Where are the older children of Maria Maksakova. Maksakova explained the disregard for older children. Where is my Carmen

Despite the fact that Lyudmila Maksakova answers calls from media correspondents quite harshly, her friend actor Stanislav Sadalsky has repeatedly written on his blog about how hard she is going through the situation around her daughter Maria Maksakova.

Recall that Maria Maksakova, together with her husband Denis Voronenkov, emigrated to Ukraine in October last year. This became known in January-February. At the same time, both spouses are former deputies of the State Duma, whose powers ended only at the end of last year.

Maksakova was sent a summons in connection with the actions of her husband. In addition, Maksakova has contracts for performances in performances in two opera theaters of the Russian Federation, at the Helikon Opera in Moscow and at the Mariinsky Theater, where at the end of January in the play The Queen of Spades she was replaced by another soloist. Maksakova is a senior lecturer at the Gnessin Academy at the Department of Solo Singing.

Row public figures rather sharply expressed not only in the address of Voronenkov, but also in the address of Maksakova. Maria Maksakova, who, apparently, planned to live in Kyiv and travel to work in the Russian Federation, said that she was now afraid to come home.

At the same time, in Moscow, the singer left her mother, a Soviet theater star, an actress of the Theater. Vakhtangov Lyudmila Maksakova, brother, whose son recently married the daughter of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin Galina, and Maria's father is a German citizen.

Lyudmila Maksakova is 76 years old.

At the first calls about the whereabouts of her daughter in the apartment of Lyudmila Maksakova, the housekeeper picked up the phone, saying that they had no information about Maria. Then the journalists got through to the actress herself, who, when asked about her daughter, answered, “You know, something has blown my memory.” In the future, she answered in the same vein, and the commentators had the impression that Lyudmila Maksakova survived her daughter's emigration quite easily.
But everything turned out to be completely different.

Kirill Krok, director of the Vakhtangov Theater, where Maksakova Sr. serves, just wrote meaningfully to Maria: “I would have pity on parents and children!”

As it became known, the two older children of Maria Maksakova from her first marriage remained in Russia, and she took away only the newborn Ivan to Kyiv.

“The older children are with their father, I have quite normal relations with him,” said Maria Maksakova. Family friends say that the children, 12-year-old Ilya and 6-year-old Lyudmila, will also have to be taken care of by their grandmother, Lyudmila Vasilievna. How the mother herself is going to see them, who, according to her, will not return to her homeland in the near future, is unclear. Ilya is a cadet of the Suvorov Military School.

Stanislav Sadalsky, a friend of the actress, has already complained several times about how hard it is for Lyudmila Vasilievna now. He wrote on his blog:

- Parents are no longer responsible for their daughter, of course. Masha has long been cut off from the umbilical cord, she has her own head on her shoulders. But her father is very worried, just crazy about this situation. He is seriously ill, feels bad, and all this is not good for him.

Lyudmila Maksakova is famous for her sharp temper. Her own fate has shown sharp turns more than once.

On the Internet, there are memories of Lyudmila Maksakova about her childhood:
“In the summer of the first post-war years, we lived in a hut that looked like a birdhouse. Our “terem-teremok” was hastily knocked together from boxes in which aid was brought from America under the so-called Lend-Lease.
We lived, like everyone else, very hard. I remember my grandmother getting up early in the morning to queue for flour. They wrote a number on her hand with an indelible pencil, and she was very afraid to erase it ... "

Lyudmila's mother was a famous opera singer, soloist of the Kirov and Bolshoi theatres. The singing of Maria Petrovna Maksakova on the stage of the Bolshoi was admired by Stalin, and idle gossips attributed him to Lyudmila as their father.

Illustration - Lyudmila Maksakova in the TV version of the operetta “The Bat” by I. Kalman

The famous opera singer Maria Maksakova has been separated from her older children, son Ilya and daughter Lucy, for quite a long time. The vocalist, as you know, lives and works in Kyiv, and her heirs stayed with their father, businessman Vladimir Tyurin. They live in a luxurious mansion on Rublyovka, their father and grandmother Lyudmila Maksakova take care of them.

In an interview with one of the Ukrainian publications, Maria Maksakova made it clear that she was not satisfied with the way her son and daughter are being raised now. The opera diva spoke very unflatteringly about the abilities of the heirs, evaluating their recent performance at the festival in Yalta, where the boy performed the piece on the piano, and the girl on the harp. Maria Maksakova said that while she was raising children, they demonstrated unique talents, but now she is ashamed of their performing level.

“I had a powerful influence on them for 12 years while they lived with me. Ilya brilliantly played the piano and piano, and Lucy played the harp, but since they do not live with me, they have stopped in this development,” said Maria Maksakova.

In addition, the singer was dissatisfied appearance her son, who, according to her, recovered greatly.

“After leaving the Suvorov School, Ilya again gained 12 kilograms and began to look like there was nothing in his life. I was so proud of him. He performed in the Crimea a program that a year ago he brilliantly played with me in Cannes. But only much worse, slowly and with errors, ”added Maria Maksakova annoyed.

The singer made it clear that she would be glad to be reunited with the children and the opportunity to again take care of their upbringing. True, for this, Ilya and Lucy must move in with their mother. Maria Maksakova expressed the hope that they would do so. But first they need to reach the age of 14, which is considered capable. Ilya until this moment had to wait less than a year. “If he has a desire to come to me in Kyiv, I will be glad to see him,” says Maria Maksakova.

It is worth noting that the singer is a great example of what a person can achieve as a result of hard work on himself and his voice. She managed to independently move from one register to another.

“That is, I, being originally trained as a soprano, moved to a different register. For eight seasons I sang in the theater as a mezzo-soprano, even low contralto parts. Therefore, my example of how I did it myself and began to sing really for real aroused interest, and many people “rushed” to study with me, ”Maria Maksakova told about herself.

The article was prepared using materials from The Day.

More than once in the press there was information that Maria Maksakova renounced parental rights. This was also stated on television by sources allegedly close to the singer. Such information was preceded by the news that Vladimir Tyurin, the father of Maksakova's older children, was the customer behind the murder of the fugitive State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov.

Maria Maksakova: News

Contrary to popular belief about Maksakova's bad relationship with older children, the singer continues to keep in touch with them. Moreover, the opera diva did not even think of giving them up.

When Denis and I left for Ukraine, he (Vladimir Tyurin) took his son Ilya by force from Suvorov School. Although my son liked to study there. He (Tyurin) took Ilya even before the murder of Denis. It is quite possible that he was already planning the elimination of my husband. He took the child from the school, and then, arguing that he had two criminal cases, because of which he could be sent to a pre-trial detention center, he asked me to write that I agree that the children temporarily live with their father. Allegedly, the children can be taken away from him, he will sit in a pre-trial detention center, and the children will be given to guardians. I did not give up parental rights to my children! All these statements of journalists are utter nonsense. It was a document on determining the place of residence of children. I wrote that I did not mind that the children would temporarily live with their father. Moreover, I signed this paper unilaterally. My signature is notarized. But all the same, this agreement is void, has no legal force, since there is no signature of the father of my older children. Children will grow up, come to their senses and make right choice, - Maria Maksakova told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

More recently, Maria experienced another grief - her father, Peter Andreas Igenbergs, died. According to media reports, the funeral was postponed due to the fact that the family was waiting for Maksakova's arrival in Moscow. But it turned out that things are more complicated than it seems.

The story of the father is complex. I don't know why they took him somewhere for treatment without asking me... They buried him today. Farewell took place in his homeland in Germany. I was there today. Only my mother was not at the funeral ... - added Maria Maksakova.

Earlier, the ex-lover of the late State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov appeared on the air of one of the TV programs. 19-year-old Alexandra said that Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov were married not out of love, but according to the calculation of the politician himself. In addition, Alexandra believes that the singer could have ordered the murder of her husband, since she could not forgive him for cheating.

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko stated that Vladimir Tyurin, ex-husband Maria Maksakova, was informed of the suspicion of organizing the murder of Denis Voronenkov. He specified that a request for extradition would be sent to Russia. Also, Lutsenko did not rule out the possibility of putting on the international wanted list and the procedure for conviction in absentia, if the extradition is denied.

Maria Maksakova leads an active online life. She often posts photos on Facebook, as well as interviews that she gives mainly to Ukrainian publications. After the murder of Maksakova's husband, ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov, the singer radically changed her image and noticeably lost weight and, it seems, began to experiment with images. Netizens are actively looking for photos of Maria Maksakova before and after plastic surgery. The personal life of the singer is discussed quite often.

fame and attention general public Maria Maksakova received as a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, where she performed various roles. Over the years creative biography she was also able to realize her abilities in another area, appearing on television as a film actress and presenter. For about five years, Maksakova's activities were connected with politics: being a member of the United Russia party, the opera singer sat in the State Duma.

In her personal life, she made many mistakes, and even with her family, she was never able to find an idyll in a relationship. After tragic death beloved husband, Maria did not return to her homeland and now lives in Kyiv. She continues to develop her creative career, and her little son, born in marriage with her beloved man, gives her strength and inspiration.

Children's music lessons

The future singer was born in 1977 in Munich. Her father, Peter Andreas Igenbergs, a Baltic German by nationality, was successful businessman and had a profitable business. Mom, Lyudmila Maksakova - famous actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR. It was not by chance that the girl got her name, since her maternal grandmother is the famous opera singer Maria Maksakova. Due to the fact that Maria's father was a citizen of Germany, the family often had serious problems, and her mother was forbidden to go on tour outside of Russia. Parents were also involved in raising her older brother Maxim, who was born in her mother's first marriage.

Even in her early childhood, the future opera star received a comprehensive education: hired governesses taught her music and several languages. At that time, the girl lived in the village of Snegiri near Moscow, and hardly saw her mother. Only when she was 11 years old, she could visit her mother more often, however, even then their relationship was not easy.

As a schoolgirl, Masha attended a music school at the Moscow Conservatory, learning to play the piano. But after a few years, her mother realized that she was unlikely to become a professional pianist. In high school, the girl discovered that she had good vocal abilities, which she decided to develop. She asked her mother to introduce her to a famous opera singer who became her teacher and mentor. Thanks to these lessons, the girl successfully entered the Gnessin Academy of Music, and later she was able to gain knowledge abroad, studying with recognized masters of the opera stage.

Opera career and work in the State Duma

Having received a musical education, Maksakova got into the team of the Novaya Opera Theater, where she was soon entrusted with performing the part of the Snow Maiden. Then she sang on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, and three years later she received an offer from the leadership of the Helikon-Opera. All this time, the young singer dreamed of joining the Mariinsky Theater team, and only in 2011 did she become its soloist. During her work in this troupe, Maria demonstrated her vocal abilities in such opera productions as “Everybody Does It”, “Cloak”, “Ariadne auf Naxos”, “The Tales of Hoffmann” and many others.

Soon the singer's fans could listen to her creative work not only on the theater stage, but also on records, of which more than five have already been released. In 2009, Maksakova began to collaborate with the Kultura TV channel, where she hosted for five years music program performing in close collaboration with other artists. In addition to her musical activities, the singer tried her hand as a film actress, playing small roles in various films and TV series: "The Barber of Siberia", "Big Boats", "About Love", "Between the Notes, or the Tantric Symphony" and others.

In 2011 she took up political activities, becoming a member of the United Russia party. Maria took part in the elections to the State Duma and soon, as a deputy, she represented the interests of cultural workers there. In 2017, Maksakova was expelled from the United Russia party, citing the fact that she violated the charter and hid dual citizenship.

The murder of her husband and a new life

In the personal life of the singer there were many relationships with men, but only in an official marriage did she feel absolute happiness, which was cut short due to the death of her husband. Her first chosen one was Vladimir Tyurin, who was then engaged in criminal activities. The man did not immediately approach the girl he liked, and watched her for some time. A few months later, Maria nevertheless accepted the courtship of Vladimir, who turned out to be 19 years older than her. Soon, the lovers began to live as one family, in 2004 their first-born son Ilya was born, and four years later a second child was born - daughter Lyudmila. The husband had a difficult character and was constantly jealous of the singer, because of which quarrels often arose between them. In 2010, he was arrested, thanks to which Maksakova had the opportunity to leave him and live her own life. She did not forbid her ex-husband to see the children and take part in their upbringing.

Children of Maria Maksakova: son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila

Pretty soon, the popular blonde could be seen in the company of the Baku jeweler Jamil Aliyev. She tried not to advertise these relationships, so as not to frighten off her happiness. However, soon the beloved disappeared from her life forever. Many suspect that this breakup was provoked former spouse singer, who, most likely, threatened the jeweler.

In 2015, an important event took place: she married Denis Voronenkov, a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party. Lovers often encountered at meetings, but the romance between them did not arise immediately, but after they had been together on a business trip. Because of the opera diva, the deputy left the family where he has two children. Soon the happy spouses learned that they would have twins. This joyful event coincided with a difficult period: the prosecutor's office accused her husband of fraud. Due to a nervous shock, the singer could not bear children, and she had a miscarriage. But the love of the spouses helped them cope and survive all the misfortunes. A year later, their son Ivan was born.

Family happiness was overshadowed by the persecution of creditors and bailiffs, because of which the deputy decided to move to Kyiv. Maksakova supported her husband and followed him, leaving her two older children with their father. In March 2017, a terrible event happened: Voronenkov was killed by an unknown person. Later, a version was put forward, according to which Tyurin became the organizer of the murder.

Her eldest son was studying at the Suvorov Military School in St. Petersburg, however, after three years the young man left. The daughter attends a school with an economic bias and learns to play the harp. The girl is already making the first successes in her work, taking prizes in competitions.

Having survived the loss of her husband, in the summer of 2018, Maria secretly arranged a fictitious marriage with Dalkhat Khalaev, intending to solve her problems in Russia in this way. According to the ex-deputy of the State Duma herself, for a year and a half he helped her solve all domestic and legal issues, since she was not in Moscow. After the conclusion of an official marriage, the man got access to necessary documents, and soon sold the apartment that the singer gave him. As soon as Maria found out about this, she sued him and demanded that the deal be cancelled. Khalaev tried to escape, but thanks to the prompt actions of the police, he was soon detained.

What is the singer doing now?

Now the former State Duma deputy lives in Kyiv, where he not only performs on stage with concert numbers, but also teaches vocals to students. She also continues to record new compositions and intends to create in the near future charitable foundation memory dead husband. She also plans to help talented children living on the territory of Ukraine. The singer radically changed her image: she lost more than 10 kg of weight and cut her hair short.

According to Maria, she practically does not talk with her older children who live with Tyurin. She does not want to communicate with her mother, with whom she has always had a tense relationship. The singer does not hide the fact that now she does not maintain relations with friends who have turned away from her after tragic events. Maksakova is still in shock from the accusations of her former mother-in-law, who claims that it was she who addicted Voronenkov's daughter from her first marriage to illegal drugs. Now the artist directs all her attention and love to the upbringing of her little son. The opera diva often publishes pictures of the baby on her page, sharing her maternal happiness with her fans.

  1. The ex-deputy of the State Duma spent her childhood in the center of Moscow, where her famous grandmother's apartment was located. The girl often met her star neighbors - Kozlovsky, Nezhdanova, Lepeshinsky, who also lived in this house. Their family occupied two apartments, in one of which lived the father and future singer with a nanny, and in another mother and brother.
  2. When young Maria began to paint for the first time, her mother was terribly angry. One day, the parent could not stand it and began to wash off the makeup from her daughter's face, using a dirty sponge for this. The poor girl almost cried, but she endured this humiliation, however, she remembered it forever.
  3. Once her mother spoke very wittily about one of her boyfriends: "You are cups from different sets." The parent dreamed that the rebellious daughter would choose a worthy party for herself and considered pianist Denis Matsuev as a candidate for this place.
  4. As a high school student, Maksakova attended a modeling school led by Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Having a tall height (175 cm) and slender dimensions, the girl was an active participant in Fashion Week shows.
  5. Engaged in development opera career, the young singer decided to enter the law academy in criminal law. Another profession did not interfere with her, and in the future this knowledge was very useful.
  6. The opera diva resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, having made several operations to correct her nose and facial contours, and also increased her breasts by several sizes.

A year ago, ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov was shot dead in the center of Kyiv. The scandalous emigration of the Voronenkov family and Maria Maksakova made a splash. In Moscow, influential politicians and ordinary citizens resented the unprincipled betrayal, while in Kyiv the couple were snapped up to the point of a shocking murder. For a month and a half, Maria Maksakova mourned her murdered husband, and then she began to look for a place in the sun and even acquired influential patrons. What is happening in her life now? And is it true that she has a new lover?

Maria Maksakova got in touch with the program "Live". She said that she was pleased with the progress of the investigation into the murder of her husband. Maria is sure that her previous husband Vladimir Tyurin is involved in this case. “The fact that he was involved is obviously proven by the investigation. The arguments are very convincing. Of course, the death of Denis is the most monstrous thing that has ever happened. But the fact that the father of my first children had a hand in this, a man who owes me his freedom, - I did not expect such a stab in the back. For me personally, this version is the most tragic, the most difficult, the most bitter, "Maksakova admitted. She added that Tyurin may be about to be on the international wanted list.

Yanina Sokolovskaya, a journalist from Ukraine, came to the studio of the program. Here is how the woman commented on Maksakova’s life after the death of her husband: “Ukraine managed to prove in this situation that she was not a foreign land for Mary. Because after her tragedy, she began to sympathize with the most tall people Ukraine, including the president's family and his wife. As a result, Mrs. Maksakova got from us what she probably could not get in Russia. For example, in Russia, she could not become an associate professor at Gnesinka. With us, she immediately became a government official, a teacher at the National Academy of Singing, an assistant professor, now she will be given professors. She was allowed to perform the main oratorio at the concert in honor of the Independence Day of Ukraine. She lives at the expense of the state because she is a refugee from your regime."

Maksakova herself replied that she did not personally know the family of President Poroshenko, but she was glad of such sympathy on their part. She was given protection by the state, but she earns herself and pays taxes.

As for the rumors about the singer's new lover, Yanina Sokolovskaya said that in Ukraine they believe that Armen Kaloyan, the chief director of the opera house, is very sympathetic to Maksakova. Maria herself noticed that she considered him talented person, but did not notice any interest on his part in her as a woman, except perhaps as a singer or artist.

What is the main evidence of the investigation in the case of the murder of Voronenkov? What is the relationship between Maria Maksakova and her mother, Ekaterina, the daughter of her murdered husband, and Mikheil Saakashvili? Does the singer plan to return to Russia? Answers - in the program

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