Lyudmila Petrushevskaya three girls in blue comedy in two parts. The archetype "house" in the play "Three Girls in Blue" HP Petrushevskaya Three girls in blue actors

Tragicomedy in two acts

Petrushevskaya Lyudmila Stefanovna was born on May 26, 1938 in Moscow. Russian prose writer, singer, poetess, playwright.

The first play "Music Lessons" (1973) was staged in 1979 by R. Viktyuk in the theater-studio of the House of Culture "Moskvorechye", as well as by V. Golikov in the theater-studio of Leningrad State University and was almost immediately banned.

"Moscow Choir" was staged at the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov and is being staged in the theater of Europe under the direction of Lev Dodin

The play "Three Girls in Blue" was written in 1980 and staged in Moscow at Lenkom. According to Petrushevskaya, the play was banned for three years.

From a letter from Semyon Losev to Lyudmila Petrushevskaya “... for me you are a classic. This is not flattery. I consider a playwright a classic who, having his own unique language, his own style, touches upon an insoluble problem. The unsolvability of the problem makes the work eternal. And such authors should be unraveled. I tortured myself and everyone around, why such a name - "Three Girls in Blue", what does it mean, how can this be expressed in the performance? I have my own version.

Yes, the struggle for a place in life, every unit of time, but in the play there is something behind the words that not only makes you fall, but also helps you rise, in the end there is the theme of motherhood, with all its troubles and joys, and this is poetry and space .

We have been working on your play "Three Girls in Blue" for a season already. We work with students (we have a branch of the Yaroslavl Theater), this will be their graduation performance. Our theater, unfortunately, has been undergoing major repairs for three years, we huddle in a residential building, but we created a theater for 50 seats and released a number of premieres, two of which were even recently brought to Moscow and, judging by the reception, played quite successfully in the Actor's House . If the release of the performance based on your play is successful, then the performance will enter the repertoire. And it will be transferred to one of the three scenes. (We, I hope, from the new season will have a big stage and two small ones). And successful performances live for a long time, “The Deadline” by V. G. Rasputin has been around for 10 years.

From a letter from Lyudmila Petrushevskaya to Semyon Losev:

“Dear Semyon Mikhailovich!

"Three Girls in Blue" is now rarely staged. Last time she was put in Moscow, in the Palace of Culture. Zuev. They didn't even ask me, that's fine. But they did not call (as it used to be) to see the general, to talk with the actors. They just started the show, that's all. I asked - "Did you laugh in the hall?" - They answered me: “No, what are you talking about!” And I didn't go to the premiere. And I tried so hard to make the first act funnier - in terms of language, in terms of situations. I would suggest that the remark of the Deputy Minister “I love being indoors when it rains” is pronounced with a pause after the word “rain”. In Lenkom, the audience laughed. Mark Anatolyevich, thank you. There is a scene at the airport where Churikova (Ira) crawls on her knees and screams terribly “I may not be in time!” I always started crying at the first performances and came out crying for bows.

I liked your letter so much that I posted it on my Facebook. And I keep this diary as my future book.

I answered you there.

Why Three Girls in Blue? Oddly enough, that was the name of the American comedy film of the 40s. But the sky is blue. Space. And in Lenkom they solved this problem easily - they dressed the girls in jeans. And one more thing - you found the meaning of the drama. Insoluble conflict. The audience will leave the theater, but they will not leave the performance.

Thank you for these words - "an unsolvable problem." This is the essence of drama. Thank you.

I wish you to release a performance and enter your renovated theatre.”

Staging - Semyon Losev
Scenography - Tatyana Sopina
Video editing and pedagogical directing - Mykola Shestak
Costumes - Olga Afanasyeva
Composer - Andrey Alexandrov

In the play are involved:

Ira - Valeria Ivlicheva
Svetlana - Maria Marchenkova, Tatyana Solovey
Tatiana - Anna Velichkina
Leocadia, mother-in-law of Svetlana - Olesya Nedaiborsch
Maria Filippovna, mother of Ira - Larisa Gurianova
Fedorovna, mistress of the dacha - Victoria Ostapenko
Nikolai Ivanovich, an acquaintance of Ira - Andrey Gorshkov
Valera, Tatyana's husband - Ivan Pasazhennikov, Evgeny Chernousov
Young man - Igor Bogatyrev, Alexey Solonchev
Pavlik, son of Ira - Mariana Chernousova
Anton, Tatyana's son - (participant of the children's studio)
Maxim, son of Svetlana - (participant of the children's studio)

Premiere of the play - February 1, 2017
The duration of the performance is 2 hours 50 minutes. with intermission
The performance is conducted by: Olga Afanasyeva, Asya Sukhomlinova

All the masterpieces of world literature in summary. Plots and characters. Russian literature of the 20th century Novikov V.I.

Three girls in blue

Three girls in blue

Comedy (1980)

Three women "over thirty" live in the summer with their little sons in the country. Svetlana, Tatyana and Ira are second cousins, they raise their children alone (although Tatyana, the only one of them, has a husband). Women quarrel, figuring out who owns half of the dacha, whose son is the offender, and whose son is offended ... Svetlana and Tatyana live in the dacha for free, but the ceiling is leaking in their half. Ira rents a room from Feodorovna, the mistress of the second half of the dacha. But she is forbidden to use the toilet belonging to the sisters.

Ira meets her neighbor Nikolai Ivanovich. He cares for her, admires her, calling her a beauty queen. As a sign of the seriousness of his feelings, he organizes the construction of a toilet for Ira.

Ira lives in Moscow with her mother, who constantly listens to own illnesses and reproaches the daughter with the fact that she leads the wrong way of life. When Ira was fifteen years old, she ran away to spend the night at the stations, and even now, having arrived home with a sick five-year-old Pavlik, she leaves the child with her mother and quietly goes to Nikolai Ivanovich. Nikolai Ivanovich is touched by Ira's story about her youth: he also has a fifteen-year-old daughter, whom he adores.

Believing in the love of Nikolai Ivanovich, about which he speaks so beautifully, Ira follows him to Koktebel, where her lover is resting with his family. In Koktebel, Nikolai Ivanovich's attitude towards Ira changes: she annoys him with her devotion, from time to time he demands the keys to her room in order to retire with his wife. Soon the daughter of Nikolai Ivanovich learns about Ira. Unable to withstand his daughter's tantrum, Nikolai Ivanovich drives away his annoying mistress. He offers her money, but Ira refuses.

On the phone, Ira tells her mother that she lives in a dacha, but cannot come for Pavlik, because the road has been washed out. During one of the calls, the mother reports that she urgently goes to the hospital and leaves Pavlik at home alone. Calling back in a few minutes, Ira realizes that her mother did not deceive her: the child is alone at home, he has no food. At the Simferopol airport, Ira sells her raincoat and on her knees begs the airport attendant to help her fly to Moscow.

Svetlana and Tatyana, in the absence of Ira, occupy her country room. They are determined, because during the rain half of them was completely flooded and it became impossible to live there. The sisters fight again over the upbringing of their sons. Svetlana doesn't want her Maxim to grow up squishy and die as early as his father.

Ira suddenly appears with Pavlik. She says that her mother was admitted to the hospital with a strangulated hernia, that Pavlik was left alone at home, and she miraculously managed to fly out of Simferopol. Svetlana and Tatyana announce to Ira that they will now live in her room. To their surprise, Ira doesn't mind. She hopes for the help of her sisters: she has no one else to count on. Tatyana declares that now they will take turns buying food and cooking, and Maxim will have to stop fighting. "There are two of us now!" she says to Svetlana.

T. A. Sotnikova

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Thanks to two very good people I got to the run of the play "Three Girls in Blue", in the Palace of Culture Zueva. It should be noted that this was my first acquaintance with the Other Theatre.
The story itself is practically nothing. Three young women with children live in a dilapidated dacha. The hostess of the dacha, the son of the main character, the mother-in-law of one girl, and the drunken husband of another are also present there. At some point, a neighbor in the dacha enters the game, starts courting the heroine (quite funny courting, yes ... but it's sad to look at). Well, further, further ... What is happening moves on as usual, events develop slowly and predictably to the point of insanity in general, although they are full of such absurdities, illogicalities and idiocy (I'm talking about the actions of heroes) that it's time to say "I don't believe" (c). .. Although this is both trouble and longing - what I believe ... There are a lot of stories that are not even stories, but just ordinary events for someone. All the characters in the performance are not accidental, each with its own history, character, recognizable and understandable. For some two hours, we saw, at a glance, so many life stories ... It is even, in a sense, hard - because there is not much light there at all.
In general, for me this performance evokes associations with the project "behind the glass" - everything that happens is painfully naturalistic. As if not a play or a stage, but in fact, by some miracle, the door to someone else's life was opened for us with its sorrows, joys, adventures, disappointments. Another association with a viscous half-drunk dream-nightmare, from which it is difficult to emerge - probably they drink too much during the play :) And the thought of time has not left yet ... side of the stage. Pavlik is our future, almost the whole performance is just as quiet - on the other hand ... And all the time between them beats, suffers, rejoices and seeks a better life for the present.

And I can't say enough about the actors and characters. Yesterday we saw:

Ira, young woman- Alisa Grebenshchikova
Svetlana, young woman- Olga Prikhudaylova
Tatiana, young woman- Anna Nakhapetova
Leocadia, mother-in-law of Svetlana- Alena Reznik
Maria Filippovna, mother of Ira- Olga Khokhlova
Fedorovna, mistress of the dacha- Albina Tikhanova
Pavlik, son of Ira- Kuzma Yaremenko
Nikolai Ivanovich, Ira's friend- Andrei Barilo
Valera, Tatyana's husband- Stanislav Sytnik
Young man- Leonid Lavrovsky-Garcia

Everyone liked it, oddly enough. That's all :)
Irina (A. Grebenshchikova) - in my opinion, one hundred percent hit in the image. Well, as far as I can tell, at least :) The other two young women are also good in their own way. I can't help but admire once again Anna Nakhapetova's ability to reincarnate.
Beautiful Nikolai Ivanovich (A. Barilo). Or rather, Andrei Barilo is beautiful :))) You can look at him even regardless of what is happening on stage, lovely :)
Without Pavlik and Leocadia, it would be impossible to watch at all, it seems to me. Especially without these specific Pavlik and Leocadia. I absolutely admire Alena Reznik, in fact. And I cannot but mention the performer of the role of Pavlik - Kuzma Yaremenko. A five-year-old kid plays a five-year-old (according to the play) boy ... he doesn’t play - he lives. He was actually a little light in the play like a sip fresh air. Talented child. Bold, strong, responsible and passionate. To play in an evening adult performance, a lot of time on stage, replicas ... Clever girl :) I did it perfectly, more than. And most importantly, so easy, as if he always played.

Three girls in blue
Summary comedy
Three women "over thirty" live in the summer with their little sons in the country. Svetlana, Tatyana and Ira are second cousins, they raise their children alone (although Tatyana, the only one of them, has a husband). Women quarrel, finding out who owns half of the dacha, whose son is the offender, and whose son is offended ... Svetlana and Tatiana live in the dacha for free, but the ceiling is leaking in their half. Ira rents a room from Feodorovna, the mistress of the second half of the dacha. But she is forbidden to use what belongs to her.

Sisters toilet.
Ira meets her neighbor Nikolai Ivanovich. He cares for her, admires her, calling her a beauty queen. As a sign of the seriousness of his feelings, he organizes the construction of a toilet for Ira.
Ira lives in Moscow with her mother, who constantly listens to her own illnesses and reproaches her daughter for leading the wrong way of life. When Ira was fifteen years old, she ran away to spend the night at the stations, and even now, having arrived home with a sick five-year-old Pavlik, she leaves the child with her mother and quietly goes to Nikolai Ivanovich. Nikolai Ivanovich is touched by Ira's story about her youth: he also has a fifteen-year-old daughter, whom he adores.
Believing in the love of Nikolai Ivanovich, about which he speaks so beautifully, Ira follows him to Koktebel, where her lover is resting with his family. In Koktebel, Nikolai Ivanovich's attitude towards Ira changes: she annoys him with her devotion, from time to time he demands the keys to her room in order to retire with his wife. Soon the daughter of Nikolai Ivanovich learns about Ira. Unable to withstand his daughter's tantrum, Nikolai Ivanovich drives away his annoying mistress. He offers her money, but Ira refuses.
On the phone, Ira tells her mother that she lives in a dacha, but cannot come for Pavlik, because the road has been washed out. During one of the calls, the mother reports that she urgently goes to the hospital and leaves Pavlik at home alone. Calling back in a few minutes, Ira realizes that her mother did not deceive her: the child is alone at home, he has no food. At the Simferopol airport, Ira sells her raincoat and on her knees begs the airport attendant to help her fly to Moscow.
Svetlana and Tatyana, in the absence of Ira, occupy her country room. They are determined, because during the rain half of them was completely flooded and it became impossible to live there. The sisters fight again over the upbringing of their sons. Svetlana doesn't want her Maxim to grow up squishy and die as early as his father. Ira suddenly appears with Pavlik. She says that her mother was admitted to the hospital with a strangulated hernia, that Pavlik was left alone at home, and she miraculously managed to fly out of Simferopol. Svetlana and Tatyana announce to Ira that they will now live in her room. To their surprise, Ira doesn't mind. She hopes for the help of her sisters: she has no one else to count on. Tatyana declares that now they will take turns buying food and cooking, and Maxim will have to stop fighting. “There are two of us now!” she says to Svetlana.

You are now reading: Summary Three girls in blue - Petrushevskaya Lyudmila Stefanovna

Read in 3 minutes, original in 2 hours

Three women "over thirty" live in the summer with their little sons in the country. Svetlana, Tatyana and Ira are second cousins, they raise their children alone (although Tatyana, the only one of them, has a husband). Women quarrel, figuring out who owns half of the dacha, whose son is the offender, and whose son is offended ... Svetlana and Tatyana live in the dacha for free, but the ceiling flows in their half. Ira rents a room from Feodorovna, the mistress of the second half of the dacha. But she is forbidden to use the toilet belonging to the sisters.

Ira meets her neighbor Nikolai Ivanovich. He cares for her, admires her, calling her a beauty queen. As a sign of the seriousness of his feelings, he organizes the construction of a toilet for Ira.

Ira lives in Moscow with her mother, who constantly listens to her own illnesses and reproaches her daughter for leading the wrong way of life. When Ira was fifteen years old, she ran away to spend the night at the stations, and even now, having arrived home with a sick five-year-old Pavlik, she leaves the child with her mother and quietly goes to Nikolai Ivanovich. Nikolai Ivanovich is touched by Ira's story about her youth: he also has a fifteen-year-old daughter, whom he adores.

Believing in the love of Nikolai Ivanovich, about which he speaks so beautifully, Ira follows him to Koktebel, where her lover is resting with his family. In Koktebel, Nikolai Ivanovich's attitude towards Ira changes: she annoys him with her devotion, from time to time he demands the keys to her room in order to retire with his wife. Soon the daughter of Nikolai Ivanovich learns about Ira. Unable to withstand his daughter's tantrum, Nikolai Ivanovich drives away his annoying mistress. He offers her money, but Ira refuses.

On the phone, Ira tells her mother that she lives in a country house, but cannot come for Pavlik, because the road has been washed out. During one of the calls, the mother reports that she urgently goes to the hospital and leaves Pavlik at home alone. Calling back a few minutes later, Ira realizes that her mother did not deceive her: the child is alone at home, he has no food. At the Simferopol airport, Ira sells her raincoat and on her knees begs the airport duty officer to help her fly to Moscow.

Svetlana and Tatyana, in the absence of Ira, occupy her country room. They are determined, because during the rain half of them was completely flooded and it became impossible to live there. The sisters fight again over the upbringing of their sons. Svetlana does not want her Maxim to grow up squishy and die as early as his father. Ira suddenly appears with Pavlik. She says that her mother was admitted to the hospital with a strangulated hernia, that Pavlik was left alone at home, and she miraculously managed to fly out of Simferopol. Svetlana and Tatyana announce to Ira that they will now live in her room. To their surprise, Ira doesn't mind. She hopes for the help of her sisters: she has no one else to count on. Tatyana declares that now they will take turns buying food and cooking, and Maxim will have to stop fighting. "There are two of us now!" she says to Svetlana.

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