How to ferment cabbage correctly so that it is crispy. Crispy sauerkraut: recipe Okay google sauerkraut recipe

Cabbage, cabbage on the table is not empty! Sauerkraut, fresh, pickled, fried, in borscht and cabbage soup, cabbage rolls and salad, vinaigrette...with or without meat, mushrooms and other vegetables! The variety of dishes made from this product is amazing; what a good housewife does not prepare from this popular vegetable, which we have long recognized as primordially Russian...

The classic recipe and plus 8 pickling recipes - you'll lick your fingers:

There is an abyss of vitamins and minerals in it, it seems to surpass even the famous guest of the overseas lemon, which is definitely useful, there are no particular contraindications either.

And, whatever one may say, most dishes require exactly that – sauerkraut. You can, of course, go and buy, there is now variety and abundance on the market, but something made with your own hands was, is and will be a source of pride for any housewife. Especially if it was a success - white, juicy, crispy!

Of course, there is a lot of fuss and cleaning up afterwards, but it’s worth it. I can’t even imagine how there won’t be jars of this beauty standing in a row in my cellar. And what a balm for the heart when a guest, having tasted it at the table, asks for a recipe or subtly hints that a jar of such deliciousness would be the best gift for him.

So, today we are sauerkraut in different ways and variations, and I will write which one is my favorite in that very recipe!

For work you need: a couple of large basins or pans, enamel buckets are also good, jars, cleanly washed and well dried in a row, plastic lids, also well washed, two for each jar - then I’ll tell you why two.

Grandma’s shredder or a newfangled knife with three blades, for the especially lazy - a food processor with a shredder attachment, I’ll say right away that it cuts a little finely, but for those who don’t have any of this, a simple kitchen knife with a long blade and an ordinary hand grater will help out. And salt, the main thing is not to forget, coarsely ground in a large 3-liter jar with a spoon stuck in, we will need a lot of it today!

I think I’ve listed everything, let’s begin the process of pickling delicious cabbage. Everything is as usual, at first the recipes are simpler, and then with bells and whistles. Everything is step by step, easy and fast.

How to deliciously ferment cabbage at home: secrets and tricks

There are many tricks in this process, so for beginners, read what I write next with special attention:

  1. For pickling cabbage, we choose medium and late varieties; early cabbage is absolutely not suitable - it will be soft and unappetizing. The head of cabbage is dense, hard, weighty, the color inside is white.
  2. You shouldn’t grind it too much when cutting, otherwise you won’t hear a crunch.
  3. Coarsely ground salt, not iodized.
  4. Utensils for the product – glass, enamel, wood. No aluminum or stainless steel!
  5. The temperature during fermentation is cool, 18-22 and no changes.
  6. To ferment in an enamel bucket, tank or wooden barrel, it is necessary to have a pressure - a circle with a slightly smaller diameter than the container and a weight on top. Our grandmothers used a wooden circle and a cleanly washed cobblestone; I, as an advanced granddaughter, use a suitable inverted enamel pan lid instead of a wooden circle and a five-liter plastic bottle with water instead of a cobblestone.
  7. A brand new wooden barbecue skewer is quite suitable for piercing.
  8. This prepared product should be stored in a cold cellar or refrigerator so as not to over-acidify from 0 to 3 degrees.
  9. The longer cabbage is stored, the more sour it becomes.
  10. For borscht, bigos or cabbage soup, sauerkraut can be frozen in the freezer, packaged in small containers or bags so that it can be used at a time after defrosting.
  11. And lastly, it’s better to ferment cabbage during the waxing moon... I don’t know why, but my grandmother always did it that way.

God help you, as they say!

Kvasim in a three-liter jar!

  • cabbage forks for one and a half to two kg;
  • two hundred and one grams of carrots,
  • salt two level tablespoons,
  • sugar half a tablespoon.


  1. Three carrots into a bowl on a coarse grater, shred the cabbage on top.
  2. Sprinkle with salt and sugar and mix.
  3. After waiting a couple of minutes, lightly rub the mass with your hands until the juice appears.
  4. We compact it tightly into a three-liter jar to the top, along with the released juice.
  5. Cover with a lid and leave to ferment at room temperature for three days. We place the jar in a tray (you can use a plate), suitable for collecting the juice released during fermentation, so that it does not flood the table.
  6. Every day we pierce the cabbage from top to bottom with a wooden skewer in two or three places.
  7. Cover the finished cabbage with two lids. We bend one in half and insert it inside, where it will straighten out and press the base so that it does not spoil on top, and we put the second one on the neck, as it should be. We put it in a cool place.

You can add anise or coriander to the cabbage, and dill seeds to taste.

Well, everything is simple here, you get a ready-made salad right away, you don’t need to put it away in the cellar, you can eat it tomorrow!

  • a small fork about a kilo and a half.
  • one carrot, medium,
  • salt a tablespoon,
  • 100g vegetable oil,
  • tablespoon of acetic acid,
  • sugar 4 tablespoons,
  • black peppercorns 5pcs,
  • bay leaf 2 leaves.


Shred the cabbage and mix with grated carrots and pepper, bay leaves, and place tightly in a jar. Prepare the marinade from the remaining ingredients: boil half a liter of water and add salt, sugar, oil, vinegar to the boiling water. Pour boiling marinade over it. A slight bend on top and into the refrigerator. You can eat tomorrow. Bon appetit!

Sauerkraut for the winter is very tasty in 3 liter jars in honey brine

This recipe differs from the classics in that we will cook it in honey brine and immediately roll it into 3 liter jars. You can make a lot, or you can cook it in the fall or winter. Since it takes little time to prepare, the cabbage you get is very quick and very tasty.

Prep time - take note of these recipes (be sure to watch):

  1. Dressing for borscht for the winter

Sauerkraut without salt and sugar - classic recipe

This is a recipe for those for whom salt is contraindicated, but still want cabbage soup with sauerkraut.

As usual, chop the cabbage and mix with carrots. Grind thoroughly in a basin with your hands until a fair amount of juice comes out.

Place it in a jar and press down on top. A glass water bottle will do just fine. Every day we remove the oppression and mix the contents.

In three days it's ready. Store in the refrigerator and consume quickly, as the shelf life is very short.

Ooooh! ...This is my favorite recipe, and I have slightly improved it. To use it in large quantities, you need to have a cold cellar near your house; if not, then just put a couple of cans in the refrigerator.

  • carrots, grated on a coarse grater, bucket,
  • 10 dense peeled cabbage heads weighing 3-4 kg,
  • water, boiled and cooled, it’s better just a spring bucket, I’m lucky, in our village the tap water in our village is artesian, the purest, so I pour it straight from the tap as needed,
  • salt,
  • three-liter jars, washed with soda and dried, about twenty.

Classic recipe:

  1. In prepared three-liter jars, I pour a little more than half a liter of water into each and throw in two tablespoons of salt without top, stirring until it disperses. In a huge basin on my grandmother’s old shredder, I cut a couple of heads of cabbage and sprinkle them with grated carrots, about 5 parts from the bucket, mix lightly and immediately compact them into jars in the basin until the brine goes over the top. I do this with my hands and a wooden masher, as tightly as possible.
  2. When the mixture is finished, I completely repeat step one. And so on three more times until the carrots and cabbage are gone.
  3. I cover the jars with lids, one inside, the other on top, and immediately lower them into the cold cellar.

No pickling, piercing or waiting for you! A couple of times during the winter I go down to the cellar with a ladle of clean water and add it to where the water has evaporated a little during storage.

The result is beyond praise, whoever tried it, they say you can eat your mind! The cabbage turns out lightly salted, snow-white, very crispy and without acid. When you open the jar, if you try it, it tastes a little bitter, that’s how it should be. But by the time you put it on a plate, not a trace of bitterness remains! Onion and butter in it, which smells like seeds, you can grate an apple... and even at a festive table with all sorts of delicacies, guests will grind it first!

  • three heads of cabbage of two kg or two of three kg,
  • kilogram of coarsely grated carrots,
  • salt a glass a little more than half a glass,
  • apples 1-2 kg, as you like.

Let's start fermenting:

  1. Chop the heads of cabbage in a large bowl, mix with carrots and salt.
  2. Quickly peel the washed apples - remove the seed chamber and cut into thin slices. Stir into the cabbage without delay to prevent the apples from browning.
  3. Place in an enamel bucket and compact, cover with clean cabbage leaves and place under pressure. You don't need a lot of weight, just a plastic bag and a half with water is enough.
  4. We pierce it twice every day and remove the foam as it appears.
  5. Ferment for no more than 5 days, regularly skim off any foam that forms.
  6. When the brine is clear, put it into jars and put it in a cold cellar.

An excellent salad with the addition of onions and sunflower oil!

Well, a very simple recipe! The main thing is not to let fermentation begin, and therefore do everything quickly.

  • a little more than two kilograms of cabbage,
  • one medium carrot,
  • half a glass of cranberries, preferably hard ones,
  • sugar 2 tablespoons,
  • salt 2 tablespoons without top.

Recipe for a three-liter jar.


  1. Chop with forks and mix in a bowl with grated carrots, salt and sugar, rub with your hands to release the juice.
  2. Mix with cranberries and pack tightly into the jar.
  3. Fill to the top with the released juice.
  4. Place a lid on the inside, another on the outside of the neck and immediately into the cellar or refrigerator. It will be ready in twenty days!

The salad turns out very tasty and rich in vitamins, with a good traditional taste.

Sauerkraut with beets - a classic recipe for the winter

Well, not just with beets, but let’s make it spicy and piquant in Georgian style.

  • two kilos of cabbage, cut into large cubes with a side of three centimeters,
  • a good celery root, grated,
  • hot pepper, seeds removed, finely chopped,
  • good beetroot, about three hundred grams, grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips,
  • salt two tablespoons,
  • water 1 liter,
  • acetic acid half a tablespoon.

Cooking classic:

  1. Mix all the vegetables in a cup and place them very tightly, but do not tamp them, into a three-liter jar with a Euro-screw lid. If the mixture remains, you can also fill a small jar, for example, a liter jar, depending on the remaining volume.
  2. Boil water, add salt and acetic acid. Cool the marinade, pour it right up to the lid, screw the lid on and immediately into the cold cellar.

You can put a small one in the refrigerator, and after a week try it with potatoes, it will turn out to be a finger-licking salad!

Sauerkraut: benefits and harms

Well, as for vitamins and microelements, I said at the beginning, there are a lot of them in cabbage and in its brine, accordingly it regulates metabolism, strengthens the immune system, makes a person resistant to stress, strengthens blood vessels and lowers cholesterol.

Because it is low-calorie, it is used in various diets for those who want to lose weight.

What about the harm? Of course, it is harmful for ulcer patients with high acidity, kidney patients and hypertensive patients, since salt causes increased stress on the kidneys and increases blood pressure. Well, as my grandmother used to say, don’t eat a bucket at once, a couple of spoons is enough!..

Now you know how to ferment the most popular appetizer, now you can do anything with this preparation - be it soup, or salad, or even as a snack. Very piquant and any one can be our snow-white one. Be sure to at least prepare a jar for the winter!

Sauerkraut This recipe is very tasty, crispy, and also quite quick to prepare! There is no need to crush it with your hands, since it is fermented in brine. The recipe is very simple and proven over the years!


For a 3 liter jar:
  • 2-2.3 kg white cabbage (late)
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • a few grinds of black or allspice (optional)


  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons salt (not iodized)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

Making crispy sauerkraut in brine:

  1. Prepare the brine by dissolving salt and sugar in warm boiled water. (By the way, cabbage can be filled only with clean water.)
  2. Peel the cabbage from the top leaves, cut into several parts and chop with a knife, on a grater or in a food processor, depending on what you have.

    Shredded cabbage for fermentation

  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

    Grated carrots

  4. Mix cabbage with carrots.

    Cabbage and carrots for fermentation in brine

  5. Transfer this mixture to a clean jar, compacting it slightly (but not too much). Place a few bay leaves and peppercorns between the layers.

    Making crispy sauerkraut

  6. Pour brine into the jar so that it completely covers the cabbage. (Depending on how you cut it, finely or coarsely, you will need 1.2-1.5 liters of brine.)

    Filling with brine

    Cabbage in brine

  7. Loosely cover the jar with a lid or cover it with a bandage folded several times. Place in a deep plate, as during fermentation the brine will rise and overflow.

    Making delicious sauerkraut

  8. Leave in the kitchen for two to three days. Make sure that the top layer of cabbage is not left without brine (when this happens, just tamp it down a little with a spoon). It is also advisable to sometimes pierce it with a wooden stick to the bottom so that the gas comes out. The fermentation time for cabbage depends on the temperature. If the kitchen is warm, the cabbage will be ready in two days. However, high temperatures, as well as low ones, have a bad effect on the fermentation process (for example, mucus may appear), it is best when it is around 20 ºС.
  9. When the sauerkraut is ready, place it in the refrigerator.

That's all! You can make various salads, fillings for or from sauerkraut, or simply season it with oil and serve.

P.S. If you liked the recipe, don't forget to receive new recipes by email.

Bon appetit!

Julia author of the recipe

Since ancient times, cabbage has been and continues to be a desirable product on every table. Autumn harvesting for future use using the fermentation method is especially popular. But not all housewives know how to make sauerkraut at home. Some people prefer ready-made ones from the supermarket or market. The quality of such a delicacy is questionable. Who knows what technology was used to create the product, what hands were used to knead the ingredients.

Secrets of successful cooking

Our ancestors also knew the secrets of how to make sauerkraut especially tasty. The technology was passed on to subsequent generations. New components were added. But time has not changed the key requirements for cooking. To get a successful snack, you need:

  1. Cut strips up to 5 mm with a sharp knife. Smaller pieces have a weak crunch.
  2. Ferment in enamel, glass, oak containers. It is contraindicated to use aluminum containers, since the lactic acid formed during fermentation interacts with the metal.
  3. Ferment at room temperature or slightly lower. If more than 24°C - mucus forms, less than 20°C - souring stops.
  4. Compact the chopped vegetables and press down with a heavy weight so that the released juice covers the surface. The mass outside the liquid darkens and becomes soft.
  5. Periodically pierce the contents of the container with a long stick. The dish will be bitter and smell unpleasant if fermentation gases are not removed.

After 3 days of fermentation, you can start eating cabbage. But it will acquire a complete taste in a week. Acceptable storage temperature is 0-2 °C. Stores up to 9 months. To prevent the surface from becoming moldy, it is sprinkled with mustard. Frozen pickled salad at home lasts longer.

Important: Juicy white forks that are moderately firm to the touch are suitable for souring. Soft early or hard late varieties are not suitable.

Classic recipe for dry fermentation

Not everyone knows how to make sauerkraut correctly without additional brine. Although you don't have to be an advanced cook to prepare a traditional snack. The method is more than simple: for 4 kg of white cabbage we take 400 g of carrots, 80 g of sugar, 80 g of coarse salt.

Important: You cannot use iodized salt. Iodine interferes with the growth of fermentation bacteria. The salad will turn out soft and slippery.

The cooking process is step by step:

  • We chop clean forks into 3-4 mm strips.
  • Coarsely grate the prepared carrots.
  • Salt the vegetables and lightly knead them in a bowl.
  • Add sugar, 6 peppercorns, mix.
  • Fill a 5-liter pan or the same jar with the mixture, not forgetting to compact each ball with your fist. The released juice will overflow over the edges, so you need a basin under the bottom.
  • Cover the surface with gauze. If a pan is used, oppression is required.
  • Fermentation lasts 3 days. Periodically remove the foam, rinse the gauze, and release gases. Towards the end of souring, foaming will decrease.
  • On the 4th day, we take the workpiece out into the cold and keep it for another 4 days.
  • Before use, homemade snacks can be placed in small jars.

Now you know how to make crispy, pleasantly sour sauerkraut.

Original pickling recipes

Previously, housewives had to look for recipes for winter salads in every possible way. Valuable information was copied from magazines, learned from colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances. Not all owners of exclusive information were willing to share secrets. Today it is not at all necessary to ask someone how to make sauerkraut at home. Type a question into a search engine and get a detailed description of the method.

Pickling in brine

If you don’t know how to make juicy sauerkraut at home without the risk of mucus formation, try the brine technology. From 2 kg of white cabbage, with the addition of 200 g of carrots, 50 g of salt, the same amount of sugar, as well as 1.5 liters of water, the output will be 3 liters of sweet and sour product. It is prepared like this:

1. Fill jars with chopped and mixed vegetables. Spices are placed on top - a few peppercorns, bay leaves.

2. The contents are filled with warm boiled brine.

3. Souring at home lasts 3 days. The mass is pierced to the bottom from time to time.

4. The fermented salad is cooled on the 4th day.

Important: Do not pour hot solution into the prepared composition. Lactic acid bacteria will die and the product will become moldy.

Recipe using honey

The method is interesting because it involves souring with sterilization. Many people don’t know how to make sauerkraut with honey, the recipe for which allows you to store the rolled-up cabbage all winter. But it’s not at all difficult. The ingredients are the same, except for honey.

Important: Use dark honey, it is more fragrant.

According to the condition, you will need 5 kg of white cabbage, a couple of medium carrots, 90 g of coarse salt, 75 ml of buckwheat honey, 5-6 bay leaves. Stages of preparing a honey-flavored product:

1. Using prepared forks, chop the root vegetables into a large bowl.

2. Add salt to the chopped vegetable mass and squeeze until juice appears.

3. Chop honey in 50-60 ml of warm boiled water.

4. Enrich the ground components with honey solution.

5. Place one bay leaf at the bottom of the prepared liter jars.

6. Fill the containers with vegetables, leaving space on top for juice. If there is excessive juice secretion, drain off some of the liquid.

7. After 3 days of souring, the composition in the jars is sterilized for 20 minutes, then rolled up, turned over, and wrapped.

Spicy sauerkraut

Spicy lovers will enjoy this piquant and bright appetizer. Garlic and horseradish add vigor to the dish, and beets add a pink-burgundy color. From 4 kg of cabbage, 400 g of beets, 30 g of grated horseradish, 2 heads of garlic, 60 g of sugar, 80 g of salt, 1 liter of water yields up to 5-6 liters of an appetizing product. The cooking scenario is as follows:

1. Grate raw peeled beets, as for Korean salad.

2. Chop the garlic with a knife or crush it in a garlic press.

3. Grate fresh horseradish.

4. Chop the head of cabbage into thin strips.

5. Mix all the ingredients in a basin, place in a vessel for souring, pressing firmly with your hand.

6. Pour the hot boiled mixture over the vegetables. If the width of the container allows, oppression is placed.

The fermentation lasts a week. All this time, gases are periodically removed. After absorbing the liquid, the delicacy is placed in smaller containers and cooled.

How to make crispy sauerkraut

Recipe for fermentation based on a three-liter jar

The salad turns out refreshing and crispy. It wears out quickly, but it is easy to repair it again. For a 5-liter bucket of chopped cabbage, grate a couple of medium carrots, add two handfuls of salt, one handful of sugar. Suitable spices include cumin and peppercorns.

Cooking steps:

1. Mix the chopped vegetable mass, lightly grind it, compact it tightly into a jar until juice appears.

2. Cover the neck with gauze, leave the product to ferment for 3-4 days, not forgetting to remove the gases.

3. After the brine has been absorbed, cool. After a couple of days, you can eat the crunchy snack.

Express cabbage

For those who don’t know how to quickly make sauerkraut in a jar, we offer another popular recipe. The method involves the use of 9 percent table vinegar. For a medium-sized fork you need 3 carrots, 4 cloves of garlic, half a glass of vegetable oil, 150 ml of vinegar, half a liter of water, 100 g of sugar, coarse salt to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Chop the vegetables.

2. Crush the garlic.

3. Place the crushed mass in a jar.

4. Prepare the brine and boil.

5. Pour the contents of the container, cover with a plate.

After three hours, you can try the aromatic cabbage. And in a day it will become even tastier.

Every housewife has a variety of fruits, berries and vegetables in her pantry or cellar. There are jars and bottles on the shelves, and on the floor there are barrels and pots with sauerkraut, pickled apples, sour cucumbers and tomatoes, and even pickled watermelons. Find out how to ferment cabbage at home in different ways and increase your range of preparations for the winter.

How to make sauerkraut at home

Pickling has always been considered the best way to prepare vegetables for the winter. After all, we do not use any preservatives and use minimal salt. Only some recipes contain small amounts of sugar. During the fermentation process, a unique preservative is produced - acid, which also suppresses the development and growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Sauerkraut is used to prepare various dishes. These include salads, solyanka, dumplings, and pies. Sauerkraut is also served simply as a separate salad with onions and vegetable oil.

To make harvesting for the winter a success, you must follow several rules:

For 1 kg of fresh cabbage you need to add 25 g of rock salt. If you take more salt, the fermentation process will be weak or the product will not ferment at all. Less salt will cause the cabbage to sour quickly.

Sauerkraut in jars

The recipe is designed to produce a full three-liter jar of delicious crispy cabbage.

Sourdough ingredients:

  • white cabbage – 3.5 kg;
  • two medium carrots;
  • 3 sheets;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • dill umbrella;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt – 75 g.

Cooking process:

For 1 kg of cabbage you need to add 100 g of carrots.

To add spice to the preparation, you can place a few cloves of garlic and a couple of pieces of fresh garlic on the bottom of the jar.

Sauerkraut in a pan with caraway seeds

Sauerkraut has a completely different taste if you add caraway seeds during preparation. We also need quite a bit of allspice peas, dill seeds and a couple of bay leaves. You also need to use sugar in this recipe. Its amount is equal to the amount of rock salt.

For 2 kg of shredded cabbage add 1 tsp. cumin seeds.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop ripe late varieties of cabbage in any way.
  2. Use a coarse grater to chop carrots.
  3. Place shredded cabbage in a large bowl, add sugar and salt. Mix well.
  4. Sprinkle with cumin seeds and mix thoroughly again.
  5. Add the grated carrots and, pressing lightly, mix all the ingredients again. As a result, some cabbage juice will appear.
  6. Wash the enamel pan well and dry. Place the workpiece in it and compact it tightly. The more densely the cabbage is packed, the better the fermentation result will be.
  7. Place cabbage leaves removed in advance on top. Set oppression. If you ferment a lot of cabbage in a large saucepan, then you can use a wooden circle as a pressure. For small pans, use appropriately sized plates. Press either a bottle of water or something else heavy on top.
  8. During fermentation, you need to pierce the cabbage every day with a large knife to release gas bubbles. If you have a thin rolling pin for rolling out dough, use it. Immediately put the pressure back on.

All that remains is to wait for the result when the cabbage is ready to eat. The higher the temperature in the room where the pan is located, the faster the result will be. After fermentation is complete, the cabbage can be transferred to jars.

Starting cabbage at home for the winter

For long-term storage, cabbage is fermented with apples, cranberries, beets and other vegetables. Each recipe is worthy of your attention.

How to make sauerkraut at home in Georgian style

The Georgian recipe for preparing cabbage for the winter involves using large quantities of dark red beets and carrots. Georgian-style sauerkraut is served as a savory snack on the festive table when believers are fasting.

Ingredients for cabbage starter:

  • a head of cabbage weighing 2.5-3 kg;
  • one carrot and one burgundy beet;
  • head of garlic;
  • optional 6 black peppercorns, one hot pepper and one onion.

Prepare a brine from a liter of water, 50 g of salt, 200 g of vinegar and 100 g of sugar.

Cooking steps:

After 12 hours, you can try sauerkraut with beets and carrots.

You can store sauerkraut in a normal cool room.

Sauerkraut delicious cabbage with apples

Just three days after preparation, cabbage pickled with apples and spices can already be tasted.

Ingredients for fermentation:

  • white cabbage – 3 kg;
  • 300 g each of apples and carrots;
  • ginger root – 45 g;
  • dill and cumin seeds 1.5 tsp each;
  • half a teaspoon of ground black pepper;
  • 75 g salt.

Step-by-step preparation:

How to make sauerkraut at home with cranberries in a bucket

Sour lingonberries or cranberries improve the taste of sauerkraut.

Set of ingredients for preparation:

  • 8 kg of white cabbage;
  • 500 g fresh or frozen cranberries;
  • 3 kg carrots;
  • 150 g rock salt.

The amount of ingredients is given for a ten-liter enamel bucket.

Step-by-step preparation:

To ferment cabbage, use only a whole bucket without any chips.

There are many options for fermenting cabbage for the winter and each time you get a completely new taste of the preparation. Instead of cranberries, raisins, lingonberries and even mushrooms are used. Apples are added whole or cut. There are recipes for quickly preparing sauerkraut, and there are recipes for slow fermentation. The choice always remains with the hostess.

How to make sauerkraut at home with honey - video recipe

Video recipe for fermenting cabbage in Old Russian style

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