The name Leo is abbreviated. Name Leo: character and destiny. Description of the name Leo

According to Mendelev

A very pleasant name. The indicators “good”, “beautiful” and “reliable” stand out sharply, but, perhaps, there is nothing left of the king of animals in him: Leo is “small”, and Leva is “slow”.

Leo is always kind to people and benevolent, regardless of their rank, position and “necessity” of them, but others often do not respond to him in the same way: softness is taken for weakness and provokes a desire to look down on him, get around, “wipe off” Leo, especially if he is a contender for success. Leo himself is not very worried about this - he managed to get used to it - and only occasionally accumulated resentment, and not at any particular person, but at all at once, plunges him into despondency. It does not last long, and soon Leo becomes himself again.

He may be a good worker or specialist, but he is more than a mediocre organizer and does not reach administrative heights, although his intelligence is above average.

Appreciates a calm, measured, settled life and perceives its sharp turns very painfully.

The excitability and sexuality of Leo is somewhat below average, and his novels sometimes end peacefully, without ending with anything. Women more often see him as a reliable friend than a sexual partner.

Intuition is well developed, but only within a narrow specific area, most often one's specialty. The reaction is slow: in unexpected situations, it can be confused.

He is in good health, rarely gets sick, is never treated, and often lives to a ripe old age.

The color of the name is grass green.

By Higiru

It originates from the Latin word "leo" - a lion. He grows up as a calm and somewhat phlegmatic boy. He does not whimper over trifles, and if he has a tantrum, it means that he was very offended. At school, he is a bully, but he can protect himself and his friends. She enjoys swimming, fishing and picking mushrooms.

Persistent in achieving the goal, very conscientious in deeds and promises, and thanks to these qualities, over time, he occupies a good position in society. He has few envious and ill-wishers. Yes, this is not surprising: he seems to radiate warmth and kindness, readiness to always come to the rescue. Lions are especially friendly to the elderly and the sick, so they often choose the profession of a doctor. They also have such valuable qualities as tolerance and flexibility, the ability to refuse what they want. But the restraint of Leo the boss is not unlimited, and after a series of soft, correct and polite remarks in form, he can suddenly burst into anger. His wife should feel the moment when her husband's long-suffering runs out... It's not for nothing that Lions value fidelity and kindness in wives most of all.

They are preoccupied with sexual problems and at the slightest setbacks give in to panic. The love of love, which is sometimes noted in their youth, is most often due to uncertainty in their potency .. Lions are not brawlers, but for some reason they come across rather impulsive persons as their wives. They drink from time to time, rarely become alcoholics. They love to play noisy games with children.

He can count on a happy marriage if his chosen one is called Aurora, Agnia, Anna, Ada, Veda, Victoria, Dina, Olga, Ella. A strong alliance with Agnes or Lydia is very problematic.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: From the Greek Leon, "Lion"

Name energy and character: This name speaks for itself, a person who calls himself a lion must either at least slightly correspond to the strength of this image, or his name will take on the character of a mockery. First of all, even during childhood, Leva can become the object of a childish game of teasing, when the neighboring children will try to bring him to white heat with their ridicule, so that Leva chases them a little. However, many parents who give their child such a name prefer to isolate the boy from the harmful influence of the street, in their opinion, and often thereby do Leva a truly disservice. In the end, in adulthood, Leo will still have to deal with those who grew up on the same street, and his absolute ignorance of these people may affect here. For example, they suddenly seem rude and evil to him, which is why Leo himself can become thoroughly embittered.

Leva's fate is more favorable when he, as they say, recognizes life. Sooner or later, children's grievances are thoroughly forgotten. It is possible, however, that during his youth, Leo will still hear a lot of ridicule regarding his masculine qualities, which may be questioned by rivals. Here he has two ways - either to prove his courage with the help of force and scandals, or to learn to take it calmly. Here it is very important not to forget that hurt pride sometimes endows a person with very unpleasant character traits. Sometimes it doesn’t even interfere with self-affirmation and fight, so that pride receives the necessary satisfaction and gives a person confidence in his abilities.

If in adolescence Leo manages to gain self-confidence, then his character will really correspond to his name, combining poise, good nature, ambition and energy. If not, then all this will be overshadowed by such traits as irritability and suspicion, which make his character unbearable. It may not be noticeable to others, but the family can suffer fundamentally from these negative qualities.

However, the energy of the name still inclines Leo to some secrecy, so even if he has problems with his character, then most likely this will not affect his career, especially since, pardon the pun, the lion's share of those around him is very favorably disposed to bearers of this name.

Communication secrets: Unfortunately, in a close circle, Leo often tends to point out people's shortcomings, forgetting that he could be mistaken in his perception. The same often applies to the Leo boss, who is difficult to convince of his good intentions, but can easily be called too picky. However, if you discuss conflicting issues with him in some detail and without emotion, then it is quite possible that his nit-picking will change sign to the opposite. If you have a balanced Leo in front of you, then these questions will not arise at all.

The trace of a name in history:

Lev Landau

A typical example of an ambitious, but at the same time cheerful and good-natured Leo, is the famous theoretical physicist Lev Landau (1908–1968), the author of the classic course in theoretical physics, whose name is associated with the following story:

“An old and a young Jew are traveling in a compartment. The old one thinks to himself: “This young man is not rich, otherwise he would have been traveling in the first class. He made the bed, which means he is going to the end, to Berdichev. Judging by the clothes, he is a student, therefore, he is traveling on a personal matter. What business can a young man have besides marriage? So, we have three brides in our city now: Sarah - but she is a rich bride, they won’t give her away for him. Rava - but she is a dowry, and he will not marry her. So Raya. It is known that Raya is marrying some Rabinovich ... "And the old Jew turns to his companion:

- Mr. Rabinovich ...

- How do you know me?

- Calculated.

- Well, now you know what theoretical physics is - this is how Lev Landau usually began his course of lectures.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Leo values ​​a strong love relationship. He is somewhat preoccupied with his sexual abilities, from time to time doubts begin to overcome him. However, as a rule, his fears are unfounded. At the slightest failure, Leo is capable of falling into despair, so he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis partner very much, with whom he has established harmonious relations.

His sexual intimacy is closely connected with spiritual intimacy, he can not go to bed with any woman, not everyone is able to excite him. He periodically changes partners, for him the sexuality of a woman is very important. Leo does not tolerate cold women, he does not want to make a lot of efforts to ignite the flame of passion in her. His erotic caresses are distinguished by sophistication, his love voluptuousness is very deep, although Leo does not pour out his feelings in hot words, as some other men do. He is a great master of love games, he studies his partner, knows which zones are especially pleasant for her, and does everything possible so that the woman herself desires it. In general, Leo takes sex very seriously, seeing in it not only a source of joy, but also a means of maintaining health. His highest goal is to achieve mutual orgasm.

Leo's intimate relationship with his wife is difficult, often she tries to subjugate him to herself, which he will never allow.

He was born in 1768 in the Oryol province. In his youth, he worked as a clerk in commercial affairs, traveled a lot around the country, knew many people of completely different classes. At the age of 29, he entered the brethren of Optina Hermitage, and then moved to the Beloberezsky Monastery. In 1801, he became a monk with the name Leonid, and soon he was ordained a hierodeacon. Three years later he became the abbot of this monastery.

A huge role in his spiritual life was played by a meeting with the spirit-bearing elder Theodore, a disciple of Paisius (Velichkovsky). The elder taught Leonid to pray intelligently. Four years later, he leaves his position and moves with his father Theodore to the forest, where they wanted to asceticize in solitude. But the rumor about the two ascetics quickly spread among believers. The people reached out to the righteous.

In 1829 Saint Leo returned to Optina Hermitage. He began to nourish the brethren, healed people, many demon-possessed after the prayers of Fr. The lion was relieved. The eldership of the monk in Optina Hermitage lasted 12 years. In 1841, he peacefully reposed in the Lord.

The male name Leo is a Russified version of the Greek name Leont or the Latin name Leo (in both cases it means "lion"). It has been known in our country for a long time, but it has not been very popular. At present, this name has a moderate distribution in Russia, but young parents are of little interest.

Characteristics of the name Leo

Energetically, the name Leo symbolizes calm strength, power. It endows its owner with an open, honest, patient and courageous disposition, life wisdom, and a willingness to help. Such a balanced self-confidence is manifested in the character of Leo from an early age. He gives the impression of being phlegmatic, he studies well, he can easily put up with failure, but you can’t call him an initiativeless mattress either, because he can show great perseverance in achieving his goal, in addition, he is brave and, without hesitation, rush into a fight to protect weak. Adult Leo is a good organizer and leader. You can rely on him in any business, because he is very honest and kind to all people. For him, there is nothing more sacred than to fulfill a promise given to someone, not to fail. However, in life, Leo appreciates regularity, familiarity, does not like sharp turns of fate and surprises, does not strive up the career ladder, but only wants to live and work in peace. The owner of this name has many friends: he is open, generous, friendly, flexible, tolerant of people's shortcomings.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Leo is most suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Taurus or the same Leo. The intellectually developed, peace-loving Taurus (April 20-May 20) is in many ways similar to Leo, who under his influence will become a simple, pleasant in communication, reliable, decisive and hardworking person. Leo (July 23-August 23) is a more controversial sign. He suits the owner of this name with energy, determination, organizational gift, but he can endow him with some qualities (for example, pride, vanity) that can spoil his character.

Pros and cons of the name Leo

What are the pros and cons of naming a child after Leo? With its brightness and sonority, many young parents can certainly like it, especially since this name sounds familiar and good in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious reductions and abbreviations (for example, Leva, Lyovushka, Lionok). The pleasant nature of most owners of this name only adds to its pluses, and as for the minuses, for many parents they lie in the excessive symbolic directness of its meaning, because it is not customary for us to call children the names of animals, birds, objects.


Leo's health is strong, he rarely gets sick and retains his strength until old age.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Leo will be comfortable if he chooses not an impulsive and energetic woman as his wife, but, on the contrary, a calm and gentle woman. In general, he is a good husband, kind, homely, hardworking. He adores his children, tries to pay much attention to them, dreams of providing them with a brilliant education.

Professional area

In the professional field, Leo is suitable for intellectual activity. He can become a good doctor, teacher, researcher, diplomat, head of an enterprise.

name day

According to the Orthodox calendar, Leo celebrates his birthday on March 13 of a leap year, January 12, February 2, March 3, March 5, May 31, July 14, August 31, September 24, November 25 and December 20.

Short form of Leo. Lyova, Lyovushka, Levunya, Levusya, Lenya, Lyosya, Lyoka, Leonetto, Levko, Levonko, Levochko, Levus, Levtsyo, Levchik, Lyonya, Leonek, Lyulik.
Synonyms for Lev. Leo, Leon, Leo, Lyon, Lyon, Levon, Levko, Love, Leis.
Origin of the name Leo The name Leo is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian.

The name Leo came to our language from Greece and means "king of beasts", "lion". From the Hebrew language, the name is translated as "heart." In Western Europe, the names Leon and Leo are more often used than Leo. In Armenia, it is customary for boys to be called Levon or Lev. For Muslims, the analogue of this name will be the name Leis. In Africa, the name is Simba.

Character and destiny. As a child, Leo is a very calm boy. His character is dominated by kindness and sincerity. Many people think that he should be the same as a real lion, but the owner of this name does not seek to be a leader and lead people, although he does not offend himself, but he does not bully others either.

Over time, Leo will take a good position in society. He has such qualities as ambition, poise and energy. He is quite ambitious, but he knows how to refuse what he wants, if there are objective reasons for that. If Leo promises to do something, he will make every effort to fulfill the promise.

Leos are tolerant and flexible. This man is attentive to the weak, always ready to help the elderly and children. But if his pride is infringed, then Leo becomes a very unpleasant person for others.

In his youth, Leo is loving and often falls in love. In women, he most appreciates loyalty and kindness. Leo is a very attentive father, loves to play outdoor games with children.

Popularity of the name Leo The name Leo, in general in Russia, cannot be called either particularly popular or very rare, but in 2015 this name appeared in the top 30 most popular names among newborns in Moscow. The greatest interest in this name was in the USSR in the 30-40s of the twentieth century, most likely due to the fact that this was the name of one of the revolutionary ideologists of Marxism - Lev Trotsky. In 2016, interest in the name remained approximately at the same level, while demonstrating significant fluctuations. The popularity of the name reached its maximum in July 2016.

Leo's name day

Leo celebrates name day on January 12, February 2, March 3, March 5, March 14, May 31, July 14, August 31, September 24, October 24, November 25, December 20.

Notable people named Leo

  • Leo the Mathematician (Byzantine enlightener of the 9th century)
  • Leo the Deacon ((before 950 - c. 1000) Byzantine writer)
  • Leo Tolstoy (count, great Russian writer, classic of world literature)
  • Lev Yashin (famous football player, goalkeeper)
  • Lev Landau (an outstanding Soviet physicist, academician, Nobel Prize winner)
  • Lev Leshchenko (popular singer, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Lev Durov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Lev Gumilyov (historian-ethnologist, poet, translator from Persian, founder of the passionate theory of ethnogenesis)
  • Leon Trotsky (leader of the communist movement, ideologue of Trotskyism)
  • Lev Kulidzhanov (film director)
  • Lev Oshanin (Russian Soviet poet)
  • Lev Borisov (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Lev Lopatin (Russian philosopher, psychologist)
  • Lev Artsimovich (an outstanding Soviet physicist, academician)
  • Lev Prygunov (actor of theater and cinema, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Lev Kuleshov (Soviet film director, who stood at the origins of Soviet cinema)
  • Lev Kassil (writer, one of the founders of Soviet children's literature)
  • Lev Polivanov (Russian pedagogue, literary critic)
  • Lev Oborin ((1907-1974) Soviet pianist)
  • Lev Mikhailov (Russian Soviet clarinetist and saxophonist)
  • Lev Ponomarev ((born 1941) Russian human rights activist)

In the Middle Ages, the lion was perceived as a symbol of resurrection. There is a legend that newborn lion cubs remain dead for up to 3 days, and paternal breathing in the muzzle can give them life.

The origin of the name Leo has several versions. According to one of them, it came to us from the German language and was formed from such forms as: Loeb, Loewe, Löb, and according to another, its homeland is Greece. However, in both cases it means "the king of beasts." And in Hebrew, the meaning of the name Leo is defined as "heart."

Various versions, legends come down to interpreting the meaning of the name Leo as an incarnation:

  • heroism,
  • justice,
  • hills.

This confirms its popularity among the Orthodox, Catholics, Muslims. Today they are called boys at baptism in families of different nationalities (Russians, Jews, Armenians, French, English, etc.). Western Europe is characterized by the use of this name Leo and, in Armenia - Levon, Great Britain - Lyon.

Giving the name Leo at birth, parents "program" their child for such traits that determine his character:

  • courage,
  • kindness,
  • readiness to help people.

And it is also an incredible balance, which Leo is able to change only when the conflict escalates. Here it is appropriate to recall the proverb: "I'm going, I'm going - I won't whistle, but I'll run over - I won't forgive."

As a rule, the owners of the name Leo are also characterized by secret qualities that can be revealed under certain circumstances. These include fantastic intuition, which manifests itself when doing what you love. However, every mystery of the name The lion is formed from a tender age with the active influence of the family first, and then the society.

Possible negative traits include:

  • capriciousness,
  • stealth,
  • unpredictability of behavior.

Childhood, youth Levushka

Since the early childhood the bearer of the name Leo is very diligent and early shows a desire to be the first in everything.

  • Although outwardly Leo does not give the impression of a leader, but rather a phlegmatic until a reaction to specific events follows. Here you can see what the name Leo means as a symbol of the protection of justice.
  • In order for slowness not to become an object of ridicule among peers, parents should more actively develop his sociability. Limiting contact with other children may lead to the formation of isolation or unjustified manifestation of negative reactions. And this will directly affect the future fate of the son.

Growing up young man with the name Leo begins to manifest:

  • perseverance in achieving goals
  • exceptional conscientious attitude to business,
  • caution in promises.

Often these characteristics are accompanied by a passion for sports, fishing, and mushroom picking.

First love can be the beginning of the formation of the loving nature of his character.

Youth is the period when the characteristic of the name Leo will be supplemented by the acquisition:

  • self-sufficiency
  • combined with balance
  • ambition
  • good nature
  • vigor.

It is possible that the family may manifest such negative qualities like irritability, suspicion. If parents do not attach importance to this, an adult man named Leo will enjoy the reputation of a person with an unbearable character (selfishness, capriciousness, laziness).

Leo Qualities in Business

A man proudly bearing the name Leo is distinguished by a mass of virtues that allow him to take place in various fields. However Leo is very selective in choosing a profession and stops at the one where the prospect of career growth is obvious. The following qualities of the owners of the name Leo contribute to the realization of these claims:

Lev Konstantinovich Durov (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater director, teacher)

  • purposefulness,
  • mental stability,
  • organizational skills,
  • friendliness and flexibility in communication with others;
  • several other qualities contribute to this - a phenomenal memory,
  • breadth of vision,
  • critical mindset,
  • feeling new.

All this helps to position a professional with this name in the business field.

  • They are given to prove themselves in management, open their own business, and turn any idea into a good income.
  • Kindness, compassion for the weak, the sick and the elderly often lead Lviv to medicine, and creative talents to art.
  • Leo can realize his potential as a radiologist, ophthalmologist, aircraft designer, radio and television technician, military man, journalist, writer, fashion designer, hairdresser.

Love, family

Since his youth, Leo has been known as a heartthrob. He is always surrounded by bright women.

  • He will offer his hand and heart to one of them, but not at the call of the heart, but according to a delicate calculation.
  • Leo refers to sex as a complete expression of feelings with games, experiments, foreplay. However, if he fails, he loses his confidence.
  • Late marriage is explained by the fear of failing in sex.

Family life for Leo means mutual kind, gentle, sensual, faithful relationships.

  • Most often, the wife will try to control the "king of beasts", but thanks to her complaisant nature, Leo adequately gets out of this situation.
  • However, one should not test the patience of a spouse for a long time and do not overstep the boundaries of his long-suffering.
  • Leo is distinguished by a strong attachment to children, devotes his free time to them.

The most favorable alliance with:

  • Anastasia
  • Angela
  • Diana,
  • lime,

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