The evil eye and damage - an explanation of the phenomenon. The evil eye was explained as a psychological phenomenon Damage from the point of view of science

It has not yet been proven that a person is generally not able to influence another person with the power of thought. On the contrary, the opposite has been established... Scientists have experimentally proven that telepathy exists. Such experiments were carried out by Professor Ippolit Kogan, who for 20 years studied the possibility of one person influencing another distance.

In parallel, Professor Kogan proved that not only a thought is transmitted, but also the emotional state of a person, and this suggests that damage really exists. Some scientists also believe that the connection between a person and any of his cells never disappears, be it hair, nails, saliva or blood .

Biophysicist Alexander Stepanov believes that this connection persists even at a distance of hundreds of kilometers. He explains it resonance effect Any substance in the human body - blood, urine or hair - has its own vibration frequency. It is exactly the same as that of the entire organism. Therefore, it is enough for the sorcerer to make a change in the vibration frequency of, say, cut hair, and this change begins to be reflected in the entire body.

In fact, people with phenomenal abilities live among us. They do not call themselves sorcerers, healers or witches. Very often they are not even aware of their uniqueness. Traditionally, extrasensory abilities are associated with a person’s appearance. For example, in villages they always tried to stay away from brunettes with green or black eyes.

In the 90s, a craze for alternative medicine began. Almost everyone in the 10th generation declared themselves healers, shamans and soothsayers. Scientists have found that there are indeed people with psychic abilities. True, such abilities are very rare. The intelligence services of the Soviet Union have always been interested in people with phenomenal abilities. They were selected and tried to train. By the 80s, special psychotechnics already existed. There is a concept of psychophysiological selection. They select people with certain psychophysiological data, with a certain energy, with an innate ability to direct their energy in the right direction and for the right purposes.

All the intelligence services of the world have their own people on the territory of neighboring and most distant states who are present at diplomatic receptions and receptions in order to achieve the desired decision through extrasensory influence on the interlocutor, suppressing and paralyzing his will. There is no one hundred percent evidence of the existence of damage, just as there is no scientific evidence of getting rid of it. After all, even when there is a result, it can be explained by a simple coincidence.

But there is a law that does not require proof - the force of action is always equal to the force of reaction.The boomerang effect may work. That is, a person with unseemly goals, trying to influence another person, receives the opposite effect on his own consciousness.

People explain the boomerang effect differently. But both village grandmothers and scientists are unanimous here - any evil comes back.

Today the occult is in vogue. Any misfortune is attributed to black magic. If you get sick, it means you’ve been jinxed, your business has collapsed, it means you’ve been damaged, your husband leaves, someone has bewitched him. But there is one thing... Psychiatrists say that passion for the occult contributes to the development of mental illness. According to medical statistics, black magicians are perhaps the most common topic of delusion during persecution mania.

I have received many letters from readers with diametrically opposed positions. Some asked to reveal more deeply the psychology of this phenomenon, to talk about self-hypnosis and methods of leveling them. Others asked for not only techniques for energy protection, but also methods for removing damage if it appeared. They were also asked to give clear symptoms of the evil eye and damage, to talk about other field violations, as well as about the induced conditions.

I understand that, despite the abundance of material on the topic, it is difficult to take an analytical and systematic approach to the problem. Copying from each other the basics of bioenergy according to the New Age, fantasizing and creating horror is one thing, but understanding the nature of the phenomenon and telling readers about it is another. To shift everything into the field of psychology (“this is superstition and self-hypnosis!”) is completely ridiculous. The latter is as if a doctor, faced with easily suggestible patients who had invented their own illnesses, began to deny the illnesses of others.

How to remove damage yourself is not a random topic. I understand very well the desire of intelligent people to live in a linearly explainable world. This thirst gave rise to materialism and rationalism. Moreover, she and some speculations of careerists and science officials created the appearance that these schools of thought with their methodology are objective knowledge. After all, the average person does not read laboratory notebooks and personal diaries of research scientists. He doesn’t even know what science is in general and how it differs from other forms of knowledge of nature.

Many Soviet-era readers are like this. It is pointless to convince people with long-established views. Why? Because those who change their views change their views in a practical way. He finds white spots and inconsistencies in the grafted model, and begins to look for another - wider and more flexible.

Physicists, represented by the research vanguard, have done this work over the past 50 years. Thanks to them and their popularizers, the public picture of the world has become multidimensional and colorful. Unfortunately, swindlers took advantage of this. Not knowing how to do anything, but possessing acting talent and immeasurable arrogance, these ignoramuses, who had picked up a few inches, went among the people. All sorts of sorcerers, sorcerers and other obscurantists who stick their greedy paws into the souls of gullible people.

Because of them, public opinion was divided into three equal camps. Those who adhere to vulgar materialism, because this is how they are brought up, trained and see an abundance of charlatans. Those who believe these charlatans because they feel on an intuitive level the depth and non-linearity of the world, and the latter talk about it. And, finally, those who think independently, sifting the wheat from the chaff in the process of reflection and experience. This article is written for those who think independently.

Removing damage yourself - theory and practice

The knowledge presented in this material is dangerous knowledge. To know how to remove damage, you need to understand its algorithms. That's why I have to reveal them. I hope you won't be tempted to do some damage. Believe me, any intervention at this level will backfire and come back like a boomerang in the form of “random” destructive events or illnesses.

Damage and the evil eye - a problem with the “software” of the individual?

The problem of the evil eye, damage, energy vampirism and influence on fate gives rise to debates reminiscent of debates about the software part of computers. What is more important: hardware or software? Without programs, a computer is useless junk. Without a system unit with all its guts, a monitor and a keyboard, programs are just an abstraction, for example, an order of burnt grooves on plastic that reflects light well.

Programs can be damaged by other programs, this is what virus attacks are based on. Programs can damage hardware; computer viruses are already capable of this. The hardware is your body, the programs are sensations, thoughts, emotions, feelings, self-awareness. The question of which is more important is absurd; one does not exist without the other.

Many will cling to the last phrase: “What about the soul?” We will not delve into the issue of posthumous existence now. In any case, it won't be you anymore. Why? If my opinion is so interesting, wait for a post on this topic.

The evil eye, damage and other phenomena in weakly manifested form are a software problem. In some cases, it spreads to the hardware. The question of how to remove damage yourself lies in the area of ​​correcting a littered attic. It is impossible to damage the physical body without bypassing the psyche! This is one of the differences between damage and the evil eye.

Damage is not always self-hypnosis!

I warn you right away. I do not share the view expressed by anthropologist C. Lévi-Strauss. He wrote that to obtain any occult result, it does not matter whether the model of the world of shamans and magicians corresponds to reality. The only thing that matters is their faith and that of their community.

This could only be written without ever encountering damage, the evil eye and other phenomena face to face. I would really like to see the dropped jaws of such researchers when faced with the “Sliver” corruption. A person may believe, or may not believe and consider all this nonsense until tiny pieces of wood come out of the body.

One can, of course, doubt it and think that the man who has been uttered has gone crazy and is talking nonsense or playing a prank. However, even in the hospital, under the supervision of orderlies and doctors, his bed is littered with small shavings, which must be combed out of his hair, and so on. Video surveillance confirms the absence of contact with other participants in the “raffle.” A person loses weight and wastes away before our eyes. He has no time for jokes and the only thing that worries him is how to get rid of this nightmare. How to remove damage?

I didn't read this. This situation happened to a friend of my mother. A Soviet-trained woman, an atheist, who never believed in anything and laughed at people who talked about it. They helped her. Now she is a baptized and zealous parishioner of an Orthodox church.

Psychological model of damage

To answer the question of how to remove damage yourself, you need to understand the psychological algorithms of the work of obvious and hidden dominants. I have already written about models of the black box structure of our psyche. In this article I will present a fairly simple but easy-to-use model, a simplified version of which is used by many energy managers and other modulators of human behavior.

I'll start with general blocks, gradually moving on to specifics. In this way, the holistic perception will not be lost, and direct and indirect connections will be obvious.

To fully understand the subject, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with this material - « Cartography of the psyche ».

You may ask, what does the structure of the psyche have to do with the question of how to remove damage yourself? That’s the point, you want to do it yourself, right? Removing damage is no easier than fixing a refrigerator. Can you fix the refrigerator yourself without understanding anything? No. Same with damage. It is possible to remove damage and get rid of the evil eye only with full awareness of what you are doing. Therefore, do not neglect the recommendation.

From a psychological point of view, damage is the introduction of a destructive program into the deep layers of the psyche.

If the program rustled on the surface - at the level of consciousness, this is just a fleeting game of the mind. The one who causes damage is interested in the deepest possible penetration, preferably at the level of the oral and anal circuits with strict imprinting. This can only be done by turning off the protective filter of the psyche - consciousness.

How is it turned off? Several paths are possible.

1. The most powerful energy-informational impact on the human field shell.

This is far from easy to do; damage is often confused with ailments from a breakdown of the shell - the evil eye. These are different things. Every fifth person is capable of jinxing them, but this is a quickly erased trifle. Only a specialist with very strong energy and a special mental organization can inflict full-fledged damage using field methods. Even with a huge energy potential, books cannot cause full damage.

The creation of lauras, succubi and tulpas has not yet become a common practice. And thank God! We'll talk about all this at the end of the article. Usually damage is caused by other methods. Read about them below.

2. Direct coding in hypnotic trance.

The second case is also very problematic. The victim's consent to any psychological experiment, place and time is required.

3. Indirect coding in a light trance caused by a “blinking” of consciousness.

In the third case, you just need to shock the person and, taking advantage of his momentary stupor, throw a hook - a psychological clue. Then adjust, for example, mirror or guide and put you into a controlled trance. This is to guarantee a 100% result.

Those who do not want or are unable to bother make it easier. They cause stupor, then abandon the damage program for luck. The shot is 50 to 50. It all depends on the victim ordered or accidentally turned up. It will not be difficult to remove damage from such craftsmen.

What is a corruption program? These are special words pronounced in a certain way. Now you will understand everything and find out how to remove the damage yourself.

Inflicting damage using verbal methods

Is it possible to cause damage using only verbal methods? Yes. But only in two cases:

1. Easily suggestible people (15-18% of them, depending on the society).

2. At the moment of imprint vulnerability.

A person’s awareness at this moment is greatly weakened and external signals, penetrating into the subconscious, can encode it. Later within the imprint, conditioning occurs. A person himself will find a rational explanation for his changed behavior or illness.

This is best illustrated by examples of post-hypnotic suggestions. A sane person will take off and put on a jacket a dozen times and each time logically justify his behavior. He is unable to understand that he is under the influence of the installation.

To remove damage caused by verbal methods, you need to neutralize the introduced destructive dominant. This is achieved in two ways:

1. Increasing awareness and logical analysis of the situation with a shift in emphasis - for example, in an ironic way.

2. Recoding (deprogramming) of the dominant.

The first method weakens the dominant, but does not remove it completely. More precisely, it is possible, but the level of consciousness of the recipient must be unusually high. The second method completely removes the destructive dominant - removes damage. To recode, it is not at all necessary to run to a hypnotist. Developing the topic, I will definitely touch on this issue and give a wonderful deprogramming technique.

Damage caused by psychological methods has the following algorithm - see the flowcharts below.

Damage caused by verbal means are necessary elements

Nonverbal signals when inflicting damage are posture, gestures, and gaze.

Pose when inflicting damage

There are two options. Alpha male or female pose. Very confident, arrogant and aggressive pose. The second option is a forward and slightly bent figure, the right hand is directed with the palm towards the interlocutor, or the index or middle finger is extended.

The look when inflicting damage

This is either a central gaze - between the eyebrows, or a gaze into the left pupil with a transfer to the solar plexus.

Verbal signals when inflicting damage


The predominance of hissing and whistling sounds, strong vowels of the lower spectrum - 1/3, the rest - blue and purple vowels and consonants (see the table of color letters in the closed section of the site, available after registration).

Basic phonetic series

“Terrible-evil” - f, x, sh, sch. “Scary” - p, k, u. “Terrible-evil-strong” – f, h, r. Black trigger - s. (Particularly successful in the five- and seven-fold series of shamanic incantations are such constructions as yrg, yzykh, yrs, tyrkh).

The shock part, aimed at breaking the pattern, which in itself causes a slight trance state for 2-3 seconds (at this moment the villain tries to gain a foothold) is a combination of red “strong-light” in elevated tones with a sharp transition to “scary-evil- strong” with a black trigger in an aspirated half-whisper.

I specifically do not cite the texts, especially since it is not difficult to isolate them in the speech of the evil one.


Intimidation and wishing for evil, usually with mention of an organ or part of the body, fate.

There are two options. The voice of an alpha-dominant or hard-quiet voice, turning into an insinuating, breathy one. Those who use the latter like to make strange gestures. In the first case - a central look, fingering - pike or goat.

In fact, for 100% operation, independent of the mind, will and temperament, you need to use a voice with trance modulations. They remove the barriers of consciousness, lulling the oral survival circuit and the anal territorial circuit. It is with the latter that the ego and, as a result, what we consider our personality is connected. Fortunately, voice acting is an art that is not accessible to everyone and requires will and time. In terms of rarity, this skill is comparable to the ability to cause damage using information and energy methods.

What to do if you encounter a person trying to verbally damage you?

First of all, they are not afraid of anything. Fear is a killer of the mind. Try to immediately tune in to the most ironic mood possible. An adversary is a sick person. This is true. A mentally healthy person will not do this. Sinister is a flawed personality, usually incapable of anything worthwhile. That's why it gets kicked out. That's funny. How can some degenerate or idiot do anything to you? That's funny.

Besides, know this for sure. You run all these programs yourself, so knowing this, what should you be afraid of?

Mentally shrink the villain down to dwarf size. What is he babbling there? Yes, it's a clown! The circus left, but the poor fellow remained. Is something whistling or your fingers bending? This is hilarious! Damn, I saved on tickets. Let him make you laugh, but if he twitches, it’s his horn. No, it won’t be the other way around. They are cowardly.

What to do if you find signs of damage in yourself?

Got a sudden illness? Are there any strange things going on? What kind of? Sit and think. Have you started to be afraid of something? What exactly? Do the analysis.

If illness is not typical for you, and your fears are somehow stupid and childish, remember your meetings within 7 days. No need to go deeper. Clearly organize each person into a shelf. In 90% of cases, it turns out that you have simple fatigue, coinciding with the lower plateau of biorhythms. If you are part of the black 10%, read about how to remove damage below.

Neutralization of verbal damage

If you remember a villain or a villainess, remember his words carefully. What were they aimed at? Some organ or fate? If it’s just health in general, don’t worry about it. The program will dissipate on its own. Do you know how many of these you catch through TV or surfing the Internet? Did you say something about the liver? What exactly? What type of illness did she mention?

Now calm down and do three things:

1. Forgive this person - he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Know that he will find his way and it will be many times worse for him than for you.

2. Imagine your long-suffering liver, put your hand on your stomach and, stroking this place, say clearly with absolute conviction: “Everything is fine.” This is exactly what there is no need to talk too much about. Make no mistake, not “everything will be fine,” but simply “everything will be fine.” Say it 40 times. Remember, exactly 40. I’ll tell you why so much in the following articles on the topic.

Deprogramming method

3. Now imagine that day and that idiot or villain. Smile mentally and physically. Say: “Lesson learned!” With feeling, once. Now rewind time a little. Now you have seen the evil one. And he's not a villain at all. Just a person wished you good health and smiled. Do you remember? Such a nice person.

Vividly imagine his smile and wishes for good health. Thank him from the bottom of your heart. Say: “Health and prosperity to you!”

Now repeat “thank you” or “thank you” 7 or 12 times. Both are suitable.

All. Everything is fine.

I hope I helped you remove the damage yourself. In 95% of cases, damage is caused by verbal techniques.

Verbal methods of causing damage are the simplest; what I told you about the “sliver” and similar phenomena cannot be caused by them. You will soon learn about field effects and methods for removing them. Let's not get lost!

Do not be lazy. Life goes by every day, constantly postponing something, we simply deprive ourselves of the best. Understand - there will be no second life! Everything we miss now is lost forever.


Over the past six months, I have been receiving many letters asking me to give me a complete system for changing my life and achieving my goals. I worked on it for quite some time, including everything necessary. The result was a unique, unlike any other training.

I bring to your attention a training which has no analogue on the Internet and beyond!

Typically, training authors provide information regardless of the level, age and ability of the recipient. Like, if you’re old, it doesn’t matter, if you’re young and inexperienced, it doesn’t matter. Moreover, the information is, as a rule, generalized, copied from Western sources with the slightest adaptation to our realities. Psychodoping is fundamentally different. You will be convinced of this for yourself by reading the proposed material.

It has not yet been proven that a person is generally unable to influence another person with the power of thought. On the contrary, the opposite has been established... Scientists have experimentally proven that telepathy exists.

This kind of experiment was carried out by Professor Ippolit Kogan, who for 20 years studied the possibility of one person influencing another at a distance.

At the same time, Professor Kogan proved that not only a thought is transmitted, but also a person’s emotional state, and this suggests that damage really exists.

Some scientists also believe that the connection between a person and any of his cells never disappears, be it hair, nails, saliva or blood.

Biophysicist Alexander Stepanov believes that this connection persists even at a distance of hundreds of kilometers. He explains it resonance effect. Any substance in the human body - blood, urine or hair - has its own vibration frequency. It is exactly the same as that of the whole organism. Therefore, it is enough for the sorcerer to make a change in the vibration frequency of, say, cut hair, and this change begins to affect the entire body.

In fact, people with phenomenal abilities live among us. They do not call themselves sorcerers, healers or witches. Very often they are not even aware of their uniqueness. Traditionally, psychic abilities are associated with a person’s appearance. For example, in villages they always tried to stay away from brunettes with green or black eyes.

In the 90s, a craze for alternative medicine began. Almost everyone in the 10th generation declared themselves healers, shamans and soothsayers. Scientists have found that there really are people who have psychic abilities. True, such abilities are very rare.

The intelligence services of the Soviet Union have always been interested in people with phenomenal abilities. They were selected and tried to train. By the 80s, special psychotechnics already existed. There is a concept of psychophysiological selection. They select people with certain psychophysiological data, with a certain energy, with an innate ability to direct their energy in the right direction and for the right purposes.

All the intelligence services of the world have their own people on the territory of neighboring and most distant states, who are present at diplomatic receptions and receptions in order to achieve the desired decision through extrasensory influence on the interlocutor, suppressing and paralyzing his will. There is no one hundred percent evidence of the existence of damage, just as there is no scientific evidence of getting rid of it. After all, even when there is a result, it can be explained by a simple coincidence.

But there is a law that does not require proof - the force of action is always equal to the force of reaction. The boomerang effect may work. That is, a person with unseemly goals, trying to influence another person, receives the opposite effect on his own consciousness.

People explain the boomerang effect differently. But both village grandmothers and scientists are unanimous here - any evil comes back.

Today the occult is in vogue. Any misfortune is attributed to black magic. If you get sick, it means you’ve been jinxed, your business has collapsed, it means they’ve caused damage, your husband leaves - someone has bewitched him. But there is one thing... Psychiatrists say that passion for the occult contributes to the development of mental illness. According to medical statistics, black magicians are perhaps the most common topic of delusion during persecution mania.

“From the point of view of the Church, the evil eye and corruption - in their worldly understanding - do not exist”, “you cannot believe in God and corruption at the same time”, “Neither the Gospel nor other books of the New Testament speak of the evil eye or corruption” - these are just some of the statements we took at random from the Internet. Let's try to figure out what is behind these terms and whether millions of our fellow citizens really believe in nonsense, and whether the widely offered occult services are akin to the actions of thimble-tellers or hypnotists?...

What is meant by the terms “damage, love spell, conspiracy and evil eye”?

First, let us define the concepts under consideration in the generally accepted and theological sense. The key component of the listed actions is the appeal of some intermediary (psychic, magician, healer) to some external mysterious force.

  • Damage. This term is usually used by sorcerers to denote the main reason underlying the troubles encountered by visiting patients or their loved ones. The common people may associate the cause of certain types of spiritual illnesses with damage (the effectiveness of the damage is explained by the influence of demonic forces on the victim).
  • . Sorcerers position it as one of the forms (varieties) of damage. In this case, occult influence on a person is carried out with the aim of igniting in him an attraction to another person (usually the customer).
  • CONSPIRACY. There is not always a clearly defined difference between a love spell and a spell. In some cases, these terms can be used as synonyms. On the other hand, a conspiracy can be used to exert an impact on a person of a completely different nature, for example, to rid him of an illness. This word appears once in the Bible: “ Do not call everything that this people calls a conspiracy a conspiracy; and do not fear what he fears, and do not be afraid» ( Isaiah 8:12).
  • Under evil eye usually understand the negative impact on a person, exerted without the use of special ritual actions or occult techniques available to “specialists.” It is believed that an ordinary angry or envious person can cast the evil eye. This concept is one of superstition, so we will not consider it in detail.

In church vocabulary, all this together is called witchcraft (possession, divination, sorcery, “obsession” (from tsl. I'll win- I hold tightly, constrain, torment) with “attack” (from tssl. be amazed- collide with someone) and the essence of these concepts is the same - demonic influence. When sorcerers (magicians, psychics, sorcerers) use associated techniques, they usually hide behind the entourage of decent and even scientific concepts (influence through communication with the cosmos, universal energies; changing the aura, personal energy code; use of superpowers), although in reality (unless, of course, we are talking about banal deception and charlatanism) witchcraft is based on collaboration with demons and always has a detrimental effect on both the fate of the “doer” and the fate of the initiator of witchcraft.

Two extremes in relation to damage

There are two extremes in relation to damage. The first is revealed in its denial, and the second in the desire to attribute one’s sins, passions, and vices to external occult influence. Let's take a closer look at the second extreme. The state of strong captivity of a person by the spirits of evil really exists. Depending on its form, it is called prelest or obsession. However, while a person lives in this world, he always has the opportunity, calling on God for help, to escape from the deadly bonds of evil. It is beneficial for the demon to convince a person of his own powerlessness before himself, to suppress his will to resist and deprive him of the desire to fight. For a person to justify his troubles with damage is a convenient way to justify himself to his conscience and relieve himself of personal responsibility. This is probably why some pastors choose to deny these occult terms themselves. Let's give a typical example:

Question from a TV viewer: “Is there such a thing as a love spell, does it affect absolutely all people, and what are its consequences?”

The Monk Macarius of Optina writes: I’ll say about M. L. and your opinion about corruption: she is too superstitious, and you are free-thinking, imitating the opinion of today’s wise men: as if there is no corruption at all. Call me a superstition too, I will accept and tolerate it, but it can be proven that it exists, both from the lives of saints and from the experience of many, and not only simple ones, but also enlightened ones.

And Ambrose of Optina notes: “The father of the ghost, from jealousy and envy and from invisible spirits,” the priest prays to deliver the mother and newborn. This means that there is no doubt about the evil eye.

Justified by the Holy Tradition of the Church and a balanced answer to those who deny the influence of demons through people, is given in the article: “On corruption and the evil eye: the view of the Orthodox.” But still, most often it is not about denying the phenomenon itself, but denying the meaning that occultists and pagans put into it. Suppose that we have two people in front of us: one was actually damaged by a sorcerer, the other found himself in a difficult situation due to personal sinfulness without outside influence. Both claim that they were victims of damage. How can a priest diagnose the true cause of their troubles? And why? The easiest option is to look at the root. The root is the sinful, godless life of the person himself; it was this that made the person defenseless against the fallen spirit. And it is not important to determine whether the demon acted “on a tip” from the sorcerer or independently; Moreover, this investigation will only confuse the person seeking help. Thus, what is important is why a person neglected himself, his soul, so much that demonic obsession became possible, and not who else could be blamed for it.

What in reality is hidden behind the word “damage”?

Three phenomena can be distinguished behind the terms under consideration:

1. Fraud by “occult businessmen”, a type of theatrical performance with a magical twist. Something like horoscopes in newspapers, composed to the friendly laughter of members of the editorial boards.

There is a joke: “Fortune tellers are former weather forecasters who couldn’t quit.”

2. Self-hypnosis. A person convinces himself that he has been “jinxed”, “bewitched”.

3. Real witchcraft (the influence of fallen spirits through the mediation of a sorcerer on a person who is outside the protective cover of grace, the spiritual nourishment of the Church) or hypnosis.

Here is what Archpriest Alexander Lebedev says about this: “All of these are different ways of the influence of evil spirits on a person. What unites them is that they are, so to speak, targeted, that is, they affect a specific person or group of people. Another feature that unites them is that the initiator of this dirty trick is a person. Out of envy or some kind of selfish calculation, with the help of various magical actions, you can “hire” a representative of evil spirits who will do the necessary work - jinx it, spoil it, cast a love spell. In the transaction, everyone gets what they want: the customer - malicious satisfaction, the performer - the soul of the customer."

And here is the opinion of Dmitry Semenik, head of the anti-occult project “”: “I would separate two understandings of the word “damage.” The first option is “damage” as a line in the price list of magical services. Such services are provided, but this type of damage is not widespread. The second option is damage as a negative consequence of various types of occult actions. Moreover, this negative consequence overtakes both the recipient of magical actions (for example, the person being bewitched) and his customer. I have also encountered such an expanded understanding of corruption in some occultist authors. Such damage is a massive phenomenon and destroys the lives of many people in our country. It is much more common than “harmless fraud.” I base my conclusion on two sources. Firstly, this is the mail of the website. The second source is an understanding of the mystical side of magical actions. The spiritual world is not so far from us that turning to it poses any difficulty. Just as every person is capable of praying, so literally anyone can surrender himself to Satan. And since good is always more difficult than evil, it is even easier to betray yourself to Satan. And he is willingly ready to take power over any soul that simply comes to the sorceress with any order. This does not depend on the “skill” of the sorceress: what is important is the act of seeking help from dark forces, the representatives of which are any magicians and psychics. Stories of victims indicate that this act of will—an appeal to Satan—turns out to be valid not only for the customer, but also for people related to him by family or other ties, if these people live in sin. Thus, it is not at all difficult to damage yourself, your loved ones or sexual partners.”

Damage mechanism

Those who deny the possibility of real witchcraft usually voice the following argument: “A sorcerer cannot subjugate a demon, it is impossible. The demon, like a fallen angel, is more experienced, stronger, and smarter than the sorcerer.” Yes, it cannot, the demon does not fall into the power of a person; he plays along with him and becomes his senior partner. Why does he need this? To expand their influence on people, advertise and promote evil, voluntary submission of new victims. The dream of any businessman: you are sitting in your office, and in front of you is a long line of buyers.

Let us think about the words of St. Paisius of Athos: “A person who is tormented by a demon can be “healed” by a sorcerer by sending this demon to another person. After all, the sorcerer and the devil are friends and comrades. The sorcerer says to the devil: “Come out of this man and enter that one.” That is, when casting out a demon from a person who is under demonic influence, the sorcerer usually sends it to one of his relatives or acquaintances who has given the devil rights over himself. Then the person who had a demon in him says: “I suffered, and such and such a healer healed me.” So the sorcerer creates advertising. But in the end, the demon that comes out of a person circles around his relatives and friends.”

Can we assume that the victim of witchcraft is not to blame for the misfortune that befell her? Unfortunately no. After all, she herself lived in sin and refused God’s help. St. Anthony the Great instructed: “Where the sign of the cross is, there witchcraft fails, magic is ineffective.”

St. Macarius of Optina testified to the same thing: “Neither an evil spirit, nor a man, nor a beast, nor anything else harmful can do anything to us, if it is not allowed by God according to His righteous destinies.” either to temptation or to punishment».

Is it possible to remove damage (love spell)?

Removing damage is an occult term. First, sorcerers make money by casting damage, then by removing it. Surely the market for removing damage is much wider than the market for its correction, because it is associated with phobias.

Let us give the answer of Abbot Nektary (Morozov).

Tell me, does witchcraft actually happen? How to get rid of it? How can I clean my apartment?

You know, when you hear this strange phrase, occult in origin and meaningless in content - “clean the apartment” - you just want to answer: “Pick up a broom, a rag - and this way you will clean your apartment. But if you want to consecrate the apartment, then you need to invite a priest for this.”

If we talk about witchcraft, then this is a real manifestation of that dark force, the force of evil that exists and operates in the world. However, if a person believes in God, leads a church lifestyle and does not commit those sins that lead the soul to fall away from its Creator, then any attempts to somehow harm him through witchcraft, to cause “damage” or the “evil eye” are doomed to failure. How to get rid of witchcraft? Go to church, live as a Christian, confess and receive communion as often as possible.

“What should a victim do? There are several tips. Firstly, do not look for the guilty, because there is a great danger of convicting an innocent person, and thereby only worsening your situation. Secondly, do not be afraid, because any influence of evil spirits can be overcome with the help of God. And thirdly, take protective measures.

Let's imagine an earthen dam: it safely withstands the pressure of water until cracks appear in it. Water penetrates them, erodes the soil and breaks the dam. So it is in our case: the evil spirit will unsuccessfully press on us until we, with our sins, open the way for it into our soul. Hence the conclusion: if we are afraid of the evil eye, damage, etc., it is necessary to confess and receive communion more often, sincerely and thoroughly Holy Mysteries of Christ, be more attentive to words, thoughts and actions, cleansing them from sin, take a serious approach to the matter of daily prayer, that is, lead a normal church lifestyle.”

The Monk Paisius the Svyatogorets gave the following advice: “Once witchcraft worked, it means that the person gave the devil rights over himself. That is, he gave the devil some serious reason and then did not order himself through repentance and confession. If a person confesses, then the damage - even if it is shoveled under him - does not harm him. This happens because when a person confesses and has a pure heart, sorcerers cannot “work together” with the devil in order to harm this person.” .

Site experience Zagovor. ru

The largest Orthodox project that studies the occult and prevents it among the masses is the site (part of the group of sites). The site has existed for more than 10 years. It was created not because someone just wanted to talk about this topic, but because in the process of the activity of the scale of the disaster became clear: the reluctance of people to put up with their “love tragedies” or solve them constructively gives rise to a lot of love spells, and those in turn, destroy people's destinies.

In the early days of its existence, the editors of tried to educate their audience with the help of articles by priests. But it soon became clear that there was a much more effective way: to inform people about the consequences of magical actions with the help of those who had already been convinced of these consequences. Readers of the site sent to the editor many hundreds of stories about the consequences of love spells, conspiracies, fortune telling and other magical actions. The editors posted these stories on the site, as a result of which readers sent new stories, and other visitors left grateful reviews: many people abandoned attempts at magical actions and tried to break this habit.

These stories, divided into categories (love spells, spells, fortune telling, other magic), are convincing to readers because they have so-called internal authenticity. Psychologists are also involved in the work of the project, and in general a huge amount of experience has been accumulated in working with people, so the editors of are well aware that most people tend to look for explanations for their problems outside themselves, and that someone’s machinations, including witchcraft, are perfectly suitable for justifying their failures. But what makes it difficult to explain such a huge number of “victims of magic” (and the number of victims, according to the project management, is in the millions) solely by psychological reasons and people’s suspiciousness is that the symptoms and consequences of witchcraft are the same in all cases. Moreover, some of these consequences are difficult to explain by any natural causes.

What are these consequences?

To say that witchcraft is not scary at all or does not exist is a big and harmful lie. It's very scary! Considering the distribution of Natalia Stepanova’s books and other occult literature, the availability of online and other fortune-telling, it is safe to say that witchcraft is one of the main causes of mental illness in our country. The number of broken lives is also colossal. There are a lot of diseases and a lot of deaths.

Modern science is not going to leave any of the mysteries of existence unsolved. The reasons for the mysterious spontaneous combustion and otherworldly visions are already known; scientists have even taken aim at the mystery of human genius. The time has come for scientific research into the “evil eye.”

Modern scientists are also trying to unravel the origin of this phenomenon.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yuri Simakov suggests that, along with electromagnetic fields, the eyes also emit so-called form fields of mesh structures. Visual photoreceptors, rods and cones, form cellular-layered structures. In addition, the anterior structure of the photoreceptors is a highly corrugated living membrane that is capable of producing a real wave field. The direction of the waves in this field depends on the direction of the cells, and essentially on the installation of our view.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, artificial intelligence researcher Vitaly Pravdivtsev explains this phenomenon in his own way. As an example, Pravdivtsev compares the effect of “rays of sight” with the influence of radio waves. “How do invisible and imperceptible radio waves make themselves known? It’s simple: when they reach the “destination object,” they seem to materialize, the scientist explains. - It’s as if heat or an electrical signal appears out of nowhere: a light bulb lights up or an image appears on the TV screen. We can say that something similar happens with the “rays of vision”. Only they have their own information features.

For example, psychics, “irradiating” a person, can cause physiological and mental changes in his body, make changes in the functioning of any organ, or influence the mental state of the interlocutor.” It turns out that those grandmothers are right who do not allow strangers to look at small children, fearing the “evil eye” or damage. It turns out that it is really not indifferent to our body where we look and who looks at us.

Meanwhile, this phenomenon has been known since ancient times; its explanation dates back to the 3rd century BC. The Greek scientist Euclid tried to give it. It has been described many times by our contemporaries. One of the most remarkable documented cases occurred with the famous trainer Vladimir Durov. One day he demonstrated a unique experience to specially assembled scientists. Looking intently into the eyes of the lion standing in front of him, the trainer vividly imagined how a nearby lioness was creeping up on an imaginary piece of meat lying in front of the lion. Quite unexpectedly, the lion became enraged, rushed at the lioness and tried to bite her, and after that he could not calm down for a long time. The trainer was able to pacify the animal - and again with one glance.

Of course, not everyone has such phenomenal abilities, but almost everyone is familiar with the feeling of a gaze that “drills into the back of the head.” One day, scientists at Queen's University in Canada decided to scientifically confirm or refute this popular belief. They conducted a scientific experiment in which volunteers had to determine whether the second participant in the experiment was looking at them or not. The results of the experiment showed that 95% of the subjects really “feel” someone else’s gaze. They described the sensation as a slight pressure on the back of the head or a faint breath of wind.

For the first time, a famous Austrian chemist of the 19th century spoke about a serious study of the energy emitted by human eyes. Baron Karl von Reichenbach. For many years he studied “especially sensitive people” - today they are called psychics - and came to the conclusion that they perceive certain energy emanating from living beings better than others. Later, his followers suggested that narrow beams of bioradiation brain radiation of an electromagnetic nature emanate from the eyes.

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