Amur tigers have gained weight in a Chinese zoo (6 photos). Amur tigers have gained weight in a Chinese zoo (6 photos) Fat tigers

Pictures of fattened Amur tigers from China have become very popular on the Internet. natural park in Harbin Province.

Animals that have become more like lazy domestic cats than wild animals have made social media users laugh a lot.

Some users joked that the tigers ate too much during the Chinese New Year celebrations. Others compared the animals to grandchildren whose grandmother came to visit.

Tigers have become more like lazy domestic cats than wild animals. Photo: YouTube

However, many users expressed concern about the health of the huge predators, but zoo staff assured that there was no danger to the tigers excess weight does not carry in winter.

Amur tigers naturally live in harsh conditions, and therefore eat to survive the cold. The Amur Tiger Park in China tries to recreate their living conditions, and in winter the temperature there drops to -20 degrees.

Many expressed concern about the health of the huge predators. Photo: YouTube

Experts add that by summer the animals will lose weight and get in shape, the publication reports.

The Amur Tiger Park in Harbin is the largest natural park, covering an area of ​​about a million square meters. About 800 tigers live in the park, which are extremely rare in nature and are listed in the Red Book.


Harbin Amur Tiger Park covers an area of ​​ten thousand square kilometers near the Chinese-Russian border. It was created to preserve the population of these big cats. The park is now home to approximately 800 endangered species. There are only 500 Amur tigers left in the wild, mostly in Russia.


Someone will ask the question: “Why save a tiger or some kind of shelduck? Is the existence of hundreds of animals in the Ussuri forest really so important for a person?”

Yes, very important! It is important because any species of animal - giraffe, mouse or stork - is a unique creation of nature, with mysteries of behavior, with its own way of life and body structure. You can recreate a lost car, restore a house, a factory, a city, or restore a monument based on descriptions. It is impossible to re-design a lost animal! Only plush and nylon toys can be made in his likeness...

Seeing a school of flying cranes in the spring; hear the singing of nightingales, quails, cuckoos; accidentally scare off a moose in the forest and know that somewhere in Ussuri taiga walking around alive, not a stuffed tiger - this is the great joy of life!

We must fight for this joy before it is too late.


Photos from the Chinese zoo in Harbin instantly spread throughout the Internet. VKontakte users having fun, posting posts with photographs of predators with captions: “When grandma came to stay,” “It doesn’t matter what’s outside, the main thing is what’s inside,” “This is a fat Amur tiger, add it to your wall and you’ll get a pass in physics,” "Apparently Chinese New Year was with olive oil”, “It seems we found your totem animal” and similar jokes.

As reported in the British version of the newspaper Metro, the reliable reason for the obesity of Amur tigers is unknown. “But when tigers are in good shape and live in wildlife, these are extremely fast and agile animals that run quickly and hunt deftly. And these poor wild cats can only lie on the floor,” the publication notes.

Zoo staff, in turn, claim that animals always gain weight in winter to protect themselves from the cold. According to them, excess weight will cease to be a problem by spring.

President strongly disagrees with Chinese zoo workers international organization Animal Welfare Born Free Foundation Will Travers. “Tigers are obese, which indicates an incorrect and harmful diet for them and inadequate physical activity. In my opinion, this is not funny or cute at all. These animals feel bad, they get sick,” he said.

Photos of noticeably plump Amur tigers from the Harbin Zoo in northeastern China have appeared online. Fat animals waddling lazily from side to side have practically become the new meme on social media, but some animal rights activists are concerned about their welfare.

In the photographs, the tigers look very unusual: some have become so fat that it seems they cannot even get up from the ground.
The photos made many social media users laugh.

« When I die, I hope I return to this world as a fat tiger."

« I’d probably be a shitty wild animal, just like that fat tiger.”

According to zoo staff, fat tigers are normal in winter. The animals' daily diet is specially increased so that they can more easily survive the cold months; by spring, cats should lose excess weight.

Despite this, in one of largest organizations animal rights group, the Born Free Foundation, suggests that tigers have serious problems with health.

Will Travers, president of the organization, told the publication that fattening tigers in winter is absolutely pointless and even harms the animals.

Judging by the photographs, the tigers are at the stage of obesity, this is an indicator of an inappropriate and unnatural diet. This also suggests that the animals did not have the opportunity to behave in the same way as in the wild. In my opinion, it's not funny or cute. These animals are sick.

Editorial Faktrum shares with the reader photographs of fat tigers and hopes that they will soon return to normal.

In the main zoo of the Chinese city of Harbin today you can see tigers that weigh several times their normal weight.

All photos in post: © AsiaWire

According to the zoo workers themselves, the predators simply gained fat for the winter, almost like bears, and by spring the excess weight will go away on its own

However, zoologists sounded the alarm. World Animal Protection President Will Travers said these tigers need urgent help.

Travers believes that the tigers are either very seriously ill, or, despite all the prohibitions, they were fed by visitors to the Harbin Zoo.

Now the Harbin Zoo is home to about eight hundred Amur tigers, whose weight significantly exceeds the norm.

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When a cat falls from a great height, it lands on its stomach rather than its paws, which helps it survive

When falling from a great height (above the seventh floor), the cat's body accelerates until it reaches maximum speed, after which it goes into free fall. In this state, the cat no longer feels gravity and cannot determine where is up and where is down. Then she spreads her paws in different directions, increasing the surface of her body, like a parachute, and the speed of the fall decreases, and the chances of survival increase.

In 1870, the Belgian city of Liege hired 37 cats to deliver packages to a nearby village.

This was a bad idea. The cats were not eager to provide services to the population: some of them deviated from the route and went about their business, others were driven up a tree by dogs... Many of the cats never reached their recipients, so they decided to refuse the cat’s “services.”

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