Prostatitis affects pregnancy. Does prostatitis affect conception and pregnancy? Acute inflammation of the prostate

Prostatitis and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive concepts. The presence of such a diagnosis does not mean infertility for a man. Doctors say that with the right approach, a man can conceive a healthy child. If we are talking about a neglected disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the measures necessary for conception. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Pathology has an adverse effect on male fertility

Before you figure out whether it is possible to get pregnant with a sluggish prostatitis in a husband, you should figure out whether prostatitis affects the possibility of conceiving a child and how exactly this effect manifests itself.

The negative impact of the disease on male fertility is manifested as follows:

  • decreased sperm motility;
  • deterioration in the quality of prostate secretion;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • side effects from medications.

Even if the man has not been touched by erection problems, the previous two points remain.

The role of prostate secretion in conception

To understand whether it is possible for a man to conceive a child with prostatitis, you should understand the functions of the prostate gland. This organ secretes an important secret that mixes with seminal fluid during ejaculation. The secret of the prostate does not contain spermatozoa, but it performs the most important function in the process of conception - it ensures the viability of spermatozoa after ejaculation. In other words, if there is no secret of the prostate, the spermatozoa are deprived of the environment of movement, which means that they die much faster.

Another important nuance is the change in the acidity of the female vagina, which is provided precisely by the juice of the prostate. The fact is that normal acidity of the vagina is low. In such an environment, spermatozoa do not survive. In addition, low acidity does not allow them to move towards the egg. The secret of the prostate gland, mixed with the ejaculate, significantly increases the acidity of the female vagina, allowing the spermatozoa to reach their target and conceive.

Prostatitis and reproductive health

In addition, it is important to understand how the disruption of the prostate gland affects the functions of all genital organs. In chronic prostatitis, the blood flow and lymph flow of the pelvic organs are disturbed, which means that all systems fail. Stagnation in the pelvic organs against the background of prostatitis negatively affects the quality of seminal fluid. Spermatozoa become less mobile, their number in the volume of the ejaculate decreases, which complicates the process of conception.

The impact of drug therapy on fertility

A side effect of some drugs for the treatment of prostatitis is a decrease in fertility.

You should also pay attention to the drugs taken by a man for the treatment of an inflammatory disease. Some side effects of prostatitis medicines make it impossible to get pregnant. This is a temporary phenomenon, fertility returns to normal after the end of medication.

Note! Some drugs have reproductive toxicity. Attempts to conceive a child during therapy with such drugs can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

As a rule, warnings about the reproductive toxicity of certain drugs are always contained in the instructions for use. In addition, doctors usually warn that reliable contraception must be used when taking certain drugs.

In the treatment of prostatitis, alpha-blockers are often used. Such drugs normalize the process of urination, but can lead to retrograde ejaculation. This is a temporary, and generally not dangerous, side effect, which is manifested by the reflux of sperm into the bladder during ejaculation. In itself, this violation is not dangerous and disappears after a while, but it is impossible to conceive a child with retrograde ejaculation.

In general, whether a man can have children with chronic prostatitis will depend on the degree of changes in the functioning of the reproductive system, which is directly related to the characteristics of the course of the disease in the patient.

Is there a risk for women?

Having figured out that prostatitis and pregnancy are really connected, you should think about the health of your partner. Despite the fact that with prostatitis it is quite possible to have children, it is important to correctly approach the issues of conception.

The risk for a woman is only infectious or bacterial prostatitis in a man, both acute and chronic. The fact is that in the secret of the prostate gland during infectious inflammation there are pathogenic agents. These microorganisms enter the woman's vagina during ejaculation and can cause inflammation.

Possible health effects for women:

  • cystitis;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • colpitis;
  • cervicitis.

Infected seminal fluid disrupts the microflora of the vagina, which is fraught with the development of various diseases.

If a woman is already pregnant, unprotected intercourse with a man with infectious prostatitis is equally dangerous for the fetus. This can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus, the formation of adhesions, premature birth.

Non-infectious prostatitis is not dangerous for a woman, but unprotected intercourse in this case can cause secondary infection of the man himself. The fact is that the female vagina is not sterile, it has its own microflora. With prostatitis, a man's local immunity drops, so any opportunistic bacteria that inhabit the female vagina can be perceived by the male body as foreign elements. In response to this, various inflammatory processes develop in the organs of the genitourinary system. So, due to a decrease in immunity, even a healthy vaginal microflora can be dangerous for the male body.

Is it possible to get pregnant if my husband has prostatitis?

Competent medical assistance in this situation will be very helpful.

In general, with prostatitis, you can really get pregnant, but the issue of planning pregnancy must be approached wisely. If the husband has prostatitis, the woman should insist on a full examination of her husband by a urologist, as well as undergo an examination by a gynecologist herself and consult a doctor about whether it is possible to become pregnant in this situation, and whether it will be dangerous for the health of the fetus.

The exact effect of prostatitis on the conception of a child depends on the type of inflammatory process and the form of the disease.

So, timely cured acute prostatitis does not adversely affect the fertility of a man. The main thing is to wait some time after the end of treatment, pass the seminal fluid for analysis, and only then move on to trying to conceive.

With chronic prostatitis, you can also conceive a child, but only if the disease is under control. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is not recommended to try to get pregnant. But with advanced chronic prostatitis, serious health problems are possible that will not allow a man to become a father.

Conception with chronic prostatitis

Doctors answer positively to the question of whether it is possible for a man to conceive a child with chronic prostatitis. Despite the fact that chronic prostatitis and conception are not mutually exclusive, one should thoroughly approach the issue of procreation and undergo a comprehensive examination.

With sluggish non-infectious inflammation, a man will be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and prostate protectors. The course of treatment with such drugs increases the chances of becoming a father.

If we are talking about advanced prostatitis, which has never been treated, a long and tedious complex treatment may be required. The fact is that with advanced chronic prostatitis, the prostate gland ceases to cope with its functions. A long “inactivity” of the body negatively affects the entire reproductive health of a man. This disease can lead to a change in the composition of seminal fluid, which is fraught with future fetal abnormalities and even miscarriage for a woman.

Intimacy, with a bacterial form of prostatitis, is dangerous for girls

Women are also interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant if a man has bacterial prostatitis. With such prostatitis, a couple can have children, but only after a course of treatment. The fact is that with bacterial prostatitis, it will not work to get pregnant, since the sexual intercourse itself and the process of ejaculation are accompanied by severe pain.

Acute bacterial prostatitis is successfully treated with a single course of drug therapy and does not adversely affect male fertility. It is important not to let the disease take its course and consult a doctor in time, and then there will be no obstacles to conception in the future.

Having sex with bacterial inflammation is unsafe for a woman, as the seminal fluid contains pathogenic microorganisms. In other words, in this case, it is possible to proceed to conception only after the acute inflammation has been stopped, and the results of repeated analyzes of the bacterial culture of the prostate secretion are satisfactory.

Is it possible to become a father with acute prostatitis?

Having figured out whether it is possible to have children with chronic prostatitis, another option for acute inflammation in the prostate should be considered. Men with such a diagnosis need to think about ways to cure prostatitis, and not about the urgent conception of children. The fact is that acute inflammation is accompanied by severe pain, fever and dysuric disorders, so the issue of conception in this case is secondary.

Trying to become a father with acute inflammation should not be. Conception during this period is greatly complicated by the general health of the man. In addition, there is a risk of infection of the woman. If you manage to conceive a child, probably a violation of intrauterine development, fading of pregnancy and miscarriage. This is due to the fact that during acute inflammation, toxic compounds are formed that adversely affect the quality of seminal fluid.

Risks during pregnancy

It is possible to get pregnant from a man with prostatitis, but urologists recommend delaying conception until the disease is cured. The matter is that if the spouse is ill with a prostatitis, there is a big risk of infection of the woman. Pregnancy in this case will be difficult, possibly intrauterine infection of the fetus, ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

If conception has already occurred, men with prostatitis should use condoms so as not to infect the pregnant woman and the fetus. It should be remembered that infectious inflammation in the prostate can negatively affect not only the conception of a child, but also the course of pregnancy, so it is recommended to consult a urologist.

Pregnancy planning and prostatitis

A man must donate blood and all the necessary tests to determine his ability to conceive with a disease

Despite the fact that pregnancy with prostatitis is possible, it is recommended not to risk the health of the unborn child and woman. You should go to the clinic, get tested and undergo treatment. Usually, in the treatment of prostatitis, antibiotics are used for a four-week course. Immediately after the course of therapy, pregnancy should not be planned; it is necessary to wait several months for the side effects of antibiotics to disappear.

Immediately before conception, a man must pass three tests:

  • spermogram - to assess sperm motility;
  • general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine - to determine inflammatory processes in hidden foci of infection;
  • bacterial culture of prostate secretion - to exclude pathogenic agents in the prostate.

If the test results are satisfactory, the man can become a father. Otherwise, a second course of therapy is necessary, followed by testing to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

During drug therapy, a man should be protected and prevent accidental conception. This is due to the fact that drugs adversely affect reproductive function, so the risk of a negative course of pregnancy is high. From the moment of taking the pills to conception, at least three months must pass - this is enough time for the man's body to be completely renewed.

Prostatic inflammation is quite unpleasant, because it is accompanied by a mass of symptomatic manifestations that worsen the quality of life of a man. Moreover, if the spouses are trying to conceive a child, then prostatitis can ruin all plans. Many men ignore the signs of prostatitis, embarrassed to see a doctor, and sincerely wonder why their wife can't get pregnant. Does prostatitis affect conception, how and why?

When planning, spouses must undergo a full medical examination

Many reasons can lead to the development of prostatic inflammation, however, its timely detection and treatment is of the utmost importance. Why is it so important? Prostatitis can lead to very unpleasant consequences, not only in relation to men's health, but also women's, and even their children.

  1. The prostate is extremely important for the work of the whole body of a man, because it performs a lot of vital functions: it is mainly involved in the production of semen, testosterone metabolism, and also regulates pelvic circulation. When the prostate becomes inflamed under the influence of pathogenic microflora, toxins are released that penetrate the tissues of the testicles, narrow the duct through which the seminal fluid passes, and provoke scarring. As a result, the flow of spermatozoa into the prostate is difficult, and many more die under the influence of toxins. As a result, the nature of the secret changes, the remaining viable sperm stick together, which practically deprives the man of the chances of fatherhood. In addition, the pelvic circulation worsens, which provokes congestion and impotence. Is it possible to conceive a child with prostatitis? Even if the spouse is capable of sexual intimacy, his sperm will change composition. It contains toxins, pathogenic microorganisms and defective sperm, so it is impossible to conceive a full-fledged child from such a biomaterial. Against the background of all changes, irreversible infertility can develop.
  2. Problems with conception have already been mentioned above, but in addition, if fertilization does occur, they may arise in relation to bearing the fetus. Prostatic inflammation often causes miscarriage, ectopic localization of the fetus or miscarriage.
  3. Negative impact on women's health. During sexual intercourse with a man who has prostatitis, toxins and pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the female body with sperm. Such a composition of sperm negatively affects the state of the vaginal environment, making it difficult for the already weakened sperm to move. And in difficult cases, such sperm causes the development of dangerous pathological conditions such as bartholinitis, endometritis, adnexitis or tubal obstruction.

If a man has a chronic inflammatory process in the prostate, then the consequences can be more complex and intractable. Therefore, prostatitis must be treated, preventing its degeneration into chronic forms.

Influence of the inflammatory process in the prostate on reproductive functions

A man should take care of his well-being

Men suffering from inflammation of the prostate, and especially their spouses, often turn to specialists with the question of how prostatitis affects conception. This anxiety usually occurs in couples who are unable to conceive for a long time. Here's what the experts say about it. Even if a man can have full-fledged sexual intercourse, he does not have erectile disorders, fertilization may still not occur, because the diseased sperm is not able to fertilize the female cell. Such disorders occur against the background of various factors, but they all have a connection with prostatitis.

Firstly, such an effect is observed against the background of the inflammation itself. Indeed, for prostatitis, a long-term inflammatory lesion is typical, which causes glandular structural changes. Cicatricial formations appear that interfere with the passage of seminal fluid, and under the influence of infection, pathological changes spread to neighboring structures. Also, bacteria penetrate the female body, provoking all sorts of pathologies.

Secondly, the effect of prostatitis on conception is due to the negative factors of the therapeutic process. Indeed, some medications adversely affect sperm viability. Sometimes treatment is prescribed to both spouses, while the viscosity of the female mucus in the vagina changes, which prevents the passage of spermatozoa, and, therefore, the onset of pregnancy. When a man undergoes a prostatectomy, which involves removing the gland, conception remains possible, but only through artificial insemination, because the man develops dry ejaculation.

When a man develops acute inflammation in the prostate, the man needs to limit sexual intimacy, and when performing PA, barrier protection must be used so that the infection cannot enter the female reproductive system. If the prostatitis is of an old nature, then there is a high risk of developing adhesive processes in the seminal canals, as a result of which conception with prostatitis becomes impossible. Surgery is required to restore male reproduction.

How does prostatitis affect male infertility and female reproduction?

Experts reassure - with any prostatitis, you can conceive a child. And practice proves this, because many couples, even with prostatitis, successfully managed to get pregnant and carry a baby. But there is no 100% certainty that conception will still happen, and the pregnancy will end safely with delivery, because both the inflammatory process itself and its therapy often lead to very serious, and sometimes dangerous consequences.

  • Ectopic conception. Penetrating into the body of a woman, pathogenic microorganisms cause the development of pathological processes in the reproductive system, which can provoke tubal obstruction. As a result, the fertilized cell is fixed outside the uterine body.
  • Threat of interruption. All the same pathogenic microorganisms can also affect the course of pregnancy, provoking intrauterine infectious lesions of the fetus and complicating gestation, including intrauterine death or fetal fading, as well as miscarriage.

Such complications are due to the negative impact of prostatitis in a partner on women's health. Pathogenic microorganisms in the process of sexual intimacy penetrate the vaginal mucosa, negatively affecting the microflora of the genital tract. As a result, the secret acquires an acidic character and begins to stagnate, thickens. This leads to a decrease in the motor activity of sperm that enter the vagina.

If you have any suspicious symptoms, see a doctor immediately

Does prostatitis affect the conception of a child? Certainly yes. In addition, infectious prostatitis provokes urogenital inflammation in a woman, such as urethritis, cystitis, etc. Against the background of inflammatory processes, the mucous membranes lining the reproductive organs (fallopian tubes and uterus) are reborn, adhesive processes begin that prevent cells from moving into the uterus.

Also, the spouse's prostatitis can lead to the development of severe toxicosis in a woman during gestation, vaginitis and intrauterine infectious lesions of the fetus. Moreover, this is also possible with non-infectious inflammation.

Doctors say that in chronic prostatitis or its acute form, the likelihood of problems with the onset of conception and pregnancy complications can be significantly minimized through a high-quality and competent course of therapy. And in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better for both spouses to undergo a comprehensive examination before conception.

Features of planning for prostatitis

Therapy of prostatic inflammation and conception planning are necessary conditions for the successful conception of a healthy child. Although the presence of prostatitis reduces the chances of pregnancy, this disease is not a categorical sentence. In this case, planning for a man begins with a urological examination. If before planning the couple had problems like miscarriages, frozen or ectopic conceptions, then it would be useful to make a spermogram for the partner. Such a study will help determine how a man is capable of conception.

Also, a man needs to undergo ultrasound diagnostics, a study of prostatic secretion and hormonal analysis. After competent antiprostatic therapy, the chances of conception become much greater. After the end of treatment, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor the possibility of conception. The specific time frame after which it will be possible to start trying to conceive depends on the clinical situation of the patient. Usually urologists are guided by the following factors:

  • It is necessary for the therapy to have the desired effect. In the analyzes from the urethra, a man should be free of infectious agents, leukocytes are normal, stable spermogram data.
  • It is necessary to wait some time after the course of antibiotic therapy, because drugs of this action adversely affect spermatogenesis and the quality of seminal fluid.
  • After the treatment, the patient must wait until his sperm is renewed. Normally, defective sperm are eliminated by special killer cells - spermatophages. But against the background of antibiotic therapy, sperm are damaged after their control, so there is a possibility of fertilization of the female cell with defective sperm. It takes at least 72 hours to completely update the seed material. This is how long you need to wait after therapy to avoid problems.

If prostatic inflammation is complicated by the development of erectile problems, then patients are advised to take Impaza, Spray M-16, Peruvian Maca, etc.

Is it possible to get pregnant with prostatitis in a spouse

The gestation period is a responsible and exciting moment in life

With the effect of prostatitis on the fertility of both partners, everything is clear, but still what is the likelihood of getting pregnant from a partner with untreated prostatic inflammation? This is quite real, therefore, in the presence of such inflammation, it is recommended to use barrier contraceptives during sex. Because such a pregnancy will not end in anything good. Although, with the further progression of the pathology, complications develop, which significantly reduces the likelihood of pregnancy.

Gradually, the tissues of the prostate are transformed, focal lesions are formed, a prostatic cyst may develop - all this seriously reduces the quality of the seminal fluid. In general, the chances of conceiving a child depend on the type of prostatitis, which can be bacterial, chronic and acute, as well as on the degree of neglect of the inflammatory process.

Chronic inflammation and conception

Before deciding to have children, spouses should understand the full risk of such an event, because bacteria penetrate the female body and cause congenital pathologies, increase the risk of ectopic, interruption or fading of the fetus. Chronic prostatitis and conception are quite compatible, only you must first undergo a course of therapy.

In the chronic form of prostatic inflammation, if the spermogram is good, the chances of pregnancy are about 65-70%. Conception in the chronic form of the disease seriously threatens the health of the fetus and the mother herself, and even after therapy, the risks of developing dangerous consequences remain.

Bacterial prostatitis

Chronic bacterial prostatitis makes conception almost impossible. With this disease, couples often try to have a baby, but their attempts are unsuccessful. Even a full-fledged treatment significantly reduces the chances of pregnancy, which is associated with the negative impact of bacterial agents.

If the bacterial inflammation of the prostate is acute, then there are a lot of chances for recovery, therefore, pregnancy after appropriate therapy occurs, as a rule, without any problems.

Acute inflammation of the prostate

Acute lesions in the gland negatively affect the work of the entire genitourinary system. Pathology is accompanied by vivid symptomatic manifestations, therefore it is almost impossible to miss it. During the development of the inflammatory process, spermatogenetic processes are disturbed, the quality of the seminal fluid deteriorates. Purulent masses appear in the seminal fluid, due to which the probability of fertilization drops to 15%.

Some of the pathogens that cause prostatitis can have an autoimmune effect, causing irreversible male infertility to develop. Acute non-infectious prostatic inflammations provoke pelvic congestion and blood supply deficiency, which further leads to gland dysfunction.


In general, conception with the development of prostate damage is quite possible, however, it is recommended that you first undergo qualified therapy. After a course of adequate antibiotic therapy, reproductive functions should be restored. Only after complete rehabilitation, the disappearance of pathological symptoms and the normalization of pelvic processes, a man can think about children.

It would be useful to make a spermogram, according to the results of which the specialist will be able to accurately determine the state of the male reproductive apparatus. If a man correctly approaches the issue of rehabilitation, eats healthy food, observes a regimen of rest and work, and also leads an active life, then there should be no obstacles to a full sexual life and conception.

Prostate disease is increasingly common in middle-aged men. Approximately in 70-80% of cases, despite the inflammatory processes, erectile function is preserved, the ability to have sexual relations. In this regard, the question arises as to how compatible pregnancy and prostatitis are, as well as what precautions are necessary during sexual contact with a man suffering from the disease.

Does prostatitis affect conception?

Even if a man with an erection is all right (deterioration is observed only with advanced forms of prostatitis), this does not mean that his sperm is able to fertilize a woman's egg.

Violations occur for several reasons:

  • A negative factor caused by the disease itself. Prostatitis is characterized by a long inflammatory process that provokes changes in the tissues of the gland. One of the negative consequences of the disease is the appearance of scar formations in the place of the seminal ducts, which interfere with the passage of sperm.
    In the presence of an infectious factor, focal changes in the prostate gland spread to neighboring tissues. Bacteria pass into the body of a woman, causing diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Side effects of prostatitis treatment. Some drugs dramatically reduce the viability of spermatozoa. Given that treatment is often required by both partners, the viscosity of the woman's microflora increases, which makes pregnancy impossible or significantly reduces its likelihood.
    After a prostatectomy, conception in the absence of a prostate is possible, but artificial insemination may be required due to the development of "dry ejaculation".

During the period of an acute inflammatory process, a man is recommended to abstain from sexual relations for some time. Sex puts unnecessary strain on the prostate. During intimacy, there is a great threat to transmit an infection that will lead to inflammation of the female reproductive system, which will further reduce the likelihood of becoming pregnant.

Sperm after a long abstinence, despite the existing fears and popular belief, is quite suitable for fertilization. The first unprotected contact can lead to pregnancy.

But protracted prostatitis, without appropriate treatment, leads to the appearance of adhesions of the seminal canals. If a man has formed stable scars, it will be possible to conceive a child only after microsurgical therapy.

Can prostatitis cause male infertility?

It is immediately worth noting that a man can have children with prostatitis. There are many couples who have been able to conceive and carry a healthy child. On the other hand, the disease itself and the treatment associated with it often leads to serious consequences:
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • The threat of miscarriage in the early and late stages of bearing a child.
Almost all leading experts agree that the effects of prostatitis on the conception and bearing of a child are reduced after completing a full course of therapy. During the period of planning a child, a man and a woman should undergo a complete examination of the body.

Timely treatment and maintenance of men's health reduce the likelihood of infertility in any form of the disease. After completing a course of therapy for a year, subject to unprotected sexual intercourse, pregnancy occurs. If this does not happen, additional consultation of specialists at the family planning center will be required.

An enlarged prostate by itself does not lead to infertility. In the later stages of gland growth, potency decreases, and the inflammatory process worsens the quality of the ejaculate and provokes the appearance of adhesions in the seminal canals.

The effect of male prostatitis on a woman

Microbes in the prostate during intercourse enter the woman's vagina and affect the normal microflora of the organs. As a rule, the acidity of the secret undergoes changes, its stagnation is observed. Thickening leads to a decrease in the mobility of spermatozoa that have entered the vagina.

Infectious prostatitis is fraught with several more complications:

  • An inflammatory process occurs in the organs of the genitourinary system of a woman:, etc.
  • There is a gradual degeneration of the tissues of the mucous membrane of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • Adhesions appear that interfere with the advancement of the egg, which significantly increases the likelihood of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
  • A woman develops vaginitis and severe toxicosis. During the entire period of pregnancy, there is a high risk of miscarriage.
  • Pathological bacteria penetrate the body of the developing fetus, which leads to severe infectious diseases.

A diagnosis of noninfectious prostatitis does not mean that bacteria are not transmitted through sexual contact. The term indicates that there is no infection of the prostate itself. In this case, bacterial pathogenesis of the genitourinary system may be present.

Is it possible to get pregnant if my husband has prostatitis

It is possible to get pregnant from a husband with untreated prostatitis. The ability to conceive is not lost after the onset of the disease. However, as inflammatory processes develop and complications associated with advanced disease appear, the likelihood of pregnancy in a natural way gradually decreases.

The initial forms and manifestations of prostatitis eventually lead to tissue transformation. Local lesions appear, often a prostate cyst develops, which leads to a decrease in the quality of the ejaculate.

It is customary to diagnose three main types of prostatitis: acute, chronic and bacterial. Each disease has its own consequences that affect pregnancy and the possibility of conception.

The impact of acute prostatitis on conception

Acute prostatitis affects the functioning of the male genitourinary system as a whole. After some time, there is a burning sensation and pain when going to the toilet, the potency gradually decreases, up to the complete absence of an erection.

Several facts of the negative impact of acute prostatitis on reproductive function have been established:

  • Pathogenic organisms infect male cells. In the process of inflammation, the tissues responsible for the production and viability of spermatozoa are damaged.
  • During the inflammatory process, bacteria intensively release toxins. Poisonous substances destroy spermatozoa. Pus in the secretion of the prostate, respectively, reduces the chances of a normal pregnancy to 10-15%.
  • Some microorganisms affect the appearance of autoimmune reactions of the body and can cause complete infertility, which is not amenable to medical and surgical therapy.
  • Bacteria entering the seminal ducts contribute to the deterioration of the ejaculate. The inflammatory process leads to the appearance of thick sperm.
Acute non-infectious prostatitis causes congestion and lack of blood supply in the pelvic area. As a consequence, the development of prostate dysfunction, leading to a smaller volume of seminal fluid produced, and in severe cases to complete infertility.

Conceiving a child with bacterial prostatitis

Bacterial prostatitis is divided into acute and chronic forms. The infection enters the male reproductive system through the bloodstream or urethral canal.

The chances of getting pregnant are less if a man has chronic bacterial prostatitis. Violations do not have pronounced symptoms. Throughout the development of the disease, the couple tries unsuccessfully to have and endure a child, faced with the consequences of chronic inflammation.

Modern methods of therapy make effective treatment possible. Although the chances of getting pregnant still remain lower than that of a healthy couple, the likelihood of conceiving and developing a child is quite high.

Acute bacterial prostatitis is detected in the early stages of development. The prognosis for healing is positive. After completing the course of therapy, the ability to fertilize is restored almost in full.

With timely prescribed therapy, it is possible to reduce the negative impact of prostatitis on conception, the development of the fetus in the womb and the health of the baby after birth.

How chronic prostatitis affects conception

Pregnancy with chronic prostatitis is possible. Before deciding whether to have a child, a married couple should take into account the possible complications:
  • Bacteria enter the body of a woman and lead to congenital pathologies.
  • High risk of ectopic pregnancy and fetal fading, which poses a threat to the woman's life.
If you decide to have children with chronic prostatitis, you should undergo a mandatory course of treatment. The entire period of therapy is important to protect yourself with condoms. Infectious factor testing should be done for both men and women. Treatment is assigned to both spouses.

With chronic prostatitis, but with a good spermogram, the probability of getting pregnant is in the range of 65-70%. Of course, only under the condition of an adequately prescribed course of therapy.

The chronic form of prostatitis has several subspecies:

  • Congestive prostatitis - the subspecies is characterized by congestion of the pelvic organs. Treatment is complicated by the fact that for complete healing it will be necessary to eliminate the causes of violations. The congestive form develops in patients starting from the age of 30-40 and leads to infertility.
    Congestive prostatitis is difficult to treat and requires the appointment of complex therapy - the combination of medication, exercise therapy, massage and other techniques.
  • Calculous prostatitis - with the disease, stones are formed in the gland itself or its ducts. The activity of spermatozoa decreases. The initial stage is amenable to drug therapy, in a neglected form, surgical treatment is carried out. The negative effect of calcifications is associated with a decrease in the production of male secretion, a decrease in potency.
  • Focal fibrosis of the prostate gland - at this stage of the development of chronic prostatitis, irreversible changes in the tissues of the prostate occur. Fibrous growth, depending on the location, leads to infertility or reduces the likelihood of fertilization.

Conceiving a child with chronic prostatitis poses serious threats to the health of the mother and unborn baby. Even after treatment, the risk remains quite high.

When can I plan a pregnancy after prostatitis treatment

The traditional course of treatment includes antibiotics that adversely affect the quality of the male seed. If a woman needs drug therapy, then after taking the drugs, it will take more than a month to restore normal microflora.

Pregnancy during the treatment of prostatitis is strictly contraindicated. It ends with severe complications: frozen fetus, miscarriage.

Planning a pregnancy in the treatment of prostatitis should not be for the safety of the woman and the child. In addition, the entire period of drug therapy during sex should be protected to reduce the risk of sexual transmission.

What analyzes should be taken when planning

A complete medical examination will be required for a man and a woman. The results of the tests determine whether the couple can have a child.

The man takes the following tests:

  • Spermogram - during the study, the number of viable spermatozoa, their mobility, physical and chemical properties of the ejaculate are evaluated.
  • Clinical analyzes of urine and blood - the presence of pathological bacteria and leukocytes is determined. During the study, hematuria and purulent discharge are detected or excluded, indicating the development of internal changes and inflammatory processes.
  • Analysis of the prostate secretion is a relatively simple and cheap study, which is informative. Prostate juice shows the presence of inflammation. The study reveals a fungus, pathogenic bacteria: gonococcus, Trichomonas.
Together with clinical tests, it is mandatory to conduct an ultrasound examination for the presence of calcifications, congestion in the blood, and disorders in the seed-forming and excretory structures.

Therapy required before conception

The term for planning conception after treatment after prostatitis varies from several weeks to months. The possibility of fertilization is affected by the prescribed course of therapy and the consequences of taking drugs or surgical treatment.

The course of the fight against prostatitis takes place in several stages:

  • Relief of pain syndrome.
  • Elimination of inflammation and negative symptoms.
  • Elimination of inflammation catalysts.
  • Restoration of erectile and seminal functions of the body.
To achieve these goals, the following is prescribed:
  • Antibiotics - necessary to suppress the infectious factor of the disease. Active substances accumulate in the body, reduce the production and motility of spermatozoa, and provoke various mutations.
  • Prostate massage - relieves inflammation, removes congestion. Minus - discomfort during the procedure.
  • Adrenoblockers - necessary to facilitate urination and reduce irritation of prostate tissues. Provoke the contraction of the vas deferens. They become the cause of aspermia - the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate.
  • Surgical removal - prostatectomy is prescribed if medical treatment has not helped, and tissue growth has led to acute urinary retention. The ability of a man to fertilize after removal of the prostate gland remains. The prostate is responsible for only 30% of ejaculate production.
    The only drawback of the operation is the appearance of a "dry orgasm". Sperm after removal of the gland follows the path of least resistance and enters the bladder. Modern methods of artificial insemination help to solve this problem. There are several options for minimally invasive procedures that are alternatives to total prostatectomy.
Not all drugs and methods prescribed to improve well-being with prostatitis affect the reproductive functions of a man. Before prescribing medication, you should tell the urologist about the desire to have children in the future, which will allow you to adjust the course of taking medications and choose the most gentle therapy.

What is the danger of pregnancy during prostatitis

Pregnancy after sexual contact with a man suffering from prostatitis is possible. In this case, the woman is at risk of infection. There is a risk to the developing fetus.

Due to possible hazards, unintended pregnancy should be avoided. Consequences:

  • Frozen fruit.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
The situation is complicated when a woman becomes infected with pathogenic fungi and bacteria. During the development of the fetus, the body produces a large number of immune cells that cause rejection of foreign tissue and is accompanied by severe toxicosis.

The outcome of pregnancy depends on many variable factors:

  • What caused prostatitis in a man.
  • Time of conception of a child: before or after the start of drug therapy.
  • Influence of inflammatory processes on the state of the male genitourinary system.
After the start of pregnancy, you should immediately contact a competent specialist who will monitor the condition of the woman and the fetus throughout the entire period.

Prostatitis and missed pregnancy

One of the common dangers of pregnancy complications is a frozen fetus. The condition occurs due to bacteria entering the female body, as well as degradation, mutation of spermatozoa.

There is a high probability of miscarriage in the early stages or fetal fading in the later. After birth, the child has mental retardation, impaired functioning of the immune system, etc.

Ectopic pregnancy with prostatitis

The consequences of an ectopic pregnancy are rupture of the fallopian tube, leading to peritonitis and, as a result, death. There is a high risk of dying from severe blood loss. The cause of ectopic pregnancy, low sperm motility or a change in the structure and density of the microflora of the female genital organs.

After fertilization, the egg develops inside the fallopian tube. Over time, the tissues do not withstand, rupture occurs. To prevent the consequences, the removal of the fetus by surgery is required.

Is it possible to conceive a healthy child with prostatitis

The chances of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby during the remission of the disease are high. At the same time, it is extremely important to constantly consult with your doctor and avoid common mistakes:
  • To conceive a child while taking pills for prostatitis - unprotected sex leads to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, disruption of the genitourinary and reproductive system of a woman, and the development of chronic diseases. Even with the onset of an improvement in well-being, it is worth having sex with a condom.
  • Decide on your own when you can conceive a child after undergoing a course of drug therapy. It will take 3 months for a complete renewal of the body. Therefore, the test results indicating that the man has coped with the disease will be ready only after the end of this period.
    To conceive a healthy child from a man with prostatitis, you should have open unprotected sex only after the permission of your doctor.
Subject to the doctor's recommendations, it is quite possible to conceive and give birth to a completely healthy and strong baby from a man suffering from prostatitis.

Sex with prostatitis if the wife is pregnant

It is possible to have sex during pregnancy if the partner has prostatitis, but this should be done with a condom, for several reasons:
  • There is a possibility of transmission of an infection that affects the development of the fetus and can cause fading or premature birth.
  • Even if the reproductive function is not affected, bacterial prostatitis easily becomes the cause of the development of cystitis.
Unprotected sexual relations also have a negative impact on a man. They can provoke a new round of exacerbation. To exclude possible consequences, sexual contact between a pregnant woman and a man with prostatitis is carried out exclusively in a condom.

In view of the serious complications and the threat to the unborn child and his mother, in each case, you should contact one of the family planning centers.

Getting pregnant from a man who has had prostatitis and giving birth to a healthy child, without mental and physical disorders, is possible only after completing a full course of therapy and restoring the body.

Concepts such as prostatitis and pregnancy are interconnected with each other. This fact is confirmed by multiple clinical studies. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland have a negative impact on the work of most organs of the genitourinary system. If a man does not treat prostatitis, then sooner or later he may be affected by such a problem as infertility.

Questions about whether it is possible to get pregnant with prostatitis are of concern to both men and women. With a prolonged course of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, there is a high probability that important functions of the genitourinary system will be impaired. Such changes can lead to infertility.

Women often ask doctors about whether it is possible to get pregnant if the husband has chronic prostatitis. The disease in this form does not exclude the possibility of conception, although it is very small. For the wife and her baby, the husband's illness does not pose a particular threat.

If the prostatitis is not infectious, then it will not be transmitted sexually. Otherwise, a woman risks getting sick herself, which will make it very difficult for her to conceive a child.

Impact on pregnancy and possible complications

Chronic prostatitis and conception is a hot topic studied by leading experts. They managed to find out that pregnancy from a man with such a diagnosis is possible. But you need to understand that at the time of sexual intercourse, the spouse runs the risk of contracting an infection from her husband if the disease is caused by pathogenic microflora. There is also a high risk of infection of the fetus.

With a bacterial form of prostatitis, the infection will be transmitted to a woman

Due to the fact that inflammation of the prostate gland can be dangerous for a woman and an unborn child, a couple should avoid an unplanned pregnancy. If the spouses do not follow this rule, then unpleasant consequences may await them, namely:

  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Freezing fetus.

The impact of prostatitis on the conception of a child can be negative. Indeed, during the transmission of infection, a woman risks becoming infected with a fungus and bacteria. At the time of pregnancy, the immune system will begin to react to the pathogenic microflora quite sharply. As a result of this, a woman will suffer from severe toxicosis for a long time.

The possibility and result of conception directly depend on a number of such factors:

  1. When the spouses managed to conceive a fetus - before or after treatment;
  2. For what reasons did the prostate gland inflame in a man;
  3. How the inflammatory process affects the work of the organs of the genitourinary system.

After the onset of pregnancy, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist. He will observe the development of the fetus throughout the entire period.

Frozen pregnancy

To the question of whether it is possible to conceive a child with prostatitis, the answer will be positive. That's just the pregnancy may not proceed in the best way. One of the most dangerous complications in this case is fetal fading. Violation occurs as a result of the entry of a pathogenic pathogen into the female body. If a man is diagnosed with prostatitis, then this can also happen due to the mutation of spermatozoa, as well as their degradation.

Whether prostatitis affects the conception of a child is easy to understand. The consequence of such a pregnancy may be not only the fading of the fetus, but also a miscarriage. It happens both early and late.

There is a high probability of various pathologies of pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

With acute or chronic prostatitis, you can conceive a child, but such a pregnancy often turns out to be ectopic. This condition is very dangerous for a woman. If urgent action is not taken, then a rupture of the fallopian tube will occur, which leads to death. An ectopic pregnancy is caused by:

  1. Change in the structure of the genital organs;
  2. Change in the density of the microflora of the reproductive system;
  3. Low sperm motility.

An egg can be fertilized while inside the fallopian tube. To prevent negative consequences, doctors send a woman diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy for an operation to remove the fetus.

Impact on conception

With prostatitis, you can have children if the disease is in remission. In such cases, the probability of becoming pregnant is quite high. In order for the development of the child to proceed without complications, it is required to be regularly observed by a doctor and inform him of any ailments.

To minimize the negative impact of the inflammatory process in the prostate on the conception and health of the child, the following mistakes should be avoided:

  • Engage in conception while taking medications that are prescribed for chronic prostatitis;
  • Choose the date of conception without consulting your doctor;
  • Trying to get pregnant while refusing drug therapy.

How to plan conception with prostatitis

With prostatitis, you can try to get pregnant. But at the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations that relate to the planning of conception. Thanks to this, the pregnancy will go smoothly, and the children will be protected from infection and other painful conditions.

Pregnancy planning should begin with a urological examination of a man with prostatitis. It will not be superfluous to make a spermogram. This procedure is mandatory if the couple has had miscarriages or fetal fading before. The analysis will let you know how viable and active the spermatozoa are.

Before planning a conception, an examination by an andrologist is necessary

Pregnancy planning should consist of going through a number of important stages:

  1. Testing - ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, the study of prostatic secretions and hormone levels;
  2. Discussing the likelihood of conception and determining the optimal timing when a couple can begin this process;
  3. A man undergoing treatment for prostatitis. During therapy, the patient should periodically take tests that help track positive changes after the course;
  4. Waiting for sperm renewal after taking antibiotics and other drugs that can affect its quality.

Preparing for conception is an important process. Without it, there is no guarantee that pregnancy will occur and proceed without complications. Therefore, spouses should be responsible for such issues if they plan to become parents of a healthy baby in the future.

Can cause infertility

Even experienced specialists will not be able to say for sure whether it is possible to have children with chronic prostatitis for a particular patient. To get the right answer, the doctor needs to study in detail the clinical picture of the disease, as well as find out exactly how the therapy will affect the man.

Due to the fact that prostatitis leads to infertility, not only older men, but also young guys become concerned about their own health. This complication is usually observed in the infectious form of inflammation. Many patients are afraid to hear the diagnosis of infertility. The following symptoms can warn about the development of such a serious complication:

  • Deterioration of general well-being;
  • Constant pain of a pulling or cutting nature in the lower abdomen;
  • Premature ejaculation;
  • Weakening of erection;
  • Pain during intimacy.

If a man noticed these symptoms, he needs to urgently report them to a specialist. In this case, it is impossible to delay a visit to the urologist, since the inflammatory process in the prostate gland develops quite quickly. The above signs are attributed to the initial stage of infertility. If a man plans to have children in the future, he needs to immediately start treating inflammation.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health are implementing the program "Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available at a reduced price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!

Every married couple sooner or later thinks about procreation. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in conceiving the long-awaited heir the first time, and most often, after a year of unsuccessful attempts, doctors make a diagnosis of infertility. One of the causes of male infertility is inflammation of the prostate and how prostatitis affects conception.

According to statistics, almost 90% of the male population of reproductive age have experienced inflammation of the prostate, so the question of the possibility of conceiving a child with prostatitis is one of the first places during pregnancy planning.

Pregnancy planning

If prostatitis is detected in the husband's family, then it is necessary to establish how long this inflammation has been taking place. After all, the growth rate of the connective epithelium and the increase in the likelihood of infertility in a man directly depend on the duration of the inflammatory process.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if the husband has prostatitis, you should understand the functioning of the prostate gland in a healthy state. If it is not inflamed, then it performs the following tasks:

  1. controls ejaculation;
  2. normalizes the viscosity of sperm;
  3. is responsible for its qualitative characteristics and increases the activity of spermatozoa.

The mobility and survival of spermatozoa is ensured by the alkaline environment of the prostate juice. The unique prostate antigen prevents the thickening of the ejaculate and the stagnation of seminal fluid.

The inflamed prostate gland does not completely lose its ability to produce ejaculate, but the birth of a child is observed only in 2% of cases, since the effect of prostatitis on conception and the further course of pregnancy is very large.

There are three types of prostatitis: chronic, acute and bacterial (viral, infectious).

If there has been an introduction of infections into the chromosomes of spermatozoa, then the quality of their genetic material will decrease.

What impact can prostatitis have on women's health?

During intimacy with a man whose prostatitis is of a viral nature, toxic substances and bacteria will inevitably penetrate into the woman's vagina along with sperm, which will eventually lead to a violation of the acid-base balance of the genital mucosa. Weakened by prostatitis, spermatozoa in the acidic environment of the vagina are not able to survive, plus immunity is reduced, which creates comfortable conditions for the penetration and reproduction of bacteria that can provoke female diseases.

Some bacteria that cause prostatitis can become causative agents of cystitis and pyelonephritis in women, which will also affect the conception of a child.

Everyone who has encountered this disease wants to know how prostatitis affects conception and whether it is possible to get pregnant with it. Yes, inflammation of the prostate in the husband's family poses a danger to the health and fertility of the wife as well, but, fortunately, statistics show that with prostatitis there are chances for a long-awaited pregnancy.

Is there a danger to the fetus

When conception has occurred, you can not worry about the course of pregnancy if the inflammation of the prostate is non-infectious.

If prostatitis in a man is viral in nature, the bacteria can be transmitted to a partner during sexual intercourse. If a woman becomes pregnant under these conditions, the virus will affect the body of the future mother and negatively affect the developing fetus.

About 2% of pregnancies are terminated in the first 7 days of the embryo's life. The reason for this is most often the pathology of fetal development (61% of all possible factors).

If a man has not been treated for prostatitis and pregnancy has occurred, there is a danger that it will be ectopic or dead. This will lead to a mandatory termination of pregnancy in the first case or fetal death and miscarriage in the second.

Is it possible to bear a healthy child?

The probability of conceiving a child in men who are concerned about prostatitis decreases daily. But even with such a disease, it is possible to become parents.

Pregnancy with prostatitis will be successful with appropriate preliminary preparation.
In order to conceive and bear a child without pathologies, planning and management of pregnancy was invented. At this stage, a man should be examined for the presence of diseases that in any way can interfere with conception and the course of pregnancy. You should start with the delivery of sperm for analysis, which will help determine the number of mobile and viable sperm, as well as signs of possible inflammation.

If acute prostatitis, its chronic or infectious form is detected, then it is better to refuse conception for the time being, in order to avoid undesirable consequences during pregnancy.

It will be a non-bacterial form of prostatitis if other methods have revealed inflammation of the prostate, while the quality of the sperm is normal. In this case, the doctor will tell you how to solve the problem, prescribe individual treatment and consult on further conception.

If you refuse contraceptives, if the conception of a child occurs within a year, this is the norm. Otherwise, the question will arise of a complete examination of the couple to determine the causes of infertility.

How can a man prepare for conception?

People who are faced with this form of the course of the disease want to know if it is possible to conceive a child with chronic prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis complicates the arrival of a long-awaited pregnancy by the fact that you can start planning only in the stage of complete remission. First of all, to check the quality of the composition of the sperm and build a forecast of the likelihood of a successful conception, a man needs to pass a spermogram.

In addition to this study, a number of other tests may be prescribed:

  1. hormone testing;
  2. for the presence of pathogens of viral origin;
  3. determination of the level of leukocytes, indicating the presence of inflammation;
  4. determination of the size of the prostate using ultrasound.

The examination in the complex helps to see and determine the severity of the disease in order to select a further treatment regimen.

Undoubtedly, with prostatitis, you can have children. But the risk to the health of the expectant mother and the development of a fragile fetus is so great that it is better not to engage in dangerous experiments. If you suspect and have symptoms of prostatitis, be examined by a urologist.

Treatment of prostatitis and restoration of reproductive function in men

Only a doctor can prescribe an individual treatment regimen for an inflamed gland. The course of treatment consists of antibiotics, physiotherapy and diet.

In this case, it makes sense to postpone pregnancy planning until the man fully recovers. On average, from the day you see a doctor and start taking antibiotics, it can take up to 5-6 months for the sperm to completely renew itself.

By giving up bad habits, a man will be able to speed up his recovery. Also, it will not be superfluous to devote time daily to gymnastics, which stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area.

The reproductive function of a man can be completely restored for a long time, if you do not neglect the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

To exclude recurrence of the disease, you will need:

  • refusal of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • do not eat spicy, sour and fatty foods;
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • do gymnastics;
  • avoid emotional tension and stress.

These simple measures can help restore male strength and make it possible to avoid infertility. Under these conditions, men, after treatment of prostatitis, will be able to become happy fathers, and the answer to the question whether a man can have children with prostatitis will be positive for them.

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