If a girl asks if you have a girlfriend. Does a girl like you - how to determine? “How was your day?”

Generalization: initial confidence check. Important note: If you do everything correctly, then this check will not be performed. Pay attention to your preliminary actions, states, appearance.

Recipe: Better on the street than in the toilet

Recipe: Why did you come then?

Recipe: Bed is not yet a reason for dating

Recipe: Are you from the Urals?

Recipe: Let me teach you.

Recipe: And when sober?

Conclusion: you can work through neghits (like almost all the examples above), and by demonstrating confidence and adequacy.

2.10 How can I understand that she is interested in me?

Generalization: of course, this can be understood. For this, 2 recipes are used:

Recipe: Use calibration skills to determine depth of rapport, changes in breathing, logical levels of conversation, and other buzzwords.

Recipe: ask: - Do you already know that you are interested in me? Wait for an answer.

Conclusion: in general, there is such a delusional hallucination that if a woman communicates with you, then either she is interested in you, or she has no other choice. I could be wrong.

2.11 How to meet ninja girls? (saleswomen, hairdressers, athletes...)

Generalization: Anatomically, all women, with very rare exceptions, are the same. Physiology and psychology are also similar in many ways. Only the options for spending personal or working time can differ.

Recipe: the same as with other women.

Conclusion: from personal experience. Never, I repeat, never, seduce waitresses from places where you often appear and bring girls there. Leave a generous tip and stay healthy. You don't need jealous looks and various minor misunderstandings when you bring a new girl to your favorite place. So?

3. Conversation

3.1 She asks if I have a girlfriend

Generalization: this is a test, level of difficulty - 2. The purpose of the test is to find out whether you are popular with women. An additional purpose is to check for confidentiality.

Recipe: - I have many beautiful girls I know who like me. And it's mutual. (Avoiding a direct answer, while creating the appearance of great attention from the female sex).

Recipe: - I agree. (The girl’s possible answer is to what? - well, are you suggesting we date, or did I understand something wrong? Shifting the initiative in her direction.)

Recipe: (carefully looking her up and down) - What do you want to find out with this?

Recipe: - I have quite a lot of close friends among girls with whom I have very good relationships.

3.2 She asks how many women you've had

Generalization - verification. Difficulty level – 3. Any exact answer will be incorrect.

Recipe: - I had 4 concussions and one clinical death. That's why I forget a lot. (I don’t remember the shorter version).

Recipe: - More than yours.

Recipe: - From zero to infinity.

Recipe: - Minus one. I tried to jerk off, but it didn't work.

Recipe: - There were three. But then there was another man. And so - two.

Conclusion: the answer is as vague as possible, which, however, leaves a lot of room for getting into the girl’s belief system.

Well, now everything has become clear. And it turned out to be what I was afraid of, although of course it’s good that I found out. This conversation was quite difficult for her. He says that she shouldn’t give her flowers anymore, look after her in any way, etc. because it's all in vain. That she’s not ready for a serious relationship (I already wrote about her previous long-term relationships, when her spouses got other people on the side, but she hasn’t moved on from that yet) and offered to become friends (with real communication, and not just to get off) or not communicate at all (she already suggested this, so that I wouldn’t suffer so much). Even earlier, I read a lot of articles on such topics and realized that it was all about me. That in this case she is not ready for a serious relationship with me. I was not satisfied with this answer and I asked her to tell her that, for example, I was not her type and that’s all. He said that it wouldn’t be offensive, it wouldn’t mean that I’m bad in any way, because people have different tastes and what some people like may not be liked by others. But to this she said that she really liked me and if she didn’t like me, there wouldn’t be so many meetings. Then she said that if it would make me feel better, she could say that she didn’t like me, but that wouldn’t be true. She’s just the same as me and treats her community very responsibly. and says that she wants to take another walk. (Although now she is a homebody and has almost no friends). In March she will go to the regional center to complete her studies for 4 months until June. And she believes that if she hangs out with friends somewhere, then I will call constantly, be jealous, make trouble and forbid her to communicate with them. To this I replied that mutual trust is also very important for me in a relationship and I will not forbid communication, I will not go for walks. And knowing her, she is not one of those who will lie under almost everyone. I told her that I also have friends with whom I regularly communicate, but we are just friends and nothing can happen between us, so I will treat her friends with understanding. Moreover, just a week ago, my sister had a situation when she wanted to leave her m.ch. We really liked him (me and my mother), so they helped us figure out what the problem was. Because he loves her so much, he keeps her on a tight leash: he almost always walks with her, meets her from everywhere, asks who she is with, etc. My sister got tired of this and wanted to leave him. I, too, learned some lessons from their example and will not act like this so that it doesn’t come to this. I explained all this to her. Of course, this long conversation was not intended to make her change her mind right at that moment. I just showed her my position. She also said a funny thing. She thinks that after some time, she will specifically have a child and raise him alone. That she will remain alone all her life. (As I understand after a previous relationship, she really got very tired).

Should I communicate with her in a friendly manner? Maybe over time she will recognize me, begin to trust me more, the wounds from past breakups will subside and all is not lost. Or she made it clear that I have no chance and that they will never appear and that it would be better not to torture myself by stopping communication with her altogether. I really wouldn’t want to miss it, especially if there are small chances. She is very important to me.

If you think your answers are impeccable, why does she always cry in the corner, throwing an ashtray at your head? A girl who has lived for many years among her own kind shares her invaluable experience.

Natalia Radulova

The day will come when she will ask you. The most innocent, at first glance, question - which, upon closer examination, turns out to be more dangerous than cholera. Unless, of course, you can find the correct answer to it.

It's not just women who ask. Tax inspectors, investigators and embassies of foreign powers to which you are trying to get a visa often suffer from this same sweet weakness. So there is no need to slander female obsession - at least we very rarely shout “Ausweiss!” at you, demanding that you list the maiden names of all your great-grandmothers in alphabetical order. When we ask you our eternal questions, we most often crave not information - but the right reaction. And usually we don’t wait for it. Perhaps this is what we need... but in general, a compromise would make both sides happier. You would stop being angry, she would stop being offended, and valuable porcelain plates would remain intact. And there are only a few of these unfortunate questions - what should you learn once and for all the correct answers to them? Well, please-ahh! Well, what is it worth to you?!.. And happiness will immediately come on earth, and we will all, holding hands, dance on a green meadow a dance of harmony and general delight.

"Do you love me?"

As usual you answer:
a) Yes.
b) What do you think I’m doing now?
c) Well, you know why ask!
d) Who? I?

All of the above answers are not, in fact, answers to this question. In fact, she already suspects that you treat her well - but she passionately wants to listen to all sorts of beautiful and promising words. The lady needs a sip of attention, and you offer her a few drops. So she will repeat again: “Do you love me?” The subsequent dialogue is easy to predict:

YOU: I said yes!
SHE: That's not what I asked. I asked: do you love me?
YOU: Yes-aaah! I love. Almost like myself. You are happy?
SHE: I just asked if you love me, and you immediately start yelling!

You spend the next half hour in silence. Her condemnation blazes in neon letters. You click the TV remote control nervously. She slams the bedroom door. You sleep on the sofa in the living room. After a week of hassle and showdown, you finally make peace. And you live peacefully until the next “Do you love me?”

How to answer this question:

There is such a term in linguistics. It's called an "expanded proposal". It is necessary to answer with the help of these proposals. Avoid humor, don’t give in to utter slobbering, and take heartfelt pauses in places where you start to lose your train of thought. The general idea of ​​the statement should be that without it, your life would be devoid of purpose, joy and any meaning. (If you feel too embarrassed, you can cross your fingers behind your back.)

Just twenty-two words instead of one pathetic partisan “uh-huh” - and you can consider that our diplomats have achieved significant success in the peaceful resolution of the military conflict.

"I look like?"

As usual you answer:
Oh good.
b) Great.
c) Normal.
d) You don’t say anything, you depict everything with facial muscles.

How to answer:

We are trying to collect a generous tribute of admiration from you, but you want to get off with a dry statement of fact. This will not work. Be sure to highlight the most successful details of her appearance, point out the overall completeness of the picture, and end the event with a kiss. By the way, if you notice any defect (a tightening on a stocking, a button has come off, the back of the skirt is tucked into tights), report it only in cases where this defect can be immediately eliminated. Otherwise, be blind and dumb.

Why should you answer this way:

A woman is very dependent on male opinion. With one or two words you can either raise her to the pedestal of radiant narcissism or throw her into the abyss of self-abasement. And being in the company of a lady who is in this abyss is very unpleasant. At such moments our character deteriorates extremely.

Be sure to highlight the most successful details of her appearance

"What are you thinking about?"

As usual you answer:
a) Huh?
b) What?
c) Nothing.

She, like you, knows very well that a person is not able to think “about anything” (exceptions are victims of catatonic stupor, yoga, some members of the ruling party). The thought process always goes on - be it in flashes, be it in dying bursts... So she automatically translates the answer “about nothing” as “get rid of it.” Which is sad and offensive.

How to answer:

It’s better to answer the truth: “About zigzags on the parquet floor, about duties on foreign cars and about how I poisoned myself with kefir in the third grade.”

Why should you answer this way:

She will decide that you are sincere and spontaneous and will stop painfully suspecting that you are dreaming about some impudent outsider right next to her.

“Why are you always like this?”

How do you usually answer:
a) No, not always.
b) No, not always.
c) No, not always.

The woman uses words with poetic license. For the sake of greater effect, she is even ready to exaggerate something. For example, if you break a glass, she will sarcastically ask: “Why are you always so awkward?” Naturally, you will immediately put on an assault face and begin to insist on the accuracy of the wording. You will open the doors of the cupboard and show off other surviving glasses that you have used more than once. Maybe you can even bring Ozhegov’s dictionary, which says in black and white that “always” means “at all times, constantly.” But she will remain deaf to your arguments. Moreover: the more fiercely you insist on your own, the more her irritation will grow. As Dovlatov wrote: “You appeal to logic and common sense. And suddenly you discover that she is disgusted by the very sound of your voice.”

How to answer:

“Careful, honey, don’t get hurt by the fragments.”

Why should you answer this way:

By giving up defense, attack, counterattack and brilliant parry, you will save your and her nerve cells, a bottle of valerian and the gasoline that would be needed to bring her back from her mother. And at the same time, you will prove that you belong to a tribe of strong, laconic men who do not quarrel with women over any nonsense.

“Which dress should I wear: blue or red?”

How do you usually answer:
a) Blue.
b) Red.
c) Oh, my God!

How to answer:

This is the case when you need to answer the question with a question: “Which one would you choose?” After her hesitant: “k-red,” we must continue the offensive: “Why?” After listening to the explanation: “I haven’t worn it for a long time... it shades my fair skin well... I want to wear dark lipstick... this color actually suits me better,” exclaim loudly: “Wonderful choice!”

Why should you answer this way:

For women, the process of dressing is real creativity. With torment, a feeling of unfulfillment and incomprehension... everything is as it should be. By forcing her to clearly articulate her ideas, you will achieve their speedy implementation, and you may not even be late for the cinema.

“How was your day?”

How do you usually answer:
a) Normal.
b) So-so.

Being such, to put it mildly, a taciturn interlocutor, you run the risk of unnoticeably turning into one of those scoundrels that women usually complain about in the “Cry of the Heart” sections. You know, “my boyfriend constantly neglects to communicate with me, and because of this I don’t want to have sex with him.”

How to answer:

“In righteous, but tedious labors. What’s new with you?” True, you should be prepared for the fact that after this you will have to listen to a long, heartbreaking story about what is happening in their office, under the office, above the office and what a strange trolleybus, painted in pink checkered, passed the cafe today at three fifteen where she had lunch.

Why should you answer this way:

Because you will show attention to her, express a submissive readiness to make contact, and at the same time get rid of the need to take on the difficult role of the author of the story. When they said that “a woman loves with her ears,” the classics shed a somewhat one-sided light on the situation. We love our tongue even more passionately. Especially after dinner with a cup of tea and buns.

"You are listening to me?"

How do you usually answer:
a) Yeah.
b) Uh-huh.
in what?

How to answer:

“I just thought for a second - why was it pink checkered?”

Why should you answer this way:

Even if you say this phrase after her remark: “Darling, stop nodding your head, I haven’t talked for ten minutes,” you still have a chance not only to get out, but also to score points. The woman will make sure that you are not ignoring her. On the contrary, her words sank deep into your heart, and you reflect on them. She will look at you with new interest and think: “Wow, how wonderful, sensitive and thoughtful he is. Not like the others."

It's hard to say why girls like to provoke you in all sorts of strange ways. They may have a lot of reasons for this - to arrange some kind of checks, for fun, just by chance. One of the easiest ways to provoke is to ask tricky questions. How to understand whether it is provocative or not? It's actually very simple - either he hooks you or he doesn't. If girls’ questions don’t bother you, then you probably wouldn’t open this article...

Therefore, the most important way to deal with provocative questions is not to succumb to provocations. That is, react as if it doesn’t bother you. Because if you start frantically thinking and coming up with the correct answer, that’s it, you’ve already fallen for a provocation. And even if you answer something, it seems correct, then this will be the beginning. Girls are very good at seeing men's insecurities because it is such a stark contrast to what they value most in men - confidence. Noticing your uncertainty, when trying to answer such a question, a girl can act like an excellent boxer who notices that the enemy has swum - she knocks out such a man with a series of the following questions.

Fortunately, this doesn't always happen. In the first stages of dating and seduction, girls can be especially demanding of men. But in the future, the girl will not finish you off, but will simply take note.

A show of confidence is what a girl needs most often, not the right answer. If you confidently answer “I don’t know,” or “I can’t tell you that,” or “I don’t want to talk about that,” then it will work just like any other answer. But it may raise more questions that you must also answer confidently and calmly. In addition, it often happens that there is no correct answer - the girl just wants to get to know you, and that’s why she asks something.

What questions can most often be considered provocative or inconvenient? First of all, touching on topics to which you do not have an answer, either you yourself are afraid to give one, or you are embarrassed to answer. For example, a list of questions or phrases that may be stressful or seem provocative:

  1. What are you thinking about?
  2. Say something nice...
  3. Do you live with your parents?
  4. What do you do for a living?
  5. Do you have a license/car?
  6. Do you have a girlfriend?
  7. How do you feel about me?
  8. Who am I to you?
  9. Do you like me?
  10. Do you just want sex?
  11. Do you love me?
  12. Is this your first time?

The list goes on. After all, each guy may be slightly different, and if all the questions are summed up, there will be a whole volume of war and peace. The general recommendation is to answer directly, confidently and truthfully. If the truth seems too unpleasant to you, then come up with an answer to ALL questions that are difficult for you in advance.

For example, some guys are afraid that a girl will ask them about their girlfriend and it is difficult for them to answer that she is not there - then he is like a loser, and to say that he is - then why is he hanging out with a new girl. A confident guy would simply tell it like it is, and not worry, but then work with the girl’s reaction. But if this is not your option, then at least come up with some witty answer that you can wrap up in the topic. "Do you have a girlfriend? – (smiling) are you already looking at this role? :))” – and thereby provoke the girl.

Another strategy for responding to a provocative question is to respond not to the question itself, but to the request. After all, a girl asks for a reason, but for some purpose, and sometimes it is more important for her to achieve her goal than to receive an answer. For example, asking who you live with could mean asking “will we have somewhere to have sex?” When you start responding to a girl's requests, you will be surprised how much more productive your communication will become.

To summarize, when answering a girl’s questions, it is important to remain confident, have an answer (the truth or a blank), and answer the girl’s unspoken request. And, probably most importantly, do not perceive the girl as an investigator who is trying to split you during interrogation - treat these questions and answers as an entertaining game. Then you will have a good and fun time, not only trying to answer, but forcing the girl herself to work hard on tricky questions.

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