Years of the bull according to the Chinese horoscope. Bull - description and characteristics. The main features of the Ox

> Year of the Ox

People who were born in the year under the sign of the Ox are distinguished by their modesty, patience, brevity, diligence and endurance. Despite this, they are easy to piss off if you wave them in front of your eyes with a “red rag”.

Year of the Ox: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033.

What year is the year of the bull

Thanks to the table below, you can find out when the year of the Ox will be and on what dates, in the power of which element it will be and what year will be next after the bull.

date Element
February 19, 1901 - February 7, 1902 Metal Bull
February 6, 1913 - January 25, 1914 Water Ox
January 24, 1925 - February 12, 1926 Wood Ox
February 11, 1937 - January 30, 1938 Fire Bull
January 29, 1949 - February 16, 1950 Earth Ox
February 15, 1961 - February 4, 1962 Metal Bull
February 3, 1973 - January 22, 1974 Water Ox
February 20, 1985 - February 8, 1986 Wood Ox
February 7, 1997 - January 27, 1998 Fire Bull
January 26, 2009 - February 13, 2010 Earth Ox
February 12, 2021 - January 31, 2022 Metal Bull
January 31, 2033 - February 18, 2034 Water Ox

Now you know in what years the year of the Ox begins and you can answer 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033 of which or which animal according to the eastern calendar.

Characteristics of the Bull

What brings good luck:

  • lucky numbers: 1, 4 and numbers containing them
  • Lucky days: 13th and 27th of the Chinese lunar month
  • lucky colors: white, yellow, green
  • happy flowers: tulips, morning glory, peach blossom
  • Lucky Directions: North and South
  • happy months: 7th and 9th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

What brings failure:

  • unlucky color: blue
  • Unlucky Numbers: 5 and 6
  • Unlucky direction: southwest
  • Unlucky months: 4th and 11th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

The bull is characterized by independence, strength, orderliness, solid appearance and consistency. He is a conservative, a pragmatist and a man of habit. Before us is an extremely stubborn, persistent and stubborn symbol, capable of achieving success in areas where others do not even dare to meddle.

The symbol reflects a cautious practitioner who finds it difficult to betray his own principles and let change into his life. It breaks through life due to fortitude, physical endurance and inner core. At work, success comes from hard work and patience. Does not succumb to external pressure and manipulation, but is able to break out into angry outbursts. Constant and reliable.

If the Ox's date of birth is in spring and summer, then you are prone to workaholism. But the autumn and winter representatives get used to being lazy and pursuing simple pleasures.

Positive character traits

The bull has leadership qualities. These are wonderful and responsible bosses who not only pursue a positive result, but also take care of the team. Positive qualities include diligence, patience and reliability.

Luck is always on their side, as they move towards the goal through consistency and a winning strategy. The Bull has a highly developed logic. Deprived of impulsiveness and extremely slow if you need to make a choice or make an important decision.

Negative character traits

The bull is sometimes very annoying with its stubbornness and conservatism. His character is characterized by authoritarianism and dogmatism. Ready to overthrow authorities, trusts only his own opinion, stubborn and ambitious. Sometimes it seems demanding of family members and gives to strangers more than close ones. Romantically, the Ox seems touchy, selfish and prejudiced.

In the year of the Ox, you can learn a new specialization, work hard, improve your financial situation. It is worth buying real estate, moving, traveling and exploring the expanses of your native country. This is an auspicious year for marriage, as the relationship will be as long and happy as possible. Natural disasters can happen.

Ox, Monkey, Rooster and Horse will live a favorable year. Tiger, Snake, Goat and Dog will have to face problems. And the time will become neutral for the Dragon, Rat, Pig and Rabbit.

Famous people

The Year of the Bull was the birth date for Mikhail Kutuzov, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Charlie Chaplin, Hans Christian Andersen, Johann Sebastian Bach, Jane Fonda, Jack Nicholson, Sergei Bezrukov, Keira Knightley and Eddie Murphy.

Characteristics of the Bull by the elements

Year of the Black (blue) Water Ox

Representatives of the Water Ox are distinguished by caring and tenderness in a romantic sense, as well as the desire to patronize family members. This is a connoisseur of beauty and the owner of a compassionate feeling, which is why there are a large number of philanthropists in this category. He is silent in love, but active in actions. In love, he acts as a persistent romantic who will do everything to create comfortable conditions for loved ones.

Year of the Green Wood Ox

Unlike the rest of the Bulls, these representatives seem to be emotionally restrained. It is extremely important for them to achieve a high social position. They stay as far away from impulsiveness as possible and try to turn life into an orderly routine. Extremely resistant to external pressure and manipulation. They cannot make decisions right away and tend to hesitate for a long time.

Year of the Yellow Earth Ox

In the Earth Ox, the strongest possibilities of the sign are hidden. These are hardworking, generous, optimistic and logical representatives, due to which they manage to climb to the highest positions in social and material terms. These are wonderful and hardy athletes. Always keep promises. Such a Bull does not seem to be a passionate lover, but always remains faithful.

Year of the White Metal Ox

Romantically, the White Bull seems more open and free. This is a leisurely pragmatist who does not hesitate to experiment and try everything new. It is easier for him than the rest of the representatives of the sign to adapt to new circumstances. He is not afraid of difficulties and problems, as he moves through life due to his strong will and unbending character.

Year of the Red Fire Ox

Among all representatives of the Ox, this is the most passionate and tireless partner. Decisiveness and willpower make him lead in all areas of life. It can be difficult with him, as he is extremely straightforward and categorical in his statements. This is a faithful family man who simply cannot forgive going to the left. In the family, he can show dictatorial habits, but he takes care of loved ones and will always come to the rescue.

Ox compatibility with other signs

We bring to your attention a unique service with which you can check your compatibility according to the Eastern calendar:

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Boar

Select other characters

The general compatibility of the Ox without specifying the gender is located below.

Bull and Rat

The relationship in this pair depends on how the Rat behaves. For the straightforward Ox, the agility and cunning of the Rat is not clear. The way the Rat deftly adapts to a new situation is perceived by him as frailty. Friendship between the two signs is hardly possible, since they simply will not have anything to talk about. In business life, such an alliance is possible, but it will be better if the Bull is the boss in the pair.

Bull and Ox

Two reliable partners can easily become successful. They both look at life from a realistic point of view, a little conservative. The marriage of two Bulls will be full of humor and mutual understanding. The friendship between the two personalities will be complicated, due to the constant struggle for primacy.

Bull and Tiger

Joint life for two signs is completely excluded. The marriage union will be doomed to failure, as the Ox will simply exterminate the Tiger. Friendly relations are also complicated by the fact that the Ox simply cannot stand the Tiger. In business relationships, the Ox will always take the lead, suppressing it in all areas.

Bull and Rabbit

In principle, the marriage between them can become successful, but not without criticism. The success of the relationship will depend, first of all, on how the Rabbit behaves. Will his diplomacy and compliance help to find a common language with the Bull. Good friendships are also possible, especially in secular terms. This couple should conduct a joint business with caution, because the Rabbit may try to subjugate the Ox to its power.

Bull and Dragon

If they enter into a marriage, then most likely it will not be strong and promising. Sooner or later, constant conflicts will inevitably arise between people of these signs, leading to the collapse of the marriage union. This will happen because the Dragon is a pronounced lover of external beauty, and the Ox believes that one cannot trust that which has brilliance only on the outside. The friendship of the Bull and the Dragon will also not be strong, due to the fact that the first does not really love the second. The joint business will be, first of all, unsuccessful for the Ox, who risks being overwhelmed by the will of the Dragon.

Bull and snake

The marriage union will be successful, but on the condition that the Snake will not talk about their relationship that was before marriage. The bull does not like this very much. It is difficult for the nature of the Snake to hide anything in secret, so sooner or later she will let it out. In this case, the Bull will be angry. The friendship between them will be strong, because opposites tend to attract. Often, signs have a kind of symbiosis - they will understand each other perfectly.

Bull and Horse

Both of them are hardworking and honest. However, difficulties can arise due to a banal misunderstanding of each other. The horse will always look at the Bull with caution, and suffer because of this. Marriage is also doomed to failure, due to the difference in world views and interests. The horse is more temperamental and independent, this can lead the Ox into bewilderment.

Bull and Goat

The two characters speak completely different languages. Therefore, marriage in this union, unfortunately, will not be happy and long. For the Ox, the abundant fantasy and vivid imagination of the Goat are alien. Moreover, the Bull does not want to have horns on his head. Short-term friendship is possible, but it will quickly come to naught, due to a domestic mismatch of interests. In this regard, a joint business for them is completely excluded.

Bull and Monkey

The bull loves the monkey very much, he likes her sense of humor and lightness. He is ready to go to great lengths for her, but a joint relationship will only cause pain in him, instead of joy. In friendship, too, this couple cannot see success, because the Monkey will cause suffering to the Bull with his mockery and laughter. Business relations will be hampered by the fact that the Ox, once falling in love with the Monkey, will always be forced to work instead of her.

Bull and Rooster

This combination, like no other, favors the creation of a lasting marriage. This is possible because the Rooster and the Ox fully understand each other. For the same reason, the friendship between them will be strong and long. They are often lifelong friends. In business relations, not everything is so rosy, because the Ox considers the Rooster to be excessively lazy.

Bull and Dog

Difficulties arise here on the basis of opposing views. The Bull is a well-known conservative, while the Dog is an inveterate revolutionary. Friendship in such circumstances is excluded. Business relationships are also difficult, due to the lack of common ground.

Bull and Pig

The marriage will be successful and strong, but only if they follow the unspoken rules. A pig by nature is a patient person, but does not like strictness very much. Sooner or later, the Pig will express everything to the Ox as if in spirit, and the latter will not like it. Business relations will be fruitful, mutual symbiosis can give good results.

Select a symbol to always know when a given year is.

diligent, prone to learning, methodical, virtuous, precise, devoted and very hardy.

Negative qualities:
stubborn, easily upset, conservative and can be quite selfish.

The main features of the Ox:

Anyone who has ever watched a herd of bulls, calmly wandering across an open plain, cannot but be struck by their natural grandeur. Harnessed to the yoke, no other animal can pull such a heavy load for so long as an ox.

It is not surprising that, with their ability to overcome any resistance and, as if by their very presence, inspire confidence among others, they take their rightful place on the world stage. born under this sign destined to be great and make your mark as a leader. Being conservative. he does not value innovations and ingenious mechanisms: the modern world is not for him. Trying to understand is a thankless and unproductive task. Any attempt to approach this most closed of all creatures can only succeed if you make him swallow his tongue. And the more you try, the more it gets removed. But because he is born a leader, he never admits to himself or to others any fears or insecurities. As you might expect, the arrogant and ambitious can't stand being challenged, especially when someone else is doing it. Bull.

Thus, people born under, are diligent and patient, ambitious and love their home. You like to work hard and go step by step to reach the top. Whatever you undertake, you feel a great responsibility. Sometimes you can be very withdrawn and prefer to keep your thoughts to yourself. You have a small circle of friends, but they are loyal to you. You like peaceful, cozy surroundings, and more often than not, you stay calm until you get pissed off. Then you can turn into a monster in relation to the one who "offended you. The most dangerous animals in the world are not lions or tigers - they are bulls.

Thanks to your reliability and punctuality, you achieve success in everything you undertake - provided that you are allowed to carry out your tasks yourself. You can go far in politics or farming, as in any field where expertise is vital. Also, if you were born with creative abilities, you can become an artist. Your life will be interesting, but full of tasks waiting to be solved. born in spring, will be very happy, he will have fewer worries than someone who was born in summer or autumn. Winter it would be easy too, but he would have to be careful not to end up on the dinner table.

You are diligent, positive and always ready to help. But you tend to run everything and can be quite stubborn and authoritarian. Many may find it difficult to work with you because you are tough and not always cooperative.

Fate (luck)
You appreciate the little things in life, but you experience a feeling of extreme satisfaction, seeing that your work brings results. You work hard and you will definitely succeed.

You care about what you have and what your previous efforts have created. What you do can bring you great wealth and fame; even what you learned as a child can bear fruit.

You love to work together when needed, but you're pretty good at making an impact. You like to work alone, but you enjoy being in charge because it gives you complete control. You like to see and know what is happening around you.

Social life
You get along well with the people you have chosen to deal with. You can be very shy and withdrawn around people you don't know very well.

You are smart and observant and always see different opportunities around you. Given your positive attitude and strong character, you will be able to make good money.

You are very romantic by nature, you like to date who you are and who you care about. You know how to get a person to pay attention to you, and people appreciate your positive nature and your constancy.

Many find that their parents weren't too eager to connect their lives. Relationships can be quite stressful and difficult at times.

Brothers and sisters
You maintain a relatively good relationship with your siblings as long as they manage to keep your space and try not to be overbearing.

people born in the year , they treat children with tenderness, they like to bear responsibility for them. You can have many children and they will love you dearly.

You love to travel, and you especially enjoy the unspoiled nature of the countryside. You love trees and greenery and never turn down an opportunity to visit exotic places you've never been before.

You are a strong person who is strong - exactly the qualities that are characteristic. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, diseases will bypass you and you will have wonderful years ahead that will bring you success.

Capital investment
Your investments are well thought out and planned and rarely cause you any problems. Given your precise sense of business and the value of your efforts, it can be said that your projects can make you very rich.

You are industrious. As long as you have the ability to work well and run the show, you often don't care if it makes you money or not. Life can be hard at times, but thanks to your endurance, you will always overcome difficulties.

Life has much to offer you, and yet you must show more love and attention to those around you. If you don't face new challenges, life may seem boring to you.

Bulls seem obedient, but be vigilant. According to the characteristics of the Chinese horoscope, they can be wayward. They are determined and work tirelessly to get what they want. Step by step, gradually, they are steadily moving towards their goal. People born under the sign of the Ox are reliable and do not shy away from routine until the job is done. They are honest, they make good listeners, but they are also very stubborn.

Due to their reliable nature, Bulls often occupy leadership positions that come with authority and responsibility. These people must be careful not to become slaves to their work or profession. Strong leaders and eloquent speakers come out of the Oxen under favorable circumstances. In troubled times, they are characterized by the presence of the spirit, they can not be intimidated by anything.

They are proud souls. Bulls are prone to systematic activity and respect traditions. They don't trust things they don't understand and don't like uncertainty. Bulls are romantic, they are very easy to express feelings, and do not belong to those who seek to play love games. They take a long time to develop personal relationships and enjoy long courtship. As soon as they make up their minds about a partner and accept it, they become faithful to him for life.

Bulls are neat and punctual, honest and hardworking. They will make perfect friends as they always do more than just their share of responsibilities. They have an excellent memory and are able to remember little things that others forget. If the Ox is angry with you, he needs a long time to forgive the offense. When these people are dissatisfied or frustrated, they give their all to work until they feel better. Bulls always pay their debts. If they owe you even a little, they will not rest until the debt is fully paid. They always remember those who helped them. Bulls do not like flowery words of gratitude, but will show their appreciation in other ways, their actions speak louder than words.

When the Bull is pissed off, he loses all his composure. Do not even try to stop him until he cools down. Always appeal to their mind, not their feelings. They are able to quickly understand the pros and cons of a situation. These people rarely get sick and do not tolerate weak people next to them. They must learn to relax.

The Ox does not like to ask for help. As long as he can, he will prefer to work alone. They like things to be done prudently and consistently. Bulls value their home and family, they do their best to ensure the well-being of loved ones. They thrive in long-term investments, in businesses that have a solid foundation. They are definitely not players. As the Chinese horoscope says, Bulls earn their success, their well-being with their work and do not expect gifts from life.

What year will be the year of the ox? This question interests many. It will come in 2021. What to expect from a large and stubborn animal, let's try to figure it out

Year of the Ox Characteristics of the sign

Those born in the year of the bull are very different from other signs. These people are very modest, patient, meek, diligent, stubborn and hardy. But these qualities do not at all guarantee that the bull will constantly be silent and endure. He is very easy to provoke and anger.

If he was angered, then it is better to just shut up and wait until he calms down. It is not worth continuing to swear and express your dissatisfaction, because he can easily hit. In anger, bulls know no bounds. They can crush and break anything that gets in their way. At these moments, they forget about modesty and make fiery speeches.

The buffalo loves very much when order reigns in the house and everything is laid out on the shelves. He can give in to his principles for the sake of a dear person and, if necessary, change.

At work, he gives himself completely and, thanks to his stubbornness and perseverance, goes to the end. It is these qualities that help him succeed and achieve the desired result.

Bulls are very loyal friends and very reliable partners.

Positive qualities of the sign

Bull is a good leader. He can raise huge crowds with his fiery speeches and lead them along. The buffalo worries not only about its own benefit, but also takes care of its subordinates, creates comfortable conditions for them;

Very patient;

Workaholic and not afraid of difficult work;


If the bull has set a goal for himself, then he will reach the end in any case;

The buffalo does not make hasty decisions. Before agreeing to something or signing a serious contract, he will think it over and work it out.

Negative qualities of the sign

Firstly, those born in the year of the bull are very stubborn people and are in no hurry to give in. Second, they are conservative. Thirdly, there is only one authority for him - it is himself. He will not invent idols for himself and act as they once did. The ox does everything as it sees fit. Fourthly, he demands a lot from his relatives and loved ones. Fifth, selfish. He loves himself much more than his soulmate. Offended, the ox will pout until he is asked for forgiveness and does not even apologize for what they did not do.

Best birthday dates, months and times

The time when we are born is considered fateful. Every parent wants their child to live a happy and prosperous life. Babies who are born in the year of the bull, at different times of the day and different months, will acquire completely different fates and character traits.

Newborns who will be born at lunchtime and in the evening will be friends with good luck, she will accompany them in any endeavors.

Lucky numbers are 11, 13, 25, 25, 27.

Those born in September, March, August and July are no less happy and lucky in life. Regardless, they are lucky.

March bulls may not worry about money. They stick to them on their own. All their lives they will live in prosperity and excessive luxury.

July buffaloes are very intelligent and creative individuals. They are very attached to the family and try to help relatives in everything. But relatives do not stand aside when they need help.

Those born in August are endowed with good health. They never have any pain. But luck does not leave them on the path of life.

The bull, who was born in September, is a careerist. From early childhood, he tries to study well. He chooses a specialty to his liking and all his life he does what he loves, which brings him a good income.

The most suitable professions

The bull, according to the eastern horoscope, is such a sign that must constantly work. But it is very important for them to find a business that will be interesting and they will be able to devote their whole life to it. If such a profession is found, then the buffalo will give all of himself and put all his strength to achieve the goal.

He will not leave work and look for himself in another business. If the choice is made, then you need to go to the end and strive to be needed and useful.

It is important for these people that the soul be quiet and calm. They value comfort and good conditions. Quarrelsome teams, where they constantly intrigue and gossip are not for them. Bulls love long business trips to different cities and parts of the world. If at work they cannot afford this, then they must go on vacation to some unfamiliar country.

Bulls are suitable professions related to:

  • Financial sphere (economist, accountant);
  • agriculture;
  • art;
  • Sports (football, athletics, running).

But no matter what profession the buffalo chooses, he will always be interested in farming. You can meet many people born in the year of the bull who left the big and noisy city and devoted themselves to agriculture. But if it is impossible to move to the village, then they buy small plots and cultivate a vegetable garden and garden all weekend.

Love and relationships

According to the horoscope, the bull loves silence and does not seek to be in a noisy company. He does not get acquainted on the street and it is better to be left alone than to spend the evening in the company of friends. They enjoy silence and solitude.

Oxen have friends, but not many. They treat them very well and are always ready to help in difficult times.

If the bull met his soul mate, then he will try to strengthen and maintain relationships. Brief meetings are not for them. He begins to worry a lot and feels bad when he changes lovers.

Women born this year are devoid of femininity. They are indifferent to love and do not show initiative. To start a family and truly fall in love, they should work hard on themselves.

But if she fell in love, then the family will come first for her. She will willingly give up her favorite work and devote herself entirely to children and her soulmate. Her house is always in order and a delicious dinner is ready. Very often, a female bull takes the reins of government into her own hands and leads all family members. She is a very faithful and devoted wife. But it is impossible to get romance and sentimentality from her; such a wife looks at everything with sober eyes.

Men born this year are firm and unwilling to obey. They love their family, but even with close people they keep strictly and confidently.

Children born in the year of the ox

In childhood, buffaloes do not want to be alone, they are constantly looking for company. But they do not want to be friends with everyone. It is important for them that a friendly union brings comfort and does not injure them.

In companies, they try to lead and over the years this does not go away. It is impossible to re-educate bulls. From an early age, they show stubbornness and do only what they like and what is right, in their opinion.

What their parents laid in them in childhood remains with them for life.

Children who were born in the year of the bull have excellent health. The character is strong and it is impossible to break them. They will never show their tears, no matter how insulting and painful it is.

They become independent quickly and try not to depend on the opinion of their parents. Financially, they also try to provide for themselves.

Bulls are peaceful and quiet until they and their interests are hurt. That's when they show themselves in all their glory.

Teachers love these students. They are interested in many things, but they prefer art. They like to attend concerts, theaters and various exhibitions.

Which of the five types of bull is your

Like other animals, the bull is patronized by five elements: water, earth, fire, metal and wood.

The water buffalo differs from other species in its extreme tenderness towards others and loved ones. He tries to make his home as comfortable and beautiful as possible so that the other half does not think about anything else.

These animals strive to help all those in need, they can give their last penny. He will not talk about love, he will act and achieve a loved one not with words, but with beautiful deeds.

As for money, he can earn it anyway. The family of this animal will never know the need and save.

The wooden bull, on the contrary, is too secretive and reserved. He never shows true emotions, and even if he loves, he will try to hide it from his beloved and those around him.

He cares about his career, he strives to rise to the very top and lead. For him, order is important in everything, not only at home, but also at work. He will never be able to quit his job and go on a trip, for example.

Nothing is possible to persuade or inspire a buffalo. He firmly stands his ground, even tears in this matter will not help. Before making any decision will think, weigh everything.

But this is just a mask for others. In fact, they want to be constantly supported or loved.

Those born in the year of the earthen bull adopted all the qualities of the animal. All these qualities of character help him to carry out all his plans and achieve high results. He may not have the money to develop the business, but if he decides to start, then he will succeed.

If the earth buffalo chooses sports, he will become a good and outstanding sportsman.

In family life, he is a very reliable and loyal partner. It can endure for a long time, but if it breaks, it is better to stay away.

The metal bull expresses his love very actively and does not hide his feelings from strangers. If he fell in love, he can scream about it at every turn.

This animal has a strong and strong-willed character. He loves to travel and easily survives the move. Deals with difficulties quickly.

It will never be boring with him, he can cheer up even in the most critical situation. He knows many interesting stories.

Fire makes the buffalo a passionate lover, determined and an excellent leader. He can tell the whole truth straight to his face and at the same time he will not even think that he offended a person.

Everything is wonderful in his family life. He commands everyone and is always in the spotlight. If he finds out about the betrayal, then he will never be able to forgive.

Bull Compatibility with Other Signs

Chinese horoscope of compatibility of the bull with other animals

The bull will be friends with only if the second, in turn, behaves appropriately. The buffalo can't keep up with the fast rat. In love, everything will be boring and ordinary for them. This routine does not allow the relationship to develop and soon they part. In a business environment, the bull must necessarily lead, then the joint business will be of use.

Two bulls find a common language perfectly, they see themselves in a partner, but only in family life. But they can't be friends. These two stubborn animals constantly compete and strive to overtake each other. Business relationships are going great.

Ox and will never be able to live under the same roof. The buffalo will overwhelm the tiger and constantly hinder its development. They can't be friends either. In general, no relationship between them is possible. They will constantly swear and remove each other from business.

Relationships are possible. Of course, they cannot be called ideal, everything will depend on the patient rabbit. If he can adapt to a stubborn bull, then their union is the place to be. In business, they are both cautious and hesitant to take the first step. It is possible that the rabbit will decide to take advantage of the silence of the bull and take the reins of power into his own hands. That's when their union will come to an end.

With the bull, too, there will be no peace in the relationship. The dragon has a completely different character and they simply cannot exist in the same space. These two signs will not become friends either. The bull simply cannot trust the dragon.

A buffalo can both make friends and start a family. But the snake will have to learn to be silent and forget its past. They know how to understand each other perfectly. But things will not work for such a couple. Everyone will pull the blanket over themselves, and soon this couple will quarrel.

He tries not to mess with the bull and bypass it. They have a different worldview, different tastes and different circles of communication. But they know how to conduct business and develop business. Their common venture will be successful, but in this case the horse will have to slow down a little and learn to work in pairs.

No friendship, no business, no family is possible. This couple has no future. The goat is a dreamer, and the bull lives in the real world. He will never be able to adapt to her rhythm of life. There is no understanding in their relationship, only squabbles and endless quarrels.

- this is a good partner for creating a family and a contender for friendship. The bull very quickly becomes attached to the cheerful monkey and begins to help her in everything. He soon gets used to her ridicule, although he suffers from it. They absolutely cannot work together. The monkey will just enjoy his friend.

- an ideal friend for a bull. They can carry their friendship through life and never reproach each other. The family life of this couple will develop quite well. They both know how to understand a partner. But work and financial relationships will not develop. The rooster does not like to work, but the bull, on the contrary, is a hard worker. On this basis, conflicts can arise.

The bull is the second sign of the 12-year cycle of the eastern (Chinese) lunar animal calendar. It is associated with the yin energy and the water element. The corresponding zodiac sign is Capricorn.

The bull symbolizes:
inner strength, objectivity, diligence, reliability, sociality, determination, honestystubbornness, restraint, silence, unsociableness, conservatism, impatience

Ox year table

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Ox

Characteristics of representatives of the Horse sign introduces the peculiarities of their character, building personal relationships, careers.

Character traits

Positive. The main advantages of the Ox are inner strength and objectivity. He has all the makings of a strong personality and becomes a wonderful life companion and business partner.

Characteristic positive features of the Ox:

  • inner strength: manifested in the constancy of life guidelines and principles; it is hard to lead him astray, which he considers the only right one;
  • objectivity: he wins people over with his decency and objective judgment about the world, therefore he is trusted with the most secret;
  • industriousness: he brings all the things he has started to the end and completes them strictly on time, no matter what it costs him; work is usually done slowly but thoroughly; if something goes wrong, it becomes irritable, even uncontrollable - at this time it is dangerous to "stand in his way";
  • Reliability: The Ox responsibly fulfills and completes everything he undertakes; that is why next to him one feels confidence in the future;
  • sociality (if necessary): does not need noisy companies, prefers a calmer environment, but can support any conversation and make a good public speech if necessary; this sign has the hidden makings of a leader.

Negative. The negative qualities of the Ox are the other side of the medal of his virtues. The persistent flaws of his nature are stubbornness and restraint. Other qualities can be smoothed out over time.

Negative sides:

  • stubbornness: it is impossible to convince the Bull of something, while he does not always enter into open confrontation; can listen carefully and still do it his own way;
  • restraint: often is "in itself" and does not fully manifest itself, despite the mind and enlightenment; therefore occupies a "middle" position in society;
  • taciturnity and unsociableness: manifested in the desire for solitude, performing daily work not in a team, but independently;
  • conservatism: adherence to the "old" foundations makes the Ox resist any changes, not only in his life, but also in the life of society.

Love and relationships

Due to restraint, the Bull gives the impression of a mysterious person. But in fact, he does not have a “secret door”, he simply does not like to show himself in public.

Those born in the year of the Ox are capable of strong feelings and love to be reciprocated. Then he can accomplish a lot both at home and at work.

Rarely is one left. The partner always tries to re-educate him - to teach him a lighter attitude to reality, irony, to remove the burden of isolation and unsociableness. If this succeeds, then those around him admire the transformation and richness of his nature.

For unrestrained and romantic partners, the Ox quickly becomes uninteresting due to the meager display of emotions.

Career and profession

The bull is not promoted for a long time because of the restraint of character. After all, bosses often notice more talkative, charming employees, even if they are less gifted. But the Bull is not upset about this, since the current work is always interesting to him.

If he works for a long time in the same company, then over the years he is noticed by his ability to make rational decisions and the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

The bull is a strong sign. He stands firmly on his feet and is content with what he has. If, in addition to all this, he manages to overcome the natural restraint and unsociableness of his sign, then great achievements await him.

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