Sex hormones. Female sex hormones. Diseases of the endocrine system

Female sex hormones are produced in the body of a woman, regardless of age.

Various hormones have a very strong effect on the female body, while many women are not even aware of their purpose.

But gradually, with age, the volumes of synthesis of certain substances are significantly reduced, and their role for health becomes obvious.

The hormonal background is the basis of good health and mood. You should consider the main types of female hormones in order to have an idea about their functions.

All hormones are conditionally divided into male - androgens, and female - estrogens.

Female sex hormones have the following names:

The main female substance is.

This hormone of the female gonads plays a leading role in the formation of a figure according to the female type.

Estrogen is also responsible for the development of a soft and compliant female character.

In general, such substances in the human body represent special components necessary for the functioning of the whole organism.

The liver, heart muscle, brain and adipose tissue are all responsible for the normal production of hormones.

Any deviation from normal indicators in the synthesis of hormones may indicate the presence of pathology.

An increase in the volume of synthesis causes the following disorders:

  • metabolic failures;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • development of breast tumors;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Both excess and lack of substances can lead to the development of pathologies of the reproductive system.

progesterone for conception

Progesterone is one of the female hormones. He is responsible for a woman's ability to conceive, awakens femininity and maternal instincts in her.

The level of this hormone must be monitored throughout pregnancy, because it is produced by the corpus luteum that is responsible for the normal course of this situation.

Active production of this hormone begins after the release of a mature egg from the ovary. Production begins after the transformation of the follicle into.

Of a number of symptoms that manifest themselves with a lack of progesterone, the following signs are distinguished:

  • mood swings;
  • manifestation of bleeding from the genitals, not related to menstruation;
  • chest pain;
  • bloating;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

The level of the progesterone substance should correspond to the phase of the woman's menstrual cycle. Suspicion of any deviations is a reason to visit a specialist.

It should be taken 2-3 days after ovulation.

It is necessary to solve the problem with a lack or excess of hormone production immediately, because this condition entails irreversible consequences, up to the possible development of infertility.


It is purely a female hormone. Normal production indicates the fulfillment of the main tasks of the ovaries.

These hormones are synthesized by the ovarian follicles. Indicators of normal values ​​​​for different periods of the menstrual cycle are different:

  • follicular phase – 57-227 pg/ml;
  • preovulatory phase – 127 - 476 pg / ml;
  • luteinizing phase – 77-227 pg/ml.

During pregnancy, the production of estradiol increases. The placenta takes responsibility for its release - such estradiol is called free.

Testosterone - is there a woman in the body?

Female hormones are closely related to male ones. Testosterone is originally a male hormone, but, nevertheless, it is present in the body of every woman.

This hormone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands in both women and men.

The value of progesterone in the female body is to perform the following functions:

  • the formation of muscle mass;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • increased libido;
  • regulation of the process of maturation of the follicle.

The body of the female representatives is most susceptible to constant oscillatory changes in the hormonal background. In the normal course of circumstances, such changes do not entail serious consequences.

During pregnancy increases more than 3 times. Such a manifestation is normal, and only confirms the successful course of pregnancy.

In medical practice, 2 indicators of this hormone are distinguished:

  1. Free Testosterone. This term refers to the total amount of hormone that is not bound to proteins.
  2. total testosterone. It implies the total quantitative concentration of the hormone in the body of a woman.

To determine the level of testosterone, it is necessary to pass an appropriate analysis.

It is important to remember that all hormone tests are taken on an empty stomach.

To get accurate readings, it is important to follow the rules.

It does not always indicate the presence of pregnancy. In some patients, a similar deviation occurs at the time of ovulation.

Oxytocin - the elixir of female well-being

Oxytocin is a hormone that is actively produced by the adrenal glands.

Its meaning lies in determining the traits of female character:

  • tenderness;
  • attentiveness;
  • sympathy;
  • care.

It is important to note that at present, oxytocin in the body of women is produced very weakly.

Some experts attribute this to the fact that women are now taking care of the family on their shoulders, despite the fact that this is the prerogative of men.

As a result, the body begins to produce large amounts of male hormones:

  • dopamine;
  • adrenalin;
  • testosterone.

The lack of oxytocin in a woman's body manifests itself as follows:

  1. The woman becomes oppressed.
  2. Constantly in a depressed mood.
  3. She does not care about loved ones.
  4. Rapidly gaining weight.
  5. Loss of energy.

Hormone therapy is not always required to restore the normal balance of oxytocin in the body.

A woman often just needs to change her lifestyle. It is useful to find a hobby - something you like, to start paying attention to yourself.


This name is a hormone, the production of which depends on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Among a number of main purposes in the female body, the following functions are distinguished:

  • BP adjustment;
  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • increased physical activity;
  • strengthening of psycho-emotional stability;
  • brain stimulation;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

That is why the rapid weight gain in a woman may indicate a violation of the hormonal balance.

The lack of thyroxine manifests itself as follows:

  • hyperhidrosis;
  • constant irritability and aggression;
  • manifestation of insomnia;
  • tachycardia;
  • a sharp and unreasonable increase in blood pressure.

An excess of thyroxine is no less dangerous than a deficiency.


Norepinephrine is produced by the adrenal glands. The hormone is the antonym of the substance responsible for the manifestation of fear.

The release of norepinephrine into the blood makes a woman brave and fearless. This substance is released in the body in stressful situations, forcing them to do unusual things.

During the body's release of this hormone, people often generate unusual ideas.

Responsible for the formation of special personality traits and personality.

Hormones are present in a woman's body throughout her life span, from birth to old age.

Their role in the body is extremely important - any deviation from normal levels can cause hormonal imbalance.

It is extremely important to establish a diagnosis in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Female sex hormones are synthesized by the female body and determine the differences between women and men. Thanks to them, the girl's body acquires specific feminine features. They depend on breast enlargement and breast growth, the formation of female internal and external genital organs, a regular menstrual cycle. Carrying a pregnancy, the birth and breastfeeding of a healthy baby is also unthinkable if the levels of female sex hormones are far from normal.

Estrogens - the flagship of hormonal levels in women

Estrogens are steroids , which are synthesized mainly in the ovaries in women and are produced in small amounts by the adrenal cortex, bone and adipose tissue, hair follicles, skin and even the brain. By the way, in men, a certain amount of estrogen is produced by the testicles.

The role of estrogen in the female body, without exaggeration, can be called global. They conduct the entire orchestra of physiological functions. Not only the reproductive system, but also the central nervous, cardiovascular, broncho-pulmonary, bone, urinary and other systems depend on the activity of estrogens.

We can say that they create an invisible dome that protects the fair sex from many ailments: atherosclerosis, thromboembolism, heart attacks and strokes, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cystitis, obesity, depression and other disorders. And of course, pregnancy is impossible without estrogen. Cessation of menstruation And start of menopause associated with a drop in estrogen levels.

Estrogens include estradiol(the most active and significant hormone for women), estrone And estriol. Interestingly, they are all formed from male sex hormones - androgens. In particular, estradiol is obtained by the action of aromatase on testosterone, so it is also a very important hormone, although it is considered male.

Why female sex hormones estrogen can be called youth hormones?

  • Estrogens govern both the formation of the entire female reproductive system and its main functions. It is they make a woman reproductive, and with a decrease in their number, the ability to conceive and bear children disappears.
  • Regulate lipid metabolism, reducing blood levels of bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) and increasing the level of good (high-density lipoprotein). This prevents the development of atherosclerosis, keep blood vessels in good condition, which ensures good conductivity of nutrients to all organs and tissues.
  • Participate in protein metabolism: stimulate the production of globulin, protein, fibrinogen, etc.
  • Prevents increased blood clotting (thickening) and thrombus formation.
  • Maintain normal water-salt balance.
  • Thanks to the above support .
  • Estrogens support fine: inhibit the activity of bone cells-osteoclasts, which are responsible for the resorption (destruction) of bone tissue and stimulate the growth of bone tissue. That is why one of the pronounced negative consequences of menopause is this.

Progestins - pregnancy hormones

Progestins– steroid , whose main role is to ensure conception and pregnancy. They are also called gestagens or progestogens. The corpus luteum of the ovaries is responsible for their production, partly the adrenal cortex and the placenta during pregnancy. In men, progesterone is produced by the tissue of the testicles and the adrenal cortex in small but constantly maintained amounts. In women, the progestin content depends on the period of the menstrual cycle or pregnancy.

It is the gestagens that prepare the uterus to receive and fix the fertilized egg. Then they also stabilize the metabolism, creating comfortable conditions for the fetus; strengthen the muscles that will be involved in childbirth; provide lactation.

They are also involved in the formation of the mammary gland, contribute to the transformation of the breast from a conical shape in girls to rounded in women. So if the chest is your special pride, you should thank the gestagens.

Progestins reduce estrogen activity, which sometimes carries a number of threats to the female body. So, if estrogens can contribute to the dangerous growth of the endometrium and mammary glands, up to oncology, then gestagens prevent these processes. A normal level of progestins reduces the risk of cystic fibrosis of the breast, mastopathy, hyperplasia and endometrial cancer, breast cancer. In addition, they normalize blood sugar levels.

Lack of gestagens can be felt in the form of painful periods, chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs, non-menstrual uterine bleeding, miscarriage or prolonged pregnancy, fetal underdevelopment. An increase in their level is also dangerous: it is fraught with cycle disorders, bleeding, a corpus luteum cyst, deterioration in kidney function, and abnormal development of the placenta.


Ovarian hormones inhibins are not steroidal, but peptide in nature. Their normal level is important for maintaining the viability of the eggs and their ability to fertilize. A decrease in the amount of inhibins can lead to miscarriage, polycystic ovaries, and, with the onset of menopause, to the development of tumors. The cause of inhibin deficiency can be following strict diets, anorexia. These are not specifically female hormones, in men they play an important role in spermatogenesis.

The sex hormone can also include hormones that are not produced by the reproductive system, but are involved in the regulation of its functions. This:

  • Gonadorelin (gonadoliberin) produced by the hypothalamus. It enhances the synthesis by the pituitary gland of the so-called gonadotropic hormones - luteinizing and follicle-stimulating.
  • themselves gonadotropic hormones- luteinizing and follicle stimulating produced by the pituitary gland and chorionic gonadotropin produced by the placenta. The function of the first two hormones is the regulation of the activity of the gonads in both women and men. And chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is normally produced only in pregnant women from the beginning of conception, reaching its peak around the end of the second month of pregnancy. After 11 weeks, hCG levels drop. The detection of hCG in men or non-pregnant women may indicate a tumor.
  • Prolactin It is produced by the pituitary gland and affects mainly the mammary glands: it participates in their growth and formation, provides lactation. Interestingly, receptors for this hormone are scattered throughout the body. They are in the heart, lungs, liver, uterus, kidneys, skin, skeletal muscles, pancreas, skin, central nervous system, etc. However, their role there is not entirely clear to modern science.

When a newborn is first attached to the mother's breast, it is prolactin that enters the blood in large quantities and gives the order to produce milk. Interestingly, in babies, droplets of colostrum can also stand out from the papillae, which are popularly dubbed "witch's milk". This is a consequence of the fact that the mother's body has shared its prolactin with the fetus. Men also have prolactin in their bodies. For both sexes, it helps to achieve orgasm.

We have reviewed the main . With a stretch, this group can also include melatonin, somatostatin, insulin, glucocorticoids, thyroid and other hormones that indirectly affect the work of the reproductive system. However, their main functions are not related to reproduction, so they will remain outside the scope of this.

How to normalize hormonal background at a woman?

Hormonal disruptions due to overload, illness, menopause can put women under serious attack. Fortunately, not only hormones affect us, but we can also influence them. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of a method for correcting hormonal levels, since not all of them are safe.

Modern medicine boldly invades the natural endocrine mechanisms due to the fact that science has learned to synthesize artificial hormones. (HRT) promises to even out the balance of hormones, prolong youth, restore bone strength, etc. However, HRT has two significant drawbacks:

  • the introduction of ready-made hormones disables the mechanisms of their own production, therefore, if hormone replacement is abandoned, the situation worsens and all diseases attack with even greater force;
  • negative HRT include oncological diseases of the reproductive organs, cardiovascular pathologies, increased thrombosis, etc. (for more on HRT, see).

How, if necessary, to increase the level and balance in a safe way? An alternative hormone replacement method was proposed by the Russians. It turns out that there is already a natural substance rich in hormonal precursors, from which the human body itself draws exactly as much material to create its own hormones as it needs. It has been used for centuries in the East - a donor of entomological estradiol (up to 847.9 nmol / 100 g), prolactin (up to 475.4 nmol), progesterone (up to 60 nmol) and testosterone (up to 0.322 nmol).

As you can see, this bee product is extremely rich in material for creating female estrogens. It also increases testosterone, which was established in a study described in the dissertation of L. A. Burmistrova. Note that it is testosterone as an anabolic hormone that plays a decisive role in restoring bone formation in a typical manifestation of menopause.

Drone brood not only supplies the body with prohormones, but also acts on the pituitary gland, stimulating its own production of hormones. This is a fundamentally different mechanism of action than hormone replacement. There is no question of a withdrawal syndrome or a dangerous “side effect”. This is a mild correction of the work of the endocrine system, and not a rough invasion with a passing breakdown of natural hormonal mechanisms.

While biochemists are struggling to invent a bicycle already created by nature (that is, safe hormone substitutes), you can already normalize your hormonal levels today with the help of unique preparations based on drone homogenate. , and will help you not only improve endocrine functions, but also strengthen bones, teeth, hair and, as well as in general, will heal the body and avert the approach of old age.



No one thinks about how to avoid pain in the joints - the thunder did not strike, why put a lightning rod. Meanwhile, arthralgia - this is the name of this type of pain - affects half of people over forty years old and 90% of those who are over seventy. So preventing joint pain is something to think about, even if you…

In the human body there are sex glands, male and female, which produce hormones necessary for the continuation of life, i.e. for reproduction. The gonads in men are presented in the form of testicles, in which the process of spermagenesis takes place and the formation of hormones - androgens, which regulate the functions of sex in men.

The testicles themselves consist of a system of spermatogenic tubules, where male sex hormones are produced from cholesterol with the help of various enzymes. Also, a small amount of androgens is produced in the reticular zone of the adrenal cortex.

The most important hormone is testosterone, which is responsible for male puberty, the appearance of primary and secondary signs, enlargement and size of the penis, changes in voice tone, and the appearance of male hair type.

Testosterone enhances protein synthesis, which leads to an increase in muscle mass, forms a skeleton, because. accelerates the formation of the bone matrix and enhances the deposition of calcium salts in them, which contributes to the growth of bones and an increase in their thickness and strength.

In addition, thanks to testosterone, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, and the number of red blood cells in the blood increases.
Regulates all the functions of the production of the hormone testosterone of the endocrine gland - the hypothalamus is located in the brain and the production of testosterone occurs constantly, unlike secretion in women.

If testosterone is not produced enough, then this can lead to eunuchoidism, which is immediately noticeable in primary and secondary sexual characteristics, the deposition of fat on the chest also begins, disproportionate development of the skeleton occurs, fat is deposited on the abdomen and hips.

At the same time, neuropsychic changes occur, which leads to a lack of attraction to the opposite sex and, in general, a man loses the typical psychophysiological features inherent in a man.

In a normally developing man, the maturation process ends by the age of 17 and after that the amount of testosterone in the blood is at a constant level, and from the age of 60 it begins to gradually decline.

The female sex hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries from the beginning of puberty until menopause. The main sign of the formation of hormones in a girl is enlarged mammary glands and swollen nipples, and at the same time, girls begin to grow rapidly, and then growth stops, and this is also influenced by estrogens.

The production of estrogen regulates, as in men, the endocrine gland - the hypothalamus.
Female sex hormones maintain bone strength and stimulate the formation of new bone tissue, while retaining phosphorus and calcium in it.

The hormone progesterone, which is produced in women, is also a male hormone, but in a woman's body, the hormone progesterone acts only together with estrogens, but it also performs other functions. It can reduce feelings of hunger and thirst, and has a very strong effect on a woman's emotional state, which is the cause of sudden changes in mood and sleep problems. Therefore, the hormones testosterone and progesterone must be balanced, otherwise there will be health problems.

In addition, female sex hormones increase protein biosynthesis, while the formation of fat increases, and its excess is deposited in the subcutaneous base, which determines the external features of the female figure. Under the influence of estrogen hormones, female-type hair growth develops, the code becomes smooth and thin.

Testosterone itself is the hormone of sexual desire in the body, both in men and women, i.e. the fuel that fires up the sex drive at puberty and keeps it going throughout life. Male hormones - androgens are responsible for the erection of the penis, and women's sexuality is also maintained thanks to testosterone, although in women, the level of testosterone changes with age and the eggs stop producing it, however, the adrenal glands continue to produce testosterone and due to this the woman experiences sexual desire.

The hormone testosterone is considered the king of hormones, it turns a boy into a man and helps women reach their sexual peak.
The hormone testosterone is produced best under the influence of sunlight, so people in hot countries are considered the most temperamental, testosterone rages in them.

But alcohol is a poison for the testicles, and the higher the level of alcohol in the blood, the less testosterone, and at the same time the testicles never fully recover, so today's healthy men who are addicted to alcohol will become frail patients tomorrow.

The negative effect on testosterone production comes from constant stress and depression, which shorten the active life of men.
High production of the hormone testosterone stimulates the body, improves immunity and plays an important role in cell renewal and rejuvenation.
If the body constantly accumulates testosterone, then it negatively affects life expectancy.

In this regard, it can be noted that testosterone levels are directly related to life expectancy, and therefore married men live longer than single men, and frequent sexual discharges reduce testosterone levels and this contributes to longevity.

Previously, doctors paid little attention to life expectancy and its dependence on the functions of the gonads, and therefore, when they began to correct androgen dependence, the life expectancy of a man, and a woman, increased dramatically.

Everyone knows that with age, deficiencies appear, testosterone production, and at the same time, both physical and psychological activity decreases, and depressions, anxieties and mental experiences occur, therefore, the state of health deteriorated sharply, and, consequently, life expectancy became much less .

The level of testosterone also affects the physical activity of a man, with a decrease in the production of testosterone, his physical activity decreases, and, accordingly, all metabolic processes in the body, which leads to malfunctions in the organs, and at the same time, the work of the cardiovascular system worsens.

In men, with a decrease in testosterone in the blood, blood pressure increases and blood sugar levels rise.
When testosterone therapy is carried out, the pressure immediately decreases and other clinical improvements in the condition of the man occur.
Therefore, it can be concluded that testosterone and its amount contained in the blood increases life expectancy in men.
In a woman, the ovaries secrete hormones that are present in almost all organs and tissues, and even in the skin, as well as in the brain, bones, heart and other organs.

After menopause, diseases that were not so noticeable can worsen in women, therefore, to correct the hormonal picture, you can use hormonal preparations containing estradiol and these include: climara, estrogel, estrofem, proginova, they all contain the hormone estradiol and are produced from medicinal raw materials .

Therefore, estradiol plays protective properties in a woman's body and is a product that improves mood after menopause, improves memory, the cardiovascular system, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, all this leads to the normalization of organs and prolongation of a woman's life.

These substances, synthesized by the endocrine organs, allow the fair sex to maintain health, beauty and youth. They cheer them up, stabilize the activity of the nervous system and give a special shine to the eyes.

It depends on the usefulness of the hormonal background whether a woman will become slim or overweight, how intensively her hair will grow. The absence of insomnia, depression and hypertension also depends on them. Thus, these substances regulate all spheres of the female body. Therefore, health largely depends on their normal production. In addition, it is they who generally make women a woman.

Essence of female sex hormones

Functioning and reproductive abilities also largely depend on their optimal blood levels. If the amount of these substances is normal and each of them is in the right ratio with the rest, then the lady can remain completely healthy for many years.

It is very important to distinguish between male and female sex hormones. It is on them that the degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics in humans depends. For example, this concerns the deposition of fat.

In the fair sex, it most often accumulates in the chest, thighs and buttocks, while in men it usually enters the abdomen and shoulders.

Hormones are of great importance in the functioning of the menstrual cycle, on the normal course of which a woman's ability to bear children largely depends. They are responsible for the full functioning of her body and the constant readiness for conception, bearing, the birth of children and caring for them.

Inadequate production of hormones and their content in the blood leads to the development of many behavioral, physiological and somatic disorders.

They are synthesized by special organs, which include:

  • thymus;
  • pituitary;
  • hypothalamus;
  • adrenal cortex;
  • pancreas;
  • epithelial body;
  • thyroid;
  • ovaries.

These hormone-producing organs allow a woman to maintain the regularity of the onset of the various phases of the menstrual cycle and contribute to the onset of pregnancy. Their full functioning makes it possible to maintain the intensity of metabolic processes and normalize the activity of the nervous system. The interaction of these substances strengthens the immune system and stimulates intellectual activity.

The hormones produced by these organs are released into the bloodstream and, in contact with the corresponding receptors, are delivered to various tissues.

The normal level of metabolism is ensured by the smooth functioning of cells. It is on their complete consistency that the health of a lady, the stability of her metabolism, as well as the characteristics of sexual and everyday behavior depend.

The main hormones of the female body

As already mentioned, a person has both female and male hormones. Only their level in the blood differs, which affects the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.

  • luteinizing;
  • Progesterone;
  • Oxytocin;
  • Follicle stimulating hormone;
  • Estradiol;
  • Estrogen.

The regular onset of menstruation, the fullness of the course of the menstrual cycle, the ability to conceive and successfully bear a child depend on their normal ratio in the blood. It is important not only the presence of each individual hormone in the required volume, but also their interaction. Only in the aggregate of the influence of these substances are many processes possible at the cellular and tissue level.

An imbalance of hormones leads to a change in the appearance of a woman, a deterioration in the course of metabolic processes in her body and the approach of old age.

Of greatest importance is the content and ratio of estrogen and its derivatives - estradiol, estriol and estrone, as well as the level of progesterone. They affect the activity of the reproductive, nervous and musculoskeletal systems of any woman. These hormones enable her to have children, but the ability to bear them depends on their correct ratio in the blood.

Equally important are luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. They are of great importance in the activity of the female genital organs, the full functioning of the menstrual cycle and the onset of conception. These substances acquire the highest concentration in the blood at a certain time, being responsible for the onset of pregnancy, as they contribute to the health of the uterus.

With their obvious lack, a woman is threatened with the development of diseases of the internal genital organs, excessive obesity, the presence of numerous acne on the face, male-type body hair and the risk of anomalies in the fetus.

Tasks of female sex hormones

Each hormone is responsible for its own sphere of influence.

Estrogen synthesized in the ovaries. It is on its normal content that the severity of femininity in the fair sex, the degree of development of their mammary glands and the normal functioning of the menstrual cycle depend.

This hormone ensures the elasticity of the skin, a rapid change of the epithelium and the normalization of fat metabolism. Its stable content in the blood contributes to the rapid growth and strengthening of hair, the beauty of the figure and the preservation of youth.

Estrogen prevents the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of thrombus formation processes and the occurrence of varicose veins.

With a significant lack of this hormone, a woman becomes overly obese, her skin quickly fades, and she often suffers from various diseases of the genital area.

Equally important is the normal content in the blood Progesterone. Despite the fact that it is also produced in the male body, for the fair sex it plays a huge role. Its influence affects the course of the ovulatory phase, the ability to conceive and bear the fetus.

Therefore, this hormone is produced only on some days of the cycle and reaches a maximum during ovulation.

With its deficiency, miscarriages can occur throughout the development of pregnancy.

Estradiol synthesized by the ovaries, and in pregnant women by the placenta. Since testosterone is also produced in the female body, in the process of its processing during biochemical reactions, it also turns into such a hormone. This is a very important substance responsible for the activation of all processes in the genital area. It affects the regularity of the onset of menstruation, maintaining a high level of calcium in the blood, and also regulates the deposition of fat.

Estradiol is largely responsible for the degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics, the functioning of the nervous system and the degree of fertility of a woman. The processes of water-salt metabolism and the full development of tissues of the musculoskeletal system depend on its normal level in the blood. In addition, it largely prevents the development of depression.

Oxytocin synthesized by the adrenal cortex. It significantly affects the character of the lady, turning her into a feminine, caring and kind, on which the degree of manifestation of the maternal instinct depends. This hormone is largely responsible for its formation. Therefore, its highest level is observed in the body immediately after the birth of the long-awaited baby. Nature specifically enhances its influence so that in the first years of life a newborn child is not left without care.

Therefore, if a woman for some reason does not have children, the instinct formed by this hormone makes her have numerous animals, care for sick relatives or babysit other people's babies.

At the same time, it is very important that the amount of oxytocin is not exceeded, otherwise the woman becomes anxious, cries a lot and constantly worries about the fate of her loved ones.

Normal content luteinizing hormone significantly affects the full functioning of the menstrual cycle. LH is responsible for the health of the ovaries and uterus, the regular onset of menstruation and the woman's ability to conceive. Under its influence, the mammary glands swell at the right time, and the fairer sex becomes feminine.

This hormone is also responsible for increasing libido, thereby encouraging them to marry and have children.

Normal synthesis Follicle-stimulating hormone ensures the full value of the onset of the ovulatory phase, the functioning of the menstrual cycle and the ability of the egg to fertilize. After the onset of pregnancy, the level of FSH in the blood decreases and is restored in the required volume only after the birth of the child and the start of the next menstruation.

The influence of other hormones on the functioning of the female genital area

The body contains substances that are no less important in maintaining the health of the fair sex.

These can be both female (responsible for appearance and fertility) and male hormones (responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the course of metabolic processes).

Their totality ensures the fullness of the existence of the fair sex. They help to provide them with a subtlety of perception, a desire to love and pity people and animals, and remember mostly good things. These hormones enhance intuition and give ladies the opportunity to shape their rich inner world. In other words, they make possible the greatest manifestation of purely feminine traits of the psyche, character and behavior.

These hormones include:

  • Norepinephrine which is synthesized by the adrenal cortex. It is largely responsible for the normal response of the nervous, muscular and vascular systems to a stressful situation. Under its strong influence, the blood supply to tissues is significantly activated, the flow of various processes and impulses in the cerebral cortex is enhanced. The consequence of this is the speed of human reaction in a dangerous situation. This hormone helps to avoid excessive fear, severe anxiety and contributes to the speed of decision making. In a woman, it regulates the formation of her personality traits, the ability to protect her offspring, and also enhances the instinct of self-preservation. Norepinephrine improves overall perception and affects the overall appearance of the fair sex.
  • Prolactin produced in the pituitary gland. He is responsible for the full course of pregnancy and the availability of milk when feeding the baby. Under its influence, women's breasts swell. In the absence of a need for this, its level is small, but increases sharply during gestation. In normal times, this hormone is involved in the conversion of progesterone in the body. Prolactin gradually increases in the bloodstream from the moment a woman begins her first menstrual period and drops to a minimum at the onset of menopause. Its normal content reduces pain sensitivity when a child is born and stimulates the birth of healthy offspring. With the development of the fetus, it affects the formation of his pulmonary system. In a woman, he is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and, in particular, in the formation of lymphocytes. Violations of its content can be caused by severe stress or chronic fatigue.
  • Somatotropin synthesized by the pituitary gland. It is largely responsible for the full formation of the musculoskeletal system and the development of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Testosterone helps increase a woman's libido, encourages her desire to find a mate and therefore makes her look attractive. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a male hormone and an excess of it leads to the development of rudeness, aggressiveness, as well as excessive oily hair and skin in a lady. In addition, she begins to be imbued with a purely masculine hunting instinct, which pushes her in search of adventure. A woman becomes assertive, purposeful and persistently strives to win the man she likes. In addition, testosterone develops the muscular system, makes the lady active and able to fend for herself. With a low level of this hormone in the blood, she loses interest in the opposite sex and in sexual contacts in general.
  • thyroxine produced by thyroid cells. He is responsible for maintaining normal weight, the flow of nervous reactions and the regularity of the onset of menstruation. It largely regulates metabolic processes. Its normal presence provides a woman with a good memory, stability of attention and the ability to concentrate. With its appropriate level, she responds faster to male courtship, makes the right choice of a partner and marries him. With an increased content of thyroxine in a woman, thought processes are disturbed and weight is quickly lost. She becomes nervous, she loses sleep and may develop arrhythmias.

These hormones in their interaction allow the fair sex to meet the requirements of femininity, easily find a mate, look attractive and increase their reproductive abilities.

The consequences of a lack of sex hormones

With insufficient blood levels of these important substances, the development of such diseases as:

  • obesity;
  • amenorrhea;
  • neurosis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • furunculosis;
  • dermatitis, etc.

This may be due to metabolic disorders, excessive deposition of fatty tissue, from which female sex hormones are formed, and a change in the functioning of the nervous system.

Changes in the synthesis and their normal balance in the body immediately affect the condition of the ovaries and uterus, mammary glands and the health of the urinary system. With the development of pathology, the process of fertilization becomes impossible.

An excess of these hormones leads to a significant disruption in the psycho-emotional sphere of a woman, nervous dysfunctions and a failure in mineral metabolism.

The development of such pathological processes is due to the fact that the synthesis, release into the blood and absorption of hormones is a multifactorial process. It involves the cerebral cortex, endocrine organs, hematopoiesis, internal tissues and specific cells.

Their interaction is regulated by the central and autonomic nervous systems. At the same time, it is very important that protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism is also in full compliance with the requirements of a healthy metabolism.

Otherwise, dysfunctions of the endocrine organs that are not directly related to the course of the menstrual cycle will somehow affect the entire chain and affect the functioning of the uterus and ovaries.

If the content of at least one hormone is violated, pronounced disturbances in the work of the body occur. If their entire spectrum changes, then the development of serious diseases is possible. Therefore, maintaining the health and normal functioning of the endocrine glands is of great importance.

Equally important is the presence of special enzymes responsible for the production of hormones, their transformation in the body and delivery to the desired tissues.

In this regard, any woman over forty years of age should at least once a year undergo a complete examination of the body, take a biochemical blood test and a study on the content of sex hormones.

Pathologies arising from their imbalance can be quickly corrected if they are not started. If you do not turn to a specialist in time, then the treatment will become very long and difficult, and in some cases a complete recovery cannot be achieved.

Therefore, the general hormonal background of a woman is so important. It affects her entire body, making the lady healthy and attractive. The normal level of these substances allows the fair sex to feel good, fall asleep calmly at night and maintain a high vitality.

It is very important to ensure that there is no shortage of certain hormones. At the first signs of trouble, you need to contact a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

Gynecologists today state that a huge percentage of calls to them is associated precisely with a violation of the hormonal background of the female body. In many ways, the reason for this lies in the wrong lifestyle and the abuse of contraceptives without a doctor's prescription.

So many representatives of the weaker sex, in pursuit of fashion, use dubious advice gleaned somewhere on the Internet or on the pages of dubious magazines. They relate to various diets, ways to lose weight or coding the body from the development of excessive appetite. All this leads to great trouble, fraught with infertility, the impossibility of bearing and early menopause.

It is no less harmful to eat various foods containing hormones, beer, alcoholic beverages, and fast food.

Be sure to get enough sleep at night, avoid visiting nightclubs or participating in extreme adventures.

Changes in the hormonal background in the body for the worse also contribute to:

  • nervous tension;
  • decrease in protective forces;
  • lack of rest;
  • the introduction of infection;
  • overwork;
  • congenital hormonal deficiency;
  • anomalies in the development of endocrine organs;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • addiction;
  • uncontrolled intake of pharmacological agents;
  • irregular sex life;
  • the onset of menopause, etc.

These factors lead to the depletion of the ovaries, the occurrence of diseases of the female genital area and metabolic disorders.

The doctor is able to find the causes of hormonal imbalance and recommend the right medications. Nowadays, medicine has long had a sufficient arsenal of means to normalize all spheres of a woman's life.

Even with severe endocrine pathologies, substitution therapy can be carried out, which allows the fairer sex to not lose their attractive appearance and the full functioning of internal organs.

How many hormones are there that the female body can produce? The endocrine system of the fair sex produces more than a dozen substances. They directly affect not only the reproductive function, but also the appearance and well-being of a woman. The presence or absence of certain pathologies depends on which hormones are in an acceptable concentration, and which are above or below the norm. The list of active substances that can affect the female body is listed below.

Many organs and systems are responsible for the production of hormones in the female body. There are certain substances that are produced by the liver, fatty tissue, brain and directly affect the normal functioning of the human body. Female hormones are a fairly conventional designation. Any of them in a certain amount is produced in the body of a man. These hormones got this name because they are very important for women's health. Also, these substances ensure the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

The production of the main female hormones occurs in the following organs, which are combined into a single endocrine system:

  • thyroid and parathyroid gland;
  • ovaries;
  • pancreas;
  • adrenal glands;
  • pituitary;
  • thymus.

All types of female hormones are produced in the listed glands and delivered to the desired organs using the circulatory system. They have a great influence on the person as a whole. The normal hormonal background in a woman's body determines whether she can reproduce healthy offspring, and whether her life will be long.

Why do hormonal disorders occur?

The presence of an optimal concentration of hormones and women's health are in constant relationship. All violations that may occur are formed due to such reasons:

  • genetic factor. There are diseases that are inherited and lead to a serious imbalance. These include Morris syndrome and others;
  • violation of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. This directly affects the functioning of the female ovaries due to the increased concentration in the blood. This causes a violation of menstruation (their absence is observed), characteristic discharge from the nipples is formed, which are similar to colostrum. Careful and timely diagnosis of the activity of the thyroid gland will avoid many problems with the reproductive system of a woman;

  • chronic absence of ovulation. It entails a decrease in progesterone levels, which, in turn, increases production. This phenomenon leads to a pathological violation of the female menstrual cycle and the development of certain diseases of the reproductive system - endometriosis, uterine fibroids, mastopathy and others;
  • stress factor. The amount of hormones in women changes for the worse in the presence of any negative factors. These include chronic stress, nervous strain, excessive physical activity, exhausting diets, weight gain and others. Sometimes even an ordinary move, a long journey, a change in the climatic zone can lead to a failure in the production of hormones;

  • age changes. At the onset of menopause, female hormones cease to be produced by the ovaries. At the same time, the number may increase slightly. It is during menopause that there is a risk of negative changes in the female body due to imbalance, the appearance of uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors and other problems;
  • having problems with the liver. The diseases that this organ is exposed to disrupt the normal absorption of female hormones by the cells of the body.


The main female hormone is called estrogen. This is a substance that directly affects the formation of the main external features inherent in all the fair sex. Estrogens are produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. This group of hormones includes several types of substances produced by the human body:

  • estriol;
  • estrone

Before puberty, only estrone is present in a girl's body. Only in adolescence begins the production of other female hormones of the estrogen group.

Functional purpose of the hormone

What are estrogens? They play an important role in the female body. Their main functions are:

  • the formation of primary female characteristics in a girl;
  • growth of mammary glands;
  • stimulation of the growth of subcutaneous adipose tissue, due to which the forms of the female body are rounded;
  • the skin becomes thinner and smoother;
  • in the ovaries, the growth of the follicle is possible, from which the egg will subsequently be released;
  • preparation of the endometrium (uterine mucosa) for implantation of the fetal egg;
  • protects blood vessels from the deposition of cholesterol plaques.

Increasing and lowering the permissible level of the hormone

A decrease in the level of estrogen in a woman provokes the appearance of masculine features, increased hairiness. There is also no menstruation, which leads to the inability to conceive a child. In such representatives of the fair sex, the voice coarsens, libido decreases and hair color darkens significantly.

A lot of estrogen is also bad. This provokes a set of excess weight, the appearance of shortness of breath, the vascular network on the lower extremities, the development of heart problems. In pregnant women, a jump in estrogen indicates a threat of interruption, the presence of pathologies in the development of the fetus. Also, a high level of these female hormones can be triggered by the presence of tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands.


The norm of estradiol as the main hormone of the estrogen group is considered (pg / mg):

  • the first half of the menstrual cycle - from 56 to 227;
  • ovulatory phase - 125-475;
  • the second half of the cycle - 75-225;
  • menopause period - 19-80.

A high level of estradiol often indicates the development of pregnancy. In the last weeks of gestation, its amount can reach 13.5-26 thousand pg / mg.


is a hormone that is part of the steroid group. It is produced by the corpus luteum in the ovaries, which is formed at the site of the dominant follicle, from where the egg was released. Progesterone is a hormone that affects the normal development of early pregnancy. It is responsible for the growth of the endometrium, an increase in the size of the uterus for the successful implantation of the egg. If pregnancy does not occur, menstruation begins. The corpus luteum dies and the increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood is inhibited.

Increasing and decreasing hormone levels

An increased amount of progesterone leads to menstrual irregularities, pain in the ovaries, and a tendency to depression. Also often in this case there are uterine bleeding, cysts of the corpus luteum, kidney failure develops.

A low concentration of progesterone complicates the normal course of pregnancy and threatens with spontaneous abortion. Also, a decrease in its amount may indicate the development of inflammatory processes in the organs of the genital area.


The normal concentration of progesterone is considered (nmol / l):

  • the first half of the cycle - 0.32-2.23;
  • ovulation - 0.48-9.41;
  • the second half of the cycle - 6.99-56.63;
  • pregnant women - 8.9-771.5 (the longer the period, the higher the concentration of the hormone in the blood);
  • menopause - less than 0.64.

Testosterone is mostly a male hormone. They (male) are also present in the female body and are responsible for sexual desire, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, the work of the sebaceous glands and affect the formation of the follicle.

Testosterone is produced by the adrenal glands. Their excess in a woman's body may indicate the presence of a tumor that produces the production of this hormone. Also, in the presence of this pathology, hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex is possible. Excess testosterone leads to increased hair growth, lack of a regular menstrual cycle.

A lack of testosterone can occur against the background of kidney failure, in the presence of Down syndrome. Typical symptoms are an irregular cycle, oily skin, excessive sweating, decreased libido.

The following indicators of the female body (pg / mg) are considered the norm of testosterone:

  • reproductive age - less than 4.1;
  • menopause - less than 1.7.

Other hormones

There are many misconceptions about female hormones (women). They can be called different substances that are also present in the blood of men. These include:

  • . It is produced by the adrenal glands and is responsible for feelings of tenderness and affection. A jump in oxytocin is observed during childbirth. Increasing its level stimulates milk production;
  • . Produced by the thyroid gland, it is responsible for the figure and the development of mental abilities. Thyroxine takes an active part in the process of protein breakdown;
  • . Produced by the adrenal glands in stressful situations. Causes an increase in feelings of rage and courage. The individual norm of norepinephrine in the blood of each person forms his personal qualities;
  • somatotropin. Produced in the pituitary gland. Responsible for the formation of muscle mass, bone growth and regulates the amount of fat in the body;
  • . Produced by the pancreas and controls blood glucose levels.

Analyzes for women to study the hormonal background

The role of hormones for women is difficult to overestimate. If there are problems with the reproductive system (infertility, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, and others), there is a need for a thorough study of the hormonal background. Also, such analyzes are indicated for increased hairiness, sweating, obesity, developmental delay, acne and other pathological conditions.

For example, the determination of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase () allows you to determine how aggressive the human immune system is to its own cells. The result of the analysis obtained will show whether the function of the thyroid gland is reduced or increased. In the first case, obesity occurs, and in the second, weight loss occurs.

Women's diseases on the background of hormonal disruptions

Female hormones directly affect health. Their excess or insufficient amount leads to the following diseases (this is not the whole list):

  • hypothyroidism. It is characterized by reduced activity of the thyroid gland. Symptoms - impaired memory, lethargy, the appearance of anemia, impaired metabolic processes in the body;
  • thyrotoxicosis. The development of inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland. The disease is characterized by a long progression, which may not appear for years;
  • . It is characterized by increased production of male hormones - androgens. Consequences - increased hair growth, irregular periods, acne, ovarian cysts, diabetes.

Herbal hormone substitutes

Some foods and plants contain phytoestrogens - plant hormones. The use of such food can both positively affect the body with a lack of certain substances, and affect negatively. Phytoestrogens are found in the following foods:

  • nuts and plant seeds;
  • ginger, turmeric;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • beef;
  • cherry, apricot, raspberry (the amount is negligible);
  • barley and malt.

Phytohormones are also found in the upland uterus, mint, red brush, shepherd's purse and other herbs.


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She graduated from the Kirov State Medical Academy in 2006. In 2007, she worked at the Tikhvin Central District Hospital on the basis of the therapeutic department. From 2007 to 2008, he worked at a hospital for a mining company in the Republic of Guinea (West Africa). From 2009 to the present, he has been working in the field of information marketing of medical services. We work with many popular portals, such as,, website

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