How to add visual bookmarks in mozilla. Visual tabs for the Mozilla Firefox browser

Bookmarks in the browser, like in a book, are created to quickly find the required sites. They should be located so that “without stumbling” you can select the one you are looking for, and delete the used one. And it would be nice if the information was available from a computer, a smartphone, and a tablet...

It's easy to make a Mozilla Firefox bookmark, and it's just as easy to manage them. Unlike the analogue in in social networks, only its users have access to such a service in the viewer. Firefox also has a visual bookmarks page, on which they are clearly displayed, which speeds up and makes your work as comfortable as possible.

Creation procedure

A bookmark in Mozilla Firefox is theoretically a display of a website address in it, followed by search and opening. In order to make a bookmarks page in Mozilla you should:

There is a special option in Firefox to work with this service. It is located on the gray line at the top of the screen. If you need to work with it, click on it, go to the top line Show, automatically get to Library - All entries - Other.

There will be such commands:

  • show all;
  • edit;
  • window;
  • other;
  • recent;
  • last marks.

When saving to the Library, the registered email address of the page is shown. If desired, bookmarks in Mozilla can be customized.

Visual display

The viewer allows you to display thumbnail images of saved sites on the screen. How to make a bookmarks bar of this type in Mozilla? You should do this:

  • choose your favorite object or one that is needed in your work and should open as quickly as possible;
  • go to the tab with windows;
  • click on the cross on the empty square;
  • in the window, select the bookmark in Mozilla that you want to pin;
  • Click on the inscription and press the blue Save button.

After saving it looks like this:

The service can be changed if desired. To hide it you need to:

  • click on the three lines at the top of the screen;
  • select Show, Hide, Panel from the drop-down list;
  • exit settings.

How to customize the bookmarks bar in Mozilla? If you prefer any value, you can move it to the place you like - just drag the square. You can visually pin Yandex in Mozilla Firefox in the same way.


Bookmarked pages in Firefox can not only be saved and deleted. Editing allows you to change their name and location. When you click on the Edit line, a menu appears that allows you to figure out how to write what you need under the name that the user likes, and save it in the appropriate place.

You can also copy a file from the library to your desktop or to a separate folder if you reinstall the software or operating system.

Deleting a bookmark

If there is no need for it, you can delete it. Begin:

  • find the line;
  • Click on the blue star at the top;
  • we see a window;
  • Click Delete and it disappears.


When using mozilla on different devices, their owner is faced with the question of how to make a bookmark in the Mozilla browser so that it is available on all gadgets? This is why synchronization was invented.

The created bookmark entries (their addresses linked to the user profile) are stored on Mazil’s servers. First, we create or confirm an account (usually the user is identified by email address), click on the three dashes in the corner of the screen, and go to the Synchronize button in the drop-down settings panel. When you log in from another device under your profile, you can bring all bookmarks in Mazil into line.

Visual bookmarks are a convenient option that allows you to automatically log into your favorite sites with just one click. Typically, the Google or Yandex search engine is used as the initial tab.

In order to access the selected site, you need to enter its name in the search bar, click search, and select the desired one from the results shown. But everyone has a list of sites that you visit every day. These could be social sites, Email and many others. But knowing how to set bookmarks, you can do it much faster, having direct access to the required site.


The main difference between Mozilla and other browsers is the lack of a built-in visual bookmarks option. But, if you are generally satisfied with the browser, then you should not change it just because of this flaw. A variety of additional applications can help you. They will be able to solve the problem and eliminate the deficiency.

The most common are Yandex.Bar and Speed ​​Dial.

Let's figure out how to set up such bookmarks in Mozilla using Speed ​​Dial. To do this, just follow a simple sequence:

  1. You should go to your browser's add-on manager. To do this, in “Tools” you should select the “Add-ons” column.
  2. Next, find the “Search for add-ons” column and go there. In the search bar that opens automatically, you need to enter the name of the application. In our version, enter Speed ​​Dial and press Enter.
  3. In the section that appears there will be different applications. The one we need is at the very beginning. Continuing to configure, click on the left mouse button and “Add to Firefox”.
  4. If everything is done correctly, a warning will appear. This is a standard document that you do not need to be afraid of at all. Click “Continue”, “Install Now” and feel free to continue making further manipulations.
  5. After the application is installed, the browser will need to be restarted.
  6. Now let's move on to the application settings themselves. To do this, once again go to “Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Extensions”. Next, you need to select the newly installed Speed ​​Dial application and go to its settings.
  7. Next, we will study the program settings themselves. In the “Main” item you can select entire groups of visual bookmarks and set their number. At the same time, you can have one group of bookmarks open and several more in the tabs. This way, you can easily manipulate them and switch from one to another.
  8. It is very important that after you have finished configuring the add-on, click OK to save all the work done.
  9. The final stage of work: click on an empty tab and select “Edit”, enter the URL of the desired site and its name. Now it will be quickly accessible as a visual bookmark.

In the settings tab you can also configure other parameters:

  • In “Default” you can choose how often sites that are located in visual bookmarks will be updated, as well as the number of bookmarks in columns and rows.
  • In “Miniatures” you can configure their size and parameters.
  • In “Management” you can adjust hotkeys and mouse button actions.
  • In “Advanced” you can find many more parameters and settings that are considered minor.

With the help of this detailed instructions you can easily figure out how to set up visual bookmarks on Mozilla, and you can adjust them to your own discretion.

Before getting into the meat of the article, first let's try to learn what visual bookmarks for Firefox are? This is what you see on the browser start page. This is a kind of navigation menu for your most frequently visited sites.

Thanks to visual bookmarks, you can access all the necessary pages in one click, and in the literal sense of the word. There is no need to enter the site address in the address bar, or search for it through search engines such as Google and Yandex. Just click on a special bookmark on the main page of the browser, and you will immediately be transferred to the page you requested.

Why do you need Yandex visual bookmarks?

This is a completely logical question, since the Mozilla Firefox browser initially already has its own stock visual bookmarks. But in essence they are not. Indeed, the Firefox home page shows you the pages you visit most often. Such bookmarks are inconvenient because, for example, you visit a site several times, and it will be listed on home page, forced. Simply put, they do not have enough functions and settings that an advanced user requires in order to realize maximum convenience and comfort when working with a website browser.

That is why it is worth paying attention to such an addition as Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox. They allow you to install static website tabs, let's call them that, and customize them the way you want. Plus, the add-on is constantly updated, which brings new features with each subsequent version.

Now that you already know the purpose of this extension, we can begin to describe how to download and install it. This is discussed below.

Downloading and installing visual bookmarks from Yandex

Downloading and installing the extension is done through the Mozilla addon store. Therefore, it is necessary immediately launch browser Firefox. Then open menu(the icon is located in the upper right corner of the browser panel). Select item from the menu "Extras". Or just press Ctrl+Shift+A to open the desired page.

Amazing. After these steps, you will open a special page where your add-ons installed in the browser are collected. We need to go to the store, so while on the page " Get Add-ons" scroll down. And when you see the button " View more additions!”, click on it.

Clicking on this blue button will open the market we need for additional applications for Mozilla. In the search form, write: “ Visual bookmarks from Yandex". And among the results at the very top, click on the corresponding link to open the page with the add-on.

Great! Press the blue button " Add to Firefox" and wait for the download to finish.

When it ends, a pop-up window will appear where you need to click on the “ Add".

So we installed visual bookmarks from Yandex. A corresponding icon has appeared on the Mozilla panel.

Now you can start using and configuring them. How to use them is written below.

How to use and set up

And so, after installation, instead of the standard start page, a new one will open, with bookmarks from Yandex. Initially, some bookmarks will be installed on it. If you don’t need them and you don’t want them to take up extra space on your monitor screen, then no problem, you can delete them. To do this, simply hover over the desired tab with your mouse cursor and wait until the settings and delete icons appear. After that, click the cross to delete the tab, and confirm your action by clicking the button "Yes". If you need to change the name or address of the site, click on the gear icon.

How to add a tab to a panel

Setting up Yandex visual bookmarks

You can customize the appearance of the tabs and the page they are on. Change the background, specify the number of tabs on the screen (maximum 25), and add many other settings. To do this, you must first open a special menu. It is launched by clicking on the link “ Settings" on the start page.

All the necessary settings are there. I think there is no need to describe anything here, since everything is already clear there. Experiment to achieve maximum convenience and comfort during use.

Thanks to visual bookmarks, users can easily and quickly move from one web page to another without having to keep their addresses in mind. When you open the second tab of your web browser, you will most likely be shown mini-thumbnails of the most visited Internet pages and the Yandex search bar.

Particularly frequently viewed pages are automatically moved to the top of the list, but you can fix your favorite pages yourself by clicking on the icon on the mini-thumbnail, and it will be saved in this place without running anywhere. To do this, you need to click on an empty cell, a window will open for you to enter the site address and below your site name. Hit enter and you're done.

If you want to delete a bookmark, move your mouse over its preview (then a cross will appear), click on the cross in the right corner and the bookmark will be deleted.
You can also drag it to any place, even when it is already occupied, by holding it with the left mouse button.

Mozilla Firefox visual bookmarks are missing?

This can happen in any browser (for example, Mozilla Firefox), and further here we talk about their complete recovery.

The most obvious reason for visual bookmarks to disappear in Mozilla Firefox may be due to a specific plugin stopping working. Those. bookmark plugin disabled

This can happen due to system failures or virus programs. Or maybe the second computer user changed something in the settings - out of ignorance, or maybe intentionally(?).

To restore the correct operation of the application and return missing visual bookmarks, you need to perform the following simple steps:

If for some reason something does not work out, then there are several other solutions to the problem. First of all, it would be nice to install latest version browser, it is also possible to update it. Click settings and select the icon with a question mark (Help) in the context menu.

In the help window, click “O Firefox”

If visual bookmarks suddenly disappear in Mozilla, it is quite possible that nothing terrible happened to the program - just a settings failure. I would say that all the settings in the program can be adjusted at your own discretion. It just depends on your taste.

Unlike other browser programs, Mozilla has a number of unique features, the lack of built-in visual bookmarks is one of them. You must install the appropriate extension to use it. It should also be noted that such an addition can automatically change your browser start page. The number of windows can be changed directly by delving into the settings, so you can more easily find the necessary information without unnecessary problems.

Something about old proven options.

As a rule, Internet users save useful or frequently used sites, as well as pages they like, to their computer using bookmarks. Using standard browser tools, you can add a page to a special panel under the address bar or save it to a special folder, which can be accessed through the program interface. If the standard panel is not enough for you, or you are not satisfied with its functionality or appearance, you can install visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox.

Unlike some other web browsers, Mozilla Firefox does not have a standard interface for working with visual bookmarks (it's called the Express panel). Instead, users can install third-party applications to add new elements they need, called plugins.

If you want to get express panels similar to those implemented in Yandex or Opera browsers, you need to save and install the appropriate extensions. On the Internet you can find a huge number of visual bookmarks, differing in the consumed system resources, appearance elements and panel design, the presence of various additional functions, and so on.

This article discusses how to install and configure the bookmark bar you like, and also provides reviews of the two most popular plugins in Russia: Yandex.Bookmarks and SpeedDial.

How to install the plugin

In the Mozilla Firefox Internet browser, there are 2 ways to save to HDD and install the plugin you are interested in. First, users can visit the website dedicated to the desired application, and save it to your computer. The required sites are described in the application-specific sections of this guide.

An alternative way to install an extension is to use the add-on directory built into the browser. In order to install the extension you need, you must do the following:

Now you can go to the “Extensions” subsection using the left menu. Your bookmarks will appear among the list of installed applications. If you need to remove them, you can use the “Disable” button to pause the plugin or the “Remove” button to uninstall it.

Speed Dial

The SpeedDial plugin is considered the most complete, developed and multifunctional among all existing ones. In addition, it has enormous flexibility of settings - users can change many parameters, ranging from the number and location of bookmarks, ending with their animation and the location of additional elements.

You can display your mailbox and shortcuts to other useful extensions stored on your browser in the Express Panel. Thanks to all these features, SpeedDial has gained immense popularity among users of all popular browsers.

You can save this extension to your personal computer by following the link to the official website of the program developer. There you need to click on the blue “Install” button.

Immediately after installation, the express panel will be available for use. If you want to customize the application to suit your needs, you will need to click on the SpeedDial2 icon that appears to the right of the address bar. From the contextual drop-down menu that expands, select Options.

In order to save the website you are interested in, you need to add a new bookmark. You can go to the desired page, right-click anywhere in the free space of the window, and click “Add new bookmark” in the drop-down menu. An alternative way is to go to the main page of your Speed ​​Dashboard and click on the plus sign + in the place where you want to create a bookmark. After this, you will need to copy the website address into the provided text field and come up with names for the created object.

Very useful function Speed ​​Dial2 is a collection of statistics about the pages you view. The application's database stores all the sites you have visited and builds visual graphs and diagrams based on this information. With their help, users can see which sites they visit most often and add them to bookmarks to increase their online productivity.


In Russia, services from Yandex are very popular. Bookmarks from Yandex cannot boast of such enormous configuration flexibility as the SpeedDial described above, but they are no less convenient.

The Yandex interface is more minimalistic, but nevertheless extremely convenient for storage large quantities information and easy navigation through your links. Users of this add-on can set a background image, set the number of simultaneously displayed elements, and also configure many other parameters.

To save this application, you need to visit official page Yandex elements. Here users need to go to the section dedicated to visual bookmarks and click on any image or on the yellow “Install” button.

Immediately after installation, you can start working with the application. To add a new object, you need to click on the plus sign icon, and in the pop-up window that appears, provide a link to the site where the data you are interested in is stored and enter a name for the link.

At the bottom of the page there is a button for calling the configuration menu. Here users can set the number of web pages that will be displayed, select a background, configure the display of additional services and buttons, for example, changing browser settings. In total, you can save up to 48 bookmarks.

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