What to read to children 13 14 years old. Parental divorce is stressful for children. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Mark Twain

The list includes books by foreign and domestic authors "about the moral and psychological quest of the soul and the transformation of the personality." These problems worry teenagers, because "the most intimate, the most important decisions are made only inside their own hearts." Books will be interesting not only for teenagers, but also for their parents.

Bulychev Kir. Guy-do. City without memory. - Any edition6+

Alisa Selezneva's adventures continue. These stories will tell about how Alice and her friends met with an intelligent ship, lost space races, found Atlantis and experienced many other adventures thanks to mutual understanding, support, friendship.

Verne Jules. Captain at fifteen. - Any edition12+

French writer Jules Verne has been one of the favorite writers of boys and girls around the world for almost two centuries. His books are full of incredible adventures and fantastic foresights. The events of the novel take the reader aboard the whaling ship Pilgrim. By the will of fate, the cabin boy - Dick Sand - takes command of the ship. Colorful descriptions of nature, tense dialogues, a fascinating plot, the intensity of the clash between good and evil, and endless faith in human nobility capture and do not let the reader go until the very last page of the novel.

Dumbadze N. V. I, grandmother, Iliko and Illarion: a novel. - Any edition12+

A novel about youth, about first love, about the spiritual closeness of people of different generations. The novel was first published in 1959 on the pages of a Georgian youth magazine and has since been reprinted many times. The book was made into a film, which was a great success. The protagonist of the novel - Zurikela Vashalomidze - grows up in a mountain village without a father and without a mother. Wartime, orphanhood, malnutrition, cold, constant anxiety. But Zurikela is a mischievous one, his mischievous tricks have no end, his witticisms are endlessly inventive and hit right on target. And the rest of the characters, to match Zurikele, will not go into their pocket for a word. But their laughter is sincere and generous, there is no evil in it. Thanks to humor, they are easier to experience adversity. Gradually comes the understanding of the main thing in life. It is not in vain that at the end of the novel the following phrase sounds from the lips of Zurikela: "... apart from my village, my grandmother, Iliko and Illarion, I have no one and nothing in the world ...".

Zhvalevsky A., Pasternak E. Time is always good12+

Publisher: Time, 2009

Series: Time - childhood

The novel will please both big and small fans of these authors. The first will be able to return to their Soviet childhood (the Soviet Union of the 1980 model), the second will fall into the near future - in 2018. The main characters are fifth graders Vitya Shevchenko and Olya Vorobieva. They live in the same place, but at different times: he is a Soviet pioneer, she is a "guest from the future." By chance, the boy and the girl change places, and Olya ends up in 1980, and Vitya - in 2018. Where is better? What is more interesting: playing on the computer or walking in the yard? What is more important: looseness and freedom in chat or the ability to talk, looking into each other's eyes? In a word, Olya, Vita and their friends will face many trials before reaching a happy ending. And how could it be otherwise: no matter what the "millennium in the yard" - the time is always good, and it all depends on you!

Likhanov A. A boy who does not hurt. The Girl Who Doesn't Care12+

Publisher: Publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth", 2010

The stories about children who find themselves in a difficult life situation are written by the famous writer and public figure Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov. The first story is about a boy with cerebral palsy, who, in addition to an incurable disease, faces severe adult trials. The second story about a girl-orphanage Nastya, who survived a terrible shock in her childhood. How will her life turn out, will she be able to resist fate? It depends on the adults. And how good it is that on her life path she meets a caring person - a university student Olga. The works are able to unravel the soul and make you take a fresh look at relationships in your own family.

Murasheva E. Guard of alarm12+

Publisher: Samokat, 2008

Series: "Oncoming traffic"

A book by a psychologist and writer Ekaterina Vadimovna Murashova about the modern Russian school, about teachers, about "problem" teenagers. Having got into 8 "A" from other schools, Taya, Dima and Timka find themselves "aside" from their classmates. There is no “hazing” in the new class, no one is being bullied, no one is being “ridden”. Why do newcomers have a strange sense of isolation, isolation, sometimes turning into panic?! Unable to resist the temptation to reveal the secret of their classmates, the characters of the story will find themselves on the path of understanding the complex moral mechanisms in themselves and in others. And each of the guys will have to make a choice.

Paterson K. Gorgeous Gilly Hopkins12+

Publisher: Center "Narnia", 2007

Series: Pilgrim's Trail

A tale of a troubled girl who struggles to find a sense of home despite being constantly sent to one or the other foster parents because of her supposedly bad behavior. Gilly begins to hate the people around her and secretly dreams of returning to her own mother, idealizing her, although her mother left her. With such life baggage she arrived at the house of Mrs. Trotter, the new foster mother. In the course of reading, it will be interesting to follow the process of transformation of Gilly's personality, the path of growing up, the rejection of illusions and stereotypes, the acceptance of the realities of life with its requirements for a person.

In the Pilgrim's Path series, eight more books by foreign authors have been published, which also deserve attention.

Rain O. Youths before the Flood: a novel12+

Publishing house "Socrates", 2009

Series: "Up to fifteen and older ..."

The action-packed novel can be called a modern "novel of education", since this novel is about the growing up of a teenage hero, about how schoolboy Sergei Chokhov is faced with many situations in which he is forced to make a difficult, uncomfortable, but the only right choice and be responsible for this choice. A typical teenager of the 21st century, a resident of a metropolis, little interested in the past, present and future of the country and the world, he gradually begins to think about how and why to live. The hero learns to fight for what he thinks is right, not to be silent, even if he was alone against everyone, to believe in friendship and love.

Reading is far from the most favorite pastime for children of fourteen years of age. Teenagers will spend their free time watching TV or playing an exciting computer game with much greater pleasure than they will open a book on their own.

This is especially true of literary works included in the school curriculum. Classic novels, novellas and short stories are not at all interesting for young girls and young people, so they try their best to avoid reading them.

However, there are other works that can captivate the child for a long time and brighten up a few free evenings. In this article, we bring to your attention a list of the most for teenage girls and boys aged 14 years.

Best Books for Teenage Girls at 14

The following literary works will arouse the greatest interest among fourteen-year-old girls:

  1. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte. A magnificent literary work about the life and love of a poor governess girl and the owner of the estate, who hides a very important secret from her.
  2. "Howl's Moving Castle", Diana Wynn Jones. This fairy tale tells about the adventures of the girl Sophie in a magical land. When the curse of an evil witch falls on her, the main character has to overcome many difficult tasks and solve ingenious riddles. Although this book is more suitable for girls of primary school age, young fourteen-year-olds enjoy rereading it several times.
  3. Little Women, Little Women Married, Louisa May Alcott. A world-famous novel and its continuation about the life of four sisters from the same family.
  4. "Scarlet Sails", Alexander Grin. A magnificent and amazing story about love, which young people of adolescence with rapture.
  5. "Scarecrow", Vladimir Zheleznikov. A rather heavy, but unusually interesting book that tells how a new student appeared in a provincial school, unlike the rest of the guys, neither in appearance, nor in behavior, thoughts and beliefs. Quite unexpectedly, this kind and pure girl becomes an outcast who received the offensive nickname "scarecrow".

It will also be useful and interesting for young beauties to read the following books:

  1. "Wild Dog Dingo, or The Tale of First Love" by Reuben Fraerman.
  2. The Thorn Birds, Colin McCullough.
  3. Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë.
  4. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.
  5. "Kostya + Nika", Tamara Kryukova.

Boys at the age of fourteen in most cases prefer literature in the fantasy genre. However, they may be interested in other works. The best books for a boy at the age of 14 are considered to be the following:

Other interesting books also deserve the attention of fourteen-year-olds:

  1. Roadside Picnic, Boris and Arkady Strugatsky.
  2. "Gentlemen and Players" by Joanne Harris.
  3. The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury.
  4. The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly.
  5. "Saturday" by Ian McQueen.
  6. "King of Thieves", Cornelia Funke.
  7. "Winter Battle" by Jean-Claude Mourleva.

At school, children study the literature of past centuries, but they have the most vague ideas about modern Russian (as well as foreign) prose. Meanwhile, there are many modern stories that are not just accessible, but quite interesting to a teenager. But not only that: if children read them and discuss them with their parents, such reading can greatly bring different generations closer together. Recommendations for such family reading are given by Rimma Isakovna Zandman, Honored Teacher of Russia, teacher of Russian language and literature at Moscow Gymnasium No. 1512.

At my gymnasium, in addition to the lessons of the Russian language and literature, I lead a literary studio, where teenagers come from the age of 13-14. In these classes, the children and I read and discuss the latest Russian prose. It is a misconception that it is not available to teenagers, that they are only attracted to fantasy and horror films. No, they read with keen interest those stories by contemporary Russian-speaking writers that I recommend to them, and discuss them vigorously. And our studio is open, and parents often come to classes, and participate in the discussion along with the children.

So, I have long noticed that such joint reading and discussion not only develops children, but also improves their relationship with their parents (as well as with grandparents), helps different generations in the family to better understand each other.

And, of course, such joint reading and discussion can take place not only in the format of a school literary studio, but simply at home. The initiative, of course, here should come from the parents.

However, the question immediately arises: what exactly to read with children? In my opinion, it is short stories that are best suited for this, and not novels and novels. This is a reading that does not strain, but is very meaningful, deep, and in the family can be discussed in detail. It is important that these are stories from today, from life that children understand.

But where exactly to take them, such stories? I have long taught my children to use the largest online resource that publishes high-quality modern prose and poetry - the Magazine Room (magazines.russ.ru). In addition, a lot of good stories can be found on the long list of the Yuri Kazakov Literary Prize (it is also published in the Journal Hall).

It is clear that the selection of such stories for reading and discussion with adolescents requires a lot of work. I constantly monitor periodicals, go to bookstores and study the contents of the shelves with modern prose. But I am a teacher, this is my job, but for parents, especially those far from philology, it will be more difficult. Therefore, I took the liberty of recommending to the readers of "Thomas" several stories from those that we, together with our children and parents, discussed in the classes of the literary studio. All of these stories are available online for free.


Irina Polyanskaya. "Iron and Ice Cream"

This is a sad story that quite clearly poses the problem of the relationship between the child and the family. A story about how tragically parents can not understand their children and how children lose confidence in their relatives. Of course, now this topic is being developed very actively in the literature for middle and older adolescents.


Vyacheslav Komkov. « I am German"

A story on the same topic - the relationship between parents and children, but here the situation is the opposite. A very difficult child - and the patience and love of parents ... Such stories must be discussed after reading together, to analyze the situations described there. But to show the artistic features of the text is the job of the teacher.


Elena Dolgopyat. "Watch"

This story is fantastic, or rather, even fabulous - there the teenage hero has the opportunity to change something in his past, but any such change changes his present. Is it worth it? A question that is very useful to discuss with children. After all, behind the fantastic surroundings there is a very real problem here - responsibility for any choice, awareness of its consequences.

Suitable for teenagers from 12 years old.


Anna Ignatova. "Jinn Seva"

This is a terribly funny story. We were drinking Jay Seven juice and suddenly an orange subject appeared from the bag. They ask him - who are you? He replies that since it is made of liquid, it means gin. Why not from a bottle? But because, he answers, you can’t get enough bottles for us genies. And this genie Seva, according to all fairy-tale canons, must fulfill the desires of the heroine-girl. The encounter with this new formation genie is very funny, and the girl in it turns out to be kinder and better than the genie. When she has only one wish left, she asks: let there be peace in the whole world for at least five minutes..

Suitable for children from 10 years old.

By the way, I draw your attention to the magazine "October", which periodically publishes children's issues - entirely consisting of works addressed to the young reader. And there, too, you can look for stories to read together with children.

There are stories that are better given to high school students (although in some cases they are quite accessible to children from 14 years old). For example, these:


Nina Litvinets. "Antiquary"

A sad story about old people, about their perception of life. There is also a sharp social line - the plot is built on how a certain rogue antiquarian deceives an elderly woman. It seems that, from a rational point of view, nothing of the kind happened, but the heroine of the story could not survive what happened. “She was tormented by her conscience, she felt like a traitor - in relation to Alyosha, to the happy years lived together, to jointly acquired things that did not represent antique value, but were so dear to both of them.” Thanks to such stories, teenagers will be much better able to understand the inner world of their grandparents.

Suitable for teenagers over 14 years old.


Oleg Ryabov. "Death of an Old Man"

In this very lyrical, poignant, soul-stirring story, there is a very important theme - coming to faith. If you read it together with children, it will contribute to the spiritual rapprochement of older and younger.


Andrew Volos. "Gate"

The story of how an old man's wife died, and he lost the meaning of life - and this is an occasion to talk about the fact that love gives meaning to life. Here you can talk about how fragile human life is. The story ends with the fact that the old man, after crying over his wife's grave, steps over the low fence without opening the gate, and suddenly thinks: Lord, what is human life? So you stepped over - and you are in the world of the living, you stepped back - and you are already in some other world.

Suitable for teenagers over 16 years old.


Leonid Yuzefovich. "Late Call"

This is a story that both children from the 10th and 11th grades and parents will read with pleasure. A story about how a work appeared, in which, by some indirect signs, a person recognizes the fate of his grandfather. And since the grandfather looks very unpresentable in the work, his grandson calls the author, the showdown begins ... And here the correlation of creativity and life is very interesting, the desire to preserve the reputation of the family is important here. This is very important for discussion at home. And in some cases, you can read it with 13-14-year-old teenagers.

Suitable for teenagers over 16 years old.


Elena Dolgopyat. "Stingy Knight"

What a wonderful literary tradition! How interesting it is to show what life is in general! And how unexpectedly it is shown here that any house in which there is love and kindness can become a kind of Noah's ark. Moreover, all this is not torn off the ground; the intersecting spaces of human life are depicted there very interestingly - from the market to the monastery. And the hotel - with the meaning that here, on earth, we are only guests. In general, there are a lot of semantic layers in this story.

Suitable for teenagers over 16 years old.


Alexander Snegirev. "Photo in a black pea coat"

This is about the vicissitudes of human destiny, about responsibility for every step of one's life, about the consequences of a lie, about courage, about resisting aggressive fanaticism.

Let the grandmothers on the benches continue to grumble that the youth has deteriorated, you and I know that books never came out of their fashion. And the advent of smartphones and the Internet did not reduce their popularity, but made them more accessible. Fiction, romance, crazy adventures, or prose about heroes that seem to be written off from readers - these genres continue to be popular with teenagers.

TOP 10 interesting books - a list of the best books for teenagers

Traditionally, such lists include works of classics. Their importance is undeniable. But adolescence is a time of rebellion against society. This means that not all books of the school curriculum fall into the list of favorites. According to the guys themselves, the TOP-10 includes:

  1. "Harry Potter", JK Rowling.
  2. The Lord of the Rings, John R. R. Tolkien.
  3. "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" by J. R. R. Tolkien.
  4. The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive S. Lewis.
  5. The Catcher in the Rye by Jerome D. Salinger.
  6. Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury.
  7. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
  8. "Twilight", Stephenie Myers.
  9. "Percy Jackson", Rick Riordan.
  10. "If I Stay" by Gail Foreman.

The best interesting books to read for a teenager 12-13 years old

Interest in independent reading usually appears at the age of 12-13. The development of "relationships" with literature depends on the correctly chosen book.

  • "The Secret of the Third Planet", Kir Bulychev.

The book about the incredible adventures in space by Alisa Selezneva became for many the beginning of a great love for the science fiction genre. What secret does the Govorun bird keep? Who is Veselchak U? And who will save the heroes from the trap?

  • Roni the Robber's Daughter by Astrid Lindgren.

Brave Roni is the pride of her father, chieftain of the robbers Mattis. The gang lives in half of the castle, split by lightning. In the other half, their sworn enemies settled - Borka's gang. And no one could imagine what the acquaintance of Roni with the cocky son of the ataman Birk would lead to ...

  • Howl's Moving Castle, Diana W. Jones.

The fantasy novel became the mainstay of the anime that broke records in box office. A fairy tale about Sophie, who lives in a magical world with witches, mermaids and talking dogs, immerses teenagers in a world of adventure. It has a place for riddles, magic and many other fascinating things.

  • "Monster High" by Lisey Harrison.

The Carver family moves to an American town in the outback with an unusual daughter, Melody. What does it have to do with the monster invasion?

  • Chasodei, Natalya Shcherba.

Time is not subject to the will of man, but not watchmakers who have a special gift. A series of books begins with the fact that the keykeepers, along with the main character Vasilisa, end up in an ordinary children's camp. The task set is very serious - to prevent the collision of the two worlds. Will they succeed?

Interesting books to read to a teenager of 14 years old

At the age of 14, children's fairy tales already seem too simple and naive, but the interest in adventure remains the same. Many books have been written for this age, of which we have selected the top five.

  • "Thirteenth edition", Olga Lukas.

There is an unusual office in St. Petersburg in which people disinterestedly fulfill desires. Who are they, how do they do it, and why can you pay with your soul for a cherished desire? Look for the answers in the book.

  • "Polyanna", Eleanor Porter.

This book has attracted several generations with its kindness and simple truths. The story about an orphan girl who looks for only the good in everything can become a real psychotherapy in difficult times and teach you to appreciate what you have.

  • "Drafts", Tatyana Levanova.

Masha Nekrasova - Draft, that is, a traveler between worlds. Helping others to cope with problems, the girl herself gets into trouble. She is mistaken for a "thoughtful" who has connected to the Labyrinth of Illusions. To survive and escape, Masha will have to do the incredible - to find the mythical Lord of Illusions.

  • Methodius Buslaev, Dmitry Emets.

Meth is a twelve-year-old guy who is destined to become the lord of darkness. However, the appearance of the guardian of the light Daphne changes his plans for the future. There is a long road ahead of trials in which he will choose his side. Despite such a serious plot, the book is replete with ironic dialogues.

  • "The Neverending Story" or "The Neverending Book", Michael Ende.

The reader's journey through the land of Fantasy will be an amazing epic that captures with his head. With all the fabulousness, in history there is a place for betrayal, drama and cruelty. However, she teaches masculinity, love and kindness. See for yourself.

At the age of 15, youthful maximalism reaches its peak and it seems to teenagers that the whole world has turned against them. Books in which the characters face the same problems and questions help you understand that you are not alone.

  • Turn it up, Joe Meno.

Who said youth is beautiful? Brian Oswald will not agree with you, because his life is full of problems. How to dye your hair pink, combine singing in church and love for punk rock, what to do with feelings for fat Gretchen? And most importantly, how to find yourself in all this?

  • Anne-Marie's Diary by Michel Quast.

It would seem that there is a huge gap between the reader and the heroine - she keeps her diary in 1959. However, all the same eternal questions of love and friendship, problems with parents and others that have remained relevant in our time are raised. Anna's story will help find answers to many of them.

  • "Princes in Exile", Mark Schreiber.

Ryan Rafferty has cancer. But this book is not about miraculous healings and other miracles. It will only show you that the heroes have the same problems as ordinary people. Just under the yoke of the disease, they have become aggravated and are experienced much more strongly. "Princes in Exile" teaches us that everything can be overcome if you do not give up.

  • "XXS", Kim Kaspari.

The main character is a typical teenage girl. In her diary, in a frank, and sometimes even cruel form, questions of finding oneself among daily stress and constant problems are raised.

  • "Me, my friends and heroin" by Christiane Felscherinou.

It all started at the age of 12 with "harmless" weed. At 13, she was already earning money by prostitution for another dose of heroin. Christina tells her terrible story to convey that the problem of drug addiction is much closer than it seems.

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