Phrasebook for Spanish. Russian Spanish phrasebook. Dates and times

Russian-Spanish phrasebook

Spanish or Castilian (espanol, castellano) is the third most popular language in the world, an Ibero-Romance language that originated in the medieval kingdom of Castile. Spanish is spoken by over 360 million people in more than 40 countries.

Countries where this language is spoken: Andorra, Argentina, Bolivia, Guatemala, Spain, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Philippines, Chile and Easter Island, Ecuador

Spanish phrasebook
In Russian In Spanish Pronunciation
Good morning! ¡Buenos dìas! Buenos dias!
Good afternoon ¡Buenas tardes! Buenas tardes!
Good evening! ¡Buenos noches! Buenas noches!
Hello! ¡Hola! Ola!
Goodbye Adios Adios
How are you? What about? Ke tal?
Very good Muy bien Mui bien
Thank you Gracias Gracias
Please Por favor Por favor
Yes Si
No No But
I don't understand No entiendo But entiendo
How much time? What's the point? Ke ora es?
Entrance Entrada Entrada
Exit Salida Salida
No smoking Prohibido fumar Proivido fumar
Open Abierto Avierto
Closed Cerrado Cerrado
Toilet Servicio Servisio
Elevator Ascensor Assensor
Cold Frio Frio
Hot Caliente Caliente
Doctor Medico Medico
Pharmacy Farmacia Pharmacia
Tea Tae
Milk Leche Leche
Coffee Cafe Cafe
Sugar Azucar Asúcar
Salt Sal Sal
Orange juice Zumo de naranja Sumo de naranja
Wine Vino Wine
Beer Cerveza Servesa
Ice cream Helado Elado
Salon Peluqueria Peluceria
post card Postal Postal
Money exchange
Exchange Cambio Cambio
Where can I change money? ¿Dònde puedo cambiar dinero? Donde puedo cambiar dinero?
At the register En la caja En la caha
Where is the nearest exchange office? Donde esta la oficina de cambio mas cercana? Don de es that la ofie si on de cam bio mass ser ka on
Can you change these traveler's checks? Puede cambiarme estos cheques de viajero? pu uh de kambi yar meh es tos what kes de vya heh ro
I want to exchange dollars for pesetas. Quiero cambiar dolares en pesetas. ki uh ro kambi yar before la RES en pe se tas
Could you reserve a room? Podria reservarme una habitacion? under ri and rather var meh at na abita sjön
room for one una habitacion sencilla at na abita sjön sen sy Lya
room for two una habitacion doble at na abita sjön ext le
not very expensive no muy cara but duh ka ra
Go to the shop...
How much does it cost? ¿Cuanto vale? Cointeau bale?
Expensive Caro Caro
What if I take two? ¿Si voy a tomar dos? Si boy a tomar dos?
Can I try it on? ¿Puedo probar? Puedo probar?
Do you have a bigger one ¿Tiene una talla màs Tiene una taya mas
(smaller size? grande (pequena)? Grande (pequeña)?
I take this Me quedo con esto Me kado con esto
You can pay ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta? Puedo pagar con tarheta?
by credit card?
Can you make a tax-exempt purchase? ¿Usted puede formalizar la compra libre de impuestos? Usted puede formalisar la compra libre de impuestos?
Do you think this will suit me? ¿Que le parese, me queda bien? Ke le parese, me queda bien?
What else do you recommend? ¿Me puede recomendar algo mas? Mae puede recomendar algo mas?
to send a letter
Where is the post office? ¿Donde estàn Correos? Donde estan correos?
I need stamps for Necesito sellos para Nesesito seios para
letters to Russia mandar una card in Russia mandar una card and Rusia
How much do I owe you? ¿Cuanto le debo? Cointeau le débo?
Where is the post office What do you think? Donde esta el buson?
By car
I want to rent Quiero alquilar un coche Quiero alkilar un koche
Included in the price ¿El precio incluye el El precio inclue el
insurance? seguro? seguro?
How much does it cost to ¿Cuanto cuesta para una Cuanto cuesta
a week? semana? para una semana?
When I need her ¿Cuanto tengo que Quanto tengo
return? devolverlo? ke devilverlo?
Can I leave my car at the airport? ¿Puedo dejar el coche en el aeropuerto? Puedo dejar el coche en el aeropuerto?
Where can I get a taxi? Donde puedo coger un taxi? Don de pu uh to ko dick un So si
What is the rate until...? Cuanto es la tarifa a...? kwan then es la ta ri fa a
Take me to this address. Lleveme a estas senas. leagues veme a es tas se nope
Take me to the airport. Lleveme al aeropuerto. leagues veme al aeropu er That
Take me to the train station. Lleveme a la estacion de ferrocarril. leagues veme a la estas yeon de farrokar ril
Take me to the hotel... Lleveme al hotel... leagues veme al o tel
left a la izquierda a la isque er Yes
right a la derecha a la de re cha
Stop here please. Pare aqui, por favor. pa re a ki por fa thief
Could you wait for me? Puede esperarme, por favor. pu uh de espe rar me por fa thief
Go to the museum...
Where is? ¿Donde esta? Donde esta?
When does the museum open? ¿Cuando se abre el museo? Cuando se abre el museo?
Where can I buy tickets? ¿Donde se puede comprar entradas? Donde se puede comprar entradas?
How much are the tickets? ¿Cuanto valen las entradas? Quanto valen las entradas?
Dial the number Marcar el numbero Markar el nimero
We were interrupted Nos cortaron Nose cortaron
Line is busy La lìnea està ocupada La line est payback
The dialed number does not exist El nùmero marcado no existe El numero marcado no existe
Could you give it to me? Puede darme esto? pu uh de gift meh es That
Could you show it to me? Puede usted ensenarme esto? pu uh de us ted ense nyar meh es That
I would like to... Quisiera.. kitty uh ra
Give it to me please. Demelo, por favor. de melo por fa thief
Show me this. Ensenemelo. en se quite a lot
How much does it cost? Cuanto cuesta esto? kwan That kves that es That
What is the price? Cuanto es? kwan then es
Please write this. Por favor, escribalo. por fa thief es Cree ballo
Too expensive. Muy caro. muy ka ro
Sale Rebajas re ba hass
Can I try this on? Puedo probarmelo? pu uh to about bar melo
0 cero se ro
1 uno at But
2 dos dos
3 tres tres
4 cuatro quat ro
5 cinco syn co
6 seis seis
7 siete sie te
8 ocho O wow
9 nueve Well uh ve
10 diez sharp
11 once He se
12 doce before se
13 trece trese
14 catorce ka torus se
15 quince kin se
16 dieciseis dyesi seis
17 diecisiete dyesi sie te
18 dieciocho dyesi O wow
19 diecinueve Diesina uh ve
20 veinte wante
21 veintiuno vanty at But
22 veintidos vanty dos
30 treinta trey nta
31 treinta y uno trey nta and at But
32 traina y dos trey nta and dos
40 cuarenta ka ren that
50 cinquenta syn Kven that
60 sesenta se sen that
70 setenta se heating element that
80 ochenta O chen that
90 noventa But van that
100 cien (before nouns and adjectives) / ciento sien/ sien That
101 ciento uno sien That at But
200 doscientos dos sien tos
300 trescientos tres sien tos
400 cuatrocientos quattro sien tos
500 quinientos kini en tos
600 seiscientos seis sien tos
700 setecientos sethe sien tos
800 ochocientos wow sien tos
900 novecientos new sien tos
1000 mil miles
1992 mil novecientos noventa y dos miles nove sien tos but van ta and dos
2000 dos mil dos miles
10000 diez mil sharp miles
100000 cien mil cien miles
1000000 un million un miles He

Other possible options:

Greetings, general expressions
Hello, good afternoon/hello - Buenos Dias/Ola!
Good evening - Buenos Tardes
Goodbye, bye - Adyos
Thank you very much - Muchas Gracias
Sorry - Pardoneme
How are you? - Como esta usted?
Okay, thank you - Mui Bien, and Usted
Do you speak Russian? - Abla usted ruso?
Please - Por Favor
I don't understand - But comprendo
Can you speak slowly? - Puede usted ablar mas despacio?
Could you repeat that? - Podria usted rapper eso?
Please write this - Por Favor, escriballo
Yes - Si
No, but

For the good of the cause
Where is the nearest exchange office? - Donde esta la oficina de cambio mas serkana?
Can you change these traveler's checks? - Puede kambiarme estos checkes de vyajero?
Sorry, polite form of “Hey, you!” - Perdon
Okay, that'll do - Bale
I love you - Yo te amo

Shops, hotels, restaurants
Do you have a free room? - Tenen unabitacion libre?
Could you reserve a room? - Godria rezervarme una abitasyon?
Do you have a table for two (three, four) people? - Tenen unamesa para-dos (très, cuatro) personsas?
Waiter! - Camarero!
Bill please - La cuenta, por favor
Do you accept credit cards? - Aseptan tarhetas decredito?
Can I try this on? - Is Puedo drunk?
How much does it cost? - Quanto questa esto?
Too expensive - Mui karo
Give it to me please - Demelo, por favor
Show me... - Enseneme...
I would like... - Kishiera...

On the road
Where can I get a taxi? - Donde puedo kocher un taxi?
Take me to this address - Ljeveme a estas senyas the airport - ... al aeropuerto the railway station - ...a la estacion de ferrocarril the hotel - hotel
Stop here please - Pare aki, por favor
Could you wait for me? - Puede esperarme, por favor?
I want to rent a car - Quiero alkilar un koche
Is insurance included in the rental price? - El precio inclue el seguro?
Can I leave my car at the airport? - Puedo dejar el coche en el aeropuerto?

Swearing in Spanish
Damn it! - Caramba!
Thousand devils! - Con mi diablos!
Stupids - Troncos

Just like in any other country in the world, tourists’ interest in national language is perceived by the local population as a sign of respect.

I offer a set of useful phrases for tourists in Spain.



hola – ola- Hello hi.

adios - adós- goodbye, bye. Instead of “adios” they also say “hasta luego” - ásta luego- "see you later".

por favor por favor– please in the sense of “be kind.”

gracias - gracias- Thank you.

si – si- Yes; no – But- No. In case of refusal of something proposed, it is customary to say “but, gracias”, in case of agreement to something proposed - “si, por favor”

perdon – fart- I'm sorry. It is used as a request to forgive, as a request to repeat what was said, and as a way to draw attention to oneself (the polite form of “hey, you!”

vale - more– ok, that’ll do no hablo español – but bla español- I do not speak Spanish.


estoy mirando – Estóy Mirando- literally “I’m looking.” Example: “estóy mirándo, gracias” (“I’m still looking at what’s available (I haven’t chosen one yet), thank you”)

quería eso – Keria Eso- I would like that. A universal phrase for any store, combined with the use index finger saving you from having to remember the names of objects. In some phrase books, instead of “keria” (“I would like”), it is suggested to say “kyero” (“I want”), this is less polite, so they usually don’t say that.

y – And- And. Exactly the same as in Russian. Example: “keria eso and eso” (“I would like this and that”)

cuanto vale? – kuánto bále?- what is the price? The second universal phrase for stores. By combining it with “keria eso”, you will actually become fluent in Spanish when it comes to shopping. Options: “keria eso, kuánto bále, por favor?” “Quánto bále eso, por favor?”

probarme - probarme- try on yourself, a word with the same root as the Russian “test”. Example: “keria probárme eso, por favor” (“Please, I would like to try this on”)

probadores – probadores– fitting booths. Example: “probadores, por favor?” equivalent to “Where is the fitting room please?”

mirar – world- look, look. Example: “keria mirar eso” (“I would like to look at that little thing over there”)

tarjeta - tarheta- card. Example: “con tarheta?” (“can I pay by card?”)

en effectivo en effective- in cash. The cashier at the store usually asks how you will pay: cash or card. He does this in the following way: “con tarheta o en effectivo?”


la carta - la carta– menu, list of dishes. The word “menu” as such is often understood as a request to bring not a list of dishes, but a set lunch, so it is better not to use it as a request for a menu

tiene menu? – tene menu?– Do you have set lunches? Sometimes it is not clear at first glance whether a given cafeteria offers set meals (menu del dia), and you have to ask. Taking a set lunch is, of course, always cheaper than ordering the same dishes separately

sin hielo – sin yelo- without ice. A very important phrase when ordering soft drinks. The fact is that, by default, in most cases they are served with ice, and the ice takes up from a third to half of the usable volume of the glass. In any case, you will be served a cold drink. Example: “ýna fanta sin yelo, por favor!” - “Fanta without ice, please!”

del tiempo del tempo– room temperature. Example: “ýna coca-cola del tempo, por favor!” (“not a cold Coca-Cola, please!”)

bien hecho – Bien Echo– well-done (about meat). If you order meat “in a piece” at a restaurant and don’t like it when it’s rare (in a number of dishes it is usually not cooked to the “crust”), when ordering, say this magic phrase, and the tenderloin will be guaranteed to be well-done. Some phrase books suggest using “muy echo” (“ muy echo"), which literally means "very well done." It’s better not to say that, otherwise there is a risk that, according to your request, they will bring you practically a “sole.” If, on the contrary, you like rare meat, when ordering, say “poco hecho” (“ poko echo«)

caña – Kanya- a glass of beer. Precisely a glass or glass (250 grams), and specifically beer. Examples: “ýna káña, por favor!” (“a glass of beer, please!”) “dos canas, por favor!” (“a couple of beers, please!”)

jarra - harra- mug of beer. Example: “ýna harra grande, por favor!” (“a big mug, please!”).

cerveza - Servesa- beer. For example: “ýna harra de servesa, por favor!” (“a glass of beer, please!”)

vino - wine– wine, default – red. Stress on the first syllable. Example: “ýna kópa (dos kópas) de wine, por favor!” (“a glass (two glasses) of wine, please!”)

tinto - tinto– red

rosado rosádo– pink

blanco blanco– white. Example: “ýna copa de vino blanco, por favor!” (“a glass of white wine, please!”)

agua – água – water.

cafe cafe- coffee.

cafe solo – cafe solo- black coffee

cafe cortado cafe cortado– coffee with a little milk

cafe con leche – cafe con leche– black coffee half and half with milk

capuchino – cappuccino – cappuccino

té – te- tea

servicios servisiostoilet. Example: “los servicios, por favor?” (“Please, where is the toilet?”). Toilet also means words lavabo And aseo, but “servisios” is easier to remember

cuenta - cuenta- check. Example: “la cuenta, por favor!” ("The check, please!").


tiene plancha? – téné plancha- Do you have an iron?

habitation – habitation- room, hotel room.

Quería una habitación – Keria ýna Habitacón– I would like to rent a room

doble – double- room for two. Example: “keria ýna habitacón doble, por favor” (“Please, I would like to rent a room for two”)

individual – individual– room for one

SPANISH: NUMERALS from 0 to 10

0 – cero– sero; 1 - uno– ýno; 2 – dos– dos; 3 – tres– tres;

4 – cuatro– cuátro; 5 - cinco– cinco; 6 – seis– seis;

7 – siete- syete; 8 - ocho– ócho; 9 - nueve– nueve; 10 - diez– diez.


pasa por - pasa por– passes through, goes to. Example: “Pása por plaça Catalunya?” (“does [this bus, etc.] go to Plaza Catalunya?”)

pare aquí – pare aki- stop here. The phrase is more for a taxi.

estacion – estacion– station. Establishment of autobuses – estacion de autobuses– bus; estación de trenes – estacion de tranes– railway

litro – liter– liter. Example: “bainte litros, por favor!” (“twenty liters please”)

lleno – yeno- full. Example: “yeno, por favor!” ("Fill it up, please!")

In order to ask the question “how to get there,” it is enough to simply name the desired place with a questioning intonation and the constant “por favor.” For example: “estasion de tranes, por favor?” (“Please, how do I get to railway station?). Or “Plaza Catalunya, por favor?” (“Please, how do I get to Plaza Catalunya?”)

You have booked your ticket. Your luggage is already packed. You can't wait to start your trip to a country where everyone speaks Spanish.

There is one more simple thing you can do that will come in handy on your trip: learn a few phrases in Spanish! Traveling will definitely be much more exciting and rewarding if you can communicate with native speakers.

In this article, we have selected the most popular Spanish phrases that will help you “survive” while traveling.


Hispanic culture is based on the cult of politeness, you should also always be polite and say “hello” and “how are you?” And don't worry about making mistakes, people around you will do their best to understand you and make sure you understand them. Just try your best and they will be happy to see your efforts.

  • Good morning - Buenos Days(Buenos dias)
  • Good afternoon - Buenas tardes(buenas tardes)
  • Good evening - Buenas nights(buenas noches)
  • Hola (ola)- this is “hello”. You can say hello this way to people you already know.
  • What do you think?(komo esta) - a way to ask “how are you?” in case you are unfamiliar with the person, What do you think?(como estas) - if you know him.
  • If you are asked “how are you?”, answer “ok, thank you” - “Bien, gracias”(bien, gracias) because you are also a polite person.
  • Never forget keywords: Please - por favor(por favor) - and thank you - gracias(gracias).
  • When you introduce yourself to someone, you say “Mucho gusto”(mucho thick), and you will hear the same thing in response. It means "nice to meet you."
  • If you suddenly hit an insurmountable language barrier, switch to universal English, just make sure from your interlocutor: ¿Habla ingles?(abla ingles)? - Do you speak English?

Useful basic vocabulary

Even the simplest words and phrases to remember will be of great use to you in everyday communication. You can always use “I want”, “I like”, “Do you have...?”, and if you don’t know how to complete a phrase (for example, you can’t remember the right noun), just point to the item.

  • I want, I don't want - Yo quiero, yo no quiero(yo kyero, yo no kyero)
  • I would like (more politely) – Me gustaria(me gustaria)
  • Where is? – What do you think?(donde esta)?
  • What is the price? – ¿Cuánto cuesta?(cuanto cuesta)?
  • How much time? – ¿Qué hora es?(ke ora es)?
  • You have? – ¿Tiene?(tiene)?
  • I have it, I don’t have it - Yo tengo, yo no tengo(yo tengo, yo no tengo)
  • I understand, I don't understand - Yo entiendo, yo no entiendo(yo entiendo, yo no entiendo)
  • You understand - ¿Entiende?(entiende)?

Simple verb forms: where is, I want, I need

You can express many thoughts and requests using simple verb forms. The important thing is that you can say a variety of things by using “I want,” “I need,” “I can,” “I could,” or “where is,” and then simply adding a noun. It may not be so easy for you, but you will definitely be understood.

  • I want a ticket to a hotel, a taxi - Yo quiero un boleto, un hotel, un taxi(yo kyero un boleto, un hotel, un taxi)

How do I get there?

If you're a little lost or unsure about how to get somewhere, you'll need a few simple phrases, which will help you find the right road. "Where is?" in Spanish it sounds like “¿dónde está?” (donde esta?), let's look at this question in action based on a few examples:

  • Where is the railway station? – ¿Dónde está la estación de ferrocarril?(donde esta la estacion de ferrocarril) or “autobuses” (autobuses).
  • Where is the restaurant? – How about a restaurant?(donde esta un restaurante)?
    - Train? – ¿Un tren?(un tren)?
    - Street …? – ¿La calle...?(la saye)?
    - Bank? – ¿Un banco?(un banko)?
  • I am looking for the restroom. – What do you think?– (donde esta el banyo)?
  • I want a hotel, I want a hotel with a bathroom - Yo quiero un hotel, yo quiero un hotel con baño(yo kyero un hotel, yo kyero un hotel kon banyo)
  • I need - Yo necesito(yo neseshito). A very useful phrase, just add a noun:
    Yo necesito un hotel, un cuarto, un cuarto con baño– (yo neseshito un hotel, un cuarto son banyo)
  • Where is the exchange office located? where is the bank located? – ¿Dónde está una casa de cambio?(donde esta una casa de cambio);
    How about it?(donde esta el banco)?
  • Money – Dinero (dinero).

Driving directions

Once you ask a question about how to get somewhere, you will hear the answer in Spanish. Remember some simple instructions in Spanish that someone might give you, such as telling you to turn right or left or to go straight ahead. Listen to these keywords:

  • Right side - a la derecha(a la derecha)
  • Left-hand sidea la izquierda(a la izquierda)
  • Straight ahead - derecho(derecho)
  • On the corner - en la esquina(en la esquina)
  • In one, two, three, four blocks - a una cuadra, a dos, tres, cuatro cuadras– (a una cuadra, a dos, tres, cuatro cuadras)

At a restaurant: what do you want to eat or drink?

These are probably the phrases you'll need most when you're in a restaurant. Order something using something you already know "quiero"(quiero) or "quisiera"(kissier) – “I want” or “I would like.” And don't forget to talk “por favor” And "gracias"!

  • Table - Una mesa(una masa)
  • Table for two, three, four - Una mesa para dos tres, cuatro(una mesa para dos, tres, cuatro)
  • Menu – Un menú(un menu)
  • Soup - Sopa(sop)
  • Salad - Ensalada(ensalada)
  • Hamburger (also necessary!) – Hamburguesa(amburgesa)
  • With ketchup, mustard, tomato, lettuce - Con salsa de tomate, mostaza, tomate, lechuga– (con salsa de tomate, mostaza, tomate, lechuga)
  • Snack – Una entrada(una entrada)
  • Dessert - Un postre(un postre)
  • Drink - Una bebida(una babyda)
  • Water – Agua(agua)
  • Red wine, white wine – Vino tinto(Bino Tinto), vino blanco(bino blanco)
  • Beer - Cerveza(serveza)
  • Coffee - Un café(un cafe)
  • Call a waiter or waitress - ¡Señor! or ¡Señorita!(senior or señorita)
  • Check - La cuenta(la cuenta)

Miscellaneous information

  • Credit cards. Many places in small towns still don't accept credit cards, so be sure to have plenty of cash with you. You can ask if credit card is accepted - una tarjeta de credito(una tarheta de credito). If you have questions, you can always use nouns as a question. For example, you can take out a credit card and ask ¿Tarjeta de credito? They will understand.
  • Universal word: No funciona(but functional) – no, it doesn’t work. You can use this in many other circumstances. Just point to a shower or something and say: “¡No funciona!”
  • Practice saying everything out loud, so, firstly, you will remember some phrases without having to “peep” them, and secondly, you will learn to pronounce them quickly and, at the same time, smoothly. Simple listening talking man will also help you understand people.
  • Take a small pocket dictionary with you. Of course, you don't want to look for the right verb conjugation in the middle of a conversation, but you will always find the right noun quickly. Download this dictionary before your trip, it will definitely come in handy more than once.

1 – uno (uno)
2 – dos (dos)
3 – tres (tres)
4 – cuatro (cuatro)
5 – cinco (cinco)
6 – seis (seis)
7 – siete (siete)
8 – ocho (ocho)
9 – nueve (nueve)
10 – diez (dies)

P.S. You will learn more useful phrases in the online course.

Russian-Spanish phrasebook with pronunciation. Going to trip to spain or to cities and countries, where they speak spanish, take this one with you spanish phrasebook.

Spaniards try to enjoy every moment of their lives. The Spanish language is as emotional and passionate as their songs and dances.

When writing, Spaniards use a question and exclamation marks not only at the end of a sentence, but also at the beginning, thereby enhancing the expression of speech. Planning trip to spain, be sure to study at least a few phrases of this Russian-Spanish phrasebook with pronunciation, because one of the most favorite pastimes of the Spaniards is “osio” - the opportunity to talk.





¡ Hola! Hello! Ola!
¡ Buenos días! Good morning! Buenos dias!
¡ Buenas tardes! Good afternoon Banos tardes!
¡ Buenas nights! Good night! Buenas noches!
What do you think? How are you? Como estas?
Bien, gracias.¿Y usted? OK, thank you. And you? Bien, gracias. And usted?
No estoy bien. Badly. But estoy bien.
Má s o menos. So-so. Mas o menos.
¡ Bienvenido! Welcome! Bienvenido!


¿Cómo te llamas? What is your name? Como te yamas?
Me llamo... My name is… Me yamo...
Mucho gusto en conocerte Nice to meet you Mucho gusto en konoserte
¿De donde eres? Where are you from? De donde eres?
Yo soy de Spain. I'm from Spain. Yo soi daeEspaña.
¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you? Quantos anos tienes?
Yo tengoaños. I'm... years old. Yo tengo... anjos.
¿A qué te dedicas? What do you do? A ke te Dedikas?
Soy estudiante. I am a student. Soy estudiante.
¿En qué trabajas? What is your job? En que trabajas?
El director. I am a director. El director.
El empresario. I'm a businessman. El empresario.
El arquitecto. I'm an architect. El arcitecto.
¿ Usted habla Inglés? Do you speak English? Usted abla ingles?
Si Yes Si
No No But
No entiendo I don't understand But entendo
¿Me puedes repetir eso? Repeat please Me puedes rapper eso?

Communication and questions

¿Dónde? Where? Where? Dongde?
¿Cuándo? When? Cuando?
¿Por qué? Why? Por ke?
¿Qué? What? Ke?
¿Cuál? Which? Kual?
¿Quien? Who? Qian?
¿Cómo? How? Como?
¿Nos trae la cuenta, por favor? Could you bring us the bill, please? Nos trae la cuenta, por favor?
¿Cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost? Cuanto cuesta?

Expression of gratitude

Gracias Thank you Gracias
Por favor Please Por favor
De nada My pleasure De nada
Disculpe Sorry Disculpe


Adios Goodbye Adyos
¡ Hasta mañana! See you tomorrow! Hasta mañana!
¡Nos vemos pronto! See you soon! Nos vemos pronto!
¡Que tengas un buen día! Have a nice day! Ke tengas un buen dia!

I wish…

¡Enhorabuena! Congratulations! Enorabuena!
¡Felicidades! Best wishes! Felicidades!
¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy Birthday! Feliz kumrlăños!
¡Feliz aniversario! Happy wedding! Feliz aniversario!
¡Que aproveche! Bon appetit! Ke aproveche!
¡Que tengas suerte! Good luck! Ke tengas suerte!
¡Buen viaje! Have a good travel! Buen vyahe!

Where and how to speak Spanish correctly?

Spanish is spoken by about 500 million people on the planet. There are about 60 countries in the world with significant Spanish-speaking populations, even America is a country where they speak spanish.

Spanish is one of the easiest languages ​​to learn. Almost all words in it are read as they are written, with some exceptions:

h – unreadable

ll – in is read as “th”, but there are also other national variants “l”, “j”

y – read as “th”, and if used as a conjunction, then “and”

j – reads like Russian “x”

z – like “c” ( Latin America) or English "th" (Spain)

ñ – read softly “n”

r – “rr” if it is at the beginning of a sentence or when there are two rrs in a word

с – before a, o, u – like “k”; before e, i – like “c” (Latin America) or English “th” (Spain)

g – before i and e – like the Russian “x”, before the other vowels “g”.

The uniqueness of the culture of a people is expressed in the dialect and language spoken by the population of the country. Studying Russian-Spanish phrasebook, pay attention to our foreign phrase books for traveling to other foreign countries:

So now you know how to speak spanish correctly. We recommend that you print this with pronunciation and use it while traveling.

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Vocabulary you need to learn before traveling to Spain

Basic Spanish phrases that will save your life







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When planning a trip to the Pyrenees, do not think that you will get by with knowledge of English - a very small percentage of Spaniards speak this language, so travelers often find themselves in situations like in that joke “mine doesn’t understand yours.”

We hope that our readers will definitely not get into such a mess, because I have prepared a small dictionary for them.

  1. Basic Spanish Phrases - General Rules

Never be shy to speak Spanish with Spaniards, even if your knowledge of the language is reduced to a primitive minimum. Even simple words“hello-bye” or “how are you, friend” will be enough to win over the Spaniards. Remember that in Spanish there is no reduction of sounds, i.e. All vowel sounds must be pronounced clearly, regardless of whether they are stressed or not. Otherwise, you may not be understood or understood in the way you would like.

  • Also remember that the letter "H" sound (ache) is not pronounced in Spanish. For example, the greeting hola is pronounced "ola".
  • The letter v in Spanish is read as “b”, or rather something between “b” and “v”.

  1. Basic Spanish phrases - greetings and polite words
  • hola ("ola")- Hi Hello. Sometimes it may seem that the Spaniards were born with this word on their lips. They greet everyone constantly: acquaintances, strangers, in a store, cafe, etc.
  • por favor ("por favor")- Please. Any request from a well-mannered person, according to Spanish standards of etiquette, must be accompanied by this phrase.
  • gracias ("gracias")- Thank you. Pay attention to the pronunciation, the correct one is “graSias”.
  • si ("yes"), no ("no"). In this country it is customary to use “but, gracias”, “si, por favor”.
  • vale ("bale")- okay, that's fine
  • adios ("adyos")- goodbye, bye. In Spain, it is customary to always say goodbye to everyone with this word. Hasta luego is also often used. “Hasta la vista” is now not used in most regions, although everyone understands it.

  1. Basic Spanish phrases - in a restaurant
  • la carta ("la card")- menu, list of dishes. If you say “menu, por favor,” they may misunderstand and bring you a set lunch.
  • sin hielo ("sin hielo")- without ice. A very useful and important phrase. So, if you don’t specify, you will most likely be served a drink with ice, which will take up from a third to half the volume of the glass. Therefore, when ordering, immediately specify: “una cola sin yelo, por favor” - cola without ice, please.
  • cerveza ("service")- beer. Word jarra ("harra") means mug. However, if you say, for example, “una harra grande, por favor,” it immediately implies that you are ordering a large glass of beer. If the waiter doesn’t really understand you, say “una jarra de servesa, por favor” - a glass of beer, please.
  • vino ("wine")- wine (emphasis on the first syllable). If it is not specified which one, the default is red. For example, “una copa de vino, por favor!” - a glass of wine, please. "Dos Copas" - two glasses.
  • cenicero ("cenicero")- ashtray. Ask the waiter: “el senicero, por favor” - please bring an ashtray.
  • servicios ("servicios")- toilet. To know how to ask “where is the toilet,” learn the following: “los servicios, por favor?” Also the words "toilet" mean lavabo and aseo.
  • cuenta ("cuenta")- check. "Bill please" in Spanish would be "la cuenta, por favor."

  1. Basic Spanish phrases - in the store
  • Estoy mirando ("estoy Mirando")- I look. A special phrase for overly kind sellers who are attached to you with a desire to help. Say in response “estoy mirando, gracias,” which means “I’m looking at what you have, but haven’t chosen it yet, thank you.” A win-win option - stay nice and get rid of the seller.
  • cuanto vale? ("quanto bale?")- what is the price? If you use it with queria eso, you will feel like a fish in water when shopping in Spain. You can also ask: “caria eso, quanto bale, por favor?”, “quanto bale eso, por favor?”
  • probarme - (“probarme”)- try it on yourself. If you ask: “karia probarme, por favor”, it means “Please, I would like to try on these clothes.”
  • probadores ("probadores")- dressing room. Ask, “probadores, por favor,” and they will tell you where the fitting booth is.
  • tarjeta ("tarheta")- card. "Con tarheta" will mean "can I pay by card."
  • en efectivo ("en effective")- cash. At the checkout in stores they will ask you “con tarheta o en effecivo?” - Do you want to pay by card or cash?

  1. Basic phrases of the Spanish language - to note
  • linda ("Linda"), guapa ("guapa")- beautiful, pretty. If you want to do Spanish woman compliment, use those exact words.
  • Spaniards often use terms of endearment, adding the softening suffix -ita. For example, mamasita ("mamacita") - mummy, gordita ("gordita") - plump, solecito ("solesito")- Sun.
  1. Basic Spanish Phrases - Emergency Situations
  • ayúdeme ("ayudeme")- help me
  • llame ("lyame")- call
  • policía ("policy")- police. For example, in in case of emergency shout: "liame a la policeia" - "call the police."
  • urgencias ("urgensias")- ambulance
  • llame a un médico ("llame a un medico")- Call a doctor
  • me siento mal ("me siento mal")- I feel bad
  1. Basic Spanish Phrases - Funny Phrases
  • Te he traído la grasa ("te e traído a grasa")- I brought you lard. Knowing this phrase in Spanish will probably touch the hearts of any resident of the Pyrenees.
  • Mañana ("manyana")- Tomorrow. Don't be surprised, but remember this word. The Spaniards simply adore it and use it at every step, as if following the principle: “Why do something today if it can be done tomorrow?”
  • Me encanta sangria ("Me encanta sAngria")- I love sangria. Sangria is a delicious national drink of the Spaniards.

Spanish for tourists. Useful phrases from everyday life:

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