Alexander Surinov, Head of the Federal State Statistics Service. Biography. Participation in conferences

Head of Rosstat

Head of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) since 2009. Before that, in 2004-2009 he was deputy head of Rosstat, in 2000-2004, first deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Goskomstat), in 1999-2000 - first deputy general director of the Russian Statistical Agency.

In 1981, Surinov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in statistics. After that, until 1992, he worked in state statistics bodies as an economist and senior economist at the Central Statistical Office (CSO) of the USSR (in 1981-1985), senior economist at the Main Computing Center of the CSO (in 1985-1988), head of department, deputy Head of the Department of the State Committee on Statistics (Goskomstat) of the USSR (after 1988). In 1989, Surinov was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. Later, in 2001, Surinov received the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences.

From 1992 to 1998, Surinov worked at the Center for Economic Conjuncture under the Government of the Russian Federation: first as a department head, then as a department head, and in 1993-1998 as a deputy director of the center.

In April 1998, Alexander Surinov was appointed head of the department of statistics of foreign countries and international cooperation of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Goskomstat). In May 1998 (according to other sources - in June) he was approved as a member of the board of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

In May 1999, Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree that transformed Goskomstat into the Russian Statistical Agency. On September 9, 1999, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Surinov as First Deputy Director General of the Russian Statistical Agency. However, already in December of the same year, a new presidential decree appeared, according to which the agency was to be transformed again into a state committee.

On June 8, 2000, Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov appointed Surinov first deputy chairman of the Russian State Committee on Statistics. Since that time, Surinov regularly spoke in the press on behalf of the statistical agency. In particular, the following statement by Surinov about the minimum consumer basket dates back to the early 2000s: “A person has a choice that he can increase the amount of sausage or cheese consumed and give up socks, or vice versa.”

In July 2001, Surinov became a member of the supervisory board on the implementation of the federal target program for the development of federal treasury bodies for 2000-2004, headed by Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin. In 2002, Surinov was included in the interdepartmental commission on socio-demographic issues. In the same year, he took an active part in organizing the population census that took place in 2002. The census showed, in particular, a decline in the population, in connection with which Surinov said that this process can only be stopped if every woman in Russia gives birth to five children.

In March 2004, Russian President Putin issued a decree according to which Goskomstat was transformed into the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). In pursuance of this decree, on June 16, 2004, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov issued a decree releasing Surinov from the post of first deputy chairman of Goskomstat and appointing him deputy head of Rosstat.

At Rosstat, Surinov oversaw the work of departments dealing with methodological problems of statistical accounting and preparation for the population census. In 2005, he participated in the drafting of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) report “Russia in 2015: Development Goals and Priorities,” which noted the extremely low level of life expectancy in the Russian Federation. In March 2006, it was Surinov who announced Rosstat’s intention to conduct censuses every ten years, and set the next census for October 2010. However, in the midst of work on preparing the census, in August 2009, Surinov unexpectedly announced that the event would most likely be postponed to 2012 due to poor funding caused by the global economic crisis (later the deadline was pushed back by Surinov even to 2013); at the same time, the head of Rosstat, Vladimir Sokolin, did not consider the postponement necessary. In November 2009, Rosstat announced that it would still conduct the census at the same time - in October 2010.

In May 2009, Rosstat was subordinated to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In the fall of the same year, the head of Rosstat, Sokolin, criticized the work of the ministry's expert pool, announced the inconsistency of reports on the positive dynamics of Russia's development, presented by Minister Elvira Nabiullina, with the data of the statistical agency, and in October 2009 he resigned. At this time, the most likely successor to Sokolin was Surinov, who became the acting head of the department after the resignation of the head of Rosstat. As a likely candidate for the post of head of Rosstat, Surinov was supported by the majority of department employees; at the same time, unlike Sokolin, he spoke positively about the subordination of Rosstat to the Ministry of Economic Development. In December 2009, by government order, Surinov was appointed head of the Federal State Statistics Service.

Surinov has repeatedly criticized the state of Russian statistics. In 2005, he admitted that some figures are based not so much on accurate data, but on the conclusions of statisticians. He made similar comments earlier, pointing out that statisticians do not have access to much of the data they need. When taking over the post of head of Rosstat, Surinov pointed out the weakness of both macroeconomic statics and social statistics.

In 2002, by presidential decree, Surinov was awarded the qualification rank of active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 2nd class.

Surinov is the head of the Department of Statistics at the State University - Higher School of Economics, where he taught courses such as "Use of Statistics in Insurance" and "Economic and Social Statistics". He was also listed as a member of the editorial boards of the journals "Questions of Statistics" and "Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics".

Surinov's professional interests included the system of national accounts, statistics of living standards, and statistical surveys of households. Since 2009, Surinov has participated in a three-year research project "Creation of a modern system of statistical measurements of the Russian economy, taking into account the evolution of international statistical standards." He is the author of more than fifty published works, including five monographs (some of them co-authored). In 2006, Surinov, as part of the team of authors of the textbook “Course of Socio-Economic Statistics”, received the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.

Surinov was awarded the medals “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow” (in 1997), and “For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census” (in 2003).

Surinov is married and has a son and two daughters.

Used materials

Surinov Alexander Evgenievich. Biographical information. - RIA News, 07.12.2009

Daria Nikolaeva. The right to take the census was transferred to the new chief. - Kommersant, 05.12.2009. - № 228 (4283)

Tatiana Smolyakova. The All-Russian census will take place. - Russian newspaper, 06.11.2009. - №5033 (209)

V. Sokolin. - Current comments, 13.10.2009

Igor Naumov. Statisticians consider economists to be statisticians. - Independent newspaper, 13.10.2009

The head of Rosstat considers any conclusions about the end of the economic recession or the beginning of growth to be premature. - ITAR-TASS, 13.10.2009

The All-Russian population census will be postponed to 2013 - Rosstat. - ITAR-TASS, 18.09.2009

Margarita Kostevich. Next year we will not be rewritten. - Daily news from Vladivostok, 12.08.2009

Rosstat proposes to postpone the All-Russian population census for two years. - RIA News, 12.08.2009

Rosstat was subordinated to the Ministry of Economic Development. - IA Finmarket, 03.06.2008

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. On the awarding of the 2006 Government of the Russian Federation prizes in the field of education, 04.08.2006. - No. 474

In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute.

In 1989, at the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the topic “Methodology of economic and statistical research into agricultural production relations.”
Doctor of Economic Sciences. In 2001, at the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Methodology of statistical research into the processes of formation, distribution and use of population income.”

Since 1981, he worked in the Central Statistical Office (CSO) under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (since 1987 - USSR State Committee on Statistics). In 1981-1985 served as an economist. senior economist. In 1985-1988 - Senior Economist of the Main Computing Center of the Central Database. In 1988-1991 was the head of the department, then deputy head of the department of the State Committee on Statistics (Goskomstat) of the USSR.
In 1992, she went to work at the Center for Economic Research under the Government of the Russian Federation, where she held the positions of head of department, then head of department. From December 17, 1993 to April 21, 1998 - Deputy Director of the Center.
In April 1998, he was appointed head of the department of statistics of foreign countries and international cooperation of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Goskomstat of Russia, in 1999 renamed the Russian Statistical Agency, in 2000-2004 - again operated under the old name).
From September 7, 1999 - First Deputy General Director of the Russian Statistical Agency, from June 7, 2000 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Statistics Committee of Russia Vladimir Sokolin. From June 16, 2004, after the transformation of Goskomstat into the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), he served as deputy head of the department, which continued to be headed by Vladimir Sokolin. At Rosstat, Alexander Surinov supervised the work of departments dealing with methodological problems of statistical accounting and preparation for the 2002 population census.
Since 2003, he has been teaching at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, professor in the Department of Statistics and Data Analysis, Faculty of Economic Sciences.
From December 3, 2009 to December 24, 2018, Alexander Surinov was the head of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) in the government of Vladimir Putin. In 2012 and 2018 retained his post in the first and second government of Dmitry Medvedev.

Member of the editorial board of the journal "Questions of Statistics".

The total amount of declared annual income for 2017 was 5 million 741 thousand rubles, spouses - 203 thousand rubles.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2011).

Awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2018).

Honored Economist of the Russian Federation (2012). Laureate of the 2006 Russian Government Prize in the field of education.

Speaks English.

Married, has a son and two daughters.

Predecessor: Vladimir Leonidovich Sokolin Birth: September 15th (1958-09-15 ) (54 years old)
Moscow , RSFSR , USSR Education: Academic degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences

Alexander Evgenievich Surinov (September 15th , Moscow , RSFSR , USSR) - Russian statesman, leader Federal State Statistics Service since December 2009


In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute. In 1989 he was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, in 2001 - Doctor of Economic Sciences.

In 1981-1992 worked in state statistics bodies.

In 1992-1998. - in senior positions in the Center for Economic Conditions under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In April 1998, he was appointed head of the Department of Statistics of Foreign Countries and International Cooperation of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

In May 1998, he was approved as a member of the board of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

In 1999-2000 - First Deputy General Director of the Russian Statistical Agency.

In 2000-2004 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics.

In 2004-2009 - Deputy Head of the Federal State Statistics Service.

Since December 2009 - Head of the Federal State Statistics Service.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2002, Alexander Surinov was awarded the class rank of Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class.

He is the head of the Department of Statistics at the State University Higher School of Economics, a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Questions of Statistics” and “Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics.” Author of more than 50 published works, including 5 monographs.

Awards and titles


Married, has a son and two daughters.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • , Alexander Evgenievich Surinov. The textbook contains both descriptive (descriptive) methods for calculating statistical indicators and analytical methods for organizing and processing the results of sample observations.... Buy for 559 rubles eBook

Alexander Evgenievich Surinov

Alexander Surinov at a working meeting with Russian Prime Minister V.V. Putin
(June 22, 2010)
since December 3, 2009
Predecessor: Vladimir Leonidovich Sokolin
Birth: September 15th(1958-09-15 ) (60 years)
Education: MESI
Academic degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences
Academic title: Professor

Alexander Evgenievich Surinov(September 15, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman, head of the Federal State Statistics Service since December 2009.


In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute. In 1989 he was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, in 2001 - Doctor of Economic Sciences.

In 1981-1992 worked in state statistics bodies.

In 1992-1998. - in senior positions in the Center for Economic Conditions under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In April 1998, he was appointed head of the Department of Statistics of Foreign Countries and International Cooperation of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

In May 1998, he was approved as a member of the board of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

In 1999-2000 - First Deputy General Director of the Russian Statistical Agency.

In 2000-2004 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics.

In 2004-2009 - Deputy Head of the Federal State Statistics Service.

Since December 2009 - Head of the Federal State Statistics Service.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2002, Alexander Surinov was awarded the class rank of Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class.

He is the head of the Department of Statistics at the State University Higher School of Economics, a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Questions of Statistics” and “Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics.” Author of more than 50 published works, including 5 monographs.

Awards and titles


Married, has a son and two daughters.

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  • - article in Lentapedia. year 2012.

Excerpt characterizing Surinov, Alexander Evgenievich

Above Kolocha, in Borodino and on both sides of it, especially to the left, where in the marshy banks Voina flows into Kolocha, there was that fog that melts, blurs and shines through when the bright sun comes out and magically colors and outlines everything visible through it. This fog was joined by the smoke of shots, and through this fog and smoke the lightning of the morning light flashed everywhere - now on the water, now on the dew, now on the bayonets of the troops crowded along the banks and in Borodino. Through this fog one could see a white church, here and there the roofs of Borodin's huts, here and there solid masses of soldiers, here and there green boxes and cannons. And it all moved, or seemed to move, because fog and smoke stretched throughout this entire space. Both in this area of ​​the lowlands near Borodino, covered with fog, and outside it, above and especially to the left along the entire line, through forests, across fields, in the lowlands, on the tops of elevations, cannons, sometimes solitary, constantly appeared by themselves, out of nothing, sometimes huddled, sometimes rare, sometimes frequent clouds of smoke, which, swelling, growing, swirling, merging, were visible throughout this space.
These smokes of shots and, strange to say, their sounds produced the main beauty of the spectacle.
Puff! - suddenly a round, dense smoke was visible, playing with purple, gray and milky white colors, and boom! – the sound of this smoke was heard a second later.
“Poof poof” - two smokes rose, pushing and merging; and “boom boom” - the sounds confirmed what the eye saw.
Pierre looked back at the first smoke, which he left as a round dense ball, and already in its place there were balls of smoke stretching to the side, and poof... (with a stop) poof poof - three more, four more were born, and for each, with the same arrangements, boom... boom boom boom - beautiful, firm, true sounds answered. It seemed that these smokes were running, that they were standing, and forests, fields and shiny bayonets were running past them. On the left side, across the fields and bushes, these large smokes were constantly appearing with their solemn echoes, and closer still, in the valleys and forests, small gun smokes flared up, not having time to round off, and in the same way gave their little echoes. Tah ta ta tah - the guns crackled, although often, but incorrectly and poorly in comparison with gun shots.
Pierre wanted to be where these smokes were, these shiny bayonets and cannons, this movement, these sounds. He looked back at Kutuzov and his retinue to compare his impressions with others. Everyone was exactly like him, and, as it seemed to him, they were looking forward to the battlefield with the same feeling. All faces now shone with that hidden warmth (chaleur latente) of feeling that Pierre had noticed yesterday and which he understood completely after his conversation with Prince Andrei.
“Go, my dear, go, Christ is with you,” said Kutuzov, without taking his eyes off the battlefield, to the general standing next to him.
Having heard the order, this general walked past Pierre, towards the exit from the mound.
- To the crossing! – the general said coldly and sternly in response to one of the staff asking where he was going. “Both I and I,” thought Pierre and followed the general in the direction.
The general mounted the horse that the Cossack handed to him. Pierre approached his rider, who was holding the horses. Having asked which was quieter, Pierre climbed onto the horse, grabbed the mane, pressed the heels of his outstretched legs to the horse’s belly and, feeling that his glasses were falling off and that he was unable to take his hands off the mane and reins, galloped after the general, exciting the smiles of the staff, from the mound looking at him.

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