Analysis of Rubtsov's poem My Quiet Homeland (1st option). Analysis of the poem by N. Rubtsov, My Quiet Homeland

N. Rubtsov - poem “My Quiet Homeland!”

In this poem, the lyrical hero returns to his homeland, to a land where he has not been for many years. Everything here is close and familiar to him: the dome of the church monastery, the “foggy river,” the wooden school, the peasant huts. He turns to his homeland, extracting the past from the depths of memory, revealing his filial love. The homeland of the hero Rubtsov is “quiet,” unhurried, meek, humble. Characteristic details of the landscape: “willows, river, nightingales.” Each of them is symbolic. Thus, weeping willows convey the sadness of Russian fields; the river is the road of life of the lyrical hero and every person in general, time quickly flowing forward; The singing of a nightingale embodies the beauty of the soul of a Russian person, his subtle perception, his intuitive understanding of art, and his deep worship of music.

At the same time, the theme of filial love continues to develop in the poem. The hero here addresses not only his homeland, but also his mother, who is buried here. And his first impulse is to bow to his mother’s grave and go to the graveyard. If life in the village goes on as usual (“a convoy train passed quietly,” “hay is being rowed into the hayloft,” “a new fence in front of the school”), then the cemetery is “on the other bank.” Rubtsov contrasts the eternal with the vain and transitory. The lyrical hero walks through his native places, as if trying to absorb these pictures that are familiar and close to him, realizing that they will forever remain in his soul. At the end of the poem, he confesses his love for his homeland: “With every bump and cloud, With thunder ready to fall, I feel the most burning, the most mortal connection.”

(1 option)

Nikolai Rubtsov is a lyricist of the 20th century who deified nature in his poetic works. The poet created poetic works about nature native land, about beauty middle zone Russia, about the homeland.

The poem “My Quiet Homeland” is dedicated to the Russian writer of the 20th century V. Belov, who, like N. Rubtsov, comes from central Russia. The poet’s homeland does not loudly shout about itself, but remains forever in a person’s heart, therefore N. Rubtsov describes pictures of his native land in a narrative manner: “willows, river, nightingales...”, “new fence in front of the school.” The lyrical hero recalls his childhood and youth, which forever connected him with his homeland. Childhood years are associated with the death of the mother, with the wooden school, with the dome of the church monastery. The memories evoke quiet sadness and emphasize the inextricable connection of the lyrical hero with a small corner of the earth:

With every bump and cloud,

With thunder ready to fall,

I feel the most burning

The most mortal connection.

In that lyrical work The following epithets and metaphors are used to characterize the beauty of the native land: “the dome of the church monastery is overgrown with bright grass,” “green space,” “the foggy river will run and run behind me.” The key word becomes the epithet “quiet”, with the help of which the poet’s attitude towards his homeland is expressed. This epithet is repeated several times in the poem:

The residents answered quietly,

The convoy passed quietly...

My quiet homeland

I haven't forgotten anything.

The lyrical hero feels his involvement with his native side, so he dreams of once again experiencing the carefree nature of childhood:

Like a cheerful crow

I'll sit on the fence again!

N. Rubtsov’s poem “My Quiet Homeland” attracts the reader’s attention with its lyricism and description of calm Russian landscapes.

You can paraphrase the poet: connection is immortal, since it is the memory of the heart, the memory of the soul

(Option 2)

The main character of N. Rubtsov's poem is his “small” homeland.

Quiet my homeland!

Willows, river, nightingales...

The first line is an appeal to her, and such a loud form as an appeal, forcing us to raise our voices, seems to break the age-old silence of these places. “Willows, river, nightingales...” This is what has always been, what has remained unchanged. The hero came for memory, for his childhood. He was unable to find the cemetery where his mother was buried without outside help. The local residents “quietly” answered the question, the convoy “quietly” passed, even the church was “quietly” overgrown with grass. The quiet answer is symbolic: “It’s on the other side.” The hero crosses the river of memory and continues to recognize and not recognize:

Tina is now a swamp

Where I loved to swim...

My quiet homeland

I haven't forgotten anything.

Much has changed, but two times seem to coexist in the hero’s soul: he sees something that no longer exists. Stopping at the school where he studied, the poet sat down on the fence, as he once sat as a boy. The first part of the poem ends the same way it begins - with an appeal. Only “my wooden school” is not only an ordinary rural school, but also the poet’s small homeland, the school of life, where he once graduated from school, where he first loved and was friends for the first time, and buried his mother.

The time will come to leave -

The river behind me is foggy

He will run and run.

The hero will leave, the time will come to leave, but the river of time will not change its course. Nobody knows what will happen in the future, but everyone remembers what happened in the past. Memory is designed in such a way that it preserves the memories of childhood and youth intact, as the most precious thing we have.

I feel the most burning

The most mortal connection.

You can paraphrase the poet: connection is immortal, since it is the memory of the heart, the memory of the soul.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov is known primarily for his lyrical works glorifying the beauty of nature. One of famous works The poet’s poem “My Quiet Homeland”, every word of which is imbued with love for his small homeland. We invite you to familiarize yourself with brief analysis“My Quiet Homeland” according to a plan that will be useful to 7th grade students in preparing for a literature lesson.

Brief Analysis

History of creation– The poem was written in 1964, after the poet’s trip to the small town of Nyandoma, where he spent his childhood. The verse is dedicated to the Russian writer V. Belov.

Theme of the poem– Love for the small homeland.

Composition- The composition is simple, consists of two parts. In the first part, the author indulges in childhood memories, in the second, he points out the inextricable connection with his small homeland.

Genre– Landscape lyrics.

Poetic size– Trimeter dactyl with cross rhyme.

Metaphors – « my quiet homeland».

Epithets- « quiet”, “burning”, “cheerful”».

Personifications – « the river will run and run».

Comparisons- « like a cheerful crow».

Brief Analysis

Nikolai Mikhailovich wrote a poem in 1964, inspired by a trip to Nyandoma. In a small northern town it passed early childhood a poet who lived here with his family until he was 6 years old.

Returning to his small homeland had a strong influence on Rubtsov. His feelings were very contradictory: on the one hand, bright memories of a serene childhood, on the other, a slight sadness from the fact that everything had changed here over the years.

However, this did not prevent the poet from feeling a strong connection with a place dear to his heart. He poured out his overwhelming emotions on paper, writing the poem “My Quiet Homeland.” Rubtsov dedicated it to the famous Russian writer V. Belov, whose homeland was also central Russia.


The central theme of the work is the inextricable connection of the lyrical hero with his native places. In fact, this poem is a declaration of love for his small homeland, where the author spent his happy childhood years.

Having returned to his homeland, he is looking for familiar places, but during the years of separation, much has changed: the dome of the church is overgrown, a new canal is dug, the graveyard is located on the other side of the river. This evokes a slight sadness, but does not prevent the lyrical hero from experiencing the joy of meeting his native land.

In parallel with love for the small homeland, the work reveals the theme of filial love. The mother of the lyrical hero is buried in his native place, and the first thing he tries to do is find her grave.


The composition of the work is characterized by simplicity and consistency. Conventionally, the poem can be divided into two parts.

  • First part dedicated to the poet's memories. In every line he shares with readers his happy moments of childhood.
  • In the second part the author makes it clear that even after many years, his connection with his small homeland has not been lost.


The work is written in the genre of landscape lyricism, as the author lovingly describes the places of his happy childhood.

The smoothness and regularity of the poem is given by the trimeter dactyl - trisyllabic poetic meter, in which the emphasis is on the first syllable.

Means of expression

To describe his native places, the author uses a variety of means of artistic expression: metaphors(“my quiet homeland”), epithets(“quiet”, “burning”, “cheerful”), personifications(“the river will run and run”), comparisons(“like a cheerful crow”).

(1 option)

Nikolai Rubtsov is a lyricist of the 20th century who deified nature in his poetic works. The poet created poetic works about the nature of his native land, about the beauties of central Russia, about his homeland.

The poem “My Quiet Homeland” is dedicated to the Russian writer of the 20th century V. Belov, who, like N. Rubtsov, comes from central Russia. The poet’s homeland does not loudly shout about itself, but remains forever in a person’s heart, therefore N. Rubtsov describes pictures of his native land in a narrative manner: “willows, river, nightingales...”, “new fence in front of the school.” The lyrical hero recalls his childhood and youth, which forever connected him with his homeland. Childhood years are associated with the death of the mother, with the wooden school, with the dome of the church monastery. The memories evoke quiet sadness and emphasize the inextricable connection of the lyrical hero with a small corner of the earth:

With every bump and cloud,

With thunder ready to fall,

I feel the most burning

The most mortal connection.

This lyrical work uses the following epithets and metaphors that characterize the beauty of the native land: “the dome of the church monastery is overgrown with bright grass,” “green space,” “the foggy river will run and run behind me.” The key word becomes the epithet “quiet”, with the help of which the poet’s attitude towards his homeland is expressed. This epithet is repeated several times in the poem:

The residents answered quietly,

The convoy passed quietly...

My quiet homeland

I haven't forgotten anything.

The lyrical hero feels his involvement with his native side, so he dreams of once again experiencing the carefree nature of childhood:

Like a cheerful crow

I'll sit on the fence again!

N. Rubtsov’s poem “My Quiet Homeland” attracts the reader’s attention with its lyricism and description of calm Russian landscapes.

You can paraphrase the poet: connection is immortal, since it is the memory of the heart, the memory of the soul

(Option 2)

The main character of N. Rubtsov’s poem is his “small” homeland.

Quiet my homeland!

Willows, river, nightingales...

The first line is an address to her, and such a loud form as an address, forcing us to raise our voices, seems to break the age-old silence of these places. “Willows, river, nightingales...” This is what has always been, what has remained unchanged. The hero came for memory, for his childhood. He was unable to find the cemetery where his mother was buried without outside help. The local residents “quietly” answered the question, the convoy “quietly” passed, even the church was “quietly” overgrown with grass. The quiet answer is symbolic: “It’s on the other side.” The hero crosses the river of memory and continues to recognize and not recognize:

Tina is now a swamp

Where I loved to swim...

My quiet homeland

I haven't forgotten anything.

Much has changed, but two times seem to coexist in the hero’s soul: he sees something that no longer exists. Stopping at the school where he studied, the poet sat down on the fence, as he once sat as a boy. The first part of the poem ends the same way it begins - with an appeal. Only “my wooden school” is not only an ordinary rural school, but also the poet’s small homeland, the school of life, where he once graduated from school, where he first loved and was friends for the first time, and buried his mother.

The time will come to leave -

The river behind me is foggy

He will run and run.

The hero will leave, the time will come to leave, but the river of time will not change its course. Nobody knows what will happen in the future, but everyone remembers what happened in the past. Memory is designed in such a way that it preserves the memories of childhood and youth intact, as the most precious thing we have.

I feel the most burning

The most mortal connection.

You can paraphrase the poet: connection is immortal, since it is the memory of the heart, the memory of the soul.

Literature lesson summary

"My quiet homeland."

Analysis of the poem by Nikolai Rubtsov

6th grade.

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce students to the poem “My Quiet Homeland” - a programmatic poem in the work of N. Rubtsov.

    Reveal the artistic world of the work - the image of the poet’s small homeland.

    To form an idea about the role of the small homeland in the life of a student, in the life of every person.


I. The topic of the lesson - the title of the poem - is put on the board.

Vocabulary work

1). What will the lesson be about? (about homeland)

Word homeland can be used in two meanings. Which ones?

(V great importance– Russia, in small terms – the place where a person was born)

What meaning are we talking about? (word in small meaning, the place where the poet was born - My motherland)

Come up with a number of cognates for the word homeland Design them as the epigraph of the lesson.

Motherland - born,

parents, dear,


relatives, family

2). Write down the series keywords– concepts that form your homeland, concepts that are important to you, specific objects dear to your heart, denoting people, a place where you like to visit, details of the landscape.

Mom – house – family – grandmother’s village – river

Parents – friends – school – recreation park – flowers

Mom - gazebo in the garden - birches - river - friends at school, etc.

Conclusion: many students will have common words: mother, river, school

II. Listening to the text of the poem.

2). The word appears in the text 5 times (quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet). Why is it necessary for the poet?

The village is quiet. There are few people. There is silence all around.

In moments when it is quiet, when there is silence all around, the author thinks about his homeland, about himself.

3). The poem is dedicated to: V. Belov.

Vasily Belov is a famous Russian writer. In one of his stories, it was he who used these words “my quiet homeland.” Nikolai Rubtsov specifically approached him with a request for permission to use them in a poem.

4). Where is it, the poet’s small homeland?

Slide number 1. North of Moscow - Vologda. From Vologda along the Sukhona River to the ancient Russian city of Totma. 90 kilometers from Totma deep into the forests to the small river Tolshma. On the bank of the river is the village of Nikolskoye, or Nikola, as they say local residents. Nikolai Rubtsov spent his childhood years here. Here he completed 7 years of school. At the age of 14 he left the village. He returned to his native village after 8 years.

Slide number 2. Photos of Kolya Rubtsov’s childhood. A group of orphanages near the school building. A bright-eyed boy among his classmates. Certificate of commendation for good studies.

III. Work on the text of the poem.

1). Let us, as if following the poet, enter the village of Nikola - the small homeland of the poet. The old road went to Nikolskoye across the river and bridge. Next is the road up the mountain:

From the bridge there is a road going uphill,

And on the mountain - what sadness -

The ruins of the cathedral lie

It’s as if the old Rus' is sleeping.

The first lines contain details of the landscape: willows, river, nightingales.

The poet's homeland begins with the river. This is natural: the river is the main thing in the life of village boys.

2). We go up the mountain to the ruins of the temple. Once upon a time there was a cemetery here, next to the church. But after the church was destroyed, burial in the cemetery was prohibited. He was carried to the other side of the river, to a low, swampy place. Therefore the following lines:

My mother is buried here

In my childhood years.

- Where is the churchyard? You did not see?

I can't find it myself.

The residents answered quietly:

- It's on the other side.

3). Our attention is drawn to the St. Nicholas Church.

The following slides of the presentation “The Destroyed Temple”.

We see the remaining intact vaults, images of the apostles (they were once shot at, aiming at their eyes!), and a round hole at the top.

And a poetic line:

The dome of the church monastery was overgrown with bright grass.

4). The next lines - and again the poet’s bewilderment. Changes again:

Where I swam for fish

The hay is being rowed into the hayloft.

Between river bends

People dug a canal.

The Totma River near the village of Nikolskoye makes sharp turns. Its winding bed is clearly visible in photographs. Slides No. 5-8

In the fifties, timber was harvested near the village. They spent the whole winter preparing logs and laying them on the river bank. With the spring flood, rafting began: the logs floated down the river until they fell into the Sukhona River. Very often, where the banks were winding, a traffic jam arose - logs crawled over each other, blocking the river. That's why it was dug between river bends there is a canal.

Tina is now a swamp

Where he loved to swim.

5). The returning poet saw all the changes in his native village. The changes seem sad. But what is his mood? We are looking for the answer in the text.

My quiet homeland

I haven't forgotten anything.

The joy of meeting your homeland is great. Pictures dear to his heart pass before the poet: school, the same green space, fence, on which I once sat, like a crow. The poet returns to the land of his childhood, where there were no sorrows or troubles.

6). What are the details quiet homeland Nikolai Rubtsov?

Willows - river - nightingales - mother - temple - huts - school.

Why is this row similar to yours?

These are eternal concepts. They are almost the same for everyone.

IV. What is the main idea of ​​the poem? It's in the last quatrains. The poet will leave the village; he now lives far away. But no matter how far the path may be, “ the misty river behind me will run and run».

With every bump and cloud,

With thunder ready to fall,

I feel the most burning

The most mortal connection.

A hut on the ground, thunder in the sky. Earthly and heavenly life are fused together. And epithets: This connection is burning, mortal. Even the most burning and the most mortal.


Every person has a small homeland. It's like the roots of a tree. A person will leave, leave his small homeland, but all his life he will maintain his connection with childhood, with his parents, with school. And every return will be joy and happiness.

It is impossible to live without such words: homeland, born, parents, relatives, dear.

D/Z: learn the poem by heart. State the idea of ​​the poem in your own words.

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