Games friends of angels online. Games friends of angels Friends of angels minecraft

Cunning Demons and good-natured Angels are in eternal confrontation. And even if they are in adolescence. Both are just learning to understand the world around them, where there is a place for love and hatred, friendship and deceit, devotion and betrayal. In the bright, memorable film from the Italian animators Friends of Angels, young demons and teenage angels look like ordinary schoolchildren. They face the same goals, they learn to love and despise, do good and bad deeds, learn the sweetness of revenge and weave intrigues, show the power of friendship and justice. But as much as angels and demons differ, they are united by one common enemy, the so-called neutral beings. It is from them that the threat comes not only to higher beings, but also to people. After all, they want to cause the Apocalypse and free themselves. And to do this, you just need to evoke mutual feelings in the angel and the demon, which will lead to irreversible consequences. According to the film, the head of the neutrals, Reina, does everything possible to carry out her destructive plans. And then, against the backdrop of a common threat, demons and angels join forces to fight the neutrals. But still, Reyna succeeds in her cunning, the angel and the demon fell in love with each other and the world is threatened with complete destruction. Now we need to save all living things and you and I will witness new exciting adventures of angels and demons. In the games Friends of Angels, you will once again be immersed in the atmosphere of the film of the same name, popular among teenagers, and will be able to enjoy participating in the affairs of your favorite characters.

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The animated series Friends of Angels very quickly found fans all over the world. Thousands of children and teenagers today watch with undisguised interest the adventures of their winged peers, together with them they learn to love and hate, worry and sympathize. And the Friends of Angels games allow children to relive all the events of the cartoon in a playful way, briefly becoming their favorite characters.

In the higher world, everything is not structured exactly like it is for people. Until a certain time, angels and demons live and are raised in their cities, the situation inside of which is somewhat similar to heaven and hell. Anji Town is very reminiscent of a modern paradise, but the devilish haven called Sulfur City is full of smog and smoke, and hot lava flows under your feet instead of flowers.

When young city dwellers grow up, they have to leave their habitat and familiar surroundings in order to begin training in a specialized school, only after completing which they can become a real Guardian Angel or Tempter Demon.

It is the Golden School that is the place where the most interesting events of the cartoon Friends of Angels take place. After all, the disciplines that young representatives of good and evil have to study are not at all similar to an ordinary mathematics or literature lesson. A lot of time in this training is taken up by practical exercises, for example, a lesson in devilish-angelic geography can be taught in the museums of Paris, while undergoing transformation, that is, taking on human form.

The difficult path to human souls

Despite the fact that the winged students receive different knowledge, they have one goal: to master the consciousness of mortals and make sure that the latter take the side of good or evil. Angels protect a person from rash actions, and demons, on the contrary, force them to commit them. Each mortal is assigned a pair of creatures invisible to the human eye, who influence the person and try to push him to make a certain decision.

At the same time, in the Golden School there are a number of restrictions and rules that complicate the task. Winged opponents can only act one by one. The right to the first move must be tediously earned in the challenge room, where a duel takes place between a virtuous creature and a young tempter. In addition, you cannot perform actions for a person: you need to be able to convince him of the correctness of his choice. At the same time, you can transform and become visible to a mortal and influence people already in human form, pushing them to certain actions.

Not everything is allowed for angels and demons

Being next to each other all the time, young representatives of the two races do not have the right to even basic touching each other. Beautiful angels have only 15 stars, and charming demons have 15 lightning bolts, both of which can be equated to 15 earthly years. Youth takes its toll despite taboos and prohibitions, rules are sometimes broken. Such an innocent act from the point of view of mere mortals in the world of the series Friends of Angels can have the most unpredictable consequences. After all, touch may be the first step towards the emergence of a great and bright feeling, to which angels and demons simply do not have the right.

Is love really impossible?

Raf and Sulfus are the main violators of existing prohibitions. But what exactly is their fault? Just that they liked each other. The feelings that arose between the beautiful representative of the angels Raf and the charismatic young demon Sulfus are beautiful. It is all the more difficult to realize that such love can lead to a catastrophe on a universal scale. An ordinary kiss between lovers almost cost the lives of all the students and teachers of the Golden School and could even temporarily deprive them of their magical abilities. It took Raf incredible efforts to rectify the situation and defeat the insidious sorceress - the neutral Reyna, who, taking advantage of the feelings that arose between the young people, simply used them to get out of captivity.

The relationship between the leaders of angels and demons is somewhat reminiscent of the immortal story of Romeo and Juliet. A boy and a girl cannot be together, but they cannot imagine their existence without each other. In addition, the couple in love is always at gunpoint. Many people try to use the feelings of young people to achieve their own selfish and base goals. Even the directors of the Golden School are among these.
The world has never seen such an unusual love story.

Will La Raf and Sulfus be able to be together? What will win: love or reason? Is it possible for young people to find a way to love each other without upsetting the balance of good and evil in the universe? You will learn about all this by watching the twists and turns of the series and playing games friends of angels. Today, work on creating the cartoon continues to add to the existing two seasons, consisting of 111 episodes, and the animators promise to add about 50 more episodes to the full-length cartoon very soon. Have fun watching!

Someone tore up all the photographs of Raph that she took on her last visit to Earth. Most likely it was Raine who did it. But don’t despair, because everything can be fixed! Help Raf restore all the photos so she doesn't get upset. But hurry up so that no one sees it. Collect all the pieces of the mosaic in the game Friends of Angels, and Raf will restore everything as it was with his magic. It is enough to place the mosaic fragments close to each other. Help Raf bring back the joy of photography in this addictive game! The angel, like a little butterfly, flutters from platform to platform. But when he sees the evil little demon, he becomes dressed up and cautious. Demons have always been the sworn enemies of angels' friends, so our little Angel must destroy all the demons. Little angel needs your help to win this game. Using the right keys on your keyboard, help destroy the bad demons. Otherwise, they themselves will throw huge stones at the little Angel. Don't let Angel's health run out, otherwise he will die! The angel is not as harmless as it seems. Using the X key, the Angel appears with a bow for defense. To increase the force of the arrow's impact, you need to hold the button longer until the red bar is filled. Don't forget to aim. To kill one demon you will have to shoot him several times. To move right and left, use the corresponding arrows on your keyboard. If you press the up arrow, your Angel will be able to fly. When the Angel lands back on the ground, press the down arrow. If your Angel needs to make a jump, press the Z key. Help your Angel survive and kill all the demons! This interesting game was created to develop your memory. You will need to find identical cards depicting different heroes from Friends of Angels. To move to the next level, you have to collect all similar cards in a limited time. With each level passed, the number of cards will increase, and the time will become less and less. You can get great pleasure from the game and at the same time improve your memory!

Heroes from Friends Angels

Both angels and demons have wings. Both of them can fly. This is where the similarities end and the differences begin. Each character in the animated series has its own, unique character. Let's take a close look at our friends and determine which of them we like better: those who wear a halo or those who have a pair of small horns?


  • Raf is the leader of the angels, a beautiful blonde girl who only has one percent of her skills left to become a real guardian angel. Energetic, sweet, kind, loves nature, her friends angels and... Sulfus.
  • Sweet is a glamorous and stylish angel girl. She dresses in white, pink and purple and just loves accessories. In addition, she loves candy, collects glasses, just one appearance of her is enough, and all her angel friends are in a good mood.
  • Uri is a cute dark-skinned angel girl. Uri’s character is still quite childish; most of all, she resembles a bright flower that somehow miraculously descended from heaven to earth.
  • Miki is the oldest member of the group of angels. Miki prefers a sporty style of clothing, loves sweatshirts, T-shirts and flared pants. Witty, funny, optimistic.


  • Sulfus is a cunning, proud boy, a real devil. Dressed in a gray suit, he wears a pattern on his shoulder in the form of a snake, which, at the request of the owner, can come to life and turn into a real amphibian. Loves motorcycles and rock music. He easily deceives his rivals and is secretly in love with Raf.
  • Kabale is an exquisite she-devil, the right hand of Sulfus, another specialist in deception and cunning. Modesty is completely unusual for Kabala: her outfits are revealing and her look is bold.
  • Cabiria is an intelligent and calculating representative of a group of demons. This girl with horns is able to come up with a combination that neither mortal nor immortal opponents can recognize. At the same time, she is compassionate and loves animals..
  • Gus is an overweight teenage demon who always wears baggy T-shirts and shapeless pants. Gus is quite good-natured, he does not deny himself the pleasure of eating and resting properly.

Cheerful angels and cunning demons are still teenagers themselves, and not at all experienced immortal beings who play with grace with human destinies. They just have to learn all the intricacies of how to correctly persuade mere mortals to good or evil. And during the learning process, many interesting things will happen, because in addition to the two rival teams, there are also insidious neutrals, weaving intrigues to achieve their goals with the help of naive students. Despite the fact that there is a “veto” - a ban on angels and demons touching each other, love between rivals plays an important role in the plot of the cartoon and helps to understand a lot. Passing through various moral and ethical tests, angels and demons, like their mortal charges, mature and form their own characters and principles. You can learn to love, make friends, fight and forgive, as well as just have fun with your favorite characters with the help of the games Friends of Angels.

  • Friends of Angels Raf

    During her last visit to Earth, Raf managed to take some cool photos, but one of the demons ruined them.

  • Angels and Demons feed their magical powers from a special essence, the balance of which corresponds to the balance of good and evil throughout the world.

    Do you like the girls from the animated series Friends of Angels? Spend more time with them in the game Puzzle Friends of Angels!!

    Help Little Angel win the game Friends of Angels Action! Truth is on the side of the light, so let there be strength on its side from now on!

    Four angels (Raph, Uri, Sweet and Miki) and four demons (Sulfus, Sabiria, Kabal and Gus) were sent to Earth in the Golden Gate School area.

    Despite the fact that Raf, the head of the angels, is a powerful otherworldly being, at heart she is an ordinary teenage girl.

    Their strange otherworldly duties can take Angels’ friends anywhere, even to an ordinary human school!

    Love is an incredible feeling!! Even angels can't resist - just like in the game Angel's Kiss!!

    Sweetie always looks great, dresses fashionably and with just her appearance outshines all the girls in the area!

    Do you want to know what is the secret of Angelica’s beauty?? All the secrets are at your fingertips in the game Friends of Angels: Angelica Costume!!

    Raf, the leader of the angels, and Sulfis, the leader of the demons, finally kissed and realized their feelings!

    In the game Angel's Evening Dress, help the little angel get ready for the ball!!

    To be an angel or a devil? Everyone decides for themselves. Decide for yourself in the game Friends of Angels: Magic Outfit!!

    Raf has a date with Sulfis today, and the heroine is very worried before this important event.

    Christmas is an important holiday for angels, and all the girls want to dress up for the celebration!

    "Friends of Angels - memory training" is a wonderful educational game that is suitable for children of all ages and genders.

    Friends of Angels" is an Italian cartoon that tells the story of groups of angels and demons who descended to Earth.

    “Angel with Wings” is a wonderful opportunity to become a personal stylist for a real angel who descended from heaven.

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"Friends of Angels" is an animated series produced by the Italian animation studio Mondo TV. The cartoon is based on the comics by Simone Ferri, which appeared on book layouts in 2007. The animated series premiered in April 2011.

Between heaven and hell

The main characters of the series are young angels and demons who descended to earth in order to improve their skills and turn into full-fledged inhabitants of heaven and hell. As you know, in order to learn something well, you need to practice well, and the best “guinea pigs” for otherworldly forces are us, people. The task is as old as the world: to win people over to your side and force them to do evil or good. According to the rules, angels and devils should not collide with each other; they determine the order of “processing” of the next human specimen in a special Selection Room. There is one more rule: angels and demons have no right to touch each other, much less fall in love...

Having met on earth, angels and demons find out that they are opposed by another force, much more evil than the fiends of hell. These are the so-called neutrals - unpleasant creatures who want to gain total control over the material and immaterial world. The guys with halos and horns have no choice but to unite, make friends and try to save humanity and themselves from the influence of neutrals. The main enemy of the young heroes is the neutral Reina. Reyna, imprisoned in the mysterious dimension of Limbo, dreams of breaking free of her imprisonment and uses her power to force angels and demons to commit sacrilege.

Immortal love

Reina knew very well what would happen if an angel fell in love with a demon, and he reciprocated: an apocalypse, that is, an energy explosion of unprecedented power that could break the chains and finally free the neutral from imprisonment. All that was left to do was to make the boy and girl fall in love with each other. What could be easier for a witch? She created a magical spider that bit the angel Raf and the leader of the demons Sulfus and infected them with a dangerous virus - love. The angel and the demon commit a terrible blasphemy - they kiss, and Reina is released. Now the task of angels and demons is to prevent Reina from seizing power over all the inhabitants of the earth.

As the action progresses, the winged guys experience many adventures. From time to time they quarrel or make up, take part in competitions and gain experience. There are some differences between comics and cartoons: for example, in the animated version the characters are older, angels and demons do not play musical instruments, and the plot is slightly different. However, the essence remains the same: the struggle of united angels and their new friends, demons, against a common enemy.

Winged heroes

Both angels and demons have wings. Both of them can fly. This is where the similarities end and the differences begin. Each character in the animated series has its own, unique character. Let's take a close look at our friends and determine which of them we like better: those who wear a halo or those who have a pair of small horns?


  • Raf is the leader of the angels, a beautiful blonde girl who only has one percent of her skills left to become a real guardian angel. Energetic, sweet, kind, loves nature, her friends angels and... Sulfus.
  • Sweet is a glamorous and stylish angel girl. She dresses in white, pink and purple and just loves accessories. In addition, she loves candy, collects glasses, just one appearance of her is enough, and all her angel friends are in a good mood.
  • Uri is a cute dark-skinned angel girl. Uri’s character is still quite childish; most of all, she resembles a bright flower that somehow miraculously descended from heaven to earth.
  • Miki is the oldest member of the group of angels. Miki prefers a sporty style of clothing, loves sweatshirts, T-shirts and flared pants. Witty, funny, optimistic.


  • Sulfus is a cunning, proud boy, a real devil. Dressed in a gray suit, he wears a pattern on his shoulder in the form of a snake, which, at the request of the owner, can come to life and turn into a real amphibian. Loves motorcycles and rock music. He easily deceives his rivals and is secretly in love with Raf.
  • Kabale is an exquisite she-devil, the right hand of Sulfus, another specialist in deception and cunning. Modesty is completely out of character for Kabala: her outfits are revealing and her gaze is bold..
  • Cabiria is an intelligent and calculating representative of a group of demons. This girl with horns is able to come up with a combination that neither mortal nor immortal opponents can recognize. At the same time, she is compassionate and loves animals..
  • Gus is an overweight teenage demon who always wears baggy T-shirts and shapeless pants. Gus is quite good-natured, he does not deny himself the pleasure of eating and resting properly.

European psychologists gave “Friends of Angels” the highest ratings. They emphasized that comics and cartoons can provide excellent entertainment for children and teenagers. The plot of the series helps children solve many problems that arise at a young age, teaches them to position themselves as individuals and not depend on the opinions of the group. However, the children themselves do not think about this, they enjoy reading comics and watching cartoons telling about the adventures of winged heroes, and most of all, of course, they play games Friends of Angels - such as those presented at your service on this page.

As in the animated series, the main theme of each Angel's Friends game is the confrontation between good and evil. A company of charming celestial creatures, consisting of Uri, Raf, Mika and Sweet, descended to Earth from heaven in order to become students of an ordinary school, and at the same time protect and help people in solving their life issues. They were followed by a company of demons with, as you understand, directly opposite goals. The demons - Gus, Sulfus, Kabale and Caribiya, on the contrary, are going to tempt humanity in every possible way, pushing its individual representatives to commit mortal sins.

In such situations, there is no way to avoid conflict, and therefore during any game for girls Friends of Angels, the war between the “bad” and the “good” does not stop for a second. The main trophies in it are the hearts and souls of the students of the Golden School, whom demons force to commit unsightly acts, and angels, on the contrary, try to prevent this at all costs. You can choose who to play for, and thus be on both sides of the barricade. Military operations are also complicated by the fact that both the angels and the demons are extremely young, and therefore simply are not able to think about only “work” all the time. Periodically, they fall in love with each other (like the eternal sweet couple Raf and Sulfus), begin to sort things out, suffer from remorse, go on dates, quarrel, and do other not very logical things typical of normal teenagers.

The girlish characters, like ordinary human young ladies, are partial to fashion, new outfits and regularly spin in front of the mirror, trying on the one thousand one hundred and twenty-first dress. By the way, you can keep them company by choosing one of the dress-up games we have. Raf, Uri and Sladkaya will be simply delighted with the opportunity to once again transform themselves and emphasize their unearthly charm. The demonic beauties of Caribbean from Kabale are also not averse to cleaning their feathers a little. So, feel free to choose the heroine you like and experiment with her appearance until you get tired of it. Almost all games in the “Friends of Angels” series have several playthrough modes, one of which is designed for two players, so invite a friend over as soon as possible - you will have something to do.

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