Sea battle. Your battleship is sinking! History of the game "Battleship"

Enthusiasm, excitement, a checkered piece of paper, a fountain pen or pencil and mandatory knowledge of the alphabet, at least the first ten to twelve of its letters! What kind of game do these components characterize? The game is so exciting that you can forget about everything in the world. And then, having won or lost, I want to start a new battle, another sea ​​battle!

is a strictly two-player game in which players, by calling out coordinates on their opponent's map, must sink enemy ships. The map is a standard field, ten by ten cells; There are also a certain number of ships, but the opponents do not know how the watercraft are located on other people’s maps. And, once in the ship, the participant in the game gets the opportunity to make a move again. Well, if he “missed”, then the move goes to his opponent. The goal of the game is to be the first to sink all enemy ships. The rules for placing a fleet on the map, although they are general, still vary. The playing field is a 10x10 square, the vertical is numbered from top to bottom, the horizontal is marked from left to right with letters. Either the letters of the Russian alphabet from “a” to “k” are used, since the letters “ё” and “й” are skipped, or from “a” to “i” - using the letter “ё”, or the letters English alphabet from "a" to "j". It also happens that players use the words “republic” or “Snow Maiden”, since in these ten-letter words not a single letter is repeated. Thus, players can imagine the coordinate system differently - which means this must be discussed before the game!

The placement of ships on the field is carried out in such a way that the sides or corners of the vessels do not touch each other. But we remember that the rules vary, so it is worth noting that in some variants touching the corners is not prohibited. In addition, ships can be positioned not strictly horizontally or vertically, but in a square, zigzag or the letter “z”. Moreover, there are game options in which there is a different set of ships or a different field size. So, each player draws two fields: one with his ships, the other is empty to mark downed enemy ships. And ships can be: four-deck, that is, they consist of four cells, there is only one such ship in the flotilla; three-deck, consist of three cells, there are two such ships; double-decker, consist of two cells, there are already three of them; single-deck, consisting of one cell, there are four of them on the field.

But enough description, let's turn to the history of the game.

And history is lost at the beginning of the last century, which was marked by the appearance of impressive, large ships: giant battleships and ironclads, hostilities unfolding between different countries and simply the availability of checkered writing paper!

Some researchers of the origin of the game argue that “Battleship” was invented much earlier, namely, in the 1870s by Peter Kondratiev. He was a barge hauler on the Kama River in Perm. Feeling how hard and exhausting life does not leave even the thought of rest, Peter offers his fellow sufferers a game. The barge haulers liked the idea so much that after so many years we are still eagerly sinking enemy ships!

In the thirties of the last century in the USA, the Starex company began producing graphed notebooks for the game. And already in the sixties, still there, in America, Milton Bradley founded a company under the simple name of The Milton Bradley Company. It was then that a version of the game came off the assembly line that used plastic boards, with small battleships and chips to indicate misses or hits. The game positioned itself as a solid fleet management center. This is no longer the usual scratching of a pen on a checkered piece of paper. This is a large-scale military operation, and every player in it is no less than the admiral himself! After some time, it appeared on the market electronic version“Sea battle”, where when an enemy ship was hit, the sound of an explosion was heard and this action was marked by a flashing light! And today, in the era of accessibility of electronic gadgets, the game has received a large number of implementation for all kinds of platforms. Most of them are still produced by Hasbro. And she is - no less than - the heiress of The Milton Bradley Company.

And if you go deeper into history again, you can’t help but remember the game “Battleship” in the form of puzzles. These puzzles appeared on the market in 1982 after the so-called Falklands Crisis between Argentina and England. In the English version they were called “Navy Battle”, in the Spanish version they were called “Batalla Nava”.

However, no matter what form the game takes, the important thing is that it does not just “kill time”, but teaches the child visual-spatial orientation, develops logical thinking, visual memory, helps to build a behavior strategy and accept certain solutions, which may be erroneous. Well, it helps an adult to take a break from everyday work and for a while feel like a real commander-in-chief, allows you to relieve psychological stress and just be a child who is just sinking enemy ships!

An incredibly popular paper game. And although now there are special play sets For " Sea battle", as well as a lot of computer implementations, classic version on the leaflet remains the most popular.

The goal of the game is to sink the enemy's ships before he can sink yours.

Rules of the game " Sea battle»

Two players play. Each of them needs a piece of paper (preferably checkered), a pencil or a pen. The game begins with preparing the field. Two squares of 10×10 cells are drawn on a piece of paper. On one of them they will deploy their ships, in the other they will “fire” on enemy ships. The sides of the squares are signed with letters horizontally and numbers vertically. You need to agree in advance which letters will be written (the main debate arises whether or not to use the letter “Y”). By the way, in some schools, instead of the boring alphabet, they write the word “ REPUBLIC" - it just contains 10 non-repeating letters. This is especially useful for those who have never mastered the alphabet.

Ship placement

Next, the deployment of fleets begins. Classic rules sea ​​battle they say that there should be 4 ships in one cell (“ single-deck" or " single-pipe"), 3 ships with 2 squares, 2 with 3 squares and one with four decks. All ships must be straight; curved or “diagonal” ones are not allowed. The ships are placed on the playing field in such a way that there is always a gap of one square between them, that is, they should not touch each other either with their sides or corners. In this case, ships can touch the edges of the field and occupy corners.

A game

When the ships are placed, players take turns firing, calling the squares by their “coordinates”: “A1”, “B6”, etc. If the cell is occupied by a ship or part of it, the enemy must answer “wounded” or “killed” "("sunk"). This cell is crossed out with a cross and you can take another shot. If there is no ship in the named cell, a dot is placed in the cell and the turn goes to the opponent.

The game is played until one of the players completely wins, that is, until all the ships are sunk. At the end of the game, the loser can ask the winner to look at his arrangement of ships.


If you think that sea ​​battle- a game built solely on luck and fortune, then you are wrong. In fact, it contains both strategy and tactics, which we will talk about in conclusion. So - about tricks and various honest and not so honest methods of playing sea ​​battle:

  • First of all (and this is the most important thing!), you need to hold your sheet with ships so that the enemy couldn't peek your location;
  • Be sure to keep a record of your own and other people's moves, marking them dots. This will prevent shots fired at the same cells;
  • After sinking an enemy ship, also surround it with points so as not to shoot at places where there are obviously no ships;
  • You should not place ships in the corners of the field: usually newbies shoot at them first. However, exceptions will be discussed below;
  • It is necessary to develop a strategy for placement. An uneven distribution of ships gives a good result: gather all the “large” ships into one or two dense groups, and hide the remaining “single-deck” ships separately in secret places on the playing field. In this case, the enemy will quickly identify and destroy the group of large ships, and then will spend a long time searching for the remaining small ones;
  • By killing big ship, the enemy surrounds him with dots. So, having found " four-decker", the opponent immediately opens (4+1+1)*3 = 18 cells (that is, 18% or almost 1/5 of the field). " Three-decker"gives 15 cells (15%), " double decker" - 12%, and " single-deck" - 9%. If you place the “four-decker” against the wall, then it will allow you to open only 12 cells (10 for a three-decker, 8 for a two-decker). If you place the “four-decker” in a corner, it will allow you to open only 10 cells (8, 6 and 4, respectively). Of course, if the enemy realizes that all the ships are on the edge, he will quickly sink them. Therefore, it is better to use this advice in combination with the previous one.
  • Shooting tactics can also be different. However, it is best to start destroying enemy ships by looking for a “four-decker”. To do this, you can shoot diagonally, or draw a diamond, or shoot through 3 cells to the fourth. As soon as a four-deck ship is found, we look for three-deck ones, then two... Of course, during the search process we will come across “all sorts of little things” and make adjustments to the plans.
  • Here’s a dishonest way: arrange all the ships except the last single-deck (it will serve as the Elusive submarine). And he will be placed (and killed) only in the last remaining cell. It's quite easy to combat this: let the players place ships in one color and fire in another. It is possible, for example, for players to have pens or pencils different colors and after arranging the ships, simply change handles.

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For example, to make it easier to deal with monsters at early levels, do not forget to use the help of captains during battles. Completing secondary quests and using skills will also help increase your strength.


Of course, not a single strategy is about naval battles can't do without ships. To lead a flotilla into battle, you first need to build it. To build, open the “Shipyard” tab on the panel of the same name and select the desired ship. If there is not enough material, you will automatically be directed to the location where it can be obtained. Don't forget about the ship exchange function. With its help, you can exchange an attacking ship for a defending one, or an ordinary ship for an advanced one.

Ship classification

Keep in mind that as you level up in the game, you will gain access to the ship unlocking system. Every ten levels four ships will be unlocked:

  • Regular attack ship;
  • Advanced attack ship;
  • Regular defense ship;
  • Advanced defense ship.

Advanced ships can be easily identified by their crown icon.

Materializing materials

To succeed in the battle strategy, all initial equipment must be purchased in the Store. In the future, it can be improved by increasing its characteristics, but only in the Forge. If you want to combine materials or equipment, the option is also available in the Forge. When you don't have enough material, just click on the missing one, and the game will direct you to the place where you can get it.

Commanding the captains

Involves the use of assistant captains. Since it is not easy to manage an entire flotilla alone, you will have to enlist the help of experienced mercenaries, whom you can hire in the Tavern. You can assign an assignment to the captain in the Fleet tab, in the Captain panel. Simply drag the captain icon into one of the three fleet slots. This will allow you to call the captain for help during a ship battle.

Damage Increase

To develop as quickly as possible in Naval combat and use your potential as effectively as possible and win most difficult and dangerous battles, follow these simple tips:

  • Once you start the game, complete as many quests and story tasks as possible;
  • In the Tavern, hire the captain with the greatest potential;
  • Build more advanced ships;
  • If possible, improve and upgrade your equipment;
  • Study the stars in Astrology in time.

"Battleship" is a fun and simple game that does not require special devices and special knowledge. It can be played both on a computer and on paper, and once only the second option was used, since there was no other option. Not everyone knows how to play Battleship, because either there was no opportunity to learn, or there was no “teacher”. In any case, such knowledge can be useful. The rules of the game “Battleship” are simple; anyone can remember them, regardless of age and level of intelligence.


The game "Battleship" has long captivated many people. It is interesting, exciting, and most importantly, it does not require any expenses. To play with a person together, you will need two sheets of checkered paper (preferably) and two pens (or 2 pencils).

“Battleship” is useful not only because it allows you to have a good time. The game also helps develop strategic thinking and intuition. If you and the person know each other, you have the opportunity to use information about the enemy. For example, your assumptions about how he might place ships so that they are difficult to find, how you would bet if you were in his place, may be confirmed and help you win.


Well, we can proceed to the main part. Now you will learn how to play “Battleship”:

1. First, you need to draw two squares measuring 10x10 cells on a sheet of paper (of course, it’s easier to draw on a sheet of paper with a checkered pattern). Then, in both pictures, put on the top row the letters from A to K (from left to right, skipping E and J), and to the left of the squares - numbers from 1 to 10 (from top to bottom).

2. On the left square you need to place:

  • 1 ship consisting of 4 cells;
  • 2 ships, consisting of 3 cells;
  • 3 ships, consisting of 2 cells;
  • 4 ships, consisting of 1 cell.

Ships cannot touch each other either on their sides or corners. It is important that there is at least one free cell between them. Ships can touch the edges of the playing field, and they must be positioned only vertically and horizontally (diagonally not).

The right square should remain empty.

3. The goal of each player is to destroy enemy ships. The one who goes first (by agreement or by chance (using lots)) names the coordinates (letter-number), looking at the right empty square. For example, E7. The opponent looks at his left drawing, where his ships are located, and answers:

a) past;
b) wounded;
c) killed.

The first option means that the player ended up on an empty cell, that is, he did not end up anywhere. He marks this place in his right square so as not to choose it a second time (most often with a cross, but in any other convenient way), and meanwhile the turn passes to the second player.

The second option means that the player is in a multi-deck ship (occupying from 2 to 4 cells). Having marked the desired place on his map, a person has the right to the next move until he misses. So, if after shouting E7 the answer “wounded” follows, the player can call either E6, or Z7, or E8, or D7 in order to finish off the wounded ship (by the way, this is not necessary, you can temporarily leave it alone and look for others) . The second player again answers “by”, “wounded” or “killed”.

The third option means that the enemy ship is destroyed. If this happened on the first move, it means that it was single-deck (consisting of one cell), which can be called a great success. If from the second (for example, after E7 the player said E6), it means double-decker, etc. After knocking out a ship, as well as after being wounded, the player walks until he receives the answer “past”.

4. The move passes from one player to another in case of a miss and is delayed by one of the opponents in case of a successful hit. The winner is the person who is the first to find and destroy all enemy ships.

Other variations

Sometimes "Battleship" is on paper, and sometimes it is on a computer, as mentioned earlier. And if the first option requires a real, living opponent, then in the latter case you can play with robots. True, firstly, it will not be so interesting (the enemy’s reaction when you sink his ship is priceless), and secondly, the opportunity to peek into the enemy fleet is absolutely excluded (we all understand that some people try to cheat).

One way or another, it’s not difficult to come up with other, more expanded versions of the game; it all depends on the imagination of the players and their desire/ability to experiment. It is important to immediately clarify all the rules, because if not every person understands how to play “Battleship”, the rules of which you came up with, nothing good will come of it, and a high-quality game will not work.

For example, you can add more cells to the “battlefield” (not 10x10, but 20x20, for example), and then either leave the number of ships or increase them. You can complicate the task so much that all the ships that the enemy needs to find are single-deck. You can make mines, and if they hit them, the enemy misses one turn. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to know in moderation.


That's all, now you have met new game and you know its rules. The question “how to play “Battleship”” should be settled. From now on, you and your friends will have something to do during boring lessons/lectures or at work, if you can be close to each other and write on sheets of paper.

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