Yana gloves on which of the psychics was right. Yana gloves found dead - details, latest news. The monster tried to commit suicide

The sad story is coming to an end: the girl disappeared on May 3 - she went to school and seemed to have evaporated.

The whole republic was looking for the child, volunteers from other cities came. The hope that the girl was simply kidnapped by some crazy person and she is alive did not go out until the last. Unfortunately, on June 1, on Children's Day, the detectives found Yana's body on one of the private plots along Furmanov Street: 600 meters from the school, not far from the house.


A 38-year-old local resident Andrei P. is accused of killing an innocent child. The person is rather mysterious.

He is a city man himself, he lives here for a short time with his wife, a year or two. During this time, he did not make friends with any of the locals, - residents of the microdistrict say. - He and his wife lived apart, closed: they come from work - and do not leave the house. So quiet, so calm. For us it's all a shock. The girl was searched all over the city, and it turned out that she was 10 meters away from us...

Why wasn't the child found sooner? After all, according to the residents of Belorecha, the policemen even removed the sewer manholes three times - they ransacked the whole city.

I live in the South, so the operatives came to us three times with a check, - says an old resident of Beloretsk. - It is understandable: there are two dubious places on the street - one burnt house, the other abandoned - they were checked.

But just this area was not really touched: they will come, look into the yard and that's it, - the woman argues with him. Judging by the quiet talk of the residents of the microdistrict, this particular street - Furmanova - was not checked. They didn’t have time to reach it, or maybe they forgot.


Neighbors say that Andrei seemed to them an ordinary hard-working man. When there was no work, he worked as a coven: he plowed gardens for his neighbors on a walk-behind tractor, ran his own household.

Never thought bad of him. It can be seen that he is not a drinker, not a brawler. And in May, he suddenly took a drink, and so - without drying out: every morning I saw him with a bag, and inside - vodka was splashing, - the neighbors say. - When did you start drinking? And, read it, at the beginning of May ... on the 10th.

Moreover, according to a source close to the investigation, during a search in the cellar, the men found a whole bunch of syringes. There were rumors, they say, the monster injected Yana with painkillers - he prolonged the torment. But the information has not been confirmed. According to preliminary data, Andrei turned out to be an ordinary drug addict. Unless with the inclinations of a sadist ...

By the way, before this strange behavior towards children, the neighbors did not notice:

We have a yard full of kids. And not once did Andrei start any conversations with them. Once, I remember, he caught local boys who were dragging boards from his yard to the fire, and scolded: why, he says, are you stealing, you can ask - I’ll give you anyway! Rude, well, we thought that the person himself is so ...


At first, Andrey drove a black "top ten", and then changed his car - even in winter, a Gazelle flashed in the yard. The neighbors quickly suggested: you see, he got a job as a driver somewhere. And then the car disappeared.

And this is not an accident. It turned out that thanks to this very Gazelle, the detectives managed to get on the trail of the criminal.

On Monday, the 29th, they came to us from the police and asked about our neighbor. The first question was: does he have a car? What is it, say the locals. - Well, on Thursday they raided him with a search. The body was found in the cellar.

As it turned out, Andrei sold this Gazelle about 2 weeks after Yana disappeared. It can be assumed that the overall car on that ill-fated morning still fell into the field of view of surveillance cameras or there were witnesses. The car was looking for. The source admits: it’s good that the buyer did not move the car to another region or hand it over for scrap - they saw it, and as a result, they got on the trail of the villain.


Andrei's acquaintances do not want to believe that he is guilty of killing the child.

At school it was quieter than water, lower than grass. Calm, nothing strange was noticed behind him. I can’t even believe that it was he who did it,” his classmates say. However, the facts speak against him.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" it became known that the monster monstrously abused the child. But so far, the Investigative Committee has not confirmed the information. According to preliminary information, Yana died from a traumatic brain injury. True, we still have to wait for the results of the examination. However, a source familiar with the situation says that what this man did to the child is unimaginable even in nightmares.

By the way, either the conscience tormented the monster, or drunken fumes: according to some reports, Andrei tried several times to commit suicide. He was brought to the hospital three times - miraculously survived.

Soon the accused will be sent for a psychiatric examination to a hospital near Ufa - in Bazilevka: it is necessary to find out whether he was aware of what he was doing, why he was doing it.


Andrei's wife, 27-year-old Ekaterina P., was taken to the Investigative Committee on the evening of June 1. Most likely, to check for involvement: after all, it seems impossible not to know that the body of a nine-year-old child has been lying in the basement of your house for a whole month! Later, information appeared that she was released - the woman assures that she did not know anything.

Who knows, maybe so! If she left for work in the morning, and came only in the evening, she may not be aware. Anything can be done in eight hours. If only her husband didn’t confess to her when she was drunk, and she didn’t decide to cover for him, they guess in the city.


The girl was buried on June 2. Not only her relatives, family friends, neighbors and classmates came to say goodbye to Yana - caring people came from different parts of the city. Four hundred people: with flowers, with soft toys. People began to gather two hours before the appointed time.

There is heavy silence in the apartment. Around a tiny white coffin - deathly pale faces, black handkerchiefs. The sobs subsided, only the grandmother straightens everything on Yana's snow-white scarf. They decided to bury the child in an open coffin.

Yanochka! My sun! - Under tearing the soul of the cries of the grandmother, the funeral procession moved. At the cemetery, Aksana's mother, with a glassy look, distraught with grief, stood a little further away.

When they began to lower Yana into the grave, everyone howled: women, classmates of the girl, who knew grief so early, even men could hardly hold back their tears. Soon it was all over, the last to leave the grave, hidden under wreaths, toys and sweets, was Aksana's mother. It seems that the woman still does not believe that the worst thing that could happen happened to her daughter...

Komsomolskaya Pravda expresses its condolences to the family of the deceased and to all those who did not remain indifferent to the tragedy.

Recall that nine-year-old Yana Perchatkina from Beloretsk disappeared almost a month ago, on May 3. According to the official version, the girl left the house at 3 Prokatnaya Street to go to school at about 8.15 am, and no one has seen her since. The body of the girl was found only on June 1. Andrei P. was charged under the article "Murder".

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In Bashkiria, they say goodbye to Yana Perchatkina.

The investigative committee of Bashkiria is sure that the open cranial injury that caused the death of nine-year-old Yana Perchatkina cannot in any way be caused in a car accident - the girl was killed in cold blood. Recall that the body of a second-grader was found in the underground of one of the private houses on Furmanova Street in the Oktyabrsky village near Beloretsk. The 38-year-old lodger, who hid the corpse of the child, assured that he had hit the schoolgirl with a car, and, frightened by what he had done, decided to bury the body in his underground.

However, forensic experts have already established that the girl was first beaten and then killed with a stick or some other blunt object.

The nature of the inflicted bodily injuries excludes their receipt as a result of a traffic accident, the Investigative Committee of the RF Investigative Committee for the Republic of Belarus reported.

The alleged perpetrator is detained and testifies, but it seems that he is not all right with his head.

Investigators believe that the man lured the second-grader into his GAZelle car near school No. 18, where Yana went early in the morning on May 3, and disappeared without a trace, not reaching the educational institution 300 meters away. Most likely, the man offered the child to take care of the puppy, and the girl agreed and safely got into the car with a stranger. The kidnapper chose Yana not by chance - the baby reminded him of some close girl, perhaps his daughter. They say that the suspect has children, but he divorced his wife.

The attacker drove the child in his car all day and treated him to ice cream, and in the late afternoon he brought him to a forest plantation and killed him, because the schoolgirl began to scream and break out.

It seems that by the time Yana's mother discovered that her daughter was not at school and did not return home by evening, and all law enforcement officers were raised to their feet, the second-grader was already dead. The killer was afraid to leave the body of the child in the forest, and moved the corpse home. That is why the search for the missing child did not yield results, although it lasted almost a month - volunteers and security forces examined all the corners forgotten by people, but no traces of the girl were found. The message about the monetary reward, which the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Belarus promised for information about the whereabouts of the child, did not help either. However, already in mid-May it became clear that it was unlikely to be able to find a schoolgirl alive.

We assumed that the girl could become a victim of a random person - indeed, the perpetrator never knew the second grader.

The tragedy might not have happened if ... not for the numerous “ifs”. If Yana had a mobile phone with her and she could call her mother, who was busy with a newborn baby, and therefore did not worry about her daughter, then perhaps the girl would have been saved. If the class teacher could call the parents and report that the second-grader did not reach school, the search would have begun earlier and it might have been possible to save the child's life. If numerous passers-by and motorists who saw the criminal on a walk with someone else's child could suspect something was wrong, then this story could have a happy ending.

Mom did not give Yana a new phone to school, because she lost her old mobile phone and there was no connection with the girl while she was alive. And then it was impossible to find her location according to the cellular data. The teacher called her parents after school, but they changed their number and failed to report Yana missing. Today, the teacher reproaches herself that she did not reach the Perchatkins' apartment, located on Prokatnaya Street, a 10-minute walk from the school, and time was hopelessly lost. It is not for nothing that forensic experts assure that it is possible to find a kidnapped child alive only in the first 48 hours.

And not a single resident of Beloretsk, who caught the eye of a strange couple - a little girl and an adult man, suspected something bad - and a terrible thing happened.

The house where the body of Yana Perchatkina was found

Why do ordinary people like scary movies so much? It turns out that this is an opportunity to pretend to experience your fears, become more confident and even let off steam. And this is true - you just need to choose for yourself an exciting horror film that will make you feel like you should worry about the characters.

Silent Hill

The story takes place in the city of Silent Hill. Ordinary people would not even want to drive past it. But Rose Dasilva, the mother of little Sharon, is simply forced to go there. There is no other way out. She believes that this is the only way to help her daughter and save her from a psychiatric hospital. The name of the town did not come from nowhere - Sharon constantly repeated it in a dream. And it seems that the cure is very close, but on the way to Silent Hill, mother and daughter get into a strange accident. Waking up, Rose discovers that Sharon is missing. Now the woman needs to find her daughter in a cursed city full of fears and horrors. The trailer for the film is available for viewing.


Former detective Ben Carson is going through hard times. After accidentally killing a colleague, he is suspended from his job at the New York Police Department. Then the departure of his wife and children, addiction to alcohol, and now Ben is the night watchman of the burned-out department store, left alone with his problems. Over time, occupational therapy pays off, but one night round changes everything. The mirrors begin to threaten Ben and his family. Strange and frightening images appear in their reflection. To keep his loved ones alive, the detective needs to understand what the mirrors want, but the problem is that Ben has never encountered mysticism.


Kara Harding, after the death of her husband, is raising her daughter alone. The woman followed in the footsteps of her father and became a famous psychiatrist. She studies people with multiple personalities. Among them there are those who claim that there are many more of these personalities. According to Kara, this is just a front for serial killers, so all her patients are sent to death. But one day the father shows his daughter the case of the vagrant patient Adam, which defies all rational explanations. Kara continues to insist on her theory and even tries to cure Adam, but over time, completely unexpected facts are revealed to her ...

Mike Enslin does not believe in an afterlife. Being a horror writer, he is writing another book about the supernatural. It is dedicated to poltergeists living in hotels. In one of them, Mike decides to settle. The choice falls on the infamous room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel. According to the owners of the hotel and the residents of the city, the room is inhabited by evil that kills the guests. But neither this fact nor the senior manager's warning scares Mike. But in vain ... In the room, the writer will have to endure a real nightmare, from which there is only one way to get out ...

The material was prepared using the ivi online cinema.

Today in Bashkiria, a farewell will be held for the murdered schoolgirl Yana Perchatkina, whose body, after a month of searching, was found yesterday on the territory of one of the private houses on Furmanova Street in the Oktyabrsky village near Beloretsk.

The body of the child is a local resident who smelled a decaying corpse coming from the outbuildings of a neighbor who rented a house here relatively recently. But instead of a dead animal in the pit of the cellar, she found the corpse of a child covered with earth, wrapped in an awning from a car. The woman informed the police about the find. However, the tenant of this site already came to the attention of the investigators when he sold his Gazelle. The buyer did not understand why she was without an awning and began to look for the owner. And in the car, besides, he found blond hair, the examination confirmed that it was Yana's hair. Police detained the former owner of the car in the hospital after an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

There are already more than 10 volumes in the case of the murder of a schoolgirl. Today they will choose a measure of restraint for the suspect, who is charged under the article “Murder”. The alleged perpetrator testifies.

First, a 38-year-old man said that he hit a schoolgirl with a car and, frightened, decided to hide the body in the garden. But the police believe that the man lured the second-grader into his GAZelle by offering the child to take care of the puppy. And the girl believed a stranger. Why did he choose Yana? Perhaps she reminded him of his daughter - they say that the suspect Andrei P. has children, but he divorced his wife. Friends say that he did not work and drank a lot, and over the past 2 years, a quiet, modest, hard-working man has changed beyond recognition. And the neighbors also noted that he took to drink in early May and drank without drying out for the whole month, tried to commit suicide - he drank gasoline, they removed him from the loop twice.

The attacker rolled the child all day and treated him to ice cream, and in the late afternoon he brought him to a forest plantation, because the schoolgirl began to scream and struggle, and first beat him, and then killed him by hitting him on the head with a stick or some other blunt object.

The killer was afraid to leave the body of the child in the forest and moved the corpse to his site. That is why the search for the missing child did not yield results, although volunteers and security forces examined all the corners forgotten by people for almost a month, but no traces of the girl were found, reports sobkor02.ru.

According to information reported by ufa.kp.ru, the scanner found traces of washed blood in the house where Andrey lived with his family. To whom it belongs is not yet known. There is a version that before killing, the suspect hid the girl tied up in the basement for 3 days, raped and tortured her, and took painkillers to prolong the torment - syringes were found in the cellar. Andrey's civil wife, Ekaterina, is under suspicion as an accomplice in the crime.

Be that as it may, the tragedy could not happen. But there were too many "ifs" in this case. Perhaps the girl would have been saved if Yana had a mobile phone with her and she could call her mother, the class teacher could call her parents in the morning and report that the second grader was not in class, her stepfather walked her to school that day. But ...

Mom did not give Yana a new phone to school, because she lost her old mobile phone and there was no connection with the girl while she was alive, and then it was impossible to find her location using cellular data.

The teacher, without calling her parents, did not go to the Perchatkins' house, which is a 10-minute walk from the school. Numerous passers-by and motorists who saw the criminal on a walk with someone else's child did not suspect anything bad.

So time was hopelessly lost ...

In the village of Buganak near Beloretsk, a 9-year-old schoolgirl, Yana Perchatkina, was buried. The baby, who disappeared in early May, was found by police on June 1, Children's Day. Relatives blame themselves for the death of Yana, first of all, they reproach themselves for not protecting the child from the hands of the criminal.

Yana's family lives not far from the school - ten minutes away. All classmates and friends of the girl were interviewed several times, they also found out from her father whether he had taken his daughter (Yana has long been living with her mother and stepfather). In addition, Yana's grandmother, Elena, is sure that her granddaughter could hardly have gone somewhere of her own free will - she was quiet, calm, she did not even communicate with her peers.

Moscow's comsomolets

About 300 police officers and dozens of volunteers were looking for the girl. Relatives even turned to psychics. As a result, the psychic-search engine Irina Litvinova, on whom her relatives had high hopes, indicated the wrong location of the girl. Meanwhile, the family gave her the last money for the search for the girl.

The month that Yana was looking for was a living hell for her family. Relatives until the last believed that the girl would be found alive.

Investigators found the body of a 9-year-old girl in the house of 38-year-old Andrei P. The man is unsociable, seemingly calm, family. Neighbors say that recently the man has been abusing alcohol, but no one could suspect him of a crime.

I can’t say anything bad about him,” says the suspect’s neighbor Natalia. On Sunday he plowed the garden for me. He went out for a bit, but before that I had never seen him drunk. I am horrified by all this. I don't believe it.

What prompted a calm and quiet-looking man to kill a little girl is currently being investigated by investigators. However, the motive is no longer important for inconsolable parents, they demand capital punishment for the killer of their girl. Yana's relatives unanimously claim that they never saw or knew the suspect.

As a source told Ufa1, the man was identified by the car. The traffic police stopped a gazelle on one of the streets, on which, presumably, Yana's killer was moving. The truck driver admitted that he had just recently purchased a "gazelle" from one of the local taxi drivers, Andrey. Soon the police found out that he was in the hospital after an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

First, the car was identified, then the former owner, already in the hospital they found out that he could be involved in the murder of the girl, - a source told Ufa1.

According to a local resident, the child was found tied up in the underground of the house.

Neighbors said that they found a bound little girl in the underground. Allegedly, he wrapped the girl's body in polyethylene, and folded a jacket and briefcase on top. When they got Yana, they found bruises on her body, and her head was pierced. Knowing what he could have done to a girl, how can we live on this street now? We are all in shock, - Andrey's neighbor explained.

In the courtroom, the man confessed to the murder and rape.

Yana was kind, affectionate, naive, cheerful, cheerful, - says teacher Elvira Faktullina. - Communicated with the guys, ran at recess, answered the lessons. Everyone is like normal children. The only difference was that she was too kind and naive. At school, everyone - that of children, that of teachers, is in shock. How can you react to such a thing? This is a child. And the person who did this is already a non-human. There are no more words.

Yana's grandfather, Boris, is still in shock, holding on with all his might and barely hiding his tears.

Yana was an ordinary girl, but ours. How did this man raise his hand? Why didn't we manage to save her, - the man is indignant.

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