General condition of the body in cancer. Symptoms and signs of cancer: manifestations of early stages, tumors in children, precancerous diseases. This is cause for concern

If cancer is recognized at an early stage of development, it can be cured. It is important to monitor your body, understand what condition is considered normal for it, and consult a doctor if abnormalities appear. In this case, if you have cancer, doctors will notice it at a very early stage.

There are various common symptoms of cancer. If you notice them in yourself, then this means that certain changes are taking place in your body. Contact your doctor if you have:

  • tumor;
  • shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness;
  • bleeding;
  • change in the work of the digestive tract;
  • moles;
  • unexplained weight loss.

What to do if the first symptoms of cancer are detected? Let's try to answer this question.


If you know how your body works under normal conditions, then Can you identify cancer?, or rather, to suspect it when early changes appear, the cause of which may be a disease. If you notice a tumor somewhere on your body, then immediately consult a doctor. It is very good if you can tell exactly how long ago you had it, whether it interferes with you, whether it is increasing in size. Very often, cancerous growths are completely painless.

It is extremely difficult to recognize a tumor of oncological origin by touch. However, if the doctor suspects that you have a malignant neoplasm, he will refer you to the right specialist for further examination and testing.

It should be taken into account that if swelling and bumps occur quite often in your body, then most likely they are not malignant.

Shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness

The so-called chest cancer symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath and hoarseness. Of course, they can be caused by infections, inflammation, and other diseases and ailments, but in some cases, such signs indicate lung cancer. If you have been experiencing shortness of breath and coughing for more than two weeks, contact your doctor immediately. You should also see a specialist if you see blood in your sputum.

The cause of hoarseness is often laryngitis. This disease means inflammation of the larynx. However, in rare cases, hoarseness is an early symptom of laryngeal cancer. If this ailment has been tormenting you for more than two weeks, go to an appointment with a specialist.

Disorders in the digestive tract

A sign of a change in the functioning of the digestive tract is the presence of blood in the stool. Usually it is bright red or dark. The presence of fresh, scarlet blood is a sign of hemorrhoids.

A symptom of cancer may be a change in the frequency of the digestive tract (constipation or diarrhea) for no apparent reason. Also, sometimes there is a feeling of insufficient bowel cleansing after a stool. Some patients experience pain in the rectum or abdomen.

Being interested in the types of tumors and the question of how to recognize them, it is important to remember that a change in stool does not always indicate the development of oncology. The reasons may lie in a change in nutrition, excitement, taking medications. If the stool does not return to normal within a few weeks, then in order to exclude a dangerous disease, you need to consult a doctor.


Any bleeding for no apparent reason is a sign of a malfunction in the internal organs. This is a good reason to go to a specialist.

Bleeding from the rectum can be a sign of hemorrhoids, but also one of the symptoms of cancer of the internal organs.

If a woman has a malignant tumor in the uterus or cervix, then bleeding may occur between periods or after sexual contact. If bleeding occurs in women after menopause, then she urgently needs to see a doctor.

Blood in the urine can be a symptom of bladder cancer or kidney cancer. However, infection can also be the cause of this phenomenon. Contact your doctor if you find that there is blood in your urine. By the way, it should be taken into account that sometimes urine turns pink due to the presence of dyes in food. This can happen if you ate, for example, beets the day before.

If, when coughing, sputum comes out with blood, then the reason for this is a serious infectious disease. Sometimes this is a sign of lung cancer. Blood in vomit can signal stomach cancer, however, an ulcer can also be the cause of this phenomenon. Therefore, the exact answer to the question, how to identify cancer- you need to contact a specialist.

Nosebleeds and bruising are rare symptoms of cancer. Sometimes these signs are a consequence of leukemia. However, people suffering from this disease have other, more obvious signs of oncology.


How does skin cancer manifest itself? Many people think about this, on whose body there are numerous moles. Let's try to answer this question.

A variation of this disease is melanoma. As a rule, it manifests itself with a change in the appearance of the skin. Sometimes it seems that you have formed a new large mole. However, melanoma can also form in an existing mole. That is why it is extremely difficult to distinguish a benign formation from a malignant one.

You should contact your doctor immediately if your moles show any of the following symptoms:

  • asymmetry (moles are usually even and symmetrical, but melanomas are not);
  • uneven edges;
  • color atypical for a mole (if moles, as a rule, have a brown tint, then melanomas are brown with black, pink, red, white and even bluish);
  • large size (moles usually do not exceed 6 mm in diameter, melanomas - more than 7 mm);
  • presence of crusting, itching, bleeding: melanomas can bleed, crust, itch (these symptoms of skin cancer are not common, but should not be forgotten).

If any marks appear on the skin that do not go away for several weeks, if you notice the above signs of melanoma in yourself, then immediately consult a doctor.

Unreasonable weight loss

How else can cancer be diagnosed? Your body weight will tell you this. If in a relatively short period of time (for example, two months) you have lost a lot of weight, and at the same time you have not had stressful situations, strong physical exertion or diet, then this is a serious reason to make an appointment with a doctor.

If weight loss is a consequence of cancer, then the patient may experience other signs: fatigue, pain, nausea.

What to do if you have anxiety symptoms?

What to do if you notice the main symptoms of cancer in yourself? The answer is obvious: you need to see a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to assess your condition and prescribe adequate treatment. Only a doctor will be able to direct you to undergo x-rays, take tests, etc.

If the doctor suspects cancer, he will direct you to do a biopsy, tomography, and also advise a specialist. If the doctor decides that the cause of your illness is of a different nature, then in any case he will be able to help you cope with ailments, and faster than if you were treated on your own.

For early diagnosis of neoplasms, each person should pay maximum attention to their health, be aware of their early signs. Not every tumor will be cancer, many of them have a completely benign course that does not require surgical intervention.

How to quickly and accurately determine what kind of tumor you have, we will describe below.

Differences between benign and malignant tumors

As a rule, neoplasms that are benign in nature are located in a dense capsule that separates and also protects them from surrounding tissues and structures. Therefore, they are not able to grow and metastasize quickly.

A malignant tumor is not limited by anything, it may even have a blurry outline. It has the ability to grow into neighboring structures, destroying their cells and causing pain impulses to a person. Atypical cells quickly divide and with the blood flow, lymph spreads everywhere - a new tumor focus is formed, with an identical structure. This process is called metastasis.

After removal of a malignant neoplasm by the method of complete excision, only one mutated cell is enough for its recurrence. Therefore, chemotherapy courses are prescribed by specialists - in order to prevent the very possibility of the appearance of a new focus of cancer.

Types of malignant tumors

Malignant tumors are classified by specialists into the following types:

  1. Carcinomas - more often localized in the structures of the intestine, lungs, mammary or representative gland, as well as in the esophagus. It grows from epithelial tissue. Visually differ in direct proportion to the detection area. As a rule, this is a knot with a bumpy or matte surface, with a consistency of different hardness.
  2. Sarcomas are formed from muscle or bone tissue. It is detected much less frequently - in 1-2% of cases. Localization is different - from the skin and uterus, to the articular structures and muscle mass of the thigh. Differs in high-speed growth and metastasis. Early recurrence after surgery is also typical.
  3. Lymphomas are usually formed from lymphatic tissue. They can lead to significant functional disorders, since the lymphatic system, which is designed to actively protect the human body from infectious lesions, is not able to fully perform its work.
  4. Gliomas - grow from glial cells in the brain. Accompanied by severe pain impulses, as well as persistent dizziness. In general, negative symptoms are determined by the localization of the tumor focus.
  5. Melanomas - arise from degenerated melanocytes, as a rule, on the skin of the neck area, as well as limbs. They are rare in the practice of oncologists - no more than 1% of cases of the total volume of neoplasms. They are prone to metastasis.
  6. Leukemia is atypia of bone marrow stem cells. In fact, this is a cancer of blood-forming elements that are carried with the bloodstream to any part of the body.
  7. Teratomas are embryonic cells that are formed even at the time of intrauterine development under the influence of negative factors on the body of the expectant mother. They are most often found in the tissues of the ovaries and testicles, as well as the brain and sacrum.
  8. Choriocarcinomas - are formed from placental tissues, only in the representatives of the female half of the population, they are mainly detected in the uterus, appendages.

Malignant tumors are distinguished in children under five years of age: osteosarcomas, nephroblastomas, lymphomas, as well as neuroblastomas, retinoblastomas and leukemias. Treatment should begin immediately, be comprehensive and comprehensive. The prognosis for survival is poor.

How to independently find a tumor and determine its type

In order to timely determine whether a malignant tumor or not, each person needs to navigate in certain signs that accompany a particular neoplasm.

The main signs of a malignant tumor:

  • visual difference between the focus and surrounding tissues;
  • lack of a clearly defined shell, capsule;
  • active growth and spread of the tumor focus;
  • the ability to grow into other tissues, through blood structures and lymphatic ducts.

On their own, a person can identify in himself with a careful examination:

  • slight induration, swelling;
  • tendency to increased bleeding formation;
  • pronounced, prolonged inflammatory processes;
  • color change;
  • increase in the parameters of the nearest groups of lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of myalgia, various arthralgia;
  • unexplained weight loss;
  • neurological disorders - previously uncharacteristic irritability, fatigue, decreased ability to work;
  • increased sweating.

Such symptoms of malignant tumors are nonspecific, require mandatory consultation of a specialist, as well as instrumental and laboratory confirmation.

A brain tumor

Atypia of neurocytes can form in any structure of the brain. It can be either a primary focus or secondary metastasis from some other focus. The degree of danger to the life and health of the patient directly depends on the localization of the neoplasm, the rate of its germination in the surrounding tissues, the age category of the person, and susceptibility to medications.

The most characteristic symptom that allows one to suspect the presence of a tumor focus is, of course, persistent pain in one or another area of ​​the head. It is not stopped by taking even the most modern analgesics, only the intensity decreases somewhat.

At the initial stages of its appearance, brain lesions do not manifest themselves in any way. Occasionally, a person may experience mild nausea, dizziness, weakness, but they are attributed to other diseases and negative conditions. For example, overwork, beriberi, acute respiratory infections.

In addition to cephalgia, there are also - an unpleasant feeling of fullness in the head, discomfort, heaviness. Neurological disorders can be observed, with a severe, rapidly progressive course up to a coma.

The prognosis of survival will depend on the stage at which the oncological process was detected and the timeliness of therapeutic measures, as well as the size of the focus and the general initial state of the patient's health.

Tumor of the mammary glands

One day, during a self-examination, which every woman should regularly conduct at herself, previously not present seals in the mammary gland, a change in its shape and outlines, can be detected.
Locally, changes in the coloration of the skin, retractions or various protrusions can be detected. Even with their minimum size, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The retraction of the nipple, discharge from it, especially bloody, swelling of the tissues around it, are alarming. Inspection should be carried out not only standing, but also in a horizontal position. Palpation is performed in the direction from the nipple to the periphery - in the structure of a healthy mammary gland, there should be no seals, even painless ones.

An unfavorable sign is the presence of enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit or shoulder area. Especially in combination with other symptoms of a weakening of the body - nausea, weight loss, temperature fluctuations, various pain impulses, and a decrease in working capacity.

Only an oncologist should treat such conditions. Self-medication is absolutely prohibited.

Tumor of the uterus and ovaries

If atypical elements occur in the tissues of the reproductive organs of a woman, there may be no symptoms in a malignant tumor. Most often, its appearance is preceded by poorly treated, or inflammatory or infectious pathologies that were not noticed at all by a woman. Sometimes it is a direct consequence of the growth of the endometrium.

As the parameters of the tumor focus in the uterus increase, negative discharges will be observed from the vagina - leucorrhoea, then they acquire a putrid odor, streaks of blood may be present.

Often there are failures in the menstrual cycle - in the intervals there are episodes of spotting. Sexual intercourse is accompanied by painful sensations, increased whiteness. The tactics of treatment is determined individually - at the initial stages, conservative therapy can be dispensed with, at stages 3-4, surgical intervention is required.

In the structures of the ovaries, malignant foci can form primarily, or from already existing benign neoplasms. Initially, there are no negative symptoms. Then there are general and specific manifestations - pain in the lower abdomen, during urination and bowel movements, as well as during sexual intercourse.

Decreased appetite and ability to work, rapid weight loss against the background of a general increase in the abdomen. Severe weakness, persistent dizziness, bleeding from the genital tract.

The root cause of the formation of a malignant focus in the ovary can be not only an unfavorable hereditary predisposition and toxic environmental effects, infectious pathologies and viral diseases, for example, papillomavirus.

Neoplasms in other organs and tissues of the body - the stomach, intestines, lungs, also occur. As the disease progresses, negative symptoms increase, and the survival prognosis worsens. Mandatory early treatment and adequate therapeutic measures are required.

Malignant tumors develop in all organs and tissues, which means that the symptoms can be very different. However, in the treatment of cancer, the speed of making the correct diagnosis plays an important role, otherwise time may be lost forever.

What are the signs of cancer? We will answer this question in this article.

35 signs of cancer that are usually ignored

Unexplained weight loss may be a sign of cancer.
  1. Upset stomach and/or stomach pain. Many patients with liver recall that this symptom was one of the first manifestations of the disease. Long enough, the patient and his attending physician can think about erosions in him before the correct diagnosis is made.
  2. Feeling of fullness in the stomach even after eating a small amount of food. This symptom is also characteristic of the duodenum.
  3. Unexplained weight loss. It is worth alerting if the patient loses kilograms without putting any effort into it.
  4. . It develops when the tumor blocks the bile exit from the liver and gallbladder. In addition to yellowing of the skin, the patient notes yellowness of the sclera and itching all over the body.
  5. Cough and/or shortness of breath. Often one of the first symptoms.
  6. Difficulty swallowing water and food. The symptom appears and intensifies as the tumor grows in the pharynx or esophagus.
  7. Constant pain and burning in the chest. This is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux, a condition where acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. This condition is typical for the esophagus.
  8. Swelling of the face. Could be lung cancer. Cancer cells impede the outflow of blood from the upper half of the body, which provokes the development of edema.
  9. Enlarged lymph nodes. It is a potential sign of cancer of the organ near which the enlarged lymph node is located.
  10. Bruising and bleeding for no apparent reason. May be a manifestation.
  11. Weakness and fatigue. A common symptom for all types of cancer.
  12. Blood in stool, bleeding after stool. This symptom occurs not only with, but also with.
  13. Violation of the large intestine. Persistent constipation and diarrhea can be a sign of bowel cancer.
  14. (hard to start urinating, sluggish stream). May be a symptom.
  15. Pain and/or burning during urination. It can be both a symptom and prostate cancer.
  16. Blood in urine or seminal fluid. It can also be a sign of prostate cancer, like the previous two symptoms.
  17. Erection problems. Although men try to hide this symptom for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor to exclude a malignant tumor of the prostate.
  18. swelling of the scrotum. May be a symptom of a testicular and/or prostate tumor.
  19. Constant back pain. Of course, most often back pain is the result of muscle strain, protrusions, herniated discs, but we must not forget that constant pain, which is difficult to treat with conventional pills, can be a sign of both independent cancer and metastases to the spine.
  20. Soreness of the chest and/or nipples. Yes, it happens in men, although these are very rare cases.
  21. Hard-to-heal skin lesions. Symptom (melanoma, basal cell carcinoma).
  22. Pain. Pain is a very common symptom. It is not necessary to take every attack of a headache for a brain tumor. It is necessary to carefully monitor yourself in order to "catch the moment" when it becomes clear that the pain is combined with other signs of cancer.
  23. Fever. It's also a common symptom. It can happen to any cancer patient.
  24. Changes in the oral mucosa. should alert a person, especially if he smokes.
  25. Skin changes. The appearance of warts, areas of hyper- or hypopigmentation should alert a person and become a reason for a visit to the doctor.
  26. Edema, swelling, redness of the mammary gland, the appearance of discharge from the nipple (especially bloody, greenish, black). This symptom complex should not only alert the woman, but force her to make an appointment with the doctor on the same day. If it is difficult to get to an oncologist, then you can contact a surgeon.
  27. Change in the condition of the nails. Dystrophy of the nail plates, the appearance of spots and stripes on the nails. These can all be signs of skin cancer.
  28. Bleeding between periods, bleeding in menopausal women. These symptoms may be signs of endometrial cancer.
  29. Swelling of part of the limb and pain in this place. It can not only be the result of a bruise, but also a symptom of a malignant neoplasm of the bone.
  30. Convulsions and seizures. May be a sign of a brain tumor, as well as symptoms 31 - 35.
  31. Violations of memory, processes of memorization and reproduction.
  32. Sensation of pressure and fullness in the head.
  33. Behavioral disturbances, decreased self-criticism.
  34. Disturbances of balance, coordination and orientation.
  35. Numbness in the limb, its paresis or paralysis.

So, if you or your loved ones experience these symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor for examination and treatment, and then the prognosis for the life and health of the patient can be much more favorable.

Which doctor to contact

If there are seals in the mammary gland, discharge from the nipple, as well as in case of visual changes (redness, deformation) of the breast, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Tumor diseases are treated by an oncologist, but it is better to consult a general practitioner first. The doctor will be able to establish a preliminary diagnosis and refer the patient to the right specialist. Depending on the affected organ of the patient, in addition to the oncologist, various doctors consult: a gastroenterologist (for problems with digestion, stool), a pulmonologist (for coughing and shortness of breath), a proctologist (for damage to the rectum), a urologist (for urination disorders), a mammologist (for lesions of the mammary gland), a dermatologist (for changes in the skin), a gynecologist (for uterine bleeding), a neurologist (for headaches, impaired coordination, movements, sensitivity, mental functions).

Cancer, like other diseases, has its own signs and symptoms. Cancer Symptoms are different and depend on the type of tumor, the stage of the disease, the organs involved in the tumor process.

In this section, we describe in detail the most common signs of cancer. But if you suddenly notice similar symptoms in yourself, you don’t need to run headlong to an oncologist, since the symptoms described in the article can also accompany completely different diseases.

If you have any suspicions, contact your general practitioner at your clinic and he will write you referrals for the necessary examinations.

First, let's figure out what a symptom of the disease is. concept "Symptom" comes from the Greek σύμπτομα - sign. This is a manifestation of any disease, pathological condition or violation of any vital process.

The symptoms are divided into specific- more characteristic of one disease, and non-specific- accompanied by a number of different diseases.

To begin with, we will talk about the general symptoms of cancer, which are characteristic of most types of tumors.

Cancer in the early stages practically does not give any symptoms and manifestations, which is why timely and is so important.

In advanced stages, the cancer can lead to general symptoms such as unexplained fever, unexplained weakness, fatigue, sudden onset of pain, and sudden weight loss.

Common symptoms of cancer:

1. Unreasonable increase in body temperature

One of the most common symptoms of cancer. In the early stages of cancer, fever appears when , And Hodgkin's disease. With solid tumors, the symptom manifests itself more often in the later stages. The temperature in cancer occurs due to the fact that the tumor causes an inflammatory reaction and a decrease in immunity, the body reacts to this by increasing its temperature.

2. Increased weakness and fatigue

There are many reasons for increased fatigue and fatigue in cancer.

  • Firstly, tumor cells secrete waste products into the tissues of the body, which causes permanent intoxication.
  • Secondly, immunity decreases, which often leads to the addition of various viral and respiratory diseases.
  • Third, For tumor growth, nutrients are needed, which it “takes away” from healthy tissues of the body, thereby depriving healthy tissues of a full supply of the necessary substances.

All these reasons lead to rapid fatigue, weakness, loss of former performance, distraction of attention.

3. Unexplained pain

This symptom of cancer can occur when the tumor compresses or damages nearby vessels, nerve endings, and organs. Also, when a tumor grows through several layers of organs, tissue mobility may decrease, and pain will only manifest itself in movement.

4. Unexplained weight loss

Most often it can talk about the late stage of cancer. There are several reasons for this symptom of cancer:

1. The tumor is large in the late stage and often has distant ones. Tumor cells, unlike healthy cells of the body, feed intensively, and since the tumor is large, it needs a lot of nutrients. She takes them from the general reserves of the body, thereby depriving healthy cells of the required amount of nutrients.

2. Intoxication of the body, due to which a person loses his appetite, which also leads to weight loss.

5. Changes in the skin

This includes the appearance of an earthy color in the skin, the appearance of yellowness, itching. These are all manifestations of internal disorders in the body that can cause an oncological process.

6. Enlarged lymph nodes

It may indicate the presence of inflammation, or a tumor lesion of the lymph node, or an organ close to it.

7. Psychological symptoms

Irritability, tearfulness, decreased attention, unexplained dizziness and headaches may indicate intoxication or.

Specific Symptoms of Cancer

Now consider symptoms of cancer that are characteristic of one form or another of malignant tumors. And again, we repeat - all of the listed symptoms with a 100% guarantee do not speak in favor of cancer, as they can occur with other diseases. However, if you find yourself experiencing the described symptoms, consult your doctor to schedule the necessary examination.

1. The appearance of a long non-healing wound or ulcer

Most often it can be a manifestation of skin. It can be localized both on the skin and on the mucous membranes of the body. If you find a wound on your skin that does not heal within 2-3 weeks, be sure to consult with an oncodermatologist.

2. Enlargement or darkening of nevi and birthmarks

10. Increasing the level of tumor markers

If during the examination in your analysis there were elevated indicators, do not rush to conclusions, since the analysis for tumor markers is not a 100% diagnostic method, and a normal inflammatory process may be hidden behind an increased indicator. If you have an elevated tumor marker, contact an oncologist, he will refer you to the necessary examination in your case.

In this section, the most common symptoms and signs of cancer have been listed, but there are a great many of them, so if uncharacteristic and alarming symptoms appear, seek medical advice immediately.

Remember that you are primarily responsible for your health. If something is bothering you, do not put off a visit to the doctor. It is the early diagnosis of oncological diseases that guarantees the detection of cancer at an early stage, which leads to good results from treatment and a high life expectancy.

A cancerous tumor is both its own and alien to the body, this is its cunning. Its own, as it consists of cells that are ordinary at first glance, which initially do not cause harm, but only constantly multiply. Alien, since having reached a certain size, it begins to show aggression towards surrounding tissues and organs: to grow through them, scatter daughter foci of cancer - metastases around the body, release biologically active substances that can rearrange metabolic processes in favor of the tumor and to the detriment of the body .

The tumor grows in size so quickly that the blood vessels do not have time to grow after it. Then the nutrition of cancer cells in the center of the focus is disturbed, and they begin to die and break down, releasing toxins that poison the body - cause intoxication.

Most of the early symptoms of cancer are associated with these changes, which appear only when the tumor has reached a decent size. Therefore, the question arises whether it is really possible to detect cancer at an early stage or is it a utopia? On the pages of popular magazines, you can often find articles about 4 alarming "bells" - signs of a possible oncology. Should they be taken seriously?

Cancer "quartet": a nightmare for a hypochondriac

The most common early signs of cancer are:

  • weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • fatigue, weakness, loss of strength;
  • pale skin, hair loss, brittle nails;
  • small fluctuations in body temperature.

All these signs are indeed characteristic of malignant tumors, but also of many other diseases and conditions, which, in some cases, do not harm not only life, but also health.

For example, the first symptom - rapid weight loss, as well as the second - weakness, fatigue and decreased performance - many of us experience during a time pressure at work, when liters of coffee and other stimulating techniques are used in an effort to survive until the holidays. The same thing often occurs in spring or autumn, when there is a sharp lack of sunlight and heat for good health, especially in the northern cities of our country. Hypovitaminosis, stress add their contribution to the treasury of bad mood and take away kilograms.

It is quite difficult to distinguish cancer cachexia - this is what weight loss in malignant neoplasms is called - from other types of weight loss, but it has the following signs:

  • loss of body weight by 5% of the original in 6 months (for a person weighing 80 kg, this is about 4 kg in six months);
  • 2% weight loss if baseline BMI was less than or equal to 20.

A characteristic sign of cancer cachexia is the destruction of muscle tissue, which can occur even with the preservation of the fat layer. This inevitably leads to muscle weakness, a change in body contours in places where adipose tissue is usually not very pronounced. For example, shoulders and arms are significantly thinner. In addition, cancer cachexia is usually accompanied by a decrease in appetite up to anorexia.

The third group of signs from the disturbing "quartet" - pale skin, hair loss and brittle nails, combined with weakness and lethargy are classic symptoms of anemia - a decrease in red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. This condition is indeed characteristic of an advanced stage of cancer, when the composition of the blood changes as a result of intoxication, metastases to the bone marrow or constant bleeding from the tumor. However, during this period, as a rule, there are already more obvious signs of oncology. Anemia itself is common, for example, in healthy young women with heavy periods, may be a congenital feature or the result of other chronic diseases.

The last sign - the change in body temperature is the most unstable. Among oncological diseases, temperature reaction is most often accompanied by blood diseases: leukemia and lymphoma. However, even in a healthy person, the temperature fluctuates throughout the day, depending on physical activity, the state of the nervous system and the amount of hormones in the blood. An increase in body temperature up to 37.5 ° C occurs, for example, during a strong excitement. Small fluctuations in temperature are typical for early pregnancy, increased thyroid function, etc.

Thus, the "quartet" of symptoms described above is not specific to cancer and does not necessarily mean that you have cancer. But if these symptoms bother you for a long time, and your health does not improve within a few weeks, this is a reason to consult a doctor for additional diagnostics.

In fact, there are not so many malignant tumors that can be detected at a very early stage, especially without the help of special research methods. As a rule, these are types of cancer that are located on the surface of the body and are accessible to the eye of the person himself or the doctor. These tumors can be seen even before they cause symptoms.

Types of cancer visible to the eye

Types of malignant tumors that are visible to the eye are called visual in medicine. It is believed that these are the very tumors that need to be detected at the earliest stage. And this is quite possible. Visually or by touch, you can determine atypical changes in the skin and mucous membranes when the tumor is just beginning to develop. It is at this stage that her treatment is most effective.

Skin cancer, including melanoma- ranks first in our country in the structure of the incidence of malignant tumors in the population, regardless of gender. At the same time, melanoma is considered one of the most “evil” tumors, because it metastasizes to other organs of the body very early. Among other skin cancers, there are relatively benign ones that are well treated and rarely recur (appear again).

Early signs of skin cancer may include:

  • the appearance on the surface of the body of an unusual spot, which gradually increases in size, protrudes above the level of the skin or seems dense to the touch;
  • the appearance of a long-term non-healing sore;
  • nodules or bumps on the skin that have an atypical color (lighter, darker than the skin, shiny surface, etc.).

These formations, as a rule, do not bother. Sometimes itching and tingling may occur. Read more about the early signs of melanoma. If any skin changes appear that are suspicious of cancer, consult a dermatologist. In addition, it is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist once a year, since melanoma in rare cases can be located on the retina. This type of tumor can only be seen by a doctor.

To exclude even earlier stages of breast cancer, there is a screening examination - mammography. This is an x-ray examination of the mammary glands on a special apparatus, which is recommended for all women over 40-45 years old once every 2 years. For these categories of citizens, mammography is carried out free of charge, within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, in the direction of a gynecologist, therapist, surgeon or mammologist. However, in practice, getting a free mammogram is difficult, so you have to use the services of private clinics.

Cancer of the tongue, lips, throat, mouth- rare types of tumors that are most common in older people with a long history of smoking, especially those who often drink alcohol. The early stages of these neoplasms can be suspected by characteristic features:

  • the appearance on the mucous membrane of the mouth, cheeks, lips, tongue of white or red spots, which may have a smooth or bumpy surface;
  • long-term non-healing sores in the mouth;
  • causeless hoarseness or other change in the timbre of the voice, hoarseness.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor can also detect cancer of the vagina, vulva, uterine body, and ovaries. The initial stages of these cancers are asymptomatic. Over time, signs such as an increase in the abdomen, swelling of the legs, pain in the pelvic area or during bowel movements, bloody discharge from the genital tract, delayed menstruation, etc., may appear.

Genital cancer in men, in particular, prostate cancer ranks 6th in the total oncological incidence in Russia. Prostate cancer develops extremely slowly, causes symptoms late and therefore reveals itself already in the later stages, although during a rectal examination by a doctor, initial changes in the prostate gland can also be detected. For this, it is advisable for men over 40-45 years old to visit a urologist at least once every 2 years.

In addition to the examination, earlier men were recommended to donate blood annually for prostate-specific antigen (PSA analysis) - a marker of prostate cancer. However, now the need for such a study in the framework of screening programs is being questioned, since the analysis has a low specificity and can give a positive result in many other diseases and conditions.

Rectal cancer- in 7th place in terms of the incidence of malignant neoplasms in our country. Men are more often affected. In the early stages, rectal cancer is asymptomatic, but it can be detected by a doctor during a rectal examination. Therefore, due to the age-related pattern of rectal cancer development, it is recommended that men over 50 years of age undergo a digital rectal examination once a year. It is usually combined with an examination by a urologist. Women are rectally examined by a gynecologist. In addition, both men and women can visit a proctologist for research.

There is another way to screen for the diagnosis of rectal cancer, as well as colon cancer (occurs 1.6% more often than rectal, but is not detected during a digital examination) - a fecal occult blood test. This is a simple study, for which you must first collect a small amount of feces in a special container and take it to the laboratory. Once a year, stool analysis for healthy people is performed free of charge, according to compulsory health insurance. However, the technology used to conduct the study, and hence its results, may differ.

So, the cheapest and most common is the study using guaiac and benzidine samples. Before the study, it is necessary to exclude meat products, iron preparations, apples, peppers, green onions, beans, spinach and other products containing iron compounds from the diet. Otherwise, the analysis may give a false positive result.

Twice as expensive is the analysis of feces for occult blood using the immunochemical method. This test only reacts to hemoglobin of human origin, so it is less likely to be wrong, but is usually only available as part of paid services.

If the stool test for occult blood is positive, there is a need for additional diagnostics, since the cause can be not only cancer, but also many other diseases. Therefore, you should have a free - more complex examination of the intestines using an endoscope, which is inserted through the anus and carried up the intestinal tube. With the help of an endoscope, the doctor can assess the condition of the intestinal mucosa by eye, find a suspicious focus of cells and take a sample from it - a biopsy. Colonoscopy allows you to accurately determine the source of bleeding.

Cancer to look for: the first signs

Unfortunately, many types of cancer are for the time being safely hidden in the body, and it is not possible to detect them by sight or by specific symptoms. But there are instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods that help to identify the tumor.

Cancer of the trachea, bronchi and lungs ranks third in frequency among other malignant neoplasms in our country and in most cases is associated with active or passive smoking. In addition, those people who often come into contact with carcinogenic substances, such as phenol fumes or asbestos dust, are at risk.

It is believed that fluorography or X-ray examination of the lungs, which are carried out annually as part of the early detection of tuberculosis, cannot be considered as screening for lung cancer. This is due to the fact that the resolution of an x-ray, and even more so fluorography, is insufficient to detect the initial stages of cancer.

However, if you undergo a routine fluorographic examination or x-ray of the lungs once every 1-2 years, you can be sure that the study will detect lung cancer, albeit not at an early stage, but even before symptoms appear and the tumor becomes inoperable. It is especially important to undergo these studies for people at risk.

Signs of respiratory cancer may include:

  • dry cough;
  • chest pain;
  • the appearance of blood in the sputum;
  • dyspnea.

Unfortunately, these symptoms occur already when the tumor has reached a decent size. Read more about diagnosing and preventing lung cancer.

Stomach cancer- the fourth most common tumor in Russia. This tumor is also difficult to detect, since it most often develops against the background of a stomach disease that has already existed for many years, for example, chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer, the symptoms of which a person gets used to and may not always notice a change in their nature. Meanwhile, signs of stomach cancer can be:

  • loss of appetite;
  • recurring nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen of a aching, dull character without a clear connection with food intake;
  • increased heartburn, belching;
  • feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • weight loss;
  • black stools or "coffee grounds" vomiting when bleeding from a tumor.

Sometimes stomach cancer “grows” for a long time asymptomatically, without causing pain and indigestion. For sure, it is possible to confirm or exclude the presence of a tumor in the stomach only with the help of gastroscopy (FGS) with a biopsy. However, this study is not pleasant, expensive and is not recommended in our country for cancer screening, that is, for examining healthy people. But people who are at risk for stomach cancer need to undergo FGS once a year.

Blood cancer- a malignant tumor that, along with adults, affects children. Sometimes the disease is found after a random blood test done for some other disease or as part of a routine examination. That is why it is desirable to donate blood from a finger and a biochemical blood test from a vein at least once a year. In addition to objective criteria (analysis data), symptoms of blood cancer can be:

  • causeless prolonged increase in body temperature;
  • sweating, especially at night;
  • severe weakness;
  • pale skin, easy bruising even from slight mechanical impact;
  • bleeding gums, nose;
  • pain in bones and joints.

If these symptoms appear, it is advisable to contact a therapist or pediatrician (for children). If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will refer you to a hematologist, a specialist who diagnoses and treats blood diseases, including cancer.

Brain cancer- a rare tumor that can have very different symptoms, depending on the location of the malignant tissue. The most common symptoms are:

  • headaches, which are poorly relieved by conventional analgesics, may intensify during physical activity;
  • impaired coordination of movement, dizziness, tinnitus;
  • episodes of loss of consciousness;
  • double vision or a sharp deterioration in vision, loss of visual fields;
  • nausea and vomiting that do not bring relief and are not associated with dyspepsia;
  • numbness or unusual sensations (goosebumps, electric shock, tingling) in the arms or legs.

If these symptoms appear, you need to contact a neurologist. In most cases, these signs will have more benign causes. Do not give in to despondency in advance, as the likelihood of cancer is extremely small. To exclude a malignant tumor, it will be necessary to undergo a magnetic tomography of the brain (MRI).

Cancerophobia is the other side of the coin

In Russia, malignant diseases occupy the second place in the structure of mortality and account for about 15% of all deaths (most people die from cardiovascular diseases - more than 54%). At the same time, modern medical technologies make it possible to successfully cure the early stages of cancer. Therefore, the detection of tumors at the initial stage of their development is the most important task not only in our country, but throughout the world. However, the desire to recognize cancer by some special signs at an early stage, sometimes, does more harm than good.

So, overly impressionable people often find themselves in the trap of their own suspiciousness. They begin to delve into themselves, looking for subtle symptoms, lose sleep and peace. Any, even a slight deviation from the norm in the analyzes or well-being, is perceived by them as evidence of the presence of a tumor. And if the doctor convinces of the opposite, then he loses authority, and the person is left alone with his suspicions.

In addition, the introduction of ultra-precise diagnostics leads to the fact that doctors find tumors that, perhaps, would never harm human health. Some methods of early diagnosis give many false positive results and find a problem where there is none. As a result, a healthy person who decides to “check up just in case” is subjected to unnecessary, traumatic examination, and sometimes even treatment.

To prevent this from happening, one should not succumb to cancerophobia and look for cancer symptoms in oneself. You need to know which signs really need attention, and which ones you can just close your eyes and sleep peacefully. After all, the body is a complex system with huge reserves. Most of the diseases, including cancer, our body destroys on its own, without outside help. And it is not known what our attempts to intervene will lead to where the mechanisms of work are debugged by evolution to perfection.

All materials on the site have been checked by doctors. However, even the most reliable article does not allow taking into account all the features of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, the information posted on our website cannot replace a visit to the doctor, but only complements it. Articles are prepared for informational purposes and are advisory in nature. If symptoms appear, please consult a doctor.

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