Family: Dasyuridae = Carnivorous marsupials. Carnivorous marsupial family Carnivorous marsupial family

Family taxonomy Carnivorous marsupials:

Subfamily: Dasyurinae =

Genus: Dasykaluta = Western Australian marsupial mice

Genus: Dasyuroides Spencer, 1896 = Double-crested carnivorous marsupials

Genus: Myoictis Gray, 1858 = Striped marsupial martens

Genus: Neophascogale Stein, 1933 = Long-clawed marsupial mice

Genus: Parantechinus = Speckled marsupial mouse

Genus: Phascolosorex Matschie, 1916 = Striped marsupial rats

Genus: Pseudantechinus = Thick-tailed marsupial mice

Subfamily: Planigalinae =

Genus: Ningaui Archer, 1975 = Ningo

Genus: Planigale Troughton, 1928 = Flat-headed marsupial rats

Genus: Aepyprymnus Garrod, 1875 = Large rat-kangaroos
Genus: Bettongia Gray, 1837 = Short-faced kangaroos
Genus: Caloprymnus Thomas, 1888 = Naked kangaroos
Genus: Hypsiprymnodon Ramsay, 1876 = Musk kangaroos
Genus: Lagostrophus Thomas, 1887 = Striped kangaroos
Genus: Potorous Desmarest, 1804 = Potorous

a brief description of families

Among other families of the order, predatory marsupials are the most primitive. This family includes the smallest in the order, medium or large and very diverse in appearance and lifestyle of marsupials. Body length ranges from 4-10 cm in representatives of the genus of flat-headed marsupial mice to 100-110 cm in the marsupial wolf. The body build varies from squat and awkward to slender and tall-legged. The shape of the muzzle ranges from blunt to pointed. Ears are small or medium height. Unlike representatives of the possum family, the tail of predatory marsupials is not prehensile and, in most species, is covered with hair along its entire length. Often fat is deposited in the tail, and then it becomes thicker.
The forelimbs are five-fingered, and the hind limbs are four- or five-fingered. The big toe of the hind limb, when present, is small in size and without a claw. The hind limbs can be disproportionately elongated, and the forelimbs shortened (marsupial jerboas). The brood pouch may be absent, weakly or well developed (in the latter case it opens backwards). The number of nipples in females varies from 2 to 12 (usually 6-8).
Hairline short, thick and soft. Its color is brown with different shades, gray, reddish or blackish, sometimes with white spots (genus of spotted marsupial martens) or black stripes (striped marsupial marten, etc.) on the back.
The dental formula varies among different members of the family from 42 to 46 teeth. The incisors are small, the canines are large. Cheek teeth with three sharp peaks on the chewing surface. The indigenous ones are especially large. There are 7 cervical, 13 thoracic, 6 lumbar, 2 sacral and 18-25 caudal vertebrae.
The urogenital sinus and rectum are separated from each other. In males, the ureter opens at the base of the penis, and the vas deferens opens at its apex. The stomach is simple. The cecum is absent. The following genera studied have a diploid set of 14 chromosomes: marsupial mice, spotted marsupial martens, narrow-footed marsupial mice and Tasmanian devils.
Carnivorous marsupials are found in a wide variety of landscapes and at varying altitudes from sea ​​coast up to 4000 m above sea level. Lead by ground (most representatives) or wood image life, activity is predominantly nocturnal. As a rule, they stay alone. Usually large representatives of the family are carnivores, small ones are insectivores. Most species are characterized by a monoestrous type of reproduction. Pregnancy 8-30 days. The number of cubs is 3-10. The young remain in the pouch for approximately 150 days. Sexual maturity occurs at 8-12 months. Lifespan in small forms up to 7, and in large forms up to 10-12 years.
Distributed in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and adjacent small islands.
There are 13 genera (48 species) in the family. Marsupial anteater(family Myrmecobiidae) feeds on ants and termites and, unlike predatory animals, leads a diurnal lifestyle. Marsupial mole (fam. Notoryctidae) resembles our mole in appearance, lifestyle and diet. The bandicoot family, or marsupial badgers, - Peramelidae includes 19 species of mobile small animals inhabiting river valleys and forest edges; mixed food. Rat possum family - Caenolestidae looks like rats or shrews; feed on various invertebrates; forest inhabitants. Couscous family - Phalangeridae includes 43 species, very diverse in appearance; resemble mice, rats, squirrels, martens and foxes; body length 6-80 cm. Most species are herbivorous, some are omnivorous or insectivorous. This family also includes peculiar marsupial bears, or koala, - Phascolarctos cinereus. Marmots resemble wombats (2 species, family Phascolomyidae) - inhabitants of steppes, savannas and forests, digging long holes; They feed on grass, roots and tree bark. The female gives birth to only one calf.

1. Sokolov V. E. Systematics of mammals. Textbook manual for universities. M., " graduate School", 1973. 432 pp. with illustrations.
2. Naumov N.P., Kartashev N.N. Zoology of vertebrates. - Part 2. - Reptiles, birds, mammals: A textbook for biologists. specialist. univ. - M.: Higher. school, 1979. - 272 p., ill.

Marsupials animals- These are mammals that give birth to premature offspring. Baby marsupials are born on early stage development and further develop inside the mother’s special skin bursa. Most marsupials, with the exception of opossums, are native to the Americas. For millions of years Australia was isolated from the rest of the world. On other continents, marsupials gave way to placentals (mammals whose young fully develop in the womb) in the struggle for food and living space. Therefore, all of them, with the exception of , became extinct. But in Australia, marsupials had no rivals. The range of marsupials includes more than 250 species.

Baby marsupials are tiny when born; they are blind and hairless. Their limbs are underdeveloped, but the babies crawl along the mother’s fur to her nipples. After a few months, the cubs leave the pouch, but may return to roost there until they reach one year of age. Marsupials eat plant and animal foods.

Carnivorous marsupials- a number of small carnivorous marsupials, which include spotted marsupial martens, narrow-footed marsupial mice, numbat and Tasmanian devil.


Nambat is a marsupial with stripes on its back, dark stripes around its eyes, and a bushy tail (also known as the striped anteater). The main diet of the nambat is termites.

Spotted marsupial marten

Spotted marsupial marten also known as marsupial cat. They have a pink nose and white spots on their back. In females, a pouch is formed only during the mating season.

Tasmanian devil

- the most terrible predator of the entire family; lives on the Australian island of Tasmania. It is a squat animal with dark fur and white spots on its chest. It feeds mainly on carrion, but can also hunt small animals.

Marsupial mole

Marsupial mole‒ a marsupial animal, very similar to ordinary moles in appearance and habits. These creatures dig tunnels underground, hunting insects and worms. Females have pouches that open backwards and only two nipples (meaning they can only give birth to two young at a time).

Two-incisor marsupials- a number of marsupials, which include kangaroos, wallabies, possums, koalas and wombats. They have two large front teeth lower jaw. The second and third toes of the hind paws of these animals are fused. They are predominantly herbivores.

Honey possum

Honey possum- a small animal with a long tail and a very elongated muzzle, adapted for searching for nectar and pollen in flowers. This is one of the few mammals that feed on nectar.


Lives in trees and feeds on leaves and shoots of eucalyptus; has a large nose and ears. With the help of tenacious paws, koalas deftly climb trees, while the cubs hold on to their mother’s back. Inhabits eucalyptus forests in the southern and south-eastern regions of Australia. Solitary animal, but male and female territorial ranges may overlap.


Wallaby- a small animal with thick fur than its relative - the kangaroo; lives in rocky deserts, meadows and forests.


Has a short tail and small paws. Wombats are wonderful diggers; they live in underground burrows. The females' pouches open backwards, protecting them from soil getting inside.


Kangaroo live in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago. They live in groups (herds) on open grassy plains. Today there are about 50 different species. The kangaroo moves by hopping on its long hind legs. All of them have fairly short forelimbs and strong hind limbs, and also - almost all species - a long powerful tail, which can reach a meter in length and serves as a balancer and additional support for the kangaroo. Females have a pouch on their abdomen in which the young develop. Kangaroo pregnancy lasts only 30-40 days. The baby is born the size of a human thumb. After this, it immediately moves into the mother’s pouch and firmly attaches itself to one of the nipples. The little kangaroo goes outside for the first time only after a few months.

Some interesting facts about marsupials

The body sizes of marsupials range from a few centimeters to 1.5 meters. The smallest marsupial on Earth is the long-tailed marsupial mouse.. The length of its body is from 80 to 100 mm, its tail - from 180 to 210 mm.. The large red kangaroo is considered the largest marsupial. Adult kangaroos can reach 2 m in height. A baby giant kangaroo remains in its mother's pouch for about 235 days.

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Among other families of the order, predatory marsupials are the most primitive. This family includes the smallest in the order, medium or large marsupials that are very diverse in appearance and lifestyle. Body length ranges from 4-10 cm in representatives of the genus of flat-headed marsupial mice to 100-110 cm in the marsupial wolf. The body build varies from squat and awkward to slender and tall-legged. The shape of the muzzle ranges from blunt to pointed. The ears are small or of medium height. Unlike representatives of the possum family, the tail of predatory marsupials is not prehensile and, in most species, is covered with hair along its entire length. Often fat is deposited in the tail, and then it becomes thicker..

The forelimbs are five-fingered, and the hind limbs are four- or five-fingered. The big toe of the hind limb, when present, is small in size and without a claw. The fingers do not grow together. Limbs are plantigrade or digitigrade. The hind limbs can be disproportionately elongated, and the forelimbs shortened (marsupial jerboas). The brood pouch may be absent, weakly or well developed (in the latter case it opens backwards). The number of nipples in females varies from 2 to 12 (usually 6-8).

The hair is short, thick and soft. Its color is brown with different shades, gray, reddish or blackish, sometimes with white spots (genus of spotted marsupial martens) or black stripes (striped marsupial marten, etc.) on the back.

The dental formula varies among different members of the family from 42 to 46. The incisors are small in size, the canines are large. Cheek teeth with three sharp apexes on the chewing surface. The indigenous ones are especially large. There are 7 cervical, 13 thoracic, 6 lumbar, 2 sacral and 18-25 caudal vertebrae.

The urogenital sinus and rectum are separated from each other. The ureter opens at the base of the penis in males, and the vas deferens opens at its apex. The stomach is simple. The cecum is absent. The following genera studied have a diploid set of 14 chromosomes: marsupial mice, spotted marsupial martens, narrow-footed marsupial mice and Tasmanian devils.

Predatory marsupials are found in a wide variety of landscapes and at various altitudes from the sea coast to 4000 m above sea level. They lead a terrestrial (most representatives) or arboreal lifestyle, and are predominantly nocturnal. As a rule, they stay alone. Usually large representatives of the family are carnivores, small ones are insectivores. Most species are characterized by a monoestrous type of reproduction. Pregnancy 8-30 days. The number of cubs is 3-10. The young remain in the pouch for approximately 150 days. Sexual maturity occurs at 8-12 months. Life expectancy in small forms is up to 7, and in large ones up to 10-12 years.

Distributed in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and adjacent small islands. The family has 13 genera (48 species)

Carnivorous marsupials

(Dasyuridae), a family of mammals in the order Marsupials. To H. s. include the smallest representatives of the order (marsupial jerboas) and quite large ones (marsupial wolf, marsupial devil). Body length from 8 to 130 Very diverse in appearance. The tail is not prehensile. The brood pouch opens backwards; in some it is constantly present, in others it is formed only during the breeding season, in others it is absent. The family has 13 genera, including about 50 species. Distributed in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and the adjacent islands. As a rule, they are terrestrial animals and live in a variety of landscapes. Animal food. They breed once a year, with litters ranging from 3 to 10 cubs.


Carnivorous marsupials

Carnivorous marsupials- order of Australian marsupials (Metatheria). Most meat-eating marsupials belong to this order. European settlers named many species after familiar placental predators living in Europe, for example, the marsupial wolf or. Of course, there is no relationship between these species and their European namesakes, and the external similarity is based on convergent evolution.

Carnivorous marsupials (family)

Carnivorous marsupials (Dasyuridae) - a family of mammals of the order of the same name. Distributed in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and adjacent small islands.

The smallest in the order belong to this family ( marsupial jerboa), medium or large (Tasmanian devil) marsupials, extremely diverse in appearance and lifestyle. Body length from 8 to 130 cm, weight from 5 g to 12 kg. Most species have a slightly elongated body, pointed ears, a long tail, covered with hair along its entire length, and relatively short limbs. The tail is not prehensile. Limbs are plantigrade; fingers do not grow together. The forelimbs are five-toed, and the hind limbs are without thumb. In terrestrial species, the hind limbs can also be noticeably elongated. The brood pouch may be absent, formed only during the breeding season, or present constantly; opens back. The number of nipples in females ranges from 2 to 12 (usually 6-8). The dental system is archaic, with a full row of small incisors; fangs are large. Teeth - from 42 to 46. The hair is short, thick and soft; the color is brown, gray, reddish or black, sometimes with spots and stripes.

Predatory marsupials live in a wide variety of landscapes, at altitudes of up to 4000 m above sea level. They lead a terrestrial or arboreal lifestyle and are predominantly nocturnal. As a rule, they stay alone. Major representatives families are usually carnivorous, small ones are insectivorous. They breed once a year, with litters ranging from 3 to 10 cubs. Sexual maturity occurs at 8-12 months. The usual life expectancy is 7-8 years.

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