How does lending to individuals work? Loans and payments on them for individuals and legal entities. Requirements and documents

The prospect of becoming the owner of a new car, apartment or TV, even with a modest income, in modern economic realities is not so illusory. There is no need to save money for years to make your dream come true. You need to contact any banking institution in Moscow or another city and, if certain conditions are met, receive money at interest in cash or on a card. In order to lend to individuals, banks have developed a lot of profitable offers, which allows ordinary citizens to take money for consumer needs.

What is personal lending?

When analyzing a personal lending portfolio, mortgages, consumer and car loans are considered. Banks earn profits by lending money to citizens at interest. Consumer lending is a banking operation for servicing clients, which makes it possible to borrow money under certain conditions. Depending on the institution, they can differ significantly, but they have the main condition - the money must be returned within a strictly specified period, and a certain amount must be paid for using it.


If you do not have enough funds to implement a specific idea, you can apply for a targeted loan. These could be loans for a car, mortgage, debt refinancing, etc. Targeted bank loans to individuals involve reporting on funds spent, and lenders strictly monitor compliance with this clause of the agreement. If the agreement is violated, the borrower will face heavy penalties.

Non-targeted loans

If you don’t want to report to the lender, it’s easier to take a standard consumer loan. This money can be used for any needs, including large purchases. Such loans are issued for a short period of time, and the amount borrowed will be small. If you provide security, you can count not only on favorable conditions, but also big money.

Lending principles

Lending to individuals is based on certain principles, compliance with which is mandatory:

  1. Returnability. Borrowed funds must be repaid.
  2. Urgency. Each loan has a specific term, which is specified in the bank lending agreement.
  3. Payment. The function is that for the use of borrowed funds it is necessary to pay a fee, the calculation mechanism of which is determined by the contract.
  4. Security. As a guarantee of loan repayment, a credit institution may require the borrower to provide security.
  5. Intended use. According to the agreement, the objects of lending must be determined.
  6. Differentiation. For a certain category of borrowers (pensioners, salary clients, etc.) special lending conditions are established.

Loans to individuals - classification

For ordinary citizens, the credit process opens up great opportunities. For convenience, financial institutions have developed a large number of products. They are able to satisfy the needs of any category of borrowers. There are different classifications of bank loans, but among the main features it is worth highlighting the following:

  • appointment;
  • currency;
  • security;
  • method of delivery;
  • maturity.

By maturity

If you look at bank loan programs, you can make sure that money is issued for different periods of time. Depending on this, there is a conditional classification of consumer loans, and in the Russian banking sector and abroad, the framework by which the border is determined varies. All loans are divided into:

  • short-term;
  • mid-term;
  • long-term.

By the nature of the loan security

All loans are divided into:

  • wealthy;
  • unsecured.

In the first case, loans are issued exclusively with the presentation of collateral, where the object of collateral is movable and immovable property, a guarantee agreement for the borrower’s obligations, securities, etc. This approach helps to minimize credit risk factors. Secured loans are provided, as a rule, on more favorable terms compared to unsecured ones.

By duration of registration

According to the information presented on the websites of credit institutions, you can see that it takes up to 5-10 business days to review the application if the issue concerns consumer lending. Among all the products, you can find those for which a decision is made on the day of your request, and sometimes even after a few minutes. In this regard, the following are highlighted:

  • ordinary loans;
  • express loans.

Types of loans for individuals

There are different types of loans available to Moscow residents. In first place in popularity are consumer loans, but in addition to them, banks also offer mortgage lending - money for the purchase or construction of real estate. In addition, private clients have the right to choose how they want to receive funds - in cash, to a card or to a bank account. For this reason, before taking out a loan, you must carefully study all offers.


The consumer loan market is a segment of the financial market, which includes the issuance by banks of consumer loans themselves, express loans and retail lending at retail outlets. They are provided to individuals in cash or by card. There is also the option of non-cash transfer of funds directly to the seller. The loan term varies from several months to several days. The amounts of consumer loans are small, but it is always possible to increase them if you provide collateral.

Cash loan

In the structure of bank loan portfolios, you can find offers in the form of cash loans. Such products are in demand among the population. Before applying for a loan, you need to check whether the financial institution charges additional money for issuing cash from the cash register. The commission is usually a certain percentage of the amount issued.

Mortgage loan for individuals

Those who want to solve their housing problems can apply for a mortgage loan. It is provided to individuals in exchange for registering the purchased property as collateral. You immediately need to be prepared for the fact that the bank will not finance the full cost of housing, so you will have to find part of the money yourself. This is usually at least 10%.

Sometimes you can count on a loan of 100% of the cost of housing. Such offers are found among lenders if they cooperate with construction organizations. A mandatory condition of the residential mortgage lending program is insurance of the property pledged as collateral. In addition, you will have to independently evaluate the real estate purchased on the secondary market.

Credit cards

Lending to individuals using bank cards has become especially popular lately. The convenience lies in the fact that money is always at hand, and you can pay with plastic not only in Russia, but also abroad, without resorting to currency exchange transactions. Credit cards may or may not be revolving. The first option is more preferable, since when you pay off part of the principal debt, you can use the same money again.


Micro-loans occupy a separate segment of the market. In this case, the lender is a microfinance organization that has a license to carry out the process of lending to individuals. Money is mainly offered for a short period (maximum a month). The daily interest rate fluctuates between 1–2%, and the maximum debt amount rarely exceeds 30,000 rubles. The advantage of microcredit is that minimum requirements are imposed on clients, and loans to individuals are issued without income certificates, collateral or guarantees.

Features of lending to individuals by commercial banks

Banks put forward a number of conditions, the fulfillment of which, although not a 100% guarantee of receiving a loan, increases the chances of a positive outcome. To apply for a loan, you will have to provide the bank with a passport, and in some cases, a salary certificate as proof of solvency. You may need guarantors, which are individuals, or other security. In addition, the borrower’s creditworthiness is necessarily checked, which helps to assess the risk of timely non-repayment of the loan.

Assessment of the borrower's solvency

After submitting the documents, the bank begins to carefully review them and evaluate the applicant as a potential borrower. For this purpose, underwriting is used - an analysis of the creditworthiness of an individual. This is a technique that helps assess whether the borrower is able to return the requested money to the lender. Thanks to it, borrowers are classified into “good” and “bad”. In addition, the solvency of guarantors, if any, is checked.

Lender's requirements for the borrower

An ideal solvent client for a bank is a permanently employed citizen aged 30–45 who has a family, children, an apartment and a car. However, in reality there are very few such individual borrowers, which is why lenders have more extensive requirements. It should be noted right away that each financial organization has its own lending criteria, but in most cases they are as follows:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age – 18–65 years;
  • permanent place of work;
  • registration in the region.

How to get a loan for an individual from a bank

When planning to request money from a credit institution, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to perform a number of actions. First, you should study the available offers and choose the best option. All stages of the credit process are reduced to the following actions:

  • Leave an application on the lender's website or by visiting the bank. You will need to fill in your personal information, indicate the required amount and the name of the loan product.
  • Wait for a response from the bank, and then provide the required package of documents.
  • When the loan is approved, come to the branch to sign the agreement and receive a bank card or cash.

What documents are needed for registration?

Lending to individuals requires the mandatory provision of a passport. Foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia are allowed to present a residence permit. Sometimes you may be asked to provide a second document, such as a driver's license or military ID. In addition, a salary certificate and a copy of the work record book may be requested.

Lending terms

Depending on the chosen loan product, the terms of the loan will vary. This affects not only the loan repayment period, interest rates and amount, but also additional conditions, such as the method of providing money, the method of repaying debt and the presence of all kinds of commissions and payments. All these positions are stipulated in the banking service agreement, which is signed in two copies - for each of the parties.

Bank interest rates on loans to individuals

Lending to individuals is beneficial to banks, since the borrower must pay a fee, which is expressed as an interest rate. Its value depends on a number of parameters, so even in the same bank you can find products whose rates can differ radically. The highest rates will be for loans issued without proof of income, the presence of a guarantee and registration of collateral.

Loan amount and term

Depending on the solvency of the subject, lenders calculate the possible loan amount. Ideally, it is believed that the monthly debt payment should be no more than half of the borrower’s income. The terms for providing money depend on the chosen product, but, as a rule, lenders are not against early repayment of loans, although you need to find out about this directly from the bank itself.

Interest calculation procedure

To calculate interest in the process of lending to individuals, two systems are used: annuity and differentiated. The difference between the first one is that monthly contributions are calculated according to a special formula and have a single value. An annuity is suitable for large loans issued over a long period. With a differentiated approach, interest is charged on the balance of the debt, so the amount of the contribution decreases each time.

Additional commissions and payments

When reading the loan agreement, you should pay attention to such points as additional fees, for example, SMS notifications or online banking. All of them are optional, so the client has the right to refuse them. The same applies to voluntary insurance. The only case when lending to individuals involves the purchase of a policy is the insurance of property that is pledged as collateral (the mortgage lending sector market).

Which bank is better to take a loan from?

Today it is not difficult to choose the optimal product in terms of parameters that will satisfy all the needs of the borrower. For convenience, banks post loan calculators on their official Internet pages, with which you can calculate upcoming payments online by filling out only a few required fields. The main criteria that are important to pay attention to when choosing a lender:

  • financial stability and reliability;
  • number of branches and ATMs;
  • reputation and rating;
  • online technologies and working hours;
  • employee literacy.

Cheap loans to individuals

In order to attract new customers, banks offer advantageous offers, which include reduced interest rates. These can be either one-time promotions or permanent conditions, for example, for regular or salary clients. Among the banks offering to use money at a small interest rate are:

  • Renaissance Credit;
  • Postbank;
  • Sberbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Bank of Moscow.

Advantageous loans from Moscow banks

Each person has his own idea of ​​how beneficial lending to individuals is to him. For some, a long loan term and low monthly fees are important, while others will consider solely the interest rate. One of the important parameters when choosing a bank is also the time spent on reviewing the application and the need to provide a large number of documents. Today you can get a profitable loan from the following banks:

  • OTP Bank;
  • Orient Express Bank;
  • Sovcombank;
  • UBRR.


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Many financial institutions provide loans to individuals. Of course, there may be some obstacles, for example:

  • bad credit history or outstanding loan,
  • lack of the necessary package of certificates and documents,
  • or maybe you are simply not satisfied with the conditions or communication through the “window” with a clerk who does not decide anything.

Type of loan


Interest rate



0t. 1 month Up to 3 months

42 %

From 3 months Up to 9 months

40 %


12 months

32 %


From 12 months to 24 months

32 %

Up to 36 months and above

30 %


Up to 60 months

The credit consumer cooperative "DaNaYa" offers loans to everyone who needs it and differs from other institutions in its loyal attitude towards all clients. In order for us to be able to provide you with this or that amount, you must become a member of the cooperative. This is quite simple, therefore, both individuals and legal entities will not experience difficulties with this procedure.

But that's not the main thing. The main thing is that our specialists communicate directly with the borrower and, after listening carefully, try to solve the problem.

We have several advantages that are difficult to overestimate:

  1. An individual program is developed for each borrower under which he can receive loans. A variety of lending options make it possible to choose the most optimal conditions that will suit you in all respects.
  2. The decision to provide funds to individuals is known on the same business day. This is especially convenient for those who need a certain amount urgently.
  3. We provide all loan amounts in cash, which saves you from interest when withdrawing money from a plastic card, and you receive the entire loan amount in full.

And that is not all! Our interest rates will pleasantly please those who are tired of receiving the same amount and giving 2 times more! All individuals can qualify for a rate from 16% to 24% per year. Everything depends only on the procedure for repaying the loan you choose, on the period for which you apply for loans and on the amount itself. The timing of approval of a loan application does not depend on the amount that legal entities or individuals want to receive.

Lending terms

  • We have no age restrictions. You can receive money at both the age of 70 and 18 years.
  • We work with residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.
  • The time spent in the last place does not matter.
  • Loans are issued in rubles.
  • Loan repayment period: from one month to 5 years.

It is worth noting that the minimum loan amount is 5 thousand rubles. Loans to individuals who apply for the first time are provided upon presentation of a passport. This applies to amounts up to 50 thousand rubles. If you need a large amount, then there is a special lending program for individuals - presentation of a pension certificate or work record book and a certificate of the amount of monthly income. This saves time on collecting documents. A loan to individuals who receive a 2nd loan is provided simply by a telephone call, followed by the provision of one document - a certificate of employment.

Our company strives to make the terms of service extremely transparent and understandable when issuing loans to individuals. The calculator, designed to help clients, will help you assess your financial capabilities and ensure your ability to repay the loan within the time frame set by the bank. The virtual calculator presented on the site helps to automatically calculate the estimated loan amount. To do this, you need to enter into the search field the exact data of your monthly income, the annual percentage set by the bank, and the number of payments. By changing the amount and repayment terms of the loan, types of payments, etc., you can choose the best option that will satisfy all the needs of a particular person. Thus, before applying for bank loans to individuals, you can familiarize yourself in advance with all the nuances of loan repayment. This virtual assistant is extremely easy to use, conveniently designed, and even a schoolchild can handle it. If it is difficult to evaluate the information provided, you can print the result obtained, after which you should contact the cooperative for advice.

We will be happy to cooperate with you and will offer the most favorable conditions for each person individually!

Let's find out what types of loans exist. Let's figure out what the concept of credit means, in what forms it is provided and what features it has. In the article, we will consider in more detail the types of bank loans based on the purpose of provision, type of interest rates and form of collateral.

The lending market in the Russian Federation is actively developing, and new products are appearing. Banks offer a wide variety of loans: from short-term loans with repayment within a year to long-term mortgage loans for up to 30 years.

In our article we will look at what the concept of “credit” means and what its essence is. You will learn what the main types of lending are and what their features are. And we will dwell in more detail on what bank loans exist.

What is a bank loan

Credit - this is the obligation of one party to return in the future to the other party the borrowed money with an agreed interest rate. That is, this is the movement of money between economic entities on the basis of urgency, payment and repayment.

Credit as an economic category is one of the bases for the redistribution of temporarily free resources and capital in the economic system. Credit as a banking term is associated, first of all, with the provision of money by banks at interest for a certain period.

Loans are serviced exclusively by banks. Microfinance organizations and individuals give loans. In everyday life, these terms are used as synonyms, and the essential terms of credit and loan agreements are similar.

Types of loans and features of their provision

There are many types of loans and their subtypes depending on the characteristics and mechanism of credit transactions. For example:

  • Targeted loans, the types of which vary regarding the purpose of the funds.
  • Among loans to legal entities, the following types are distinguished: syndicated, subordinated, overdraft, leasing, investment, etc.
  • By lending period: long-, medium- and short-term.

Let's look at the main types of loans.

State loan

Money is issued from budgets of different levels. Borrowers can be regions of the country or commercial banks. The state can lend or subsidize international programs, preferential mortgages, business development and certain sectors of the economy. However, the mechanism for carrying out credit operations is such that money at all levels is redistributed through banks, i.e. banks act as agents of government lending.

International loan

It can be issued at different levels: both state and intercompany, interbank, consumer. And the subjects of lending are legal entities and individuals - residents of different countries. International lending can be carried out, for example, in the form of purchasing bonds of a foreign state, commercial deferred payment, short-term or investment investments, providing mortgages, etc.

Consumer loan

Issued for various purposes: for urgent needs, education, treatment, purchases, etc. The following types of loans can be included in the consumer lending group:

  • mortgage;
  • credit cards;
  • refinancing.

The parties to loan agreements are creditors - credit organizations and borrowers - individuals. A consumer loan is the most common type of operation of commercial banks.

Commercial loan

The bank can act as an agent in settlements between legal entities. persons - suppliers of goods and buyers. The loan is provided by one legal entity. person to another in the form of deferred payment for a supply. In the accounts of the seller and buyer, the payment amount is reflected as receivables and payables, respectively. It can be issued as a promissory note - a debt security.

Bank loan

These are all loans issued by credit institutions. They can be received by individuals for personal consumption, legal entities for business development and conducting current economic activities, as well as credit institutions from the Central Bank.

Types of bank loans

A bank loan is one of the main types of lending. In turn, there are many criteria for allocating bank loans, for example.

By purpose:

  • consumer (issued to individuals for various household purposes);
  • mortgage (for the purchase of real estate and land; can be issued to individuals and businesses);
  • refinancing (repayment of previously issued loans);
  • preferential (support for state programs, for example, Post Bank offers a loan for the development of a “Far Eastern hectare”);
  • corporate (for opening and developing the business of individual entrepreneurs and companies);
  • overdraft on the current account (covering cash gaps and financing the current activities of legal entities);
  • overnight loans, repo, overdraft (at the interbank level for replenishing credit funds and transactions with securities, such as overdraft on correspondent accounts), etc.

Large banks are trying to expand the range of loan products to attract customers. For example, Rosselkhozbank is a large organization that provides all types of banking services.

Loans according to the form of provision include:

  • card loans (overdraft on a credit card account of an individual or legal entity);
  • installment plan (issued for purchases by individuals for a period of 1-12 months under an agreement with stores, the full cost of the loan is 0%);
  • a non-cash loan (the amount is transferred to the seller, for example, a mortgage);

Installment payment is a new product in the banking market; few credit institutions offer it yet. When compared with other lending options, installment plans have their advantages (low or no interest) and disadvantages (short repayment periods, small amounts). An installment card can be issued, for example, at Home Credit Bank.

Loans are issued according to the type of annual interest applied:

  • at a fixed rate (the main type of interest for lending to individuals);
  • at a floating rate (the bank can change it if the Central Bank key rate changes);
  • at a preferential rate (for target social groups: pensioners, large families, etc.).

By type of security:

  • unsecured (with a high risk of non-repayment);
  • secured (movable or immovable property is accepted as material security);
  • under guarantee (obligation of third parties to repay the debt);
  • under guarantees (banking, non-profit organizations and government institutions).

One way or another, banks work with almost all forms of loans. And the larger the bank, the wider the range of its services, and the more types of loans it offers to borrowers.

Today, questions about where to get a loan, which type is better to choose, which bank has the most favorable lending and repayment conditions are gaining more and more popularity.

And no wonder - after all, it is impossible to live without money, and citizens are looking for ways to get money for a wide variety of needs with favorable return conditions.

What it is

A loan to individuals is a certain amount of money issued by a bank to an individual to achieve certain goals (targeted loan) or simply for consumer needs (non-targeted loan).

The loan is issued at a certain interest rate, which makes up the final overpayment on the loan received. The borrower is obliged to make monthly payments stipulated by the loan agreement.

The payment procedure, terms and required amounts are always indicated in the most important document regulating the legal relationship between the bank and the borrower - the loan agreement.

Amounts of loans to individuals may vary. The average minimum amount is about 15,000 rubles. The maximum loan size can reach up to 30 million rubles (in the case of a mortgage) and up to 10 million rubles (in the case of a consumer loan).

Basically, loans to individuals are divided into the following types:

  • consumer;
  • car loans;
  • mortgage;
  • refinancing;
  • educational.

Some banks also provide other types of targeted loans. The most detailed information on the current offers of each bank in the Russian Federation for loans to individuals can be obtained on our website.

Purpose of these loans

All types of loans have one, most important goal - to satisfy the needs of the client who has applied for the acquisition of any material value or simply for current expenses.

Since loans are divided mainly into consumer (non-targeted), mortgages and car loans, the following purposes can be distinguished:

It is impossible not to highlight other types of loans that are not provided by all banks. In particular, we can highlight an educational loan that can be obtained from Sberbank.

The borrower who takes advantage of this offer has the opportunity to pay for his education in secondary and higher professional institutions.

In other words, the purpose of such loans is for the bank to allocate funds to pay for the client’s education in various educational institutions.

As a rule, refinancing is provided on more favorable terms than existing loans. The purpose of such loans is for the bank to allocate funds for the borrower to pay for loans received from other banks.

Each type of loan is aimed at achieving a specific goal (except for non-targeted ones). Banks try to provide clients with the most flexible products that allow them to profitably achieve any goal. For this purpose, the division of loans into certain types was created.

Rating of banks for loans to individuals

Position Name of the bank Amount of loans to individuals
1 Sberbank 4233373350
2 VTB 24 1503602694
3 Rosselkhozbank 313561690
4 Gazprombank 300503340
5 Alfa Bank 229509400
6 VTB 223134306
7 Raiffeisen 173311538
8 Rosbank 158965429
9 Russian standard 156172351
10 Home Credit 148691750
11 Eastern Express 131907775
12 Unicredit 118601177
13 ICD 112736451
14 Tinkoff 112485295
15 Deltacredit 111561731
16 Trust 109497494
17 Sethelem 94407944
18 Rusfinance 91443826
19 Promsvyazbank 90027892
20 Post Bank 85513904

How to reduce payments

If it becomes difficult for a borrower to pay monthly payments on a loan, then you can use some ways to reduce them.

The first way is to petition the bank to restructure the loan. Restructuring is an opportunity provided by banks to reduce the amount of the monthly payment by increasing the loan term or providing credit holidays.

To carry out restructuring, it is necessary to justify to the bank why this procedure is necessary. There may be several reasons:

  • dismissal from work;
  • death of a close relative;
  • increase in the exchange rate of foreign currency (if the loan was issued in foreign currency), while the borrower’s income in national currency has not changed;
  • other reasons.

The restructuring also includes:

  • the possibility of increasing the loan term and, accordingly, the amount of the monthly payment (minus - a longer loan period will increase the overpayment on the loan);
  • the ability to defer payments (when deferring payments, you usually still have to pay interest, because the deferment is provided for the main body of the loan, but not for the accrued interest).

Often, banks accommodate clients halfway and, if the reasons are valid, allow restructuring to be carried out.

The second way is to obtain a refinancing loan from another bank. The meaning of such loans is justified if the terms on them are more favorable than on existing loans. Refinancing is a fairly effective way to lower your monthly payment.

The third way is to repay the loan ahead of the payment schedule. This method will be effective if the repayment scheme is classic.

For loans with equal monthly (annuity) payments, this method will not be suitable, since the payments will be fixed all the time - only the loan term will decrease.

Criminal liability for non-return

The legislator has enshrined in the current Criminal Code providing for criminal liability for individuals in case of non-payment of a loan, if there is already a corresponding court decision on the collection of accounts payable.

Liability can take the following forms:

  • a fine of up to 200,000 rubles or other earnings of the convicted person for a period of up to 1.5 years;
  • compulsory work up to 480 hours;
  • forced labor for up to 2 years;
  • arrest up to 6 months;
  • imprisonment for up to 2 years.

From the meaning of this article it follows that liability occurs only if the borrower can fulfill obligations (that is, receives sufficient monthly income or has equivalent property), but does not fulfill them (see the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

It must also be proven in court that this crime was committed with direct intent, i.e. the borrower specifically carried out the loan non-repayment procedure (see the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Please note that liability under this article arises only if the borrower caused major damage to the bank due to the corresponding non-payment of the loan - more than 2,250,000 rubles.

In some cases, if the borrower does not pay the loan, while providing false information to the bank about his insolvency, criminal liability may arise under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for a maximum penalty of arrest for up to 4 months.

Loans to individuals are a universal tool that allows a citizen to quickly receive funds for various purchases, construction, repairs, or simply for personal needs.

Banks provide enormous opportunities, varied conditions and flexible interest rates - the borrower just has to choose the most attractive offer.

Video: Lending to individuals

In 2019, Russian banks are issuing physical to individuals a consumer loan in Moscow in cash or non-cash form. All offers and conditions of financial institutions can be studied on our website. To determine where it is more profitable to apply for a loan, use the online calculator.

Conditions for obtaining loans from MSK

Loans for consumer needs in Moscow are issued under certain conditions. The agreement is drawn up upon the provision of reliable information and some documents provided for by the selected credit program.

Loan programs and conditions for individuals. persons:

  • according to 2 documents for a small amount;
  • targeted loans for the purchase of cars, real estate and other expensive items by providing a full set of documentation with confirmation of a stable income;
  • loans secured by property;
  • refinancing (to pay off other debts);
  • consumer loan in MSC for pensioners, students, salary clients, etc.

Requirements and documents

Each consumer lending program provides certain conditions for the execution of an agreement. A client who wants to quickly borrow money for any purpose needs to write an application, indicate personal data and provide the bank with the original documents according to the list.

Basic requirements of creditors:

  • passport with registration;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • borrower's age – from 18-23 to 80 years inclusive;
  • client's solvency.

Consumer loans from Moscow banks

  1. select a bank and click the “apply” button;
  2. the system will take you to a new page where you need to carefully study the lender’s terms and conditions and fill out an electronic form following simple prompts;
  3. Next, we send the completed application in one click and wait for the bank’s decision.

Money can be received in cash or by bank transfer on the day of application.

Where else can I get a loan from MSC?

Clients who have received a refusal from the bank, as well as citizens with a bad credit history, can take out a loan from MFO MSC on very simple conditions. You can study all the offers of microfinance companies and apply online for a loan in Moscow right now on our website!

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