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Important point, brothers and sisters: Cain was adopted by the devil before he killed his brother.
“..and Cain said to Abel - his brother: let's go into the valley. When they were in the valley, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him." And why Cain killed Abel, or why Cain killed Abel. What were his motives for this, what were the reasons? Why did he kill his brother? Never. Not why. No motive, no reason. Not for any fault.

Cain performed a human sacrifice. And this explains the app. John in 1 epistle 3 gl12st (I give you an exact translation from the ancient Greek language): “Cain was from the evil one and slaughtered his brother. And why did he swear it? Because his deeds were evil, but his brother's deeds were righteous."
That is, before he killed, before the act of murder, Cain's deeds were evil. And what are the things? First, sacrifice. Sadness is not for God, lowering the face. And after the Lord spoke to him, Cain lied and was adopted by the devil. Such were the evil deeds of Cain. Again we ask: why did he kill his brother. It is very important to understand: no way. Abel was the victim. Cain killed because he was from the evil one and his deeds were evil. Cain was a spiritual man. In general, spiritual people behave quite disinterestedly, often not motivated, at the level of spiritual movements. That is, deeds spiritual man, be it from God, be it from the devil, they correspond to another instance, which is higher than material calculation or some kind of experience. That's what Cain is. It is not true to say that Cain was angry and his deeds were evil. No. Cain was of the evil one, and his deeds were evil. He didn't just kill his brother. He rose up and killed - it says in the Book of Genesis. Ap John: ".. he slaughtered (esaksen) his brother." What does pawned mean? Slaughter is mortification as a cult action. Cain's crime began with a sacrifice, and Cain's crime itself was a sacrifice. And this is the explanation - the terrible word of the Lord, which he said to the Jews: "your father is the devil."
More precisely: the Gospel of John 8: "You are the father of the devil."
Strange, but what kind of children can the devil have? In the language of St. Scripture's closest relationship in spirit is expressed through sonship. That is, even in Persons Holy Trinity it is the Father and the Son. ..Those who serve the evil one, who want to fulfill, create the lusts of this father, they are called the seed of the serpent, the spawn of viper, the children of the devil. Cain felt sad, he fell on his face, lied, killed. He is now in the closest relationship with the devil, he has been adopted. Cain slaughtered his brother and became the founder of non-church humanity.
Ap. John: “The children of God and the children of the devil are manifested in this:” (see how interesting it is, brothers and sisters, which of you can now see how this difference manifests itself) “everyone who does not do the truth is not from God, nor does he love his brother his own." Cain did not create righteousness in the sacrifice. That is why the Lord did not accept his sacrifice. Cain did not correctly divide what is God and what is man. And ended up with the one who slaughtered Abel as a sacrifice. And he became the first of the children of the devil. Cain is the first of the children of the devil. Cain did not love his brother, but ended up with what? Hatred? Not at all. Here we do not know what feelings Cain had for his brother. In any case, hatred is not supposed, even most likely there was no hatred towards Abel. Hatred blinds, and Cain did everything consciously. He did not love his brother, sacrificed him, adopted the devil.
They ask. How did the Lord allow the first of the devil's children to kill the righteous? This question has already been asked. How did the Lord allow Adam and his wife to fall into sin? Both questions have the same answer. And how did God admit about himself that when he incarnated he was tortured and killed? The Lord became man and was killed by those who are Cain in spirit. Christ clearly said this to the scribes and Pharisees before his crucifixion:
Matthew chapter 23 "Snakes, offspring of vipers, may all the righteous blood shed on the Earth from Abel come upon you." Those who were at enmity with the Savior became from the evil one not after the Cross, but before it. That is, the crucifiers bear the image of Cain, since the first who wore the image of the Savior was Abel. Bl. Augustine puts it this way: “Abel is a virgin and a priest and a martyr. A virgin, for he died before marriage, a priest, for he offered charitable sacrifices to God, a martyr, for he was killed for true worship of God.

Transcript of the lecture by E. Avdeenko “Reading from the book of Genesis. Cain"

Cain and Abel in the Bible, two brothers, sons of Adam and Eve. According to the Book of Genesis, Cain was the first murderer in history, and Abel was the first murder victim. Hebrew name Cain shows similarities with the verb "cana" (bring into the world), used by Eve, who said: "I brought forth a man" (Genesis 4:1), as well as with the words "cain" (blacksmith) and "cana" (jealous). The name Abel (Hebrew Hevel) probably comes from the Hebrew word "hevel" (breath).

The story of Cain and Abel is given in Genesis 4 and is not mentioned anywhere else in the Hebrew Bible. Abel was a cattle breeder, Cain was a farmer. Cain offered a gift to God from the fruits of the earth, while Abel sacrificed the firstborn animals of his flock. Cain, angry that God preferred Abel's sacrifice, killed his brother. When God asked him, "Where is Abel your brother?" - he answered: "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Gen 4:9). God punishes Cain with a curse: “you will be an exile and a wanderer on the earth” (Genesis 4:12), but at the same time marks him with the “Seal of Cain” so that no one will kill him. Cain goes to the "land of Nod" (land of wandering), east of Eden.

Throughout the Bible there is a motif of preference given by God younger brothers, such as Jacob , Joseph , or David ; Abel is the first in this row. Some researchers see in the biblical story a reflection of the conflict between the two ways of life, pastoral and agricultural. More significantly, however, the gifts brought by Cain and Abel are the first sacrifices mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, it has been suggested that this tradition reflected the belief that God was more pleased with the offerings of animals, rather than plants.

It is especially important that in this story further development a theme of moral responsibility, first heard in the preceding story of Adam and Eve. When Cain begins to envy his brother, God says to him: “If you do good, don't you raise your face? and if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door; he draws you to him, but you rule over him” (Genesis 4:7). This is the first occurrence of the word "sin" ("khet") in the Bible. Cain's sin is especially striking because it is not just murder, but fratricide.

According to rabbinic tradition, Cain repented of his sin and was subsequently accidentally killed by his descendant, the blind Lamech. If Cain is mentioned in the New Testament as a model of villainy (1 Jn 3:12), then Abel is mentioned as the first righteous man who suffered a violent death (Mt 23:35), and as an example of faith (Heb 11:4). In the Christian exegetical tradition, Abel is the typos (type) of Christ. On the other hand, there is evidence that some Gnostics worshiped Cain as an opponent of the Israelite Creator God, whose veneration they rejected.

The Bible says that Cain married, had offspring, and built the first city (Genesis 4:17-24). Apparently, Cain's wife was one of his sisters (Gen. 5:4). Cain's male descendants did not survive the Flood, but the "Keneites", a tribe of blacksmiths and metallurgists, are mentioned as contemporaries of Abraham (Gen. 15:19), Moses (Judg. 1:16), Deborah (Judg. 4:11), and Saul (1 Sam. 15:6) may have been descended from Cain. In the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf the monster Grendel is a descendant of Cain.

Cain and Abel
in the Bible, two brothers, sons of Adam and Eve. According to the Book of Genesis, Cain was the first murderer in history, and Abel was the first murder victim. The Hebrew name Cain bears a resemblance to the verb "cana" (to bring into being) used by Eve when she said, "I brought forth a man" (Gen. 4:1), as well as to the words "cain" (blacksmith) and "cana" (jealous) . The name Abel (Hebrew Hevel) probably comes from the Hebrew word "hevel" (breath). The story of Cain and Abel is given in Genesis 4 and is not mentioned anywhere else in the Hebrew Bible. Abel was a cattle breeder, Cain was a farmer. Cain offered a gift to God from the fruits of the earth, while Abel sacrificed the firstborn animals of his flock. Cain, angry that God preferred Abel's sacrifice, killed his brother. When God asked him, "Where is Abel your brother?" - he answered: "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Gen 4:9). God punishes Cain with a curse: "you will be an exile and a wanderer on the earth" (Genesis 4:12), but at the same time marks him with the "Seal of Cain" so that no one will kill him. Cain goes to the "land of Nod" (land of wandering), east of Eden. Throughout the Bible there is a motif of preference given by God to younger brothers, such as Jacob, Joseph, or David; Abel is the first in this row. Some researchers see in the biblical story a reflection of the conflict between the two ways of life, pastoral and agricultural. More significantly, however, the gifts brought by Cain and Abel are the first sacrifices mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, it has been suggested that this tradition reflected the belief that God was more pleased with the offerings of animals, rather than plants. It is especially important that in this story the theme of moral responsibility, which was first heard in the previous story about Adam and Eve, is further developed. When Cain begins to envy his brother, God says to him: "If you do good, do you not lift up your face? But if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door; it draws you to itself, but you rule over it" (Genesis 4:7 ). This is the first occurrence of the word "sin" ("khet") in the Bible. Cain's sin is especially striking because it is not just murder, but fratricide. According to rabbinic tradition, Cain repented of his sin and was subsequently accidentally killed by his descendant, the blind Lamech. If Cain is mentioned in the New Testament as a model of villainy (1 Jn 3:12), then Abel is mentioned as the first righteous man who suffered a violent death (Mt 23:35), and as an example of faith (Heb 11:4). In the Christian exegetical tradition, Abel is the typos (type) of Christ. On the other hand, there is evidence that some Gnostics worshiped Cain as an opponent of the Israelite Creator God, whose veneration they rejected. The Bible says that Cain married, had offspring, and built the first city (Genesis 4:17-24). Apparently, Cain's wife was one of his sisters (Gen. 5:4). The descendants of Cain in the male line did not survive the flood, but the "Keneites", a tribe of blacksmiths and ironworkers, are mentioned as contemporaries of Abraham (Gen. 15:19), Moses (Judg. 1:16), Deborah (Judg. 4:11), and Saul (1 Sam. 15:6) may have been descended from Cain. In the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf, the monster Grendel is a descendant of Cain.

Collier Encyclopedia. - Open society. 2000 .

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