Orthodox calendar when you can eat fish. On what day of Lent can you eat fish? How to replace animal protein

Reminder for combating apple blossom beetle

Basic rules of conduct when meeting an apple blossom beetle.

The apple flower beetle (Anthonomus pomorum) is a small beetle up to 5 mm long, with the characteristic appearance of a weevil, and has a dark brown color. The only food plant is the apple tree; the beetle is extremely rarely found on a pear tree.


In early spring at a temperature of 6˚ the beetles come out of the winter, and when the temperature rises to 10˚ they begin to actively crawl and feed on buds that have not yet opened. When the buds begin to emerge, the females lay one egg in each bud. They are located between the stamens. One female can lay up to 100 eggs! Each one hatches into a larva, which feeds inside the bud and eventually pupates. This usually takes two to three weeks. All affected buds dry out.

The pupal stage depends on air temperature. If it fluctuates between 14–18˚, then the development of the pupa begins in 9–11 days. At temperatures of 22˚ and above, the development time of the pupa can be reduced to six days. The beetles emerging from the pupae gnaw holes, emerge from the bud and feed on young leaves. The beetles do not enjoy the summer warmth for long; in July they stop eating and hide under the bark. They wait there until autumn, and then go under fallen leaves and into hollows for the winter.

Important. As soon as the buds swell on the apple trees, begin to inspect them regularly. If juice drips from them, it means the flower beetle has begun its activity.

In the fight against apple blossom beetle, the main thing is to apply the drug before the beetles lay eggs inside the buds, because after this the pest becomes invulnerable. In the future, insignificant death of the pest can only be achieved during the hatching of the larvae, when some of them may be located near the surface of the buds.

How not to be late? As soon as the buds swell on the apple trees, begin to inspect them regularly. If juice drips from them, it means the flower beetle has begun its activity. If you have the slightest suspicion, spread a tarp under the apple trees and shake them well. If the trees are attacked by a flower beetle, the adult insects will definitely fall. They need to be destroyed and the trees sprayed.

If the air temperature at the time of treatment is more than 18–20˚, it is better to choose the drug biological origin"Fitoverm". In experiments on apple trees, Fitoverm ensured 95–100% death of apple flower beetles. To achieve greater preservation of the drug on plants, use adhesives, preferably also of biological origin. At temperatures below 18˚ it is worth spraying with Kinmiks or Fufanon-Nova.

Despite the fact that spraying is the most effective method destruction of the apple blossom beetle, one should not discount agricultural technology.


Time is running out: it is necessary to loosen and, in some places, dig up the soil under the trees, starting with apple and pear trees. This is done as early as possible, when the soil is ready, in order to strike at pests that hibernate in the soil, such as flower beetle weevils. If you destroy the cracks in the soil through which the pests entered for the winter, there will be hope that some of them will not be able to escape.

The wider we create the loosened circle around the trunk, the better it will be for the tree, since this will also hit the weeds. Let's make the circle wider than the projection of the crown.

After fruit trees(let's not forget cherries and plums) the second number is raspberries - they are also seriously damaged by the flower beetle. Loosening raspberries - useful trick, but few people do this at all.

Timely care of apple trees - loosening the trunk circles, destroying fallen leaves, phytosanitary pruning - can reduce the number of the pest so much that it will not come to treatment. The economic threshold of harmfulness, above which treatments become necessary, for the apple flower beetle is considered to be 20–40 beetles per tree in the green cone phenophase or damage to 15% of the buds in the same phase of plant development.

Don’t forget about the birds, prepare for their arrival, hang birdhouses and titmouses. Insectivorous birds greatly help reduce the number of apple blossom beetle and other pests without any additional measures.

Irina Ivanova, sotki.ru

Portrait fruit weevils

Fruit weevils are a large group of small beetles (up to 4 - 6.5 mm long). First, adult beetles damage the buds, piercing them and causing “crying buds,” then they damage buds and flowers, eating petals, stamens and pistils, and occasionally young leaves and shoots. In early to mid-summer, beetles eat out narrow, prick-like pits in the ovaries or fruits. Females lay eggs in them. The larvae that emerge from the eggs develop in the fruits for about a month, feeding on their pulp (and sometimes gnaw out the seeds in apples).

Risk group

, cherry laurel, thorn, less often other stone fruit and fruit plants.

Damagefrom fruit weevils

Damaged buds turn brown and fall off, or they form ugly, damaged leaves, buds, flowers or ovaries that never fully develop.

Damaged leaves wither, turn brown and fall off. Premature leaf fall is most often observed in early June. With the massive development of fruit weevils, up to 50% of all foliage falls, sometimes almost complete shedding of leaves from the crown of the tree is observed. Such leaf fall simultaneously leads to increased vegetative growth of trees and the fall of the remaining ovaries, weakens the plants, and reduces growth and fruiting. This has a detrimental effect not only on the current year’s harvest, but also on the formation of fruit buds for the next year.

Damaged fruits become dwarfed or have convex, knobby, suberized areas. In addition, part of the current year's harvest is directly eaten or separated from the plant. Thus, female goose, after laying eggs in the fruit, specifically gnaw the stalk - the fruit falls to the ground and rots, as the goose introduces spores of the pathogen into it ( Monilia sp.). In addition, some of the fruits left hanging on the branches of the plants become infected and rot.

During years of abundant flowering of the apple tree, especially in warm spring, the damage caused by weevils is insignificant, since in this case they reduce the number of excess ovaries.

Preventive measures to combat fruit weevil

  • Disembarkation fruit plants on a high, well-drained area away from wild plants.
  • Shake the beetles onto boards, bedding made of synthetic film, tarpaulin or other material and destroy them in a bucket of water to which a little kerosene is added. Shake off in the spring during swelling and bud opening, early in the morning, when the air temperature is below +10° C. At more high temperature Most of the beetles fly away. To do this, use poles, the ends of which are covered with burlap so as not to damage the bark. With poles they hit the branches sharply, but not too hard, after which the beetles fall. If there are a lot of weevils, you need to do 3-6 shakings before flowering (every 5-9 days from the moment the buds open until the beetles lay eggs). They shake off not only fruit trees, but also other species of trees growing nearby, which often contain many weevils during the mating period. The same procedure can be carried out in the fall against young beetles if they rise into the crowns.
  • In the spring, during the swelling of the buds (necessarily before the bud scales move apart; later this technique loses its meaning, since the beetles manage to climb into the crown of the tree) is applied in the upper part of the tree trunk. You can fix two belts - in the upper and middle parts. First, the area of ​​the trunk is cleared of dead bark so that there are no gaps left under it suitable for the passage of pests. More often they use adhesive belts, which are made from soft cardboard or thick paper and coated with special glue. Cotton belts are also used; they are made from slightly loosened cotton wool, through the layers of which insects cannot get through. Unfortunately, beneficial insects also end up in trapping belts, so they should not be used unless absolutely necessary. The belts attached to trees are covered with a canopy made of waterproof material to protect them from rain. The belts must be burned after the trees bloom.
  • Flower beetles and many other types of fruit weevils weakly colonize fruiting apple trees, the crowns of which (1.5 kg of freshly slaked lime per 10 liters of water) at the beginning of bud swelling.
  • Collect and burn prematurely fallen leaves immediately after they fall to kill the larvae, as the larvae will later go to pupate in the soil.
  • Collection and destruction of buds with brown caps in which apple blossom beetle larvae develop. It must be carried out when the buds turn brown, preventing the development of adult insects in them.
  • Collection and destruction of rotten and mummified fruits and carrion.
  • Periodic loosening of the soil in tree trunk circles. Late autumn (early spring) digging of tree trunk circles to destroy wintering beetles, as well as plowing the soil in autumn between rows of trees.
  • Autumn cleaned butt parts of trunks with lime mortar.
  • The use of root traps made from dry fallen leaves, which are then destroyed along with the beetles that have climbed into them. Placing trapping belts at the base of the trunks in the fall and burning them in the winter. They will prevent insects from crawling into the tree crowns.
  • During harvesting, place cloth or paper on the bottom of the container you are using. In a day, weevil larvae will accumulate at the bottom, which need to be collected and destroyed. Or use dense containers for the same purposes.

Fighting fruit weevils with folk remedies

The most popular is spraying infested trees with an infusion of common field grass. To prepare it yourself, you will need about 150 flowers, which need to be filled with 10 - 15 liters of water. After a day, strain the infusion and add 60 g of laundry soap to it.

You can also use onion, garlic, spruce and pine infusions. Fill any container halfway with onion or garlic peels, spruce or pine branches, and fill with water. Leave for 2 weeks to ferment. Then strain the infusion and dilute it at the rate of 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of water. Frequency of use: every 5 - 6 days.

They are also sprayed with a decoction prepared from the tops immediately after flowering. A kilogram of tops is boiled in 10 liters of water for half an hour. Then laundry soap (40 grams) is added to the resulting decoction. Spray with the resulting solution.

You can also spray it with bitter decoction. To do this, freshly harvested or pre-dried plants are crushed. For 10 liters of water you will need 350 - 400 g of dry raw materials or about a kilogram of fresh ones. Infuse in water for a day, then boil for half an hour, add 40 g of laundry soap, filter and spray the plants with this infusion.

Control of fruit weevils using biological methods

  • Attracting insectivorous birds to the garden.
  • Protection of the ant family Formicidae and wasps of the family Vespidae.
  • Spraying plants with the drug Fitoverm(2 ml/l of water) during the growing season.

Active control measures against fruit weevils

Chemicals are used only if other measures have not helped. Currently used against fruit weevils Aktellik, Bi-58 Novy, Rogor-S, Karate Zeon, Altyn, Lambda-S, Sensei, Karachar(spraying before flowering) , Fufanon, Kemifos, Karbofos-500, Novaktion, Iskra M(spraying during the growing season). Working fluid consumption is from 2 to 5 l/tree (depending on the type, variety and age of the plant). Typically spraying is carried out three times: the green cone phase, the end of the flowering phase and ten days after flowering.

To avoid addiction, do not treat plants with the same preparation several times.

Before the first use, any drug must be tested on one plant. If the plant’s condition has not worsened within 24 hours, the drug can be used on all protected plants of this species.

Be careful when using plant protection products. Always read the label and product information before use. Carry out processing in compliance with all safety rules.

How to eat properly during the Nativity Fast 2019-2020, when you can eat fish and when you can’t, our nutrition calendar will tell you by days of fasting before Christmas.

When does the Nativity Fast begin 2019 - 2020

The Nativity Fast is also called the Philip Fast, since the Fast for it usually falls on the day of remembrance of the Holy Apostle Philip - November 27 in the new style. (In 2019, November 27 falls on Wednesday and is a fast day, and the Zagovene is November 26, the day of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople).

Filippov is one of four multi-day fasts in Orthodoxy; it prepares believers for Happy holiday The Nativity of Christ, which is celebrated on January 7th. The Orthodox Nativity Fast begins on November 28 and continues until January 6.

Like other multi-day fasts, the Nativity Fast has been observed in Orthodoxy since ancient times. The first mentions of him are found in the writings of St. Ambrose of Mediodalan in the fourth century.

Nutrition during the Advent Fast: what to eat and what not to eat

The Nativity fast is considered to be less strict than fasting and fasting. So, on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday you can eat food with vegetable oil. During the Nativity Fast, it is strictly forbidden to eat only meat, eggs and dairy products. On Wednesday and Friday you should not drink wine, and you should eat food without oil.

But it is worth remembering that patients and children are allowed to relax their physical fast.

Fish days of the Nativity Fast 2019 - 2020

Fish during the Nativity Fast is allowed on Saturdays and Sundays and great holidays, for example, the Feast of Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God(December 4), as well as on temple holidays and on the days of great saints, if these days fall on Tuesday or Thursday. According to the most lenient regulations, fish can be eaten on all days except Wednesday and Friday.

The meal schedule below will help you keep the Nativity Fast in accordance with all the rules. Orthodox Church. But we must remember that any fast is not a diet, the main thing is spiritual rigor and cleansing of the soul.

Daily nutrition calendar for the Nativity Fast in 2019 - 2020

December 4, Wednesday - Entry into the temple of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. Fish is allowed.

December 19, Thursday - St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, wonderworker. Food with vegetable oil.

Post and New Year. It is better for Orthodox Christians not to break fast on New Year's Day, but they should not condemn family and friends who do not fast. Place both lenten and fast dishes on the New Year's table in order to maintain peace in the family and not turn household members away from the faith with your condemnation, the priests advise.

What can you eat on Christmas Eve? Christmas Eve is called the last day of the Nativity Fast. This word comes from the name of the dish - sochivo. Sochivo is prepared from wheat grains, lentils or rice. According to the church charter, they eat juice on the evening of January 6 after completely abstaining from food throughout the day.

January 7, Monday, Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - No Fasting.

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