Months for May. Folk calendar for May September Memorial Day of Prince Oleg

Name days: Anton, Victor, Efim, Zenon, Ivan, Izot, Caesar, Kuzma, Severyan, Felix.

Orthodox calendar: Saint John's Day; martyrs Victor, Zotik, Zinon, Akindinus, Severian; Saint Cosmas the Confessor, Bishop of Chalcedon.

Folk signs: If the rowan tree has bloomed, then the warmth will be persistent. If the bird cherry blossoms, then wait for cold weather.

Folk beliefs and customs: At the beginning of May they said: “Remove the stump in the spring, and the stump will be beautiful”(referring to the flourishing of nature). The first May rain was used to wet the head so that the hair would grow like May grass. A person born on this day was supposed to be a gardener. Then, according to popular belief, his fate will have “a path, not a pathlessness.”

They dug ridges on Kuzma and said: “Kuzma came, looked into the cellars, took a shovel, and dug up the earth near the hut.” Carrots and beets were sown in Kuzma.

Sowing carrots.

Before sowing, they went out in the morning to the votive students’ wells to wet the seeds and threw copper money into the wells for good luck. Each housewife tried to perform these operations secretly from others, so that an envious eye would not do harm.

For carrots, beds were prepared with fertile, loose soil, previously enriched with manure (a bucket of manure humus for each square meter).

We noticed that carrots work well after cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions. She is especially annoyed by the wireworm, the larvae of which must be carefully selected from the soil before sowing.

May 2. Day of Ivan the Ancient Cave

Name days: Antonin, George, Tryphon, Ivan, Nikifor.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. John of the Old Cave; Saints George, Tryphon.

Folk signs: A dried out layer will not produce a harvest. You save moisture, so you bring bread from the field.

Folk beliefs and customs: On the day of Ivan the Old Cave, rural weavers “dressed spring in new clothes,” since on this day “spring flaunts itself, shows itself.”

Ritual “Dressing the new spring.”

According to ancient custom, weavers took out canvases to the first spring sun. They hung woven canvases on bushes touched with greenery, on young grass and said: “Here are some new things for you, Mother Spring.” Then they put the cake on the canvas and left in the hope that Mother Spring would take care of the harvest of flax, hemp and rye for such gifts. It was believed that when performing this ritual, the power of the first greenery, spring water, was transferred to the canvases. Our ancestors believed in the old days that the power of the red sun is transmitted to the entire human race.

In preparation for the fair, the aired and heated canvases were rolled into “new items” - unique tubes of enormous size. On the occasion of a well-sold canvas at the fair, candles were placed in front of the icon of John of the Old Cave in the hope that bread would be produced in abundance just like flax and hemp.

On this day they prayed for protection from all misfortunes. Faith in Ivan the Warrior, or Ivan the Warrior, was so strong that they called on him to judge who was right and who was wrong. For example, when someone was robbed, they served a prayer service to Ivan the Warrior, and then the offenders and thieves were revealed.

May 3. Fedor. Hailing to the Ancestors

Name days: Alexander, Anastasius, Athanasius, Viola, Gabriel, Gregory, Fyodor, Theodora.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. Theodore Trikhina; Reverend Alexander Oshevensky, Anas and this abbot; Saints Gregory and Anastasia Sinaita; Infant Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok.

Folk signs: If the spring is friendly, the land has become sowing, then the wheat was sown three days before Yegor.

Folk beliefs and customs: The dead were commemorated on Fyodor, because they believed that on Fyodor the dead yearn for earthly life, the earth opens up and the souls of those who have left us fly out into God’s light so that we can meet with them. On this day they visited cemeteries: they wailed or called out to their parents in the graveyard. They expected the strength of their family at the dinner table. We set the table as richly as possible, so that the souls of our ancestors could see how our life and existence did not become poor.

On this day, they covered the table with a white tablecloth, set out bread and salt, lit candles near the icons and prayed for the harvest. We prayed with the whole family and before every big task. All peasant work was sanctified, as the peasants hoped for help from higher powers in their difficult work.

May 4th. Day of Proclus

Name days: Alexander, Apollos, Denis, Isaac, Iannuarius, Kondrat, Maximilian, Monica, Proclus, Socrates, Feodor, Philippa, Jacob.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Hieromartyr Ian Nuarius the Bishop and with him the Martyrs Proculus, Sossius and Favetas the Deacons; martyrs Theodore, Isaac, Apollos and Kondrat.

Folk signs: Wheat will be born well if the ant on Proclus is well-fed and clean. If the bird cherry blossoms early, it will be a warm summer.

Folk beliefs and customs: On this day they cursed evil spirits. Old men called out curses outside the outskirts, facing west. With this, the peasants protected themselves from evil spirits throughout the spring.

5 May. Luke and Vitaly Day

Name days: Vitaly, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Clement, Luke, Nathanael, Fedor.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. Theodore Sikeot; apostles Nathanael, Luke, Clement; Venerable Vitaly.

Folk signs: If the moon is bad, you don’t have to rush to sow - there will be no frost until late autumn.

Folk beliefs and customs: Onions were planted in the beds on Luka: “This onion is a disease of seven.” On the eve of St. George's Day (May 6), “Lala” was celebrated.

Ritual "Lala".

With this ritual, the girls seemed to “cherish” the good times. They danced around the apple tree and sang songs. You took the most beautiful girl, “Lalya”, tied her with ribbons and various greenery, and put a wreath of fresh flowers on her head. “Lalya” was seated on a bench and they also danced around her.

It is believed that St. Vitaly helps overcome “carnal passion.” For this purpose, a prayer service was served to him.

Prayer to St. Vitaly for protection from carnal passion.

“O sacred head, reverend father, blessed Abvo Vitaly, do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children, pray for us, Holy Father, for your spiritual children, as you have boldness towards the Heavenly King: do not remain silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not cease praying for us to Christ God, for grace was given to you to pray for us. We do not imagine that you are dead: even though you have passed away from us in body, but remain alive even after death, do not depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of the demonic and the machinations of the devil, to our good shepherd even more than the relics your cancer is always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with the angelic hosts, with the disembodied faces, with the heavenly powers, standing at the throne of the Almighty, worthily rejoices, knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we fall down to you and we pray to you: pray about us to the Almighty God, about the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, so that we may pass from earth to heaven without restraint, and from bitter ordeals, demons of air princes and from eternal torment, may we be delivered from eternal torment, and may we be heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous, from the ages have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

the 6th of May. Egoriy Veshny

Name days: Anatoly, Alexandra, Athanasius, Benedicta, Valeria, George (Yuri, Egor), Glikeriy, Lazarus.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyr Queen Alexandra; Martyr Anatoly. Day of George (Yuri) the Victorious. George the Victorious (Egory the Brave) was one of the most revered saints among the Russians. According to church tradition, Saint George was born at the end of the 2nd century in Cape Town (Asia Minor). According to his life, he was a military leader close to Emperor Diocletian (284–305), who, having learned in 303 about George’s commitment to Christianity, doomed him to eight days of torment and death. Before his martyrdom, the saint performed many miracles and good deeds, among which the most famous was the victory over the monster - the “fiery serpent.” This event was most often depicted on icons, which is partly why it became widely known among the people.

Folk signs: There are two Yegoriyas in Rus': one is cold, the other is hungry (December 9 and May 6). If spring Yegoriy is with food, autumn Nikola (December 19) will be with a bridge (winter will set in, there will be a good sleigh ride). If there is frost on Yegoria, then there will be millet and oats. A clear morning on Yuri means early sowing, a clear evening means late. If there is an early spring sowing from Yegor, then the late one will be from Eremey (May 14). These early peas are before Yegoriy, the late ones are after Georgy. If there is dew on Yuri, then there will be good bread. If Yuri has a birch leaf in his bowl, put bread in the bowl for the Assumption. If the cuckoo crows before Yegor, expect a shortage of bread or death of livestock.

Folk beliefs and customs: In the minds of the common people, Saint George often acted as the initiator of spring, contributing to the spring cleansing and renewal of nature: “Yegory the Brave is a fierce enemy of winter”, “Yegory has come, and spring cannot leave”, “Yuriy has brought spring to the threshold”, “Yegory is with warmth (summer, dew, water), and Nikola is with grass (food)” .

According to popular beliefs, Yegoriy began spring by “unlocking the earth,” “releasing dew into the white light,” driving out the green grass from under the bushel, giving strength to the shoots. Yuriev's dew was considered healing and fertile. Therefore, they tried to drive the cows out into the field as early as possible, “for the dew,” which was supposed to give them abundant milk and make them fat. They said about Yuriev's dew: “There is dew on Yuri - the horses don’t need oats,” “Yegory’s dew will feed the cattle better than any oats.” Witches collected dew in reserve and kept it as a cure for the evil eye, “for seven ailments.”

Conspiracy against the evil eye.

“I, servant of God (name), will stand up, cross myself and pray, and go look for the Apostolic Church; having found it, I will find the Mother of God in it, and I will approach it with a bow, with my request. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, take away from me, from my slave, all the illnesses, the lessons of brown eyes, blue eyes, black eyes, I would not be sick, I would not grieve. A pike from the sea, an arrow from a white body, illness from a servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen". Speak on the collected St. George's dew and let it wash.

Ritual “Rolling on the dew.”

With the beginning of spring, spring work began: “Yegory begins work, by his day (Yegory Winter) the peasant’s work is finished.” On this day, the cattle were driven out to pasture for the first time. Late plowing and spring sowing, planting of some garden crops, hiring of workers (from Yuri to Semenov Day or until the fast of Filippov (November 14/27)) and shepherds (to Pokrov) were timed to coincide with it. There was a common saying in many places: “Even a lazy plow plows on Yegor Veshny”. The first winter shoots appeared on Yegoryev's Day, so the custom of rolling on dew was dedicated to this holiday. Rolling on dew is an ancient magical technique, the purpose of which was to ensure the fertility of the earth.

In the early morning of St. George's Day, women went out into the field and rolled naked on the ground, on the dewy grass growing on the field interstices (unplowed boundaries between the fields of different owners), saying: “As we roll across the field, let the bread grow into a tube.” According to popular belief, whoever rides on St. George's dew will be as strong and healthy as St. George's dew.

Ritual “Circle of the fields”.

In the evening, all the youth of the village went to the fields singing, in front of the procession walked a guy, decorated with greenery, with a torch in his hand, on his head he carried a large round pie, in his hands - images and willows.

Having installed the images around the arable land, the young people lit candles in front of them and sang “kuralesa” (from the distorted “kyurio eleson” - “Lord, have mercy”):

“Let us exclaim, brothers,

Holy kuralesa!

Give us, God,

Barley is mustachioed,

Wheat to the ears."

After the fields had been walked around three times, a fire was lit at the crossroads, in the middle of which a pie was placed on the ground. The youth sat around the fire, and the division of the pie began, in which everyone always got a piece. By the amount of filling in a piece of pie, the girls guessed: the one who had more of it was going to get married in the fall.

Saint George was also known in Rus' as the patron of livestock, and he was sometimes called the “cattle beater” or even the “cattle god.” The most important cattle breeding rituals were dedicated to Yegoryev's Day, the main part of which was carried out during the first drive of cattle to the meadows to graze. One of the variants of cattle-breeding rituals was also the Yegoryevsky rounds of courtyards with the singing of “calls”, as well as the making of ritual cookies in the form of “cows”, “horses”, “roes”. It was forbidden to harness horses or work on them on the day of the holiday. In some villages it was customary on Yegori's day to drive horses to the chapel, where they were sprinkled with holy water.

"Horse Festival"

The “Horse Holiday” was celebrated as follows: village men came to the church on white and gray horses, a prayer service was served, after which the priest sprinkled the horses and bags of oats, then each peasant brought his horse to the font, gave him holy water to drink and fed him with blessed oats; Upon returning home, the festive meal and fun began. In the evening on the day of the holiday, the guys made a “horse”. Two climbed into the canopy, one of them picked up the “head” - a bag of straw on a stick, a board was placed on his shoulders, on which a shepherd sat on top of the canopy, playing the pity. Accompanied by fellow villagers, the “horse” walked around the village and went outside the outskirts, there, in the pasture, he met with a “horse” from another village, and a battle began between them. The mummers, imitating neighing, collided with each other until one horse destroyed the other.

Yegor the Brave was considered the patron and manager of not only domestic animals, but also predators, especially wolves, which were sometimes called his “dogs.” It is believed that every year on the eve of the holiday, Saint Yegori rides around fields and forests on horseback, gathers wild animals in an appointed place and gives them orders, assigning each prey and food for the year. Therefore, people said:

“What the wolf has in its teeth is what Yegoriy gave”, “The wolf catches his fatal lamb”, “Without Yuryev’s order, even the gray (wolf) will not have enough”, “What the wolf is gray for, and he also lives according to the law: what Yegoriy will say , then everything will be decided.” If many wolves multiplied during harsh winters, the people said that “Saint Yegoriy disbanded them.” There was a belief that Yegoriy gave “to the wolf for the teeth” only those cattle whose owners forgot to put a candle to the image of the saint in its defense on the day of the holiday in the church.

"Shepherd's Feast"

Yegoryev's day was known everywhere as a shepherd's holiday. The owners gave gifts to the shepherds and gave them refreshments. From this day on, the shepherds took upon themselves vows, on the fulfillment of which the success of the herding depended. According to popular beliefs, Saint Yegor himself monitored the shepherds’ observance of their vows, and punished careless and evil shepherds. According to popular belief, the saint ordered the snake to bite the shepherd who sold the sheep to the poor widow, and in his defense he referred to the wolf. When the culprit repented, Yegor appeared to him and healed him.

"Hunting holiday"

Yegoryev's day was especially celebrated by hunters, who considered the saint their patron. To enlist his support, they considered it necessary to turn to him for help on this very day: “Yegory the Brave, Holy is my helper! Drive the white beast, the hare, through my traps through the clean fields; to your servant of God (name), drive the white beast, the hare, from all four sides.” WITH the utterance of this conspiracy began the hunt itself.

Ritual "Eves".

Yegoryev's Day was often celebrated as a big holiday, an obligatory part of which was going to visit, which was called here “visiting about the holiday.” The day before, the peasants brewed beer, with which they went to visit relatives on the day of the holiday. The celebration of “Eve” began with the owner - the “bolshak” - going to church early in the morning with wort, which in this case was called “eve”, it was placed in front of the icon of St. George during mass, and then the clergy were donated. Where Yegoryev's day was a temple holiday, it was celebrated for several days. On the first day, the owners treated themselves to the priest, and on the second, they went to visit neighbors and relatives. Sometimes after prayers they finished the eve beer, and in each family women invited female “sisters” to visit, and men invited male “brothers”; in one hut, men and women sat at different tables, in different halves of the hut. In some places they celebrated this way for a whole week.

May 7. Evseyev day

Name days: Alexey, Valentin, Eusebius, Elizabeth, Innocent, Leonty, Luka, Login, Neon, Nikolai, Pasikrates, Stanislav, Savva.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyrs Savvas Stratelates, Pasikrates, Valentinus, Eusebius; Venerable Alexy of Pechersk; Venerable Elizabeth the Wonderworker.

Folk signs: From this day on there are 12 frosts. If the sun has warmed the earth, then do not be late with sowing. This should not happen before the snow thaws, and if your feet don’t freeze in the arable land. If you sow rye in the rain, there will be a lot of broom (weeds).

Folk beliefs and customs: They said about this day:

“Evsei came - cut out the oats”, “Oats are not a prince - they love dirt.”

Oats were sown two days before the full moon or two days after. In the Volga region, oats were sown when the birch blossomed, but before the aspen blossomed. Early spring crops were sown “when the water drains”, later – when the viburnum blooms.

May 8. Mark the key keeper

Name days: Ida, Makedon, Nika, Sylvester, Mark.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Apostle and Evangelist Mark; Venerable Sylvester of Obnor.

Folk signs: On Mark the sky is bright, the women in the hut are hot. Arrival of songbirds in flocks. If the birds fly to the hemp field, there will be a hemp harvest. A small rain pollutes the earth, but a large rain cleanses it.

Folk beliefs and customs: On Mark, they waited in the villages for the arrival of songbirds. Housewives went around the room with nettles, washing the floors with nettle infusion. They waited for the rains, as it was believed that “Mark unlocks the heavenly heights, summons moisture, asks it to descend to earth.” Tatarka (buckwheat) was sown on Saint Mark.

9th May. Glafira-pea

Name days: Anikius, Vasily, Glafira, Stepan (Stephan), Theophilus, Just.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Hieromartyr Basil, Righteous Glafira, Venerable Jonnikius, Saint Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm. Commemoration of the deceased soldiers who laid down their lives for the faith, Fatherland and people, and all those who died sufferingly during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.

Victory dates and holy days: The counter-offensive of our troops near Moscow was successfully completed by the Nativity of Christ 1941/42. The siege of Leningrad was interrupted on St. Nina's Day. The largest tank battle (on the Kursk Bulge) ended in victory on the day of the apostles Peter and Paul. On the day of memory of Sergius of Radonezh, our troops crossed the border of Poland. Germany agreed to surrender on St. George's Day.

Folk signs: If the birch leaf has completely unfolded, then you can plant potatoes.

Folk beliefs and customs: On the day of Glafira the pea-women, they spoke to the peas so that they would grow beautifully. They were digging ridges in the garden. We started planting potatoes early.

May 10. Semyon the early tiller

Name days: Georgy, Dasy, Evlogy, Ivan, Semyon, Stepan.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Apostle and Hieromartyr Simeon, relative of the Lord; St. Stephen, Abbot of Pechersk, Bishop of Vladimir-Volyn.

Folk signs: If it rains well, the barn will be full of bread. A clear sunrise means a windy summer.

Folk beliefs and customs: They said about this day: “The early tiller looks: “Has the land thawed well?”

On this day, they walked back with their heels from the field, from the “open” (plowed land), from evil spirits: “On Semyon the Early Plowman, all sorts of unclean creatures shake off their sleep and come out into the light of God.” The peasants believed that on this day evil spirits from the fields were trying to enter the house, the barn, to warm themselves and profit. According to popular belief, evil spirits sometimes take on the form of a bird, sometimes an animal, and appear pitifully at a person’s feet. There were cases when they appeared “out of nowhere,” with the doors tightly closed, in the form of a kitten or crow. If you warm it up, then there will be no trouble later. So on this day the peasant worked in the field with caution.

May 11. Maxim and Evsey

Name days: Vitaly, Dada, Eusebius, Euphrasius, Zeno, Cyril, Maximus, Januarius, Jason.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Holy Apostles Jason and Sosipater; martyrs Dada, Maximus, Vitalius, Zeno, Eusebius; Saint Cyril, Bishop of Turov.

Folk signs: Warm wind on Yevsey for the grace of spring. If the night is warm and starry, then there will be a harvest. A clear sunrise means a great summer (clear and sunny).

Folk beliefs and customs: On this day, birch sap was collected. The juice from the upper part of the trunk was considered the most healing. It is believed that it is on this day that birch sap has the most healing properties. The patients were doused with birch sap. It was believed that birch sap especially helps people suffering from fever. But before this, according to legend, it was necessary to bathe the patient in rainwater or, even better, to rub him with winter snow in March.

The healers also fed the sick with decoctions of the first herbs - nettle, coltsfoot, plantain. Plantain juice has been valued since ancient times and was used to treat wounds and coughs. Erysipelas were treated with plantain, covering the redness and swelling with clean plantain leaves and often changing the bandage. Sometimes the grandmother had to talk to her face up to seven times a day.

Conspiracy from the face.

On this day, it was customary to go out on the road and wait for the warm wind from noon. This wind, in the minds of healers, is also healing. As soon as the south wind began to blow, the healers put out their incense bags towards it and, with special whispers, drove the wind into them, so that later, placing the incense on the patient, they could heal him.

“Mug, face, madness, madness, an eagle flew in, sat on the fury, flapped its wings, tore it with its paws. You shouldn’t be here, don’t break yellow bones, don’t drink red blood, don’t dry out your white body, don’t torment your zealous heart, don’t break your wild head. Have mercy and save, Lord, the servant of God (name), pray to God for us (list the saints).”

12 May. Nine Martyrs

Name days: Artemy, Arseny, Vasily, Ivan, Fedot, Fi lemon.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. Memnon the Wonderworker; Saint Basil, Bishop of Zakholmsky; nine martyrs of Kizicus, martyr John Wallach.

Folk signs: Many gadflies on this day mean a large harvest of cucumbers.

Folk beliefs and customs: This day is considered the day of healers and healing. The nine martyrs of Cyzicus: Theognis, Rufus, Antipater, Theostichus, Artema, Magnus, Theodotus, Faumasius and Philemon are considered by the people as interpreters of dreams and deliverers from smallpox. The healers whispered their names over the sick in order to heal them from nine ailments, from nine misfortunes:

Conspiracy for nine ailments.

« So that (name) does not break, does not languish, does not burn, does not shiver, does not shake, does not knit, does not blind, does not knock one’s feet off, and does not bring the earth to the ground. My word is strong - stronger than iron. Rust eats iron, but rust doesn’t eat my word. My word is locked with seventy-seven locks, the locks are sealed, the keys are thrown into the ocean-sea, swallowed by a whale-fish. Amen!"

may 13. Yakov star

Name days: Yakov, Nikita, Vasily, Donat, Ephraim, Kliment, Ignat, Maxim

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Apostle James Zebedee; Saints Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod, Ignatius Brianchaninov, Bishop of the Caucasus, Donatus, Bishop of Euria.

Folk signs: The Day of Jacob the Star is marked in the Russian tradition with special signs. If in the evening of this day the sky is starry and a warm wind rises, then the summer will be rich in thunderstorms and warmth, and the harvest will be plentiful. It was customary to watch the sunrise on this day: if the sky in the east turns out to be clear and cloudless, summer will be good, but if the sun rises in the clouds, it will rain all summer.

Folk beliefs and customs: According to the old style, this day fell at the beginning of May, so they stopped all matchmaking with Yakov, because getting married in May meant toiling for the rest of your life. The same thing, by the way, will happen to those who are born in May. On this day we did not set off without swimming in the March snowy water. When setting off on a long journey, they whispered a special prayer.

Prayer from all troubles and enemies.

“Protect me, Lord, by the power of your Honest and Life-giving Cross and save me from all evil. Amen".

May 14. Eremey Harnesser

Name days: Gerasim, Paphnutius, Efim, Ignat, Tamara, Eremiy, Makar.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Prophet Jeremiah; Venerable Paphnutius of Borovsky; Hieromartyr Macarius, Metropolitan of Kyiv; Blessed Tamara, Queen of Georgia.

Folk signs: If the weather is better for Eremey, then the harvest will be good. If there is bad weather on Yeremey, you will be wet all winter. If the sun rises clearly, it will be red all summer.

Folk beliefs and customs: On Yeremeya - the third and last meeting of the flight and the last week of the beginning of sowing. They said: “Eremey, Eremey, think about sowing!”, “Eremey-harnesser, raise the net (bowl of seeds)!”, “A day earlier you sow, a week earlier you take it.”

The peasants continued sowing, because years rarely happen when on this day it is impossible to go to the field to continue sowing. In the old days, on this day, peasants went to church, served prayers to the holy prophet Jeremiah, and then went to sow. Going out into the field, the sowers prayed on three sides (excluding the northern one), threw a handful of rye on each side with low bows, and then sowed. Rye was sown by men, and oats, peas and spring crops were sown by women.

May 15. Boris day. Nightingale holiday

Name days: Afanasy, Boris, Gleb, David, Zoya, Mikhail, Roman.

Orthodox calendar: Day of Saints Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria, Athanasius, Patriarch of Constantinople; blessed princes of Russia Boris and Gleb; martyrs Zoe; Blessed and Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Boris (Mikhail) of Bulgaria.

Folk signs: Boris Day is a nightingale day (the nightingales begin to sing). The nightingale began to sing - spring has begun to wane, and summer has begun to increase. The nightingale sings all night - it will be a sunny day. The nightingale sang at the bare trees - a crop failure in the garden. The nightingale began to sing - the water has subsided and sowing can begin. If you hear the nightingale before the cuckoo, you will have a happy summer.

Folk beliefs and customs: On this day it was supposed to finish sowing: “I didn’t drop out on Boris - I fought with Boris myself.” Usually, before sowing, a short prayer was said, and during the sowing itself they were silent.

And this day has another nickname: “Barysh Day” - the day of trading and fairs. According to popular belief, “If you sell something at a profit on Profit Day, you will make a profit all year long.” But at the same time, people said: “Saint Boris himself is a boronisya (merchants cheat).”

16th of May. Mavra-thrush, Marfa-green cabbage soup

Name days: Peter, Timothy, Mavra, Pavel.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyrs Timothy and Maura; Saints Theodosius, abbot of Kiev-Pechersk, Peter the Wonderworker, Bishop of Argos.

Folk signs: The nightingales sang in front of Mavra - spring will bloom together. If the bird cherry tree blooms these days, “bird cherry” cold will set in. If the bird cherry has many flowers, the summer will be wet.

Folk beliefs and customs: On Mavra’s day, the cows come home from grazing well-fed - milk increases, which is why Mavra is also called “thrush”. In Rus', they began to cook cabbage soup not from sauerkraut, but from fresh herbs (sorrel, quinoa, sorrel, nettle).

Cabbage soup is green.

Broth – 300 ml, sorrel – 60 g, nettle – 60 g, onion – 10 g, parsley root – 10 g, butter – 10 g, sour cream – 15 g, flour – 5 g.

Stir in nettles and sorrel and wipe. Place potato slices into boiling broth or water, cook for 15 minutes, add grated herbs, chopped onions and parsley lightly sautéed in oil, cook all together for 10–15 minutes, add salt (if necessary, acidify with sorrel decoction to taste), let simmer for 5 minutes and remove from heat. When serving, place a boiled egg, sour cream, and chopped herbs on a plate.

May 17. Baklushnik Day

Name days: Anton, Athanasius, Valerian, Isaac, Clement, Cyril, Lazarus, Leonty, Macrovius, Maria, Nikita, Palagia, Nikephoros, Erasmus

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyr Palagia; Hieromartyr Erasmus, Bishop of Formia.

Folk signs: If the sun rose clear the day before, it will be clear all summer.

Folk beliefs and customs: On this day, those who knew how to “puzzle” trained their shift so that such a gift would not be lost. Nowadays, “throwing your thumbs” is understood as idleness. Previously, beating baclush (blanks for wooden spoons) was taken very seriously. They selected a tree of the required species and cut out a chock from a certain part of the trunk, at the required height, on the required side to restore “physical health.” They stuffed logs from logs and carved spoons. Carving a spoon correctly was easier than choosing the right block. And this last word is also perverted today, because “chur” is an ancestor. “Keep me safe” literally means “ancestor, protect me.”

May 18. Irina the nursery

Name days: Adrian, Varlaam, Irina, Yakov.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyr Irene; Venerable Jacob of Zheleznoborovsk.

Folk signs: If the spruce buds are blooming, then there is no need to delay sowing, and otherwise, do not rush. Not for the sake of a large sowing, but for the sake of a good harvest.

Folk beliefs and customs: They burned old grass on Irina, saying: “Irina is out of thin grass.” Cabbage seedlings were planted.

Planting cabbage seedlings.

On this day, peasants, dressed in rags similar to cabbage leaves, planted cabbage seedlings. At the same time, they followed the ancient custom of protecting the future harvest: they took a cracked pot out to the garden beds and put a nettle bush pulled out nearby (with roots) inside. This was done in order to protect the seedlings from envious people and from the evil eye. When planting cabbage, they said: “Seedlings, don’t be long-legged, but be pot-bellied, don’t be empty, but be tight, don’t be red, but be tasty, don’t be old, but be young, don’t be small, but be big.” When planting seedlings, they did not eat bread so that the chickens would not peck the cabbage. Vegetables were planted exclusively by women. It was believed that if a man took up this task, they would bloom and not bear fruit.

May 19. Job borage, rose bush

Name days: Vasily, Job, Denis, Micah, Ivan, Illarion, Kasyan, Pakhom.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Righteous Job the Long-Suffering; Venerable Micah of Radonezh.

Folk signs: From Job the beginning of the morning frosts, and from Nikola (May 22) there were twelve frosts. If there is heavy dew and a clear day, there will be a harvest of cucumbers. A clear day means an abundance of cucumbers this year. Heavy dew in the morning means good weather, no dew means rain.

Folk beliefs and customs: They sowed peas on Job and said: “And these turnips and peas are not near the roads.” The peasants knew that sowing peas was not such a simple matter. This must be done on damp ground, at sunset, during a debilitated moon. And they also took into account the wind, because with a north wind the sown peas will grow tough, and with a west and southwest wind they will grow small and wormy. They always sown peas at sunset so that the sparrows would not see it. On this day, beans, pumpkins, and cucumbers were also sown. We noticed that cucumbers planted on this day need to be salted - they will be strong, crunchy, and aromatic. To obtain an early harvest, “warm ridges” were arranged.

"Warm ridges".

“Warm beds” is a popular way to grow early cucumbers even in cold weather. As an underground “stove,” a loose layer of horse manure was placed at the bottom of a half-meter-deep trench, which, under the influence of sunlight, noticeably and for a long time warmed up the soil in the garden bed, as if from the inside. As a result of “burning,” its temperature increased to 56 °C.

Modern summer residents can replace horse manure with last year's leaves, which must be similarly placed in a trench and heated. The temperature inside such a loose heap reaches 31 °C. After this, compact the biofuel and pour loose fertile soil on top in a layer of up to 15–20 cm. And then cover the bed with film. Inside such a steam room, the temperature, even with the coolness of the May night, does not drop below 18 °C.

Of course, if you have a small number of plants to plant, you can do it even simpler: first grow three-week-old seedlings in individual cups on a bright home windowsill. And then at the end of May - beginning of June, already in warm weather, without disturbing the earthen clod, carefully plant them in the garden bed. In any case, cucumbers will be more productive when planted in only one row, when their vines are directed upward onto a vertical trellis made of rope. Spread out on the ground, they are much colder even in summer. If you have a greenhouse, then before planting any seedlings there, be sure to smoke the FAS sulfur bomb there (with the door closed for 24 hours): its caustic smoke will kill pathogens and pests, including thrips, aphids and spider mites, otherwise in the summer they will cause significant damage to the crop.

May 20. Swimsuit

Name days: Ivan, Neil, Pakhom, Akakiy, Carolina.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. Nile of Sorsky; Martyr Akaki the Centurion.

Folk signs: Early swallows - for a happy year. Swallows fly high - towards the bucket.

Folk beliefs and customs: On this day they drove horses through river water. In the morning, full buckets of water were placed on the walkways, and at noon they doused the horses with water warmed by the sun.

The hot sowing season continued. People said: “You must not waste time on the Bathing Suit, and not lose your strength.”

May 21st. Ivan the Bogoslov wheat farmer, Arsenyev day

Name days: Arseny, Adrian, Zosima, Mily, Ivan, Pi men.

Orthodox calendar: Day of John the Theologian, holy apostle and evangelist.

Folk signs: If it’s a rainy day, the mushroom will grow in bunches.

Folk beliefs and customs: On Arsenyev's day they sowed wheat and said: “Ivan the wheat farmer has come, drive out the mare, plow.” According to custom, on this day wanderers and beggars, bowing to the arable strip, entered peasant houses. The hostess fed the wanderers a wheat pie, and they wished her good health. Pies are a festive Russian dish, as indicated by the word “pie” itself, which comes from the word “pir”. The dough for pies is prepared both using sponge and in a straight method. Vegetables, mushrooms, crumbly porridge, viziga, fish, meat, cottage cheese, and eggs are used as filling. The sweet filling is made from jam, raisins with rice, prunes and figs, dried bird cherry, and less often from fresh berries and fruits. The shape of the pies is also varied - from traditional rectangular to triangular and even curly.

Pies can be closed (when the dough surrounds the filling on all sides), semi-closed (the upper part of the pie is made in the form of lattices of strips of dough) and open (in the form of a large cheesecake). The pie is filled with filling and decorated directly on the baking sheet, after which it should rise on the sheet. It is then brushed with egg or butter and immediately placed in the oven. The finished pie should be placed on a dish and covered with a linen towel.

Unleavened pie dough.

800 g wheat flour, 0.25 cups warm water, 1.25 cups warm milk, 100 g butter, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon sugar (for pies with sweet filling - 1.5 tablespoons sugar), 1 teaspoon salt , 25–30 g of yeast.

Dissolve yeast, sugar, 1 teaspoon of flour in warm water, let stand for 15 minutes. Then pour in the milk, beat in the egg, add mashed butter, salt, sugar (for pies with a sweet filling) and, gradually adding flour, knead the dough, put it in a warm place to rise. Knead again (the dough should come away from your hands), let rise and cut.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, roll out the dough on it, lay out the filling (don't forget to put a clove of garlic in it as a lucky talisman), cover with a layer of dough, pinch the edges, brush with yolk and let stand for half an hour. Once the cake has risen slightly, bake in a hot oven for 30-35 minutes. Cut the finished pie and serve warm.

Meat filling.

800 g meat, 100–150 g butter, 3 eggs, 3 onions, salt, pepper.

Cut the flesh of beef or lean pork into pieces of 40–50 g, fry in oil with plenty of onion, add water or broth and simmer, then chop finely, add salt, pepper, hard-boiled eggs, pour in 1–2 tablespoons of strong broth, if the minced meat is not juicy enough.

22nd of May. Nikola Veshny

Name days: Gabriel, Gordian, Isaiah, Callinicus, Nicholas, Christopher.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker; the prophet Isaiah; Martyr Christopher.

Folk signs: Rain on “St. Nicholas” - expect a good harvest.

Folk beliefs and customs: Nikolai Ugodnik is one of the most important national saints. The image of St. Nicholas came to Rus' along with its adoption of Christianity. According to legend, Saint Nicholas performed many good deeds: he saved a family that had fallen into poverty from death, stood up for those unjustly convicted, saved sailors and drowning people from death, rescued prisoners from prison, resurrected the dead, helped the hungry and the orphaned. The veneration of St. Nicholas the Pleasant came close to the veneration of the Mother of God and Christ himself. Many peasants even believed that the Trinity consisted of the Savior, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Sometimes even the name Nikola was used to designate the icon.

St. Nicholas Day in folk tradition is celebrated twice - St. Nicholas of the Spring and St. Nicholas of the Winter. St. Nicholas days in Russian villages were considered the most important holidays after Easter. Nikolai Ugodnik was perceived in Russia as a national saint, the patron saint of the Russian people, and also as a peasant saint and peasant intercessor, about whom the peasants said that “there is no champion for the peasant against Nikolai,” believed: “Ask Nikola, and he will tell Spas.” It was generally accepted that one could pray to Nicholas the Pleasant “in all needs,” that he would always help everyone, because he was kind and merciful. Going on the road, they hoped for the protection of Nikolai Ugodnik. The one leaving the house was told after him: “Nikola on the road, Christ the plantain!”, “God on the road, Nikola on the road.” The mother hoped for his help when she saw off her son to the war.

Nikolai Ugodnik was considered both a patron and wedding planner. When blessing the groom for marriage, the image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant was often used instead of the image of the Savior. When a girl got married, she asked for blessings not only from the Mother of God or the Savior, but also from Saint Nicholas.

Plot for a happy marriage.

“I will pray, beautiful maiden,

I am Nikola Mnogomerostivu:

Save, have mercy on the girl,

Saint Nicholas the Most Merciful!

Prayer to Saint Nicholas during difficult childbirth.

Women called to him during difficult births: “Lord Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, Friday Paraskeva, Varvara the Great Martyr, forgive me all Orthodox Christians, Mother Earth, blue sky, clear sun.”

Conspiracy against damage.

In an effort to protect themselves from damage, people read a conspiracy named after Nicholas the Ugodnik: “Nicholas the ambulance descends from heaven with twelve disciples, Nikolai sits down on three stone caves, the ambulance Nikolai takes three golden bows and three golden-feathered arrows, shoots Nikolai and saves me (the servant) of God (name) from the spoiler, from the spoiler, from the sorcerer and witches."

The peasants considered Nicholas the Great the patron saint of horses and ordered prayer services with the blessing of water on this day, so that St. Nicholas would protect the horses from wolves and bears and grant health to the herds. In the villages on Nikola Veshny, young children went “out into the night” for the first time - they took their horses out to pasture for the night, where they had a feast with friends. Such an evening is celebrated as the boy's entry into adulthood.

According to popular belief, Nicholas meets the dead at the gates of heaven, unlocking them with a large key. Therefore, during the funeral, a “letter to Saint Nicholas” was placed in the hands of the deceased with requests for forgiveness of the deceased’s sins. In addition, it was believed that Nikolai Ugodnik leads the soul of a person in a lethargic sleep through heaven and hell.

Celebration of St. Nicholas the Veshny.

In Rus' there was a custom of presenting eggs painted red, yellow, greenish, or scrambled eggs to Nicholas the Ugodnik. To do this, women and girls split into groups, went into the forest and ate them there in honor of the saint. It was also customary to bring colored eggs to church for the Holy Saint.

It was believed that Nicholas takes care of all the waters and everyone floating on them from the day of St. Nicholas the Great to Ilya’s day, and Ilya the Prophet - during the rest of the year. On this day, the children joyfully greeted the rain: “Rain, rain, rain more, pour more, pour more thickly, a green meadow for all the little animals, the grass and ants.”

Nikolai Ugodnik was also considered the owner of the forest: “In the field and in the forest there is only Nikola God.” The old conspiracy says: “St. Nicholas opens the earth’s breadth, the heavenly heights and dissolves the white beasts of the black-tailed ermines.”

In many Russian villages, Nikolina's days were celebrated not so much with prayer as with feasts in honor of the beloved saint. These days were the days of men's brotherhood, as well as patronal holidays, celebrated for three or four days by the whole village, with the arrival of guests, the appearance of pilgrims, pilgrims, and beggars. On Nikolina's days, many ritual actions were performed that were of a distinctly pagan nature. For example, there was a custom to slaughter in honor of Nikolai Ugodnik on the winter day of his memory a bull - “mikolts”, which was specially fattened by the entire village for three years. The meat of the bull was partly donated to the church “for St. Nicholas”, and partly eaten during a common feast.

Potato planting was completed on Veshny Nikola: “Plant potatoes, don’t miss the day.”

May, 23rd. Simon Zelot

Name days: Alpheus, Anisim, Vasily, Isidora, Cyprian, Lavrenius, Renata, Simon, Taisiya, Philadelphus, Erasmus.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Apostle Simon the Zealot; Blessed Taisiya; Venerable Isidora, for Christ's sake the holy fool.

Folk signs: If a bare foot endures the cold in a furrow, then so does this wheat. Sow wheat on Simon the Zealot - it will be born like gold.

Folk beliefs and customs: For Simon the Zealot, the land has a birthday - it’s a sin to plow. The peasants did not undertake any earthwork on this day: they did not plow, did not harrow, did not dig, and were especially careful to drive stakes into the ground so as not to disturb its peace. Those who worked were told: “Today Simon-Gulimon is a lazy saint,” “Today Simon, tomorrow Gulimon, and there will be a religious procession through the taverns.”

According to popular belief, the Apostle Simon the Zealot always helped treasure hunters, so they looked for treasures on the Apostle Simon the Zealot. Usually a bag or chest with money was represented as a treasure.

They told all sorts of things about the treasures: “When Stenka Razin was going to Promzino Gorodishche (Alatyr district), he buried two barrels of silver in its vicinity. Of course, he buried them for a reason, and now in the evening they often see these barrels coming out of the dungeon and rolling around, rattling chains and silver money. But getting them is tricky. One peasant found out that they were lying in the mountain, found a place, waited until midnight and began to dig the ground and unroll the stones; He had already reached the slab that covered the treasured barrels, but somehow he looked at the opposite side of the mountain - and he saw: an army was coming towards him, so orderly, the guns were all pointed straight at him.

He dropped everything and ran home without looking back; the next day the peasant went up the mountain, but did not find either a scraper or a shovel. If he had not chickened out, then, without a doubt, the treasure would have gone to him.”

It was believed that on Simon’s day the most useful and healing herbs “come out” in the meadows, that Simon gives the herbs miraculous power on this very day. Grandmothers-witches went to the swamp to look at the roots to see if they were full: “For Zealot, collect the potion from the swamp.” They walked through fields and forests, collecting herbs that had healing powers. Each family stocked up for future use tried and true remedies for various ailments, obtained from the surrounding meadows and forests. Others also collected a “love” potion or a potion against mice and other evil spirits that appeared in peasant dwellings.

May 24. wet wet

Name days: Mokey, Joseph (Osip), Nicodemus, Cyril, Methodius, Sophron.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Hieromartyr Mokiya; Saints Equal to the Apostles Methodius and Cyril.

Folk signs: If Mokia is wet, then the whole summer is wet. If the sunrise is foggy and purple, then a stormy summer will come. The sun is rising in crimson, summer is coming with thunderstorms. If on Mokia the ground fog clears before sunrise, then bad weather is approaching.

Folk beliefs and customs: It was believed that it was impossible to sow peas on this day, otherwise it would be hit by hail.

Glorification of Saints Methodius and Cyril, Equal-to-the-Apostles, First Teachers of Slovenia, troparion, tone 4.

“As the Apostle of unanimity and teacher of the Slovenian countries, Cyril and Methodius of God of Wisdom, pray to the Lord of all, to establish all Slovenian languages ​​in Orthodoxy and unanimity, to pacify the world, and save our souls.”

May 25. Ryabinovka

Name days: Herman, Hermogenes, Denis, Epiphanes, Ivan, Magdalene, Pankrat, Savin, Fedor, Philip.

Orthodox calendar: Day of Saints Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus, Herman, Patriarch of Constantinople, Savin, Archbishop of Cyprus; Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, wonderworker; Venerable Dionysius of Radonezh.

Folk signs: If on this day there is “morning in a red caftan” (clear morning dawn), then this means a hot, fire-filled summer.

Folk beliefs and customs: By this day the rowan tree blooms. A woman born on this day was known as a good housewife, was vocal, and led round dances. She put on a red sundress, went up to the mountain ash tree and conjured the hut against lightning, against the fire of the summer.

26 of May. Lukerya Komarnitsa

Name days: Alexander, Georgy, Glikeria (Lukerya), Efim, Irina, Makar, Marianna, Nikifor.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyr Glyceria; Venerable Martyr Macarius, Archimandrite of Kanevsky; Martyr Alexander of Rome; St. George the Confessor with his wife Irina and children.

Folk signs: Expect mosquitoes to appear on Lukerya. If mosquitoes appear on this day, then in the summer berries will be born in great abundance. A large mosquito means a good year. A lot of mosquitoes means good oats. Swifts and swallows often fly to Lukerya - to the warmth.

Folk beliefs and customs: Lukerya the Komarnitsa has arrived - it’s time to sow rye.

May 27. Sidor borage

Name days: Alexander, Ivan, Isidore, Makar, Leonty, Maxim, Nikita, Tikhon, Yakov.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyr Isidore; Blessed Isidore, Wonderworker of Rostov; St. Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod; Saint Leontius, Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Folk signs: If a cold north wind blows on Sidor, then expect a cold summer. If the whole day is clear, there will be a good harvest of cucumbers. If the morning is cold and cloudy, but clears up in the evening, the cucumbers sown that day will not be good, and the harvest will be late. Siverko wears siverka and stays like that all summer.

Folk beliefs and customs: It was believed that cucumbers and flax should be planted on this day: “As the cuckoo crows, the first sowing of flax.” But if dust like feathers hangs on the willows or falls from them, then flax cannot be sown.

May 28. Pakhom-bokogray

Name days: Anastasia, Euphrosynus, Isaiah, Dmitry, Pakhom.

Orthodox calendar: Day of St. Pachomius the Great; Saint Isaiah, Bishop of Rostov; Tsarevich Dimitry of Uglich and Moscow; Saints Euphrosynus of Pskov, Pachomius of Nerekhta.

Folk signs: Pakhom came and there was a smell of warmth. If it is warm on Pachomius, then the whole summer will be warm. The juniper will bloom - it’s time to sow barley.

Folk beliefs and customs: They noticed that the sun on Pahoma heats up more strongly and gives growth to the crops: “The groin of oats makes them grow.” Late oats and wheat were sown with Pachomius: “Pakhombokogrey – finish the wheat quickly.”

May 29. Fedor-zhitnik

Name days: Alexander, Arkady, Vit, Efim, Ephraim, Modest, Nikolai, Georgy, Kasyan, Lavrenty, Peter, Fedor, Muse.

Orthodox calendar: Day of Saints Theodore the Sanctified, Ephraim of Perekom; blessed youth Muse.

Folk signs: If the mountain ash has bloomed, then the heat will be stable.

Folk beliefs and customs: Rye and barley were sown on Fedor the Zhitnik. The peasants said: “Zhitnik’s concern is to harrow the barley field.”

May 30. Andron with rain. Evdokia

Name days: Evdokia, Euphrosyne, Adrian, Andronicus, Athanasius, Nektarios, Nikephoros, Palmyra, Stepan, Theophanes, Junia.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Apostle Andronicus; Venerable Euphrosyne, in the world Evdokia, Grand Duchess of Moscow; Saint Stephen, Patriarch of Constantinople.

Folk signs: Such is Evdokia - such is summer. The winds whistle at Evdokia the whistler. The moon born in rainy Evdokia means a wet summer, and if the north wind still blows, it means a cold summer.

Folk beliefs and customs: On this day, the peasants conjured Andron, the heavenly guardian, to open the heavenly gates so that rain would fall on the grain that lay in the ground.

May 31. Fedotov day

Name days: Alexandra, Andrey, Anastasy, David, Denis, Isabella, Isaac, Camilla, Leo, Pavel, Peter, Claudia, Semyon, Fedor, Fedot, Faina, Julian, Julia.

Orthodox calendar: Day of the Martyr Theodotus of Ancyra; martyrs Peter, Dionysius, Andrew, Paul; martyrs Alexandra, Claudia, Faina, Euphrasia, Tekusa, Matrona, Julia. Memory of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.

Folk signs: If Fedot has an oak tree with a crown, then you will measure oats with a tub. Fedot will come and unwrap the last oak leaf.

Folk beliefs and customs: According to popular belief, on this day the soul of the person born flew to the oak tree. And, like a bird, she was looking for a hollow nest. From then on, the life of the tree was enchanted. Therefore, a person born in Fedot came to the oak tree, sat for a long time under its branches, took its life force from the oak tree, because his soul “ripened” at the very core of the tree.

Ancient pagan and Slavic traditional holidays, main memorable dates and rituals, the significance of which is important for the entire Family, were in the calendar of a certain date or month for a reason. All holidays of Slavic peoples and traditions are closely connected with Nature and its rhythm of life. Wise ancestors understood that it was impossible to reverse it and it was pointless to rewrite old styles with new ones.

In our calendar of pagan holidays of the Slavs, we indicate dates according to the new style for your convenience. If you want to celebrate them the old way, simply subtract thirteen days from the indicated date and month. We will be sincerely glad that you will be imbued with the honesty and usefulness, reasonableness and grace of the pagan holidays of Ancient Rus' and the Slavic Ancestors, their traditions and help revive and pass them on to your Descendants to strengthen the strength of the entire Family. For those who want to enter a new rhythm with protective amulets, go to our catalog -.

The natural calendar of the Slavs is based on four main points - the days of the autumn and spring equinoxes, winter and summer solstices. They are determined by the astrological location of the Sun relative to the earth: possible shift in dates from 19 to 25

Summer (year)
2016 December 22,23,24 (25 -Kolyada) March 19 21st of June September 25
2017 18th of March 21st of June September 25
2018 December 20,21,22 (23 – Kolyada) March 19 22nd of June September 25
2019 December 22,23,24 (25 - Kolyada) 21 March 21st of June 23 September
2020 December 21,22,23 (24 - Kolyada) 20th of March 21st of June September 22nd

The annual Wheel itself - the Kolo of Svarog - consists of twelve rays-months. By the power of the Gods and the Family, it is launched into continuous rotation and forms the Cycle of Nature.

The very love of the Slavs for their Earth and the Cycle of the elements and seasons is reflected in the ancient pagan names of each month. One capacious word reflects the essence of time and an affectionate appeal to Nature, an understanding of its difficult year-round work for the benefit of its children.

This is what our Ancestors called the months in which the main Slavic holidays were celebrated:

  • January - Prosinets
  • February - Lute
  • March - Berezen
  • April - Pollen
  • May - Traven
  • June - Cherven
  • July - Lipen
  • August - Serpin
  • September - Veresen
  • October - Leaf fall
  • November - Breast
  • December - Jelly

Winter Slavic holidays and rituals

Pagan and Slavic holidays in December

December 3rd Day of Remembrance of the Hero Svyatogor

On this day, the Slavs remember and honor the giant hero Svyatogor, who brought great benefit to Rus' in the fight against the Pechenegs. His exploits are described on a par with the heroism of Ilya Muromets in Slavic epics; he lived on the high Holy Mountains, and according to legend, his body was buried in Gulbishche, a large boyar mound. On such a holiday, it is good to tell your Descendants about the giant Svyatogor and prolong the Memory of his heritage, and tell about the Native Gods of the Slavs.

December 19-25 Karachun

Karachun is the second name of Chernobog, who descends to earth on the days of the winter solstice, Kolovorot (lasts 3 days between December 19 and 25). Karachun is an evil underground spirit and has servants in the form of bears - blizzards and wolves - blizzards. This is frost and cold, shortening days and impenetrable night. However, at the same time, Karachun is considered a fair God of death, who does not violate earthly Orders just like that. To protect yourself from the wrath of Chernobog, it is enough to follow the Rules and wear Slavic amulets.

At the end of Karachun comes the holiday - Kolyada, Sunny Christmas

Kolyada is the young Sun, the embodiment of the beginning of the New Year's cycle. From this day began the Great Winter Holidays and the turn of the Sun to spring. At this time, children and adults dressed up as fairy-tale characters and animals and, under the name Kolyada, entered the huts of wealthy families. Accompanied by lively songs and dances, they demanded treats from the set table and wished the owners happiness and longevity. To offend carolers meant to incur the wrath of Kolyada himself, so on the eve of Sunny Christmas the preparation of sweets and cooking of kutya began.

December 31st Generous evening, Shchedrets

On this day of the Great Winter Christmastide, people gathered and went out through the streets to play performances. Collect treats, praise generous owners and jokingly scold misers. Generous, good evening! - they shouted in greeting to every passerby. This is where the name of this winter Slavic holiday comes from the times of pagan faith.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in January

January 6 Turitsa

Tur is the son of Veles and Mokosha, the patron saint of shepherds, guslars and buffoons, young men - future warriors and breadwinners of families. On this Slavic holiday, a rite of passage into men was performed, and the chief shepherd of the village was also chosen. This holiday closes the Veles Winter Holidays and therefore everyone is in a hurry to tell their fortunes for the last time, what awaits them in the future, and set a rich table.

January 8 Babi porridge

On this Slavic holiday, midwives and all senior women of the Family are honored. They are presented with generous gifts and praise, and in return they sprinkle their children and once-adopted babies with grain with blessings and wishes for a generous Share and an Easy Fate. The Family symbol in Slavic amulets also helps to maintain connections between generations and instill in Descendants respect for their Ancestors.

January 12 Kidnapping Day

On this not a Slavic holiday, but a memorable day, Veles kidnapped Perun’s wife, Dodola, or otherwise Diva, in revenge for refusing a marriage proposal, and later Marena, the wife of Dazhdbog, who became Kashchei’s wife and bore him many demoness daughters. Therefore, on January twelfth, they are careful not to let girls go out alone and work to strengthen personal protection: they make jewelry-amulets, embroider protective ornaments on women’s shirts.

January 18 Intra

This is an ancient pagan holiday of the Slavs, on the day of which they honor the participant of the Military Triglav Intra. He, Volkh and Perun compiled a Code of qualities necessary for a warrior. Intra symbolized Light and Darkness as a struggle of opposites and the need to choose the right, sometimes tough, decision. Also, Intra, the Indrik-beast, is also the patron of wells, clouds, snakes, the Navi God, so on such a night the Sorcerers charmed all the chimneys for protection, so that dark spirits in the form of snakes could not penetrate the house.

January 19 Vodosvet

It can be noted that the customs of this holiday are very reminiscent of the Christian holiday of Epiphany. However, Christians replaced the name of the pagan holiday “Water Light” with “Epiphany”, but the essence and traditions remained the same, although this is not a Christian holiday and even Catholics do not celebrate January 19.

On this day, the Slavs celebrated the pagan holiday Vodosvet. It was believed that on this day, the water became light and turned into healing. According to tradition, on this day we swam in the ice hole. If it was not possible to plunge, then they doused themselves with water in a warm place. After everyone had bathed, the guests gathered and wished each other health until the next Water Light.

It was believed that such bathing energizes a person with health for the whole year. The Slavs believed that on this day the Sun, the Earth, as well as the center of the Galaxy are located in such a way that the water is structured and a channel of communication opens between people and the center of the Galaxy, a kind of connection with space. That is why water and what consists of water were considered a good conductor. Water is able to “remember” both negative and positive information. And naturally it can either restore a person, or, on the contrary, destroy him.

Our ancestors believed in the healing properties of water and understood that human health depends on the quality of water.

January 21 Prosinets

This Slavic holiday is dedicated to the glorification of Heavenly Svarga and the revival of the Sun, the mitigation of cold weather. In ancient times, the pagan Sorcerers remembered and thanked Kryshen, who gave people fire to melt the Great Ice and shed life-giving Surya from Heavenly Svarga - water, which on January 21 makes all springs healing and rejuvenating.

January 28 Brownie Treat Day - Velesici, Kudesy

On this day they glorify the children of Veles - his heavenly warriors and thank God for such protection of the Family. They also don’t forget about the Brownie, treat him to the most delicious food in the house and ask him not to be offended by anything, sing him songs and fairy tales, try to appease him and entertain him. On this day there is a lot of everything: from spirits to people, so you shouldn’t be surprised at the miracles that happen and Father Veles’s jokes on us. If you want, you can bring prayers under the spruce tree or a made idol of the Native God right in the forest.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in February

February 2 Gromnitsa

On this winter Slavic holiday, you can hear amazing single peals of thunder - this is how Perun congratulates his wife Dodolya-Malanitsa, Molniya, inviting us to praise the goddess and ask her for mercy - not to burn barns and courtyards in anger, but to work for the glory of the future harvest, causing rains. Also at such times they looked at the weather and determined whether the year would be dry or not.

February 11 Great Veles Day

The Great Veles Day marks the middle of winter, a certain milestone. On this holiday they glorified Father and performed play rituals of a comic fight between Marena and Veles, as a symbol of the imminent end of the cold, his retreat together with Mara. Also on this day, they protected the cattle and applied Veles’ chira to all the gates of the farmstead, praised and brought demands to the Cattle God, and asked for health to the cows, pigs and other breadwinners of the family.

February 15 Meeting

This is an ancient Slavic holiday of the meeting of Spring and Winter, the last winter cold and the first spring thaw. As a sign of respect for the Sun, required pancakes were baked, and at noon they burned Erzovka, a doll made of straw, releasing the spirit of Fire and the Sun to freedom. It is curious that all the numerous signs associated with this day are quite accurate. Therefore, we recommend observing the weather for Candlemas and making plans based on what Nature predicted.

February 16 Pochinki

Pochinki is an important date that comes immediately after the pagan holiday of the ancient Slavs, Candlemas. From that day on, they began to repair carts, fences, barns, barns and agricultural equipment. Prepare your cart in winter - it was from Pochinok that such a wise proverb came to us. You should also not forget about Domovoy, bring him treats and talk in peace and harmony to establish contact and receive support in working for the benefit of the farm.

February 18 Troyan Winter, Day of the Stribozh’s Grandsons”, commemoration of those who fell at Troyanov Val

This wonderful Slavic holiday is the day of remembrance of fallen soldiers worthy of Svarozh’s grandchildren. In their honor, ritual reconstruction battles were held and generous memorials were given, and Descendants were told and clearly shown how much the warriors who took part in the battle at Troyanov Val did for the entire Russian Family.

Spring Slavic holidays and rituals

Pagan and Slavic holidays in March

March 1st Madder Day, Vyunitsa Day, Navii Day

On this day they glorify the goddess of Winter and Death Marena, who owns the Navy world and helps people reach Kalinov Bridge after life. Along it you can pass through the line of Yavi and Navi, the Smorodina River. On the night before this holiday, all the undead, forgotten and unburied souls of the dead awakened in Yavi. They could walk around the yards, trying to get attention and even possess the living. That is why at that time people put on masks - animal masks, so that the evil spirits would not notice them and could not harm them. On the last Navi day, it is customary to honor one’s departed Ancestors and prepare a funeral table, bring demands and give Glory for the life lived and the Descendants of the Family given by them. You can treat your deceased Relatives both at the graves and by floating the shells of colored eggs on the water - if they left for another world a long time ago and the person is sorry, there is no longer a grave left or it is very far away.

March 14 Small oatmeal

According to ancient Slavic custom, Little Ovsen marked the New Year - the beginning of the awakening of Nature and its readiness for agricultural work and fertility. Accordingly, March was previously the first month of the year, and not the third. Ovsen, who was born a little later and is considered the younger twin brother of Kolyada. It is he who conveys his brother’s knowledge to people and helps to translate it into practical experience. On this day, it is customary to rejoice in the new year and make plans for the future, start new things, and glorify the awakening of Nature.

March 19-25 Komoeditsa or Maslenitsa, Velikden

The pagan holiday Maslenitsa is not just a Slavic meeting of spring and a cheerful farewell to winter. This is the day of the spring solstice, a turning point in the calendar and way of life. In the Orthodox holiday of Maslenitsa, the pagan Komoeditsa was preserved with almost all its traditions: burning the effigy of winter - Madder, treating pancakes - Komi and eating them all week. The first sunny pancakes were usually given to the Bear, the personification of Veles. They were laid out on forest stumps, and then they went to burn ritual bonfires, in which they burned unnecessary old things and cleansed themselves and their family of unnecessary burdens. They started celebrating Komoeditsy a week before the Equinox and continued to have fun for another week after it.

March 22 Magpies or Larks

This Slavic holiday is a continuation of the glorification of the spring equinox, and is so called because, according to custom, forty new species of birds begin to arrive from the winter, including the first larks. And even they were late this time, each family baked their own butter larks, which were supposed to attract the real ones. Usually this was entrusted to the children, who happily ran to call for spring, and then feasted on delicious pastries. Wooden amulets for the home were also made in the shape of a lark. They attracted happiness, health and good luck.

March 25 opening of Svarga or Invocation of Spring

At the last, third invocation of spring, with rye aromatic larks, games and round dances, the Opening of Heavenly Svarga takes place and Zhiva descends to earth. Finally, nature will wake up, come to life and begin its growth in the rivers and seedlings, young shoots and new tree branches. On this Slavic holiday one can feel the Living Breath of the Gods, who favor the living Descendants.

March 30 Ladodenie

On this March day they glorified Lada: the goddess of love and beauty, one of the two heavenly Mothers of Birth, the Mother of God. This Slavic holiday was accompanied by round dances and round dances, as well as the baking of cranes from unleavened dough for home-made family amulets. The bright day of goodness and warmth made it possible to charge jewelry for girls or married women - earrings, pendants and bracelets with ladins, symbolizing the harmony of female beauty, health and wisdom.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in April

April 1st is Brownie Day or his awakening

This cheerful Slavic holiday was dedicated to the Domovoi - the very spirit that protected your home, yard and bins. On April 1, he woke up from hibernation, during which he did only important things - guarded your property, and began active work to bring comfort and bring prosperity to the family. In order for him to wake up faster and become more cheerful, they treated him with milk and other goodies, began to joke and play with him and with each other - act out and tell jokes, put them on inside out, and keep socks or shoes separate.

April 3 Vodopol Water Day

It was on this day that Vodyanoy woke up and ice drift and river flooding began. This Slavic holiday was dedicated to him: the fishermen brought generous gifts to Vodyanoy in the hope that he would restore order in the water kingdom and thank those treating them with a generous catch, not tear their nets, bring large fish into them, and also order the mermaids not to touch them and their loved ones. Some artels could donate a whole horse, but most often the requirements were limited to milk, butter or bread and eggs. By throwing them into cold spring water, the Slavs hoped that the Water Spirit would wake up in a good and well-fed mood.

April 14 is Semargl day

On this Slavic holiday, Semargl-Ognebog melts the last of the snow, turning into a flaming winged wolf and flying across the fields. It is this God of the Sun and Fire who protects crops and gives good harvests, and it is he who can burn to the ground all living things. They say that Semargla was forged from a spark by Svarog himself at his sacred forge. Every night he stands guard over Order with a fiery sword and only on the day of the autumn equinox he comes to Kupalo so that they can have children – Kupalo and Kostroma. Requests are brought to the Fire God by throwing them into the fire; amulets with Semargl are also activated in its flame with a request to God for protection.

April 21 Navii Day or Remembrance of Ancestors

On this spring holiday, the souls of deceased Ancestors come down to us to visit and hear about our lives, joys and sorrows. Therefore, relatives are commemorated at their graves and a funeral feast is brought: treats in memory of them. Elders in the Family are remembered by dipping shells from colored eggs into water, so that on Mermaid Day they will be given to them as dear news from loved ones. Just like the first of April, on the day of Madder, on this Slavic holiday, the restless, restless, restless, offended deceased souls come out to the side of reality. That is why many again take on disguises to protect themselves from them.

April 22 Lelnik Krasnaya Gorka

On this amazing holiday and for a long time after it, they glorified Lelya, the goddess of spring, youth and helper in obtaining the future harvest. They sat the youngest and most beautiful girl on a high hill, Krasnaya Gorka, brought her all sorts of gifts: milk, bread, sweets and eggs, danced around her and rejoiced at the life awakened after winter. Painted and painted eggs were distributed to relatives and friends, and were also carried to the already deceased Ancestors as a memorial. Such colored, painted eggs are generally part of Slavic culture; some of them should have been saved for the subsequent spring holidays of the awakening of Nature and the glorification of Yarila, Zhiva, Dazhdbog.

April 23 Yarilo spring

On this Slavic holiday, people go out into the street to meet and thank the patron of shepherds and protector of livestock from predators, Yarila the Spring Sun. From this period, the first spring weddings begin and symbolic fertilization is carried out - the opening of the Yarila Earth and the release of the first dew, which was considered strong and was used during ritual rolling of men on the ground to increase their health and heroic will. Yarilin's dew was carefully collected and used for future use as living water to treat many ailments.

April 30 Rodonitsa

On this last day of April and Krasnaya Gorka, the spring cold ends and people go to commemorate their ancestors, bringing them the standard requirements: kutya, pancakes, oatmeal jelly and written eggs. Also on this day there are competitions: rolling eggs down a mountain. The winner is the participant whose egg rolls the furthest without breaking. This rolling out of the earth with eggs symbolizes its future fertility. By midnight, all the celebrants prepare the beginning and gather a huge large bonfire on the same mountain to celebrate Zhivin’s day.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in May

May 1st Zhivin's day

Immediately at midnight on the first of May, the Slavic spring holiday begins in honor of Zhiva: the goddess of spring, fertility, and the birth of life. The daughter of Lada and the wife of Dazhdbog, Zhivena gives life to all living things and fills the entire Family with this creative power. When a fire is lit in her honor, women and girls, who are patronized by the goddess, take brooms in their hands and perform a ritual dance to clean up evil spirits, jump over the Life-Creating Fire, cleansing themselves of winter sleep and darkness. Alive is the movement of nature, the first shoots, the first streams, the first flowers and the first love.

May 6 Dazhdbog Day - Big Oats

On this day they glorify Dazhdbog, the Ancestor of the Slavs, the God of Fertility and the spouse of Zhiva. It was on this day that he renounced Madder and made a choice in favor of his daughter Lada, thereby becoming, together with Living, in defense of Nature and its Fruits. On the sixth of May, people go out into the field and make the first ritual sowings, take livestock to fresh fields, and also begin building new houses, and of course, they bring generous demands to grandfather Dazhdbog and rejoice in the hot sun as a symbol of real spring and a future bountiful harvest.

May 10 Veshnee Makoshye

This is a day of honoring Mother Raw Earth and her patrons - Mokosh and Veles. On this day, it was forbidden to injure the earth: dig, harrow, or simply stick sharp objects into it - after all, it wakes up after winter sleep and is filled with life-giving juices. All the sorcerers and Slavic brothers who simply revere Nature went out on this day with generous gifts to the fields and poured full glasses for Mother Earth, praising her and asking for a good harvest, lay down on her and listened to her affectionate parental whisper with advice and instructions.

May 22 Yarilo wet Troyan, Trigods day

On this day there is a farewell to Yarila - the spring Sun and the three summer Gods of Svarog Triglav, strong in Rule, Navi and Reveal, are glorified: Svarog, Perun and Veles. It is believed that Troyan has collected the strength of each of them and daily stands guard over Nature from the attack of Chernobog. Troyan initiated boys into warriors, commemorated ancestors and made amulets against the souls of the restless dead, including plowing entire villages with a protective, protective circle from evil forces, and women and girls were cleared of trouble before wedding ceremonies and childbirth.

May 31 Cuckoo Festival or Kumlenie

This very interesting Slavic holiday implies that we are all brothers and sisters of the same Family. Therefore, on the last day of spring, those who want to make love - to become related, without having a direct blood relationship, are given such an opportunity. You can also ask Zhiva for what you want - just tell your hopes and dreams to the cuckoo, she will bring them to the Goddess and tell her about you. Also on this ancient pagan holiday, the Slavs exchanged gifts and amulets with people dear and close to them in spirit.

Summer Slavic holidays and rituals

Pagan and Slavic holidays in June

June 1 is Spiritual Day or the beginning of Rusalya Week

Spiritual Day begins on the first day of summer and continues throughout the week called Rusalya. From this day on, Marena lets her deceased ancestors out to visit Yav, and their Descendants invite them to their homes, placing birch branches in the corners, symbolizing Ancestral ties. However, people who are not dead, who committed suicide and who drowned are also activated along with them. Most often these are women and Mermaids. At this time, water most actively receives and conducts the energy of Prav, Silavi and Yavi. With its help you can recover, damage or learn something. As a requirement, clothes were also brought to the river banks for mermaid children, and so that spirits could not penetrate the body, they wore amulets with.

June 19-25 Kupalo

This is the main summer pagan holiday among the Slavs - Solstice Day, Kolovorot. Many rituals are performed on this day - after all, the power of such a period is very great. The herbs collected at Kupala are of great value. The ardent fire of a fire cleanses people, and the water washes away all sorrows and illnesses from them. The feast, games and round dances with rituals continue from dawn to dusk. This is a Slavic cheerful and cheerful holiday, the symbol of which remains for the whole year in amulets with the Odolen-grass, the Fern Flower and the Colo of the Year.

June 23 Agrafena Swimsuit

This pagan ancient Slavic holiday opened the swimming season. In each house, healing bath brooms began to be prepared and a ritual heating of the baths was carried out for cleaning relatives - steaming, and subsequent charging - restoring health by plunging into open bodies of water. On the day of Agrafena the Bathing Suit, as on other Christmastides, girls of all ages went with praises and requests to present gifts: Slavic outerwear, silver jewelry with protective symbols.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in July

July 12 Sheaf of Veles Day

From Veles Day, the heat begins to arrive and hay is cut for the cattle, and the first sheaves are formed, absorbing the fertile spirit of the fields. Therefore, demands and praises are brought to Veles, as the patron of agriculture and cattle breeding. Also on this day, Alatyr was also called, and Veles was asked to move it for a while and allow the souls of their ancestors to pass to Nav and find their peace there. On this Slavic summer holiday, Veles' chirs were applied to his idols, as well as personal and home amulets. Also on this day, prayers are offered in the Holy Fire.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in August

August 2 Perunov day

This ancient pagan Slavic holiday was dedicated to honoring and glorifying the Supreme God of fire and thunder, Perun. On such a date, all men consecrated their weapons so that they would serve their owner faithfully, be sharp, and also cause rain after a long drought to save fields and harvests. Sacrifices and simply generous demands were made to Perun at the altar with an idol and a dish: baked goods, bread, wine, kvass. Worn with the blessing of God or another Slavic talisman, they protected the owner in a foreign land and in difficult situations.

August 15 Spozhinki

Spozhinki, pozhinki or crimping is a pagan holiday of the ancient Slavs with the glorification of Veles and the cutting of the last harvest sheaves of grain. In each field, the last bunch of wheat was left and tied in the shape of Veles’s beard, as a sign of respect and understanding of all the great gift of agriculture given to him. Also at this time, they began to consecrate the collected honey, apples and grain on the Great Fire, and bring them as required along with bread and porridge to the Native Gods.

August 21st Stribog Day

This is a Slavic holiday in honor of Stribog, the lord of the wind and God who controls tornadoes and natural disasters. On this day they bring demands to assure their respect: scraps, grain or bread and ask for indulgence - a good harvest next year and whole roofs over their heads. Stribog is the brother of Perun and holds the seventy-seven winds in his fist, living on the island of Buyan. That is why the ancestors believe that he can convey a request or desire to the Native Gods and punish the offenders, no matter where they are.

Autumn Slavic holidays and rituals

Pagan and Slavic holidays in September

September 2nd Memorial Day of Prince Oleg

Russian Prince Oleg did a lot for his people: he concluded an agreement with Byzantium and established trade routes with duty-free sales, united the scattered Slavic Clans into the United Kievan Rus, gave a decent education to Rurik’s son Igor, and nailed his shield as a symbol of victory to the gates of Constantinople. Prophetic Oleg died due to the fault of his horse, as the wise Priests predicted. No matter how hard he tried to change the course of fate, it was impossible.

September 8 Rod and Mother in labor

This Slavic holiday is dedicated to the family and its well-being. On such a bright day, they glorify the Rozhanits: Lelya and Lada and the entire Family produced by them. After bringing the demands to the Native Goddesses, ritual games and ritual funerals of flies begin, symbolizing the rapid numbness of all insects and hibernation until spring. In addition to the feast for the whole house, close people exchanged gifts and amulets with Slavic symbols: Ladinets, Rozhanitsa, Rod and Rodimych, and also solemnly hung and placed the faces and idols of the Gods on the Altar.

September 14 First Autumn, Day of the Fiery Magus

On this day, farmers began to celebrate the First Autumns - Harvest Day and thank Mother Earth for it. It is also worth remembering the honoring of the Fiery Volkh - the son of Indrik the Beast and Mother Earth, the husband of Lelya, whose love withstood all obstacles and circumstances, and the wise, brave and pure image of the Volkh is clearly reflected in Slavic fairy tales in the main character Finist the Clear Falcon.

September 21st Svarog Day

On this September day, the Slavs celebrated the holiday of Svarog and praised him for the fact that he condescended and taught people crafts together with Veles, and gave the sacred Ax and Forge. Thus, the Russian Family could survive and get down to business in the autumn and winter. On this day, it is customary to slaughter chickens that have been fattened over the summer, and give the first one from the farmstead to Svarog as a requirement. Autumn viewings and weddings also began on this day, and the brothers gathered a huge number of young guys in the girls' huts. On this day, the closing of Svarga and the departure of the goddess Zhiva into it until spring also took place.

September 22 Lada Festival

Lada, as the Mother of God and the giver of family well-being, the patroness of all living things, deserved a holiday from the Slavs in honor of herself. At this time, they thanked her for the harvest and prosperity, as well as for sending her soul mate and creating a new family, they played weddings with ritual wedding rings, and also gave their grown daughters protective jewelry with Ladins as a talisman for the beauty and harmonization of women's destiny.

September 19-25 Radogoshch, Tausen, Ovsen or Autumn Equinox (New Year)

On this day, the results were summed up and the harvested crops and supplies made were counted. People praised the main God of Rod and Rozhanitsy and brought them generous demands in gratitude for their protection and help. In some territorial regions, the Slavs began to celebrate the Autumn Equinox with the closing of Svarga, the Festival of the Heavenly Blacksmith or the Rich Man, and all this time they had lavish feasts.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in October

On October 14, Intercession, with the introduction of Christianity, this holiday was celebrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her miraculous payment.

In folk tradition, this day marked the meeting of Autumn with Winter, and this holiday goes back very deeply. Popular beliefs associated the name itself with the first frost that “covered” the ground, indicating the proximity of winter cold, although the exact name of the holiday has not been preserved. The Day of the Intercession coincided with the complete completion of field work and serious preparation for winter.

October 30th Day of the Goddess Mokosh

On an autumn day they glorified Makosh, the one who spins human destinies, patronizes families and children in her, gives a happy bright hearth and helps to learn women's crafts: weaving, spinning, sewing, embroidery. Requirements were brought to her under the idols on the Altar or in the fields and rivers: sweet buns, red wine, coins and wheat as a symbol of prosperity. Also on this day, pre-embroidered amulets for the home, chiras and Slavic amulets-decorations were activated.

Pagan and Slavic holidays in November

November 25 Madder Day

In the last days of autumn, Marena finally drives Yarila out and covers Reality with her blanket of cold, snow and ice. This pagan holiday of the Slavs does not contain joy. People come to terms with the fact and initially make modest demands to the Goddess, but still try to show Mara their fearlessness and readiness to survive even in the most severe winter. Also on this date, they are attentive to the spirits of the deceased Ancestors, their whispers in the last remaining leaves and try to bring remembrance and appease the Navya Forces.

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Kuzma came and looked into the cellars. On the first day of May, Christians commemorate Bishop Cosmas of Chalcedon, known for his opposition to the iconoclasts. This sect fought against the veneration of icons, considering them idols, and their worship as idolatry. The heretics forced Cosmas to renounce the holy icons, but achieved nothing either by persuasion or by beating the bishop.

And among the Russian peasantry, Saint Cosmas (in the Slavic tradition Kuzma) was revered as the patron saint of vegetable gardening. By the beginning of May, vegetable seeds were being prepared for sowing in every house. There were special rituals for this. Water for soaking seeds was taken from wells in the morning, and in return copper money was thrown into the water for good luck and a bountiful harvest of vegetables. In some areas, water for seeds was taken from springs for three days in a row at dawn. All this had to be done secretly, without prying eyes, so that the rituals would not lose their power. On Kuzmin's Day, the men dug the beds, and the housewives sowed carrots, beets, onions, radishes, dill and parsley.

May 1 was also called cuckoo day, because then this bird gave its voice for the first time. Our ancestors associated various signs and beliefs with the inconspicuous bird. The most famous of them has survived to this day: if you ask a cuckoo about its lifespan, it will crow as many times as the number of years the questioner has left to live. The peasants believed that on Cuckoo Day it was time to sow flax, and if a forest bird was rushing around the village, they should be wary of a fire.

If it rained on May 1, you were supposed to wet your hair with rainwater so that it would grow as vigorously as spring grass. And by the signs of Kuzmin's day they judged the weather for the future. A sunny, warm day promised that the whole of May would be the same, and at the beginning of June it would get colder. If the day turned out to be cold and rainy, he promised a warm summer and good growth of grain in the peasant fields.

Holiday May 6 - Yegoryev Day or Yegoriy Veshny

May 6 marks the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr George the Victorious. He was a major military leader, close to the emperor, but chose to accept martyrdom for the Christian faith. In Russia, he is a particularly revered saint, the guardian of warriors and the entire Russian land, revered under the name Yegor.

In Russian folk tradition, Yegor Veshny was considered the patron saint of all livestock that was found in the village economy. Therefore, it was on Yegoryev’s day that the cattle were taken out to pasture for the first time to feast on the juicy spring grass. In order for animals to graze calmly in the meadow until autumn, gaining weight, it was necessary to observe a number of ancient rituals. First, each housewife had to make sure that her cow did not fall ill. To check the health of the cattle, it was supposed to give it “juiced milk” - a crushed mixture of hemp and flax diluted with water. The animal that obediently ate the oatmeal offered was considered sick and was not released into the general herd. Healthy cows were herded together and driven to pasture with willow branches stored from Palm Sunday. The herd was usually taken out to pasture at dawn, following the morning dew.

The dew on Yegoryev's day was believed to have amazing healing properties, and animals that walked on it never got sick. As people responsible for the satiety, health and safety of animals, the entire peasant community traditionally gave special honor to shepherds on this day. On Yegoryev's day, even before the cattle were driven into the field, the shepherds were doused with ice water from the well so that they “wouldn’t doze off all summer” and keep a vigilant eye on their charges. During the day, each owner carried a loaf specially baked from the best wheat flour, called a prayer book, to the place where the flock grazed. The shepherd received a piece of bread first, and the rest was fed in the evening to the animals returning from the field. The prayer book was supposed to provide the Lord's protection for the shepherd and his flock.

On the evening of Yegoryev's Day, real holidays were organized in the villages for each “cow guide” with feasts, round dances and the singing of ritual songs about the preservation of the community herd. Yegoryevskaya dew had healing powers not only for animals, but also for people. On Yegoriy Veshny, our ancestors walked around the fields with the rite of church blessing of water. After the ceremony, those who wished could “bathe” in the morning dew that abundantly covered the fields - this procedure was indispensable “from both the evil eye and ailments.” Most of the signs of this day spoke of the future harvest. The cool day promised that millet, oats and buckwheat would produce well. If there were frosts on Yegoria at night, they could be repeated up to 40 times.

Holiday May 13 - Day of Jacob the Warm

On May 13, Christians honor the son of a fisherman, Saint James, one of the 12 apostles, who was beheaded for preaching about the Christian faith. In the time of our ancestors, a sad day came on Yakov Teply for girls who could not wait to find their betrothed as soon as possible. On this May day, in all peasant communities, all matchmaking traditionally ceased, and the folk proverb “Getting married in May means toiling all your life” came into force. Moreover, a simple conversation about the prospects of marriage looked completely indecent from that day on. This tradition, which seems strange to modern eyes, has a very simple explanation. Wedding feasts and festivities in Rus' have always been distinguished by their extraordinary scope due to an ancient belief: the more magnificent and rich the holiday, the happier the young family will become in the future. It turned out to be impossible to implement the old rule in May for two reasons. Firstly, one day in May could actually feed a whole year, and therefore there was absolutely no time to be distracted from work by partying. Secondly, by this time the supplies were mostly eaten up, which means that there could be no talk of any kind of abundant feast. So it turned out that celebrating a wedding in May meant neglecting the belief and prophesying a meager, hard life for the young people.

The warmer the days became, the more easily various fevers spread through the villages. The peasants believed that it was from Jacob that they began to roam the earth with impunity, pestering physically weak people. And in order for the disease to pass over a person, it was supposed to be doused with March melt water stored in advance on this day. The ritual of dousing was especially strictly performed by those who were planning to set off soon - the water protected them not only from illnesses, but also from any misfortune that could befall people along the way. Another nickname for St. Jacob, the Asterisk, speaks of a sign according to which the starry quiet night on Jacob promised a warm summer and a rich harvest.

Holiday May 21 - Ivan the Theologian

On May 21, the time comes to honor the memory of another of the apostles - brother James John the Theologian. John is the author of one of the Gospels, which he wrote at the request of Christians who wanted to learn more about the early deeds of Christ. In Rus', the Theologian was nicknamed the Wheat Man, since wheat was usually sown on the day of his memory. In order for her to become prosperous, the custom demanded that she bake a ritual cake from the best wheat flour and go with it to the crossroads and treat the wanderers passing by. The hostess bowed and offered offerings to passers-by, who thanked them and wished them a good harvest. If no travelers were encountered on the road, the votive cake was supposed to be taken to the field and crumbled there for the birds; eating it themselves was strictly prohibited.

On Midsummer's Day it was supposed to appease the spirits of the plowed field, and in this case the division between men's and women's duties was strictly observed. For example, there is a funny custom associated with sowing wheat. Only men were supposed to sow it, and stripped naked. And they carried the grain for sowing to the field in bags made from old trousers. Our ancestors believed that in this way they entered into a marriage alliance with the mother land and in due time she would give birth to abundant grain. Women did not have the right to be present during the ritual - they could “scare” the Earth, and it would not be able to give people bread. Around the 19th century, this ritual disappeared from everyday life, but for a long time the old people in the villages complained that as long as it was observed, the earth gave birth to much richer things.

The weather on this day, as on many other days in May, determined what the harvest would be like. If many birds flocked to the fields, all the wheat grown had to go to taxes. And if a lone lark sang high in the sky, it was expected that the harvest would be unusually generous. The Russians also called St. John the Long, because the first rites on this day began before dawn, and they had to work until the last ray of the sun disappeared behind the horizon.

Folk ritual



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Folk ritual

Traditional The festive and ritual culture of the Russian people represents its centuries-old concentrated experience, a set of traditions, rituals, customs and superstitions. All these are ideological, moral and aesthetic values ​​that determine the face of the nation, its identity, uniqueness, its social and spiritual peculiarity.
The roots of most folk holidays go back to pagan times. Many of the ancient rites and rituals have survived to this day: the church skillfully adapted some of these rituals to its holidays, and some folk holidays have become part or continuation of church holidays.
The unification of these two traditions occurred so naturally that for centuries the life of the overwhelming majority of the Russian people and other peoples living next to them developed according to a cycle that had been established for generations. The same is observed in the annual repetition of the seasons and the seasonal agricultural work associated with them.

National holidays for 2019

National holidays in the Russian village of the past constituted an important aspect of social and family life. The peasants even said: “We work all year for the holiday.” The holiday was perceived by the religious consciousness of people as something sacred, opposite to everyday life - everyday life. If weekdays were interpreted as a time during which a person must engage in worldly affairs, earning his daily bread, then the holiday was understood as a time of merging with the divine and becoming familiar with the sacred values ​​of the community, its sacred history.

First of all, the holiday was considered obligatory for all members of the village community who had reached adulthood. Children, old people, cripples, old maids, and the sick were not allowed to attend the holiday, since some had not yet reached the age of understanding sacred values, while others were already on the verge between the world of the living and the world of the dead, others had not fulfilled their destiny on earth - they had not entered into marriage.

The holiday also implied complete freedom from all work. On this day it was forbidden to plow, mow, reap, sew, clean the hut, chop wood, spin, weave, that is, perform all everyday peasant work. The holiday obliged people to dress smartly, to choose pleasant, joyful topics for conversation, and to behave differently: to be cheerful, friendly, hospitable.

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On the website you can find wishes, congratulations, toasts in verse, SMS congratulations on your birthday, anniversary, Happy New Year, March 8 and many other holidays. Brief information about religious, public holidays and memorable dates that interest you. You can find out when your name day will be and what to name your unborn child. What will be the horoscope for tomorrow and next year. Everything is sorted into categories for your convenience.

May is the last month of spring. Many of us loved this time. The weather outside is warm and sunny, the trees are in bloom, and there is a special atmosphere in the air. I want to live, enjoy every day I live and breathe deeply. Folk signs of May do not consider this month favorable for matchmaking and marriage. There is even a saying about this: “Whoever gets married in May suffers all his life.” But, at the same time, the patroness of May is the goddess of love, beauty and family happiness Lada.

Our ancestors believed that it was in May that evil spirits roamed in full force. There is a belief that at the beginning of the month, witches gave ordinary women their cubs, so that they would torment them for the rest of their lives. To annoy men, witches turned into beautiful girls, seduced representatives of the stronger sex, and then tortured and destroyed them.

Wedding in May: signs

Many people have heard that getting married in May is not a very good omen. But is this really true? With the onset of spring, our ancestors had a lot of work to do. It was necessary to cultivate the land after winter, start planting, and clean up the yard. There was no time for weddings, because no one else would do your work. In addition, by May, food supplies were already running low, and few people had the opportunity to set the table for the wedding celebration. Most likely, it is for these reasons that prejudices arose that getting married in May is a bad omen.

Contrary to negative judgment, a wedding in May promises the newlyweds success and prosperity. Their marriage should be strong and long. And all because the patron of the last spring month is the goddess Lada, who blesses lovers for marriage.

Wedding in May: the priest’s opinion

Snow in May: signs

Snow falling in May is a bad omen. At the end of April and beginning of May, many agricultural plants are planted. To say that the fallen snow has a detrimental effect on them is to say nothing. Much of what is planted may simply freeze and gardeners will have to replant the plants, which is an extra expense and a waste of time. And the harvest will be harvested later than planned. If it snows in May, there is nothing to be happy about.

Signs for May for every day

With the arrival of May, all the thoughts of our ancestors were directed towards the future harvest. Most May omens are related to crops and weather.

From this time on, sowing work began. People believed that if violets and willows were blooming, then it was time to sow radishes, onions, carrots, dill and parsley. In order for hair to grow well, the head was wetted with the first rain in May. Pay attention to the weather:

  • if the weather is warm at the beginning of the month, then by the end of May it may get colder;
  • golden dawn and absence of wind - good weather;
  • If the sky is cloudy, then don’t expect rain.

People born on May 1 will be good gardeners. Black agate is suitable for them as a talisman.

They pray to Saint John of the Old Cave for protection from various troubles. Our ancestors had such great faith in the saint that they asked him to find those responsible for theft or to judge a dispute. Peasant women went out into the fields with cloth to “dress spring in newness.” They bowed to all four sides and said: “Here’s a new product for you, Mother Spring!” They spread the canvas in the meadow, put a pie on it and went home, believing that Mother Spring would put on new clothes and give a rich harvest of flax and hemp for the treats she brought.

Sign of the day: if the birch tree has opened its leaves, then the summer will be hot and dry.

On this day they commemorated the dead, went to the cemetery, where they called out to their departed parents. They believed that the dead on Fyodor yearned for earthly life, the earth opened up and the souls of the departed flew out so that we could see them. At the dinner table they expected the strength of their family. The table was set as richly as possible, covered with a white tablecloth. They lit candles near the icons and asked the Lord to give them a good harvest.

  • if after rain lightning flashes without thunder, then the weather will be clear;
  • If a double or triple rainbow appears in the sky, then heavy rains will begin in the near future.

On this day they cursed evil spirits. The old men went outside the outskirts and, turning their faces to the west, uttered incantations. They used signs to determine what summer would be like:

  • the bird cherry blossomed early - it will be warm;
  • the sooner it blooms, the hotter the summer will be;
  • if there are a lot of flowers on the bird cherry tree, it will be rainy;
  • if the birch tree blooms before the bird cherry, then the summer will be dry, and if the maple blooms first, it will be hot.

On this day it was customary to plant onions. The peasants knew that onions had healing properties. There was even a saying about this: “ Bow from seven ailments».

According to signs, if the moon wanes on this day, there will be no frost until late autumn. If there is a thunderstorm on this day, the harvest will be rich. But if there is frost, then there will still be forty frosty nights until autumn, which is why you won’t expect a good harvest.

This day is considered a holiday for shepherds, who were treated to hearty scrambled eggs and given money and linen. On this day nothing can be made from wool (knitting, spinning, even picking up woolen threads). St. George the Victorious is considered the patron saint of fields and fruits grown on the earth, so on May 6, peasants blessed crops and fields.

People said: “Yuri brought spring to the threshold.” They also believed that the dew that fell on May 6 was healing. She can cure various ailments. On this day, they tried to drive the cows out into the field early so that the dew would produce abundant milk yield and make the animals healthy and strong.

The peasants began to sow oats. You can start sowing two days before the full moon or two days after it. If there were frosts on this day, then there will be 12 more frosts before autumn. And if the dawn is yellow, then there will be no rain in the near future.

The patroness of the day, Elizabeth the Wonderworker, helped get rid of the torment.

The patron of this day was called the key holder. They believed that he unlocked the sky with a key so that the rains would begin. They asked the saint to be protected from drought. The peasants began to sow buckwheat and waited for the arrival of songbirds. If the birds flew to the hemp field, then the harvest of this plant will be good. Hemp seeds were thrown in the yard for the birds. The housewives walked around the room with nettles. They washed the floors with nettle infusion.

Where the migratory bird has flown, there you can expect a good harvest:

  • if in the garden, then the trees will bear fruit, especially the apple tree;
  • if for a vegetable garden, there will be a good harvest of fruits in the beds.

Signs of the day:

  • a high rainbow means good weather, a low rainbow means bad weather;
  • from this day the rains will be warm;
  • if it started to rain early in the morning, it will be clear during the day;
  • cold rains - don't expect honey.
  • the greener the rainbow, the heavier the rain;
  • If birds started singing during a rainstorm, the weather will soon clear up.

From this day on, they began to sow peas and plant early potatoes. The peasants cast a spell on peas so that there would be a good harvest.

Signs of the day:

  • a clear day or a lot of morning dew - to a good harvest of cucumbers;
  • if the cuckoo makes sounds reminiscent of croaking, then expect rain;
  • the wind intensifies during the day, and subsides in the evening - clear weather.

The fields began to be plowed, and work was going on everywhere in gardens and vegetable gardens. The grains intended for sowing cannot be eaten, otherwise there will be no harvest.

The peasants believed that Semyon had an evil spirit trying to enter a human home in the form of a bird or animal. A person who unknowingly harbors evil spirits will bring upon himself great misfortune.

Signs of the day:

  • if the grass is dry in the morning, it will rain at night;
  • an owl screams - to the cold weather;
  • if there is fog in the evening, the weather will clear up soon;
  • heavy rains on May 10 promise a rich harvest;
  • a clear sunrise - for a windy summer.

According to popular belief, a warm wind on this day gives health. Therefore, our ancestors made special amulet and went with them to the crossroads. There they waited for the wind from the south to catch it in an amulet, which they then put on a sick person for a speedy healing.

It was also customary to collect birch sap. The one collected from the upper part of the trunk was especially valued. This juice helped people suffering from fever. But before drinking it, the patient had to be bathed in rainwater, or at least wash his face with it. The healers fed the sick with decoctions of nettle, plantain, and coltsfoot, which could already be collected in the field.

Signs of the day:

  • a starry and warm night - to a good harvest;
  • a clear sunrise - for a warm and sunny summer;
  • if the stars twinkle at dawn, it will rain;
  • butterflies seek shelter in sheds and houses - to the cold and bad weather.

Among the people, May 12 is the day of healing and healers. The Nine Martyrs of Cyzicus are popularly recognized as interpreters of dreams. They are also prayed to for healing from smallpox. Healers whispered the names of martyrs over the sick to cure them of nine ailments.

Signs of the day:

  • a lot of gadflies - to a good harvest of cucumbers;
  • if the ants move to a dry place, then it will rain soon;
  • an oriole screams like a wild cat - for rain;
  • an abundance of May beetles - for a dry summer.

From this day on, all matchmaking was stopped, because the coming (according to the old style) May is unfavorable for newlyweds. A proposal for matchmaking received on this day was considered offensive, and even shameful. People, having learned that someone was planning to have a wedding at this time, spread bad rumors about this couple. In the old days, weddings were not celebrated in May.

Signs of the day:

  • starry sky and warm weather - for a fruitful summer;
  • if at sunrise the sky is clear and cloudless, then the summer will be warm and clear;
  • if the sky rises with clouds, then the summer will be rainy.

The Holy Prophet Jeremiah was popularly nicknamed the Harnesser, or the Zapashnik, since it was usually during this period that the most important and most exhausting work for farmers began. Taking on them, the peasants turned to the Lord, asking him for help. It was believed that on May 14, the prophet Jeremiah himself harnesses his chariot in heaven, sows grain and helps farmers who turn to him in prayer.

In the morning, the peasants went to church, served a prayer service to the prophet, and then went to sow. Having gone out into the field, the villagers prayed on three sides (except for the north), bowing low, throwing a handful of rye on each side, and only after that they began to sow. The men sowed rye, and the women sowed oats, spring crops and peas.

Signs of the day:

  • if it’s warm on Eremey, then the weather will be good during the grain harvest;
  • If the sun rises clearly, then the summer will be warm and sunny.

Boris Day was also called Nightingale Day, because by this time the nightingales began to sing. It was believed that if a bird began to sing thoroughly, then spring was on the wane, and summer was on the rise. Did you hear the nightingale singing before the cuckoo? So, you will spend a happy summer. If the bird sang at night, then a clear and beautiful day is ahead.

Usually during this period the sowing came to an end. Before sowing, they said a prayer, and during sowing they tried not to talk.

Back on May 15th they called profit day. Fairs and auctions were held. It was believed that if something was successfully sold on this day, then good luck would follow throughout the year.

The holy saint Martha was popularly called the Nursery. On May 16, they began to plant young cabbage seedlings and sowed vegetable gardens. When transplanting seedlings, they did not eat bread so that the chickens would not peck it out. To prevent worms from eating cabbage, it should not be planted on Thursday. During sowing, cabbage seeds were poured from hand to hand, otherwise rutabaga would grow instead of cabbage.

Marva was also called thrush. They believed that if the cows came from the pasture that day well-fed, they would have more milk. Housewives began cooking cabbage soup on May 15th.

Signs of the day:

  • the nightingales began to sing - for warmth and clear weather;
  • a lot of dew in the morning or a clear day - to a rich harvest of cucumbers;
  • if dew is not visible in the morning, then wait for rain;
  • if the bird cherry blossoms, then a cold snap is expected;
  • Bird cherry has a lot of color - for a rainy summer.

Saint Pelageya is the patroness of innocent maidens and birds. The innocently offended turned to the patron saint for support and help. In the evening on Pelageya, gardeners took a cracked pot out to the plot, put nettles pulled out by the roots into it and placed the pot in the middle of the bed. In this way, the peasants scared away pests and evil spirits.

Even on this day we learned to “beat the buck”. If now this phrase means idleness, then in the old days “beating the thumbs” meant the production of blanks for wooden spoons. They selected a tree, cut out a chock from a certain part of the trunk, from which they stuffed buckets and made spoons.

Signs of the day:

  • clear weather promises a sunny summer;
  • if the sun is pale, then the weather will be bad for a long time;
  • sparrows fly in flocks from place to place - to the gusty wind.

On Irina's day, old grass was burned out in the fields and cabbage seedlings were planted. The oldest woman in the family was in charge of planting. She did this early in the morning, when no one saw her. To prevent chickens from pecking the cabbage, we tried not to eat bread when planting seedlings.

Signs of the day:

  • if the spruce buds have blossomed, then there is no need to delay sowing;
  • large clouds moving from south to north - to rain;
  • A goose washes itself in water - a sign of warming; in a dry place - a sign of cold weather.

Peas were sown on Job. But this matter is not as simple as it seems at first glance. You need to sow in damp soil at sunset, when the moon is waning. Sowing was done in the evening so that the sparrows would not see and peck the peas. In addition to peas, pumpkin, legumes and cucumbers were sown. It was believed that cucumbers planted on this day were excellent for pickling. They turn out strong, aromatic and crispy.

Signs of the day:

  • a lot of dew and a clear day - to a rich harvest of cucumbers;
  • if there is no dew in the morning, then wait for rain;
  • if the fog rises after dawn, the weather will be partly cloudy and without precipitation.

To give the horses strength and health, they were driven through river water. In the morning, full buckets of water were exposed to the sun. And at noon, when the water warmed up, they doused the horses with it. Sowing work during this period was in full swing. It was believed that the east and west winds were most suitable for planting and sowing.

Signs of the day:

  • you need to sow in good weather, then the harvest will be more abundant;
  • stolen seeds bear fruit better;
  • a rainbow in the evening - for clear weather, in the morning - for rain;
  • the moon in a red circle or rings around the month - to the wind;
  • if the rays of the sun at dawn are painted in different colors, then there will be bad weather.

On Arsenyev's day it is customary to sow wheat. According to custom, beggars and wanderers on this day, bowing to the arable strip, entered the houses of the peasants. The hostesses treated the guests to wheat pies, for which the visitors praised and thanked them.

Signs of the day:

  • if it rains in the morning, then in the summer there will be a lot of mushrooms;
  • red sky in the evening - good weather, in the morning - rain;
  • if the yellow acacia flowers do not smell, then there will be a drought;
  • Bird cherry has many flowers - for a rainy summer;
  • a rainbow appeared on the side from which the wind was blowing - it meant rain, on the opposite side - it meant clearing.

Saint Nicholas is one of the most revered saints in Rus'. He is considered the intercessor and patron of the Russian people.

According to legend, Saint Nicholas did many good deeds. He saved a family that had fallen into poverty from death, stood up for people unjustly convicted, saved drowning people and sailors from death, rescued prisoners from prisons, raised the dead, helped the sick and disadvantaged. They revered Saint Nicholas in almost the same way, the Mother of God and Jesus Christ himself. Some peasants were even sure that the Trinity consisted of the Savior, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

In folk tradition, St. Nicholas Day is celebrated twice - St. Nicholas the Vershny and. In Russian villages, the days of St. Nicholas were considered the most important holidays after.

Signs of the day:

  • rain on this day promises a good harvest;
  • if it rains the day after Nicholas, the summer will be damp;
  • Before Nikolai, you need to plant potatoes, otherwise they may not sprout later;
  • frogs croak - to a good oat harvest.

The Apostle Simon the Zealot was considered the ruler over all herbs. By his will, all sorts of plants grow on the earth - medicinal and bad, beautiful and inconspicuous, barren and honey-bearing. The saint was also considered an assistant in finding treasures buried in the ground (bags or chests with money).

On May 23, the earth is the birthday girl, so working on it is a sin. On this day, the peasants did not plow, did not dig, and especially did not drive stakes into the ground, so as not to disturb it. Healers and healers walked through forests and fields, collecting herbs, which, according to legend, Simon the Zealot had miraculous powers.

Signs of the day:

  • if the catkins on the birch tree burst, then it’s time to plant bread;
  • when it rains, a strong wind blows - good weather;
  • If on a sunny day the dandelion flowers close after lunch, it will rain.
  • if it rains or fogs, it will be rainy;
  • if sunny, then warm and clear;
  • A crimson sunrise means a stormy summer with fires.

On this day you cannot sow peas, otherwise they may be damaged by hail.

From this day on, the first flowers of white water lilies appear on ponds and lakes. You can admire them, but you cannot bring them into the house, otherwise all the livestock will die.

By this day the rowan tree was blooming. A woman born on May 25 will be a good and hospitable hostess. The birthday girl put on a red sundress and, going up to the rowan tree, conjured her home from lightning and fire.

Signs of the day:

  • clear morning dawn - for a hot and dry summer;
  • the goose began to pluck itself - bad weather is approaching;
  • the seagull does not land on the water and does not fly far from the shore - to bad weather that will last for more than one day.

Along with the warm wind, mosquitoes appear. Our ancestors believed that in the fall mosquitoes are carried away by the wind to warm seas, and in the spring they return again. It was believed that if a mosquito was killed from May 26 to 2018, a dozen more blood-sucking insects would appear. They need to be killed after the summer solstice, then the mosquito tribe will be significantly reduced.

Signs of the day:

  1. Did you see a mosquito that day? In summer there will be an abundance of berries. If the two-winged insect was of impressive size, then the year will be good and successful.
  2. The appearance of mosquitoes indicates warm and rainy weather.
  3. Swallows fly low - it means rain.

On Sidor you should plant cucumbers and sow flax. But if dust resembling feathers hangs on the willows, then flax cannot be sown.

Signs of the day:

  • cold weather on Sidora promises a cold summer;
  • swallows have arrived - the year will be happy;
  • swallows fly low - for rain, high - for clear weather;
  • a clear day means an excellent harvest of cucumbers;
  • if the morning is cloudy and cold, but clears up in the evening, then early cucumbers will give birth poorly, but late cucumbers will give birth well.

From this day on, real warmth comes; in just a few days, summer will come. Late oats and wheat were sown at Pakhom.

Signs of the day:

  • what the weather is like on May 28th, so will the summer be;
  • if the wind is west and the clouds are floating low, then it’s time to sow the egg;
  • after bad weather, a rainbow appeared in the sky - to clearing and stopping the rain;
  • The juniper has bloomed - it’s time to sow barley.

On this day barley and rye were sown. People said: “ Zhitnik’s concern is to harrow the barley field».

Signs of the day:

  • the mountain ash has bloomed - to stable warmth;
  • thunder - to a rich harvest of grain crops;
  • abundant flowering of rowan - to a good harvest of oats.

It often rains on Evdokia, but if the weather was dry, on this day the peasants turned to the heavenly watchman Andron with a request to open the heavenly gates and please the people with torrential rain, after which the sown grain would better sprout.

Signs of the day:

  • what the weather is like in Evdokia, so will the summer be;
  • on a clear day a woodpecker knocks - predicts rain;
  • if there is a new moon, then summer will be rainy.

According to popular belief, the soul of someone born on this day flies to the oak tree and, like a bird, looks for a nest-hollow. From that time on, the life of the tree was enchanted. In the old days, people born on May 31st came to an oak tree, sat for a long time near the tree, gaining vital energy from it.

Signs of the day:

  • if the top of an oak tree has a edge, then you will measure the oats with a tub;
  • if the oak blossomed before the ash tree, then the summer will be cold;
  • a clear and bright moon - to the wind, pale and cloudy - to the rain;
  • midges gather in a cloud - for good weather;
  • bees sit en masse and buzz on the inflorescences of bird cherry or rowan - to the warmth;
  • flashes play in the sky - a change in the weather;
  • a wave hitting the flowing water means rain;
  • a rain cloud is noisy - to strong winds and hail;
  • steam comes from the ground - wait for rain;
  • the sun is pale at sunset - it will rain.

Folk signs for the month of May will help predict the weather for the summer, and what the harvest will be like in the fall.

Video: signs for May

Born in May: omen

There is a belief that a person born in May will miss his mark throughout his life. However, thousands of happy people born this spring proved the opposite.

Those born in May are ruled by the planet Venus. According to the horoscope, they can be Taurus (from 21.04 to 21.05) or Gemini (from 21.05 to 20.06). For their future to be successful, they should make important decisions in:

  • Monday;
  • Tuesday;
  • Thursday;
  • Friday.

Blue and pink colors should predominate in their clothes and home interior.

Stones that can bring them luck are diamond, pearl, emerald. It’s good if one of these stones is in a piece of jewelry that a person born in May will always wear.

May people are not afraid of moral pressure; they are physically resilient. The impeccable sense of style, given to him from birth, is expressed in clothing and the interior of his home. They love painting and art.

By nature, these people are sociable, open and cheerful. They quickly win over others and easily achieve their goals. Frequent mood swings are influenced by excessive emotionality and sentimentality.

In love, people born in May are distinguished by devotion and nobility. They endure the difficulties encountered along the way with dignity, without losing optimism.

Baptism in May: signs

The sacrament of decision is an important event in the spiritual life of every person. After the ceremony, we receive not only a church name, but also a guardian angel who will help us throughout our lives. It is for this reason that most parents try to baptize their baby as soon as possible. However, May is considered an unfavorable month, so the question is: “is it possible to baptize a child in May?” occurs quite often.

The clergy report that May is no different from other months, and there are no restrictions on the rite of Baptism. It is possible to baptize a child in May, and parents should not attach importance to a superstition that has no justification.

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