Act on the occurrence of an insured event. Insured event report. How to quickly receive an insurance claim report

Or by a person authorized by him upon occurrence and serving as the basis for payment. It is the basis for calculating the amount of damage and determining the policyholder’s right to receive insurance compensation. The insurance act is necessary to confirm the fact and circumstances of an accident related to work or travel, when insuring workers at the expense of organizations, under compulsory insurance of passengers. For other types of personal insurance, an insurance certificate is not required to confirm an accident; medical documents are used for this.

Insurance acts indicate the place, time and causes of loss (damage) of property, the amount of damage caused, measures taken to preserve the property, and other information. If necessary, the insurance certificate is accompanied by conclusions from competent authorities confirming the fact of loss (damage) of property and its cause: fire inspection authorities, agricultural, medical, veterinary institutions, law enforcement agencies, etc.

The insurance act is drawn up by a representative of the insurance organization () with the participation of the policyholder or his representative. Legislation allows for compulsory property insurance to entrust the execution of the insurance act to certain officials of government agencies. The basis for drawing up an insurance act is a written statement from the policyholder addressed to the insurer regarding the fact and circumstances of the insured event. In international insurance practice, this statement is called a stated claim.

Upon receipt of an application from the policyholder regarding an insured event, the insurer is obliged to:

  • send an expert to inspect the scene of the accident and draw up a report on the insured event (with the participation of the insured);
  • calculate the amount of damage;
  • determine the legality of the insurance payment.

The attributes of the act and the procedure for its preparation have certain differences by type of insurance and by insurance organizations. When insuring certain types of property (ships, cargo, etc.), the role of the insurance act is played by the document drawn up, but the issuance of an emergency certificate does not mean the undisputed payment of insurance compensation, since factors may be identified that prevent this (fault of the policyholder, damage within the limits, etc.) .P.).

To pay insurance coverage for the consequences of an accident at work, during the performance of official duties and in transport, officials are required to draw up an accident report, which replaces the insurance report.

Many people, when signing an insurance contract, hope that if an accident occurs, the insurance company will provide them with compensation as soon as possible, and even in the most difficult situations, thanks to this, they will not have to waste time on many procedures.

But the practice of modern insurers suggests that in reality everything is not so simple, starting from the fact that in order to receive the payment itself you need to provide a number of documents, and ending with the fact that even if all the rules are followed, it is far from a fact that the insurance company is in will eventually pay the amount correctly.

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That is why it will be useful for many to know what a sample act of an insured event is, how to capitalize an act of an insured event, and what needs to be done to receive the due compensation as soon as possible.

What to do with a small payment

It is best to wait until the insurance compensation is transferred to you, and only then start repairing your car, since in this case you will have the opportunity to conduct an independent examination from selected specialists if it suddenly turns out that too many details were included in the completed insurance claim report. not all damage.

If the car has already been repaired, but the insurer paid you too little under compulsory motor liability insurance, you need to send him a request to issue an insurance certificate, and in the future, based on it, demand full compensation for the actual costs that were required to repair your car.

Even if you are going to repair damaged vehicles first, you will need to carry out this procedure at a service center with the obligatory receipt of a complete list of relevant documents.

If you can wait a little for the insurance payment, then in this case you will have the opportunity to sue the company for additional compensation, and in the end the repair will cost you much more profitably

How to quickly receive an insurance claim report

To determine what you need to do in the process of appealing the decision of your insurance company, first of all, you must have in your hands an assessment report carried out by an expert from this company, as well as a detailed calculation.

To do this, you first need to write an application to your insurer, which will include your request to provide a certificate of the insured event, as well as a vehicle inspection report with a calculation of the price of repair work. In accordance with the current rules of compulsory motor liability insurance, the insurer must in any case provide you with this act if you have sent a correctly completed written request.

Once you have all the necessary papers, you can conduct a full check of all positions to see how correctly the experts indicated the damage caused to your car during the accident. You can do this either independently or with the involvement of professional specialists, and it is quite natural that it is best not to do this without outside help.

The act should indicate the calculation amount without taking into account the wear and tear of various components, and if it approximately corresponds to the costs that you had to allocate to repair the car, this indicates that the underpayment is due to the wear and tear of various parts. It is immediately worth noting that in such a situation you are unlikely to achieve any positive result.

In addition, companies do the following:

  • underestimate the total volume and price of standard hours of repair work;
  • do not take into account certain types of work that are required to restore the vehicle;
  • reduce prices for materials and parts required for restoration work;
  • do not take into account the cost of materials and components that need to be replaced.

If the car cannot be restored at all, then, on the contrary, the insurance company can inflate the price of serviceable parts several times, which, again, leads to a significant reduction in the amount of compensation.

Independent examination

If in the report you see a complete list of damage caused to your car, then in this case it is best to seek the services of independent experts who can study the inspection report in detail and draw up a repeat calculation that reflects the real cost of repair work.

If the car that was damaged has been in use for less than five years, then independent experts can also calculate the loss of marketable value of this car due to repairs, and this amount will also have to be compensated by the insurance company.

If in the report you see an incomplete list of damages, and the vehicle has not yet been repaired, a repeated independent examination will allow you to clarify the correctness of the report. It is worth noting that your insurance company must receive advance notice of where and when you will be holding this event, since by law it has the right to send a representative to it.

Any payment receipts that you receive during the process of carrying out additional work must be kept, because in the future all the money that you spent on pre-trial proceedings can be recovered in court from your insurer.

If the vehicle repair has already been completed, then try to restore as much as possible all payment documents and receipts that can confirm the real amount of financial costs.

Pre-trial claim and trial

After you receive a new damage assessment report, you will need to start drawing up a competent pre-trial claim to your insurer, in which you will indicate your requirements, and also attach a new result of an independent examination, for which you require appropriate payments.

The claim must be drawn up in accordance with a special form, and its addressee must be the head of the insurance company you have chosen. After that, you indicate the reason why you are making this statement, as well as the result you want to get from it.

The document indicates the amount that the injured person expects, as well as the waiting period for a response, after which the client will file a statement of claim. It is worth noting that the waiting period for a response cannot be more than 10 days in accordance with current legislation.

The claim must be accompanied by absolutely all the documents that you have on hand, as well as indicate the car number, policy number, receipts from the service station and the results of an independent examination. Filing this claim is proof that you have tried to negotiate with your insurer before filing a claim against them.

The document is transferred directly to the secretariat of the insurance company, and during the transfer process you must be given a copy of this document, which will indicate the receipt.

It often happens that insurers ultimately simply meet their clients halfway and satisfy the drawn up claim, but most often, of course, this document is rejected or completely ignored. That is why many recommend not to rely too much on the drawn up claim and immediately begin preparing for the trial.

To file a claim for insurance compensation, you first need to calculate the amount of your claim, which includes:

  • the cost of repairing your car (indicated in the results of an independent examination);
  • cost of services of independent experts;
  • expenses required for sending postal notices.

The insurance payment is deducted from this amount, and if the corresponding assessment has not been carried out, then the loss of the marketable value of the car and possible interest are also added to it for the fact that the insurer used other people’s money illegally.

Be sure to indicate the moral damage that you are going to compensate at the expense of the insurer, and it is immediately worth noting that in accordance with the law you can indicate absolutely any amount, but in the vast majority of cases the courts will compensate no more than a few thousand rubles.

According to the law, during the trial, the insurer will not only have to fully return the underpaid amount, but in addition to this, also fully pay a fine, which amounts to 50% from the amount claimed for the fact that the company refused to pay the funds due to the policyholder on a voluntary basis. In this case, this amount is awarded in favor of the plaintiff, and not the state, that is, you receive additional compensation.

If the planned amount of recovery will be more than the amount that is the maximum for compulsory motor liability insurance, then in this case it is best to involve the culprit of the accident in court proceedings, since otherwise the paperwork may be significantly delayed in terms of time.

In preparation for the trial, you need to draw up the following package of documents:

  • documents for the car;
  • copies of all documents provided to you by traffic police officers;
  • vehicle inspection report;
  • insurance claim report;
  • a statement of claim, to which a calculation is separately attached;
  • insurer's calculation.

If the insurance company has underpaid you a fairly large amount, then the best solution would be to turn to law firms to handle the filing of the application with the court and the proceedings themselves. It is worth noting that claims with an amount less than 50 thousand rubles are sent to magistrate judges, while larger claims fall under the jurisdiction of the district court.

It is also necessary to describe the basis for filing the appeal as accurately as possible:

  1. underestimation of the required amount for payment;
  2. refusal to pay;
  3. incorrect examination, etc.

The insurance company has five business days to review. The absence of a response to the review is the basis for the applicant to resolve the dispute under the compulsory motor liability insurance in court.

In this case, the insurance company faces:

  1. a fine of 50% between the actual payment and the judgment;
  2. payment to the plaintiff of the amount assigned by the court for consideration of the case materials;
  3. a penalty of 1% of the insurance premium that the insurance company pays to the plaintiff for each day of delay.

Based on the above, I believe that Insurance Company LLC significantly underestimated the amount of payment for damage caused to my car.

Based on the above, I ask voluntarily within 5 (days) days from the date of receipt of this claim: 1. Pay me the full amount of insurance compensation in the amount of _________ rubles. according to my bank details attached to this claim

Vehicle owners need to draw up an accident report based on the sample.

If the documents are drawn up without the involvement of the police, the injured driver does not have the right to make additional demands for compensation for damage to property. But he can demand compensation for damage caused to his health, which will manifest itself later.

To receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance, you must collect papers confirming the fact of the accident and damage to the car.

B._________'s motor third-party liability is insured by ______________ Insurance Company, in accordance with AAA policy No. 013 _____________.

As a result of the accident, the motorcycle belonging to the Plaintiff suffered significant technical damage.

00 kopecks - payment of the cost of the examination, 351 rubles.

54 and 303 rub. 28 kopecks - payment for the cost of telegrams sent to the Defendant and the culprit of the accident, calling for participation in the inspection of the damaged motorcycle.

A pre-trial claim under compulsory motor liability insurance is submitted to the insurance company in three cases:

  • Refusal to pay the amount.
  • Delay in payment of compensation for damages.
  • Underestimation of the amount of payments compared to the actual cost of damage.

The most rare cases of filing pre-trial claims are when insurers delay the transfer of monetary compensation.

In the event of an accident, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to apply for compensation.

In order to draw up such a document, the applicant must accurately provide all the information about the accident that occurred.

This document is extremely necessary for you, since in the future, in legal proceedings, the insurance company may justify its refusal by your failure to fulfill your obligation to provide the car for inspection after an accident.

Many people confuse the inspection report and the opinion of an independent expert on the cost of restoration repairs; these two concepts must be distinguished.

The insurance company is clearly obliged to issue you a vehicle inspection certificate; this obligation is provided for in clause 4.23 of the Rules for Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners.

Life situations often lead to serious consequences not only in relation to a person’s property, but also in relation to his life or health. Therefore, recently in the Russian Federation cases of insurance of movable and immovable property, as well as the lives of citizens, have become widespread.

In the event of a serious incident, representatives of the insurance company are obliged to compensate for the damage caused to the injured person. However, this only happens in a situation where the incident can be attributed to insurance, and not intentionally, and when a person contacts the company with a written statement.

It is best to wait until the insurance compensation is transferred to you, and only then start repairing your car, since in this case you will have the opportunity to conduct an independent examination from selected specialists if it suddenly turns out that too many details were included in the completed insurance claim report. not all damage.

If the car has already been repaired, but the insurer paid you too little under compulsory motor liability insurance, you need to send him a request to issue an insurance certificate, and in the future, based on it, demand full compensation for the actual costs that were required to repair your car.

Even if you are going to repair damaged vehicles first, you will need to carry out this procedure at a service center with the obligatory receipt of a complete list of relevant documents.

If you can wait a little for the insurance payment, then in this case you will have the opportunity to sue the company for additional compensation, and in the end the repair will cost you much more profitably

After you receive a new damage assessment report, you will need to start drawing up a competent pre-trial claim to your insurer, in which you will indicate your requirements, and also attach a new result of an independent examination, for which you require appropriate payments.

The claim must be drawn up in accordance with a special form, and its addressee must be the head of the insurance company you have chosen. After that, you indicate the reason why you are making this statement, as well as the result you want to get from it.

The document indicates the amount that the injured person expects, as well as the waiting period for a response, after which the client will file a statement of claim. It is worth noting that the waiting period for a response cannot be more than 10 days in accordance with current legislation.

The claim must be accompanied by absolutely all the documents that you have on hand, as well as indicate the car number, policy number, receipts from the service station and the results of an independent examination. Filing this claim is proof that you have tried to negotiate with your insurer before filing a claim against them.

The document is transferred directly to the secretariat of the insurance company, and during the transfer process you must be given a copy of this document, which will indicate the receipt.

It often happens that insurers ultimately simply meet their clients halfway and satisfy the drawn up claim, but most often, of course, this document is rejected or completely ignored.

To file a claim for insurance compensation, you first need to calculate the amount of your claim, which includes:

  • the cost of repairing your car (indicated in the results of an independent examination);
  • cost of services of independent experts;
  • expenses required for sending postal notices.

The insurance payment is deducted from this amount, and if the corresponding assessment has not been carried out, then the loss of the marketable value of the car and possible interest are also added to it for the fact that the insurer used other people’s money illegally.

Be sure to indicate the moral damage that you are going to compensate at the expense of the insurer, and it is immediately worth noting that in accordance with the law you can indicate absolutely any amount, but in the vast majority of cases the courts will compensate no more than a few thousand rubles.

The fundamental task of any insurance company is to investigate incidents that occurred with their clients and provide monetary compensation for losses upon confirmation of the occurrence of an insured event.

Before completing and submitting an application to an authorized company, it is first important to familiarize yourself with the situations that can be classified as insurance events.

An insured event is considered to be an incident in which an incident occurred that resulted in loss or serious damage to the insured property or the life and health of the insured citizen. It is important to note that this category does not include incidents that occurred through the fault of the victim himself or in the absence of a culprit.

The specific list of insured events and the terms of payment are determined individually and on the basis of a concluded agreement between the company and the policyholder. At the same time, the legislation notes a number of situations when refusal to consider an application to an insurance company would be lawful.

  • The insured has expressed a desire to receive compensation for moral damage or lost profits;
  • If payment of funds for damage caused was not specified in the content of the contract with the company;
  • The damage was caused during competitions and testing;
  • If the damage was caused during loading or unloading activities.

MORE: How to insure a car under compulsory motor liability insurance without life insurance, is life insurance required?

The occurrence of an insured event implies the need to notify the insurer about the incident. To do this, the policyholder is obliged to draw up an application for an insured event and submit it for consideration to the insurer or his authorized representative.

The deadline for submitting an application, as well as options for sending the document, are determined by the parties in the contents of the agreement. In the absence of a specified provision in the agreement with the insurance company, the deadline for submitting an application is 30 days from the date of the incident or from the moment the injured person learned about the insured event.

Timely application by a person in respect of whom an insured event occurred increases the likelihood of payment of funds and reduces the company’s ability to refuse payment due to failure to fulfill obligations.

The correctness of the application plays an important role. Therefore, to fill out, you can use the form provided by the company’s employees or read the proposed rules for drawing up an application:

  • Information about the policyholder is noted;
  • Passport and contact details;
  • Specifies information about the citizen’s policy;
  • Date, place and time of the incident;
  • The circumstances of the incident and general information about what happened.

If the company does not have a unified form, you can familiarize yourself with the proposed sample application to the insurance company about the occurrence of an insured event.

What documents are attached?

When an incident occurs, the policyholder, under an agreement with the insurer, undertakes to submit an application to notify about the incident. In addition to the written notification, accompanying documents are attached to the application indicating the legality of the citizen’s demands.

The list of documents attached to the claim for an insured event may vary depending on the type of incident and the list specified in the contents of the contract of the parties.

For example, in the event of damage or loss of the insured vehicle, the following is included:

  • A duplicate of the citizen's passport certificate, certified by a notary;
  • Documents confirming the right to own and use a car;
  • An act drawn up by representatives of the traffic police (including a copy of the protocol or resolution on bringing to administrative responsibility) or a document indicating that employees of the authorized body were not called to the scene of the incident;
  • Written refusal of the participants in the insured event to initiate criminal proceedings;
  • If the interests of the injured person are protected by a representative, a power of attorney and a duplicate of the citizen’s passport are also attached to the statement of the incident;
  • If the employees of the insurance company have approved the provision of funds, a certificate from the bank is provided for the accrual of funds.

In the event of the death of the policyholder, the following must be attached to the application for the occurrence of the insured event:

  • A copy of the document, certified by employees of the forensic medical expert group, the content of which will contain information about the circumstances of the death of the person and the tests performed;
  • A duplicate of the document confirming the death of the policyholder, certified by a notary;
  • A duplicate of a court order or a copy of a document indicating the initiation or refusal to initiate criminal proceedings;
  • A document issued and certified by an authorized body that indicates an accident;
  • If at the time of death the insured citizen was in a medical institution, all documents of the patient are attached to the application for the occurrence of an insured event;
  • If the agreement provides for the need to provide the inheritance to the successors of the deceased person, a certificate of the right to inherited property and identity cards of all heirs are presented.

If an insured event has resulted in a person’s disability, the following must be attached to the application for its occurrence:

  • A duplicate of a documentary act indicating the establishment of the degree of disability in relation to a person, certified by a notary;
  • A copy of the act confirming the medical examination;
  • A document that confirms the fact of initiation or refusal to initiate criminal proceedings;
  • If disability occurs as a result of an accidental combination of circumstances, a special act is attached to the application for the occurrence of an insured event;
  • Copies of documentation of the sick citizen indicating the exact diagnosis and the date of its establishment;
  • Certificates certified by an authorized body that contain information about tests performed for the presence of prohibited or toxic substances in the blood.

A list of documents, along with an application for the occurrence of an insured event, is provided to the employees of the insurance company in person or through the use of postal services. If the company has an official website with a section that allows you to send documents in electronic format, the documents are scanned and sent via the Internet.

After completing the application, you need to consider possible ways to provide notification to the organization’s employees, taking into account the established time for the implementation of the procedure. This is due to the fact that in case of untimely notification of authorized persons, the injured citizen may lose legal compensation.

You can submit an application for the occurrence of an insured event along with the required documentary acts in person, through an authorized representative, by registered mail, or you can contact the insurer through the official website.

As noted earlier, the application must be sent no later than the established time period. The timing varies depending on the incident and the period specified in the content of the parties’ agreement.

If the insured person does not have the opportunity to notify the insurer on time or collect all the necessary documents, you can use the services of a trusted representative. You can also write a statement specifying valid reasons for missing the deadline.

After notifying company employees by means of a statement about the occurrence of an insured event, representatives of the organization are required to conduct an inspection to determine the accuracy of the information presented. To do this, the following procedure is carried out:

  1. A specialist is sent to the place where the incident occurred, whose responsibilities include inspection and assessment of damage. Upon completion of the inspection, a special act is drawn up, the content of which states:
    • the nature of the harm or damage received;
    • general information about the incident;
    • reasons for the incident.
  2. The documentation presented by the injured person is also checked. In some cases, representatives of the insurance company contact the authorized bodies to obtain additional information on the case;
  3. Depending on the insured event, it may be necessary to involve an independent expert. After the inspection, the specialist is obliged to draw up a conclusion that will provide reliable information about the incident;
  4. After this, the specialist determines whether the incident is an insured event and whether the insured citizen has the right to receive monetary compensation.
  • what happened to a subject who has an issued MTPL policy for the vehicle that caused harm to a third party;
  • not related to exceptions determined by the contract, as not subject to coverage.
  • The amount of damage is indicated further in Russian rubles - it must be indicated both in digital values ​​and in words.
  • At the bottom it is written who the recipient of the insurance compensation is - last name, first name, patronymic, as well as the recipient's account where the insurance payments should be transferred and the date when such transfers should be made.
  • Then you also need to indicate the form of payment and its type - “interim” or “final”.
  • At the bottom are the signatures of the drafter and approver of the act.
  • And even lower are the accountant’s notes on the transfer of payments to the policyholder’s account.
  • What kind of fraud can be committed with the act and its preparation on the part of the insurance company should be understood from what experts and legal practitioners are talking about.
  • go to court
  • conduct an independent examination
  • collect money from the insurance company
  • As part of the legal process, you need to file a petition with the court to request the case materials held by the insurance company, including the inspection report
    • make a selection of all regulations that stipulate the obligations of the insurer that are not performed by it. Present it to the insurance company and ask them to explain the reason for its violation of these legal requirements;
    • Submit the application and all necessary documents to the insurance company using postal service. Of course, in this case she will receive them later. But on the other hand, you will have in your hands documentary evidence issued by the post office that you have fulfilled all obligations under the insurance contract.
    • What to do if the insurance company has paid little under compulsory motor liability insurance?

      What to do if the insurance company delays payment under compulsory motor liability insurance, read here.

      In such circumstances, the insurer will not be able to rely on any violations committed by you. As a rule, these measures are quite sufficient for you to receive an inspection certificate.

      If the insurer continues to grossly violate the terms of the contract, use the opportunity to file a claim with the judicial authorities or file a complaint with the RSA.

      Let’s say that you did receive the inspection report, but you are not satisfied with the amount of the insurance amount paid, which did not cover all the actual costs of restoring the car. In this case, you should direct your efforts to proving that you are right.

      You can do this in court by filing a claim for compensation for the actual amount of damage caused. Submit a petition to obtain from the defendant all the documents that he has. If necessary, the court may order an independent examination.

      Application to the insurance company for the issuance of an inspection certificate under MTPL

      Regardless of what type of insurance we are talking about (CASCO or OSAGO), applications for receiving an inspection report are drawn up in the same way.

      Be sure to include the following:

    • full name of the policyholder and his details (address, contact phone numbers);
    • information about the insurance company (location and TIN);
    • describe the essence of the accident;
    • state your request for the documents you need.
    • Why do you need a vehicle inspection report after an accident?

      If you have in your hands an inspection report for a vehicle damaged in an accident, this means that you have fulfilled your duties in a timely and complete manner. This circumstance deprives the insurer of the right to refer, if it fails to fulfill its obligations, to the fact that certain violations were committed on your part.

      When drawing up a report on an insured event, not only the vehicle inspection report is used, but also the conclusion of an independent examination. It is important to clearly understand that these are two different documents and should not be confused.

      The inspection report only confirms the fact that the policyholder has fulfilled his obligation to present the damaged car to the insurer within the prescribed period for its inspection. This document is drawn up by an employee of the insurance company.

      From the opinion of an independent expert, you can find out the cost of repairs necessary to restore a damaged car.

      Every day, without knowing it, by our own will or against it, under the influence of many factors, we and our loved ones, movable and immovable property are exposed to risks. Unfortunately, money cannot buy life and health, and sometimes damaged property cannot be restored. Monetary compensation in such cases can help a person “get back on his feet” and start living again. You need to take care of this in advance and draw up an insurance certificate.

      Insurance act

      An insurance act is a document drawn up by a representative of the insurance company and drawn up according to an approved template. The act describes the main factors in the occurrence of an insured event, as well as the absence thereof, contains information about the injured party, the amount of compensation due and is the basis for paying compensation for the damage caused or describes the reasons why payment of compensation may be refused. The person who has drawn up the insurance contract can take advantage of this.

      By whom and when is it issued?

      A report on the occurrence of an insured event can be drawn up with the participation of an adjuster who represents the insurance company, as well as the insurer or a person authorized by him. This document describes in detail the circumstances of the loss (damage) of property, their place, time, causes, the amount of damage caused, measures taken to preserve the property, and other information. The insurance act is drawn up after the injured party writes a statement that an insured event has occurred and provides a list of damaged property. Three days are allotted for drawing up the act; weekends and holidays are not taken into account.

      Based on the statement of the injured party, taking into account the facts and circumstances of the insured event, a report is drawn up and sent to the insurer. Abroad, such a document is called a stated claim. There are a number of cases when an insurance act can be drawn up by an official; this is enshrined in law and is carried out with compulsory property insurance. An insured event under social or personal insurance can be confirmed by a medical certificate, sick leave certificate or other document.

      Depending on the order of filling out and other features, additional types of insurance documents are distinguished:

      1. Emergency certificate - is drawn up when insuring ships and cargo and is issued by the emergency commissioner. Before payment of compensation under the emergency certificate, a check is carried out. If it is established that the damage occurred due to the fault of the policyholder or the damage is recognized within the deductible limits, then no compensation will be paid.
      2. An accident report is drawn up by competent persons if such an incident occurred at work or during the performance of relevant work duties.

      Why is the act needed?

      The insurance act is the basis for paying compensation, so it can be drawn up taking into account additional information obtained from a third party. This may be information provided by medical institutions, law enforcement agencies, banks and other organizations. Providing information, including confidential information, about an insured event is required by Article 20 of the Law “On Insurance”.

      The amount of payment depends on the terms of the insurance contract. Payment of compensation is carried out after submitting a written application and issuing an insurance certificate.

      Attention: the insurance act is the only basis for determining the amount of losses and calculating the insurance payment; it gives the right to receive monetary compensation.


      An application is a document, usually drawn up in writing, which serves as the basis for issuing an insurance act upon the occurrence of an insured event, namely damage to human health, damage or loss of property. Of course, it is impossible to compare the damage caused to a car due to an accident and injuries sustained by a person at work; these are completely different categories. Therefore, these cases differ in the procedure, execution of various documents and the amount of compensation, as well as the terms of the signed agreement and the amount of compensation provided for therein.


      Current legislation obliges citizens to bear responsibility for the consequences of their actions and protects them from the consequences of the actions of third parties. The implementation of Federal Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002 is aimed at protecting persons injured by vehicles and their owners. OSAGO is a compulsory civil liability insurance policy that compensates for losses caused to another vehicle or passengers.

      In the event of an accident, it is necessary to draw up an insurance claim under MTPL, which will fully describe all the circumstances of the incident and the risks that arose because of it.

      Important: persons who have not issued compulsory motor liability insurance are prohibited from appearing on the road.

      The insurance company must be notified within no more than 3 days that an accident has occurred. In order to accurately determine the amount of damage caused to the car and to record all the damage, it is necessary to draw up an inspection report of the car after an accident of the established form. The report can be drawn up by an independent technical specialist, whose assessment is more objective, or by a representative of the insurance company, who is interested in minimizing the company’s costs and recognizing many damages as non-insurable. Compensation must be paid within 90 days from the date the injured party submits the relevant application.

      Important: prior to inspection by a representative of the insurance company, it is prohibited to repair the vehicle.

      Life and health

      Unfortunately, in our country, the life and health of people have less insurance value than material assets. In the case of life insurance, the final event is death, before which a person lives a life filled with health risks. Therefore, in the event of injury or loss of ability to work, a person can receive partial compensation, since the insured event was incomplete. Federal Law No. 225-FZ dated February 27, 2010 and Government Decree No. 714 dated September 13, 2010 protect human life and health from negative consequences at work and when participating in research.

      Unfortunately, insurance companies are in no hurry to pay compensation; they find reasons to refuse payment or reasons to reduce its size, taking advantage of the ignorance or confusion of the victims. Therefore, for the convenience of document preparation, a sample insurance claim report has been developed.


      Caring about the future, people want to preserve their property, production equipment, and products, so they use wealth insurance services, knowing that if an insured event occurs, they will be able to receive compensation, and it will be easier to overcome all difficulties. Property insurance has some features and conditions, these include mandatory compliance with fire and other regulations.

      In the event of loss of property or damage, the owner must contact a special insurance inspection, write an application for inspection, and also take measures to ensure the safety of the damaged property.

      Thus, insurance is a tool that helps a person protect his material and intangible assets, receive payment if an insured event occurs, and therefore protect himself from additional costs for restoring health and property and be more confident in the future. And this is exactly what all people want.

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