“Cruel people”: Alexander Malinin abandoned his daughter and father. Olga Zarubina: Malinin could correct the mistakes. But he doesn’t want “Nikita Malinin considers Kira a member of the family”

Recently it became known that illegitimate daughter Alexandra Malinina Kira disappeared in the USA. Her mother Olga Zarubina cannot find a place for herself. In the previous program “Let Them Talk,” she stated that Kira behaves this way due to a lack of communication with her father. However, as it turned out, the 31-year-old heiress Zarubina cannot forgive her mother for much.

Evgeny Gudkov, the husband of Olga Zarubina’s sister, her niece Yulia Kholyusina and her husband Igor came to the “Actually” studio to clarify the situation. They were very negative towards the singer.

“She abandoned Kira, gave her to strangers. When we came to pick her up, she had torn jeans and holes in her socks. She looked like a wolf cub. Then she told how two girls from that family laughed at her. Kira was 10-11 years old,” Gudkov noted.

According to relatives, the absence of her mother greatly influenced the development of Kira’s character. According to Zarubina, she left her daughter when she was already 22 years old. Zarubina went to star in one of the shows in Russia.

The artist’s niece Julia searched for Kira in the dens. Upon entering the studio, the woman said that she and her husband visited her in the hospital at Olga’s request. There is a version that the girl ended up in the hospital after trying to commit suicide.

“When we arrived there, she said that there was no meaning in life. I talked to Kira: “Let me help you! I have an idea of ​​what can be done,” said Igor.

Julia does not communicate with Kira personally; they only occasionally write to her in messengers. Kholyusin shed light on the reason for the girl’s hospitalization.

“We were told that she was poisoned. I later learned from her boyfriend that she was lying there for another reason. I called him later. He said: “She left me and went to a drug addict.” It was an overdose,” said Igor.

Olga chose to deny this version of what happened. According to the artist, Kira got into medical institution due to a bacterial infection. “I can’t say, it’s personal,” Zarubina justified herself.

Two weeks ago, Julia communicated with Kira via SMS. Then Zarubina’s daughter admitted that she had become homeless. Olga’s American home was not re-registered to the heiress on time. According to Gudkov and Kholyuseva, the state took away the property.

Zarubina’s mother, who came to Russia, also became a participant in the family scandal. Olga tried to send an elderly woman back to the US against her will. At the end of the broadcast, 91-year-old Lyudmila Zarubina came to the studio and admitted that she loved both daughters and that she intended to spend the end of her life in her homeland.

Alexander Malinin’s illegitimate daughter Kira ended up in the hospital after attempting to commit suicide.

Relatives of singer Olga Zarubina addressed the program “Actually” and accused her of selfishness and lies. They claim that the missing person in the USA common daughter singer and Olga Zarubina, Kira tried to take her own life.

Let us recall that Olga Zarubina became the second wife of the singer - Alexander Malinin. They were married in 1983-1985.

Daughter of Olga Zarubina and Alexander Malinin Kira Evdokimova

In 1986, their daughter Kira Evdokimova was born (bears her stepfather’s surname). In 1991, Zarubina and her daughter immigrated to the United States. For all 25 years, Zarubina’s second husband, Vladimir Evdokimov, was raising the child.

Evgeny Gudkov, the husband of Olga Zarubina’s sister and her niece Yulia Kholyusina and her husband Igor came to the program studio to clarify the situation.

Evgeny Gudkov - husband of Olga Zarubina's sister

“She abandoned Kira, gave her to strangers. When we came to pick her up, she had torn jeans and holes in her socks. She looked like a wolf cub. Then she told how two girls from that family laughed at her. Kira was 10-11 years old,” Gudkov said.

According to relatives, the absence of her mother greatly influenced the development of Kira’s character. According to Zarubina, she left her daughter when she was already 22 years old. Zarubina went to star in one of the shows in Russia.

“Olya doesn’t even know that her behavior drove Kirk to the point where she wanted to commit suicide; she was in the hospital. You didn't even know! When Yulia and Igor went, and the doctor said, even more, that’s all. For three days he pumped out her stomach. And when she was lying there, Yulia said: “Listen, Kira, stop it, let’s look for some way out,” and she lies there, looks at the ceiling and says: “What, I don’t want to live, I have no one.” Can you imagine? There is a mother, but she doesn’t want to,” said Olga Zarubina’s son-in-law.

However, the artist does not see anything wrong with this. She claims that she was aware that her daughter was in the hospital.

“I only left once. Should I not go anywhere? We left for only one month,” Zarubina said.

The artist’s niece Julia searched for Kira in the dens. Upon entering the studio, the woman said that she and her husband visited her in the hospital at Olga’s request. There is a version that the girl ended up in the hospital after trying to commit suicide.

Yulia Kholusina - Zarubina's niece

“When we arrived there, she said that there was no meaning in life. I talked to Kira: “Let me help you! I have an idea of ​​what can be done,” said Igor.

Julia does not communicate with Kira personally; they only occasionally write to her in messengers. Igor Kholyusin shed light on the reason for the girl’s hospitalization.

“We were told that she was poisoned. I later learned from her boyfriend that she was lying there for another reason. I called him later. He said: “She left me and went to a drug addict.” It was an overdose,” Kholyusin said.

Olga chose to deny this version of what happened. According to the artist, Kira was admitted to a medical facility due to a bacterial infection. “I can’t say, it’s personal,” Zarubina justified herself.

Two weeks ago, Julia communicated with Kira via SMS. Then Zarubina’s daughter admitted that she had become homeless. Olga’s American home was not re-registered to the heiress on time. According to Gudkov and Kholyuseva, the state took away the property.

“I don’t consider myself a bad mother,” said Olga Zarubina.

The terrible truth daughters of Malinin and Zarubina. In fact

It seems that the scandal with Malinin and Zarubina will never end, but they were married about thirty years ago. Dmitry Shepelev, host of the “Actually” program, invited Alexander to his studio to finally find out what the truth is, but it seems the truth is somewhere in the middle, because even after so many years ex-spouses They don’t hide their hatred for each other. In the meantime, Olga Zarubina came to the program’s studio and immediately stated that if Malinin appeared in the studio, she would immediately leave it. After all, according to her, she came to Channel One to tell what kind of Malinin horrible man, but she has no desire to communicate with him - he completely lacks parental instinct, which offended and plunged their daughter Kira into depression.

Now Kira and Olga live in America. They came to Moscow several years ago so that the girl could see her father, but events unfolded dramatically. Malinin refused to acknowledge his daughter; his wife Emma hurled insults and rude words at Kira.

Then Kira made more attempts to communicate with Alexander, but they ended on a bad note. As one of the program participants said, Malinin simply “works off” children as informational occasions and remembers them only when it is convenient for him. The studio also remembered Malinin’s sensational interview, in which he talked about how he helps his daughter. However, Olga said that it was all a lie. And the lie detector confirmed her words.

Olga said that Kira never particularly worried about Alexander. He didn’t want this child, didn’t care for him, didn’t help his wife financially, even when they lived together. In practice, Olga and the child were supported by her mother, who asked Malinin to leave the family, tired of his constant absence and her daughter’s stress.

Alexander came and went as he wanted, meeting other women. All this greatly upset Zarubina, who, in order to take revenge, also began dating others. Olga admitted that she wanted to save the family and was even angry with her mother and was jealous new wife Alexandra, but then I realized that I would still break up with such a person. She guessed that Malinin feigned love only to get a Moscow registration from Olga. After all, at that time it was Olga who was more popular than Alexander.

Malinin’s father’s wife also appeared in the studio and said that famous artist a very hypocritical family where his wife Emma runs the show. Alexander’s father is in serious condition after a stroke, but no one from the Malinin family even called to find out about his well-being, let alone words of support or personal meetings.

During the talk show, clippings from various interviews both Malinin and his wife. All of Alexander’s words were refuted by Olga, whose correctness was confirmed by a lie detector.

Internet users were shocked by the artist’s hypocrisy and wrote on his pages in in social networks where he flaunts his happy family, their indignations.

"Beautiful and cruel people... Dead, chilling beauty..."

“The father is dying, but his own son doesn’t care.”

“God will punish you for your father and daughter.”

“You can do as much as you like beautiful photo shoots, but you offended your children. And your wife’s tongue is a sting.”

If Olga and Kira are already desperate and, on the contrary, do not want to meet with Malinin, then his father’s family still hopes that he will have time to come to them and talk.

The singer's ex-wife Olga Zarubina even. Now the girl is over 30 years old, but her relationship with her father and his current family is not working out.

They became guests of the next episode of the “Actually” program on Channel One. According to Evgeny Gudkov, the husband of Olga Zarubina’s sister, the woman abandoned my own daughter to the mercy of fate. “She abandoned Kira, gave her to strangers. When we came to pick her up, she had torn jeans and holey socks. She looked like a wolf cub. Then she told how two girls from that family laughed at her. Kira was 10-11 years old.” , Gudkov was indignant.


Now the girl is in an American hospital - according to cousin Kira, doctors barely managed to save the girl. According to one version, the musician’s daughter tried to commit suicide because of a young man who used illegal substances. “When we got there, she said that there was no meaning in life. I talked to Kira: “Let me help you!” I have an idea of ​​what can be done,” said Evgeniy.

Olga Zarubina herself refused to comment on this information, notes teleprogramma.pro. According to her, the girl ended up in the hospital due to an intestinal infection. “I can’t say, it’s personal,” Zarubina justified herself.

Relatives blame her mother Olga Zarubina for the misfortune that befell Kira. As Evgeny Gudkov said, a woman who moved to Russia did not transfer her house to her daughter, which, as a result, was taken away by the US authorities. Kira stayed on the street and got involved with bad company.

Olga’s 91-year-old mother also joined the chorus of dissatisfied relatives. A pensioner, who also became a studio guest, said that her daughter wants to force her to live in America. At the same time, Lyudmila Zarubina firmly decided to spend her allotted time in Russia.

August 17, 2015

The performer of the hit “Music is Playing on the Ship,” in an interview with “Teleprogramma” magazine, openly explained why her daughter decided to stop all contact with her father, singer Alexander Malinin.

The performer of the hit “Music is Playing on the Ship,” in an interview with TV Program magazine, openly explained why her daughter decided to stop all contact with her father, singer Alexander Malinin.

Olga and Alexander separated 30 years ago after almost two years of marriage. Their common daughter, Kira, was born shortly after the breakup; the musician refused to participate in her upbringing. Olga married for the second time and moved to America with her five-year-old daughter. Kira met her father at the age of 25. And then there was hope that the connection between relatives, destroyed many years ago, would be restored. But…

Tibetan spaniel Bucks has been living with Olga Zarubina for 6 years. Photo: Personal archive

“When I first met Malinin (then still Vyguzov. - Ed.) in the early 80s, he was a simple, cheerful, kind guy,” recalls Olga Zarubina. — We had guests at our house, Sasha loved to sing with a guitar and have intimate conversations. Shortly after the wedding, I became pregnant. He began to leave home more and more often and did not return to spend the night. Then our daughter was born. By the way, Malinin chose the name for her - that was the name of his first school love. I didn't mind. My mother met Kira and me from the maternity hospital. The husband did not need the child. This is how Malinin’s participation in his daughter’s fate ended. From her father, Kira received only her first and last names, which were written down on her birth certificate. Malinin removed himself from our lives.

To feed the child, a couple of weeks after giving birth, I went to work in a variety show. For Malinin, life was in full swing: he was already playing in Stas Namin’s group, flying on tour to America. He remembered me once - when he got into car accident. I called from the hospital and asked to bring a TV into the room. My mother then said: “Daughter, he won’t return the TV.” But I rushed to the hospital... After being discharged, the father of my child disappeared again. By the way, I didn’t give away the TV.

When Malinin’s parents came from Yekaterinburg to see their granddaughter, they immediately said that Kira looked like their son. They tried to persuade him to return to his family, but nothing worked. I tried to hold Malinin, but it was useless. If a man wants to leave the family, then it is impossible to tie him to his wife and children by any means. Two years after the divorce, I decided to file for alimony. Administrator ex-husband brought me to some office where she was then lying employment history Malinina. I was shown documents according to which the singer’s official salary was 100 rubles per month. The real income was much higher, but how could I prove it! I became upset and gave up the idea of ​​filing for alimony. I decided that I could handle it myself. Malinin, by the way, never offered help. As life has shown, I was mistaken in this person. The cheerful and simple boy turned out to be tough and calculating.

In the photo on the left: Olga and Alexander broke up shortly after Kira was born. 1985 In the photo on the right: Malinin and Zarubina got married in 1983. Photo: Express newspaper archive

“The father never congratulated his daughter on her birthday.”

— I got married a second time and in 1991 went to live in America. I wanted my daughter to have a happy, prosperous childhood: I bought her beautiful things and toys, we went to the movies together, went on vacation. Of course, I tried to spend as much time as possible with the child and compensate for the absence of my own father. I’m sure: Malinin was glad that we removed ourselves from his life like that and were not an eyesore in Moscow. He never showed up: he didn’t congratulate Kira on her birthday, didn’t give her gifts... It’s impossible to teach a man to love his child, this is an innate quality. But Malinin not only did not love Kira, but also did not want to take responsibility for her upbringing and education. In America, after a divorce, parents not only communicate, but become friends for the sake of their common children, even creating new families. In Russia this is still rare. Even the best stepfather cannot replace a child's natural father. I know this from myself. My dad died when I was 2 years old, and I was raised by my stepfather. This psychological trauma lasts for life.

“While I lived in America, Malinin’s wife rewrote my biography”

— After 17 years, I came from America to Russia to take part in the NTV channel show “You are a superstar!” It turned out that people in my homeland remember me, new fans and songs appeared, and tours began. And I stayed. By this time, Kira had grown up and became a responsible and independent girl. My daughter stayed in America to continue her education: we talked on the phone every day, I regularly flew to visit her in the States.

Once in Russia, I also realized that they managed to rewrite my biography here, adding facts that did not correspond to reality. I think I did it new wife Malinina - they got married a year before my daughter and I left to live in the USA. I don’t even want to call this woman by name. “Sensations” appeared in the Russian press at the suggestion of Malinin’s wife. They wrote that Kira was the singer’s illegitimate daughter, and then that I gave birth to her from someone unknown and was trying to pass her off as Malinin’s daughter. Later information appeared that it was I who took my daughter away from her father, leaving him helpless in the hospital after the accident. It's despicable to come up with something like that. It's strange that an adult woman with higher education does not know about the existence of the boomerang effect: all evil in life returns sooner or later.

In 2011, Kira and I decided to go to a TV show where she was supposed to meet her father. We both thought for a long time about whether to agree or not. I persuaded Kira because I felt that my daughter did not fully believe my stories that her father did not want to participate in her life. And Kira suspected that I was resentful of my ex-husband. The program was dedicated to Malinin’s anniversary; the meeting with his daughter came as a surprise to him. After the broadcast, Kira began communicating with her father on Skype.

In the photo on the left: In the Let Them Talk studio in 2011, Kira (right) met her father for the first time. In the photo on the right: Kira and her fiance Kevin. Seattle. 2015

“How can you pour dirt on your child?”

“Strange as it may seem, her acquaintance with her father brought Kira and I even closer together. My daughter realized that I was right. I remember her phrase: “Mom, he is so cold inside. But you and I have become even closer.” Malinin's father invited Kira to visit Yekaterinburg. She really enjoyed the trip to her grandfather; a good relationship was established between them. family connection. And the Skype conversation with Malinin ended with him calling his daughter to St. Petersburg, where he was having a concert. My child said that he flew from America to talk to his father. And in the end she had to answer the questions: did her stepfather beat her, as she was punished as a child? In general, the meeting was “warm”. Kira understood what they wanted to hear from her and did not respond to the provocation. So she was quickly sent back to America. The father did not invite his daughter home. Kira said that she was not alone with Malinin for a second and they never managed to have a heart-to-heart talk.

If it were all over, we could move on with our lives in peace. But recently the story continued. And very unpleasant.

Malinin and his wife came to the studio of one of the television programs and said that Kira left home at the age of 14, did not study anywhere, and is now completely homeless. I watched this absurdity and could not believe the reality of what was happening. It seemed that these people had been living in the house across the street all this time and were watching me and my daughter - with such confidence they spoke about our lives. But it was all a lie! Kira saw the program on the Internet and was terribly upset. She immediately wrote me a letter with the following phrase: “Mom, he didn’t want to know the real me. He's not interested in me." The daughter does not communicate with Malinin or his wife: she banned them from social networks and changed her phone number. I’m sure Kira is worried that her father was never able to love her. Yes, she ran away from home at the age of 13 to a friend because she wanted to teach her mother a lesson for not allowing her to do something. But we quickly found a common language.

I don't respect Malinin. Yes, he may hate me for something, carrying resentments throughout his life. But how can you pour dirt on a child to whom you have given neither love, nor care, nor material support? Malinin considers himself a believer, he is already 57 years old - it’s time to correct mistakes and atone for sins. But he apparently doesn't want to.

Alexander Malinin and his wife Emma have two children together: son Frol and daughter Ustinya. Photo: Olga Zinovskaya/Fotodom.ru

“Nikita Malinin considers Kira a member of the family”

- There are in my life and good news. Kira has finally met her love; she recently got engaged. Everything was as expected: a diamond ring, champagne. Her chosen one's name is Kevin, he is one year older than his daughter, he has his own musical group. The young people live in a beautiful, spacious house in Seattle. On weekends they visit Kevin's parents, who have a real estate business. My daughter is now helping the groom organize music festivals, they spend a lot of time together.

This whole story of meeting my father has made my daughter wiser. She also gave Kira one friend and loved one— Nikita Malinin (son of Alexander Malinin from his first marriage. — Ed.). On his Facebook page, Kira is designated as a family member. They correspond. I am very glad that people appear in a child’s life who truly appreciate and love her. Just the way she is...

I'm expecting my daughter to visit soon. We will definitely go to her favorite Historical Museum and to the Bolshoi Theater, we’ll go to Europe at sea for a couple of weeks. And we won't discuss her father because we don't want to get upset anymore...

Private bussiness

Olga ZARUBINA born on August 29, 1958 in Moscow. While studying at medical school, she sang in a student ensemble, where she was noticed and invited to work in a professional musical group. Zarubina’s first appearance on television occurred in 1977 with “Song about the Captain.” All-Union popularity came to Olga after her performance at the Blue Light in 1979, in a duet with Mikhail Boyarsky she sang the song “It Shouldn’t Be This Way.” She recorded songs for films and worked at the Mosconcert. In 1991, she starred in the film “Crazy Laurie.” In the early 90s, she moved with her second husband and daughter to the USA and worked as a nurse. Husband Vladimir Evdokimov died. In 2007 she returned to Russia and resumed her solo career. She released a new disc “Not By Chance” (it included the hits “Razluchnitsa”, “Music Plays on the Ship”, “It Shouldn’t Be This Way” recorded in new arrangements), as well as fresh songs). Daughter of Kira from her marriage to singer Alexander Malinin.

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