A warrior's daughter, or cadets do not give up. The daughter of a warrior, or the Cadets do not give up (Elena Zvezdnaya) The right of the strongest, the daughter of a warrior or the cadets do not give up

Elena Zvezdnaya


Story one, hangover

This day somehow didn’t work out from the very morning. To begin with, my friend Mika and I failed the test, and then out of grief we got drunk. Moreover, it was a bad zyuzya, the same zyuzya that on the second day it’s very, very embarrassing to remember.

And so we, two completely drunk and giggling freshmen, burst into the apartment of Michaella’s older brother, because it would be stupid to barge into the dorm in such a state. In addition, Mika swore: “Ed is not in town, they are on field practice, they will return at the end of the week.” And I believed it! And so we, giggling, began to undress in the hallway, after which I, staggering, went to the bathroom, and Mika sort of went to look for a towel for me at her eldest’s residence.

And everything would have been fine, and I even managed to turn on the shower about the fifth time, and even started to wash myself, when suddenly, somewhere very nearby, it sounded:

Defective navigator last time, when I saw these breasts, they were much smaller.

Slowly sliding down the glass wall, I tried to focus my gaze on Michaella’s own and only brother. It was difficult to focus his gaze, and the reason turned out to be not so much because of his shortness, but because Edward Ddraig was magnificent. In general, he was magnificent in everything, but in only sports trousers and with a bare torso he presented an absolutely stunning picture. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a narrow waist and, if not impressive, but very expressive muscles. Ed also has tanned, almost bronze skin, a snow-white smile, bleached and therefore blond hair and incredible Blue eyes... Needless to say, I’ve been almost in love with him since I was eleven. Ever since I first saw Miki at her birthday party. And at twelve, blushing, embarrassed and trembling with the realization of my courage, I confessed my love to him... bursting into his bedroom at night. By the way, he was not there alone. But he took me out into the corridor, squatted down, listened very carefully and assured: “Baby, let’s do this - I heard everything and understood everything, and we will definitely return to this conversation, but in… six years. Is it coming? By the way - I just don't care last week turned eighteen.

There was a knock on the door.

Ed, without taking his eyes off me, extended his hand and held the door, preventing the visitor from entering.

A dissatisfied voice was heard behind the door:

Who?! Was Mika not the only one who stumbled in here drunk?

Nope,” Edward still continued to look at me, “with a friend.”

Yeah. - Mika’s brother’s smile became frankly frivolous.

Judging by the verbosity of your answers, she is also completely naked.

Ed didn’t respond to this, but chuckled meaningfully and locked the bathroom door.

Rapidly sobering up, I looked in horror at the hero of my childhood fantasies, who, judging by his darkened gaze, was about to realize very adult fantasies. Slowly, somehow leisurely, Edward came up to me and... extended his hand.

Can you stand up on your own? - holding back a smile, he asked.

As if spellbound, I continue to look at Ed in fear, trying to cover myself with my hands.

Kir,” he smiled widely, “Kiran, everything I wanted, I already saw, seriously.” I stood here for ten minutes before I could utter a word.

Despite the fumes of alcohol, I begin to blush rapidly.

“Baby,” he carefully took my hand and pulled me up, forcing me to stand up. And as soon as I straightened up, he held me by the waist, since my legs seemed to have decided to take a time out. - That's it, I'm holding it. Now let's wash you, otherwise the eyelashes are on your cheeks for a long time, and the lipstick is on your chin. By the way, are we going to wash our hair?

I closed my eyes completely from shame, unable to say anything.

Okay,” his tender lips lightly and carefully touched mine, “we’ll wash you all.”

And the water immediately became warmer.

Everything else seemed like a strange unreal dream, in which they washed me carefully and carefully, barely touching my private parts, but showering kisses on my shoulders, back, hair... And at some point I simply passed out, either under the influence of alcohol, or because that the shampoo had already been washed out of my hair and they were trying to persuade me to open my eyes.

* * *

Cyrus, I’m dying...” Mikin’s hoarse voice moaned.

Considering that her moan tore me out of a wonderful dream in which I indulged in hygienic procedures in the company of her older brother, the only response to Mika’s remark was to throw a pillow at her.

“I missed,” answered my friend melancholy, who had long been accustomed to my morning exercises in artillery art.

The failure was upsetting, but not to the point of waking up. Decisively turning on the other side, I closed my eyes, hoping that the dream with an erotic slant would take pity and return.

But the dream did not return. Even when, moaning and cursing yesterday’s twelfth cocktail, which was clearly unnecessary, Mika stood up and left the room. Moreover, just when she came out, I suddenly felt very unwell... Because the door in our room creaks so disgustingly, but now there was no creaking!

And this could only mean one thing - we are not in a dorm!

It gets worse. The quiet sound of footsteps, someone sat down next to my bed, after which the T-shirt from my shoulder was slightly pulled down, pulling the fabric off, and the lips that I had so shamelessly dreamed of all night began to carefully kiss, and then Ed’s voice was heard:

Baby, how are you? No headache? Would you like some coffee?

The events of last night began to gain clarity, bringing an incredible realization - it seems that the erotic dream was not a dream at all. This was confirmed by cheerful laughter, and then affectionate:

Kiran, you are not sleeping - when they sleep, they do not blush with embarrassment. Get up, I'm alone in the apartment, so you can wear a T-shirt. By the way, do you have a headache?

No... - I moaned, burying my head in the sheet.

That’s good,” they patted me on the back, “get up, it’s late.”

And he left.

Oh, mom... - I moaned, feeling myself starting to burn with shame.

I remember with horror that there, on the floor of the bathroom, my stockings, panties and bra were left lying there... What a nightmare!

Kir, are you getting up? - Mika’s scream was heard from somewhere in the depths of this far from small apartment.

“No,” I muttered, remaining lying there.

I was not given time to engage in self-criticism. Mikaella showed up, pulled the blanket off me, and then started complaining:

Kir, well, Kir, well, get up, otherwise he will kill me.

Who is he? - I stubbornly continue to cover my face with my hands.

Edward,” Mika sat down on the bed with a sorrowful groan. - They were here yesterday - Ed, Vic and some others from their graduation year, I don’t know them. And then we burst in, you even went to the bathroom, and I undressed and stomped into the kitchen, and they were there... that’s it.

Painfully straining her memory, she tried to remember to what extent Mika had managed to undress... she remembered that her skirt had slipped off in the hallway.

She raised her head and looked at her upset friend. Michaela answered me with a look full of remorse, after which she whispered:

At first they were taken aback, and then Ed jumped up, in a second he pulled off his T-shirt, and in the next second he put it on me...

I felt sorry for Mika. It’s a pity, but even sympathy didn’t stop me from giggling quietly when I imagined this picture! That's why he burst into the bathroom wearing only his trousers!

“She’s funny,” her friend was indignant, but she also started laughing. Then she shared the details: “It’s good that I only managed to unfasten the bodice, but haven’t taken it off yet.” But stockings, garters and our black lace panties...

Poor guys,” I groaned, continuing to make titanic efforts to not laugh too loudly. - How many were there?

Ten people. - Mika suddenly smiled. - You know, for some reason Ed is not very angry, I thought it would be worse.

I was trying not to think about Edward. I have never been so ashamed before.

Let's go have breakfast. - Mika stood up and pulled me by the hand. - Let's go, I'm afraid to go there alone.

“I’m scared to go there with you,” I admitted. - Maybe we can quietly get dressed and go back to the dorm, huh?

Good idea, but who will let me go without reading the notations? - Michaela looked sadly at the doors. - Kir, let's go...

I shake my head stubbornly and negatively. For some reason, I have no desire to see Edward.

Well, please, please,” the friend begged, and her blue eyes became so pleading.

This always works on me, which Mika shamelessly takes advantage of.

I had to get up and stomp after her, most of all dreaming of falling through somewhere. I didn’t have any underwear on, but my T-shirt reached almost to my knees, but that didn’t stop me from reflexively trying to pull it even lower.

Current page: 1 (book has 18 pages total) [available reading passage: 12 pages]

Elena Zvezdnaya
A Warrior's Daughter, or Cadets Don't Give Up

Story one, hangover

This day somehow didn’t work out from the very morning. To begin with, my friend Mika and I failed the test, and then out of grief we got drunk. Moreover, it was a bad zyuzya, the same zyuzya that on the second day it’s very, very embarrassing to remember.

And so we, two completely drunk and giggling freshmen, burst into the apartment of Michaella’s older brother, because it would be stupid to barge into the dorm in such a state. In addition, Mika swore: “Ed is not in town, they are on field practice, they will return at the end of the week.” And I believed it! And so we, giggling, began to undress in the hallway, after which I, staggering, went to the bathroom, and Mika sort of went to look for a towel for me at her eldest’s residence.

And everything would have been fine, and I even managed to turn on the shower about the fifth time, and even started to wash myself, when suddenly, somewhere very nearby, it sounded:

– Defective navigator, the last time I saw these breasts, they were much smaller.

Slowly sliding down the glass wall, I tried to focus my gaze on Michaella’s own and only brother. It was difficult to focus his gaze, and the reason turned out to be not so much because of his shortness, but because Edward Ddraig was magnificent. In general, he was magnificent in everything, but in only sports trousers and with a bare torso he presented an absolutely stunning picture. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a narrow waist and, if not impressive, but very expressive muscles. And Ed also has tanned, almost bronze skin, a snow-white smile, bleached and therefore blond hair and incredible blue eyes... Needless to say, I’ve been almost in love with him since I was eleven. Ever since I first saw Miki at her birthday party. And at twelve, blushing, embarrassed and trembling with the realization of my courage, I confessed my love to him... bursting into his bedroom at night. By the way, he was not there alone. But he took me out into the corridor, squatted down, listened very carefully and assured: “Baby, let’s do this - I heard everything and understood everything, and we will definitely return to this conversation, but in… six years. Is it coming? By the way, I just turned eighteen last week.

There was a knock on the door.

Ed, without taking his eyes off me, extended his hand and held the door, preventing the visitor from entering.

A dissatisfied voice was heard behind the door:

- Who?! Was Mika not the only one who stumbled in here drunk?

“Nope,” Edward still continued to look at me, “with a friend.”

- Yeah. – Mika’s brother’s smile became frankly frivolous.

– Judging by the verbosity of your answers, she is also completely naked.

Ed didn’t respond to this, but chuckled meaningfully and locked the bathroom door.

Rapidly sobering up, I looked in horror at the hero of my childhood fantasies, who, judging by his darkened gaze, was about to realize very adult fantasies. Slowly, somehow leisurely, Edward came up to me and... extended his hand.

-Can you get up on your own? – holding back a smile, he asked.

As if spellbound, I continue to look at Ed in fear, trying to cover myself with my hands.

“Kir,” he smiled widely, “Kiran, everything I wanted, I already saw, seriously.” I stood here for ten minutes before I could utter a word.

Despite the fumes of alcohol, I begin to blush rapidly.

“Baby,” he carefully took my hand and pulled me up, forcing me to stand up. And as soon as I straightened up, he held me by the waist, since my legs seemed to have decided to take a time out. - That's it, I'm holding it. Now let's wash you, otherwise the eyelashes are on your cheeks for a long time, and the lipstick is on your chin. By the way, are we going to wash our hair?

I closed my eyes completely from shame, unable to say anything.

“Okay,” his gentle lips lightly and carefully touched mine, “we’ll wash you all.”

And the water immediately became warmer.

Everything else seemed like a strange unreal dream, in which they washed me carefully and carefully, barely touching my private parts, but showering kisses on my shoulders, back, hair... And at some point I simply passed out, either under the influence of alcohol, or because that the shampoo had already been washed out of my hair and they were trying to persuade me to open my eyes.

* * *

“Kir, I’m dying...” Mikin’s hoarse voice moaned.

Considering that her moan tore me out of a wonderful dream in which I indulged in hygienic procedures in the company of her older brother, the only response to Mika’s remark was to throw a pillow at her.

“I missed,” answered my friend melancholy, long accustomed to my morning exercises in artillery art.

The failure was upsetting, but not to the point of waking up. Decisively turning on the other side, I closed my eyes, hoping that the dream with an erotic slant would take pity and return.

But the dream did not return. Even when, moaning and cursing yesterday’s twelfth cocktail, which was clearly unnecessary, Mika stood up and left the room. Moreover, just when she came out, I suddenly felt very unwell... Because the door in our room creaks so disgustingly, but now there was no creaking!

And this could only mean one thing - we are not in a dorm!

It gets worse. The quiet sound of footsteps, someone sat down next to my bed, after which the T-shirt from my shoulder was slightly pulled down, pulling the fabric off, and the lips that I had so shamelessly dreamed of all night began to carefully kiss, and then Ed’s voice was heard:

- Baby, how are you? No headache? Would you like some coffee?

The events of last night began to gain clarity, bringing an incredible realization - it seems that the erotic dream was not a dream at all. This was confirmed by cheerful laughter, and then affectionate:

“Kiran, you’re not sleeping—when they sleep, they don’t blush with embarrassment.” Get up, I'm alone in the apartment, so you can wear a T-shirt. By the way, do you have a headache?

“No...” I moaned, burying my head in the sheet.

“That’s good,” they patted me on the back, “get up, it’s late.”

And he left.

“Oh, mom...” I moaned, feeling myself starting to burn with shame.

I remember with horror that there, on the floor of the bathroom, my stockings, panties and bra were left lying there... What a nightmare!

- Kir, are you getting up? – Mika’s scream was heard from somewhere in the depths of this far from small apartment.

“No,” I muttered, remaining lying there.

I was not given time to engage in self-criticism. Mikaella showed up, pulled the blanket off me, and then started complaining:

“Kir, well, Kir, well, get up, otherwise he’ll kill me.”

- Who is he? – I stubbornly continue to cover my face with my hands.

“Edward,” Mika sat down on the bed with a sorrowful groan. – They were here yesterday – Ed, Vic and some others from their senior year, I don’t know them. And then we burst in, you even went to the bathroom, and I undressed and stomped into the kitchen, and they were there... that’s it.

Painfully straining her memory, she tried to remember to what extent Mika had managed to undress... she remembered that her skirt had slipped off in the hallway.

She raised her head and looked at her upset friend. Michaela answered me with a look full of remorse, after which she whispered:

“At first they were taken aback, and then Ed jumped up, in a second he pulled off his T-shirt, and in the next second he put it on me...

I felt sorry for Mika. It’s a pity, but even sympathy didn’t stop me from giggling quietly when I imagined this picture! That's why he burst into the bathroom wearing only his trousers!

“She’s funny,” the friend was indignant, but she also started laughing. Then she shared the details: “It’s good that I only managed to unfasten the bodice, but haven’t taken it off yet.” But stockings, garters and our black lace panties...

“Poor men,” I groaned, continuing to make titanic efforts to not laugh too loudly. - How many were there?

- About ten people. – Mika suddenly smiled. – You know, for some reason Ed is not very angry, I thought it would be worse.

I was trying not to think about Edward. I have never been so ashamed before.

- Let's go have breakfast. “Mika stood up and pulled me by the hand. “Come on, I’m afraid to go there alone.”

“I’m scared to go there with you too,” I admitted. - Maybe we can quietly get dressed and go back to the dorm, huh?

- A good idea, but who will let me go without reading the notations? – Michaella looked sadly at the doors. - Kir, let's go...

I shake my head stubbornly and negatively. For some reason, I have no desire to see Edward.

“Well, please,” the friend begged, and her blue eyes became so pleading.

This always works on me, which Mika shamelessly takes advantage of.

I had to get up and stomp after her, most of all dreaming of falling through somewhere. I didn’t have any underwear on, but my T-shirt reached almost to my knees, but that didn’t stop me from reflexively trying to pull it even lower.

Edward Ddraig's apartment was huge - four bedrooms, two bathrooms, the second with a jacuzzi the size of a small swimming pool, a large living room and a kitchen combined with a dining room. It was the second time in my life that I found myself here, the first time was when Mika and I, at fourteen, came to the capital for a concert of a super-fashionable band and Ed was our nanny for a day. By the way, then, as far as I remember, there was...

Good morning“Girls,” the same housekeeper joyfully greeted us. - Oh, how you have grown!

And while we were embarrassedly answering about our studies and plans for the future, we heard from the kitchen:

- Mika, Kira, have breakfast quickly!

I had to trudge into the kitchen looking like people doomed to execution.

Without raising my head and looking at the floor with the enthusiasm of an admirer of my own fingers, I walked to the table and sat down, continuing to study the marble pattern in front of my own nose. Mika, who diligently shared my interest in admiring the sex, also silently sat next to me.

“Question number one,” they carefully placed a cup of coffee in front of each of us, “where did you drink?”

We exchange glances with Mika, but remain stubbornly silent.

– You have two options – either speak up yourself, or I’ll check which establishment wrote off money from your cards yesterday.

Mikuseya and I looked at each other again, that’s what, but we weren’t going to give Ed access to our cards - as if the money for them was wrong, however, like the cards.

“The bar at the pier,” Michaella gave up doomedly, “I don’t remember the name myself, really, Ed.”

“Sea sirens,” I remembered.

It’s just that we only indulged in beer there, but we drank in another establishment, where we, minors, were allowed in thanks to fake authorization cards bought for two scholarships from a local database hacking genius. Yes, Mika and I have never been good girls.

A plate with a pleasing omelette with raisins and cottage cheese was placed on the table in front of me, and cereal with orange juice was placed in front of Mika. But unlike my friend, I didn’t load up on breakfast.

- I do not like? You loved him as a child. “Ed leaned over, picked up a fork, picked up a piece of the omelette and brought it to my lips. - Try.

With one hand he held the cutlery, with the other he carefully grabbed my chin and turned me to face him. The frightened gaze of the conscientious alcoholic began to dart everywhere, diligently avoiding the blue pools opposite. But as soon as I noticed Mika’s same sky-blue eyes, I blushed in embarrassment, because my friend’s eyes doubled in size, demonstrating an extreme degree of surprise.

“Kira,” Ed called affectionately, “Kieran, stop being embarrassed, nothing terrible happened yesterday.”

And then Mika fell to the floor. Literally. I reacted to this roar with a frightened cry, but Edward calmly:

– Michaela, as for your behavior, we will discuss it later! - And he turned to me again, and again very affectionately: - Cyrus, how long should I wait?

And then I risked looking at Ed. Our eyes met. He smiled and his gaze warmed, after which they told me the sacramental:

- Hello.

“Hello,” I immediately lower my eyes.

- Shall we have breakfast? – asked Edward.

“I can do it myself,” I muttered.

“I had no doubt,” they told me and began to feed me with a banal fork.

Mika, who had already managed to perch herself on the chair, collapsed again, watching me obediently eat everything Edward fed me. But this time we both did not pay the slightest attention to this incident. Exactly until the moment there was a gaping emptiness left on the plate...

- Liked? – Ed exhaled, looking at me with a smile.

- Yes... - True, I hardly caught the taste of the omelette.

“Coffee,” Edward reminded and straightened up.

The phone rang. Picking up the intercom, Ed quickly left the kitchen. As soon as he disappeared into the doorway, Michaela leaned forward with the greed of a hungry boa constrictor and hissed:

– What happened just now?!

Shrugging my shoulders in embarrassment, I decided that the most sensible thing to do in this situation was to say the following:

- Don't know…

- What? – Mika almost perched herself on the table. – What’s between you two?! I see how he looks at you!

It’s not nice to lie to your friends, but this is such a thing that telling something like this is even more ugly, and I lied:

- I don’t remember... I don’t remember anything...

And everything would have been fine, but then I heard from the door:

- Oh really?

Blushing deeply, I tried to take a sip of coffee. I burned myself, almost spilled it, and almost dropped the cup on the table. Edward, swift and swift, managed to catch her, and the coffee did not spill on me. But it would be better if it spilled, at least there would be a reason to escape from the close attention of the blue-eyed family.

“Cyr,” Edward squatted down, and his hand from the cup smoothly moved to my hand, “and you don’t remember anything at all?”

- No. – But she pulled her hand away.

I jumped up, the chair behind me would have crashed, but Ed intercepted it. Smiling slyly, he slowly stood up, returned the chair to its place, and all this without taking his mocking gaze off me.

“Well, well,” he said mysteriously, and again left Mika and me alone.

We listened to the retreating steps exactly as long as they were still audible, and then Mikaella went on the offensive:

“The last thing I remember was you demanding to bring a towel!”

“Instead, for some reason you went to the kitchen,” I reminded.

- I was thirsty. – Mika frowned.

– What happened then?

The friend blushed and whispered:

“Ed put him in his T-shirt, threw it over his shoulder and took him into the bedroom... And as soon as my head touched the pillow, I passed out... What do you remember?

“Me?.. Ed came... put on his T-shirt... took him to bed...” as if she wasn’t completely lying.

But Mika suspected something. The gaze is intent, there is a cunning expression on the face, and the question is this, with a horseshoe:

- Ki-i-ir, did you really tell me everything?

I nod silently, but to make it seem authentic, I decided to add:

- All I remember...

We stood there for a while, then Mika suggested:

– You just read my thoughts!

- Yeah, let's go look for our clothes.

We found clothes quickly... everything except my underwear. True, I didn’t say anything about panties to Mika, and we seemed to be looking only for a bra. Even the housekeeper was involved in the search, but in vain. They found all of Mika’s clothes, but mine... and there weren’t even any stockings!

- So! – Michaela stood in the middle of the corridor. “I’m going to look in the guest room, and you, Cyrus, go to Ed’s room.” If he gave you his T-shirt, maybe you changed there.

- Go there yourself! – I was indignant.

“I can’t,” my friend admitted sadly.

- And why is that?

“It’s a very traumatic situation there for my butt.” Come on, we still have to go to university.

She disappeared into the next room, and I had to knock on Edward...

- Ed, can I come in? – I knocked on the door again.

There was a quiet laugh and a calm voice sounded:

- Well, come in.

And immediately I no longer wanted to participate in the search for the lost. I’m standing in front of the door, remembering yesterday and realizing that it’s better for me to get out of here.

“Kiran, stop standing under the door, I have your panties.”

After these words, I decisively took a step back and generally decided to leave quietly, peacefully, but... where would I go in such attire?! Deciding to pretend that I didn’t remember anything about yesterday, I carefully opened the door, again looking at my own toes, and timidly entered...

This morning I had already studied the appearance of my bare feet in every detail and, trying to think about the nail on my small toe, which should have been better tinted, stammered and asked:

“G-g-give me back my clothes, please...here.”

The answer is funny:

- Close the doors.

I closed. As soon as I let go of the handle, something clicked in the mechanism. Forgetting about admiring the floor, she quickly turned to the door, tried to open it and as a result realized that...

- Locked!

“Yeah,” Edward agreed enthusiastically, “I set it to lock from the inside.”

- And how to open it? – I asked without turning to my interlocutor.

“It’s very simple,” quiet laughter, “you need to politely ask the owner of the apartment about it.”

Turning around, she looked at the owner of the apartment. As soon as our eyes met, Ed said again:

- Hello.

I feel myself blushing deeply, and somehow talking again didn’t work out.

- Shall we talk? – Edward suggested and... took my own black fishnet panties out of his pocket.

And it seemed to me that there was nowhere left to blush!

-Are you silent? “An incredibly attractive guy, in blue jeans and a black T-shirt that fits his muscular torso, with a completely hooligan expression on his face, also took out a bra from his desk drawer, and then even stockings. And he folded it all in a pile, but continued to hold the panties in his hand.

It was strange and somehow exciting to see your underwear in his palms. I blushed again.

“Ki-i-ir,” Ed looked at me with a smile, “stop being embarrassed.”

I wasn't embarrassed! I turned to the door and began making frantic attempts to open it... I didn’t hear the sound of footsteps, and the realization of what was happening came as soon as Edward’s hands slid onto my waist.

“Kieran,” he whispered, “Kira... I’ve liked you for a very long time, Kir.”

The heart began to rapidly increase its pace.

- Baby, look at me.

The poor heart muscle, barely accelerating, instantly braked... the feeling that I heard the squeak of tires on the asphalt.

– Kieran, my little Panther, you’re so brave... and now what, are you afraid?

Who's afraid?! I'm afraid?!

She quickly turned around in the ring of his hands and looked angrily at Ed.

“Gotcha,” they told me cheerfully, after which the hero of my childhood fantasies quickly leaned down and captured my lips.

The legs decisively took another time out, which is why the arms had to cling to the only available support - Edward. The heart muscle, cursing its own mistress, again took low start, thoughts rushed after me, carried away somewhere into the distance...

And then a dissatisfied voice was heard outside the door:

- Ki-i-ira, where are you?

Ed grinned without breaking the kiss and whispered:

– Shall we dedicate the little one? – since I remained silent, he made the decision. - Okay, let him suffer in obscurity for now. Get dressed, baby.

And they let me go, and Edward, opening the door, went out into the corridor, and soon he and Michaela could be heard talking in a raised voice.

Hastily approaching the table, I took my things and slipped into Mika and my room. There I discovered that my panties were never returned to me! As a result, pulling short skirt as low as possible, she vowed to herself never to appear in this living space again.

By the time I was dressed, collected and even had time to touch up my makeup, I heard the door open. Entrance door. Then the apartment became quiet again, and no one was swearing anymore. Stepping carefully, she went out into the corridor and stood there. Mickey couldn't be heard. Fearing that I would run into Edward, I called her quietly... in response there was silence. She called again, and again with the same success.

With a heavy sigh, I unfasten my sandals with breathtaking stilettos, because only in such shoes we rushed to the next club run, and, trying to step silently, I go to look for Michaela.

And so I walk, I cautiously look into the rooms, I got to the room with Ed’s exercise equipment, I carefully look in and suddenly I hear in my ear:

- Gotcha!

One hand hugged Edward's waist, the other... the other was under his skirt.

“Ki-i-ir,” the guy drawled, as soon as I began to break out angrily, “the housekeeper has already left, and Mika has run away to the university.”

- What?! “I grabbed his second hand, the same one that encroached on the most intimate, and, continuing to hold the palm of the unresisting Edward, I turned to him.

Laughing openly, he pushed me away from the door, pressed me against the wall and, bending down so that we were almost kissing, whispered:

– Your test... I contacted the dean, they will give it to you. You automatically, Michaela, when given a test, which, unlike you, she did not pass. Mika has three hours to retake.

And everything would be fine, but his hands...

“Ed...” I was already having difficulty breathing from the surging sensations.

- What? – he exhaled, taking my supple lips into sweet captivity.

“Edward, please,” I moaned, trying to intercept at least one of his overly impudent hands. And it seems like there are only two of them, but it seems like he has at least six arms.

- What Please"? – he exhaled, slowly lowering his palms to my waist.

“Let me go,” the groan turned out to be somehow uncertain.

- “Let me go”? “He repeated it after me, grinned and knelt down.

The top flew up, exposing her stomach, to which his lips pressed. And it was so touching and so... wrong. I clearly understood that he deliberately exposed Mika and the housekeeper, and who else, if not me, would know about Edward Ddraig’s numerous girls.

– Still let go? – Ed asked, chuckling. “Do you really think I can do this?”

At that moment I didn’t think about anything anymore. Although, of course, giving yourself to a guy like this, on his first try, is not what my mother taught... On the other hand, I definitely wasn’t able to stop him.

“Kieran,” Edward whispered, covering everything he could reach from his kneeling position with kisses, “Kira...

But he reached out successfully, and his lips had been kissing the thighs for a long time, reaching the edge of the skirt... But if anyone here was against this, it was clearly not me...

A sharp ringing of the doorbell interrupted my prolonged groan and caused Edward to scold me very angrily. But no call could distract us from such an exciting moment as the first time we shared pleasure.

But then the door opened, confident steps were heard, and a cry was heard throughout the apartment:

- Ddraig, we have a flight in an hour!

The next second, my skirt returned to its proper place, the top too, the bodice was buttoned, and Ed turned to the overly impudent visitor, covering with himself the temporarily insane one - me.

- Uh-uh, aren't you alone? – the one whom I did not see mockingly asked, being behind the impressive figure of Ed.

“Dame, go to the kitchen, make yourself... some tea,” Ed sent him frankly.

“Maybe I should make myself some coffee?” – the visitor suggested mockingly. – It will take a little longer.

“Great idea,” my hero growled.

In response - loud and very mocking laughter and cheerful:

- Sorry, I don’t feel like it. And show your sweetheart already, I’m curious who you’re hiding there so carefully.

What happened next shocked me!

- Nothing special, Dame. Just... picked up the girl for the night,” Edward answered calmly.

And my breath caught again. This time from resentment, anger, rage and misunderstanding. But there was more anger.

“Mmm,” drawled the uninvited guest, “the baby is clearly good, since you don’t want to let her go in the morning.” Expensive? Although what am I talking about, you don’t choose others. I'm going to the kitchen, you have three minutes.

“An hour before departure,” Ed growled.

“You are working in tandem with me,” the stranger calmly objected to him, “my rules are to check the ship before launch.” Three minutes, Ddraig.

And this same Dame slowly left. And Edward slowly turned to me. But the words had already been said, and even his guilty look did not change anything.

– Look for whores somewhere else! – I hissed, furious.

“Kir...” Ed looked confused.

And angry tears froze in my eyes.

“But now I understand why we won’t tell Michaela anything!” – I hissed and tried to leave.

Edward tried to detain him, for which he received - with the edge of his palm on the Adam's apple and a blow with his fist in the solar plexus. Not only did they call me a panther for my green eyes and black hair, but I was one of the best in the group in hand-to-hand combat.

As I quickly left the apartment, Ed was wheezing on the floor. But as soon as she picked up her sandals and opened the doors, she heard a mocking voice:

- Not bad.

Turning around, I saw a tall, dark-haired, dark-skinned “uninvited guest” who was sipping coffee, smiling mockingly and leaning his shoulder against the wall. In response to my angry look, Ed's partner winked cheekily, but, fortunately for him, did not say anything. Or to mine. A strange guy - too muscular for a local, too smart eyes for his age and too knowing a grin. There was something... strange about him.

So I left, pursued by that impudent, mocking grin! On that very day I made two major life decisions:

1. No more zyuzi!

2. No more Edward!

This day somehow didn’t work out from the very morning. To begin with, my friend Mika and I failed the test, and then out of grief we got drunk. Moreover, it was a bad zyuzya, the same zyuzya that on the second day it’s very, very embarrassing to remember.

And so we, two completely drunk and giggling freshmen, burst into the apartment of Michaella’s older brother, because it would be stupid to barge into the dorm in such a state. In addition, Mika swore: “Ed is not in town, they are on field practice, they will return at the end of the week.” And I believed it! And so we, giggling, began to undress in the hallway, after which I, staggering, went to the bathroom, and Mika sort of went to look for a towel for me at her eldest’s residence.

And everything would have been fine, and I even managed to turn on the shower about the fifth time, and even started to wash myself, when suddenly, somewhere very nearby, it sounded:

– Defective navigator, the last time I saw these breasts, they were much smaller.

Slowly sliding down the glass wall, I tried to focus my gaze on Michaella’s own and only brother. It was difficult to focus his gaze, and the reason turned out to be not so much because of his shortness, but because Edward Ddraig was magnificent. In general, he was magnificent in everything, but in only sports trousers and with a bare torso he presented an absolutely stunning picture. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a narrow waist and, if not impressive, but very expressive muscles. And Ed also has tanned, almost bronze skin, a snow-white smile, bleached and therefore blond hair and incredible blue eyes... Needless to say, I’ve been almost in love with him since I was eleven. Ever since I first saw Miki at her birthday party. And at twelve, blushing, embarrassed and trembling with the realization of my courage, I confessed my love to him... bursting into his bedroom at night. By the way, he was not there alone. But he took me out into the corridor, squatted down, listened very carefully and assured: “Baby, let’s do this - I heard everything and understood everything, and we will definitely return to this conversation, but in… six years. Is it coming? By the way, I just turned eighteen last week.

There was a knock on the door.

Ed, without taking his eyes off me, extended his hand and held the door, preventing the visitor from entering.

A dissatisfied voice was heard behind the door:

- Who?! Was Mika not the only one who stumbled in here drunk?

“Nope,” Edward still continued to look at me, “with a friend.”

- Yeah. – Mika’s brother’s smile became frankly frivolous.

– Judging by the verbosity of your answers, she is also completely naked.

Ed didn’t respond to this, but chuckled meaningfully and locked the bathroom door.

Rapidly sobering up, I looked in horror at the hero of my childhood fantasies, who, judging by his darkened gaze, was about to realize very adult fantasies. Slowly, somehow leisurely, Edward came up to me and... extended his hand.

-Can you get up on your own? – holding back a smile, he asked.

As if spellbound, I continue to look at Ed in fear, trying to cover myself with my hands.

“Kir,” he smiled widely, “Kiran, everything I wanted, I already saw, seriously.” I stood here for ten minutes before I could utter a word.

Despite the fumes of alcohol, I begin to blush rapidly.

“Baby,” he carefully took my hand and pulled me up, forcing me to stand up. And as soon as I straightened up, he held me by the waist, since my legs seemed to have decided to take a time out. - That's it, I'm holding it. Now let's wash you, otherwise the eyelashes are on your cheeks for a long time, and the lipstick is on your chin. By the way, are we going to wash our hair?

I closed my eyes completely from shame, unable to say anything.

“Okay,” his gentle lips lightly and carefully touched mine, “we’ll wash you all.”

And the water immediately became warmer.

Everything else seemed like a strange unreal dream, in which they washed me carefully and carefully, barely touching my private parts, but showering kisses on my shoulders, back, hair... And at some point I simply passed out, either under the influence of alcohol, or because that the shampoo had already been washed out of my hair and they were trying to persuade me to open my eyes.

“Kir, I’m dying...” Mikin’s hoarse voice moaned.

Considering that her moan tore me out of a wonderful dream in which I indulged in hygienic procedures in the company of her older brother, the only response to Mika’s remark was to throw a pillow at her.

“I missed,” answered my friend melancholy, long accustomed to my morning exercises in artillery art.

The failure was upsetting, but not to the point of waking up. Decisively turning on the other side, I closed my eyes, hoping that the dream with an erotic slant would take pity and return.

But the dream did not return. Even when, moaning and cursing yesterday’s twelfth cocktail, which was clearly unnecessary, Mika stood up and left the room. Moreover, just when she came out, I suddenly felt very unwell... Because the door in our room creaks so disgustingly, but now there was no creaking!

And this could only mean one thing - we are not in a dorm!

It gets worse. The quiet sound of footsteps, someone sat down next to my bed, after which the T-shirt from my shoulder was slightly pulled down, pulling the fabric off, and the lips that I had so shamelessly dreamed of all night began to carefully kiss, and then Ed’s voice was heard:

- Baby, how are you? No headache? Would you like some coffee?

The events of last night began to gain clarity, bringing an incredible realization - it seems that the erotic dream was not a dream at all. This was confirmed by cheerful laughter, and then affectionate:

“Kiran, you’re not sleeping—when they sleep, they don’t blush with embarrassment.” Get up, I'm alone in the apartment, so you can wear a T-shirt. By the way, do you have a headache?

“No...” I moaned, burying my head in the sheet.

“That’s good,” they patted me on the back, “get up, it’s late.”

And he left.

“Oh, mom...” I moaned, feeling myself starting to burn with shame.

I remember with horror that there, on the floor of the bathroom, my stockings, panties and bra were left lying there... What a nightmare!

- Kir, are you getting up? – Mika’s scream was heard from somewhere in the depths of this far from small apartment.

“No,” I muttered, remaining lying there.

I was not given time to engage in self-criticism. Mikaella showed up, pulled the blanket off me, and then started complaining:

“Kir, well, Kir, well, get up, otherwise he’ll kill me.”

- Who is he? – I stubbornly continue to cover my face with my hands.

“Edward,” Mika sat down on the bed with a sorrowful groan. – They were here yesterday – Ed, Vic and some others from their senior year, I don’t know them. And then we burst in, you even went to the bathroom, and I undressed and stomped into the kitchen, and they were there... that’s it.

Painfully straining her memory, she tried to remember to what extent Mika had managed to undress... she remembered that her skirt had slipped off in the hallway.

She raised her head and looked at her upset friend. Michaela answered me with a look full of remorse, after which she whispered:

“At first they were taken aback, and then Ed jumped up, in a second he pulled off his T-shirt, and in the next second he put it on me...

I felt sorry for Mika. It’s a pity, but even sympathy didn’t stop me from giggling quietly when I imagined this picture! That's why he burst into the bathroom wearing only his trousers!

“She’s funny,” the friend was indignant, but she also started laughing. Then she shared the details: “It’s good that I only managed to unfasten the bodice, but haven’t taken it off yet.” But stockings, garters and our black lace panties...

“Poor men,” I groaned, continuing to make titanic efforts to not laugh too loudly. - How many were there?

Elena Zvezdnaya

A Warrior's Daughter, or Cadets Don't Give Up

Story one, hangover

This day somehow didn’t work out from the very morning. To begin with, my friend Mika and I failed the test, and then out of grief we got drunk. Moreover, it was a bad zyuzya, the same zyuzya that on the second day it’s very, very embarrassing to remember.

And so we, two completely drunk and giggling freshmen, burst into the apartment of Michaella’s older brother, because it would be stupid to barge into the dorm in such a state. In addition, Mika swore: “Ed is not in town, they are on field practice, they will return at the end of the week.” And I believed it! And so we, giggling, began to undress in the hallway, after which I, staggering, went to the bathroom, and Mika sort of went to look for a towel for me at her eldest’s residence.

And everything would have been fine, and I even managed to turn on the shower about the fifth time, and even started to wash myself, when suddenly, somewhere very nearby, it sounded:

– Defective navigator, the last time I saw these breasts, they were much smaller.

Slowly sliding down the glass wall, I tried to focus my gaze on Michaella’s own and only brother. It was difficult to focus his gaze, and the reason turned out to be not so much because of his shortness, but because Edward Ddraig was magnificent. In general, he was magnificent in everything, but in only sports trousers and with a bare torso he presented an absolutely stunning picture. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a narrow waist and, if not impressive, but very expressive muscles. And Ed also has tanned, almost bronze skin, a snow-white smile, bleached and therefore blond hair and incredible blue eyes... Needless to say, I’ve been almost in love with him since I was eleven. Ever since I first saw Miki at her birthday party. And at twelve, blushing, embarrassed and trembling with the realization of my courage, I confessed my love to him... bursting into his bedroom at night. By the way, he was not there alone. But he took me out into the corridor, squatted down, listened very carefully and assured: “Baby, let’s do this - I heard everything and understood everything, and we will definitely return to this conversation, but in… six years. Is it coming? By the way, I just turned eighteen last week.

There was a knock on the door.

Ed, without taking his eyes off me, extended his hand and held the door, preventing the visitor from entering.

A dissatisfied voice was heard behind the door:

- Who?! Was Mika not the only one who stumbled in here drunk?

“Nope,” Edward still continued to look at me, “with a friend.”

- Yeah. – Mika’s brother’s smile became frankly frivolous.

– Judging by the verbosity of your answers, she is also completely naked.

Ed didn’t respond to this, but chuckled meaningfully and locked the bathroom door.

Rapidly sobering up, I looked in horror at the hero of my childhood fantasies, who, judging by his darkened gaze, was about to realize very adult fantasies. Slowly, somehow leisurely, Edward came up to me and... extended his hand.

-Can you get up on your own? – holding back a smile, he asked.

As if spellbound, I continue to look at Ed in fear, trying to cover myself with my hands.

“Kir,” he smiled widely, “Kiran, everything I wanted, I already saw, seriously.” I stood here for ten minutes before I could utter a word.

Despite the fumes of alcohol, I begin to blush rapidly.

“Baby,” he carefully took my hand and pulled me up, forcing me to stand up. And as soon as I straightened up, he held me by the waist, since my legs seemed to have decided to take a time out. - That's it, I'm holding it. Now let's wash you, otherwise the eyelashes are on your cheeks for a long time, and the lipstick is on your chin. By the way, are we going to wash our hair?

I closed my eyes completely from shame, unable to say anything.

“Okay,” his gentle lips lightly and carefully touched mine, “we’ll wash you all.”

And the water immediately became warmer.

Everything else seemed like a strange unreal dream, in which they washed me carefully and carefully, barely touching my private parts, but showering kisses on my shoulders, back, hair... And at some point I simply passed out, either under the influence of alcohol, or because that the shampoo had already been washed out of my hair and they were trying to persuade me to open my eyes.

* * *

“Kir, I’m dying...” Mikin’s hoarse voice moaned.

Considering that her moan tore me out of a wonderful dream in which I indulged in hygienic procedures in the company of her older brother, the only response to Mika’s remark was to throw a pillow at her.

“I missed,” answered my friend melancholy, long accustomed to my morning exercises in artillery art.

The failure was upsetting, but not to the point of waking up. Decisively turning on the other side, I closed my eyes, hoping that the dream with an erotic slant would take pity and return.

But the dream did not return. Even when, moaning and cursing yesterday’s twelfth cocktail, which was clearly unnecessary, Mika stood up and left the room. Moreover, just when she came out, I suddenly felt very unwell... Because the door in our room creaks so disgustingly, but now there was no creaking!

And this could only mean one thing - we are not in a dorm!

It gets worse. The quiet sound of footsteps, someone sat down next to my bed, after which the T-shirt from my shoulder was slightly pulled down, pulling the fabric off, and the lips that I had so shamelessly dreamed of all night began to carefully kiss, and then Ed’s voice was heard:

- Baby, how are you? No headache? Would you like some coffee?

The events of last night began to gain clarity, bringing an incredible realization - it seems that the erotic dream was not a dream at all. This was confirmed by cheerful laughter, and then affectionate:

“Kiran, you’re not sleeping—when they sleep, they don’t blush with embarrassment.” Get up, I'm alone in the apartment, so you can wear a T-shirt. By the way, do you have a headache?

“No...” I moaned, burying my head in the sheet.

“That’s good,” they patted me on the back, “get up, it’s late.”

And he left.

“Oh, mom...” I moaned, feeling myself starting to burn with shame.

I remember with horror that there, on the floor of the bathroom, my stockings, panties and bra were left lying there... What a nightmare!

- Kir, are you getting up? – Mika’s scream was heard from somewhere in the depths of this far from small apartment.

Story one, hangover

This day somehow didn’t work out from the very morning. To begin with, my friend Mika and I failed the test, and then out of grief we got drunk. Moreover, it was a bad zyuzya, the same zyuzya that on the second day it’s very, very embarrassing to remember.

And so we, two completely drunk and giggling freshmen, burst into the apartment of Michaella’s older brother, because it would be stupid to barge into the dorm in such a state. In addition, Mika swore: “Ed is not in town, they are on field practice, they will return at the end of the week.” And I believed it! And so we, giggling, began to undress in the hallway, after which I, staggering, went to the bathroom, and Mika sort of went to look for a towel for me at her eldest’s residence.

And everything would have been fine, and I even managed to turn on the shower about the fifth time, and even started to wash myself, when suddenly, somewhere very nearby, it sounded:

– Defective navigator, the last time I saw these breasts, they were much smaller.

Slowly sliding down the glass wall, I tried to focus my gaze on Michaella’s own and only brother. It was difficult to focus his gaze, and the reason turned out to be not so much because of his shortness, but because Edward Ddraig was magnificent. In general, he was magnificent in everything, but in only sports trousers and with a bare torso he presented an absolutely stunning picture. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a narrow waist and, if not impressive, but very expressive muscles. And Ed also has tanned, almost bronze skin, a snow-white smile, bleached and therefore blond hair and incredible blue eyes... Needless to say, I’ve been almost in love with him since I was eleven. Ever since I first saw Miki at her birthday party. And at twelve, blushing, embarrassed and trembling with the realization of my courage, I confessed my love to him... bursting into his bedroom at night. By the way, he was not there alone. But he took me out into the corridor, squatted down, listened very carefully and assured: “Baby, let’s do this - I heard everything and understood everything, and we will definitely return to this conversation, but in… six years. Is it coming? By the way, I just turned eighteen last week.

There was a knock on the door.

Ed, without taking his eyes off me, extended his hand and held the door, preventing the visitor from entering.

A dissatisfied voice was heard behind the door:

- Who?! Was Mika not the only one who stumbled in here drunk?

“Nope,” Edward still continued to look at me, “with a friend.”

- Yeah. – Mika’s brother’s smile became frankly frivolous.

– Judging by the verbosity of your answers, she is also completely naked.

Ed didn’t respond to this, but chuckled meaningfully and locked the bathroom door.

Rapidly sobering up, I looked in horror at the hero of my childhood fantasies, who, judging by his darkened gaze, was about to realize very adult fantasies. Slowly, somehow leisurely, Edward came up to me and... extended his hand.

-Can you get up on your own? – holding back a smile, he asked.

As if spellbound, I continue to look at Ed in fear, trying to cover myself with my hands.

“Kir,” he smiled widely, “Kiran, everything I wanted, I already saw, seriously.” I stood here for ten minutes before I could utter a word.

Despite the fumes of alcohol, I begin to blush rapidly.

“Baby,” he carefully took my hand and pulled me up, forcing me to stand up. And as soon as I straightened up, he held me by the waist, since my legs seemed to have decided to take a time out. - That's it, I'm holding it. Now let's wash you, otherwise the eyelashes are on your cheeks for a long time, and the lipstick is on your chin. By the way, are we going to wash our hair?

I closed my eyes completely from shame, unable to say anything.

“Okay,” his gentle lips lightly and carefully touched mine, “we’ll wash you all.”

And the water immediately became warmer.

Everything else seemed like a strange unreal dream, in which they washed me carefully and carefully, barely touching my private parts, but showering kisses on my shoulders, back, hair... And at some point I simply passed out, either under the influence of alcohol, or because that the shampoo had already been washed out of my hair and they were trying to persuade me to open my eyes.

“Kir, I’m dying...” Mikin’s hoarse voice moaned.

Considering that her moan tore me out of a wonderful dream in which I indulged in hygienic procedures in the company of her older brother, the only response to Mika’s remark was to throw a pillow at her.

“I missed,” answered my friend melancholy, long accustomed to my morning exercises in artillery art.

The failure was upsetting, but not to the point of waking up. Decisively turning on the other side, I closed my eyes, hoping that the dream with an erotic slant would take pity and return.

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