Ink Hunter - a virtual fitting of tattoos before going to the tattoo parlor. What tattoos look like in old age: photos and advice from older people What does a tattoo look like in old age

The Ink Hunter application will allow you to evaluate how the selected tattoo will look on your body. It looks quite realistic, but it works very simply.

It all starts with applying a reference marker, which is needed to make the image change in perspective as it moves. We draw a square emoticon on the hand or other part of the body (it is better with a felt-tip pen to make it thicker), choose a tattoo and we can wave our hand - the tattoo will look almost like a real one.

The built-in gallery has several dozens of author's sketches on various topics: skulls, ornaments, characters and much more. You can also upload your own by selecting them from the Photos app.

Having found the right angle, we take a photo and we can quickly switch between different tattoos and adjust their appearance so that they look even more realistic. There are several display options for this, including transparency, contrast, and filters. By moving a couple of sliders, you can see how your tattoo will look in a few years.

The Ink Hunter application was created by students of one of the Kharkiv universities as part of a 48-hour hackathon and is distributed free of charge.

And for those who have not yet tattooed themselves - maybe this is what stops a person from getting a tattoo, fears about how the tattoo will look in the future. And those who have already "stung" themselves, as they say, to the fullest. So, what does a tattoo look like in old age?

In general, everyone thinks about what will happen to their tattoos. Tell me, is it not pleasant if the tattoo turns into a shapeless mass? It will become stretched and ugly. And so on. But, guys and girls (well, guys and girls), although your fears are well founded, don’t be afraid to stuff yourself. And now we'll tell you why.

The thing is that in old age, human skin really undergoes strong changes. You can practically forget about some elasticity and aesthetics if you are under 80 years old. But friends, look at photos of older people with tattoos - and such pictures are not hard to find on the Internet. Do these people look somehow ugly? No. They look cool. And their old ones, and some of them also have new tattoos, are also stuffed with older people, and some of them really look cool. Especially when the tattoo is some kind of particularly sexy or aggressive - this looks really cool!

That being said, there are generally positive arguments for tattoos. The fact is that some tattoo supporters say that tattoos will even play a positive role in your old age. Because they will be able, if the tattoos, of course, are very dense, to hide some of the imperfections of the old skin.

For example, a dense colored tattoo will “blur” itself, disguise sagging skin

And the body of a man or woman will look more aesthetically pleasing. Okay, maybe not the whole body, but at least the hands. In short, in unison - how do tattoos look in old age? Cool!

What else can be said about tattoos in old age. Yes, it will still be necessary to restore the tattoo, because if the tattoo is colored, then it will simply lose a little in colors, it will fade a little. Although, perhaps in the near future, more stable paints will be invented that will not fade even with age.

Will the fashion for tattoos change dramatically?

But let's say a few more words about whether it is worth getting tattoos at all today, whether they will be somehow strange in old age - not even in terms of appearance, but will the fashion for tattoos change dramatically? Quite so, it could be. But if this question bothers you, we recommend that you conduct an experiment yourself. Here's what. Close your eyes, now open and look around - how many people of your age do you see with tattoos on their arms, legs, necks and other places? A lot of? That's right, quite a lot. Now think - all these people in old age will also have tattoos. Well, of course, some of them will not live, and someone can and will go for tattoo removal using some kind of laser.

In other words, our generation will turn into grandparents in many years to come. And all these guys and girls who are now flaunting tattoos will also grow old. Therefore, if you have a tattoo or would like to get a tattoo, then you probably should not worry anymore about how the tattoo will look in the future. It will look good, good.

Although, probably, you just have to pay more attention to your physical form. For example, fight aging skin. And what? Good incentive. You end up looking better than the people around you. A tattoo and in general will even decorate your elderly body. In general, guys and girls, do not be afraid of tattoos in old age!

Just, again, look at pictures of older people with tattoos. This is how you will be. Do you agree that old men with tattoos look very cool? So, a tattoo in old age is super!

Fashion for tattoos today swept the entire planet. In any major city in our country, there are tattoo parlors where you can fill in a new drawing or change an old one. Responsible masters are not too lazy to remind each client that a tattoo is for life, so the choice of a sketch should be approached consciously. A popular question among those who want to paint their own body is: “What will the tattoo look like in old age?”.

A mistake of youth or a reason for pride?

Talk about how unaesthetic tattoos on the body of a grandmother or grandfather will look is often started by people who have a negative attitude towards underwear images. Indeed, with age, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and stretched. How will tattoos look in old age? It all depends on a number of physiological characteristics of their owner and the chosen place of application.

The tattoo can really stretch, or, conversely, sag along with the skin on which it is applied. But do not forget that exactly the same effects can be expected with a sharp change in body weight. In fact, few people look the same as in their youth. Believe me, with falling teeth, hair and deep wrinkles, you will stop thinking about whether tattoos spoil you.

What tattoos look like in old age: photo

In our country, a couple of decades ago, it was only in its infancy. At the same time, tattoos were actively made in the zone and in the army. They used improvised means for this, which is why the drawings did not always turn out to be even and clear. For some time in Russia, tattoos were considered something terrible and shameful at all (“like from prison”).

The cultivation of the art of applying wearable images occurred relatively recently. And on older people today, we can only see the same drawings stuffed with sewing or medical needles by hand. Such tattoos in old age do not look very attractive. In the youth of their owners, such images were hardly decorated.

The situation is quite different in Europe and the USA. In many foreign countries today you can already meet people of respectable age with beautiful and large tattoos. Agree, it does not look so disgusting!

Should we be afraid of public condemnation?

What a tattoo looks like in old age depends on the drawing itself, its care and the physical form of the owner of the drawing. In order not to be embarrassed by a tattoo in adulthood, you should carefully consider the choice of a sketch. Most often, pictures made in the heat of the moment and under a minute impression are annoying. If you want tattoos to please you in old age, take care of yourself. Regular exercise and proper skin care will help keep you in excellent physical shape, and then you will not have to be ashamed of your tattoos.

Many people get tattoos on parts of the body that can always be covered with clothing. And it's really convenient: you can always hide your chest, stomach, buttocks and upper thighs from prying eyes without unnecessary discomfort at any age.

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