The largest wild boars killed on the hunt. The largest wild and domestic boars in the world. Pig Big Norma

”, about their violent temper and ferocity. According to these legends, they seem to be huge and wild forest monsters. A how big are boars really? And what are the biggest boars in the world?

The sizes of the largest wild boars(Sus scrofa) is valued by hunters' prey. the dead boar weighed 500 kilograms. That is almost like a car. But this is not the biggest weight!

The fact is that wild boars live on pasture, so it is difficult for them to grow to a huge size. And only a few can boast of such a weight as that of this boar. On average, wild boars weigh about 220-250 kg with a body length of 1.2-1.5 meters. Although hunting for them from this does not become safer. Yet the weight of even the smallest boar is two and a half times the weight of a person!

A mixture of domestic and wild boar is larger. So in 2007 in US state Georgia was killed by the most at that time the largest in the United States. The boar, which weighed more than 350 kg, had long and terrible fangs.

Russia, in terms of the uniqueness of wild boars, does not lag behind America. In 2015, a businessman and hunter from Chelyabinsk killed a huge boar in the Ural forests. His height at the withers reached 1.7 m, and weight - 535 kg. He killed him, of course, not by himself, but together with other hunters who had to be called for help. The boar was so huge that it did not even fit in the car, and it was dragged to the village by a cable. A stuffed animal was made from a huge head of a boar. Much has been written about this boar in the world press.

Chelyabinsk boar

The world's largest domesticated boar weighs much more. A boar named Big Bill from Texas in America weighed more than one ton and was three meters long! That is, if it was placed vertically, it was the size of a one-story house. From this unique wild boar, a huge stuffed animal remained, forever capturing its unique size.

The size of the Chinese pig Chun-Chun is also impressive. The length of her body reached 2.5 m and weighed 900 kilograms. It is curious that the owner of the pig assures that he did not even try to fatten it purposefully. It’s just that this lady was distinguished by excellent health and excellent appetite, thanks to which she reached her impressive dimensions. Her effigy is also now in the museum.

Stuffed Chinese pig Chun-Chun

But this boar is not yet the largest in the world. The real giant was raised by a British farmer. This boar was called Old Slot. And with the help of a specially selected diet and other secret measures f Ermer managed to bring the weight of the boar to six (!) tons. That is, the boar weighed like three cargo gazelles put together. No one has been able to surpass this result to date.

A giant sculpture in France is even dedicated to a wild boar. This is Eric Slezirak's boar, 9.5 meters high.

The dimensions of a pig are a matter of pride for its owner. The largest animals are selected per tribe to ensure maximum weight gain for the next generations. Having fattened a pet to an unprecedented mass, you can get into the Guinness Book of Records. Especially if the biggest boar in the world was caught as a trophy. Respect and glory for a successful hunter are guaranteed.

Giant wild boars

Rumors of giant boars excite the imagination of hunters. Mentally imagining themselves as the owners of unprecedented trophies, they go after prey over and over again. Large, cunning, aggressive and extraordinarily intelligent animals inspire real respect. And if a giant boar was caught, and it was possible to cope with it, then universal recognition is ensured.

Depending on the habitat, wild boars weigh about 270 kg. Larger individuals are found in the eastern part of Eurasia. The largest of them reach 0.5 tons. Despite the statistics, under certain conditions, some animals by weight far exceed the norm applicable to a particular region.

  • The world's largest wild boar was shot dead in the forests Ural mountains in 2015. This news spread all over the world. The happy owner of the trophy weighing over half a ton was Petr Maksimov. It is believed that there are several other wild boars in the surrounding area, whose weight is much higher than the average. This is due to a temporary ban on hunting, which allowed the animals to grow to an unprecedented size.
  • No less remarkable is the case when 11-year-old hunter Jemison Stone personally shot a truly giant wild boar in Alabama, whose weight was 480 kg. Around the veracity of this event, which occurred in 2007, a real battle unfolded. Neither confirm nor deny this fact and could not.
  • In 2004, a wild boar weighing 360 kg was killed in Georgia. Initially, it was stated that the weight of the giant trophy reached 450 kg. Non-trivial mining caused a resonance. In 2005, the wild boar burial site was exhumed and checked. In addition to weight, with the help of a genetic examination, it turned out that he was a mestizo - a cross between wild and domestic pigs. However, the boar was indeed one of the largest.
  • Exactly the same (weight approximately 350 kg) an outstanding representative of wild boars was found in Turkey. The giant boar was named Attila.

Record-breaking boars

Enthusiasts who regularly participate in exhibitions with their pets have been haunted by the laurels of Big Bill (Texas) for almost a century. From 1933 to the present, this is almost the largest pig in the world. Its weight reached 1.15 tons, and it was about 2.7 m long. Information has been preserved that it was a cross between Chinese and Polish pigs. At the same time, Big Bill was far from the average representatives of the breed in his parameters. The largest pig was immortalized by making a stuffed animal out of it.

There is evidence that the other largest pig in the world is the Big Norma boar. He was raised in the suburbs of New York. The weight of the record holder is 1.2 tons with a fairly compact body length of 2.5 m.

China also has much to be proud of. Piglet Chun-Chun lived to be four years old. Having an unrestrained appetite, he weighed 900 kg. The body, according to measurements, reached 2.5 m. Even the fangs were outstanding in one of the largest pigs, they reached 15 cm.

The legendary Old Slot lived in England. gloucester pig, record weight that no one has beaten. Owner Joseph Lawton. Despite the small body length, which did not exceed 3 meters, the wild boar had an outstanding mass - more than 6 tons.

The largest breeds of domestic pigs

Despite the fact that among the champions there are Chinese, Polish, Gloucester boars, and there is also information about very large Yorkshires, others are called the largest breeds of pigs. For example, Large Whites, Landraces, Durocs. When fattening each individual separately, significant results can be achieved. At the same time, the entire livestock is steadily gaining weight, characteristic of the breed: other things being equal, there are no significant differences among wild boars.


  1. Large white. As a result of long selection work, these pigs appeared in England. The largest breeds at that time took part in the formation. This made it possible to select the largest piglets for reproduction and form a livestock with high productivity. Subsequently, the Large White began to be used everywhere to create new or improve existing breeds. Almost every country has its own variation of the Large White with comparable characteristics. An adult boar weighs up to 350 kg, and the largest piglet exceeds 100 kg already in six months.
  2. Landrace. No less impressive pigs, which are the direct heirs of the Big Whites, but adapted with the help of the gene pool of native animals to the more severe Danish climate. An adult Landrace reaches a length of at least 2 meters, and the weight is consistently around 300 kg. Piglets quickly gain weight: gains reach 800 g per day.
  3. Duroc. A breed of pigs that are proud of in America. Unlike Landraces and Big Whites, Durocs are red. They were bred from several breeds of pigs brought to the United States in different time from different continents. The result is a homogeneous population of highly productive animals. The weight of an average boar is not less than 300 kg.

Dimensions and weight of the boar.

At present, in the delta Volga, according to a. A. Lavrovsky (1952), adult males sometimes weigh 250-270 kg. It is characteristic that at the end of the last century, when the wild boar was intensively hunted in the Volga delta, the largest males weighed only 12 pounds (192 kg, -L.S.), while most of the animals weighed 3-7 pounds (48-112 kg). ) (I. Yavlensky, 1875). It should be noted that even in the 18th and 19th centuries, wild boars of larger sizes lived there. For example, P.S. Pallas (1786), speaking of West Kazakhstan animals, notes that they were “extremely large” and weighed up to “15 pounds” ( 240 kg). According to G. S. Karelin (1875), in the 40-50s of the 19th century, two wild boars were caught on the northern coast of the Caspian Sea, which supposedly weighed one 19, and the second - 20 pounds (304 and 320 kg, - A. S. .). The existence of very large wild boars in past centuries is also evidenced by archaeological finds. For example, judging by the materials from the Neolithic Mariupol burial ground (in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov), wild boars that lived in the valley of the river. Mius, reached enormous sizes (the width of the lower fangs up to 3 cm). According to Beauplan, wild boars of "monstrous growth" were found in the Dnieper valley in the 17th century. Large boar sizes in the past, they are also confirmed by the finds of their remains in the peat bogs of the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions (I. G. Pidoplichko, 1951) - Obviously, under direct and indirect influence over the past centuries, the wild boar has crushed the anthropogenic factors. It is interesting to note that in the same period there was a grinding of bison, red deer, European roe deer and other animals. The chopping up of wild boars continues at the present time, since in any area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir habitat one can hear from many hunters stories that they used to get larger animals than they do now.

In the river valley Syr Darya, according to N. A. Severtsov (1874), males aged 5-8 years weighed 8-10 pounds (128-160 kg) and very rarely up to 12 pounds (192 kg). According to many hunters I interviewed, in the 30s of the current century on the Syr Darya, the maximum weight of wild boars they caught reached 240 kg. It is possible that the wild boars used to be larger here too. For example, Skorobogatov (1924), describing the hunting of wild boar in the south of modern Kazakhstan in the last century, wrote that “in the reeds there are wild boars, up to 20 pounds (320 kg). I myself once had to kill a lone man weighing 17 pounds (272 kg).” It is difficult to say how reliable this information is.

On the weight and body size of wild boars that currently live in the lower reaches of the river. Or, you can judge by the data given in the table.

In this area, 11 studied males aged at least 5-6 years weighed (without stomach, intestines and blood) from 80 to 183 kg, and on average - 106.4 kg. If we assume that the full stomach and intestines, as well as blood, all together weigh about 15-20 kg, the live weight of wild boars will vary from 95-100 to 200 kg and average 120-125 kg. In addition, I also examined several dozen billhooks, the live weight of which was approximately 80-150 kg. According to many interviewed hunters, in the lower reaches of the river. Or the maximum weight of gutted males very rarely reaches 205-220 kg; thus, their live weight was 220-240 kg. The weight of eight eviscerated females varied from 49 to 80 kg, with an average of 68.7 kg. Consequently, their live weight ranged from 65-70 to 95-100 kg, on average, a female wild boar weighs about 83 kg. For example, two queens we got in December had a live weight of one - 75, the second - 85 kg. Alive weight of adult Ili boars kept in the Alma-Ata Zoo, was in the male!

Table 1

Data on the size and weight of an adult wild boar in the lower reaches of the river. Or

Dimensions (cm)

body length

Oblique torso length

Zysota at the withers

Height at the sacrum

Height to hock

Metacarpus height

Front leg height

to the elbow

tail length

Ear Height

Head length


Pastern girth

Weight (in kg)

142 n in the female - 118 kg. Based on the above data, it can be concluded that at present, in the entire desert part of the wild boar range in Kazakhstan, the maximum weight of males reaches 220-240 "g, females - 100-120 kg. Therefore, the boars living in this large area are more or less the same weight.

In the semi-desert zone on the lake. The male Kurgaldzhin boar, taken in November, weighed (gutted) 144 kg (live weight about 160 kg), and the second animal, taken in March (very thin), weighed 100 kg (live weight about 115). Cleaver, obtained from Biysk, weighed about 150 kg.

Similar weights to those given above for Kazakhstan are boars living in Western Europe and in the European part of the Soviet Union. For example, in Germany, the maximum weight of this beast reaches 150-200 kg (W. Gaacke, 1901).

In the Latvian SSR, the largest animals also weigh up to 200 kg, and once an old billhook was caught there, weighing 236 kg (A.I. Kalninsh, 1950). In "Belarus, in the Khoiniki region in 1951, an old male weighing 256 kg was killed (I.N. Serzhanin, 1955). Two females from Belovezhskaya Pushcha at the age of 4-5 years, they weighed 84 and 96.4 kg (S. A. Severtsov and T. B. Sablina, 1953). IN Caucasian reserve the weight of male boars now ranges from 64 to 178 kg, and on average is 166 kg (12 specimens each), females from 48 to 108, an average of 68 kg (S. S. Donaurov and V. P. Teplov, 1938) , whereas in the time of N. Ya. Dinnik (1910), old male boars weighed 240-255 kg there and females - 120-145 kg. in Eastern

Siberia in the last century the most big boars weighed up to 240 kg and, as an exception, there were animals weighing 272 kg (A. Cherkasov, 1884). Very large boars live in the Soviet Far East. The maximum weight of males there allegedly reaches 300-320 kg (Yu. A. Liverovsky and Yu. A. Kolesnikov, 1949), and according to the latest data of V. P. Sysoev (1952) - only 200 kg.

About sizes various parts The body of an adult Kazakh wild boar and the features of its physique can be judged from the data given in tables 1 and 2.

Body indexes of the Kazakh wild boar from the lower reaches of the river. Or

Judging by the weight and size of adult boars, these animals have quite pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males are larger than females.

Due to the fact that wild boars grow relatively slowly, they also have pronounced age dimorphism. Young animals under the age of 12 months are called piglets (among the Kazakhs - “ggurai>). The size and weight of piglets in winter at the age of 8-11 months can be judged from the data given in Table 3. Given that the piglet has a full stomach and intestines, as well as blood, they weigh an average of 4 kg together, its live weight at the age of 8- 11: months varies in males from 21 to 30 and in females - from 20 to

Data on the size and weight of gilts and piglets in the lower reaches of the river. Or



Dimensions (in cm)

body length

Oblique torso length

Height at the withers

Height at the sacrum

Height to the hock

Front leg height to elbow

tail length

Ear Height

Pastern girth

Weight (in kg)

1 Weight without stomach, intestinal tract and blood.

29 kg. Thus, by the age of one year, piglets reach only about 7" of the weight of an adult animal. Their body sizes increase much faster (see table 3).

At the age of 12 to 23 months, young boars are called gilts.

The data in Table 3 give an idea of ​​their weight and size. Considering that a full stomach, intestines and blood in a gilt weigh an average of about 10 kg, its live weight ranges from 25 to 54 in males and about 35 to 44 kg in females. . According to hunters, there are male gilts weighing up to 60 kg. Hence, gilts weigh about half as much as adult boars. Our data on the weight of wild boars at different ages are also confirmed by the materials of other authors. For example, according to W. Gaacke (1901), the weight of wild boars living in Central Europe, in the first year of life it is 25-40, in the second 50-70, in the third - 80-100, and in the fourth - 100-185 kg. Think that full growth wild boars reach the age of 5 - 6 years. They live 20 - 30 years.

The weight of a gutted animal without stomach, intestines and blood.

A large wild boar is a desirable trophy for any hunter, despite the fact that hunting this animal is still fraught with great danger. When attacking a person, even the most average billhooks are capable of inflicting lacerations with their fangs. In addition, during the rut, old boars acquire cartilaginous armor that protects the animal, which makes it even more difficult to kill it. What can we say about the giants, which, no, no, and even come across by trappers.

As a rule, a medium-sized boar weighs no more than 100 kg, but occasionally the weight of the animal can reach half a ton, and the body length can be 2 or even 3 meters, in contrast to the usual 170 cm. There are several cases of people meeting with really big boars.

Old Slot

Boar Old Slot on this moment is the champion among pigs. The largest boar of the Gloucester breed was born in the distant 19th century in the English county of Cheshire. It weighed about 6 tons, the height at the withers exceeded one and a half meters, and the length of the animal was 3 meters. Unfortunately, due to time, little information about this amazing case has been preserved, but it is known that the boar did not live long.

Another record was recorded in 1933 and belongs to the American farmer Elias Butler, who managed to grow a wild boar named Big Bill to an incredible size. Cleaver, born as a result of crossing Polish and Chinese breeds, weighed 1157 kilograms. The body length of the animal at the time of measurements was 2.7 meters, and the height at the withers was about 2 m. The huge boar almost could not move independently and only did what he ate.

The outcome of Big Bill's life is rather sad. On the way to the Chicago World's Fair, the boar suffered an unfortunate fracture, and his owner, trying to save his pet, injected an overdose of the drug, which is why the animal died. Subsequently, a huge stuffed animal was made from the billhook, which for some time was put on display in a traveling circus, but it soon disappeared without a trace.

Among the big boars, the American pig Big Norma, or, as it is also called, the Big Norm, stands out. Farmer Carrie Dart managed to grow a pet of incredible size. The norm reached a weight of about a ton (1200 kilograms), and the length of the boar was 2.5 meters.


After the death of the animal in 2008, an offer was made to make a stuffed animal, to which the owner of the record holder responded with a decisive refusal. He loved his pet and decided to personally bury the pig under a memorial sign.

Chun Chun

The next in the list of the largest boars is the Chinese boar Chun-Chun. Farmer Chu Chanjiniz claims that he did not set himself the goal of raising a giant and did not pay much attention to the animal, but Chun-Chun continued to eat a lot and actively gain weight.

The weight of the boar almost reached a ton - the weight was 900 kilograms, and the length of the giant was 2.5 meters. Distinctive feature the animal had fangs of 15 centimeters each. Due to the unusual weight of the hogs, they lived only a few years, which is in great contrast to the usual lifespan of pigs. With proper care, the animal can live up to 20. After the death of the animal, with the permission of the owner, a stuffed animal was made from it, which still remains one of the most valuable exhibits of the agricultural museum in Beijing.

Rare trophy

Despite the fact that it is easier to grow a huge boar at home because of the opportunity to organize suitable living conditions for the animal, it happened that a wild boar also reached incredible sizes. One such case was recorded recently. In 2015, in Russia (Sverdlovsk region), not far from the village of Shokurovo.

Peter wondered what to do with the giant's hide. On the one hand, such a trophy is valuable, on the other hand, there are already several Ural research institutes turned to the lucky man with a request to give the hooves and skin for examination. The hunter himself has already ordered a souvenir for himself in memory of the prey, they prepared for him the fangs of the billhook, which reached a size of 23 centimeters, in bronze design and frame.


It is believed that at the moment the Ural billhook is the largest wild boar killed in the hunt in the world. And such a trophy is worthy of the Guinness Book of Records.

young hunter


The above stories are far from exhausting the number of recorded cases of real gigantism among wild boars. Zoologists believe that animals of this size can serve as good example manifestations of genetic mutations of a morbid nature. Whether these mutations are spontaneous or induced (resulting from exposure to the environment) remains to be seen.

Due to the unnaturalness of such sizes of wild boars, many of the named colossus billhingers lived a short time, experienced health problems, which is typical for animals of abnormally large dimensions. Among the common diseases of large billhooks, one can distinguish serious problems with joints, arising from excessive pressure exerted on them by the body weight of animals.

But other reasons for the appearance of giants among wild boars are possible. So, in the above case in the Urals, the reason for the appearance of bulls of such dimensions could be the appropriate conditions for the development and reproduction of the beast, according to zoologists. In this area, hunting for wild boars was prohibited for several years, and cameras were also placed to constantly monitor the bulls. This could contribute not only to an increase in livestock, but also to the development of such goliaths.

Related video

Many farmers raise wild boars in their subsidiary farms, and, it would seem, everyone knows about them. But among these wonderful animals there are absolutely incredible sizes. In the wild, such specimens usually do not grow, however, there are exceptions here. There are officially recorded champions among wild boars (boars).

There are not very many giant boars in the world. Most of them are representatives of English. It is considered the largest in the world. To date, three wild boars are known to have exceptionally huge weight.

Boar-record holder Old Slot

This legendary boar was born in Cheshire, England, to a farmer named Joseph Lawton. The event took place in the distant 19th century, so little information about it has survived to this day. The Old Slot weighed more than 6 tons, the height at the withers exceeded the 1.5-meter mark, and the length was 3 meters. The boar did not live long, but went down in history as the largest boar in the world. So far, no one has been able to surpass its parameters.

Chun Chun

Chun-chun died of obesity weighing 900 kg.

Another famous wild boar comes from China. He was born in 1999, and was the weakest and smallest in the litter. A farmer who bought six piglets at once could not imagine that such a giant would grow out of him. He diligently looked after the baby and even settled him in his house. While the five piglets grew up enough to be successfully sold, Chun-Chun remained with the owner. He still remained small and unsightly, and did not interest any of the buyers.

However, a year later the boar weighed more than 300 kilograms. But the old farmer loved his pet so much that he did not want to part with him. When the boar no longer fit in the house, the owner made a corral for him in the yard, and hung a sign on the gate of his farm "Big Pig House". Crowds of people came to look at the miracle boar, but not everyone succeeded. The farmer rarely showed his pet to the public.

Chun-Chun lived only 4 years and died of obesity in 2004. At the time of his death, his weight was more than 900 kilograms, and the length was 2.5 meters. The owner mourned the pet for a long time, but nevertheless agreed that a stuffed animal was made from the carcass of a wild boar. It still adorns the walls of the museum today. Agriculture in the Chinese province of Liaoning.

Big Bill

The Tennessee boar weighed over 1,100 kg.

The history of this Polish-Chinese boar deserves attention. He was the first officially registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest wild boar in the world. Big Bill weighed a little over a ton (1157 kilograms) and was about 3 meters long. Its owner, Tennessee farmer Elias Butler, had high hopes for the pet.

In 1933, he decided to take the boar to the World's Fair in Chicago in order to get the well-deserved first place. But the unexpected happened. On the way, the boar suddenly broke his leg. The owner, trying to help, incorrectly calculated the dose of painkillers, which caused the boar to die. A stuffed animal was made from his carcass, which was demonstrated for some time in the circus. But soon it disappeared and has not yet been found.

The largest boar in the world at present

Today, at least two huge domestic boars are known. Quite recently, another giant died, the boar Manyunya from Ukrainian Dokuchaevsk, Donetsk region. Its owner, retired Dmitry Pivovar, claims that he did not feed his pet anything special. For almost seven years of life, he gained more than a ton of weight. However, in Lately the boar began to lose weight sharply, which was the reason for its slaughter. The pensioner wanted his pet to die a natural death, but when Manyuni's weight dropped to 500 kilograms, he nevertheless decided to take him to the slaughterhouse.

The record holder among wild boars weighs 750 kg.

Now a wild boar lives and lives in China, which won the "King of Pig" competition, held annually in Henan province. The dimensions of the winner are impressive: the weight is 750 kilograms, the height is just over a meter and the length is 2.1 meters. The name of the winner is unknown, but the parameters are officially fixed.

Giant wild boar

The photo was recognized as a hoax.

In 2004, information appeared in the press that In the US state of Georgia, a giant wild boar was found killed while hunting. He was shot by amateur hunter Chris Griffin. A boar weighing 450 kg had incredible fangs (about 70 cm), which do not exist in, and the body length was more than 3 meters. Later, scientists proved that the animal was a cross between a domestic pig and a wild boar and was raised on a farm, from where it escaped.

Another forest monster was killed in the USA, in the state of Alabama in 2011. The owner of the trophy, allegedly, was an 11-year-old boy named Jameson Stone, who personally fired nine bullets into the boar. The press even published a photo of the shot animal, weighing 470 kg and almost 3 m long. However, experts who studied the picture stated that it was a fake. In reality, the carcass turned out to be much smaller than the declared parameters.

World's largest boar killed

A wild boar killed in the Sverdlovsk region weighed 550 kg.

More recently, the Internet literally blew up shocking news: the largest wild boar in the world was killed in the Sverdlovsk region, near the village of Shakurovo. This event took place in the winter of 2015.

The monster was shot by amateur hunter Pyotr Maksimov. He claims that it was possible to do this from the second shot, and the first bullet only slightly touched the beast. When the man saw how much the trophy weighed, he could not believe his eyes. The mass of the killed boar was 550 kg, and it was almost 2 m tall.

Of all types of hunting, the most dangerous and difficult is hunting for a wild boar. Any hunter knows that the boar is distinguished by its ferocious disposition and aggressiveness. A wounded man is completely capable of tearing apart a whole detachment of armed people. To shoot such a beast and stay alive is incredible luck.

Interesting! Zoologists who studied the carcass concluded that only a serious genetic mutation could be the cause of such size. They assure that in wild nature such an animal simply could not grow up.

Huge boars in myths and legends

There are many myths and legends about these amazing animals in the world:

  • IN Scandinavian myths there is a heavenly chamber for the soldiers who died in battle - Valhalla. Every day, the warriors cook a huge wild boar on the fire and eat it, and in the morning the wonderful wild boar comes to life and runs into the forest to come back in the evening.

Interesting! In the East, the boar is considered the master of the court and personifies passion, naivety and pleasure. Among the Druids, he appears as the embodiment of the spirit. In China, this beast is a symbol of nobility, courage and prosperity. And in Christian mythology, he is one of the incarnations of the demon.

  • The boar is mentioned in many ancient Greek myths. So, for example, Hercules killed a huge boar in his fourth labor. This terrible beast lived on Mount Erymanth and terrified all the inhabitants of Thessaly. Eurystheus ordered Heracles to seize the boar and deliver it to him. After an unequal battle with the centaurs, the hero still managed to get to the beast's lair and catch it.
  • Another legend tells of a ferocious boar, which was sent to Calydon by the goddess Aphrodite, offended by King Oineus. Many great heroes went hunting. The battle was hard and long, but Atlanta and Meleager still managed to defeat the beast.
  • Another myth speaks of the beautiful Adonis, the favorite of Aphrodite. One day, in her absence, Adonis went hunting and met with a huge boar. Before the young hunter had time to raise his spear, the monster pounced on him and mortally wounded him.

The largest boar sculpture in the world

In the photo: a statue of a wild boar in Florence.

The huge iron boar Voynich can rightfully be considered one of the sights of France. It is located near the cities of Charleville-Mezieres and Ratel. It took almost 11 years for the French sculptor Eric Sleziak to create it. The weight of the giant is about 50 tons, the height is 9.5 m, the width is 5 m and the length is 11 m. The cost of the sculpture is almost 600 thousand euros.

Watch the video material where the largest wild boar was killed.

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