The daughter of Alexander Prokhorenko is 1 year old. "Russian Rambo": the wife of the deceased Alexander Prokhorenko is expecting a baby

Hero of Russia Alexander Prokhorenko, who died in Syria in the line of duty, had a daughter. The governor of the Orenburg region Yuri Berg announced the joyful event in his blog.

“The baby, whom they decided to call Violetta, was born and will grow up in a state that 70 years ago broke the back of fascism. Which today has taken up the fight against global terrorism,” the governor wrote. defenders of the world and died in this struggle. He died so that little Violetta and millions of other children of the planet would never experience the horrors of vile terrorist attacks."

According to him, so far the girl "is doing her main job - eating and sleeping." “But in a few years, when she grows up, she will definitely find out what her father was like. And she will be proud of him, as we are all proud of our fellow countryman,” Berg continued.

He congratulated the relatives of the deceased on the birth of the baby and wished them: "Let life go on!"

Senior Lieutenant Alexander Prokhorenko died in Syria, near Palmyra, in March 2016. Surrounded by terrorists, he called fire on himself, allowing the pilots Russian videoconferencing strike at the positions of the militants. Alexander was 25 years old. At home, in the Orenburg region, he left behind parents, a pregnant wife, younger brother. On May 6, Prokhorenko was buried in his native village with full military honors.

The feat of Alexander Prokhorenko touched not only Russians, but also foreigners. An elderly couple from France handed over to Alexander's family a family heirloom - the military awards of the Order of the Legion of Honor and the Military Cross with a palm branch.

25-year-old Russian officer Alexander Prokhorenko died heroically in Syria near Palmyra, causing a blow to himself.

An article about the feat of the Russian military Alexander Prokhorenko appeared on the pages of the British tabloid Daily Mirror.

"A brave Russian commando like Rambo, abandoned on a solo mission to hunt down IS militants, died heroically, causing a blow to himself," the Daily Mirror reported.

At the Russian base Khmeimim, they confirmed that our officer died "during the execution of special task for directing Russian aircraft strikes against the targets of ISIS terrorists” in the Palmyra region.

For a week, the serviceman “identified the most important objects of the ISIS and gave out exact coordinates for strikes by Russian aircraft and ... caused fire on himself after he was discovered by terrorists and surrounded.”

The "Russian Rambo" turned out to be a guy from the Orenburg region - 25-year-old Alexander Prokhorenko.

Graduated with honors from the Military Academy air defense Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Smolensk. There were many military men among Alexander's relatives. Prokhorenko from childhood dreamed of becoming a military man.

Alexander Prokhorenko was born in the village of Gorodki, 130 kilometers from Orenburg. Father Alexander is a tractor driver. Mom Natalia is an employee of the village administration.

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