What year was the prophet Muhammad sent? Muhammad becomes famous. Major life events

Muhammad was born around 570 in Mecca, a city of merchants and pagan sanctuaries. Mecca lay in the middle of the Hijaz on the trade route to Syria. As the Arabs believed, Mecca arose approximately at the place where Hagar and his son once got lost. The Meccans made a living from trade, delivering Yemeni and Indian goods to Syria and Palestine. In Mecca, there was also the main pagan sanctuary in Hijaz, in which there were 360 ​​idols.

Muhammad was left an orphan very early and was brought up by his relatives. When Muhammad was a child, legend says, omens already pointed to his great future.

Once, frightened and trembling children, Muhammad's friends in games, ran to the nurse of the future prophet. They reported that someone radiant and huge approached Muhammad, opened his chest, took something out of his chest and threw it on the ground. The stranger then washed the wound with water and healed it. The nurse was frightened and ran to look for Mohammed. She found Mohammed lying in a field, he was pale, and on his chest there was a purple scar. It was the head of the angels Gabriel (Jabrail in Arabic) who cleansed the soul of Muhammad.

When Mohammed grew up, he lived in poverty for a long time, working for pennies for rich merchants and for his relatives. At the age of 25, Muhammad married a wealthy woman named Khadija and began to manage her business affairs. Khadija turns into the closest friend and like-minded person of Muhammad. The death of Khadija was painful for the prophet. The Meccans treated Muhammad with respect; he was known as a just and good-natured person.

Beginning of the sermon

Every year, Muhammad retired to mountain caves near Mecca. There he fasted and indulged in pious meditations. And then one day, in 610, Muhammad fell asleep in a cave, and Gabriel visited him in a dream. He ordered him, "Read," and then uttered a few phrases, forcing Muhammad to repeat them. So Muhammad was called to prophesy. Since then, Muhammad has received revelations from above, i.e., instructions in the new religion, and preaches them to the people.

Relocation to Yathrib

At first, Muhammad had very few followers. He opened only to close relatives and friends. But now he decides to inform all the inhabitants of Mecca about the new religion. The Meccans were very indignant when they heard the call of Muhammad to turn away from the pagan gods and believe in the One God. They considered him an apostate who betrayed the faith of his grandfathers, and in every possible way oppressed his family and associates. The very life of the prophet was threatened. Muhammad was fully convinced of the truth of the saying: "There is no prophet in his own country." Then Muhammad and a handful of his followers left Mecca and went north to the city of Yathrib. Yathrib was the nearest trading city from Mecca, inhabited by Arabs and Jews.

This event is called Hajra (migration) among the Arabs. From the year of resettlement (622) begins the countdown of the Muslim era.

victorious return

In Yathrib, Muhammad was received well. The Jews who lived there understood the meaning of the prophet's sermon, as well as the Yasrib Arabs, who had previously heard from them about the One God. The authority of the prophet grew so much that people renamed Yathrib the "City of the Prophet" or simply the "City", in Arabic - Medina. In Medina, Muhammad erected the first mosque, determined the order of Muslim worship. He becomes the ruler of Medina and starts a war with the Meccans, among whom a split quickly occurred. Most of them demanded that the rulers of the city surrender to the prophet. Notable people of the city, seeing the mood of the townspeople, gave Mecca without a fight. Muhammad, having entered the city, first of all cleared the main Meccan sanctuary, called the Kaaba (translated from Arabic as “Cube”), from idols, the Kaaba became a sacred place for all Muslims.

The Kaaba is recognized by Muslims as the main temple also because, according to Arabic tradition, Abraham himself erected the Kaaba, visiting his son Ishmael. Since Abraham professed monotheism, he dedicated the Kaaba to the One God. Later, according to Muslims, people defiled the temple with paganism.

The Kaaba is located in the center of the main Muslim mosque, called al-Haram (“Holy”), and is a cubic stone building, as high as a five-story house. Inside the Kaaba there is a “black stone”, which, according to legend, God gave to Adam, the first person on earth.

Arabian cities and nomadic tribes one by one joined Muhammad, but soon, in 632, Muhammad died.

Muslim religion (Islam)

The holy book of Muslims is the Quran. It records the revelations received by Muhammad from God, which are summarized in the Qur'an in chapters (suras). Islam, translated from Arabic, means a special action of a person in relation to God, namely, “surrendering oneself” to God. To surrender oneself to God means to believe in the One God and voluntarily agree to follow His will, which is the most kind and fair instruction for a person. A Muslim (the words "Islam" and "Muslim" have the same root) is a person who "surrendered himself" to God. According to Muslims, the first man Adam was the first to “surrender to God”. But the faith of the descendants of Adam weakened over time, and they fell into paganism. Then God chose the prophet Abraham to preach monotheism. Abraham converted his people to the true faith. To remind people of monotheism, God sent the Jewish prophet Moses, and then Jesus Christ.

Muhammad's sermon also called for faith in the True God and to abandon the worship of natural forces. The words of Muhammad were primarily addressed to the pagans - Arabs, Persians, etc. Muhammad warned people about the coming Last Judgment, which will occur at the end of time, and in which everyone will receive retribution from God for the good and evil done during life. Muhammad said that the teaching he preached did not contradict true Judaism and Christianity, but confirmed them.

Muhammad respectfully treated the Mother of God - the Mother of Christ. When the Muslims entered Mecca and began to destroy the idols in the Kaaba, one warrior wanted to wash off the wall image of the Virgin Mary with Christ with water. Muhammad forbade him to do this, covering the faces of the Virgin and the Child with his palms.

The beliefs of Christians, Jews and Muslims are similar in many ways. And the main thing is that the followers of all three religions worship the One Deity, while the differences relate primarily to the ways (ceremonies, dogmas, way of life) that the faith of Christians, Jews and Muslims in the One God is manifested.

prophet reigning

Having founded a new religion, Muhammad spread monotheism among many pagan tribes and peoples, which caused a rapid cultural upsurge in vast expanses from the Atlantic Ocean to the Chinese borders. Muhammad was not only a religious teacher, but also a skilled politician. It took Christianity more than three centuries to transform from a small religious community into a state religion and become the basis of the lives of millions of people. Muhammad managed to accomplish a similar transformation in the last ten years of his life. Starting as a persecuted prophet, he ended his life as a sovereign of a Muslim state.

Hisham al-Kalbi on the worship of idols and stones

When Ishmael, the son of Abraham - God bless them! - settled in Mecca and had numerous offspring born to him there, so that they filled Mecca ... Mecca became cramped for them, and clashes and enmity began between them, and one of them expelled the others. And they dispersed throughout the country in search of food.

They were led to the worship of idols and stones by the fact that no one left Mecca without taking with him a stone from the Sanctuary ( This refers to the sanctuary of the Kaaba.) because of the reverence for this Sanctuary and attachment to Mecca. And wherever they settled, they placed this stone and went around it, as they went around the Kaaba, wanting to win her grace and out of affection and love for the Sanctuary.

From the Quran

From Sura Maryam, which tells about the Virgin Mary (Maryam) and Jesus Christ (Isa). The text is divided into ayat (signs), each of which begins on a new line.

And remember Mary in writing. So she retired from her family to an eastern place.

And she made herself a veil before them. We sent Our Spirit to her, and he assumed before her the guise of a perfect man ( It refers to the angel Gabriel.).

She said: "I seek protection from you from the Merciful, if you are God-fearing."

He said, "I am only a messenger from your Lord to give you a clean boy."

She said, “How can I have a boy? I was not touched by a man, and I was not a whore.

He said, “This is what your Lord said: “This is easy for Me. And We will make it a sign for the people and Our mercy. The matter is settled."

And she carried him and went with him to a far place.

And they brought her torment to the trunk of a palm tree. She said: "Oh, if only I had died before this and been forgotten, forgotten."

And he called Baby Jesus.) to her: “Do not grieve: your Lord has made a stream under you.”

And shake the trunk of a palm tree above you, it will drop fresh, ripe (fruits) towards you.

Eat and drink and cool your eyes! And if you see any of the people, then say: "I gave the Merciful vow of fasting and I will not talk to a person today."

She came with him to her people, carrying him. They said, “O Mary, you have done an unheard-of deed!

O sister of Aaron Sister of Aaron - an expression indicating that the Virgin Mary belongs to the people of Israel, the same as "daughter of the people of Israel." Aaron is the elder brother of the Jewish prophet Moses), your father was not a bad man, and your mother was not a whore.

And she pointed to him. They said, "How can we talk to a child in a cradle?"

He said, “I am a servant of God, he gave me the Scripture and made me a prophet.

And he made me blessed wherever I was, and commanded me prayer and alms while I live, and kindness to my parent, and did not make me an oppressor, unhappy.

And peace be upon me on the day I was born, and on the day that I die, and on the day that I will be resurrected alive!”

This is Jesus, the son of Mary, according to the Word of Truth, ( God is meant here) in which they doubt ...

Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad

Hadiths are the statements of the prophet, his remarks on this or that occasion, teachings to followers. If the Quranic revelations are considered by Muslims to be the speech of God himself, then the hadiths are only the opinion of a person, although they are extremely authoritative and weighty.

1. Anyone whom prayer does not keep from evil deeds has fallen far from God.

2. Contentment with little is inexhaustible wealth.

3. Paradise - under the feet of mothers.

4. Shame - from faith.

5. Dry eyes - a sign of a callous heart.

6. The best of you are those who call you to good.

7. It is a great betrayal if you said something to your brother, and he, (believing), confirmed what you said, and you lied to him.

8. In order to be a liar, it is enough to repeat everything that you heard.

9. In order to be ignorant, it is enough to say everything you know.

10. Friendliness to people is half the mind.

11. Asking well is half knowledge.

12. Seek knowledge even in China, the pursuit of knowledge is the duty of every Muslim man and woman.

13. Teacher and student are friends in good.

14. Anyone who died defending his property is a holy martyr.

15. The property of a Muslim is the blood of a Muslim.

16. Poverty is the threshold of disbelief, and envy is such that it changes the destiny of a person.

The modern world believes that the Prophet Muhammad is the founder of Islam. His full name is read as Muhammad, and the biography of the prophet begins with the year 570, from which the facts of his existence are given in order.

He was born in a famous family of Saudi Arabia, in 570, if you count according to the Christian calendar.

Muhammad's father was a blood relative of the founder of Mecca, which gave him an affiliation to such a noble family as Quraish.

Life of the Prophet Muhammad

His father died before his son was born, and he lost his mother at the age of 6. Muhammad was raised by his grandfather, whose name is Abdalmuttalib, and then, after his death, his blood uncle, Abu Talib, received the rights to the boy.

Birth and childhood of the founder of Islam

His childhood passed in simple and constant work: he herded sheep, looked after and fed animals, helped with housework, equipped caravans. Upon reaching the age of 25, the young man entered the service of the wealthy Khadija.

His duties included escorting trade caravans to Syria, as well as keeping animals in proper order.


A lot of time passed when Muhammad grew up and turned into a stately man.

He offered his heart to Khadija, and she agreed, after which a magnificent wedding ceremony was held.

His wife was his only love - one and for life. In total, he had 13 wives and many children, but he always loved only the first - Khadija.

Beginning of preaching and religious activity

The prophet was engaged in trade for some time, but after practicing meditation, he had a vision in which an angel came to him and told him a message from God himself.

Thus, after a while, Muhammad began a new life and immediately introduced his wife and nephew to the faith. He was then believed by his friend Abu Bekr and former slave Zayd.

At first, Muhammad did not speak openly about God - he was afraid of persecution and threats from the government. But after the Angel visited him and ordered him to speak to all people about God, he went to Mecca and there began the period of his preaching. By 610, the inhabitants of Mecca, who had not heard the teachings about God before, greeted Muhammad with mockery.

But he continued his sermons no matter what. Of course, the lack of education affected, and he could not read the Holy Books, so he memorized everything he heard and translated it into a short poetic form.

Mohammed urged the inhabitants to love each other and respect their neighbor. Everything he said was heard even by the children. He supported his words with miracles, such as healing from ailments.

Migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina

Since Muslims were constantly being monitored and persecuted, Muhammad decided to move to Medina along with his pilgrims. There he was welcomed warmly and cordially.

The local Jewish community joined Muhammad and accepted the new faith. From this historical point, the era of Islam, the Hijra, began.

Teachings of Muhammad

The prophet's teachings were based on two religions: Christianity and Judaism. Over time, his influence spread so much that the Islamic communities in Mecca admitted their defeat and allowed Muhammad to return to Mecca in 630. Now the capital of Islam was the city of Mecca.

After long prayers and meditations, at the end of his life, Muhammad was sent down the Koran, which he wrote down as a book that personifies Islam.

A few years before his death, he told his preachers to raise money and build a mosque, which is now in Mecca. There he held the last service, where he strictly ordered women to wear a headscarf in order to hide their hair.

How the Prophet Muhammad died

Having received universal love and recognition, the prophet returned to Medina, where he died in 632, after his pilgrimage to the Holy Motherland of Islam.

As it is written in the Holy Book, the prophet was ill for a long time and despite the fact that he did not look well, he still visited the mosque. He was buried not far from the house, and today his grave is a place of companionship for parishioners.

Prophecies of Muhammad

The most famous prophecies concern Islam and the East. For example, he predicted the conquest of Jerusalem after his death and the conquest of Persia, as well as the fall of Rome, Yemen.

Many prophecies speak of the Apocalypse: they tell that in the last days believers will be expelled from their homes, and deceitful people will rule the cities.

Descendants of the Prophet Muhammad

He had 6 children: 4 daughters and 2 sons. Unfortunately, history is silent about why the boys died in infancy, and the girls at an early age, however, only one of the daughters, Fatima, managed to survive her father.


Now there are many biographical films on the Internet containing historical facts about the life of the Prophet Muhammad and his death, as well as many photos of the places where he preached.

Muhammad was born in Mecca around 570. At that time, Mecca was a prosperous city, lying on the caravan route, along which there was trade between southern Arabia and the Mediterranean countries. Muhammad's father died before he was born, and when the boy was 6 years old, he lost his mother. Two years later, Muhammad's grandfather, who had taken care of him as a father, died. Young Muhammad was raised by his uncle Abu Talib.

At the age of 12, Muhammad first came into contact with another world, so different from the Arabian one with its tribal foundations and pagan cults. Going on business to Syria, Abu Talib took his nephew with him. There, Muhammad plunged into the atmosphere of spiritual quest associated with Judaism, Christianity, and other religions.

Muhammad was a camel driver, then a merchant. He became famous for his honesty in dealing with trade, for which he received the nickname "Al-Amin", which means "Trustworthy". When he was 21 years old, he, under the patronage of Abu Talib, received a job as a clerk from the wealthy widow Khadija. Being engaged in trading affairs of Khadija, he visited many places and everywhere showed interest in local customs and beliefs. At the age of twenty-five, Muhammad married his mistress, although he was fifteen years younger than her. The marriage was happy. They had a daughter, Fatima. Life seemed to turn out well. But Muhammad was drawn to something unknown. Every year he went for a month to the deserted gorges and there, alone, he plunged into deep contemplation. He was concerned about the mores of the pagans living in Mecca, who worshiped many different deities. At that time, only in one Kaaba, the central temple of the city, there were three hundred stone, clay and wooden idols. He saw that there was a collapse of the moral and moral foundations of society: the rich oppress the poor, husbands mistreat their wives and children, drunkenness and gambling became a widespread phenomenon. It was during one of the Divine revelations sent down in 610 to Muhammad in the cave of Mount Hira that Allah sent him a vision. Muhammad saw a luminous figure of God, who ordered him to memorize the text of the revelation and called it Rsul, which means "Messenger of Allah."

The revelations that he received in moments of solitude on Mount Hira were the results of his attempts to understand and explain the universe. Muhammad's sermon largely contained already known provisions. Following those who converted to Judaism and Christianity, he called on his fellow tribesmen to monotheism, to a righteous life, observance of the commandments in preparation for the coming judgment of God, spoke about the omnipotence of Allah, who created man, everything living and inanimate on earth. He perceived his mission as an assignment from Allah, and called biblical characters his predecessors: Musa (Moses), Yusuf (Joseph), Zakaria (Zechariah), Isa (Jesus). A special place in the sermons was given to Ibrahim (Abraham), who was recognized as the forefather of the Arabs and Jews, and the first to preach monotheism. Therefore, Muhammad declared that his mission was to restore Abraham's faith.

People listened and even wrote down his words. However, the aristocracy of Mecca, having grown rich on trade and income from pilgrimage to the ancient sanctuary of the Kaaba, saw in his sermon a threat to their power and organized a conspiracy against Muhammad. Having learned about this, the companions of the prophet persuaded him to leave the city in 622 and move to the city of Yathrib (modern Medina). Some of his associates had already settled there.

This move (in Arabic - hijra) marked a new period in the life of the prophet. It was in Medina that the first Muslim community (ummah) was formed. Not without difficulty, but he managed to unite the local tribes. Christians perceived Islam as a heresy within Christianity, and the Jews met Muhammad's preaching with hostility. At that time, the Muslim community was already strong enough to attack the caravans coming from Mecca. These actions were perceived as the punishment of the Meccans for the expulsion of Muhammad and his companions, and the funds received went to the needs of the community.

Muhammad's sermons in Mecca and Medina were of a different nature. If the idea of ​​monotheism and stories about the prophets were at the center of the Meccan sermons, then the Medinan sermons were the instructions and instructions of the leader and were addressed to the Arab tribes. The ancient pagan sanctuary of the Kaaba in Mecca was declared a Muslim shrine, and from that time on, Muslims began to pray, turning their eyes to Mecca. The inhabitants of Mecca itself did not accept the new faith for a long time, but Muhammad managed to convince them that Mecca would retain its status as a major commercial and religious center. Shortly before his death, the prophet visited Mecca, where he broke all the pagan idols that stood around the Kaaba.

Muhammad's teachings gained authority, and the example of the prophet (or Caliph) becomes law. At the same time, the ruler himself was less and less able to serve as an example. The more his power extended, the more difficult it became. The more powerful Muhammad became, the more jealous he was of his authority. His personal authority was identified with the authority of the state, turned into an axis on which the entire system of Islam rested. IN632 Muhammad died and was buried in Medina.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is truly one of the most influential figures in the history of Islam. But few people know what kind of person the great prophet of Islam really was. The following facts are the most amazing about the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).

  1. He was an orphan

The Prophet's father died before the birth of Muhammad. According to the ancient Arab tradition, little Muhammad was given to be raised by the Bedouins. When Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was 6 years old, his mother died while returning from Medina, where she went to visit relatives. After that, his grandfather Abdulmuttalib became his trustee, and Ummu Ayman looked after him. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) later said that she was his second mother. When he was 8 years old, his beloved grandfather also died. His uncle Abu Talib became his trustee, according to the will of his grandfather.

  1. He married for love

The widow Khadija was 40 years old, the Prophet Muhammad was 25 years old, the Prophet Muhammad worked for Khadija, and was engaged in escorting trade caravans. Khadija, noticing the pious disposition of Muhammad, herself invited him to marry her. Truly, this was a great love, based on respect and caused by the attraction to a good disposition. Muhammad was young and could have chosen another young girl, but it was Khadijah who gave his heart and they were married for 24 years until her death. Muhammad yearned for Khadija for 13 years before he left the world himself. His subsequent marriages were driven by a personal drive to help and provide social protection. In addition, Muhammad had children only from Khadija.

  1. His first reaction to receiving the prophecy is doubt and despair.

At a certain age, Muhammad developed a need for solitude. He was haunted by questions to which he could not find answers. Muhammad retired to the cave of Hira and spent his time in meditation. During one regular seclusion, he received the first revelation from Allah. He was then 40 years old. In his own words, at that moment the pain was so intense that he thought he was dying. The meeting with the Angel of the Most High became inexplicable for him. Muhammad was seized with fear and despair, from which he sought peace from his wife Khadija.

  1. The prophet was a reformer

The message of Muhammad, who became a prophet, who found the true message and revelation, ran counter to the established norms of Arab society. Muhammad's message was against the corruption and ignorance of Meccan society. The continued revelations coming to Muhammad demanded social and economic justice, which caused the dissent of the elite.

  1. Prophet Muhammad stood for peace

The Prophet throughout his life was subjected to many difficulties, including the rejection of him as a prophet, the militia of polytheists, organized oppression of him and his followers. The Prophet never responded to aggression with aggression, he always maintained a sound mind and tolerance, calling for peace. The highest point of the peacefulness of the Prophet is his sermon delivered on Mount Arafat, where the messenger urged his followers to respect religion and peoples, not to harm people even with a word.

  1. He died without leaving a successor

The Prophet left the world without a successor, since all his children had died before him. Under such conditions, many thought that the prophet would clearly state his desire for a successor, but this did not happen.

Sayda Hyatt

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Are you a Muslim?

Yes, Muslim, praise be to Allah Almighty.

What does the term "Muslim" mean?

Know that Allah is One. Follow the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

Who is your Lord?

Allah Ta'ala.

Who is your creator?

Allah Ta'ala.

Whose slave are you?

I am a slave to Allah Ta'ala.

How do you answer the question: how many gods?

I will answer that Allah is One!

How can you confirm this?

The first ayat of Surah Ikhlas (Sura 112 of the Holy Quran).

What is this verse talking about?

It says: "Say: He - Allah is One."

And what is the confirmation of the existence of Allah for you?

The existence of the universe and universal harmony.

Is it possible to reason about the personality of Allah?

No! Because people cannot comprehend His personality with their minds. We can only talk about the qualities inherent in Allah Almighty.

What does the faith "Eish" mean?

This is like the faith of the famous pharaoh, who believed before his death.

Is this belief valid?

What does "tauba and eis" mean?

This is the repentance of a believer before death. Not only having faith, but also living by faith.

Is this really repentance?

Yes indeed.

What is your religion?

Religion Islam.

What is your book?

Holy Koran.

What is your Qibla?

Kaaba the Revered.

What kind are you?

I am from the family of Adam, peace be upon him.

What community do you belong to?

Community of the Messenger of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

Where was the Prophet Muhammad born and where is he buried?

Born in Mecca. After 50 years he made the Hijra (migration) to Yathrib (now Medina). Buried in Holy Medina. The burial place is called Rauda-i Mutahhara.

How many names does Prophet Muhammad have?

He has many beautiful names, but four of them we must know: Muhammad, Mustafa, Ahmad, Mahmud.

What is his most common name?

Muhammad Mustafa.

What was his father's name?


What was his mother's name?

And his nurse?

And the grandmother?

Shifa Khatun.

What was his grandfather's name?


At what age did the Prophet of Allah learn about his destiny?

He learned about his prophetic mission at the age of 40.

How many years did he carry out the prophetic mission?

He prophesied for 23 years.

How many years did he live?

His earthly life ended when he was 63 years old.

How many daughters did he have?

Four: Zaynab, Rukiya, Ummi Kulthum and Fatimah, may Allah be pleased with them.

And how many sons were born?

Three: Qasim, Abdullah (another name Tayyib) and Ibrahim, may Allah be pleased with them.

Can you list the names of the Prophet's wives?

Yes, insha-al-lahu. First of all, our holy mother Hatija, may Allah be pleased with her. The Prophet of Allah lived with her for 25 years. She was 15 years older than the Prophet of Allah. Next come: Sauda, ​​Aisha, Hafsa, Zainab, Khuzayma, Umm Salama, Zainab binti Jahsh, Juwayriyya, Ummu Habiba, Safiyyah, Maimuna, Mary, may Allah subhana wa taala be pleased with them all.

Can you explain some of the reasons according to which the Prophet of Allah got married after 53 years of his life?

Yes. This is explained by the fact that the Prophet of Allah, taking women from different tribes and clans as wives, thereby invited these communities to Islam. The second purpose of the Prophet was to spread the knowledge of Islam needed by women. In some cases, this was done to save them from poverty, to protect their honor. The main goal, of course, was the spread of Islam.

Which wife of the Prophet was the last to die?

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her.

Who is the greatest among the people of all time?

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

How many grandchildren does the Prophet have?

Two. Hasan and Husayin, may Allah be pleased with them.

Whose children are they?

They are the children of Ali bin Abu Talib and the daughter of the Prophet - Fatimah, may Allah be pleased with them.

Who is called a prophet?

A person chosen by Almighty Allah in order to convey His Precepts to people through him.

Do you know the number of Prophets?

According to various legends, their approximate count ranges from 124 thousand to 224 thousand. Only Allah subhana wa ta'ala knows for sure.

Which prophets are mentioned in the Quran?

Only 28 of them are mentioned in the Noble Quran: 1) Adam, 2) Idris (Enoch), 3) Nuh (Noah), 4) Hud, 5) Salih, 6) Ibrahim (Abraham), 7) Lut (Lot), 8 ) Ismail, 9) Ishak (Isaac), 10) Yakub (Jacob), 11) Yusuf (Joseph), 12) Ayyub (Job), 13) Shuaib, 14) Musa (Moses), 15) Harun (Aaron), 16 ) Daud (David), 17) Sulaiman (Solomon), 18) Yunus (Jonah), 19) Ilyas (Elijah), 20) Al-Yasa, 21) Zulkifl, 22) Zakariya (Zechariah), 23) Yahya (John) , 24) Isa (Jesus), 25) Uzair, 26) Lukman, 27) Zulkarnayn, 28) Muhammad Mustafa Habibullah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all.
Some scholars are of the opinion that Uzayr, Luqman and Zulkarnayn are not Prophets, but righteous.

What are the years of birth and death of the Prophet of Allah?

He was born on the 12th of the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal, 571, and also died on the 12th of the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal of the year 632 (according to the Gregorian calendar).

In what year did the Prophet migrate from Mecca to Medina?

Hijra - Migration to Medina (the old name - Yathrib) was committed by him in the year 622 (according to the Gregorian calendar). This year is the first year in the Muslim calendar.

What is an Angel?

Sinless creatures created by Allah from light. They have the ability to take on any form and are constantly in the worship of Allah subhana wa taala.

What are the 4 main angels?

Jabrail, Mikail, Israfil and Azrael, peace be upon them all.

Name the four major scriptures and to which prophets they were sent.

1) Taurat (Torah, Pentateuch) was sent down to the Prophet Musa (Moses), peace be upon him. 2) Zabur (Psalter) - to the Prophet Daud (David), peace be upon him. 3) Injil (Gospel) - Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him. 4) Noble Quran - to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

What is Suhuf, what is their number and to whom were they sent down?

Before the sending down of the 4 main Holy Books, the Most High Allah sent down the Holy Scriptures of a small volume in the form of scrolls - Suhuf. 100 such pages were sent down. Including: 10 Suhuf - to Adam, peace be upon him; 50 Suhuf - Shitu, peace be upon him; 30 Suhuf - to Idris, peace be upon him; 10 Suhuf - to Ibrahim, peace be upon him.

What are the types of madhhabs?

There are two types of them: 1) Madh-habs in theology, clarifying the foundations of the dogma.
2) Madh-habs on religious and legal issues.

How many madhhabs exist in theology and who are their Imams?

There are two madh-habs on questions of theology. Their imams are: Imam Abu Mansur Muhammad Maturidi and Imam Abu-l Hasan-ul-Ashaari, may Allah have mercy on them.

Name the schools of Islamic law.

There are four of these madhhabs. And they are named after their founders: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali.

Which community do you belong to?

I belong to the community of Ahl-as-Sunna wa-l Jamaa, which in translation means: People of the Sunnah and Consent, or in short - Sunnis.

What madhhab do you follow in Islamic law?

I follow the madhhab (school) of Imam Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi'i, may Allah subhana wa ta'ala be merciful to him.

Can you name the original 32 fards?

Yes I can.

Faith conditions - 6. Including:
1) - Faith in Allah.
2) - Faith in His Angels.
3) - Faith in His Books.
4) - Faith in His Messengers.
5) - Belief in the Day of Judgment and in the Resurrection.
6) - Belief in Predestination;

Conditions (fard) of small ablution (wudu; abdest) - 4:
1) - Washing the face.
2) - Washing hands up to the elbows inclusive.
3) - Wiping with wet hands the fourth part of the head.
4) - Washing the feet up to the ankles inclusive.

Conditions of Islam - 5:
1) - Pronouncing the Testimony (Shahada).
2) - Reading the daily five times prayer (prayer).
3) - Paying Zakaat (tax in favor of the poor).
4) - Fasting in the month of Ramadan.
5) - Performing the Hajj.

Conditions for complete ablution (ghusl) - 3:
1) Rinse your mouth.
2) Clear your nose.
3) - Wash the whole body.

Sanding conditions - 2:
1) - Accept the corresponding intention.
2) - Hit twice with both hands on clean sand or earth, or on any object consisting of them. After the first time, rub between the fingers and smooth over the face with the palms. After the second hit on the sand, we wipe both hands alternately to the elbows, first the right hand, and then the left.

Conditions of prayer - 12:
1) - Ablution.
2) - External cleansing.
3) - Covering the body.
4) - Appeal to Qibla.
5) - Time.
6) - Intention.
7) - Introductory takbir.
8) - Standing.
9) - Reading the Quran.
10) - Belt bow.
11) - Bow to the ground.
12) - Sitting position at the end of the prayer.

How many rak'ahs are these prayers?

The morning prayer consists of 4 rak'ahs: First, 2 rak'ahs of the sunnah are read, and then 2 rak'ahs of fard.
The midday prayer is read in 10 rak'ahs. First, 4 rak'ahs of Sunnah, then 4 rak'ahs of fard and 2 more rak'ahs of Sunnah.
The afternoon prayer includes 8 rak'ahs. 4 sunnahs and 4 fards.
Evening prayer - 5 rak'ahs. First, 3 fard rak'ahs are read, then 2 sunnah rak'ahs.
And the final prayer is the night prayer, which consists of 13 rak'ahs. It starts with 4 rak'ahs of the sunnah, then 4 rak'ahs of the fard, then 2 more rak'ahs of the sunnah, and ends with 3 rak'ahs of the Witr prayer.
A total of 40 rak'ahs are read by Sunnah adherents per day. Including 20 sunnah rak'ahs; 17 rak'ah fard and 3 rak'ah Witr.

What needs to be done if, when reading a prayer, you forgot to read a short sura or 3 ayat after Fatih?

After the end of the prayer, having given a greeting in one or both directions, it is necessary to make an additional 2 bows to the earth (sujud) without getting up. After that, we read again “at-Tahiyyat ... Sally ... Barik ...” dua and greetings to the right and left.

In what other cases are 2 additional earthly bows performed?

In case of error. For example, when the pronunciation of Takbir is forgotten in the Witr prayer in the 3rd rak'ah, or the reading of the Kunut prayer is forgotten. Or when in the 4th rak'ah prayer at the first sitting after "at-Tahiyyat" instead of getting up on the 3rd rak'ah, "Sally

”,“ Barik ” .

Name the most revered nights in Islam.

Laylat ul - Bara'a - Night of revelation. 15th night of the month of Shaaban. In those immemorial times, when nothing was yet created by Almighty Allah, but only an intention was predetermined and accepted, on the night of Bara, He announced to the angels what exactly He intended to create during the coming year.
- Laylat ul-Qadr - Night of Power; Night of Destiny: One of the nights of the Holy month of Ramadan. The beginning of the revelation of the Holy Quran.
- Laylat ur-Raga'ib - Night of Raga'ib - The first Friday night in the month of Rajab, when Saint Amina became pregnant with the future Prophet.
- Laylat ul-Maulud - The night between the 11th and 12th days of the month of Rabi'ul-Awwal. On this night, the Messenger Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was born, the greatest of the Prophets, chosen by Almighty Allah to show the True Path to all the people of the World.
- Laylat ul-Isra wal-Miraj - Night of Ascension and Journey - 27th night of the month of Rajab. On this Blessed Night, Allah Almighty raised his Prophet to the unknown heavens.

What else is important to know?

Ten Important Commandments

1. Get up for prayer when you hear the call, under any circumstances.
2. Read or study, or listen to the Qur'an, or pronounce the name of Allah and do not waste even a small part of your time without profit.
3. Try to learn Arabic.
4. Do not argue much in any matter, whatever it may be, truly the dispute does not lead to good.
5. Do not laugh too much, the heart connected with Allah is calm and serious.
6. Don't make too much noise, the struggling ummah (Muslim society) knows nothing but seriousness.
7. Do not raise your voice more than what is required by the audience - this is stupid and harmful.
8. Avoid speaking ill of people, insulting a person, and do not say anything but kind.
9. Get to know one of your brothers with whom you meet, even if it is not required of you. The foundations of our call are love and getting to know each other.
10. There are more duties than time, so help the other person use his time, and if you have an important task, then try to complete it in a short time.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds!

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