What to choose t 62a or object 140. Who is better

The debate about what is better than the T62A or the Object 140 has been going on for quite a long time by fans of the World of Tanks game. All users who follow the path of pumping to the T54 machine and beyond, sooner or later face this task. In this article, all the pros and cons of the two models of equipment are considered, a comparison is made based on the results, which will help to make a choice.

Comparison in defensive abilities

Determining which is better than the T62A or the "Object 140" is quite difficult in view of the very similar performance characteristics. The difference in the number of health units between them is minimal. The first car has exactly fifty more than the second, which in battle will only matter in the rarest situations. In the forehead, the protection of the "Object 140" is 2 millimeters thinner, but the sides of the tower are stronger by as much as 16 units. Plus, it has 5 mm sides and 10 more heavily reinforced feed. These are significant indicators that allow you to get ahead in the competition. For most tanks, such a difference in penetration will not play a role, but it must be taken into account.

Comparison of speed and mobility

Determining which is better than the T62A or the "Object 140" in terms of mobility characteristics can be even harder than in the case of protection. In view of the fact that the first tank has a large mass, its peak speed is five units lower. This difference between 50 and 55 km/h will only be felt on long distances. T62A performs well on unpaved terrain and picks up acceleration faster. In moving over rough terrain, at first he will outperform the "Object 140". Added to this is the faster turning ability for the first car on the list. It is very rare that you have to travel for a long time over one distance, and therefore this factor should also be taken into account. As a result, the leadership in this category should be given to the T62A, because the maneuverability of this tank is higher, and rivalry over long distances without a single turn is extremely rare.

Tower penetration

If we determine which tank is better than the T62A or the "Object 140" in terms of turret protection, then the first vehicle has the undisputed leadership here. This technique has two hatches, but they are located quite interestingly. One of them is on the commander's tower closer to the stern, which is usually never substituted by competent users. The situation with the Object 140 is much worse, because the hatches are quite visible from any position. If he is spotted in position, then penetration into these points cannot be avoided. At high levels, users will definitely remember this weakness. If you get into a narrow space, then the tower can play the role of an Achilles' heel, which will lead to defeat. That is why in such a comparison of the T62A and the "Object 140" the first car gets the championship. The factor is quite controversial, because it is not too weighty evidence, but when examining two too similar samples of equipment, one has to start even from such information.

Turret rotation with situation simulation

Professional players in a dispute over which is better than the T62A or the "Object 140" in terms of maneuverability in battle, will give the first machine primacy also in terms of the turret rotation parameter. The first tank rotates it eight degrees per minute more than its rival. Many users will not feel a significant difference until they get into a butt situation between them. If these pieces of equipment move towards each other with the exchange of shots, then the downed caterpillar at the "Object 140" will be equal to the defeat. While repairs are being made, the T62A will spin around and be able to fire two or sometimes three extra shots. Plus, he has at least a little, but more health, and in this situation it will be more important than the speed indicator by 5 km / h more. Given the open hatches in the tower, the conclusion between what is better than the T62A or the "Object 140" in Blitz WoT in such battles is obvious. The only problem is that in random battles such skirmishes may not occur even once in a thousand matches.

Penetrating power

How to determine which tank is better - T62A or "Object 140" - in attacking abilities, if they have the same gun, will remain a mystery to many. In this case, users need to take into account the fact that the elevation angle of the second tank is still one degree larger. This is a plus for those professionals who know how to use even the most insignificant advantages of their car against an opponent. An ordinary casual user will not feel this and will say that the U-8TS of this technique is no different from each other. Otherwise, the gun performs well at close range and in the conduct of destruction from more distant points. Her accuracy is at the highest level, and quick mixing allows her to emerge victorious from many collisions. This applies to two cars that must use it in every match. In this comparison, you can write a point in favor of the "Object 140", although for many users this will not play any role.


What is better in WoT - T62A or "Object 140" according to the characteristics in the materials, can be safely determined above. Since the characteristics were chosen rather controversial, and the margins were minimal, then the winner will not be a clear leader. Object 140's reputation is spoiled too much by the turret, which any more or less skillful player will break through with inaccurate movement. It was this factor that did not play in his favor in such a battle. Indicators of greater security of the hull do not cancel the fact of the presence of a weak point. T62A is easier to penetrate into the sides with a stern, but the armor is enough for full-fledged battles. A one-degree loss in LHP and 5 km/h speed is easily compensated for by a faster turn of the tank, and especially the turret. That is why for ordinary users, the T62A will be more convenient with additional health and maneuverability. Professionals in the category of medium tanks with the correct use of the terrain cover of their tower and the realization of the advantage in the UVN "Object 140" will like it more.


When the user has decided on whether T62A or "Object 140", then it's time to think about tactics. Aggressive play, like on their T-54 predecessor, should prevail on most maps. A good gun with fast aiming and great accuracy calls for this. Based on the characteristics of the enemy, the player needs to determine the distance that is advantageous for himself and begin to fight. It makes sense for T62A to interact more with the team, because sometimes speed will let you down with a timely positioning. Support in team skirmishes with a rate of fire will also be highly appreciated by allies. "Object 140" can easily hunt single targets while understanding the entire situation on the field. It has a more armored forehead, which you can feel free to put under attack if you do not have an E100, IS7 or something like that in front of you. The main thing is to constantly move around and remember the weaknesses in maneuverability. As a result, both machines have the right to life, they are quite similar and unique at the same time.

Among gamers, the World of Tanks game, created based on the motives and events of the war years, has long been popular. In it, tank battles take place in vast locations with the participation of equipment authentically recreated in the virtual world. Given the wide variety of self-propelled armored vehicles, many users are constantly arguing which of the models is the best in combat.

Many questions arise about the advantages of the T62A and the Object 140. These are Soviet mid-range tanks that existed in reality. The first was the Object 140, which remained the prototype. But the next - T62A - with improved performance characteristics went into mass production. To dispel all doubts about buying a particular tank in the game, you should carefully study both models.

Strengths and weaknesses in the performance characteristics of both tanks

  • The T62A has an increased in-game HP pool - 50 points more than the Object 140. But professional players are skeptical about this, as the upgraded vehicles will easily deal with you with a powerful shot, so a small HP advantage will not give an advantage.

  • Movement speed. In this characteristic, the Object 140 outperforms the T62A by five kilometers per hour at cruising speed. The number seems to be insignificant, but it helps a lot in tactics when you need to quickly take a height or drive up to the battlefield from the most advantageous position.
  • Gun aiming speed. The turrets of both tanks rotate at the same angle, so neither vehicle has a particular advantage. But the T62A with a horizontal stroke of the gun barrel overtakes the competing model of the tank by 8 degrees. This is already a significant difference if you need to quickly deploy a gun and join the battle.

  • Now one of the key issues is booking. The upper armor plate of the T62A is two millimeters thicker. It seems to be good enough to withstand projectiles, but not enough. On the other hand, the Object 140 is more squat, with a streamlined silhouette, which in many cases makes it possible to get not a direct hit on the turret, but to make the projectile ricochet.
  • Disguise. This feature is important even for medium tanks, despite their agility and ability to move quickly across the terrain. Here again, the silhouette of Object 140 plays to its advantage: armored vehicles are almost invisible on any terrain.

What conclusions can be drawn? Object 140 has versatility, but also certain disadvantages. Thanks to its excellent camouflage, it is especially good for a sniper. But the lack of accuracy of the gun does not allow reaching the enemy at long distances. Playing with such a tank is possible at medium distances, while you have to hide behind bushes and trees. And if a gamer prefers active battles with a frontal attack, then it is better to choose the T62A armored vehicle.

The Soviet ST branch is represented by three machines at once: Object 140, T-62A And Object 430. A beginner, looking at the parameters of all three cars, will come to the conclusion that they are no different from each other, and only a little in their appearance. However, this is not quite true. Let's try to figure out what their differences are and which car to choose.

First of all, we note that the Object 430 is significantly inferior in firepower to the two vehicles listed above, and therefore we will not consider it. About. 140 and T-62A tanks are perfectly balanced and effective in close combat, capable of changing the course of the entire battle with a skillful approach.

In total, these are tanks of medium and close combat, with decent turret and hull armor, fast-firing and accurate guns with good stabilization and penetration. They are able to quickly change direction and be where necessary. And yet there are differences between them, and they seriously affect the style of play on each of them. In order to figure out which tank is better, you need to compare their characteristics for each of the parameters.

Survival and booking

In terms of margin of safety, the T-62A takes the lead, as it has 1950 points at 1900 in Ob. 140. This makes it possible in practice to withstand the T-62A one additional shot.

But booking plays a more important role. The strongest place of the Soviet ST is always the tower. In the case of the T-62A, it is stronger, as it has less vulnerable commander's hatches. In addition, the tower at Ob. 140 - composite, and the T-62A - cast. As such, the object's roof is much thinner, making it unable to deflect X-tier tank shells. And although it is difficult to target it, the vulnerable spot remains vulnerable.

It is worth noting that not so long ago, the developers promised to uplift the Object 140 a bit and “sew up” the roof of the tower for it.

As for the armor of the hull, here Ob. 140 takes the lead. The fact is that the thickness of its frontal plate, although identical to the T-62A, but its slope reaches 65 degrees, against 60. Thus, its total reduced armor is higher.

With side armor, it's still much more interesting. The Object 140 has slopes (a little closer to the Object 907 and T-22 cf), while the 62 has no slopes. However, in 62 the entire bead is 80mm, and in 140 there are zones of different thicknesses. Still, due to the slopes, it will be easier to hit the projectile with the side on the Object 140.

Mobility Comparison

Many have been outraged more than once that the T-62A is much slower than the previous T-54. And this is true - the maximum speed has suffered and has become 50 km / h. While Ob. 140 retained the indicator and the speed remained at the level of 55 km / h. The specific power of the latter is also greater - 15.7 versus 16.1 liters. With. per ton.

However, there is one nuance - the T-62A has slightly better cross-country ability. Thus, Ob. The 140 feels better at distance and on hard ground, while its competitor performs somewhat better on soft ground.

To the advantages of the T-62A, one can add slightly better maneuverability and turret traverse speed - this difference is not critical, but in the hands of a professional it can become a serious weapon.


If all the previous differences do not greatly affect the gameplay for each of the machines, then it is in the gun that the main differences lie. Among experienced World of Tanks players, it has always been said that the T-62A is a tank for repelling damage, and Ob. 140 - for its application. How can this be proven?

Reloading for both samples is the same, but accuracy and stabilization decide here. Looking at the performance, we even see that the final accuracy of the T-62 is slightly higher. But there is an indicator that you will not notice in the hangar and will not read about it - this is stabilization and you can only feel it in a combat situation.

At the moment, Ob. 140 has one of the best stabilization rates in all of World of Tanks. The dispersion of its guns practically does not increase when the chassis and turret move. This allows him to always be brought together and fire without even stopping. The T-62A is also capable of accurate fire on the move at close range, while its competitor does the same, but also at medium and sometimes long range.

Another minor difference that no one pays attention to is a small plus Ob. 140 in the UHN indicator. If the T-62A has it lowered by -5 degrees, then its competitor is able to lower by -6 degrees. A trifle, you say? It wasn't there. It is this one degree of the T-62A that is not enough to conduct effective fire due to uneven terrain.

Other parameters of T-62A and Object 140

As for visibility and invisibility, here the tanks are identical, with the exception that Ob. 140 is a little lower, but in almost no situations it plays a special role. But there is another parameter in World of Tanks, which is also not found in the hangar. It's about the strength of the internal modules.

The fact is that the strength of the fuel tanks and ammo racks of the T-62A is higher, and their location on the tank is more rational. When you play Ob. 140 one gets the impression that the ammo rack is everywhere, hence the high probability that it will simply blow up for you. Get ready that once in 20 battles the tower will fly off, like all strength units. T-62A also suffers from this disease, but not so critical.

Who is better?

The question of which tank is better is difficult to answer. Each of them is good in a certain situation, although in general the game for them is identical. If the conversation turned to tanking with a turret, then the T-62A will never let you down, while Ob. 140 sometimes gets into the roof and hatches. But when it comes to dealing damage, it is the last sample that shows itself best of all, since it does not need time to additionally bring the weapon.

Which tank is easier to play? The T-62A is the best choice for a beginner, as its turret is one of the best in the game, and it rarely crits in combat. If you are an experienced player who pursues the goal of "causing as much damage as possible" and raising the percentage of wins, then your choice of Ob. 140.

Thus, one cannot say that some tank is better, and some is worse - each has its own element. Both tanking and dealing damage are the main factors that ensure victory in World of Tanks.

What is most important - in the case of Ob. 430 - do not see him for his beautiful appearance. If the rest of his parameters are almost identical with our main characters, then the accuracy of his guns is simply terrible, although he outperforms his colleagues in the rate of fire.

Video comparison of T-62A and Object 140 from Near_You

The gameplay is almost the same as the role of the machines themselves, recently v.140 mended the holey roof of the tower and it tanks well with it, with regards to mobility ob.140 is faster in speed, and T62A turns the tower faster and spins around its axis. The accuracy of shooting is slightly higher than the T62A tank, and stabilization when firing on the move is better for ob.140. Another information slipped that the T62A would be replaced by the T62 tank (essentially the same T62A only with a 115 mm gun, what parameters the T62 will have is still unknown). and T62 you can download later.

Micha_17, I have both of these tanks in the hangar. I immediately pumped out the T62A. I like to play scoops from the tower and the T-62A has it better. True, the speed is 5 km less than that of about. 140, but it's not that important. KD at about. 140 is marginally faster. Here for an amateur. Whichever first pumps out both are good and the differences are not significant. I just fell for the T62A when there was no branch to object 140 in the project.

PA3HbIE how is it that your CD is slightly faster by v.140, absolutely the same reload time with the same modules and crew perks, you don’t scare us so much with such strange statements. For ob.140 and T62A, the reload speed of the guns is COMPLETELY THE SAME.

hello. since I pumped out t 62 first and played a lot of fights on it. then ob140 appeared. I will say that about 140 is better. and now the tower has been thrown at him and it has become strong like that of the T62. so I think ob140 is better.

33t77 I’ll correct you, at ob.140 the turret has become stronger in the roof area where it was pierced according to the rule of three calibers, but the hatches on the turret of the ob.140 tank have not disappeared and they are quite vulnerable, so the comparison with the T62A turret is not entirely correct with on your side, the hatches on the T62A turret are much smaller and are located in the back of the turret, and it’s practically impossible to aim them and break through, by the way, one of the smaller hatches is completely excluded from the booking model and it’s useless to shoot at it.

I pumped out object 140 a very long time ago, but without having a premium tank, I didn’t pump out the crew for it, because I decided that the crew from the T-54 would go to the T-62 .. now I’m walking along the branch of object 430 and I’m thinking of putting the crew for him all the same to put on 140 ..and at 430 pump out at 416 .. long but it's worth it .. I advise you to download and buy all three hundred tips because they are one of the best in the course of the game ..

PA3HbIE honestly tell me rushing from about. 430, although everyone spit on him, those who did not know his zen spit, to be honest, the low profile and the ability to play in the folds of the terrain in which neither 140 nor 62 can play, plus the highest invisibility (even higher than that of batchchat) and the highest DPM level out not very good final accuracy and aiming time, and in terms of damage per battle, it does not lag behind 140 or 62 at all, and in current realities, when it is already announced that 430 and 62 are subject to changes, and changes in the gun for both in the direction of increasing CD, then the choice for this The author of the question has only one moment - this is about. 140, because how T62 and ob.430u will be played remains a mystery to us as mere mortals.

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