Modeling on a zoo theme. Integrated lesson on the theme "zoo". Progress of classes in the junior group of kindergarten

Sculpting lesson summary " Plasticine zoo. Modeling of animals"

« Plasticine zoo. Animal sculpting »

Target : development of creative abilities of older children preschool age through the creation of teamwork fromplasticine.

Program content :

Practice ways( constructive , sculptural, combined) creating images of animals insculpting.

Continue learning to transmit characteristics animals.

Develop fine motor skills hands in progresssculptingwhen creating the image of an animal.

Call positive emotions from joint activities and its result.

Develop the ability to analyze your work as you perform it;

Cultivate a careful attitude towards crafts; to your workplace.

Materials : plasticine, stack, board forsculpting(for each child, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

1 part.

Welcome Ritual

I'm cheerful, strong, brave

I alwaysbusy.

I'm not whining, I'm not afraid

I don't fight with my friends!

I can play, jump,

I can fly to the moon.

I'm not a crybaby, I'm brave!

And in general, I’m great!

Guys, let's play a game"Give me a word"

Do you hear the mighty stomping? Do you see the long trunk? Is not magical dream! This is African.(elephant) .

The tallest of animals -

African longneck -

He walks proudly, like a count,

It's called.


A menacing roar suddenly rang out,

Scared away all the birds around.

Walks around in a cage, brutalized,

The king of beasts, in short...

(a lion)

Clumsy, clubfooted,

He sucks his paw in the den.

Who is this? answer quickly!



This is a very strange garden

There are animals in cages there,

They call it a park

People are relaxing in the park.

There are shelters, enclosures,

There are animals walking behind the fence.

What do we call this park?

And let's go see the animals?

( Zoo .)

What other animals live inyou know the zoo? (children's answers)

Guys, we have prepared the territory forzooand we don't have enough animals to live there. What do you think animals can be made from?(children's answers) .

Think about what kind of animal you would like to sculpt? I have animal figurines on a tray, take the animal that you would like to sculpt.

part 2

The teacher invites the childrentake your seats.

In order to sculpt any animal, we must know what all animals have in common, how they are similar.(Look at the animal figures) .

Guys, pay attention to the body parts. What body parts do animals have?

Torso, head. Legs, ears, tail, etc.

Tell me, what shape is the body? head? legs? ears?(oval, round)

What is the largest part of the animal's body? Torso.

Guys, tell me how to sculpt the body?( constructive )

You need to take a stack. Cut offplasticine into pieces, roll up in a circular motion palms the ball, then roll it out with straight movementsplasticine in the shape of an oval.

There is another waysculptingthe body is sculpted from a whole piece. Roll out a pieceplasticinewith one hand on a hard surface with straight movements until the desired shape, and then cut or model in a stack - the base with a variety ofmovements : pull, bend, twist, pinch.

Clarify the features of the body and other parts of the different animals that the children will sculpt.

Please note: First the head is attached to the body, then the legs and paws. Ears to the head, then the tail. Each part must be tightly lubricated when connecting.

INsculptingMany auxiliary techniques are used to decorate the image. They allow us to make each animal unique.

Productive activity

In progresssculptingpay attention to the use of a variety of techniquessculpting, transfer of proportions, characteristic details.

Recall the use of stacks to indicate certain parts.


Whose animal figurine do you like and why?

GOU Snezhnyansk special boarding school No. 42

Lesson notes for the “Plasticine Fairy Tale” circle

“Plasticine zoo. Modeling of animals"


teacher Degtyareva Yu.V.

2017- 2018

Summary of the game lesson “Zoo” in the nursery group of a kindergarten (1st junior group, 3rd year of life)


Expand children's knowledge about wild animals and the zoo.
Enrich active and passive vocabulary on this topic.
Consolidate knowledge of the numbers “1” and “2” and quantity.
Introduce children to the colors black and white.
Form stable ideas about color, size, shape, geometric shapes.
Continue learning to draw straight vertical lines with a pencil and paste the image in the desired place in the composition. Construct a building from building material modeled after the teacher.
Improve sculpting techniques: pinching, pressing.
Teach children to hold scissors correctly and cut paper.
Develop thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


Animal toys.
Background picture for drawing a zoo fence, pencils.
Tickets for cutting, scissors.
Planar figures of animals: lion, zebra, monkey, hippopotamus, elephant, giraffe, snake.
A picture with black silhouettes of these animals.
A picture with drawn empty enclosures at a zoo.
Picture with houses of different heights.
A picture of an elephant with geometric shapes, the same shapes.
Brown plasticine, picture of a giraffe without spots.
A figurine of a lion without a mane made of thick cardboard, clothespins.
Silhouette images of a pineapple without leaves with the numbers “1” and “2”.
Stripes of black and white.
Container with cereal. Volumetric figurines of animals.
Background and image details for the “hippopotamus” applique, glue.
Snake with pasted circles of different colors and sizes. Buttons of the same color and size.
Bars made of building material.
Zebra focus picture.
Audio recordings: “The giraffe has spots, spots, spots everywhere,” E. Zheleznova.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "Our smart heads"

Hello guys, it's great that you all came today!
Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Surprise moment “What’s in the chest?”

Look in the chest, what's there? These are animal toys. Let's look at them and name them. So many animals can only be found in a zoo. How many of you have been to the zoo?

Drawing “Fence at the Zoo”

The fence at this zoo needs to be fixed. Take pencils and draw stripes from top to bottom.

Working with scissors “Tickets to the Zoo”

To enter the zoo you need a ticket. Let's make tickets.

(Children cut tickets along the lines with scissors).

Didactic game “Beasts in the Zoo”

In front of you are animal figures and a picture. The picture shows a zoo, but without animals. These are their empty houses. Let's help resettle the animals in the zoo. Here's a lion. Take him and place him here. (Same with monkey, hippopotamus, zebra, elephant).

Didactic game “Whose house?”

The picture shows three houses - high, lower and low. Children are given three figures - a giraffe, a hippopotamus and a snake.
Children, think about who lives in which house? What house does the giraffe live in? In the highest house. Why did you decide so? What house does the hippopotamus live in? The hippopotamus lives in the lower house. Why? What kind of house is suitable for a snake? The lowest house is suitable for a snake. Why?


Didactic game “Put out a picture of geometric shapes”

What animal is shown in the picture? Elephant. Let's make the picture even better - put it in the empty spaces geometric figures. Pick up the circle and find its place in the picture. (Same with other figures).


Modeling “Spots on a giraffe”

This giraffe doesn't look real. What is he missing? Not enough spots. Tear off pieces of plasticine, apply to the giraffe and press on top with your finger.

Dynamic pause “We were going to the zoo”

We were traveling by car,
We arrived at the zoo.
Beep beep!
(Turns with hands that “hold the steering wheel”)

We rode a horse
We visited all the animals.
(Children perform light squats, arms extended, “holding the reins”)

We were traveling by steam locomotive,
And we came back.
(Arms bent at the elbows, alternating movements of the left and right hands back and forth)


Didactic game “Black and White”

The teacher shows the children black and white stripes, then hands them out to the children and asks them to show the black and white stripes. Then the children are given more stripes and asked to arrange them in a row, alternating colors, like a zebra.

Picture trick

Does this picture look like a zebra? No. Now place it on top of a black sheet of cardboard. Focus - it turned out to be a real zebra with stripes.


Didactic exercise “Pineapple”

This is a pineapple. Monkeys love to eat it. Please note that there are numbers on the pineapples. Show the pineapple with the number 1. Show the pineapple with the number 2. Attach one green leaf clothespin on top of the pineapple with the number 1. How many green leaf clothespins can you attach to the pineapple with the number 2? Two clothespins.


Button game "Snake"

Children place buttons of different colors and sizes on the image of a snake with circles of the same color and size glued on.


Application "Hippopotamus"

Children paste the head, legs and bush onto the background with the oval body of the hippopotamus.

a lion

Game with clothespins "Lion's mane"

Children make a mane by attaching clothespins around the lion's head.

Didactic game “Find and name”

Children take out animal figures from a container with cereal and name them.

Construction of the "Aviary"

For their animal figurine, children build an enclosure from blocks.

Didactic game “Whose shadow?”

Find a shadow and place it on top color picture. What animals are in your picture?

Dynamic pause “We are going to the zoo”

We're going to the zoo
Everyone is happy to be there!

There are bears and penguins,
Parrots and peacocks,
There are giraffes and elephants,
Monkeys, tigers, lions
(Turns left and right with arms outstretched)

We all have fun playing
And we perform the movements
(Hands on the belt. Half squats with turns left and right)

This is a lion. He is the king of beasts
There is no one stronger in the world than him.
He walks very importantly
He is handsome and brave.
(Children walk slowly, measuredly, with their heads held high. The step is performed gracefully, with a slight lift of the leg on the toe and a slight turn of the body. Hands are on the belt)

And funny monkeys
The vines swayed so much,
(Starting position: standing still, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with fingers spread to the sides, elbows bent. Children perform small half-squats)

What springs up and down
And they fly higher than everyone else!
(Jumping with clapping overhead)

But a kind, smart elephant
(Children place their feet shoulder-width apart, bend their arms at the elbows, lift them and spread them to the sides)

Sends his regards to everyone.
He nods his head
And gets to know you.
(Press your fingers to your head. Children bend their torso forward-right, forward-left)

Putting paw to paw,
Keeping up with each other,
The penguins walked together in a row,
Like a small squad.
(Children move in small mincing steps on straight, relaxed legs. At the same time, the heel is placed against the heel; the toes are spread to the sides, the arms are lowered and pressed to the body, the body sways slightly to the right and left)

The kangaroo jumps so fast
Like my favorite ball.
(Children bend their elbows and begin to perform light jumping movements left and right, back and forth)

There's a snake, it's scary
(Wave movements with right hand)

And he doesn’t let you get close to him.
She crawls on the ground,
Squirms slightly.
(Wave-like movements of the body)

So the evening comes,
Our zoo is falling asleep,
Falls asleep until morning
It's time for us to go home.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Giraffe”

Children play children's noise instruments to Zheleznova's song “Giraffe.”

Plasticine zoo, Modeling lessons, from plasticine, for children, 3-5 years old.

Modeling from plasticine introduces children to the world of beauty and develops Creative skills, forms aesthetic taste, allows you to feel the harmony of the surrounding world. Each plasticine modeling lesson is a colorful album, which is a cycle of lessons on a specific topic with playful, detailed illustrated tasks for children and methodological recommendations for teachers and parents.

Each book spread contains one lesson. Classes are arranged according to degree of difficulty. The presented methodology for teaching children how to sculpt promotes the development of imagination, independence, perseverance, the ability to complete work, accuracy and hard work.

Lesson 1. Making a Big Whale

The big whale swallows the water and releases it in a fountain, and leads us with it to the shores of another country. I. Ischuk

To work you will need:

Plasticine, a plastic tube cut at the top, a stack, a rag, a cardboard stand, a modeling board.


Separate a medium-sized piece from the plasticine using a stack.

Roll the ball in a circular motion and pull it a little on one side.

On the thinner side, pinch and separate the whale's tail into two parts.

From the thick side, cut the oval with a stack so that you get a wide whale mouth.

Stick a plasticine tube cut at the top into the back of the whale.

Use plasticine balls to make eyes for a whale.

Lesson 2. Sculpting Spiny Hedgehog

There is a hedgehog living under our chair. A prickly quiet hedgehog. It looks very much like a brush when the legs are not visible. S. Marshak
For work you will need: plasticine, short matches or straws, stacks, a rag, a cardboard stand, a modeling board.


Separate a medium-sized piece from the plasticine using a stack.

Roll the ball in a circular motion with your hands and give it an oval shape, slightly flattening it between your palms. Stretch out the sharp muzzle, lift it up a little and shape it - pinch the ears.

Roll up four columns - legs and attach them to the bottom.

Insert short matches or thin straws instead of needles. Fashion (optional) and attach mushrooms, apples, and tree leaves to the back of the hedgehog.

Lesson 3. Making a Turtle

The shell is worn by a turtle. Hides his head in fear. S. Marshak

For work you will need: plasticine, pistachio nut shells, stacks, a rag, a cardboard stand, a modeling board.


Separate two pieces from the plasticine using a stack: medium and small.

Roll a large piece into a ball in a circular motion and slightly flatten its lower part.

Roll a round head from a small piece, extend it a little on one side - you get a neck - and attach it to the side of the body.

Roll four small columns (legs) and one small column (tail) and attach to the body. Line the turtle shell with pistachio shells.

Decorate the turtle's face: sculpt the eyes and mouth from plasticine.

Lesson 4. Sculpting a Slender Giraffe

Here is a giraffe - he is a herbivore, slender, with elegant spots, long neck gifted, eats leaves from the crowns R. Romazanov

For work you will need: plasticine, 3 straws (1 straw 5 cm long and 2 straws 1 cm long), stacks, a rag, a cardboard stand, a modeling board.


Separate a large piece from the plasticine using a stack.

Roll it into a ball, roll out a long column, one end of which should be slightly thicker than the other. Cut the stack on both sides and bend it in an arc.

To make the giraffe stable, spread its legs slightly.

Instead of a neck, stick a long straw. “Put” a sculpted head on your neck.

Decorate the head - attach eyes, straw horns with plasticine balls on top, sculpted ears; cut your mouth.

Separately sculpt a thin tail.

Decorate the giraffe with round black plasticine balls.

Lesson 5. Making a Beautiful Peacock

How beautiful the peacock is! He has one vice: All peacock beauty Begins with the tail. B. Zakhoder

For work you will need: plasticine, maple or ash wings covered with multi-colored gouache, 3 short thin straws or matches, stacks, a rag, a cardboard stand, a modeling board.


Separate two pieces from the plasticine - medium and small.

Roll a large piece into a ball and give it the shape of an oval, one end of which should be narrowed.

Roll a round head from a small piece, stretch it out a little to create a neck - and connect it to the thick side of the oval.

Attach plasticine balls - paws - to the oval from below.

Make a peacock's tail from ash or maple wings covered with multi-colored gouache.

On the peacock's head, place a tuft of three short thin straws with small plasticine balls on top.

Separately sculpt the beak, eyes and wings.

Lesson 6. Sculpting a Young Ostrich

I am a young ostrich, Arrogant and proud. When I'm angry, I kick with my foot, Calloused and hard. When I get scared, I run, craning my neck. But I can’t fly, And I can’t sing. S. Marshak

For work you will need: plasticine, ash wings, 3 straws (length 5 cm), stacks, a rag, a cardboard stand, a modeling board.


Separate two pieces from the plasticine - medium and small.

Roll pieces of plasticine into balls - a torso and a head.

Connect the torso and head using a straw. Attach two straws to the bottom of the body - legs.

Place plasticine balls on the ends of your legs.

Stick a lot of ash lionfish into the body of an ostrich - you will get feathers. Decorate the ostrich's head: pinch the beak, attach the eyes - plasticine balls.

Lesson 7. Making a Snake

Here it is a family: Snake, Snake And Snake! E. Kotlyar For work you will need: plasticine, buttons, beads, beads, multi-colored wax crayons cut into circles, stacks, a rag, a cardboard stand, a modeling board.


Use a stack to separate three pieces of plasticine different colors: large, medium and small.

From a large piece you will get a father snake, from a medium piece - a mother snake, from a small piece - a baby snake.

Roll each piece of plasticine into a ball using circular motions between your palms.

Roll out the columns on the board with straight hand movements back and forth, slightly sharpening one end of each column.

Decorate the snakes' faces: make eyes and a mouth from plasticine balls.

Decorate the snakes in different ways: with beautiful buttons or beads, pieces of wax crayons, beads or plasticine balls.

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