Profession: underground lifting machine operator. Operator of underground installations. Lifting machine operator

The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 12, 2003 N 61

Underground installation operator

§ 18. Operator of underground installations

Characteristics of work. Control of pumping and coal pumping units, airlifts, scraper and shunting winches, tippers, conveyors, feeders, overloaders, pushers, inter-car blockers, devices for mechanical cleaning of cars and other similar machines and mechanisms. Monitoring the operating mode and technical condition of serviced machines, mechanisms and other equipment, regulating their load levels, identifying and eliminating minor installation malfunctions during operation. Lubrication of components and parts. Loading coal (shale) from a conveyor, feeder or hatch into trolleys. Selection of visible rock and foreign objects from trolleys and conveyors, storing them. Coupling, uncoupling, rolling up and rolling away loaded and empty trolleys within the service area. Formation and escort of trains to the place of loading or unloading. Giving signals. Raising derailed trolleys. Heating, crushing and throwing rock mass onto the scraper path during the scraping process. Moving shunting and scraper winches and securing them in a new location. Cleaning of trolleys, transport mechanisms, receiving platforms and tracks in loading and unloading areas, under hatches and scraper shelves. Participation in the repair of serviced machines, mechanisms and other equipment.

Must know: design, types and technical characteristics of serviced machines, mechanisms and installations, rules for their operation and care; methods for identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of serviced equipment; principle of operation and purpose of starting equipment, control and measuring instruments; grounding device for the equipment being serviced; cargo transportation scheme in the serviced area; profile and technical condition of tracks and switches at the workplace; methods for lifting derailed trolleys; optimal operating modes of pumping and coal mining plants and methods of protecting them from hydraulic shocks; installation of pulp collectors, water collectors, collectors, suction wells; rope designs, methods of fastening and adjusting their length; methods of scraping under various conditions; basics of hydraulics and electrical plumbing.

When servicing loading points with a planned load per employee: stationary - up to 250 tons of coal (shale) and rock per shift and non-stationary - up to 100 tons per shift; conveyors with a capacity of up to 200 t/h (except for conveyors in furnaces and glades); feeders regardless of load; tippers with a planned load of up to 2000 tons of coal (shale) and rock per day; when performing other work not specified in the tariff and qualification characteristics of lifting machine operators of the 3rd and 4th categories - 2nd category;

when servicing loading points with a planned load per employee: stationary - over 250 tons of coal (shale) and rock per shift and non-stationary - over 100 tons per shift; conveyors with a capacity of over 200 t/h (including conveyors of inclined shafts and adits); tippers with a planned load of over 2000 tons of coal (shale) and rock per day; hydraulic filling mixing chambers; central coal-sucking stations (installations) of the main hydraulic lifts of mines with a daily planned load of up to 2000 tons; transfer pumping and coal-sucking installations at hydraulic mines; scraper winches for transporting coal and rock in development mines - 3rd category;

when servicing central coal pumping stations (installations) of the main hydraulic lifts of mines with a daily planned load of 2000 tons or more and airlift lifts - 4th category.

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QUALIFICATION DIRECTORY OF PROFESSIONS OF WORKERS FOR WHICH MONTHLY SALARY IS ESTABLISHED (approved by the Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR... Relevant in 2018

Lifting machine operator

Characteristics of the work. Control of various lifting machines when lowering and lifting people, cargo, materials and various equipment along vertical inclined shafts, slopes, bremsbergs and adits. Monitoring the technical condition of the lifting machine. Checking the condition of alarms, protective, starting and instrumentation devices, brake systems, drums, ropes and monitoring them. Checking the operation of the compressor and oil system. Monitoring the cooling water temperature. Sending and receiving signals. Lubrication of bearings and components of the lifting machine, gears, electric motor, compressor. Elimination of minor malfunctions of the lifting machine.

Must know: the design, principle of operation and kinematic diagram of the lifting machine, switching circuit of the lift; brake system; rope design and rules for their care; alarm system and conditional signals; principle of operation and rules of care for control and measuring instruments; lifting schedule; lifting machine speed diagram; design and operating requirements for mine lifting vessels; parachute devices, conductors, barrel reinforcement; principle of automation and remote control; design and operating principle of lubricating devices; types of lubricants, their properties and rational equipment lubrication modes; rules for lowering and lifting people and explosive materials; basics of electrical plumbing; energy consumption consumed by the lifting machine.

Hoisting machine operator courses provide an opportunity to gain knowledge in this profession and get a job. Most often, the work of a driver is used during repairs, construction, installation or similar work. The worker's professional responsibilities include operating a lifting machine. The driver must report to the shift foreman or department head. During hoisting machine operator courses, students are taught regulations that contain information for adjusting their duties and work. Also, the worker must know the acts and rules contained in the manual for this specialty. The main work operations are led by the chief engineer, who gives instructions and various orders. In addition, an employee who has completed training in a specialty at a hoisting machine operator course must have a good understanding of the principle of operation of the machine, the structure of the equipment and the diagrams of the lifting mechanism. The driver understands the features of the braking system, rope structure, knows how to work with ropes, and knows all the symbols that are used when working on lifting machines. Lifting equipment can be different, therefore, having received a specialty in a hoisting machine driver course, an employee knows all types of mine hoists, machines for lifting people and other lifts. Also, the professional competence of the driver includes skills in the use of all kinds of lubricants, their properties and methods of application. In addition, the employee must personally participate in all preparations for work; he prepares the equipment, checks the serviceability of all its systems, carries out installation and completion of the work. An employee who services a lifting machine has knowledge not only about the main aspects of working on it, but also understands all its various parts, knows how to replace them, install them and what the purpose of each of them is. The operator also knows not only what directly concerns the control of the lifting machine, but also the entire work process on the site in which he participates. The main task of the hoisting machine driver course is to teach the specialist the rules for operating the equipment, its maintenance, as well as the skills to carry out the necessary repairs of the machine.

The future driver needs to know that work in his specialty may be associated with certain difficulties, which are caused by certain conditions. The driver’s general health and ability to work can be negatively affected by factors such as strong noise and vibration of equipment, air polluted with small particles, the need to remain in one body position for a long time, various loads on various organs, etc. If the working conditions of the hoisting machine operator really turn out to be harmful, a special commission draws up an act according to which the worker is paid compensation. Although hoisting machine operator courses provide the basic knowledge for acquiring this profession, those who have already received an education and are working in their specialty can also receive additional training here. The driver himself may be interested in improving his qualifications, as well as learning some skills and knowledge of specialties that are considered related. Completion of training is marked by the assignment to the employee of a qualification category in accordance with which he will need to work. Whatever level of qualification is assigned, the hoisting machine operator has every chance to further improve his skills by learning on the job. When a driver has reached the seventh grade skill level, he now has the opportunity to become a supervisor of drivers with lower skill levels. During hoisting machine operator courses, attention is paid to the qualities that will help a specialist become a true professional - good eyesight and hearing, responsibility, perseverance, high concentration, the ability to quickly respond to changing circumstances, etc.

During the hoisting machine operator courses, they are taught all the principles of operating equipment, how to move various objects and people, and also, much attention is paid to safety standards that the driver must always follow while working on the machine. Any person who is already eighteen years old and has successfully passed a medical examination at the commission can work in this specialty. In addition to the fact that the worker needs to go through these formalities, he must be aware that the work will require considerable effort and stamina, since a worker's shift can often take about eight hours or even more, and it must be remembered that weather conditions can be extreme. different. The future lifting machine operator must be prepared for this. Hoisting machine operator courses provide knowledge that allows you to understand the features of the equipment and the operation of all kinds of mechanical parts of the machine. The worker knows how to identify the cause of a lifting machine breakdown and repair or replace the required part of the machine. As a result of theoretical and practical training in the courses, a specialist receives the qualifications necessary to work in this profession.

At the Tesla Training Center you can undergo training in the profession of Underground Self-Propelled Machine Operator (abbreviated as PSM Operator). This profession belongs to the mining and capital mining industry, and is also very common and in demand at underground construction sites, such as road and railway tunnels, adits, vertical shafts and other types of underground mine workings. Underground self-propelled operators successfully work at construction sites of new metro stations and microtunnels.

An underground self-propelled machine operator of the 4th category operates underground self-propelled machines of various types and purposes with an internal combustion engine: fuel refueling, roofing, transport machines, cable laying machines, pipe laying machines and other machines when performing auxiliary work. The PSM operator inspects the condition of the mine workings: sides, ledges, trenches, roofing. The operator of underground self-propelled machines (PSM Operator) clears the roof of the mine workings from overhanging boulders and pieces of rock from the lifting device of the roofing machine; installation of rods. The PSM operator monitors the condition of the roof and support in the serviced workings. The PSM operator carries out mechanized cable routing when installing underground communications and laying process pipelines using pipelayer manipulators. The PSM operator delivers fuel and lubricants and refuels self-propelled vehicles with them on the line, and regulates fuel equipment. The PSM driver transports people and various goods to and from the work site. Loading and unloading of transported goods. Maintenance of an underground self-propelled vehicle, checking the serviceability of all its systems and components, alarms, lighting, instrumentation. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of underground self-propelled machines. Moving the serviced machine along transport excavations and slopes. Participation in scheduled preventive maintenance of the machine being serviced. Maintaining primary documentation of the operation of an underground self-propelled machine.

The operator of an underground self-propelled machine (PSM operator) must know: the design of underground self-propelled machines of various types and purposes with an internal combustion engine, individual components and assemblies; technical characteristics of serviced machines, pneumatic and hydraulic systems; purpose and design of measuring instruments; basic properties of rocks; rules and techniques for the safe conduct of work on the roofing and sides of the mine; underground mine ventilation and fire extinguishing schemes; permissible standards for dust and gas concentrations; methods for suppressing dust and gases; diagram and rules for the movement of serviced vehicles along transport excavations, permissible angles of descent and ascent of vehicles; rules for transporting people in mine workings; rules and procedures for loading, transporting and unloading rock mass and various cargoes; arrangement of refueling tanks for serviced vehicles; rules for the safe storage, delivery and refueling of serviced vehicles with fuels and lubricants; rules for regulating pressure in hydraulic and oil systems; types and properties of oils and fuels used, their technological characteristics; lubrication maps, maintenance frequency, methods for preventing and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of serviced machines, their components and assemblies; deadlines for checking the measuring instruments used; fundamentals of electrical engineering, hydrodynamics; plumbing; fundamentals of electrical engineering and metal technology in the scope of the work performed; rules for maintaining primary documentation and recording the operation of serviced machines; rules for safe operation of serviced machines in underground conditions.

\Typical job description for a lifting machine operator

Job Description for Lifting Machine Operator

Job title: Lifting machine operator
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • The hoisting machine operator is directly subordinate......................
  • The lifting machine operator follows the instructions.................................................... .......

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • The lifting machine operator replaces................................................... ...................................
  • Replaces the lifting machine operator.................................................... ...................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    The hoisting machine operator is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • design, operating principle and kinematic diagram of the lifting machine, switching circuit for lifting
  • brake system
  • rope design and care rules
  • alarm system and conditional signals
  • principle of operation and rules of care for control and measuring instruments
  • lift schedule
  • lifting machine speed diagram
  • design and requirements for the operation of mine lifting vessels, parachute devices, conductors, shaft reinforcement
  • principle of automation and remote control
  • design and operating principle of lubricating devices
  • types of lubricants, their properties and rational equipment lubrication modes
  • rules for lowering and lifting people and explosive materials
  • basics of electrical plumbing
  • energy consumption consumed by the lifting machine.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Control of various lifting machines when lowering and lifting people, cargo, materials and various equipment along vertical inclined shafts, slopes and bremsbergs and adits.
  • Monitoring the technical condition of the lifting machine.
  • Checking the condition of alarms, protective, starting and instrumentation devices, brake systems, drums, ropes and monitoring them.
  • Checking the operation of the compressor and oil system.
  • Monitoring the cooling water temperature.
  • Sending and receiving signals.
  • Lubrication of bearings and components of the lifting machine, gears, electric motor, compressor.
  • Elimination of minor malfunctions of the lifting machine.
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4. Rights

  • The hoisting machine operator has the right to give instructions and tasks to subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The hoisting machine operator has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him.
  • The hoisting machine operator has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • The hoisting machine operator has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The hoisting machine operator has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The hoisting machine operator has the right to submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description for the manager’s consideration.
  • The hoisting machine operator has the right to submit proposals for consideration by the manager on rewarding distinguished workers and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The hoisting machine operator has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The hoisting machine operator is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The hoisting machine operator is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the operation of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the hoisting machine operator is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The hoisting machine operator is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The hoisting machine operator is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The hoisting machine operator is responsible for compliance with applicable instructions, orders and regulations regarding the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The lifting machine operator is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural

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