Who does Will Smith have children with? Will Smith: biography, personal life, photos, videos. Peculiar methods of raising children

The wife of American actor Will Smith, Judd Pinkett, has always had an open-minded view of relationships. In her opinion, husband and wife are free people and can do whatever they want. Love is above jealousy and betrayal. Their family is an ideal to follow. Most couples wanted to be like Smith and Jaddah. But recently it became known that the couple was breaking up, and a rumor appeared that Will was living separately from his wife.

Will Smith with his wife

As it turned out, Will cheated on his wife with the young actress Margot Robbie, who is twenty years younger than her chosen one. Jadda and her husband appear at events together less and less often. But the media does not want to believe in the divorce of an ideal couple, maybe this is a temporary separation? But the facts say otherwise; the wife and children even moved to another house.

Will Smith and his wife

But we had no reason to worry. The couple were recently spotted taking a walk together in New York. They answer questions about divorce in the negative and even laugh it off. Good times came again in their family and harmony came. The acting family is again acting in films, and Jadda is also recording songs.

Will Smith with family

Will Smith also became involved in charity work, and he and his wife created a fund to support youth and families. The couple invest a lot of money there.

Jada speaks of Will as the best and most wonderful husband in the world. She is grateful to fate for such a person and is glad that he gave her two wonderful children. Now the family lives in Malibu and has no plans to divorce.

Will Smith is a brilliant American actor and rapper who avoids boredom in any form. The films he stars in are spectacular and dynamic, and Smith's charm and audacity add to their charm. In any situation, the actor sparkles with optimism and wit, which invariably lifts the audience’s spirits and makes them wait for his new films. Even when playing tragic roles, he leaves room for hope for a better life.

What's most impressive about his performances in blockbusters and comedies is that he often plays himself rather than a fictional character. Smith treats failures and the admiration of critics and fans for his work with the same humor and irony.

Relatives and friends adore him, because the actor is unpredictable and it is almost impossible to guess what joke or prank he will pull off in the next minute. Those around him are confident that Will Smith can do anything, and he does not disappoint them, holding his position on the list of the most successful performers in Hollywood for more than a decade.

Willard Carroll Smith was born on September 25, 1968 in the 5th largest city in the United States, Philadelphia, located 200 km from Washington. The name “Willard” is a talisman in his family: it was his father’s name, and it was the same name Will Smith gave to his first-born. The family of an engineer and a schoolteacher had four children, but the marriage actually broke up in 1981. True, the actor’s parents officially filed for divorce only in 2000.

The boy grew up agile and lively. He responded to teachers’ reproaches for unfinished assignments with an angelic smile and a promise to certainly improve. Thanks to his cunning and charm, he got away with a lot. Will had no end to his friends either.

He played the role of DJ at school parties and danced beautifully. In the late 80s, the young man met musician Jeff Townes. Their duet “DJ Jazzy Jeff & the fresh Prince” not only became popular among young people, but Prince Smith also used the pseudonym Prince on his first filming.

The beginning of a creative career

For 6 years, he played the main role in the series “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” about a guy who accidentally ended up in an elite area and turned everything upside down there.

Once in Los Angeles, Will Smith realized that he had pulled out a lucky ticket, but his position in the film industry needed to be strengthened. He hired an agent who introduced him to studio bosses and directors. Before them, he appeared as a kind of “shirt guy”, possessing some baggage, like a Grammy for a music album and recognition from a youth audience.

This approach has borne fruit. At the age of 27, the matured Smith starred in the ironic action film Bad Boys, opposite Martin Lawrence. The audience liked the film due to its dynamically developing plot and the excellent performances of both actors. After the box office success of the film, studios were ready to bet on the young debutant, and his path in the film industry continued after a triumphant start.

In the mid-90s, contracts generously rained down on the smiling and promising Will Smith. One after another, he played roles in “Independence Day,” the “Men in Black” trilogy and “Wild, Wild West.”

The last film, unlike previous blockbusters, became rather a failure in his career, not even recouping the budget spent on it. The film featured stars such as Salma Hayek and Kevin Kline, but their efforts did not save the film.

An additional reason for Smith's annoyance was the crazy interest of the audience in the brilliantly made "The Matrix", where the main role was intended for him. Well, it’s impossible to be a visionary and guess the final result of filming. To the actor’s credit, it should be noted that in all interviews he sincerely praised the work and noted that he himself could not have played Neo better.

The main films in the life of an actor

After the failure of “Wild Wild West,” Will Smith decided to change his role and transform into a deeper hero. The idol of all African-Americans was the legendary boxer Mohammed Ali. Smith was anxious about his future role.

He looked through the recordings of the fights, read the memoirs of eyewitnesses and, of course, received the blessing of Ali himself. Having put his soul into this film, the actor earned recognition from film academics, who nominated him for the Golden Globe and Oscar awards in 2002. Although he only won an MTV award, the film Ali is very dear to him.

For viewers accustomed to seeing Smith in comedic roles, Will presented a gift in the form of the insanely funny film “Rules of Filming: The Hitch Method.” In it, he again returned to the image of a perky and enterprising guy who helps his shy brothers conquer their beloved girl. She shone in the leading female role. The on-screen duet of actors turned out just fine: both were funny and full of emotions.

The number of films in the Men in Black franchise is gradually increasing. There are rumors that a fourth film is just around the corner. Smith loves these fantasy films, which allow him to both fool around and save the world.

Since childhood, Will Smith has been interested in music. In the duet “DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince,” he composed impressive lyrics, and his partner was responsible for the musical accompaniment. The teenager never reached into his pocket for a word, which was reflected in the content of his rap compositions.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to retain fame among young audiences forever. Having reached adulthood, Will left the band, but continued to record hits. He released 4 discs of hip-hop songs.

Even Smith’s failure with the film “Wild Wild West” cannot be considered unconditional, since the composition he recorded for the film took the top lines of the music charts. At home he equipped not only a cinema hall, but also a professional studio. There he occasionally composes songs that delight his children.

Awards and prizes

The actor was twice nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor, but has not yet received the coveted statuette. However, the box office receipts of Smith's films exceeded all conceivable limits. Last year he became the highest paid actor.

Will Smith is the winner of 4 MTV awards and an Honorary Cesar. He also has several “Golden Raspberries”, but his loved ones try to never remember them.

The actor is distinguished by his relaxedness and gallantry with girls, so he always had a lot of fans. In his youth, he did not have to come up with a special plan of action to conquer a pretty classmate or neighbor. They themselves were not averse to meeting a pleasant, smiling guy.

Having become a popular musician, Will lost count of his girlfriends. One of them, Sheri Zampino, became his wife in 1992 and gave birth to their son, Willard Christopher (Trey), in November of that year. The marriage broke up after 3 years, but the young man regularly appears with his father at festivals. He is also trying himself in the film industry.

The youngest children, son Jaden and daughter Willow, were born to Smith by his second wife, Jada Pinkett. At first, the actor was embarrassed by her small height, just over 1.5 m, and he even refused to film with her. However, a few years later they played in the same film, and Jada interested her partner with her resilient character. She, like Will, is sharp-tongued and distinguished by rare tenacity.

Smith takes children into his projects and contributes in every possible way to their success in Hollywood. Both Jaeden and Willow have millions of followers on social networks and are popular among their peers.

Jada stoically endures rumors about her husband's affairs on film sets. Their marriage almost suffered a serious crack only when the newspapers were full of headlines about the relationship between Will Smith and the beautiful Margot Robbie. They were partners in more than one film, and the press drew appropriate conclusions from this. However, Jada and Will maintained their relationship, and the scandalous news faded away.

2016 turned out to be a difficult year for the artist. His father and idol Mohammed Ali died within a few months of each other. Coincidentally, Smith's film, in which he plays a grief-stricken father who loses his child, was released at the same time.

It is unknown whether the filming helped him to throw out his suffering or, on the contrary, hurt him even more. Family and friends supported Will Smith in the same way as in the film, his work colleagues tried to save his hero from despair.

After a series of successful performances by the duo and the release of their first disc, friends persuaded the young singer to invest money in a company that sells and rents luxury goods: expensive watches, jewelry and limousines.

Having neither knowledge nor special connections in the business world, Will not only went broke, but also got into debt. Almost the entire fee for the first season of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air went to cover losses.

Smith's youngest son, Jaden, sometimes wears a skirt and says his example will change the way men think about comfortable clothing. The number of his followers is still unknown, but the famous father reacted negatively to his son’s eccentric antics. But Jada, who fights for the rights of sexual minorities, called Jaden a hero and a pioneer in fashion and forbade Will to criticize him.

Following the example of his wife, Will Smith boycotted the Oscar ceremony in 2016 due to the lack of black actors among the nominees. Jada considers this discrimination that should be brought to everyone's attention.

In 2019, fans of the actor are waiting for the release of the film “Aladdin”. It has already been announced that Smith will play the role of the genie. This creature is quite funny and tricky even in the cartoon. It's hard to predict what Will's genie will look like, but it's likely to be unforgettable.


All over the world, Will Smith's participation in the film is perceived as a guarantee of its quality and unusual plot twists. His old films are regularly shown on various TV channels, and viewers enjoy watching them. Smith is one of those lucky ones who did not have to take a long road to fame, starting with roles in episodes. He immediately became famous and in demand in the studios.

His family is considered influential and close-knit in Hollywood. The actor admits that Jada rules with an iron fist. Her family is afraid of her, and the almighty producers respect her. She carefully studies all the scripts sent to her husband and strictly weeds out uninteresting projects.

Will is softer by nature and can allow himself to be persuaded, but Jada does not allow him to make mistakes. Will Smith's career was successful, and his family became a reliable support and support. All this allows the actor to move forward and delight fans with interesting roles.

The short brunette, who can often be found in the company of the flamboyant Hollywood actor Will Smith, is not just another hobby of the tall, dark-skinned handsome man, this is his faithful and beloved wife Jada Pinkett Smith, with whom he has been together for about 15 years.

Will Smith's wife is an actress and aspiring director

The future wife of the famous actor was born in 1971 in Baltimore. Just a few months after her birth, the girl’s parents decided to divorce and little Jada spent her entire childhood mainly with her mother. By the way, it was my mother who strongly supported her daughter’s numerous hobbies in various types of creativity. As a child, Jada was fond of playing the piano, tap dancing, took ballet lessons for some time, and was also a student at the Baltimore School of the Arts. The bright and talented girl did not miss a single performance or school concert, where she fully demonstrated her talents. After school, Jada studied for some time at the School of the Arts, and then, like many aspiring actors, she moved to live in Los Angeles.

Jada Pinkett's film debut occurred in 1987, when the girl was given episodic roles in the films “21 Jump Street” and the TV series “Underworld.” These works did not bring her much popularity, but they made her feel like a real actress. Jada continued to receive low-budget roles for the next few years. Her first serious work was the main role in the film “Tales from the Crypt: Knight of the Demons of the Night.” After this, in 1996, Jada acted as the girlfriend of the main character in the film “The Nutty Professor,” where her partner on the set was Eddie Murphy himself. Unfortunately, even having gained some popularity after these roles, Jada again plays only minor roles. Her works include such films as “Return to Paradise”, “In the Next World”, “Welcome to Hollywood” and many others. Another successful and more noticeable work of hers was the role of Naomi in the well-known Matrix trilogy. Despite the fact that Jada Smith did not often get leading roles, she always responded to the directors’ offers and enjoyed gaining experience in supporting roles.

Other hobbies of Jada Smith

Perhaps Jada Pinkett Smith's acting career was not very successful due to the fact that the girl was always drawn a little in the other direction. In addition to filming films, another serious hobby of this girl has always been music. This hobby finally materialized in 2002 - Jada became a vocalist and songwriter in the popular rock band Nu Metal. In 2006, this group released their first debut album, which was very warmly received by fans.

Will Smith's wife's other hobbies include writing children's books and fashion design. In 2004, a fairly successful clothing line was launched under the name of Jada Pinkett Smith.

Jada and Will's romance

The first acquaintance of the already famous actor Will Smith and the inconspicuous aspiring actress Jada took place on the set of the film “The Cool Prince of Bel-Air.” Unlike her future husband, Jada came to audition for a cameo role. Then the tall, handsome Will practically did not pay attention to the girl, all his thoughts were occupied with another object of adoration - the aspiring actress Sherry Zampino, who later became his first wife.

3 years later, when Will had already divorced Sherri, he and Jada met again. It was as if fate itself had brought these young people together after so many years in one place. This time, Will didn’t miss this fragile and so charming girl who came to the party alone. After some time, Jada and Will no longer knew what it was like to not be together. After a few more months of beautiful courtship, Will made the girl an offer that she could not refuse.

The first thing Jada Pinkett Smith did after she moved in with her fiancé was to completely change the interior of his huge, sometimes uninhabited house. Designers helped Jada create beauty, but it is her hand that is felt in every photograph on the wall, every jug on the shelf and every decorative element. Such a beautiful house, which Will Smith’s wife had a hand in decorating, was almost immediately filled with children’s voices. The first to be born was the son of Jada and Will, who was named Jaden, and 2 years later, the daughter of Will. In addition, from his first marriage, Will has another son, Willard Trey, with whom the actor continues to communicate. Now the boy is already 12 years old and he is a frequent visitor to the Smith family. Jada, by the way, fully supports her husband’s desire to communicate with his son. There is even a separate room for Willard Trey in their house.

Having performed at Luzhniki with the anthem of the 2018 World Cup, together with his wife Jada Pinkett and three children (20-year-old Jaden and 17-year-old Willow, as well as the actor’s 25-year-old son from his first marriage, Trey), he went on a well-deserved vacation. The star family is vacationing in Italy and periodically sharing funny pictures and videos. For example, yesterday Smith recorded a short video with his wife, in which he asked her to demonstrate herself in all her glory.

Jada Pinkett, however, at that moment looked as relaxed as possible, which, in principle, is normal for a person enjoying a walk on a yacht. But after some time, the actress decided to follow her husband’s advice and published a seductive photo in a bikini. “Since Will Smith made me look crazy in his video, I have to answer him somehow,” Jada captioned the photo.

By the way, yesterday Smith’s wife shared another rather provocative photo. She posted a shot of herself sitting on the deck with her back to the camera and sunbathing without a swimsuit top. “PEACE,” the actress left a laconic signature.

Will Smith vacationing in Italy with his family

Let us remember that a couple of weeks ago, Jada Pinkett Smith admitted that she had been struggling with addiction for a long time. According to the actress, in her youth she suffered especially greatly from addiction to sex and alcohol. Fortunately, over time she managed to overcome her addictions, and now Jada leads a healthy lifestyle.

Note that Jada starred in the action movie " Fallen Angel", about the plot of which almost nothing is known. But the film has an impressive cast: in addition to Pinkett Smith, such stars of the action genre as Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, as well as Piper Perabo and others took part in it. “Fallen Angel” will be released worldwide on March 14, 2019; the film has not yet been purchased for Russian distribution. In addition, this summer the comedy " Cool girls", in which Jada played one of the main roles. The story of four best friends' trip to a festival in New Orleans won an MTV Award.

Promo for the film “Awesome Girls”

Will Smith is a famous actor not only in his native America, but also a director, as well as a hip-hop performer. In 2008, according to Forbes magazine, he was named the most expensive actor on the planet. Could Will, being a simple guy, have counted or dreamed of such incredible, frantic popularity? No, of course, he definitely could have dreamed, but did he believe that his dream would come true so quickly? Now, an actor can live without denying himself anything, but that’s not the case, he continues to work because he no longer knows how to sit with his hands folded.

Height, weight, age. How old is Will Smith

Height, weight, age. How old is Will Smith - fundamental data that needs to be announced first. So, the height of the foreign actor is 188 centimeters; weight eighty-nine kilograms; age – forty-eight years. They say that you can’t step into the same river twice, but Will managed to do it, we are talking about the fact that the man twice achieved the palm and resounding success.

This first happened in the mid-eighties, during which time he became famous for being a pioneer of the genre of “comic hip-hop”. After the first success, after some ten years, Smith again found himself on the crest of a wave, this time he managed to get the main prize - recognition not only of the audience, but also of film critics around the globe.

Biography and personal life of Will Smith

Biography and personal life of Will Smith - celebrated September 25, 1968. To put it simply, the guy was born on this day. The birthplace of the future celebrity was Philadelphia, USA. In his family, the boy was the second child of four. His mother worked as a teacher, while his father worked as a worker for a refrigeration company. At school they called him “prince” because the boy had charm, and, importantly, he had an excellent tongue, he knew how to get out of almost any unpleasant situations. Since the young man was an excellent student, he received an offer for further studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but Will refused such a great chance, and instead he began his career in the show and film business.

Filmography: films starring Will Smith

The actor’s filmography includes the following films: “Men in Black”, “Independence Day”, “I Am Legend” and many other films with him in the title role.

Will Smith's family and children

Will Smith's family and children are distinguished by their cohesion; he has a son, Trey, with his first wife. But from his current wife Jada they have a complete set, that is: both a son and a daughter. Will Smith and his family are more united than ever today. It is possible that it is not easy for children to withstand the fame of such a star dad, but they never openly demonstrate this in public. Previously, the press intensely discussed their split with Shari Zampino, but when Will began dating Jada, all the attention of the press switched to his new relationship, and the avalanche of discussion slowly but surely faded away. Before getting married, the couple had known each other for some time, because Jada, just like Will, connected her life with the film industry.

Will Smith's son - Willard Christopher Smith III (Trey)

Will Smith's son Willard Christopher Smith III (Trey) was born on November 11, 1992 in Los Angeles. The young man's height is 184 centimeters. After his parents separated, Trey chose to stay with his mother Shari Zampino, considering this action the right thing to do, but this did not affect his normal relationship with his father. They continue to see Will often, moreover, his father supports him in every possible way. The young man decided to follow in his father’s footsteps, starting his journey in the field of cinema. Although he cannot boast of great success here yet, he is seriously aimed at winning. And, as you know, time is the only thing that puts everything in its place, and we will see how correct Trey’s choice of future profession was.

Will Smith's son Jaden Smith

Will Smith's son Jaden Smith was born on July 8, 1988 in Malibu, California. The boy did not attend school like his peers, but was home-schooled with his sister. As fate would have it, the film with Will Smith and his son called “The Pursuit of Happyness” was very successful at the box office, and for his role Jaden also received an award in the category “best film breakthrough of the year.” In addition to acting, the young man shows intense interest in writing rap and dancing. The personal life of the son of the famous actor is also not a stagnant swamp; he has already managed to break the hearts of two beautiful girls, first it was model Sarah Snyder, and then Kylie Jenner, a participant in one of the popular shows in America.

Will Smith's daughter - Willow Smith

Will Smith's daughter Willow Smith was born on October 31, 2000 in Los Angeles, California. Although the girl is only sixteen years old, she has clearly decided what she will do all her life. Willow can already be called a successful singer and actress. She started her career in 2007. The young girl was lucky to voice one of the famous children's cartoons, Madagascar 2. In 2010, having recorded her album, she began to release clips one after another, which are popular on television channels. Activity and ability to work, the girl has nothing to do with it. Apparently, this was passed on to her genetically from her father, an equally active figure. Naturally, Willow will not press the “stop” button, the vector is only forward.

Will Smith's ex-wife Shiri Zampino

Will Smith's ex-wife Shiri Zampino was married to the actor from 1992 until the end of 1995. Yes, their marriage was not so strong, it lasted only about three years, however, it bore fruit, or rather the fruit - a beautiful son, Trey, who is now a fully formed, adult personality. Often in the press, you can find journalists saying that Shiri is now nothing more than a “shadow of the past” of the famous actor. In truth, such statements have a basis, especially since our past sometimes does not flow away without a trace, but what is most curious is that Smith’s real wife is not touched by such provocations of journalists.

Will Smith's wife - Jada Pinkett Smith

Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett Smith was born on September 18, 1971 in Baltimore, USA. Her mother worked as a head nurse in one of the clinics, and, according to Jada herself, knowing what her daughter wanted to achieve, she never stood in her way and did not forbid her from realizing her goals. The relationship between mother and daughter has always been honest, very trusting, and remains so now. She began her career by acting in episodic roles, albeit in film works that later became famous throughout the world, for example in the same: “The Matrix”, “Scream 2”. Now the woman has become not only an actress and singer, but has also developed the gift of writing and published a book in 2004. Jada has a younger brother named Calib Pinkett, also an actor.

Instagram and Wikipedia Will Smith

Will Smith's Instagram and Wikipedia are completely unclassified information. The Wikipedia page is here: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith,_Will. Despite his full time job, the actor decided to register on Instagram, link to his page: https://www.instagram.com/willsmithphotos/. Half the globe follows him online – that’s a success! Will often shares funny shots from his ordinary, family life, and also publishes photographs of the filming process. It doesn’t matter at all what kind of shots a celebrity publishes, what’s important is that they follow him, discuss each photo, comment on and rate him. Will Smith's career is accomplished, but there is still a lot of exciting things ahead!

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