Salty reservoirs around the world presentation. Presentation for primary classes on the topic "reservoirs". Creating a decorative pond

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Guess the riddles: The ribbon trembles slightly in the breeze in the open space, The narrow tip is in the spring, And the wide one is in the sea. RIVER I run to my mother’s river And I can’t remain silent. I am her own son, And I was born in the spring. CREEK Wide in width, deep in depth, flows against the shore day and night. You can’t drink water from it, Because it doesn’t taste good - It’s both bitter and salty. THE SEA You can't pass, you can't pass - You'll go around. And you can’t drink water with a bluish film. SWAMP Young birch trees are in front of him, straightening their hair. And the month, and the stars - Everything is reflected in it... What is this mirror called? POND

Name it in one word. RIVER SEA SWAMP POND CREEK Reservoirs. - What other bodies of water are there? LAKE OCEAN CANAL RESERVOIR

Explain the diagram. RESERVOIR Natural Artificial? Created by nature Created by man Give examples of reservoirs for each group. River, sea, lake, ocean, swamp. Pond, canal, reservoir

Work in pairs. Discuss why people create artificial ponds.

Ponds are created for breeding fish and waterfowl.

Channels are created to reduce water routes and to redirect the flow of water.

Reservoirs are created to accumulate and store water for its use in the national economy.

Work according to the textbook. Read the text “Parts of a River” on page 81 of the textbook. What parts of the river did you learn about? Source Bed Bank Mouth Parts of the river.

Parts of the river. What is the beginning of the river called? Source What is the mouth of a river? The place where a river flows into another river, lake or sea is called the mouth. Mouth What is a river bed? A channel is a depression through which a river flows. The river has a right and a left bank. How to identify them? If you look towards the flow of the river, the right bank will be on the right, and the left bank on the left. Right Bank Left Bank On its way, the river meets other rivers and streams that flow into it and give up their water. They are called tributaries. Left tributary Right tributary

In the summer, the heroes of our textbook, Seryozha and Nadya, visited the countryside with their dad. They explored the local rivers Neznanka and Osetrik, as well as Lake Krugloye. The guys made a diagram of the location of the lake and rivers.

Work in pairs. Where does the Neznanka River flow? Where does the Osetrik River flow? Which river is a tributary? Determine the direction of flow of the Neznanka and Osetrik rivers. Look at the diagram on page 82 of the textbook and answer the questions.

Examination. The Neznanka River flows into... Lake Krugloye. The Osetrik River flows into... the Neznanka River. The tributary is... the Osetrik River. Show the flow directions of the Neznanka and Osetrik rivers.

Think about it! How is a river different from a lake? A lake is a natural body of water with standing water. A river is a permanent watercourse.

Check yourself. What is the source of a river? The source of a river is its beginning. Show on the diagram the sources of the Neznanka and Osetrik rivers. Show on the diagram the right bank of the Neznanka River. What is a river mouth? An estuary is a place where a river flows into another river, lake or sea. Show on the diagram the mouth of the Neznanka and Osetrik rivers. Show on the diagram the left bank of the Neznanka River.

Miass River The Miass River originates on the eastern slopes Ural mountains, flows first between the mountains to the north. Turning east at Karabash, it crosses the entire forest-steppe zone and flows into the Iset River outside the region. Its length within our region is 330 km. The depth of the river reaches 3 meters. The Argazinskoye and Shershnevskoye reservoirs were built on the river.

LAKES Baikal Caspian Sea (lake) Lake Onega Ladoga Lake Taimyr White Lake The lake is not getting shallow, It’s just losing its voice, it’s going numb, It’s just losing its voice, it’s going numb, And it’s not the shore that it’s losing – It doesn’t trust a person! Ecology will not help. No. I'm going to bet. We are the ones disappearing, oh my God, the Lake soars!

Turgoyak One of the most picturesque lakes in the Urals. Mountain peaks, tree crowns, and clouds are reflected in the blue mirror surface, as if in a mirror. The area of ​​the lake is 26.4 sq. km, length – 6.9 km, width – 6.3 km, maximum depth – 30 meters. Turgoyak is a flowing reservoir; several rivers and streams flow into it. The lake is fed not only by surface water, but also The groundwater, coming from springs. One of the most picturesque lakes in the Urals. Mountain peaks, tree crowns, and clouds are reflected in the blue mirror surface, as if in a mirror. The area of ​​the lake is 26.4 sq. km, length – 6.9 km, width – 6.3 km, maximum depth – 30 meters. Turgoyak is a flowing reservoir; several rivers and streams flow into it. The lake is fed not only by surface water, but also by underground water coming from springs.

Uvildy This is the most large lake in the Urals. The lake is 9 km long and 9 km wide. The shape of this lake resembles a pear. Large and deep, the lake warms up very slowly, and the water in it is always cold. Swimming season lasts only a month - from July 15 to August 15. On the territory of this lake a large number of islands.

Swamps and glaciers - storehouses of reserves fresh water There are continuous ice fields in the Northern and South Poles Earth. They swim in the oceans ice mountains- icebergs. There are continuous ice fields at the North and South Poles of the Earth. Ice mountains - icebergs - float in the oceans. Glaciers also form high in the mountains. Glaciers also form high in the mountains.

Reservoirs. Games with water. Reservoirs. Swamp. Swamps. Reservoirs of our region. Surface and bodies of water. Reservoirs of our region. Swamp plants. Reservoirs and their inhabitants. Swamp ecosystem. Swamp ecosystem. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Plants and animals of the reservoir. Decorative ponds. Reservoirs of Moscow. Lakes, groundwater, swamps, permafrost, glaciers.

Reservoirs with fresh water. Let's play with water. Presentation on the topic "Swamps". Study of reservoirs. Riddles about the ship. Reservoirs of our area. Lake Amut. Lesson topic: Swamps. Holy swamp. Project: “Reservoirs of our region.” Life of a fresh water body. Topic: Water supply. Lesson topic: “Reservoirs of our region.” Birds of swamps and coasts. Hydrology of swamps.

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PTK of your area: swamps. The spring rings with cold water. Bryoflora of swamps Tula region. The swamp is an amazing formation. The cycle of substances in the Bludov swamp. Reservoirs of the Tula region, Chernsky district. The problem of provision drinking water residents of the village of Dergachi. Regulation of wastewater discharges into swamps: problems, solutions.

Bioecological characteristics of the fish class; their diversity depending on biotypes (stream, swamp, pool tropical rivers). Reservoirs of the Smolensk region. Swamp 2nd class plants animals. Traveling through bodies of water native land. Animal world reservoirs of the Kurgan region.

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