What does VKontakte mean: kek, direct links, looping video playback and unique visitors? Excluding referral sources What are VKontakte referral sources

What does kek mean on VKontakte?

You may have seen the unusual word “kek” on social networks, including VKontakte. Even a not very inquisitive person wonders what does kek mean?In contact with. So, KEK is a slang expression that recently appeared in the everyday life of online communities. The word has at least two meanings:

  1. this is an ironic, unkind laugh,
  2. this is a person who finds himself in a funny situation (the shade of meaning is the same as in the first case).

Kek is partly synonymous with the same slang word lol, often found in Internet correspondence, online games, and chats. The abbreviation LOL (laughing out loud) means laughing out loud. But if kek is a mockery, then lol is associated with a smiley face laughing kindly. You can order any services for promoting a VKontakte account or group in this section site menu.

What does it mean to loop video playback?
In contact with?

VKontakte has an option “Looping videos”. Looping is the repeated repetition of the same point in the plot. At the same time, the show is carried out in slow motion, because the author wanted the viewer to pay attention to this very moment. This video became popular.
A looped video is called a COUB. This service, highly rated by users, allows you to create short-term (10 seconds) looping videos that can be downloaded from YouTube and video hosting Vimeo. The COUB player is compatible with VK, which allows you to watch videos on both desktops and mobile devices.
Now you can explain to your friend, What does it mean to loop video playback?In contact with, and using COUB, do this with the videos you like. You can get likes for your VKontakte videos by going to link .

What do direct links mean?
In contact with ?

The direct link takes you directly to the specified website. Such a link in the text is highlighted in bold with underlining. A large number of direct links indicates the authority of the site. This contributes to its promotion, provided that the site is interesting to the user. A vulnerability in VK bookmarks made it possible to receive direct links to online viewing of various videos and downloading VKontakte music from popular sites. You can get links to hidden photos of users, to download computer programs and much more. Here what do direct links mean?In contact with. To make a VKontakte link with a word or an emoticon, read this topic.

What does unique VKontakte visitors mean?

A unique visitor is a user who accesses a specific page for the first time within 24 hours from a specific browser. In this case, a unique VK visitor must have his own account. The number of unique visitors to VKontakte is counted immediately for all services provided by the group. You can see such visitors in Page Statistics, and you can know how to do this by reading this material . Question " What does unique visitors mean?In contact with? " is sometimes misunderstood. Some people confuse the concepts of “unique visitor” and “view”. If the same user appears in discussions or videos, then he is considered one unique visitor. But the group will have two views, so there is no need to confuse the number of unique visitors and views. To add subscribers to your VKontakte account, go to this

Keep track of your community's statistics. All basic indicators are presented in “Community Statistics”. You can take analytical data from already known services.
Alignment of indicators is not “expulsion of undesirables,” but a systematic increase in the target audience.

Those who made an impulsive decision to join your group may themselves leave it in the future; this is a normal phenomenon.

But, if there are many such exits (keep in mind that everything is relative), think again about the fact that maybe people are expecting one thing, but in fact the community is talking about something else. There is no need for tricks and ambiguity in the content (“now I will lure them all and how will I start selling to them!”).

Leave us a request

Working with the geography of participants

Considering the scale of the project, try to equalize the number of participants by region. This is evidenced by the “Geography” percentage in community statistics.

Example: in addition to the local market, where you need to continue to strengthen your position, you may need to more actively reach users in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Working with the gender and age of the target group

Look at your audience, it also says a lot. It is necessary to understand who is missing (gender and age) and address this audience in the language of values ​​when promoting.

With whom and with what words you communicate and call, he comes to your community.

Referral sources

Referral sources will indicate how your community was found and visited. Increasing referrals from search engines indicate that your community is beginning to be actively indexed, which means you need to be more attentive to keywords in microblog entries.

The number of transitions from “My Groups” reflects how you have a core of enthusiastic audience. Transitions from user pages indicate the effectiveness of viral distribution of your content.

And transitions from internal search are an indicator of how functional the name of the community is, how easy it is to find you through the internal search of VKontakte (and this is a natural influx!).

Analyze these indicators and draw conclusions. Here's a full breakdown of what each source means.

  1. Community pages (48.96%) - transitions from other communities. Links in group posts, repost titles and the “Links” block
  2. User pages (12.06%) - from the walls of other users. Links in user posts, repost titles and the “Interesting Pages” block
  3. Browser bookmarks (10.90%) - bookmarks in the browser, as well as transitions to direct links entered into the address bar
  4. My groups (7.42%) - transition from the "My groups" list
  5. Search engines (6.50%) - Google, Yandex and others
  6. External sites (5.57%) - transitions from external sites (transitions through the widget are counted separately)
  7. News (3.25%) - transitions from the "News" section. Typically subscribers who navigated from their news feed
  8. VK search results (3.02%) - internal search VKontakte
  9. Community widget (2.32%) - widgets on websites. This graph is a great way to check its effectiveness
  10. Top communities (0%) - referrals from the page vk.com/communities
  11. Recommendations (0%) - transitions from the page vk.com/feed?section=recommended, including the “Recommended communities and pages” block
  12. Applications (0%) - transitions from VK applications. For example, the "Application Group" link below
  13. Advertising (0%) - only for communities that were advertised through VKontakte. Information from a similar graph in the advertising section is duplicated here

Photo rating

Using the free service Socialstats.ru, you can see which photos are popular and get more likes or comments.

You will see in numbers what your audience likes. Of course, not everyone likes and leaves comments, but, nevertheless, people declare their sympathies and ask. Be aware of interests.

Olga Sabanina

In order not to waste your entire budget on ineffective promotion channels, you need to analyze the data after each advertising launch. "Yandex. Metrica or Google.Analytics help track transitions to a site from a variety of sources, but these systems do not provide specific information so that you can accurately determine which ad is producing results and which is not. Therefore, you need to do some of the work of tracking traffic yourself.

Metrica and Analytics automatically identify certain types of transitions:

  • Transitions from search engines (Organic Search).
  • Direct calls (Direct).
  • Follows links on the site (Referral).
  • Transitions from social networks (Social).
  • Advertising systems (Adwords, Yandex).

The problem is that such statistics do not allow you to analyze every advertisement, link or banner. For example, in the “Transitions from Social Networks” report you will be able to see the number of transitions from VKontakte, Facebook, Pinterest and other well-known sites, but you will not know where exactly - from a post in some group, advertising advertisements, link in profile - the transition has been completed.

Let's say you advertise a site on VKontakte by buying advertising posts in groups and simultaneously testing several targeted ads. In analytics systems, all of them will be marked as transitions from VKontakte. If you consider that in addition to paid advertising, you may also have organic transitions from VK, this confuses the cards even more.

How then to deal with all this chaos?

UTM tags

UTM tags are the easiest and most effective way to track traffic sources. SMM specialists and those who set up advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google.Adwords are well acquainted with them. But this tool has a much wider range of applications - banner advertising, posts on forums, links in your own accounts and groups, offline leaflets, etc.

UTM tags can also be useful for analyzing the effectiveness of free traffic channels. For example, if you place links in Yandex.Zen articles and want to find out whether they are clicked on at all, whether the links at the bottom of the article are effective, etc. Or, for example, you have a VKontakte group, and people can click to the site via links in the group menu or posts on the wall (including pinned ones). Statistics will help you determine whether they are useful in your case and which formats work more effectively.

In general, UTM tags provide a convenient and useful toolkit, and for what purposes to use it is up to you. The main thing is to follow certain rules when creating them.

To understand how UTM tags are created, you need to understand URL parameters. In this case, we are dealing with standardized parameters, the values ​​​​of which depend on the type of traffic you use. All this can be done manually, but there are simpler solutions, which we will talk about later.

Parameters can be swapped, but their name cannot be changed - otherwise the analytics system will not recognize the label. The parameter values ​​may vary, but, again, it is better to stick to the most understandable, generally accepted values.

Three parameters are required:

  • utm_source – source (yandex, google, vk, Instagram, email, etc.). A complete list of recommended values ​​for this parameter for different advertising systems can be found in the Yandex help;
  • utm_medium – channel. Options: cpc (pay-per-click advertising), cpm (pay-per-impression advertising), affiliate (affiliate traffic), price (transfers from aggregators, for example, Yandex.Market), social_post (advertising post on a social network), etc. d.;
  • utm_campaign – campaign name (you can enter it manually or use a dynamic parameter).

There are others:

  • utm_content – ​​ad content (any information to differentiate ads);
  • utm_term is a keyword.

Another label for identifying the source is utm_referer. It is used so that the referrer parameter (which you have probably seen in affiliate links, for example) does not “fall off” when navigating to the site during a JavaScript redirect or from a site with the https protocol (if your site is accessible via http).

For some cases it is more convenient to use dynamic parameters. So, for example, you will not need to enter the names of campaigns for advertising in Yandex.Direct - they will be automatically sent to Metrica. The following parameters are specified in curly braces:

  • (ad_id) or (banner_id) – ad or banner identifier (number);
  • (campaign_id) – campaign identifier (number);
  • (keyword) – the keyword for which the ad was shown.

You can see the full list of Yandex.Direct dynamic parameters. You can pass several values ​​at once in one parameter, connecting them with a dot:


There are a large number of UTM tag builders that allow you to quickly and conveniently create your own links by substituting the required values. Plus, a short link is automatically generated. The simplest and most convenient service is UtmUrl. The MyURL builder contains a set of ready-made tag values ​​for different platforms (Yandex.Direct, e-mail, Facebook feed, etc.).

To view statistics on tags in Yandex.Metrica, you need to select the appropriate report:

In the window that opens, you can see a graph of transitions from different sources and detailed statistics for each tag.

Bounce rate, browsing depth, and time on site are important information that can be used in addition to conversion statistics to improve advertising effectiveness. Using Webvisor, you can analyze user behavior on the page. Well, to get statistics on conversions based on UTM tags, don’t forget to set goals.

To view statistics on UTM tags in Google Analytics, you need to open the “Traffic Sources” menu, then “All Traffic” and select the “Source/Channel” tab. The data will be shown in source/medium format.

If you need to view information for a specific campaign, click on the source link and in the “Main Option” menu, open the “Other” menu. Then, from the Traffic Sources list, select Campaigns.

You can track transitions to a website using UTM tags not only from online, but also from offline sources. This can be easily done using a QR code.

First, let's create a label in the linker with all the necessary parameters:

Now let's go to the QR code generator. For example, this one. Select the desired option: “encode – link to the site.” Enter the received address.

In general, promotional codes are usually used for discounts, but with the help of QR codes you can test a variety of types of advertising using more detailed statistics. This is necessary if clients are brought by different channels.

Openstat and From tags

In addition to UTM, there are also From and Openstat tags, which are recognized by Yandex.Metrica, but not recognized by GoogleAnalytics. The From label only indicates the source of the referrals. It is convenient to use for email traffic (site.ru?from=email).

By the way, about traffic from emails. In this case, it is necessary to mark links, otherwise transitions to the site will be marked as direct. If you have several mailings or, for example, you want to track the effectiveness of a specific letter (or call to action), UTM tags are better suited for these purposes. In this case, the link must contain the utm_medium parameter with the value email or e-mail, and utm_source can be given any value (for example, the name of the newsletter).

The _openstat label can be added by enabling this option on the campaign settings page in the “Metrica” block in “Yandex.Direct”. In addition to Yandex.Metrica, you can also view Openstat tags on Liveinternet and the Openstat service of the same name. You can create them for other purposes (except Direct) (all the necessary parameters are available). The output is data in encoded form: mysite.ru/?_openstat=ZGlyZWN0O2NwYzs7.

Short link services for collecting statistics

I often post links to my VKontakte group in posts on the Yandex.Zen channel. It was interesting whether people follow the links, but VKontakte statistics do not allow us to obtain specific data - “external sites” are simply shown as sources. In addition, statistics indicate the ratio as a percentage, but I need specific numbers.

The solution to the problem was link shorteners. For example, goo.gl. It shows the number of clicks and even small statistics by country and device. Although it will soon be time to look for an alternative – the service will be closed on March 30, 2019.

By the way, the statistics of VKontakte groups can be a little confusing - it is not always clear what is meant by a particular referral source. IN

    Hello my dears!

    Today we will talk about analysis of VKontakte community statistics. I will tell you how to do the analysis correctly, what the main indicators mean and how you can benefit from it.

    Statistics are the core of any community, from it you can determine everything that happened to the community, when it happened and why (of course, after analyzing the indicators). It is especially necessary to analyze statistics when buying advertising in communities, exchanging posts, or selling and buying the community itself.

    Statistics are available at https://vk.com/stats?gid=XXXXXXXX

    Where XXXXXXXXX– this is the community id

    Now let's talk more about the graphs. The statistics include three main blocks:



    Let's look at each one separately, focusing on important points.


    Unique visitors and views

    Number of unique visitors who visited the community during the day (by day, by month)

    Total number of unique visitors in the last 30 days

    This indicator is definitely important, but it’s easy to inflate, so we don’t stop our analysis on it.


    I think it’s clear here that if the public is male, there should be men; if it’s female, on the contrary, if this is not the case, then either the topic changed or they used bots. Children no more than 30% -35% is normal.


    You can find out where people are visiting your community from this diagram.

    Referral sources

    Here we see where people come into the community from and what to focus on.

    Pay closer attention to the source " Browser Tabs“If their indicator is more than 60-80%, most likely there is a fact of cheating by offers or bots.


    Number of people who came and unsubscribed

    If you see large peaks of unsubscribed participants on the graph, most likely the community was being cleaned of suspicious accounts. This tells us that the group was promoted by offers or bots. In 70% of cases this is confirmed.

    Section views

    They allow you to find out what people are interested in.


    Here the count comes from people who have seen news from the public over a certain period of time.

    Audience coverage is divided into full and subscribers.

    Full- this is the number of people who saw the news of the public from friends, in other publics through reposts, simply came in, looked in the news, shared.

    By subscribers- these are people who see your news, being subscribed to your community.

    The only indicator that is impossible to increase is subscriber coverage , it should be from 25% of all subscribers with 15-25 posts per day.

    The remaining graphs are similar to attendance, but based on data from community subscribers, that is, who receives news by gender/age and in which countries.


    Activity does not need comments, I will only say that the better the posts, the more activity, stolen posts and button accordions will get few likes and reposts, even if your public is in good condition.

    Tips for increasing community statistics depending on the situation:

    If everything is at the proper level, but there is little activity, increase the quality of the content.

    If your coverage is low, exchange reposts with other public pages.

    If your subscriber reach is low, increase the number of posts.

    If there are few unique visitors, work on the design, hold competitions, and make the subscriber come back again and again.

    If you have many children, increase the meaning of your posts.

    I hope you found today’s information useful and will put it into practice!

    Leave your feedback and opinions in the comments below.

    Articles on the topic

Not long ago new statistics appeared in VK. What many community administrators had been waiting for was added, namely the sources of users getting into the community.

A little time has already passed and we can draw the first conclusions about where users come from.

Let's look at this using the example of three communities.

The first one is mine

Second community KhNEU students

And the third is a community dedicated to my Hometown

In the latter there is a competition, so there is an advertising campaign

Let's start in order:

User Pages- these can be links in posts, in the headers of reposts, or simply in the “Interesting Pages” block. That is, those users who visit you while on their own or someone else’s page are marked here, perhaps from the list of their “interesting pages”, no matter what they look for in the community section. Essentially, this is your viral advertising. As can be seen from the example, this indicator ranges from 3% to 6%, which seems to me to be quite small, so we should work on this and bring this indicator to a stable 10%.

Community Pages- similar, but instead of interesting pages there is a “Links” block. This is your advertising in other communities, my conversion rate is from 6% to 11%, although if in two groups I advertised in other public pages, then in the SMM Laboratory I did not advertise anywhere, except that there are links in the block “ links” they probably brought more than 6% of users to me today.

News- usually these are subscribers who clicked on your post in their news feed. Everything is simple here, these are those who entered the community because they saw your news or friends’ reposts of your news in their feed. As for me, this is one of the three indicators that need to be brought to high levels (about 30%), since this is the reaction of your subscribers to what you do, this is an assessment of what kind of posts you post and whether they stimulate the user to come in and see if there is anything he didn't miss it today.

In the analyzed communities, this figure ranges from 9% (KhNEU) to 20% (SMM). That is, every fifth person who visited my SMM Laboratory community today went there after seeing a post in their news. I think this is a good indicator.

The second important indicator. These are your loyal users, they specifically come to you to find out what the community is doing today. I think this figure should also be close to 30% (assuming there are no advertising companies). As you can see from the screenshots, I am still far from reaching this figure (currently 5% -10%), that is, only every 10 of those who visit specifically come to my community.

searching results- this refers to the internal search of VKontakte. External search engines are displayed as a separate item. That is, these are those visitors who found you through a search; you can finally get an answer to the question of whether it is profitable to go to . The community does not have this indicator today, but for others it is about 0.4% - 1.6%, which is quite low. However, since my communities are not in the TOP 3 for any query, I decided to do an analysis of those communities that are in the TOP for “bold” queries.

I selected the request “”, the first place for this request is the official community football club "Dynamo". The statistics there turned out to be open and therefore you can see that the “search results” indicator is only 3%, which in quantitative terms is almost 200 people, which in my opinion is pretty good, but I must say that at the request of Dynamo Kiev, this community is also on the first place, and most likely this is the result of a search by fans, and not by those people who were looking for the city of Kiev.

But in third place for the query “” is an unofficial community with the exact search query. So here the “search results” indicator is more than 24%. That is, every fifth person got here thanks to a search. So draw conclusions whether search in VK works and whether you need to strive to enter

Browser Bookmarks- this refers to bookmarks in the browser, as well as clicks on direct links entered into the address bar.

And finally, the third important indicator. These are those users who have added you to their browser bookmarks, so that your community is always at their fingertips when needed, and if through “My Groups” they can simply log in because they were surfing in their groups and seeing where they could go from, then this the indicator shows your loyal subscribers. And I think this is something that admins should work on, since your communities were bookmarked by people.

In the analyzed communities, this indicator varies greatly from almost 0% in Typical Lozova up to 54% (SMM) and 63% (KhNEU). This means that more than half of today’s visitors entered these communities not by chance, but by purposefully bookmarking them in advance.

Search engines- Google, Yandex and others; Everything here is also very simple - this is the number of people who found you through search engines. I have this figure from 4% to 6%, which in my opinion is not bad, which means that people are looking for what I post.

External sites- any, with the exception of search engines. Place a link to the community on the official website and clicks on it will be counted in this paragraph. Transitions through the widget are counted separately. The results for this indicator are very small, less than 2%. I will work on distributing links

Communities widget- usually installed on official websites. This chart is a great way to test its effectiveness. More information about the widget:

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