen violence, the White Helmets are waking up every day to save the lives others are trying so hard to take.
Their bravery has inspired people all over the planet, from children in Syria playing lifeguards to students in Norway awarding them their city's Peace Prize; And now they're being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize."

More than 120 organizations support the Nobel Peace Prize for the White Helmets campaign. Among the Syrian organizations:

  • the Syrian Nonviolent Movement;
  • Kesh Malek;
  • Dawlaty;
  • Women Now for Development;
  • Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Speech;
  • United Medical Office of Eastern Ghouta;
  • Syrian Network for Human Rights;
  • local council Dumas;
  • Homs Media Center;
  • Free Syrian Lawyers Union;
  • and Baytna Syria.

Among international organizations:

  • Asfari Foundation;
  • Christian Aid;
  • international confederation trade unions;
  • Islamic Relief UK;
  • Pax Christi Vlaanderen [nider];
  • Syrian American Medical Society;
  • Doctors of the World UK;
  • Mayday Rescue;
  • Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies;
  • Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations;
  • Karam Foundation;
  • Syria Relief and Development;
  • and Bridge of Peace.

The White Helmets were nominated by, among others, Jo Cox, UK Labor MP who was brutally murdered by a 52-year-old man on 16 June 2016. After Cox's death, her husband Brendan opened a memorial fund to raise funds to help initiatives that the late deputy supported. Three organizations were chosen: the Royal Voluntary Service, an NGO helping the elderly, HOPE Not Hate, a movement to fight for a modern, open Britain, and finally the White Helmets.
In just five days nearly 41,000 people have contributed around £1.35m to the fund and the campaign has since surpassed the £1.5m goal. The head of the White Helmets, Raed Saleh, even presented the family with an honorary white helmet, a highly symbolic award that is "usually reserved for volunteers who have died saving civilians in Syria."

Articles from other media not included pro-Western propaganda. layout

1. "White Helmets" of Syria - fiction and reality. October 17, 2016, 13:45

What role do they play in the information war

A young man in a white helmet and with a characteristic yellow-blue badge on his sleeve has been digging for four hours in the ruins of a destroyed building in the province of Idlib in northeastern Syria. Finally, he sees what he is looking for - a baby. He carries the baby to the ambulance as if it were his daughter.
This is how the Western media portray the volunteers of the Syrian Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets. But what does reality look like?
It is no secret that since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011, dozens of non-governmental organizations have been established in the country. As a rule, these organizations have beautiful names, and they stand for the rights and freedoms of the Syrians, while providing some kind of humanitarian assistance.
In 2012, the list of these organizations was replenished with the "Syrian Civil Defense" (SHD). It was founded by former British intelligence officer and private security specialist James Le Mesurier, who has been involved in various conflicts around the world, including Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine.
In a few years, the Syrian Civil Defense has evolved from an NGO into a structure with its own uniforms, symbols, and even vehicles. Now the SSS has 119 centers throughout Syria - in Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Homs, Hama, Damascus. In 2016, an attempt was even made to nominate the White Helmets for the Nobel Peace Prize. And only a few remember that its volunteers showed up only in the territories occupied by the opposition, and since then they have not allowed representatives there. international movement Red Crescent and Red Cross*.
The Helmets claim that their organization is an independent humanitarian NGO, officially independent of any political party or military group.
Nevertheless, The Helmets receive huge donations from various governments. - United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark and Holland. But their largest donor - Agency international development USA (US Agency for International Development, USAID ), which funds various NGOs around the world. In April 2016, U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner confirmed that the agency had given the Casks at least $23 million since 2013.
It is clear that by receiving such donations, the Syrian Civil Defense should advance the interests of those countries that invest in it. A prime example This is the September 19 attack on a UN humanitarian convoy near Aleppo. The White Helmets volunteers "accidentally" were on the spot and were the first to report the attack and immediately blamed the Syrian and Russian aviation for it.
Volunteers reportedly found some fragments of bombs on the spot and saw Syrian helicopters. This information was then cited by the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights**. And then the US authorities drew their conclusions based on the so-called report of this Syrian NGO.
It is interesting and unusual in this fact that humanitarian activists ended up in the territory controlled by the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra ***. But, if we study all the available information more deeply, then everything will become clear.
Thus, Vanessa Beeley, a British expert on the Middle East, says that the White Helmets form the environment necessary for a military invasion of Syria by the United States and its allies, and also cooperate with various terrorist groups.
According to Bili, the SDF operates in the territories controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra, and not only ignores the crimes committed by terrorists, but also does everything to form a positive image of these thugs in the media.
Further evidence of the Helmets' connection to terrorists is the fact that on April 20, 2016, the United States denied an entry visa to the head of the organization, Raed Saleh, when he traveled to receive an award from InterAction, an alliance of humanitarian aid agencies. help. According to official version, at the time of entry into the country, the validity of his visa has expired. However, according to the New York Times, he was identified as a person suspected of terrorist activities.
Moreover, many White Helmets activists are members of armed groups. There is abundant evidence that they sympathize not just with the opposition, but specifically with the terrorists. The “Helmets” enthusiastically share photos and comments on Twitter and Facebook, showing who exactly works in the so-called “Syrian Civil Defense”.
It becomes clear that the White Helmets are not a humanitarian organization, but a cover that is used to support militants of various terrorist groups. In addition, "Helmets" are used to spread the necessary false information. Civil Defense activists constantly post pictures on their Twitter accounts of hospitals, schools and mosques that were allegedly bombed by the Syrian Air Force and its allies. This is followed by the turn of the Syrian Monitoring Center for Human Rights, and then - Western media.
However, experienced journalists question the reliability of the White Helmets' information. Independent Italian journalist Marinella Correggia found that no one medical organization has never declared that its structure was hit during the bombing of Syrian or Russian Air Force. Not a single building damaged or destroyed by their bombardments bore the necessary identification marks. The Italian researchers concluded that these buildings, which were close to the militant groups, were field hospitals and had no connection with any state health system or with international organizations like the Red Cross.
It is clear that the "Syrian Civil Defense" does not pursue the goals that its leaders declare. The Helmets don't just provide humanitarian assistance; they cooperate with terrorist groups.
It is clear that the information provided by the Helmets about the attack on a UN convoy near Aleppo and other crimes allegedly committed by the Syrian Air Force and its allies is very doubtful. The investigation that the UN plans to launch should not be based on the allegations of the Helmets, but on objective information provided by all parties to the conflict.
Thus, the image of a rescuer wearing a white helmet, created by the Western media, disappears and reality appears - people who sympathize with terrorists wear the uniform of a humanitarian organization.

2. Syria: Killers in white helmets. Investigation of Tsargrad. Who is behind the Syrian "humanitarian organization"

Today we will talk about the organization "White Helmets" in Syria. Officially, this organization is called the Syrian Civil Defense. Ministry emergencies in the territories of the Syrian militants. Usually, when you need to blame Russia for the bombing of peaceful Syrian terrorists, for the destruction of hospitals and schools, it is these guys who find themselves in the center of events - with wounded children in their arms and professional cameras on their shoulders.

The founder of the Helmets was James Le Mesurier, a former British Army officer and later a mercenary in the Oliva group. It is a private military firm with close ties to the notorious Blackwater Academy PMC.
And that, in turn, fulfills the orders of the Pentagon and the US government. Le Mesurier is actually a British military intelligence officer with an impressive track record , a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, who "worked" in some of the well-known theaters of war, including in Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. In general, wherever it is necessary to arrange first a humanitarian catastrophe, and then a humanitarian intervention. With the subsequent victory of democracy, of course.

In the West, the White Helmets are hailed as the only organization saving Syrians from a humanitarian crisis. This sounds very ironic, because, as you know, since 2013, Syria has been under the most severe sanctions from the United States and the European Union. The import of food, medicines into the country is prohibited, all foreign assets are frozen. The White Helmets officially exist on donations and international grants. The main sponsor is the notorious George Soros Foundation.
The first contribution was made in 2013, when the organization had just appeared. Helmets received an office in Istanbul, equipment from Turkish rescuers and 300,000 "lifts". Then another 13 million dollars. Now, according to official sources, the treasury of the Syrian Aibolites annually receives 30 million dollars from the USA, Britain and the Netherlands. There are other sponsors as well. According to Syrian sources, the organization's budget is about $50 million. As we understand, just like that, they don’t give out such money to anyone in the West.

"White Helmets" play important role in the information war. Western media have failed to detect moderate opposition in Syria. Syrian democratic revolutionaries turned out to be bearded Wahhabis who cut heads, blow up cultural monuments and carry out terrorist attacks not only in Syria, but also in Europe. In the context of the confrontation between the dictator Assad and the Syrian opposition, even the most fooled by liberal propaganda audience will support Assad as at least the lesser of evils from the point of view of a Western person. The "White Helmets" became the media image that covered the atrocities of the Syrian opposition fighters.
These Malibu lifeguards love to share their exploits on social media. Let's take a look.
Here they are in civil defense uniforms.

But at leisure, no, no, and they will take up the old.

Baker, merchant, tailor, who will you be? - Terrorist, that's who.

Among the rescuers there are also excellent make-up artists. For example, a girl was drawn with a terrible wound and declared a victim Russian videoconferencing.

And this young man, according to the Western press, is the only doctor left in Aleppo. Allegedly, he treats civilians right under the bombs. Russian aviation. Only here the surgical instruments of this physician are rather strange.

"White Helmets" operate only in territories controlled by militants. They can often be seen on the videos of "Dzhebhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia). For example, these civic activists rejoice together with the terrorists in the capture of the city of Idlib in March 2015. And another human rights activist and civil defender is pictured tormenting a captured Syrian soldier.
That is, by and large, these are the same militants, sometimes dressing in white shirt-fronts and helmets to pose as civilians. Their work is highly valued in Syria itself. For example, one of the leaders of the Syrian al-Qaeda(banned in Russia), "Dzhebhat an-Nusra", whose full name, by the way, is translated as "front to help the Syrian people", Abdullah Muhaysini thanked the White Helmets for their hard work in an interview: "I do not call them the Syrian Civil Defense "I call them mujahideen in civilian. They are real mujahideen, no different from those who fight in trenches or in bombers. There is no difference between them, and may Allah reward them. They fight fiercely."
It turns out that this is such a terrorist emergency service, killers in white coats. The organization has 3,000 activists - one might say, a full-blooded division. One of their leaders, Farq al-Habib, was the head of the group that captured Homs, he was even recognized as a terrorist in the United States.

Which does not prevent Washington from continuing to praise the "white helmets". There are other crimes behind the White Helmets. Together with the French organization Doctors Without Borders, they launched several business projects in Syria, previously run by Western colleagues in the Balkans, Libya and other conflict zones. This is the smuggling of drugs and weapons and, most importantly, human trafficking. And not necessarily integer: in the refugee camps, the organ trade is on the stream.
In short, true humanists.

3. Syria through the eyes of eyewitnesses: journalist Vanessa Beeley on the US propaganda war , October 28, 2016

British journalist and writer Vanessa Biley spoke at the press conference "The situation in Aleppo through the eyes of eyewitnesses", which is taking place in Moscow on October 26. She noted that the propaganda spread by the so-called "White Helmets" is the most terrible component of the war.
Vanessa Biley stated that The West, through propaganda, wants to create a shadow state in Syria.
Biley stressed that three wars are unfolding in Aleppo: an indirect war waged by the United States and allies, a dirty war, and a sanctions one that is extremely destructive for the Syrian people. However, according to her, the most terrible and destructive component is the propaganda that is being spread by the US and NATO.
It is worth noting, as Bilay said, that the information that comes from Aleppo is being distributed by the White Helmets group. The journalist stressed that the information transmitted by this group is full of propaganda.
The White Helmets, said Vanessa Bilay, constantly claim to remain neutral and objective and receive no funding. However, in fact the group is funded by the UK Home Office, as well as other EU countries, which transferred about 23 million euros to the organization. At the same time, all these countries have officially declared that they want regime change in Syria.
Notable is the fact that the White Helmets group was trained by officers in Turkey. One of these officers, according to the journalist, is associated with an adviser to George W. Bush, as well as with a part-time agent who publishes a video of the Islamic State group (banned in Russia).
Biley noted that this group does not directly take part in the executions, but condones it. "We saw them celebrating the murder of two Syrians. The White Helmets are not against executions, they are involved in propaganda against Russia," she said.
Most of the information that Americans receive comes through Western-backed NGOs, Vanessa Biley said. They are located in Turkey and create the information that is supported by NATO.
The goal pursued by the leading propaganda Western countries, is simple: remove the Syrian government and create a shadow state, as Biley emphasized. According to her, yes, The British Foreign Office provides support not only to the White Helmets, but also to the Syrian Forum.
It is worth noting that, according to the journalist, there is also a positive component of the information war, which is actively unfolding in Syria. As Biley noted, independent media lobbies are being created in the country. She told how once a man approached her and apologized for the fact that earlier the money was given to the White Helmets. "Now we want to give money to activists and defenders of the civilian population," Biley said.

4. During the day - activists, in the evening - terrorists: bandits play real performances for the media on camera

These people are called “Syrian heroes in white helmets”, there are rumors that they want to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and Western media claim that this is almost the only volunteer human rights organization involved in rescuing Syrians in especially dangerous areas.
We are talking about the "White Helmets" - supposedly volunteers pulling people out from under the rubble in cities where fighting. As a rule, their "rescue operations" are accompanied by accusations of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Air Force of war crimes. But if you take a closer look, it becomes clear that the activists themselves are bandits in disguise, playing real performances on camera.

These footage went around the world. They allegedly depict a resident of one of the Syrian cities, buried under the rubble, and "rescuers" who help him get out.

However, then a group photo gets into the network, where the “bombing victim” poses for the camera along with volunteers without a single scratch on his body. Later, a photo of this “local resident” even appears on social networks, where he is dressed in military uniform fighter of the Syrian Free Army (FSA).

The feature of the White Helmets is the children who died as a result of air raids. But this often turns out to be fake. Boys and girls, as a rule, are fake, and their wounds are professionally applied makeup.

In fact, the "Helmets" are financed from the USA, Britain, Holland and the Arabian monarchies, and a certain James Le Mesurier founded the "volunteer" movement. Experts believe he is a British Army officer, a spy, a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and a person associated with the well-known private commercial structure Blackwater Academy (an American private military organization that performs secret combat missions outside the United States).

The White Helmets are the same terrorists fighting in their ranks and helping them to commit war crimes. In these frames, the militants execute a man. And a minute later they are helped to remove the body ... "White Helmets", who stood nearby during the execution.

5. Secret and non-humanitarian mission: what the White Helmets are doing in Syria . October 19, 2016, 20:11

The White Helmets organization often appears in the Western media as rescuers who are ready to sacrifice their lives to help the Syrians affected by the conflict. Activists who collect donations online for their organization even film documentaries. In addition, the White Helmets receive funding from the United States. At the same time, according to Bashar al-Assad, the group "is hiding behind a humanitarian mission, but pursues other goals." It is noteworthy that the White Helmets often work in the regions of Syria controlled by the militants. RT correspondent Anastasia Churkina managed to talk with the representative of the White Helmets Abdurrahman al-Mavwas.


The representative of the organization, who was received in Paris by the country's President Francois Hollande, assures that "rescuers are operating in accordance with international humanitarian law."
At the same time, the volunteer noted that the organization is supported by external sponsors: “We are an activist group that receives funding from the US, UK, Germany and the Netherlands”.
He assured that all funds go to "saving lives, equipment, vehicles necessary for the search and rescue of victims.
Recall that earlier the White Helmets organization was accused of falsifying evidence of the death of civilians allegedly as a result of Russian air strikes.


When asked by RT correspondent Anastasia Churkina whether the source of funding for the White Helmets affects the work of the organization, the activist answered in the negative. “We do not get involved in political and military issues”, - said Abdurrahman al-Mawwas.
At the same time, the video materials of the White Helmets organization are actively used by the foreign press. Representatives of the mission also work in territories controlled by Syrian militants. The guests of the CrossTalk program, aired on the RTD TV channel, tell that the humanitarian mission finds itself in areas occupied by opposition groups and ignores the civilians who suffered at their hands.
Earlier, there was information in the media that representatives of the White Helmets may be involved in the al-Nusra Front* terrorist organization, as they were reportedly present at the executions, which the militants filmed. Abdurrahman al-Mawwas shied away from answering RT's question about ties to terrorists, saying he represented a humanitarian organization. “We are a group of volunteers from Syria, there is data on the number of people rescued, I think you have seen all our videos,” he explained.
The White Helmets are not the only organization whose erroneous data were replicated in foreign media. For example, referring to studies by the Syrian Monitoring Center for Human Rights, some publications wrote about civilians killed in Russian airstrikes in Syria. But RT found out that the head of the center has not been in Syria since 2000, and receives all the numbers from his friends, as well as from other not the most reliable sources.

6. Flash mob under bombs: White Helmets activists were again accused of staging a video in Syria. November 22, 2016, 18:45

The White Helmets organization, which calls itself a human rights organization and works mainly in the territories controlled by Syrian militants, has again found itself at the center of a scandal. The Syrian Revolutionary Forces (RFS) portal published a video in which, allegedly, White Helmets activists participate in the popular Mannequin Challenge flash mob during a staged rescue operation. After Internet users paid attention to professional work actors and directors, RFS removed the video from their page, provoking another debate about the true goals of the "humanitarian mission" in Syria.

At first glance, it may seem that the video captures a real rescue operation in one of the Syrian cities, where a local resident was partially buried under the rubble. However, at the beginning of the video, following the rules of the Mannequin Challenge flash mob, neither the victim nor the White Helmets activists move while the cameraman walks around them with a camera.
A few seconds later, the Syrian seems to come to life and begins to scream in pain, grabbing hold of the rescuers. At this time, sounds of a busy city are heard behind the scenes, and rescuers begin their work.

Thus, if you cut off the first part of the video, then a complete feeling is created real work rescuers at the scene of shelling in Syria, as users recalled in the comments to the video.
“Incredible! See how the White Helmets film their productions,” Walid wrote, attaching photos of the actors.

Today we will talk about the organization "White Helmets" in Syria. Officially, this organization is called the Syrian Civil Defense. Ministry of Emergency Situations in the territories of Syrian militants. Usually, when you need to blame Russia for the bombing of peaceful Syrian terrorists, for the destruction of hospitals and schools, it is these guys who find themselves in the center of events - with wounded children in their arms and professional cameras on their shoulders.

The founder of the Helmets was James Le Mesurier, a former British Army officer and later a mercenary in the Oliva group. This is a private military firm closely associated with the notorious PMC Blackwater Academy.

And that, in turn, fulfills the orders of the Pentagon and the US government. Le Mesurier is actually a British military intelligence officer with an impressive record, a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, who has "worked" in some well-known theaters of war, including in Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. In general, wherever it is necessary to arrange first a humanitarian catastrophe, and then a humanitarian intervention. With the subsequent victory of democracy, of course.

James Le Mesurier

In the West, the White Helmets are hailed as the only organization saving Syrians from a humanitarian crisis. This sounds very ironic, because, as you know, since 2013, Syria has been under the most severe sanctions from the United States and the European Union. The import of food, medicines into the country is prohibited, all foreign assets are frozen. The White Helmets officially exist on donations and international grants. The main sponsor is the notorious George Soros Foundation.

The first contribution was made in 2013, when the organization had just appeared. Helmets received an office in Istanbul, equipment from Turkish rescuers and 300,000 "lifts". Then another 13 million dollars. Now, only according to official sources, 30 million dollars from the USA, Britain and the Netherlands enter the treasury of the Syrian Aibolites annually. There are other sponsors as well. According to Syrian sources, the organization's budget is about $50 million. As we understand, just like that, they don’t give out such money to anyone in the West.

The White Helmets play an important role in the information war. Western media have failed to detect moderate opposition in Syria. Syrian democratic revolutionaries turned out to be bearded Wahhabis who cut heads, blow up cultural monuments and carry out terrorist attacks not only in Syria, but also in Europe. In the context of the confrontation between the dictator Assad and the Syrian opposition, even the most fooled by liberal propaganda audience will support Assad as at least the lesser of evils from the point of view of a Western person. The "White Helmets" became the media image that covered the atrocities of the Syrian opposition fighters.

These Malibu lifeguards love to share their exploits on social media. Let's take a look.
Here they are in civil defense uniforms.

But at leisure, no, no, and they will take up the old.

Baker, merchant, tailor, who will you be? - Terrorist, that's who.

Among the rescuers there are also excellent make-up artists. For example, a girl was painted with a terrible wound and declared a victim of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

And this young man, according to the Western press, is the only doctor left in Aleppo. Allegedly, he treats civilians right under the bombs of Russian aviation. Only here the surgical instruments of this physician are rather strange.

The "White Helmets" operate only in the territories controlled by the militants. They can often be seen on the videos of "Dzhebhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia). For example, these civil activists rejoice together with the terrorists at the capture of the city of Idlib in March 2015. And another human rights activist and civil defender is pictured tormenting a captured Syrian soldier.

That is, by and large, these are the same militants, sometimes dressing in white shirt-fronts and helmets to pose as civilians. Their work is highly valued in Syria itself. For example, one of the leaders of the Syrian al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Jabhat al-Nusra, whose full name, by the way, translates as "aid front to the Syrian people", Abdullah Muhaysini, in his interview thanked the White Helmets for hard work: "I don't call them the Syrian Civil Defense, I call them the Mujahideen in civilian terms. They are real Mujahideen, no different from those who fight in trenches or in bombers. There is no difference between them, and may Allah reward them. They are fiercely are fighting."

It turns out that this is such a terrorist emergency service, killers in white coats. The organization has 3,000 activists - one might say, a full-blooded division. One of their leaders, Farq al-Habib, was the head of the group that captured Homs, he was even recognized as a terrorist in the United States.

Which does not prevent Washington from continuing to praise the "white helmets". There are other crimes behind the White Helmets. Together with the French organization Doctors Without Borders, they launched several business projects in Syria, previously run by Western colleagues in the Balkans, Libya and other conflict zones. This is the smuggling of drugs and weapons and, most importantly, human trafficking. And not necessarily whole: in the refugee camps, the trade in organs is on the stream.

In a word, real humanists.

The so-called “rescuers” from the Syrian Civil Defense (also known as the White Helmets) linked to the militants launched a new wave of propaganda materials on the Web the other day. This time, pseudo-activists accused the Syrian army of allegedly using cluster bombs in the shelling of the East Ghouta oasis in Damascus. Federal News Agency (FAN) analyzed the materials and found out how the White Helmets manipulated the facts in their "revelations".

The "White Helmets" is a terrorist propaganda link that positions itself as a non-governmental organization that is not associated with any of the opposition or terrorist organizations. Pseudo-"rescuers" are notorious for their staged materials, filmed in a highly artistic manner, and illustrating the "atrocities of the regime."

Nevertheless, activists of the Syrian Civil Defense were repeatedly caught forgery: in different materials the same children were present, and the "victims" who were supposed to lie dead opened their eyes. Moreover, when government forces liberated war-torn Aleppo in 2016, locals told that under the guise of "rescuers" armed militants were hiding.

"Helmets" operate exclusively in territories controlled by terrorist organizations, mostly " Khayyat Tahrir ash-Sham"- an alliance of Syrian groups associated with terrorists" Jabhat al-Nusra 1"(banned in the Russian Federation). After the liberation of Aleppo, the "rescuers" disappeared along with the militants. But the head of the Helmets in Idlib shone in the company Abu Jabera And Abdullah al-Muhaysini, chapters of "Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham".

cassette issue

Several armed groups operate in the suburbs and eastern regions of Damascus, as well as in the oasis of Eastern Ghouta. On the territory controlled by the Jaish al-Islam militants, in the city of Duma, "activists" and employees of the "White Helmets" are carrying out violent activities, trying to accuse the Syrian government forces of shelling civilians. Moreover, active members of the organization publish photos and videos on social networks, which are then picked up by the media for an information strike on the Syrian government.

In November 2017, for example, photographs of ammunition appeared from "activists", which they call the remnants of cluster bombs allegedly fired Syrian army according to the Duma. Also, the “rescuers” published a video in which they themselves come under “shelling”, and photographs of the victims of the “shelling”. Notably, the White Helmets Once again show injured and dead children, trying to put pressure on the pity of the Western public.

The materials of the White Helmets scattered across the Web, but immediately gave rise to a lot of contradictions. Thus, activists of the notorious portal Conflict Intelligence Team, relying on the materials of the Syrian “rescuers”, write that Damascus uses cluster munitions that “scatter across large area many small submunitions, prohibited international convention to which most of the countries of the world are members. At the same time, activists say, Russia and Syria did not join the convention.

Of course, the CIT activists seem to have accidentally forgotten that, in addition to Russia and Syria, the United States, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, and South Korea, Poland with Turkey and a few dozen more countries. Of course, the activists did not pay attention to the fact that on one of the publications, which was actually made not in the Duma, but in the settlement of Khamuria, the details of the photographs do not match. In the two pictures, the aerial bomb lies at different shooting angles and it is not clear whether this is one bomb, and it was dragged from place to place, or these are two completely different ammunition. In addition, the bomb shown in one picture did not leave a halo from falling in another. But all these discrepancies are just the tip of the iceberg: in fact, the activists spread a skillfully constructed "fake" from the White Helmets.

Facts can't be fooled

The textural material on which anti-government researchers rely is rather controversial. The photo shows 3O10 submunitions from a 240-mm 3O8 cluster mortar mine, which were allegedly used by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) during the shelling of Douma. The only photographed submunition - an unexploded cluster munition to destroy armored vehicles - although it weighs 3.9 kg, is surprisingly easy to stick into the ground, as if by chance near the place where the asphalt ends. However, given the supposedly high-speed fall and sticking into the ground, next to her not even a small funnel, which appears when even a light weight falls, not to mention an impressive metal blank. There are no traces of burning around the element, no shrapnel damage around it.

The video with the White Helmets, which allegedly depicted an “attack” with cluster munitions, also deserves a detailed analysis. Firstly, the video starts quite shortly from the beginning of all the events - yes, they could have been cut, but "rescuers" know where to look and what to shoot. It is noticeable that the camera is an ordinary phone, not fixed on the body or head of the operator, as evidenced by strong shaking.

Two explosions follow: pops, black smoke. And therein lies an important detail: they too weak. 3o10 ammunition uses hexal as the explosive. It explodes very powerfully, and produces a detonation velocity of about 8 thousand m / s, depending on the density, and in ammunition it is not lower than 1700 kg / m3. The explosion temperature of hexal is 5000 degrees Celsius, which means - smoke burns out, failing to form.

At the same time, hexal in each "cassette" should be at least 640 grams, that is the explosion would be much more powerful. What do we see on the records? The explosion is comparable in strength to a standard 400-gram TNT bomb, or to an imitation explosive package. Judging by the locations of the explosions, the charge was clearly laid in advance, so that no “outsider” is seriously injured during the journey - clouds of dust rise, but there are no large debris. This means that the charge was laid so as not to throw any potential damaging elements.

Nevertheless, such a staged action does not prevent “activists” from declaring “victims” of a staged attack. Materials from the same White Helmets are of high quality: in an emergency, immediately after the “shelling”, a professional camera captures the “rescuers” packing the child’s corpse in a bag. On the rollers of "Helmets" are always present dead or injured children, where at that age they could not be. If their parents know about the “constant shelling”, then why are the children alone in this case? A rare report by the White Helmets captures grief-stricken relatives - although it covers the situation from different angles. It is the same here - not a single adult gives any details of the incident, which means that the White Helmets again use children, trying to play on emotions, but without giving any details.

There are a few more interesting details in the above case. A child being removed from the rubble lies in the middle of an ordinary garbage, on which there is no trace of impact by fragments. Moreover, the force of a real explosion of a cluster bomb is so powerful that the human body(Especially a child!) would be torn apart by a shock wave and damaging elements into parts. Thus, the question arises - did the child really die in this place, and where are the heartbroken relatives who could record his death?

Expert: provocations against Russia and Syria will increase

Military expert, editor-in-chief of the Kassad information and analytical center Boris Rozhin in conversation with a correspondent federal agency news (FAN) noted that such accusations from the White Helmets in the strikes with cluster bombs are heard not for the first time. However, if at first pro-American sources tried to blame Russia for this, now attention is being switched to the Syrian army:

“The official position of the Russian Defense Ministry is that Russia does not use cluster munitions. Since Russia officially denies and does not legally voice this situation, the US is turning its attention to the Assad government. They are linking the theme of the accusation of using cluster munitions with the use of chemical weapons, especially after the story of vetoing the extension of the UN-OPCW mission.”

The expert notes: since the topic of chemical munitions in Khan Sheikhoun has been exhausted from the point of view of facts, the topic of cluster munitions has revived again, and it is again being voiced by the White Helmets, an organization that is associated with the Syrian Al-Qaeda 1 (an international terrorist network, prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation).

“The fact that they pulled her out suggests that they cannot come up with anything new about Assad, but they are trying to throw information bombs under past meeting Assad with Putin, Putin's meeting with Erdogan and Rouhani to mitigate the scenario of the end of the war, which is negative for the Helmets. I'm sure there will be more accusations like this as the fighting continues. The matter here depends on the information policy, since it is clear that the Helmets are voicing a long-established propaganda line regarding the use of cluster munitions.”

At the same time, the expert recalls that several air bases of the SAR Air Force, including large ones, have been and remain under the control of the militants. From there, the militants and their henchmen from the White Helmets could get all the necessary ammunition to create provocations against the Syrian army.

“As for the warehouses of the Syrian Air Force, during the war, the militants controlled most of these air bases, where there were old planes and ammunition. And in principle, there were no problems to have ammunition for organizing provocations, - the expert noted. – Moreover, the issues of importing chemical weapons from Libya were discussed. And if the concept itself was discussed, and it works, then there is no problem to carry ammunition for the organization of the production to organize provocations.”

Nevertheless, Boris Rozhin is sure that the story of the "cluster bombs" in the Duma will not have any consequences, since even in the West the majority already understands that Assad has already resisted, and these information attacks are somewhat belated.

“In the course of the next war, when the pro-American militants will decide on the issues of dragging out the conflict and bargaining for some conditions, naturally informational provocations against Russia, Assad and especially Iran will increase. In addition to performances, there may be several bloody actions, like Khan Sheikhoun. Accordingly, a provocation will be organized, say, in central Syria, or in the south, in order to fabricate a pretext for delivering strikes on the SAA or Iranian formations, as happened with the Shayrat airbase, ”concludes Boris Rozhin.

1 The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Unidentified persons brutally killed 7 members of the White Helmets organization and took away their equipment in the city of Sarmin in the north-east of Idlib in Syria.

This is reported by the Damascus Herald on Twitter.

Recall that it was the White Helmets' testimony about the alleged use by the Syrian authorities chemical weapons in Idlib, became the reason for the US missile attack on the Shayrat airbase of the Syrian government forces.

The accusations of using chemical weapons are not based on anything. Nothing at all. Neither logic nor facts. Almost all of the "evidence" is staged filming and outright lies. But the study of the personalities of some representatives of the White Helmets amazed even worldly-wise cynics.

And here is how the Deutsche Welle, known to us, covers the same event ( Deutsche Welle-DW):

Seven White Helmets killed in Syria

In the province of Idlib, unidentified people shot and killed employees of the humanitarian organization "White Helmets". The radical group that controls this territory promises to find the attackers.

White Helmets officers in Syria (file photo)

In the city of Sarmin, in the province of Idlib, unidentified persons shot dead seven employees of the Syrian humanitarian organization White Helmets. This was announced on Saturday, August 12, on the organization's Twitter page.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the White Helmets were shot in the head. The reasons for the attack are still unknown, the identity of the attackers has not been established. Unidentified persons also stole some of the equipment and stole two minibuses belonging to the organization.

The province of Idlib is under the control of rebels from the jihadist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the AFP news agency notes. Representatives of this radical association called the incident a "terrifying crime" and promised to find and bring to justice the organizers of the attack.

The White Helmets have been helping civilian population Syria, which found itself in the zone of military operations in the territories not controlled by Damascus. In 2016, this organization was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize. The White Helmets employ about 3,000 employees. It is reported that during the civil war in Syria, they saved about 60 thousand people.

And another very, in my opinion, interesting material:

Who are the "White Helmets" in Syria

Report Balashov: Humanitarian skin [Russian answer] Published: 5 Oct. 2016

Syria: Assassins in White Helmets

Investigation of Tsargrad. Who is behind the Syrian "humanitarian organization"

Today we will talk about the organization "White Helmets" in Syria. Officially, this organization is called the Syrian Civil Defense. Ministry of Emergency Situations in the territories of Syrian militants. Usually, when you need to blame Russia for the bombing of peaceful Syrian terrorists, for the destruction of hospitals and schools, it is these guys who find themselves in the center of events - with wounded children in their arms and professional cameras on their shoulders.

The founder of the Helmets was James Le Mesurier, a former British Army officer and later a mercenary in the Oliva group. This is a private military firm closely associated with the notorious PMC Blackwater Academy.

And that, in turn, fulfills the orders of the Pentagon and the US government. Le Mesurier is actually a British military intelligence officer with an impressive record, a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, who has "worked" in some well-known theaters of war, including in Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. In general, wherever it is necessary to arrange first a humanitarian catastrophe, and then a humanitarian intervention. With the subsequent victory of democracy, of course.

James Le Mesurier

In the West, the White Helmets are hailed as the only organization saving Syrians from a humanitarian crisis. This sounds very ironic, because, as you know, since 2013, Syria has been under the most severe sanctions from the United States and the European Union. The import of food, medicines into the country is prohibited, all foreign assets are frozen. The White Helmets officially exist on donations and international grants. The main sponsor is the notorious George Soros Foundation.

The first contribution was made in 2013, when the organization had just appeared. Helmets received an office in Istanbul, equipment from Turkish rescuers and 300,000 "lifts". Then another 13 million dollars. Now, only according to official sources, 30 million dollars from the USA, Britain and the Netherlands enter the treasury of the Syrian Aibolites annually. There are other sponsors as well. According to Syrian sources, the organization's budget is about $50 million. As we understand, just like that, they don’t give out such money to anyone in the West.

The White Helmets play an important role in the information war. Western media have failed to detect moderate opposition in Syria. Syrian democratic revolutionaries turned out to be bearded Wahhabis who cut heads, blow up cultural monuments and carry out terrorist attacks not only in Syria, but also in Europe. In the context of the confrontation between the dictator Assad and the Syrian opposition, even the most fooled by liberal propaganda audience will support Assad as at least the lesser of evils from the point of view of a Western person. The "White Helmets" became the media image that covered the atrocities of the Syrian opposition fighters.

These Malibu lifeguards love to share their exploits on social media. Let's take a look.

Here they are in civil defense uniforms.

But at leisure, no, no, and they will take up the old.

Baker, merchant, tailor, who will you be? - Terrorist, that's who.

Among the rescuers there are also excellent make-up artists. For example, a girl was painted with a terrible wound and declared a victim of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

And this young man, according to the Western press, is the only doctor left in Aleppo. Allegedly, he treats civilians right under the bombs of Russian aviation. Only here the surgical instruments of this physician are rather strange.

The "White Helmets" operate only in the territories controlled by the militants. They can often be seen on the videos of "Dzhebhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia). For example, these civil activists rejoice together with the terrorists at the capture of the city of Idlib in March 2015. And another human rights activist and civil defender is pictured tormenting a captured Syrian soldier.

That is, by and large, these are the same militants, sometimes dressing in white shirt-fronts and helmets to pose as civilians. Their work is highly valued in Syria itself. For example, one of the leaders of the Syrian al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Jabhat al-Nusra, whose full name, by the way, translates as "aid front to the Syrian people", Abdullah Muhaysini, in his interview thanked the White Helmets for hard work: "I don't call them the Syrian Civil Defense, I call them the Mujahideen in civilian terms. They are real Mujahideen, no different from those who fight in trenches or in bombers. There is no difference between them, and may Allah reward them. They are fiercely are fighting."

It turns out that this is such a terrorist emergency service, killers in white coats. The organization has 3,000 activists - one might say, a full-blooded division. One of their leaders, Farq al-Habib, was the head of the group that captured Homs, he was even recognized as a terrorist in the United States.

Which does not prevent Washington from continuing to praise the "white helmets". There are other crimes behind the White Helmets. Together with the French organization Doctors Without Borders, they launched several business projects in Syria, previously run by Western colleagues in the Balkans, Libya and other conflict zones. This is the smuggling of drugs and weapons and, most importantly, human trafficking. And not necessarily whole: in the refugee camps, the trade in organs is on the stream.

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