Download a digital metronome to your computer. Guitar programs tuner and metronome for computer. metronome guitar rules

Many people already know what a metronome is and what it serves. And for those who are just getting acquainted with the world of music, I will say that metronome- This is a special device that helps the musician to set the correct tempo (speed) of his performance, thanks to the uniform tapping of a certain rhythm with a predetermined speed by this device. Simply put, the musician is equal to the beats of the metronome and thereby keeps (learns to keep) the correct tempo while playing.

Metronomes are divided into 3 types:

1. Mechanical

The old model: a device in the form of a wooden box in the shape of a pyramid with a pendulum in the center. Nowadays, they can only be found in conservatories and music schools, so you can safely write them down in the Red Book as an endangered species.
Now mechanical metronomes are made much smaller and from a combination of lightweight materials, which allows them to be carried in the pocket of a musical instrument case.

2. Electronic

Absolutely the new kind metronomes. Even smaller and with a small electronic dial rather than a pendulum. Instead of knocking, it became possible to set other sounds. Also added useful features: accent, tuning fork.

3. Virtual

With the advent of the computer and the Internet, virtual metronomes in the form of computer programs, not real objects. Nowadays, you can simply go to a certain site and download the metronome installation file to your computer, install and use. There are also online metronomes, which allows you to use them directly on the Internet without installing them on your computer.


We bring to your attention free guitar programs for the computer and instructions for them. Other useful materials on various topics can be downloaded in the section "To help the guitarist". I can also suggest free sheet music for guitar of various genres and directions.

Instructions for the program "AP Guitar Tuner"/521KB
Metronome program/170KB
Instructions for the program "Metronome"/474KB

Thoughts about…

I would like to talk about the program for tuning the guitar and the program "Metronome". Not about these specifically - enough is said about them in the operating instructions - but in general. More precisely, about how useful they can be to a guitarist.

Tuner program. "Yes, what problems can there be with tuning?", experienced guitarists will say, apparently forgetting about the helplessness that they experienced on early stage mastering this process, about anger at oneself because of the inability to quickly achieve desired result, about broken strings, finally ... But I remember. More precisely, I must remember, since the profession of a guitar teacher involves learning how to tune an instrument. But a full-time lesson is one thing, a correspondence lesson is quite another. Here the teacher can only talk about the order in which the guitar is tuned (which I do in the 1st, free lesson his textbook), the further depends on the musical ear of the student. Hearing, on the other hand, develops slowly, so understanding the relationship of sounds comes, sometimes, very, very not very soon.

And here the tuner program will come to the rescue. You just need to connect a microphone, and carefully observe the readings of the program's sensors: it couldn't be easier! So, the problem of tuning the guitar at an early stage of learning can be considered solved. But just early. Later, in any case, life will force you to learn to tune the guitar by ear (I will not describe possible situations but, believe me, they will arise). Only this time everything will be much easier (of course, for those who have been improving their skills all this time, including using my textbook, which contains everything necessary for improvement and creative growth), and, in the end, about past difficulties with tuning the guitar will not even be a memory.

Metronome program. A metronome, in principle, is a device that gives uniform sound signals at a given speed. When practicing music, it is usually used in two cases: 1) for playing exercises aimed at improving technical skills, or learning complex fragments of pieces that must be played at a certain speed; 2) To perform works at the tempo recommended by the author.

About tempos, as well as about the author's recommendations related to tempo, you can read on the pages of the textbook "A.Nosov's Guitar School". But something is also stated in the instructions for the metronome, so do not forget to download it along with the program.

And now…see you in the "Lessons" section if you are a beginner guitarist, or see you in the "Guitarist's Library" section if you already know how to play the guitar!

Here is a small selection of great metronomes that you can download to your computer for free:

"It's better to practice 10 minutes with a metronome than an hour without a metronome."

Have you come across this statement before? I don't know how true this figure is, but one thing is clear: an exercise with a metronome in 95% of cases is much more effective than without it. In short, you need to learn how to practice with a metronome and start doing it!

I hope that this article will help you with this. How to practice with a metronome? Before we move on to practice, you must understand that practicing under a metronome is simply vital.

Using a metronome has two main advantages:

  • teaches to play in an even rhythm and tempo
  • provides a gradual increase in speed

The first statement is obvious: if you want to play smoothly, then the metronome will help you with this.

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The second statement tells us about the effectiveness of classes under the metronome, namely for technique improvements and increase the speed of the game. You must start playing at a slow pace. in which you perform all the exercises without mistakenly, and then gradually, slowly accelerate. This is not possible without a metronome.

3 rules for playing guitar with a metronome

So, if you want to play smoothly, efficiently and technically, then The metronome should be your best friend!

Metronome Exercise: Golden Rules

The first and most important rule is “Start at a slow pace!”. This is so important that I will repeat it again:

Rule #1: Start slow!

It is recommended to stick to this rule throughout the entire guitar learning, however, despite this, many guitarists try to skip this step, begin to perform the exercise at a fast pace, thinking that in this way they will reach faster. high level skill. But in fact, they get the opposite result.

You should always start at a tempo where you play freely and without mistakes.. If on the second or third repetition of the exercise, you make a mistake (even if it is barely noticeable), then reduce the pace.

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Only when you find a pace that you can play without problems can you start to speed up. There is another rule about this...

Rule #2: Increase the pace gradually

Do not speed up the pace in big leaps: 20 or 10 beats per minute. Increase by 5,3,2 or even 1bpm.

If you are playing at a certain tempo without any problems and you feel like you still have a lot of headroom, increase by 5 beats (5bpm).

If you're playing at the correct tempo, with no errors, but you feel like you're at your limits, increase the metronome's tempo by 2 or 1 beats per minute.

Why can't you just go fast?

Because key point here is the accuracy and again the accuracy of execution. The exercise helps to learn a musical phrase so much that later you will remember it at the level of "muscle memory".

If you play too fast, you will most likely not play very cleanly., with errors, and therefore the fingers will remember this phrase far from being perfect. It will be very difficult to relearn later.

Rule #3: Practice with the Metronome Regularly

The method is based on finger muscle training. A one-time workout is not enough to teach your fingers to play freely at a given pace.

Here you can draw an analogy with a visit to the gym, 1-2 trips to the "rocking chair" are unlikely to give at least some result.

On the one hand, this is bad news - as you will not get an instant effect. But, on the other hand, it is an incentive: if you practice regularly and gradually increase the tempo of the metronome, you will inevitably achieve a high-quality result.

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To get started, take one exercise (if you only have a few minutes a day for guitar) and start doing it every day (or at least every other day). This will be many times more effective than many hours of playing once a month.

A metronome is a guitarist's greatest friend!

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