Poems about love. Poems about love What then you won’t betray on the road

“I can really wait for you...” Eduard Asadov

I can really wait for you
Long, long and true, true,
And I can't sleep at night
A year, or two, and for the rest of my life, probably!

Let the leaves of the calendar
They will fly around like leaves in a garden,

What do you really need?

I can follow you
Through thickets and climbs,
On sand, almost without roads,
Over the mountains, along any path,
Where the devil has never been!

I’ll go through everything without reproaching anyone,
I will overcome any worries,
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
That you won’t betray it later on the road.

I can give it for you
Everything I have and will have.
I can accept for you
The bitterness of the worst destinies in the world.

Analysis of Asadov’s poem “I can really wait for you...”

The name of Eduard Asadov is well known to fans of modern poetry. This author went down in the history of literature as a subtle and deep lyricist, able to understand people and feel their moods, live their lives for them, transforming them into bright and unusually powerful poems.

The poet preferred not to talk about himself in his works. However, his creative heritage includes poems dedicated to intimate experiences and associated with the name of his wife, actress Galina Razumovskaya. It was to her that the poem “I can wait for you for a long time...”, written in 1968 and which later became a popular bard song, was addressed. This work is based on the deeply personal experiences of the poet, who was forced to be separated for months from the one he so sincerely loved. The thing is that Galina Razumovskaya toured very often and extensively, taking part in performances, filming films and various television programs. Naturally, Eduard Asadov feared for his family, believing that constant meetings and partings could one day lead to a breakdown in relations. It is difficult to say whether he doubted the feelings of his chosen one. But one thing is indisputable: the poet completely trusted himself, claiming that he was ready to wait for his beloved “for a long, long time and truly, truly.” Moreover, not a week or a month, but “a year, and two, and probably all my life.”

Such an act on the part of a man in whose veins hot oriental blood flows can, without exaggeration, be called a feat. However, the author knows why he makes such sacrifices. More precisely, he wants to believe that “everything is not in vain, that you really need it.” We are talking about the brilliant acting career of his wife, which she builds with manic pedantry. However, the poet still has doubts that such behavior of a married woman is correct. But Assadov does not want to contradict his beloved, and cannot. After all, if she is not happy, will he be able to enjoy his love? The author is convinced that no. He consciously makes such sacrifices, although he is not sure that they will be appreciated. “I just want to know that everything is not in vain, that you won’t betray me on the road,” the poet notes, addressing his beloved.

Waiting is the little thing he can give to his wife, although he is ready not only to share with her “the bitterness of the worst destinies in the world,” but also to present her with “the whole world” every hour. Only a man truly in love is capable of such sacrifices, for whom there is no greater happiness than to see a smile on the face of his chosen one.

I can really wait for you
Long, long and true, true,
And I can't sleep at night
A year, or two, and for the rest of my life, probably!

Let the leaves of the calendar
They will fly around like leaves in a garden,

What do you really need?

I can follow you
Through thickets and climbs,
On sand, almost without roads,
Over the mountains, along any path,
Where the devil has never been!

I’ll go through everything without reproaching anyone,
I will overcome any worries,
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
That you won’t betray it later on the road.

I can give it for you
Everything I have and will have.
I can accept for you
The bitterness of the worst destinies in the world.

Analysis of the poem “I can really wait for you” by Asadov

E. Asadov entered Russian poetry as a very subtle lyricist, able to show in his works all the various shades of human feelings. At the same time, the poet rarely used episodes from his own life. An exception is the poem “I can really wait for you...” (1968). It is entirely devoted to Asadov’s intimate experience. The poet was married to G. Razumovskaya, a famous and talented actress. Razumovskaya strove for fame and devoted her life to her career. She was constantly busy in new productions and took part in long tours. This seriously affected family life. The spouses very rarely managed to be together. Asadov experienced constant torment from such a chaotic life, but he respected his wife very much and did not doubt her fidelity. His experiences and thoughts are reflected in the poem “I can really wait for you...”.

The poet declares that he does not want to create obstacles in his wife’s creative path. He is ready to spend his entire life waiting for the woman he loves. To describe the languid time, he uses a very beautiful comparison of “leaves of the calendar” with “leaves in the garden.” He only wants to be sure that this wait will not be in vain, that his wife is also suffering from separation and is looking forward to meeting him.

Asadov gives a detailed picture of the figurative expression of following your beloved to the ends of the earth, through any obstacles and obstacles. He would follow her “through the thickets, ... through the sands, ... through the mountains.” The poet claims that he would not blame anyone for his painful journey. He does not believe in his wife’s betrayal, but if it does happen, it will become a real betrayal towards the lonely traveler.

Asadov does not feel sorry for anything for his beloved, he wants their souls to merge forever. His willingness to “accept the bitterness of the worst... destinies” indicates his wife’s work as an actress. The poet knew firsthand how difficult it is to feel many human lives within oneself and to enter into the desired image. If it were possible, he would happily share the burden of acting with his wife.

Asadov ends the poem with an ardent appeal to his wife. He is ready to lay “the whole world” at her feet, just to be sure that she fully shares his feelings. The poet hopes that a stormy creative life will never be of paramount importance for his beloved, because on the entire planet there is only one person who devoted himself to her.

Our Lord.
Our God said these words.
I am and will be forever I.
I am the only Lord of the worlds.
I am the Creator of the Universe.
I am the creator of all people, I am the essence.
I am the God of love and mercy.
I am the Creator and the light of everything.
I am the Holy Spirit and I am the Truth.
I am the only Lord, I am power and strength.
And the angels answered him.
We are the guardians.
All-knowing, all-seeing.
The one who embraces good and gives.
Our One and Eternal.
Giving life to us all.
One united he is unity.
And the strength and power of his praise be to you.
Our fair is our light.
Lord and Mercy.

Abode of kindness and mercy.
There is a temple of soul and spirit meaning.
And the essence of faith is the purity of the teachings of the wise.
Works of good gifts of light.
Earthly life is the God of Mercy to people.
And the temple of goodness from his words.
There is a higher gift for us.
And it was given to us for the benefit of all.
In unity and in prayer, crying out.
I pray to the one Creator for help.
And give strength.
He is the only one who gives to us.
There is a Merciful God.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Do good from your blessings.
Love out of kindness.
From faith, believe from God, faith.
Author. Bayramov. Ruslan. Renatovich.
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Calling upon the God of kindness and faith.
Don't forget to thank him.
Tell him thank you very much.
But what I have already given you from my benefits.
Yes, turn to him with love.
And say it tenderly.
I believe in you.
You are a good God who gives us
Hope and love.
You gave us all life.
We are grateful to you.
Thank you very much.
For everything they gave us.
Thank you.

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