The ego component exists by principle. Difference between ego and superego. Differences and Comparison. Hell Live Wallpaper

The famous psychologist as Id, Ego and Superego - interacting with each other, create complex forms of human behavior.


The id is the only component of personality that a person has from birth. This aspect is completely unconscious and includes instinctive and primitive forms of behavior. According to Freud, the id is the source of all psychic energy, making it the main component of personality.
The id functions according to pleasure principle- because of it, a person strives for the immediate satisfaction of all his desires and needs. If these needs are not met in time, a state of anxiety or tension arises. For example, an increase in hunger or thirst will be followed by an attempt to eat or drink. The id plays a very important role at the very beginning of life, as it ensures that the needs of the infant are met. If the child is hungry or uncomfortable, he or she will cry until the requirements of the Eid are met.
However, the immediate satisfaction of these needs is not always even possible. If we were governed solely by the pleasure principle, then at some point we might realize that in order to satisfy our needs, we snatch things that we like from the hands of other people. Such behavior would be destructive and socially unacceptable. According to Freud, the id attempts to relieve the tension created by the pleasure principle through a primary process involving the formation of a mental image of a desired object as a way of satisfying a need.


The ego is a component of the personality that is responsible for interacting with reality. As Freud believed, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulses created by the id can be expressed in a form acceptable in the real world. The ego functions in the conscious, preconscious and subconscious.
The ego operates on reality principle which seeks to satisfy the desires of the Eid in possible and socially acceptable ways. The reality principle weighs the means and results of an action before proceeding with it or abandoning the urge. In many cases, id desires can be satisfied through delayed gratification - the ego will eventually allow the behavior, but only at a certain time and place.
The ego also relieves the tension created by unsatisfied needs - through a secondary process, during which the ego, already in the real world, tries to find an object that matches the mental image created by the id in the primary process.


The last component that develops in personality is the Superego. The superego is the aspect of personality that contains all the moral norms, values, and ideals we have learned. We receive them from both parents and society, they make up our sense of right and wrong. The superego contains the framework within which we make decisions. According to Freud, the superego begins to appear around the age of five.
The superego is:

  • ego ideal, which includes limits, rules, and standards of good behavior. These are actions that would be approved by parents or others with sufficient authority for a person, people. Following these rules, a person is filled with a sense of pride in himself, he realizes his value to others and feels inner integrity.
  • Conscience includes information about what, from the point of view of parents and society, would be unacceptable. Such behavior is often forbidden and can lead to backfire, punishment, or feelings of guilt and remorse.

The superego aims to form a more perfect and civilized behavior. It tries to cut off all unacceptable impulses of the id and force the ego to act according to idealistic standards rather than realistic principles. The superego is present in the conscious, preconscious and subconscious.

Interaction of id, ego and superego

It turns out that there are so many forces competing with each other that a conflict can arise between the Id, Ego and Superego. Freud used the term "ego power" to refer to the ability of the ego to function no matter what relationship exists between these components at the moment. A person with a strong ego is able to deal effectively with such stress, and those with an ego that is too strong or, conversely, weak, may become too unyielding or too weak-willed.
According to Sigmund Freud, the key to a healthy personality is the balance between the id, ego and superego.

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What to do in order to discover your destiny using the Master Kit technique:
1. We perceive the image, i.e. we transform this image and equate our conscious desire with the subconscious
2. We work through fears. Fear of one's destiny, because many people think that the mission is something completely new, something that has never been done before.
3. Next, we work through the grievances. The main grievances that have ever been in our lives.
4. Universal settings (These are settings that allow you to return the state of the child when we are in the flow) There are 6 of them
5. We are working on the unaccepted qualities that deprive us of energy, resources that are inherent in each of us individually. With the help of the technique, we reveal these qualities in ourselves.
6. Conscious attitudes. (These are wisdom, traditions, trends that are laid with mother's milk from generation to generation). Each person writes out his conscious attitudes and transforms them with the help of a technique.
7. Conscious request. This is how we change the current situation that we are not happy with to the ideal picture that we would like to have in our lives.

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The uniqueness of the technique: This is not just a theory. It is a practice of changing attitudes that has been proven effective by many people.
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Psychoanalytic personality theory

He created the first theory of personality, based on an empirical study of its dynamics, that is, its change in the course of psychotherapy.

Freud's teaching is psychoanalysis. This is both a theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy.

The structure of personality in Freud's theory:

1) Ego(I)

2) eid(it), is innate

3) super ego(Over I)

The id contains instincts, innate needs, innate psychic energy - the energy of life - libido.

The id follows the principle of pleasure, striving for immediate satisfaction of needs, relaxation of tension.

Ego formed in vivo, based on eid. Ego formed through the frustration of birth. Due to the low temperature of the external environment, the child begins to feel the scheme of the body and separates himself from the environment. This is the very first step in the formation of "I".

Ego strive to increase pleasure and reduce pain through realistic selection of behaviors, that is, the ego is guided by the reality principle.

Ego rationally and predominantly consciously (focuses on benefit).

Super-ego contains values, norms of behavior, ideals and conscience, moral prohibitions. Initial Super-ego shaped by the values ​​of the parents.

At the beginning Super-ego unconsciously, but then can be realized. Develops during adolescence.

eid, Ego And Super-ego are in conflict with each other.

Eid desires are often condemned by morality Super-ego(conflict between desire and duty).

Conflict between eid And Ego thing is Ego makes eid delay the satisfaction of desires.

main function Ego is reconciliation eid And Super-ego, that is, the reconciliation of desires and moral norms.

Dominates in early childhood eid. As you grow older, I gain more power. Maturity Ego leads to partial awareness of drives eid and ideals Super-ego.

Energy aspect of personality functioning.

Freud distinguished 2 types of energy:

1) Libido - life energy, sexual energy

2) Mortido - the energy of death

Personal development is carried out thanks to libido.

5 stages of libido dynamics, stages of mental sexual development :

Psychosexual development is the basis of personality development.

I. oral stage(0-18 months) - libido fixes around the mouth.

II. anal(1.5-3 years) - Libido fixes around the anus, as it controls the defecation process (first self-control).

III. phallic(3-6 years) - another name for the oedipal stage, at this stage, the boy / girl is attracted to the mother / father and jealous of the father / mother. The Oedipal situation ends when the boy begins to copy his father and loses interest in women.

IV. Latent(6-12 years) - erotic interest is repressed, becomes unconscious. It directs libido to the development of school skills, to the development of personality and intelligence. Fixation on eroticism is not favorable.

v. genital stage(12-18 years) - sexual-erotic interest is awakened again and adolescents are able to establish erotic relationships based not only on physiological interest, but also on the basis of deep feelings.

Freud singled out 2 characteristics of personal maturity:

1) Ability to work productively

2) The ability to love another, for his own sake, and not for the sake of his projections.

Theory of psychological defenses of personality

Developed by Z. Freud and completed by his daughter Anna Freud.

Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological strategies that distort reality to reduce anxiety and preserve the integrity of the individual. Performs a protective function against psychological trauma. About 20 mental defenses have been described.

Main 10 defenses :

1) Negation- selective attention, exclusion from the perception of aspects that conceal a threat.

2) Regression- a return to more primitive forms of behavior and thinking.

3) crowding out- elimination of unacceptable inclinations and experiences from consciousness.

4) Projection- attributing to others their own repressed motives, experiences and character traits.

5) Identification- unconscious assimilation of a threatening object.

6) Rationalization- rational explanations of their desires and actions as morally acceptable, although they are morally unacceptable or irrational, stupid.

7) Jetformation- this is a change in behavior towards the object to the exact opposite (for example, generosity is protection from stinginess, accuracy from slovenliness).

8) Insulation- this is a blocking of negative emotions while maintaining memory for events.

9) Bias- a) the object of feelings is shifted (when anger is transferred from one person to another), b) the feeling is shifted to the object (the object is the same, the feeling changes).

10) Sublimation- the transformation of sexual and aggressive energy into socially acceptable forms of activity (for example, creativity, sports, cleaning). The most productive form of protection.

Usually an unconscious defense strategy is an obstacle to personal growth.

Coping strategies are an alternative to psychological defenses (these are conscious strategies for coping with frustration, difficulties).

coping theory developed Lazarus. Are divided into:

1) Adaptive

2) Maladaptive

Kinds :

1) Behavioral(for example, asking for help, turning to religion, rituals).

2) Emotional(for example, emotional release, confidence in a favorable outcome).

3) cognitive(for example, problem analysis: a deep awareness of one's own value as a person)

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Looking back - to the past, one can come to a bold but confident conclusion that one of the founders of her ideas is the famous Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud - the creator. You can often hear how he is called the "father" of psychology. Initially, when Freud was just beginning to study the phenomenon of the human, one of his dominant ideas was the concept of unconscious mental processes. But as he worked, the famous scientist somewhat revised his concept and introduced three new terms into the study of personality: eid, Ego And super ego. These concepts have become central to the theory of psychoanalysis. And it is to them that the article is devoted, with which we invite you to familiarize yourself - here we will consider the above three terms in detail and understand what each of them means, as well as what their role is in psychoanalysis.


The very concept of "Id" originates in the Latin language ("id" means "it"). According to Freud's ideas, the id implies exclusively innate, instinctive, primitive aspects of a person's personality. The domain of its functioning is the unconscious. The id is closely related to the primary needs that fill human behavior with energy, such as sleep, eating, sex, etc. The id in psychoanalysis is something chaotic, dark, without laws, purely biological, not subject to any rules. And the id plays its central role in the life of the individual throughout the entire time, until his death.

The id is the original structure of the human psyche and serves as the primary principle of all human life - an immediate outburst of psychic energy, which is produced through biologically determined impulses, among which aggressive and sexual ones predominate. This immediate outburst is called the pleasure principle. And Id, based on this principle, is expressed in an impulsive manner, where it puts itself at the forefront, regardless of any consequences of its actions for others, and without even thinking about self-preservation. Figuratively speaking, Id is a blind ruler, forcing people to obey him with his authority and power, but relying on his subordinates to realize his plans.

Sigmund Freud described two mechanisms by which the id relieves a person of tension - we are talking about reflex actions And primary processes. Speaking of reflex actions, we can say that the id automatically responds to excitatory impulses, thus reacting to the tension caused by the stimulus. As an example, tearing when a mote gets into the eye or coughing as a reaction to irritation of the upper respiratory tract is perfect here. But here it should be noted that reflex actions can not always relieve the level of tension or irritation. For example, not a single reflex movement can feed a hungry child. And in the event that the reflex movement is not able to effectively fulfill its function, the second mechanism comes into force - the primary process of representation, where the id constitutes the mental image of the object that was originally associated with the satisfaction of the need. Taking the hungry baby example above, the primary process might be to recreate the image of a bottle of milk or a mother's breast. Many other examples of the primary process, following the principles of psychoanalysis, can be found in psychoses, hallucinations, dreams.

Here it is necessary to make a small note about what primary processes are in general.

Primary processes they call an irrational, illogical and even fantasy image of a person's ideas, which is characterized by an inability to suppress impulses and distinguish the real from the unreal, the true self from the "non-self". The complexity of behavior in connection with primary processes lies in the fact that a person is not able to distinguish the actual object that can satisfy his need from his image. Compare, for example, water and the mirage of this water, caused by thirst in a person walking in the desert. For this reason, the founder of psychoanalysis argued that the infant is incapable of postponing the satisfaction of his habitual need. The ability to postpone this satisfaction first manifests itself in a person when he begins to understand that in addition to his own desires and needs, there is also an external world. And this knowledge serves as a trigger for the emergence of the second personality structure, called the Ego.


The term "ego" comes from the Latin word "ego", which means "I". The ego is a component of the mental apparatus responsible for human decision making. The ego strives to express and satisfy the desires of the id, but already in accordance with the restrictions imposed by the outside world.

The structure and function of the ego grows out of the id. The ego originates and evolves from the id, and also takes part of the energy from it for its needs in order to meet the conditions of social reality. So it turns out that the ego ensures the preservation and safety of the organism. For example, a person who wants to eat needs to distinguish the image of food that is in the representation from the real image of food. In other words, a person needs to be able to get food and consume it before the tension decreases. This desire encourages a person to learn, think, reason, perceive, make decisions, memorize, etc. It follows that the ego uses perceptual and cognitive processes in its quest to satisfy the needs and desires of the id. However, if the nature of the Id finds expression in the search for pleasure, then the nature of the Ego is subject to the reality principle, the purpose of which is to preserve the integrity of the organism by delaying the satisfaction of instincts until the possibility of discharge and release of tension in the most appropriate way is found, or until the external environment responds. relevant requirements.

super ego

A conversation about the Super-Ego should begin with the fact that for effective functioning in society, a person must have a system of values, ethics and norms that will be compatible with the system adopted in the society around him. And all this can be acquired in the process of socialization - if expressed in the terminology of psychoanalysis, then this happens due to the formation of the Super-Ego, which also comes from the Latin language, in which "super" means "over", and "ego", as it was said - "I".

The superego is the last component of the developing personality. According to Sigmund Freud, there is no Super-Ego in a newly born organism. It is acquired by the child in the process of his interaction with parents, teachers and other people who have a formative effect on the personality. As a moral and ethical force, the Super-Ego is a consequence of the long-term dependence of the child on the parents and manifests itself from the moment when the child begins to distinguish what is good and what is bad.

Among other things, Sigmund Freud divided the superego into two separate subsystems - these are Conscience And ego ideal. Conscience is acquired through parental punishment and is associated with what is considered "disobedient behavior", i.e. with the fact that the child is put in a corner, etc. Conscience includes the emergence of feelings of guilt, the presence of moral prohibitions and the ability for critical self-assessment. And the rewarding aspect of the Super-Ego is the Ego-ideal, which is formed from the approvals and high marks of significant people. The ego-ideal determines the presence of such feelings as pride or self-respect.

The super-ego can only be considered fully formed when parental control gives way to self-control. The Super-Ego seeks to finally slow down the manifestations of all socially condemned impulses emanating from the Id, and directs a person to perfection in thoughts, words and actions, convincing the Ego that idealistic goals prevail over realistic ones.

Such are the roles and significance of the id, ego and superego in Freud's psychoanalysis. In conclusion, we can only say that the entire conscious life of a person, the Ego is looking for compromise solutions that can satisfy the Id and Super-Ego, which are in constant confrontation with each other.

Hello dear blog readers! The personality structure consists of three components, which Sigmund Freud called the id, ego and superego. And if at least one of them has difficulties, the person loses mental balance. Then we are already talking about such diagnoses as psychosis or neurosis. And today we will look at exactly what functions each element performs, and in general what it is.


It is innate, as it helps the baby to survive, that is, it provides security and satisfaction of basic needs. In fact, these are our instincts, primitive, but effective and vital. Have you noticed that you are doing some work automatically, while thinking completely about distant things that are more relevant at the moment? This is the manifestation of id. It controls us, so much so that sometimes we are unable to cope with it, or we do not always monitor these manifestations.

When a person is hungry, he is not able to concentrate on the tasks at hand. He will not be able to think about something, as his thoughts will be devoted to food. Do you fantasize or daydream about what you would eat if you had a choice on an empty stomach? By the way, it is for this reason that it is not recommended to visit supermarkets and grocery stores if there is even the slightest feeling of hunger. A person will not be able to think critically and objectively consider the situation, evaluate it. And it threatens with unintentional expenses. Yes, and products can be chosen completely different from what was previously planned.

In fact, id is an excellent marker, it allows you to notice in time that the body is in a state of frustration against the background of unmet needs. That is, that a person wants to eat, sleep, drink, rest, multiply, and so on. But there are also disadvantages. If a person lived, guided only by instincts, he would be no different from an ordinary animal, and would lose the status of a higher being.

Just imagine, you saw a beautiful thing on someone, and instantly began to take it off, because you liked it. They would tear out food, almost from the chewing mouth, would go to bed at the first sign of fatigue, regardless of where we are at the moment, and whether there are conditions for rest. In general, they would turn into savages. And then there could be no talk of any civilized society.


Psychosis, by the way, develops precisely because of problems with this unbridled primitive energy. The individual loses touch with reality and other components of the personality, which is why he behaves naturally and primitively. He can no longer creatively adapt to different situations, and gives out the same reactions to any stimulus. He is not able to understand what his body needs at the moment, as well as what others want from him, others expect.

Due to these circumstances, a lot of tension arises, which is not so easy to keep. Therefore, cases of uncontrolled destructive aggression are not uncommon. It can be directed both at oneself and at those who are nearby.

Those who have difficulty with this element may lose sensitivity to themselves. There is even a disease called alexithymia. The person diagnosed with it is not able to recognize feelings, both their own and those around them. Sometimes it seems to him that he does not know how to experience emotions at all. And indeed sometimes looks a little detached. He does not know what he wants, he does not care what happens in the world around him. He does something out of inertia, relying only on the knowledge that it is necessary and correct. Whether you like it or not is not clear.


Responsible for decision making. That is, the id sends an impulse that some need is not satisfied, and the ego is looking for ways through which it can fulfill it. Begins its formation in infancy. It is then that the child understands that his actions can anger or upset parents, caregivers, other children. He seems to read their emotions as reactions to his actions.

That is, in fact, he correlates his desires with the accepted norms and rules that exist in society. This keeps him from taking away things he likes and so on. The child learns to hold back, otherwise he will be punished in some way. Depending on what measures of education adhere to his guardians. It is believed that the appearance of speech indicates the successful formation of this component.

It encourages a person to think, learn, develop and perceive the world around him. To function in it as a full member of society. Infants do not yet have this component so well, in contrast to already formed adults. They don't care where they eat, even if mom has to undress in the cold or in a crowded place. He will cry until he is satiated, or he will be so tired that he will simply fall asleep.

This element ensures the safety of the body. It encourages the individual to anticipate events. Let's take the example of food again. It is not for nothing that breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks were invented. A person understands that he needs a certain amount of food per day, its variety. To get it, you should work so that you have something to buy products for, or you can grow them yourself. He makes a choice which way is more acceptable to him. And then the feeling of hunger will not be unexpected for him, he anticipates and satisfies him.

And so it is with every physiological need from Maslow's pyramid. What it is, you can find out from the article, which is located.


By the way, neurosis occurs at a time when a person is not able to creatively adapt to the surrounding reality. That is, for some reason, his methods and methods do not bring the expected result. As a result, he wastes his resources in vain, and this causes a high level of stress. He does not know how to be, how to behave, and what choice to make. Self-esteem falls, the body is frustrated, against which the individual is in a state of constant stress. Which provokes the development of psychosomatic diseases.


Responsible for ideas about oneself and the world around people. That is, to put it simply, these are our attitudes, stereotypes, social roles, rules, norms of behavior, conscience, morality, identity, etc. You can learn more about how to develop morality, and indeed what this term means, by clicking here.

These ideas are formed due to the ideals and values ​​that parents or figures who have a certain authority for the individual adhered to. For example, a child who grew up among people with alcohol addiction may not see anything wrong with drinking a couple of bottles of beer every day.

Appears at about five years of age. It tries to curb the id and force the ego to act according to accepted norms, ideal ideas. It is located both in consciousness and in the subconscious. And it is an excellent regulator of behavior. For example, a person knows that for some act he is threatened with imprisonment, an unbearable feeling of guilt or shame. And then it is easier for him to hold on than to pay part of his life for a momentary desire later.

Unfortunately, our ideas do not always correspond to reality and are useful. Some ideals really turn out to be impossible to implement, which is why the person suffers and constantly experiences disappointment and impotence. Some of the rules are relevant for one group of people, and falling into a completely different community, a conflict of interest may arise.

That is why the balance and interaction of all elements is so important. The psyche, if not able to adapt to new conditions, will experience stress. And this affects the character of the individual. For example, those who are unable to bear responsibility for their actions and make choices are considered weak-willed. But uncompromising, or arrogant, if the ego is too strong, and although it is able to withstand stress, then it will not adapt to changes.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! For self-development, I recommend reading an article about what psychological defense mechanisms exist. This information will help you explore your favorite defenses so you can become more mobile. That will provide a balance in the interaction of all components of the personality. Be healthy and happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina.


I have already written one article that deals with subconscious processes and I am going to write several more, mainly on the behavior of children and adolescents. And then I was asked a question about the protective psychological mechanisms, which were mentioned in passing in the article - “what is it?”. Therefore, I decided to write about the basis of the psychological structure of the subconscious - Id, Ego, Super-His and defense mechanisms.

The theory of personality or structure of the psyche by Sigmund Freud

Of course, there are many theories of subconscious processes, but today the theory of Sigmund Freud 1 is more popular in the scientific world. Why? This theory has many enemies, many consider it very "weird". The teachings of Sigmund Freud were banned, like the Nazis - his books were burned in Nazi Germany. In the USSR, his theory was declared incompatible with Marxism and also banned. According to both, Freud's teaching makes a person and his desires and aspirations too primitive and does not idealize him, which is contrary to the policy of the country.

A famous parody of Sigmund Freud and his teachings. The inscription can be translated: "What's on a man's mind"; or "What's on a man's mind."

But despite all this, it is his theory that explains many of the actions of people. No one has yet looked into the subconscious, thanks to his teachings, doctors and psychologists have been able to help many patients, including us during our private medical practice.

According to Freud's theory, we are born with Id 2. The id reflects primary processes (pleasure, aggression, etc.), in fact, requirements and desires. We cannot change or influence this, because. The id is already embedded or “programmed” into us.

Imagine this component of the psyche as a child who all the time says: "I want, I want ..", "I want right now ...", "give me this", "I want this."

Meet Your Id. It is impulsive and stupid, and its requests are: “I want it, give it, I want it, give it to me…”

At the age of 4-5 years, we begin to actively develop another component of the psyche - Superego 3. Pay attention to the age and remember it. The superego already reflects the morality of what can and cannot be done. The Super-Ego, unlike the impulsive and stupid Id, begins to understand what is good and what is bad. It would seem that's great, we have morality. Everything would be fine, but from the impulsive Id, the Super-Ego is distinguished by another extreme feature - it has an extremely overwhelming character. While the Id says: “I want it, I want it,” the Super Ego replies: “no you can’t, you don’t deserve (la), suffer, suffering is better for you. Therefore, let's imagine the Super-Ego as a kind of boring and instructive old woman who exerts psychological pressure.

Meet your super-ego. Such a boring, extremely correct old woman. She suppresses all the desires of the stupid Eid: “No! You did not deserve (la) ... ".

On the one hand, Eid is drawn to do something, for example, to perform “what you want” and it doesn't matter if it's allowed or not. On the other hand, the Super-Ego suppresses any initiative, both good and not acceptable in society. In other words, they howl among themselves. It cannot go on like this for long, because we must finally make a decision.

And here comes Ego 4 to the rescue, it develops between these two extremes (Id and Super-Ego). The ego, like a diplomat, cooperates with both of them, tries to try them on and work out an optimal solution acceptable to everyone.

Ego, your diplomat, which is between the Id and the Super-Ego, helps to find the right and rational solution.

For these purposes, the ego uses psychological defense mechanisms 5 . Defense mechanisms are a tool "in the hands" of the ego to resolve the conflict between the id and the super-ego. When an overactive, stupid and enterprising child and a boring "overcorrect" old woman begin to argue, the Ego selects the most appropriate defense mechanism in this situation in order to extinguish the conflict between them. The ego takes into account both the initiative of the Id and the wisdom of the Super-Ego, and ideally, the scheme should turn out like the one in the picture below.

Defense mechanisms

And finally, the turn has come to talk about the tools that the Ego uses - defense mechanisms, i.e. what we were going for. Why are they protective? Because they protect the psyche from unpleasant experiences, when an internal, subconscious conflict occurs, between those already familiar to you: Id and Super-Ego.

Here are some of the main principles of subconscious defense mechanisms:

  • All psychological defense mechanisms are subconscious. If you know what you are doing or why you are doing it, this is not a defense mechanism.
  • Defense mechanisms change over time.
  • If you recognize a defense mechanism, then it is not currently in use, it may have been used in the past.
  • Defense mechanisms have an adaptive function, but they can be pathological.

How effective is the ego and how well and professionally does it use its tools - psychological defense mechanisms? If the Ego worked perfectly, you and we would always be perfect people. But we know that we don't always make the right decisions. Sometimes suddenly, the mood disappears, sometimes there are inexplicable outbursts of anger or irritation occurs ...

The whole subconscious process also depends on how proactive the Id is and how developed the Super-Ego is. Among other things, in these processes, although they are subconscious, age plays an important role. Remember I told you to remember the age of super-ego development? If you remember, you can immediately answer at what age the child begins ( just starting) to understand what is good and what is bad. Until this age, the child simply adapts. The child remembers when he was praised and when he was scolded. Before the development of the Super-Ego, the child does not understand that it is bad and dangerous to climb into the socket with a nail - he just remembers that he was scolded and will be scolded again. In this case, the Eid will no longer take the initiative, because the Eid is trying to do everything, to enjoy, and what is the pleasure if they scold or punish?

Let's get back to defense mechanisms. What is the difference between normal psychological mechanisms and already psychopathology? The difference is: how long, in the right place, does the ego use its tools ... In other words, how far has this or that defense mechanism gone? Do we understand reality correctly and is the defense mechanism chosen correctly? Are we distorting reality, intentionally or unknowingly, in order to find agreement?

I hope you at least a little understood the structure of subconscious processes, why psychological defense mechanisms are needed and what it is. In other articles, we will already consider specific protection mechanisms in practical cases.

1 - Sigmund Freud (German Sigmund Freud) Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist. Born in 1856 in a Jewish family. At the age of 17 he entered the University of Vienna, medical department, in 1881. graduated from it. His writings were greatly influenced by Josef Breuer and Jean Martin Charcot. Sigmund Freud had six children. One of the daughters followed in her father's footsteps and founded child psychoanalysis. In 1930, Freud received the Goethe Prize for his contribution to the psychology and culture of German literature. In 1933, after the annexation of Austria to Germany, his works were banned, books were burned. His family begins to be interested in the Gestapo, interrogations begin. Four of Freud's five sisters are sent to concentration camps. He decides to "die free". He is helped by the Nazi Anton Sauerwald, he was previously a student of one of the professors, who often played cards with Freud. Already in England in 1939, Sigmund Freud asked his doctor and friend to "help him die", because. suffers from cancer, which causes torment. "Departing from life" he left 24 volumes of his scientific works, but he was not only a pure theorist. He had many patients, including famous people. You can read more about the life and work of Sigmund Freud.

2 - From lat - Id. In Russian-language literature - It. Sigmund Freud used the term "das Es", he took it from another German doctor - Georg Groddeck. In English literature, and in the world as a whole, it is customary to use the Latin term, i.e. "Id'. Do not confuse with the English concept of "Ai-di" i.e. identity. The term Id in psychoanalysis is taken from Latin and is pronounced "ed".

3 - Super-Ego in Russian-language literature is often referred to as the Super-I. In English Super Ego (lat). Freud's own term is "das Über-Ich" (German).

4 - Ego in Russian-language literature is often denoted by the term "I". In English - Ego (lat.). For Freud it was "das Ich" (I am German).

5 - Psychological Defense Mechanisms, or often simply "Defense Mechanisms". In English literature - defense mechanisms.

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