How a candle should burn and what it means. How to determine your energy state by a candle flame

Some people are surprised by natural existence, and consider everything that happens in life to be enchanting and beautiful. Others treat everything natural with a calm, contemptuous attitude, nevertheless, with intuition they turn to everything supernatural.

Quite often for fortune telling and fulfillment magical rituals use an ordinary wax candle. It is also used to diagnose illnesses and cleanse the biofield. Although, diagnostics using a candle can be considered exotic rather than a serious way to determine diseases.

Here are some signs and observations:

  1. A candle that burns with a straight, high flame, without soot or sagging, indicates that you are healthy.
  2. If during combustion nodules form (the candle “cries”), then this indicates that your internal balance is disturbed.
  3. You haven’t had time to ignite the candle, and liquid wax begins to run down it in thin streams, then obviously this means that you have been damaged.
  4. If a lot of sagging forms on a burning candle, and their lines intersect, then you are in danger or a dangerous illness.
  5. Lie down and ask someone to slowly pass a lit candle over your body in a clockwise direction. If the candle begins to smoke (the smoke becomes dark or even black), this means that your internal organs located in the place where the flame darkens are sick.
  6. If a drop of wax slowly rolls down the candle, like a tear, this indicates that on an energetic level you are fighting some dark personality. The black color of the “tear” indicates the predominance of negative energy in you, and a clean tear indicates that you are on the path to healing.
  7. If the candle you put in the church bends too much, then you are possessed by the devil.
  8. If a candle lit for diagnostics suddenly goes out, this is bad. You should sincerely forgive everyone who has ever offended you, and ask for forgiveness from those you have offended. Only after this can the diagnosis be repeated.
  9. On the floor next to your feet, place a stearine candle, securing it on a small plate. If the candle begins to cry, and small cakes begin to appear evenly on the plate around it, this indicates a possible cancer.
  10. When performing rituals, always hold the candle with one side facing you, without turning it. If the swelling on the candle is formed on your side, then you are to blame for your illnesses, if on the opposite side, then they were “gifted” to you.

Diagnostic rules

If you want to diagnose someone, you must familiarize yourself with the main rules. You must buy four candles from the church before the start of the liturgy, always on Sunday. Without leaving, place the first candle at the icon of Jesus Christ, place the second candle at the icon of the Mother of God, and the third in whose honor the church is named. For example, St. Nicholas, and so on. If the church is consecrated in honor of the Savior or the Virgin Mary, then buy three candles. Take the fourth or third candle home, we will use it to diagnose.

On Sunday evening, sit the person you are going to diagnose in the center of the room, facing east. Stand behind your back and light a candle. Read the Lord's Prayer. Keep the lit candle at a distance of 50 cm from the person. From the top of your head, draw the candles in a straight line down to the floor. Take a step and repeat the procedure. So make three circles around the person being diagnosed.

If the candle does not behave calmly, splashes wax, crackles, burns with a red flame and smokes - this is sure sign damage. This manifests itself in the areas of the back, headboard and legs. The wider the range, the stronger the interference in human energy.

If a person has an evil eye, the candle feels it in the same way as damage, only in the waist area or just above it. This also applies to the occipital region.

Fortune telling by candle

If you want to diagnose yourself, you must know that this is done in certain weeks. This should be any day of the full moon, the week between Epiphany and Christmas, a week before Easter and Trinity, two weeks before the Assumption, and a week after the Nativity of the Virgin.

The candle must be purchased in the same way as in the first case. Diagnostics is carried out in winter time from one to two in the morning, at summer time from two to three o'clock in the morning.

Cover the table with a white sheet or tablecloth without patterns, place a candle on the table, preferably in a wooden candlestick. The candle should be 30 cm from your eye level. Light it and stare into the flame for five minutes.

If the flame is even and weak, then this promises you a quiet, calm life. If the flame is dim, it is an evil eye for bad luck. If a candle cracks, this is damage of any kind that has not yet manifested itself.

If the color of the flame is yellow, it means joy; if it is yellow-red, it means profit in the near future; soot means damage. If the wax floats evenly to the sides, you will have a calm, unremarkable life. If the wax floats towards you, it means wealth or love. If wax drips from you, this means family misfortunes; for unmarried people it means “the crown of celibacy.” If the candle is bent, you are damaged.

    And this is a sign: the one of the spouses who holds the candle higher will be the head of the house.

    In fact, a lot of different signs and beliefs are associated with a church candle. So, I want to highlight these:

    1) As a gift a candle:

    2) A candle that floated:

    3) Wedding candles:

    4) Candles on church holidays:

    5) Baptismal candles:

    6) Extinguished candle:

    7) Energy of a specific house:

  • Previously, many rituals and ceremonies were performed with church candles. I heard that church candles cannot be given as gifts; you need to buy them yourself. You cannot throw away the remains of an unburned candle; they must be taken to church. If a church candle goes out, it bad sign. If a candle crackles and burns with a black flame and smokes, it means there is a lot of negative energy. You cannot blow out the candles yourself; they must burn out on their own.

    If you can in Holy Week If you bring home a burning candle with a Thursday fire, then for a whole year misfortunes will pass you by.

    The church candle quickly goes out - Bad sign, to death.

    A funny sign: if there is a large deposit on the candle, then the bride will come across a nosey one, and if you drop the candle, then a wedding will happen soon.

    Church candles are the subject of many ancient beliefs and signs. For example, it is believed that the way candles behave during a wedding can predict the future for the newlyweds. It is difficult to say whether this is actually so, but an incident that occurred during the wedding of one of my friends confirms the above.

    At the wedding, the bride's candle fell and went out - and this is a very unkind sign. At first, the friend was upset, but soon forgot about the omen, because her husband looked at her with loving eyes and, it seemed, did not notice anyone but her. But just about a year later, when the time for falling in love had passed, he began to cheat on her - and their short marriage ended in divorce.

    Church candles surprisingly answer a person’s questions through their behavior, that is, candles often fall or bend when a person is subject to sorrows or stress a large number of grave sins. In houses with poor energy, candles may cry or spin in one place, which usually causes mystical horror among owners. In this case, it is necessary to invite a priest to consecrate the premises.

    Church candles carry a special energy, because they are located in a temple where prayers are constantly taking place. When people come to church, they place candles in front of the icon with prayer. This helps a person find comfort and peace of mind. You can burn such candles at home simply to cleanse the space. They are also used in medicinal purposes To do this, acupuncture points on the soles of the feet are treated with flame. There are many popular signs associated with church candles. It is believed that special attention should be paid to the combustion process: if the candle burns calmly and clearly, then this is happy life, and if it cracks, then there are a lot of problems in the family. Such candles must be extinguished with your fingers; under no circumstances should you blow them out, otherwise you will get into trouble.

    A candle purchased in a church is an object associated with a number of signs that appeared a long time ago, but also occur in modern times.

    If a candle is lit at home and burns without black soot or smoke, it means life will be good, without troubles. And if sparks begin to fly off from it during combustion, this indicates impending severe frosts.

    A sign that many unconditionally believe in- if a candle suddenly goes out next to a patient, this portends death. It is also believed that you should never blow on a candle in order to extinguish it. It must go out on its own, otherwise bad events will happen. And if it was extinguished accidentally, through negligence, it means that unexpected guests will come soon.

    Another popular superstition is that you should never put three candles on the table - this promises a major misfortune. A sign that has a connection with the wedding process - if a candle goes out in one of the young people’s hands, it means he life path will be short-lived.

    As you can see, there are a lot of signs, and everyone treats them differently.

    I heard that you can tell the coming weather by looking at a candle.

    So, if the candle flame turns blue or is extinguished without apparent reason- expect cold or windy weather.

    Several factors can indicate the approach of wet weather: the candle is difficult to light, sparks fly from it, the wick curls into a snail.

    At the same time, these same phenomena are interpreted differently, without a hint of weather. So, extinguishing a candle, and with it a bluish flame, indicates that the soul of a deceased person is walking somewhere nearby, and this can also portend someone’s imminent death.

    And by the sparks from the candle, they say, you can find out how many days are left before the arrival of important news: the candle is knocked on the table until the first sparks, the number of strikes is the number of days of waiting.

    How can you not light a candle? It is believed that it is very bad to light three candles from the same torch, and it is also not recommended to light a candle from the hearth.

    If you see smoldering carbon deposits on the wick of a candle, expect imminent guests.

    I also heard that each day of the week corresponds to a certain color, and therefore the candles should be different colors, appropriate for a particular day.

    Church candle has many good properties, they carry only positive energy. A church candle cleanses space and a person’s aura. With the help church candle You can make a diagnosis of the aura and chakras.

    You can use a church candle to cleanse your home, you can use it to check the energy of an apartment or house, or the front door.

    There is such a belief and sign that church candles should not be given.

    If a church candle crackles when burning, it means there is negative energy nearby in the house or on a person.

    Church candle can will calm down Oh, you need to light it and just look at the flame and all worries will go away.

    Church candles that are lit in holidays in the house, they will bring grace to its residents.

    Church wedding candles are lit by women in labor to make childbirth easier.

    And more facts and signs about the effect of a church candle.

    There are many signs and superstitions associated with church candles.

    It is believed that if a candle crackles and burns with black smoke, then bad energy has accumulated in the house. It is also believed that you cannot extinguish a church candle yourself, it must go out on its own.

    It is up to everyone to believe or not in these signs, as they say to each according to faith.

For many centuries in a row, a candle has been a magical instrument. It is used in both white and black rituals. How can candles help cleanse the house? Often lower entities from subtle world. They are afraid of fire, so a church candle is used in the ritual of cleansing the house. Its flame burns destructive, negative energy. Fire helps to cleanse the surrounding space and human thoughts. After the ritual, the house becomes much calmer and easier.

The power of the flame

Most rituals to eliminate negative energy are performed using the element of fire. The flame helps not only to neutralize a house or work space, but also to cleanse the human biofield. Since ancient times, church candles have been used in Rus' to get rid of negative vibrations.

IN different times Together with the power of fire, they used holy water, prayers, salt, herbs, and silver crosses to cleanse the home. A church candle is a consecrated object. It will help create a positive aura in the house, saturated with higher vibrations.

Usually, to clean your home, you buy a large, thick candle from the temple. It is believed that the greater its volume and duration of combustion, the longer the house will be in a favorable energy state.

It is best to choose one day of the week for the ceremony. On this day, candles should be lit throughout the house - negative thoughts, incipient diseases, and clots of negative energy will burn in their flame.

Church candle: rituals

To perform rituals, sorcerers and ordinary people use candles of different colors. Each color has its own semantics and helps enhance the magic of the flame. The most commonly used is a white candle. This color is neutral, it is suitable for any rituals. Its main task is protection and cleansing.

  • Black candles are more suitable for black magic. They are used in rituals to induce damage and curses. They can also be used for contact with the deceased.
  • All shades of red (orange, pink) will help improve your destiny. These candles are used in love magic, to attract attention, sympathy, friendship.
  • Shades of blue (purple, cyan) help strengthen abilities, strengthen the spirit, and relieve diseases.
  • Green candles are suitable for attracting material wealth, and yellow ones are suitable for removing obstacles in endeavors.

In addition, there are special rituals in which a church candle helps cleanse the chakras or “burn out” an emerging disease from a certain organ. You can perform a ritual to make a dream come true or get rid of painful thoughts. With the help of a candle, rituals are performed to increase attractiveness, improve interpersonal relationships. There are actions with a candle that will help in new endeavors and bring success in work.

What day is best to do this? Almost all rituals are carried out in accordance with lunar phase. For example, to attract love, it is better to start rituals on the waxing Moon, and lapels - on the waning Moon.

Why do they “clean” the house?

The ritual for cleansing the room is best performed on the waning moon. This is a time of deliverance and liberation. All negative energy will leave the house along with dirt and garbage. It arises at the moment of quarrels and conflicts, grievances and scandals.

Guests in the house can also leave an unpleasant mark. And if the apartment was purchased recently, you should definitely clean it of the energy of the previous owners. After the deceased, it is also customary to do a general cleaning of the house in order to get rid of “dead” vibrations.

The energy information field of every object in the house is capable of absorbing both positive and negative. Therefore, it is very important to arrange wet cleaning and a ritual with a candle once a month (or a week). This will help renew the energy of the house and the objects that live in it.

How to cleanse the house with a church candle? First of all, you need to visit the church shop. There are as many candles purchased as there are rooms in the house (this also includes all utility rooms, toilet, shower).

Is there damage in the house?

Sometimes people don’t even realize that in their apartment there is a whole hotbed of clots of negative energy. There are several signs by which you can determine whether there is damage in the house.

  1. Dishes constantly break, chains break, buttons fly off.
  2. Electrical appliances burn out, furniture (stools, chairs) breaks.
  3. The plaster is crumbling, the wallpaper is cracking and tearing.
  4. There are often scandals and quarrels in the family.
  5. Plants dry out and die for no apparent reason.

If these signs appear, you should carry out a general cleaning of the room. A burning candle (especially a church candle) will help to carry out a ceremony to cleanse the house of negativity.

But even after the ritual is completed, for the future it is necessary to remember that:

  • at night it is necessary to remove crumbs and leftover food from the dining table;
  • do not leave dirty dishes;
  • Immediately after coming home, wash the soles of your shoes.

Such simple tips will help minimize the appearance of an alien energy information field in the house.

Preparing for the ritual

How to clean your apartment with a church candle? First of all, you should free yourself from negative energy. Sometimes magicians advise fasting for 2-3 days before the ritual. But you can just take a shower and wash away the negativity. To enhance the effect, rub the body with salt (lightly so as not to injure the skin) and rinse with running water.

You should first remove chains, rings, bracelets, and earrings. Metal also accumulates negativity, so all jewelry can be kept in water.

Wear comfortable clothes (without numerous buttons, zippers, fasteners) - such that they do not restrict movement. Open the windows, doors (if this is a private house) - this is done so that energy circulates freely throughout the home.

Before cleaning the house with a church candle, you should wipe all reflective surfaces (especially mirrors) with a damp cloth. Every object in the house is a carrier of one energy or another. Water will help neutralize negative vibrations.

The trash needs to be thrown out of the house. old shoes, unnecessary things. Should not remain indoors broken dishes, broken pieces of furniture - positive energy leaks through such defects.

Cleansing options

There are several cleaning methods that involve a church candle. But their essence is to go around the entire apartment and burn out negative energy. Therefore, it is very important to go around all corners - especially the joints of the floor and wall, ceiling and wall. This is where you can most often see black smoke from a church candle.

The walk starts from the front door. Carefully treat the hallway (even the door handle) and move counterclockwise around the apartment. Move the candle along walls, furniture, and household appliances. Clean all the corners, dark corners of the house, toilet and bathroom. Such a ritual is the basis for all other methods of neutralizing a home from negative vibrations.

Method 1. For the office, living room, kitchen, nursery, use a new candle. After the room has been cleansed by the flame, leave a candle in it. Light a new one and go to the next apartment. This will leave one burning candle in each room. They must burn to the end. The remaining cinder must be removed from the apartment (ideally, buried).

Way 2 . While walking around the apartment with a candle, you can read a prayer. And the assistant following should sprinkle every corner with holy water. Leave the candle to burn out at the front door, from which the round began.

Method 3. To cleanse yourself after an unpleasant guest or scandal, pour a handful of salt into the room where the negativity was released. It can be placed on a table or chair. Place a candle on the salt and light it. The wax, flowing down, will fall on the salt. After the candle burns out, it and the salt should be immediately removed from the house.

Working with a candle

When performing a ritual with a candle, you should protect yourself and the room. The wax, melting, absorbs all the evil vibrations of the surrounding space. Therefore, it should not get on your hands or floor. The candle can be placed on a saucer. Or cut out a circle from whatman paper and put it on a candle - so the wax will flow onto the paper. After the ritual, all attributes must be removed from the premises.

If the ritual is carried out with salt, it will help to “seal” negative energy. After cleaning the house, you should also get rid of it. All attributes can be thrown into a trash container or buried. But under no circumstances should you leave them at home (even in the trash can).

When “burning” a negative, you should definitely pay attention to the smoke and color of the wax. If a church candle smokes, an accumulation of negative energy has been detected at home or in an apartment. After the ritual, be sure to wash and rinse your hands with running water. This way the energetic dirt will be washed away.

Black smoke and soot

While carrying out a ritual to cleanse the house, you can notice how in some places a candle begins to crack and black smoke appears. Or the dripping wax becomes dark, almost black.

Why does a church candle smoke? What does black smoke mean? Such features of the ritual indicate that a clot of negative energy information field was discovered. Places where this occurs should be treated especially carefully. Until the black smoke disappears or the candle stops smoking (crackling).

How to protect your home?

You can protect your home from negative energy-informational influences with the help of amulets. After cleaning the apartment is completed, you can hang it over front door(or place in the red corner) amulet. The most effective talismans are prepared with your own hands. This could be a herbal sachet, a braided cord or an amulet.

IN Lately The fashion for doll amulets has returned. Sewn with your own hands, they can protect the whole family or a specific relative.

Minerals, wooden or metal amulets are often used to neutralize bad emissions. But all amulets need cleaning. They take the negative impact on themselves, so once every six months they should be kept in running water.

If the amulet cannot be washed (for example, a sachet made of herbs), it is enough to bury it in coarse salt. Leave the amulet there for about a day, take it out and return it to its original place. And throw the salt into the street.

Ways to protect yourself from negative energy

  • When you come home, wash your hands and wash your face.
  • Do wet cleaning more often - water washes away negative vibrations.
  • Don't let unkind people into your home.
  • Breeding cacti - all the negativity will be broken on their thorns.
  • Leave work squabbles and worries at the door.
  • Discard dishes and mirrors with cracks immediately.
  • Throw away unnecessary, broken items.

The opinion of the clergy

The Holy Fathers are outraged by the fact that magicians, psychics, and sorcerers mercilessly exploit church paraphernalia. The Church has negative experience of the consequences that arise for everyone who interacts with occult practices. The clergy consider the combination of Orthodox attributes and magical rituals unacceptable.

That is why the church opposes all kinds of treatments and cleansing with the help of candles. The latter are sacrifices to God. By lighting a candle, a person turns to the Lord with prayer. And by betting on sorcerers, he can lose his faith, his soul, and his life. The priest must heal the soul, and the body must be healed by the aesculapian. By turning to magicians and their methods, a person exposes himself to danger and spreads traditions unacceptable to a Christian.

The clergy answered the question: “Why does a church candle smoke at home?” They answer that an Orthodox Christian is obliged to take care of his soul (with prayers and repentance), and not to search for “secret signs” and cleanse the “mythical aura.” If the candle crackles or from it goes black smoke, this only indicates the low quality of the product.

Church candle: signs

There are many signs associated with candles. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that they (especially the sanctified ones) protect against evil spirits and have good powers. By folk signs If you intertwine two candles together and light them, the spouses will live happily ever after. And if during the wedding the bride or groom’s candle goes out, this signifies imminent death.

  1. A wedding candle will facilitate childbirth and reduce the suffering of the patient.
  2. If a newborn appears in the house, it will help drive away evil spirits.
  3. If there is a dying person in the house, she will drive away the demons so that they do not steal the soul.
  4. A “Thursday” candle (brought from church on Maundy Thursday) will drive away witches and neutralize the gifts of sorcerers.
  5. Church candles cannot be given as gifts.
  6. So as not to let me in evil spirits into the house - with a “Thursday” candle, crosses are burned on the windows and doorposts.
  7. If the candle burns calmly and clearly, there is happiness in the house.
  8. If it suddenly goes out, it means uninvited guests.
  9. If there are 3 burning candles on the table, misfortune awaits the owners.
  10. You can’t blow it out - misfortune will come.

You can often see and hear comments from certain “senses” (magicians, sorcerers, healers and similar “experts” in their field) about pathogenic, negative impact dirty or black energy of a room and a separate place, for this or that person, which - supposedly, can be checked with a burning candle that smokes, crackles and sparks, with individual flashes, but... is this related to energy and / or energy?

From textbooks, dictionary-encyclopedic publications and educational (even school) programs it is known that energy is a certain amount of forms of movement and interaction of matter, but - all energies, at the same time, are a consequence, and not flesh, being or essence - capable of burning and burn (releasing and/or transforming into one or another energy). We know about kinetic, thermal, potential and mechanical, thermonuclear and gravitational, electromagnetic and chemical, even internal energies.

In the explanations of the above-mentioned persons, ignorance or deception is observed, and perhaps a simple delusion of an illiterate person (who did not want to listen carefully to the teacher in educational institution and being distracted by all sorts of nonsense), which now - to clarify the point natural phenomena, they select incorrect and - often, veiled and false definitions: - for greater importance and mystical mystery of the action and ritual, in completely ordinary and explainable processes.

For what reason, in rooms with “negative energy” (manifested in a person’s psychological breakdowns, depression, illness and other undesirable situations in our lives), a candle used to explore and cleanse the space burns with special manifestations of “nervousness”: “crying” with wax drips, flashing with a bright and large flame - with crackling and sparks, as well as clouds of black smoke and soot? And the answer... is simple.

The composition of the candles is different and, in addition to paraffin and stearin, it includes a variety of chemical elements and dyes. Pure paraffin candles are soft, like natural wax - they strongly melt and flow, or float when burning, and, with the right material and thickness of the wick, they practically do not smoke. To avoid deformation of candles at room temperature, stearin is added to them, which increases their melting point. Paraffin is a wax-like mixture of saturated hydrocarbons - alkanes, with octadecane C18H38 and petnatriokontane C35H72. Added stearin is an organic fat product and consists of stearic acid with an admixture of palmitic, oleic and other saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Combined candles made from paraffin and stearin retain their shape well and are hard, and the fat helps give them any shape - easily removing them from the matrix during manufacturing. Such candles do not create strong smudges - they do not float too much when burning, but they do smoke. Stearin also affects the color of the flame, which has a dark yellow tint and is not very bright.

In this case, church candles are cleaner, since they are made from a natural waste product of bees, and not from an artificially man-made chemical substitute. Natural wax is more melting and a thin candle melts even in the warm hands of a person, and accordingly burns in the hot flame of the wick without a residue. This is the reason for smoking candles, and energy - whatever it may be at a given moment in time, as well as space - has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Keep your home and, of course, your work area clean, then there will be no dirt - dust and pathogenic or irritating bacteria, and accordingly there will be nothing to ignite in the candle flame. Let fresh and clean air with joyful rays of sunshine into your home. Everything ingenious is simple.

1. If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle he placed burns with an even, high flame, without forming any sagging.

2. As soon as any mental problems arise, the candle begins to “cry”: flows run through it.

3. If a flow line runs along a newly placed candle from top to bottom, this means: a curse has fallen on the person. If there are two lines, there are two curses. According to the academician, he has never encountered a larger number.

4. If the flow lines go obliquely and intersect, this means that a person is in danger of dying from a serious illness, and he himself or the one who “made” him such a fate may be to blame for this.

5. If a burning candle is moved clockwise in front of a person’s body from the head and it begins to smoke black smoke in some place, it means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by disease and they must be treated until (upon re-diagnosis) the candle stops smoking .

6. Keep in mind that the candle should always be held with one side facing the patient. If influxes form on his part, he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If it’s the opposite, it means the disease was “made” for him.

7. If a “tear” rolls down the candle to the left or right, this is a sign that there is an energetic struggle between the patient and someone else. If the “tear” is black, it means that the person is in a state of negative energy. If the marks on the candle are the same color as itself, it means that the end of the melting is near.

8. When candles are placed in a church, the picture remains approximately the same as at home, but in the temple the candles sometimes bend. This means: a person is obsessed evil spirit. The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of the devil or the person who cast the curse.

9. If the candle goes out, it smells like death and you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those you offended, and forgive those who offended you.

10. You can place a stearin candle near your feet, heating its lower end and sticking it to a large saucer. If, having started to “cry”, the candle forms cakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm at its base evenly around its circumference, adjacent to it, this is a serious indication of possible cancer.

“A candle is an obligatory attribute of my work. A person comes, we sit down at the table, and the first thing I do is light the candle. If the fire is even and calm, it connects our words and thoughts, helps to understand the person’s fate. If during a conversation wax, like tears, slowly flows into a candlestick - this is the first sign that the human soul is crying, that it is in pain. Sometimes the conversation doesn’t go well at all. You look, and the candle is cracking, smoking, almost all darkened. And it’s immediately clear: in the one sitting next to there is a lot of darkness and anger, treacherous thoughts. The candle senses this and therefore smokes. And if the person who comes is lying, it begins to burn out on one side. There is no need for any witchcraft, the candle will tell you who is who. If you want, check for yourself: a person will come to you, place it between light a candle with you and him, you will know who came to you.”

And here are a few more simple secrets Moscow sorceress. If you have been greatly offended, insulted in the best of feelings, and sleep does not come to you late in the evening, go to the kitchen or room - where no one will disturb you - and light a candle. Put her on the windowsill, sit next to her and, slowly, in a whisper, tell her about what happened. Tears will appear, don’t be shy about them, cry. Let the resentment and pain come out in tears. The candle fire will tremble, flicker, listen to you and calm you down. And as the wax melts, your grievances will melt away and seem not as significant as at first.

Another secret: if there was a scandal at home and a lot of rude, cruel words were said, patiently wait until the night when everyone falls asleep and silence reigns. Light a candle and with it in your hand, go around all the household members. Standing at the head of each bed, mentally wish them Good night. Don't think negative thoughts.

Remember how many happy, joyful days you lived together.

Wish them to be repeated many, many times. The candle will burn in your hands, and words of kindness, tenderness and love will begin to fall like smoke onto the faces of those sleeping. All the good that is in your heart will be imprinted on the faces of your family and friends through the fire of a candle.

And finally, the last secret. If you yourself have sinned, acted dirty, or hurt someone, it is never too late to admit it and apologize. First - to myself. Light a candle in front of the mirror. Looking at your reflection through her fire, tell everything how it was. Don't lie

/03-08-2012 /Olga/ I caught my husband with him cousin still bad. I was in church, lit a candle, and it began to melt black. What is this???
/17-12-2014 /Irina/ I had 5 parallel influxes on my candle when, on December 14, 2014, on the World Day of Remembrance for Dead Children, I lit a candle in memory of the person who died on October 5, 2014. 37 year old son. The candle cried and I cried too.
/14-06-2015 /Ksenia/ Hello, I burned my husband with candles and the candles turned black from below, why from below? After the burning, I dreamed about my husband’s mother. What should I do next?
/15-08-2015 /Inna/ Why did the non-black influx form on the wedding candle, on the left?
/31-10-2015 /Galya/ While in church, I lit a candle in front of the image of the Son of God, mentally asking for help, when suddenly the candle went out and a moment later my husband, with whom we have not lived for a year and a half, came up to me.
/02-11-2015 /Nastya/ I have a figurine of Jesus Christ, what could this mean and the candle has been burning all night and won’t go out
/10-12-2015 /Larisa/ please tell me why there are cat heads on my candles, what does this mean, tell me what to do
/23-06-2016 /Natalia/ Hello, for many years now my candles have turned black as soon as I light them. It doesn't matter where I am, at home or in church.

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