Slender women of Balzac age in stiletto heels. Russians will retire later. Crosshairs Frances Wilson

All our lives we change and transform - our views, tastes and style change. With age, a person reconsiders the basics of life, changes the principles and style of clothing. At the same time, not everyone is ready for such changes and is reluctant to let go of the old. It all starts in the head, if we are closed to new things, then there will be complete conservatism in clothes. Women of Balzac's age most often deny themselves new products. But in vain! This material contains style tips for mature ladies. So…

1. You refuse to change.

Yes, you once suited this haircut and liked this dress. So why change if everything seems to be fine? But what was good 20 years ago may be completely bad now that you are over 50. Do you think that the phrase “You haven’t changed at all” is a compliment? Not at all. Over the years, the face, figure, and demeanor inevitably change. You don’t have to be your 30-year-old self, just a very old one. You need to be your 50-year-old self, but looking good and young.

2. You don't use accessories

Do you think that “bling” is only for the young? In vain. Accessories change the look tremendously. A pair of stylish earrings, a fashionable necklace, and a bright scarf will immediately refresh both a boring monochromatic outfit and a “boring” tired face.

3. You stop spending money on clothes

Why, if there is nowhere to go except to the garden bed, and there is no one to surprise except the neighbor. A cheap blouse from the market will do. Do you think so too? This means you cease to be a woman. Good clothes simply make you look and feel good—youthful and fit. And believe me, as soon as you buy a new expensive dress, you will immediately find a reason to go out in it.

4. Wearing clothes that are too baggy

Yes, I want to hide my protruding tummy and imperfect hips, to cover up imperfections in my figure with something spacious, dark and non-staining. But all these tricks are more likely to give you extra age and volume than to disguise them. There is a rule: regardless of size, clothes that hang shapelessly on your figure make you look larger than you really are. You need to choose clothes that will fit your shape loosely, but just “tight”. And don't forget to highlight the beautiful parts of your body: if you have a beautiful neck or décolleté, unbutton the extra button on your blouse. If you have beautiful full calves, wear a knee-length skirt and fashionable sandals. Remember that self-confidence is the best feature of a well-dressed woman.

5. Wear the wrong underwear

It is unlikely that after several births and the onset of aging, you have retained the same bra size as when you were a girl. Meanwhile, approximately 80% of women do not change their bra size throughout their lives. Why not spend 10 minutes and properly carry out all the measurements using special tables? In special cases, you must wear corrective and tightening underwear, preferably a bodysuit. Correctly selected underwear works wonders on your figure, visually removing up to 10 kilograms.

6. Wear the wrong makeup

It's the same as with clothes - just because you've always worn that color of lipstick, blush, eye shadow and applied it a certain way, doesn't mean that that makeup still looks the way it should. Your makeup application technique should change every few years and be directly dependent on your age. Not to emphasize your age, but to hide it.

How should you apply makeup to look younger?

* Always wash your face before applying makeup. Washing your face will make your skin smoother and more hydrated, which means your makeup will fall on it more evenly without emphasizing wrinkles.
* Dry skin both ages faster and looks older. Therefore, moisturize your facial skin every day with special daytime moisturizers with a dense texture and containing SPF filters against solar radiation.
* As for the foundation, unlike a moisturizer, it should be light, preferably water-based. Thick and greasy foundations not only look unnatural, but also emphasize wrinkles and clog into the pores of the skin, stretching them.
* Don't neglect blush, it gives your face a fresh and youthful look. In adulthood, they need to be applied a little higher than in youth, since the skin of the face sags over time, and correctly and high applied blush should visually lift it. And do not overdo it with color - the shade of blush should be the lightest.
* Don’t paint your eyes brightly, but don’t “forget” about them either. The emphasis on the eyes helps to distract attention from the imperfections of the face, but here you need to know when to stop. Use eyeliner or pencil to define your eyes and achieve crisp lines. Black mascara and eyeliner are allowed. But you should be careful with shadows; it is better to use light transparent shades.
* Avoid applying mascara to your lower lashes - this will only draw attention to bags and wrinkles under your eyes.
Take your age for granted, but don't be afraid to look the age you feel at heart. And never emphasize your years. If you try to make excuses to someone for allegedly wearing an age-inappropriate outfit or joke about your attempts to look younger, you are only drawing attention to age-related imperfections that no one would probably notice. And don’t be afraid to deviate from rules like “Don’t wear short hair” or “Long hair is only for young people.” An older woman's hair may be in better condition than some twenty-year-olds. Body types, style, weight, height and skin condition also vary. Only you, and perhaps your stylist, can decide which rules are applicable to you and which are not.

A person can be beautiful at any age. Clothes for middle-aged and older women are elegant. Everything is important here: costume, hairstyle, cosmetics. You should always remember that an overly youthful mature woman pretending to be a teenager looks funny. Unfortunately, you can still find mature women in youthful denim dresses with wide cowboy belts and fashionable caps on their graying heads.

There is also another extreme - some women in their fifties feel that fashion does not exist for them. They stop caring about the beauty and grace of clothes and hairstyles, femininity disappears in their demeanor. In fact, by this age, as a rule, tastes and habits have already developed, and an individual style has been formed. Therefore, from the many proposals of artists, you can choose exactly what suits you, keeping in mind the combination of beauty and convenience, practicality and age. Women who have crossed their fifties can afford to wear whatever they like, but at the same time avoid clothes that are too bright and colorful. A bright, colorful outfit can only emphasize old age.

At fifty years of age and older, it is not recommended to use fabrics with large patterns. But a white collar will be very useful and will set off the dress well (today lace collars for dresses made from sewing are in fashion), some other decoration at the neck (for example, embroidery or other light-colored trim).

Choose dresses that are straight or semi-fitted. For slender women, we recommend tight-fitting, elegant dresses and suits, as well as loosely flowing skirts. Length - to the knees. Choose a calm neutral color, but light tones with bright shades will also look great.

Straight-cut trousers, as well as tapered ones, are suitable.

Elegant jackets are what you need! Let their styles be classic and elegant. No flashy details or colors.

Accessories for mature women include low-heeled shoes and the queen of stylish looks - a hat.

Often glossy magazines and advertisements are full of headlines “How to look like 20 at 40.”

Many women who have crossed the age of 40 take this call literally: they begin to dress like young girls. Surely you have met similar specimens in the crowd and noticed the inappropriateness of their outfits.

Let’s be honest: you want to look good at any age, especially when life enters a more or less stable phase and you don’t need to go out of your way to achieve career heights and the attention of the opposite sex. Therefore, let’s get acquainted with our recommendations and get to grips with it.

Why style problems are important for 40-year-old women

For many women, life is just beginning at 40. For most, this is a kind of milestone when representatives of the fair sex begin to think about themselves differently. There are reasons for this: children have become independent; at work, as a rule, there is stability, orderliness and recognition of merit; women have become independent and want to remain attractive. These changes in life cannot but affect the choice of things. It's no secret that many ladies go all out: they choose clothes in a youth style and, contrary to expectations, often look ridiculous, vulgar and even funny. To avoid such incidents, let’s get acquainted with the “enemies” of the wardrobe, whom you need to know in person.

So, 5 taboos in the wardrobe of a woman 40+:

From the beginning of this year, the Russian Federation will begin to gradually raise the bar for old-age retirement. There were many reasons for such an unpopular decision, but not all recipients of pension benefits were delighted with the changes.

The lower threshold for retirement for Russian pensioners has begun to creep up. Experts have set the bar at 60 years for the fairer sex, and men will need to continue working until they are 65 years old. This was reported by the RBC information website.

Let us recall that the law prescribing such changes was signed by the head of the Russian state back in October last year. And although Vladimir Putin was initially against raising the age limit, in the end, the measures still had to be implemented.

In order for citizens to have time to readjust to the new regime, officials proposed carrying out the reform not at once, but breaking it down into several stages. To achieve this, the increase in the age indicator was extended over ten years. The start was scheduled for the first of January this year, and completion should be expected in 2028.

The first to fall under the hot hand of the authorities were those men who were born in 1959 and 1960. Women who were born between 1964-65 also got into the boat with them.

For the mentioned categories, a special program has been prepared, which provides the opportunity to retire six months earlier than the updated age limits. In practice, this means that the person who was planning to go on vacation in January next year will be able to do so without any problems already in the middle of this summer. But in the first half of 2019, no one will actually be able to go on vacation.

Vladimir Vladimirovich also noted the difficulties that people today approaching retirement age will face. During his August speech, the President noted that he recognizes the possible difficulties of this category of Russian citizens.

In addition to changes regarding the standard format for receiving pensions, the country has prepared a “gift” for those who, for some reason, cannot accumulate the necessary work experience to qualify for a classic insurance pension. They will also receive an increase of five years to 65 years for women and 70 years for men.

This turn of events caused a huge wave of indignation among those people who were going to prepare for retirement in the near future. People argue that given the current economic situation, as well as the reluctance of employers to hire employees in the “golden age”, they are simply left without a livelihood. And the fact that they did not have time to collect the necessary experience lies entirely with the employer, who did not want to formalize the employee, showing him the door when voicing such a desire.

Pension reform in 2019: who got a raise

In addition to the listed categories of citizens, the list of those who will have to put up with a delayed departure for vacation includes those who were entitled to early retirement.

For example, last year the retirement threshold for northerners was set at 55 and 60 years. But now it has been revised towards a five-year increase.

The same applies to teachers, creative professionals and medical staff. Here the increase will also be 5 years when taking into account special experience. However, the standards for special experience have not changed.

As an example, the authors cited the work of a school teacher who worked within the walls of the educational institution for 25 years. This amount of working years previously allowed for retirement in 2028. But now, due to increased standards, teachers will have to wait until 2033 for their pensions to be calculated.

The retirement standard for women who have managed to accumulate an official 37 years of work and men with 42 years in their work record looks a little confusing compared to other schemes. They can go on vacation two years earlier than the minimum retirement age prescribed in the charter, but it should still be the following numbers: above 55 for women and 60 years for men.

Most citizens have come to the conclusion that in the current economic situation and the general refusal of employers to formalize an employee, it is almost impossible to accumulate such an impressive length of service while working somewhere outside a government agency.

Pension reform in 2019: what is the retirement age in 2019 in Russia

Separately, the state paid attention to mothers of many children. They were also allowed to go on vacation early. But only on condition that you have an accumulated experience of 15 years or more.

The basic rate varies depending on how many children the woman has given birth to. So, if she has three children, then she can start receiving a pension at 57 years old, and if she has four, then she can count on a reduction for another year. Those who have given birth to five or more children can go on vacation at age 50.

Despite such concessions from the government, the women themselves were far from happy. Among the main reasons for dissatisfaction is the need to obtain work experience somewhere, which is very difficult for a mother with many children to obtain. Usually, instead of taking maternity leave, people are often fired. Not to mention the fact that such women often do not work while raising children due to lack of time.

We are accustomed to the fact that many older men connect their lives with women, or rather, with girls who are old enough to be their daughters. And based on this state of affairs, it may seem that women of Balzac’s age remain unclaimed in the dating market. But this is far from true. It turns out that there are quite a lot of men, not only of advanced age, but also young men, who are attracted to just such women.

Let's figure out what are the reasons for such attention.

Self-esteem and self-sufficiency

Typically, a woman who has crossed the 40-year mark knows how to solve many life problems on her own, and is also able to evaluate herself, her qualities and feelings. As a rule, it no longer matters to her what a man thinks when he looks at her, but how she perceives and treats herself is quite enough. She doesn’t adapt to a man’s life, doesn’t try to please him. Such a woman lives for herself, while feeling complete freedom and independence, which makes her happy. This alone makes her very attractive to the opposite sex.

Life experience and personal list of goals

Over the years, a woman accumulates such vast life experience that she can not only enjoy life herself, but also gives the opportunity to do so to those who are next to her. She knows what is important and what is secondary, and, of course, knows how to give her partner pleasure in bed. Women who have reached the age of 40 know how to set priorities. They calmly let go of those goals that they could not achieve, focusing on those that make life more beautiful, and thereby relieve the man of the burden of tasks and unnecessary tension in the relationship, giving him the opportunity to open up and feel confident.

Vintage can be sexy

Of course, such concepts as “retro” or “vintage” cannot be applied to a lady, but in an exaggerated way this can still be called a mature woman. And what do we actually see? Just as vintage is in fashion today, a woman who is entering a new phase of her life is attractive, of course, provided that she takes care of herself. In this case, she is attractive and elegant, has a sense of style, and her mature beauty becomes perfect. Men, looking at such a lady, understand that she is not only very seductive, but also hides a secret that they really want to reveal.

Sociable and does not dramatize events

An older woman with many life stories behind her is able to find an approach to any person and communicate with him at ease, discussing various topics. Moreover, she can be both an excellent interlocutor and an attentive listener. Therefore, from the first minutes of meeting, this woman can create such an atmosphere that her counterpart will feel as if she has known her all her life. In addition, unlike young girls, she looks at many things with different eyes, and will never create drama out of the blue, but will always be able to correctly understand the situation and restrain her emotions.

Can be both simple and complex

Many young people are not entirely confident in themselves, so they are pleased to communicate with a woman who not only remembers her first love, first dates and first sexual experience, but can also delicately present this to her young partner. And for him it will be not only interesting, but also educational.

Of course, such a woman is difficult to win, which for many men is a very tempting task, and they make a lot of efforts to attract attention to themselves, not noticing that already in the process of this “game” they themselves get caught in the net.

Independent and authoritative

Those times when the man was the head of the family, and the woman blindly obeyed him, are gone forever. Today, representatives of the fairer sex have shown that they can master male professions and occupy high positions, having enormous authority at work. And many men currently like this, and they want to win such a businesswoman.

On the other hand, having financial independence, women can allow themselves some liberties in communicating with the opposite sex, for example, treating a man to dinner, presenting an expensive gift, and generally treating him like a toy, and imagine that many guys like this .

How do you feel about relationships in which the man is much younger than his beloved?

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