Divination by wax child. Fortune telling on wax - We read fate like an open book! Why is it important to know the correct interpretation of the figures obtained during divination

One of the oldest divination in the world is wax divination. And although the fortune-telling technique itself is quite simple, not everyone can decipher the meaning of the figures.

The essence of divination lies in the fact that molten wax hardens in water and takes on outlines in which certain figures can be seen. In these figures, fortunetellers are trying to see the meaning and predict the future from them. Fortune telling on wax may not work the first time. But if you are persistent, then be sure to learn how to predict fate in this way.

What you need for divination on wax

Fortune telling on wax, which is also called xeroscopy, arose in the distant past. This divination was used by sorcerers in Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Greece. In those days, the technology of divination was kept in great secret, although in fact it is quite simple. All you need for fortune-telling is a candle, a bowl of cool water, matches and free time.

Try to approach the choice of divination attributes responsibly and very carefully. The candle should be tall and thick enough, as it will burn for about an hour before the divination begins. With such a candle, you can get enough wax for divination. It is best if the candle is dark or bright in color (green, red, blue). In this case, you can better see the figures against the background of a light bowl. In addition, you can use colored candles for divination purposes. For example, if you want to know the answer to a love question - take a red or pink candle, about financial matters - a golden candle, about health - a green candle. You can use several multi-colored candles for different areas of life.

During fortune-telling, it is best to retire to a quiet place with dim lighting. Turn off your mobile phone and other devices that may be distracting. It is desirable that you have loose and spacious clothes, a minimum number of jewelry, fasteners and hairpins. Never start fortune telling if you are in a bad mood, offended or angry. The best days for divination are Christmas time, New Year, Ivan Kupala, Green Christmas time (Trinity). But you can also guess on ordinary days.

Fortune telling on wax - wax casting technique

Light a candle of your choice with matches and let it burn for an hour. Fill a large bowl or deep bowl with cool (but not icy) tap water. Ask a question for which you want to get a prediction. Take a burning candle in your hands and pour the wax accumulated in it into the bowl. Wait a bit for the wax to harden. Now we can start interpreting. Here, turn on your fantasy and imagination and try to discern a certain meaning in the resulting figure. You can get the figurine out of the water and take a closer look. Below you will find interpretations of the many possible figures that are obtained during divination on wax.

Interpretation of figures

Wax divination is one of the oldest divination methods that originated in ancient Egypt. Guessing is not very difficult, which attracts inexperienced witches, but it can be difficult to understand the answers received.

In the article:

How to guess on wax

There is a providence for the future, they usually choose a simple but reliable one. To get a clear answer to the question, follow the rules of divination.

Fortune telling only on a moonlit night, the preferred phase of the moon is a growing or full moon. The day before the ceremony, they tune in, do not overeat, do not drink alcohol and do not participate in noisy parties. They make sure that the necessary attributes are at hand at the right time.

Do not tell others what the girl is going to do. At the time of witchcraft, there should be no strangers in the room. An exception is when girls gather for joint fortune-telling.

An important factor is the attributes (candles, bowl, water). Candles take only wax - paraffin will not give an effect. It is difficult to find candles made of real wax, they are looked for in specialized stores or bought in a church. Water has an information field: it is not recommended to take tap water. The best option is water from a stream or a shallow fast river.

They start guessing. Think about the question, loudly and confidently pronounce it out loud. The candle is melted, the resulting wax is carefully poured into a bowl of water so as not to splash past the vessel. They try to pour in one place without twitching their hand. They wait until the wax takes on a clear shape, proceed to the interpretation of the results.

Favorable meanings of figures in divination

There are several interpretations. The main thing is to listen to yourself. If intuition suggests otherwise than what is read in the article, trust the sixth sense.

Embryo (embryo)

The figurine of an embryo symbolizes new plans, ideas, the beginning of a new life: pregnancy, a new job, relationships, hobbies, etc.

Look closely at the silhouette. If the appearance is neat, does not blur, the ideas are successful, and the undertakings will end in success. If the figurine does not have a clear silhouette, droplets of wax come off, be careful and do not jump headlong into the pool.


A good sign, symbolizing harmony in life, a joyful event. If there are many flowers, a passionate romance or marriage is coming. Predicts new friends and buddies, growing popularity. The drawing speaks of prosperous times that will soon come. It is impossible to sit idly by: the main thing is not to rely on fortune-telling and not to miss the chance that comes into your hands.


Auspicious sign, personifying the answer to the question. Information will affect the future life. If a flying bird is depicted, they are waiting for good news or unexpected luck. It is possible to win the lottery.

Projects or recent ideas are successful. If a girl is guessing for love, she will soon meet her lover. Expect a long trip, a trip abroad.


The image has several interpretations. Symbolizes the physical condition of the fortune teller. Much depends on the appearance of the figurine. If the boundaries are clear and neat, everything is in order. When the figure is blurry or crooked, the situation is not as good as it seems, pay attention to well-being. A recommendation to keep an eye on your appearance.

The elephant personifies loved ones who will always support. It symbolizes the strength and perseverance that a person skillfully uses to achieve goals. The elephant is a wise animal, the appearance of which warns against mistakes. You can not put pressure on people, look for compromises.


The object is interpreted in different ways. It matters which way the branches of the tree are turned: if they are directed upwards, happy days await, if downwards, there is a black stripe ahead.

The drawing marks the imminent acquisition of desired things or sudden offers that cannot be refused. Usually these are risky ideas related to study or work. A symbol of a strong person who is not prone to empty dreams.


The heart during fortune-telling symbolizes love, imminent marriage, a new romance. If a ring is guessed near the heart, the girl will soon get married. There are other interpretations as well. If there are several dots around the heart, the financial condition will improve.

The interpretation depends on the state of the drawing. If the boundaries are fuzzy, intentions are vague, a person is not sure of his own feelings, danger awaits. Reconsider views and motives.


The dog is the personification of a friend. There is a true friend who is trusted. The figurine is treated as an alter ego. The dog is a social animal, symbolizes the advice to gather like-minded people or start your own business. You can’t betray people who trust a fortuneteller, because it’s difficult to deserve it again.

Interpretation of unfavorable figures

There are images that promise trouble. If an unfavorable result is obtained, the Higher Forces warn of impending misfortune and give a chance to prepare or try to change the situation for the better.


The symbol is interpreted in different ways. The silhouette of a fish means the advice of wise people in difficult times, which will not be heeded. Not the right time to show pride.

When divining on wax, a fish appears to warn of betrayal. A sign that it is necessary to reconsider the environment. It is interpreted as an early pregnancy in a fortune-telling family. If the fish, they are waiting for an addition to the family.

Rarely is there a favorable interpretation of the figurine of good news, from being hired for a coveted job to Grandma's recovery. The news is unexpected, but pleasant.


The bear is a symbol of the need for change in life. Cardinal changes are needed (change of field of activity, moving to another country, divorce, marriage) or small ones. The figure personifies the lack of flexibility in solving everyday problems and immersion in everyday life. A person is haunted by failures due to a difficult character. If a girl is guessing for love, this is a symbol of the beginning of a relationship with a dominant man.

Well girls? Ready to guess for the New Year holidays? Everyone can guess on wax. This is a very exciting activity. It is necessary to melt some of the wax and pour it into cold water. You will get some figure. It needs to be examined after cooling and understand what is depicted there. You can not only guess on wax, but also interpret your dreams. Interesting? also interesting and important to know

Fortune telling on wax is an old type of divination.
Figure value:
Angel- this is a harbinger of changes that you must make in yourself. Now you are too infantile and passive and all the time expecting help from the outside. Perhaps you have been accustomed to such a position since childhood, when every speck of dust was blown off you. However, it is time to acquire independence and responsibility, a time to learn from numerous past mistakes. You should come to grips with introspection and prepare to take the initiative. Someone will help you a lot. Good news in love.

Automobile- wax froze in the form of a car - fate itself sends you on a new path, which should become happy. New opportunities, a new way of life are already waiting for you! Auto, as it were, very transparently makes it clear: it's time to change yourself, stop standing still, do not let yourself be captured by laziness and apathy. In addition, it is also a bright sexual symbol.

Stork- a wonderful symbol denoting happiness in family life and the birth of many children. You can safely spread your wings and, side by side with your lover, aspire to the bright horizons of life. In addition, the stork figurine promises creative people such amazing bursts of inspiration and moments of insight that can be resolved by the birth of masterpieces.

Arch You will move from one situation to another. The arch can also portend a journey.

Butterfly- Big changes. If accompanied by complex figures, it may indicate an unreliable or deceitful person.

Drum- Important news. Good time to express opinions.

Tower- Means a wedding or calling from above.

Bouquet- A very auspicious sign indicating triumph, happiness, gifts. You can also talk about marriage.

Letters- Clearly looming means good news, fuzzy - bad; if there are dots next to the letters, then this is for money.

Boomerang- a boomerang in wax is also a boomerang. This means that the recklessness of your actions will return to you and will have extremely unfavorable consequences. Soon you will feel the effect of the boomerang on yourself - you will know the consequences of recent actions, good or bad.

Bottle- Refrain from excesses.

Bull You are in danger, be careful.

Vase- Peace of mind.

Wreath- If the wax poured out in the form of a wreath, this is a sign predicting the imminent onset of something very desired, long-awaited and very joyful. The event is likely to be directly related to family life. A wreath can serve, for example, as a symbol of the upcoming marriage.

Fan- Flirtatious relationships.

Rope- A wax rope is an unkind sign that portends life's difficulties. Even worse, if the rope has knots (this indicates health problems) or loops: they promise difficulties associated with money. Scales. You need to bring your condition into balance. If the scales are accompanied by a sword, we can talk about a lawsuit.

Fork“Someone shouldn't be trusted because they don't tell the truth.

Grape- You can turn your talent into money.

Balloon- Temporary difficulties.

Crow- this is a warning symbol made of wax: it's time for you to gather your courage, because troubles lie ahead.

Question mark- Indecisiveness and insecurity.

Volcano“Something must explode.” Try to control your emotions.

Guitar- Harmonious relationships.

Eye- Be careful and careful: someone is trying to deceive you.

Head- this ingot of wax is a sign that soon you will have to climb a new step in self-consciousness or finally comprehend the true essence of some familiar person. One way or another, the result of this spiritual work will be amazing discoveries. Soon you will receive a position with great powers.

Pigeon- after some misunderstandings, the time of harmonious relations comes.

Mushroom— Unexpected event. If you see a heart nearby, it can be a new love.

Pear- Successful completion of any undertaking. Sometimes it can mean a happy love affair.

Door- in fortune-telling on wax, it says that one stage of life replaces another.

House- A very auspicious sign. It has several meanings: moving to a new place of residence, happiness in the house, or a time when new things need to be started.

Road with a fork“A new opportunity will open up before you.

The Dragon- from wax warns, do not be afraid to be yourself, no matter how you seem to others, do as you see fit.

Chimney- Your plans are rather vague, there is a high probability of making a mistake.

Acorn— Starting a new venture or the birth of a new idea.

capital letter-Often a capital letter speaks of an important person to you. In addition, it may be the first letter of a country that is of great importance to you or that you are going to visit.

Lock- Something new awaits you, for example, a new relationship.

Snake- this figure can mean not only wisdom and strength, but also danger. The serious relationship that you have with your chosen one is threatened by the activation and deceit of your enemies.

Star Your wish will come true at this stage.

Umbrella- If the umbrella is open, expect minor difficulties, if closed, be prepared to face problems.

Fireplace- Home and home comfort. Emotional warmth.

Square- Stability and comfort. But it can also indicate a tendency to complacency.

Dagger- a similar ingot of divination on wax reports that the movements of the soul and feelings of your lover are so powerful that they can be dangerous. And it depends only on the strength of your feelings whether you succeed (mutual efforts may be required here) to direct this energy in a peaceful direction. Beware of false friends.

Birdcage- If the door is closed, you feel trapped. If open, the difficulties will soon go away.

Key- a good sign that predicts that everything planned will come true, all goals will be achieved, you just need to believe in yourself. Wait for change.

Book- The acquisition of knowledge. If the book is closed, it means classified information. If it is open, then a new “page” will soon begin in your life.

claws- if you have a claw figure, then someone is not as friendly as they seem.

Wheel- This figure always means life cycles: one ends and a new one begins.

Bell- Unexpected news. Two bells mean marriage.

Ring- Engagement, marriage or other solemn event. If there are dots next to the ring, a business partnership is implied.

Comet— Unexpected and sudden events.

Ship- Have a good and happy journey.

Basket- If full - means a gift or good luck. If it's empty, you're probably missing something. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.

Box- Present.

Crown— Success and achievements. Could mean a promotion or a better job. Sometimes he says that a person is constantly in the center of public attention.

Wallet- A purchase. If the figure is surrounded by dots, then we are talking about money.

Crab- Beware of false friends. Trust your intuition.

Bed- You need rest. If you see a heart or a star nearby, a happy relationship awaits you.

Jug- Sign of good health. May indicate a happy time with friends.

a lion- Force. You have more courage than you think.

Ladder- The circumstances of your life are changing for the better. Possible career advancement

lines- Journey. Wavy lines can also indicate indecision.

Leaves-Something in your life is flourishing. A few leaves speak of great happiness.

Person or persons A smile on your face speaks of happiness. An unpleasant face indicates enemies or rivals. Several faces foreshadow the coming holiday.

Boat- It can mean either a short trip, or symbolize that you were rescued from trouble in time.

Car- A little trip. Visiting friends.

Bag- in this case, you need to look at the volume of the bag. A full bag predicts that your income will increase significantly; accordingly, an empty one can be regarded as a harbinger of losses.

Medal Your efforts will be rewarded.

Broom- It's time to clean up. This can be understood both literally and symbolically.

Hammer You must defend your opinion.

Bridge- If such an image was formed from wax, then you can regard it as a recommendation to resort to compromise as the best way out of the situation in which you find yourself. Stubbornly defending one's own positions leads to defeat. You have the ability to smooth out other people's conflicts and skillfully negotiate, and if you apply it to yourself, you will prevent trouble. In addition to this meaning, the wax bridge tells you that you have a secret desire to travel. Soon you will not only make a serious decision, but also successfully implement it. A broken or uneven bridge warns of a possible disease.

Hoe- Determination will help you overcome obstacles, but do not overdo it.

Man— Visitor. If his hand is set aside, he will bring a gift or a new opportunity.

Fly- Minor annoyance. A hitch in some pleasant situation.

Ball— The project is picking up pace.

Handcuffs- in addition to other negative signs, they can mean problems with justice. In another case, they point to addictions and dependence on them.

Knife- Very soon, disagreements can lead to alienation and rupture of relations.

Scissors- do not quarrel with loved ones, a serious misunderstanding.

Monkey“Someone is deceiving you.

clouds- dreams, searches, creativity are reflected in this symbol. You are able to climb into the clouds of dreams, you just need to heed their call and follow them. All plans, even the most daring ones, are successfully implemented, luck accompanies the implementation of all new ideas. The time has come when dreams are only a stone's throw away. Therefore, you can safely get out of the chest of memory children's fantasies about grandiose accomplishments. Problems await you. If the cloud is surrounded by dots - worries about the financial situation.

Window You need to take a different look at the problem or the relationship. Do not refuse the help of others in resolving this issue.

Glasses“Soon you will look at something completely different.

Tent- Adventure travel. In addition, it may mean that something is being hidden from you.

Coat Breaking up or ending a relationship.

Parachute- A happy exit from an accident or difficulties.

Spider- Wait for the money.

Rooster- get ready for favorable changes in life, because the wax rooster is a herald of events that will initiate them. The meaning of this good sign is not surprising, because every day these birds are the first to meet. The image of a rooster tells that harmony reigns in your family, you discuss current events and news received together, and make joint decisions.

Pyramid“You are seriously concerned about what you must keep secret. Sometimes the pyramid speaks of a state when a person is torn between spiritualistic and material desires.

Horseshoe— Extremely happy fate!

Gun- Quarrel or possible danger.

Egg stand- Small problems go away.

bird or birds- If the birds fly, good news awaits you. The dots next to the bird indicate a scandal.

Bee- Busy and productive time.

Child or fetus Starting a new business or creative project. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.

Hand- A devoted lover or a reliable friend. If the hand is clenched into a fist, we are talking about a quarrel or revenge.

Airplane- Journey. If the nose of the aircraft is pointing down, this may indicate disappointment and broken hopes.

Light fixture (lamp) You will uncover a secret or deal with an old problem. Sometimes the lamp speaks of studying at any courses.

Candle- Significant period.

Heart- Indicates long-term affection and love.

crescent moon- The start of something new.

rocks- Difficulties await you.

Shell- Good news.

Dog- a symbol of a faithful comrade that is in your life. You yourself are one of those who know how to make friends and value these relationships very much. You try to help your loved ones and can safely count on the support of your comrades in any situation. Fortune telling invites you to use the chance and organize a team of like-minded people, because it is easier to achieve any result together. Dedicated friend. If the dog stands on its hind legs, then someone needs help.

Owl- Illness or betrayal of a friend.

Sun— Happiness, creativity, success. Perhaps the birth of a child.

Spiral- Fraud.

Arrow The letter will bring bad news.

Cup You don't feel well and are easily offended. May indicate a person whose motives are clear enough. If there are a lot of glasses, we are talking about a celebration.

Chair- A new position awaits you in the near future.

steps- Success and promotion.

Feet- You need to make a decision.

Telephone - Important message. Sometimes it says that you are not yet ready to say what you think.

Ax- the wax that formed the figure of an ax suggests thinking about your relationship with others. You are an honest and uncompromising person, but acting abruptly - just like an ax does - is far from appropriate in every situation. It is not necessary to state one's views outright when it is not required at all. And you really need to feel sorry for your loved ones with whom you tend to be frank, without thinking that you are greatly burdening them with this. Additionally, this may mean that you have strained relationships with colleagues. It is likely that the conflict will come to the attention of the authorities, who may even call you on the carpet and have a conversation. Most likely, nothing good will come of this conversation for you. In some cases, the image of an ax portends that soon you will cut the Gordian knot of accumulated problems in one fell swoop. Difficulties or disputes. If the ax does not have a handle, you have an impossible task before you.

magnifying glass loupe“Auspicious time to think over the details.

Forefinger- The finger itself does not mean anything, the main thing is what it points to. If not, then your plans may fail.

Snail- Don't make hasty decisions.

Ear- Listen carefully to what others have to say. You may hear very important information.

Flag- fortune-telling on wax and as a result, the flag figure has the following meaning - that now the soul is filled with triumph and pride: your serious project has been successfully completed. It may also mean that in the near future you will meet old friends whom you have not seen for a long time. In addition, marriage with a military man is possible. A close relative can get a trip to the draft board or go to a hot spot. The military flag itself, when divining, promises to receive the next rank, transfer, as well as a business trip to the combat area. In some cases, the wax banner says that there is a risk of injury and injury, so extra care should be taken. Danger - be on the lookout!

Fruits- Prosperity and good fortune.

Vane You are too susceptible to the influence of other people. Be objective.

Church- Inheritance. It can mean an oath, a promise, but not necessarily related to a wedding.

Numbers“They point to the time. For example, the number two at the bottom of the bowl could mean two months; two weeks if it is in the middle; two days if next to the rim. Sometimes numbers can talk about money.

Fortune telling on wax is a traditional old Slavic entertainment before Christmas. Both young girls and mature ladies resort to it. The interpretation of Christmas divination on wax and water is within the power of even beginners. It is only necessary to show imagination and connect the imagination in order to recognize the resulting wax figures. The most favorable time for casting wax is the night hours on the eve of Christmas. According to popular beliefs, the line between the other world and the outside world is the thinnest on this night.

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    Divination on wax

    For this fortune-telling, you will need a minimum of improvised means: water, a wax candle or natural wax. You need to carry out the ritual at night, without strangers, left alone with your thoughts and concentrating on your own desires and goals.

      The color of the candle depends on the purpose of divination: red or pink is suitable for questions about love, a green candle for health, and yellow or golden for clarifying the financial situation. If a fortuneteller has accumulated many questions of a different nature, he can light several colored candles.

      You can melt the wax in a separate container and pour it into water. Another option is to light a candle and wait until it starts to melt (about an hour). First you need to formulate a clear question and say it out loud. Pouring wax should be in one place, the hand should remain motionless. Then you need to wait for some time to mark the wax patterns and carefully analyze the resulting images. Sometimes symbols can have a double meaning - in this case, you should listen to your inner voice and choose the appropriate interpretation.

      If the figurine formed from molten wax has a favorable meaning, then you need to save it, if it is negative, bury it away from home in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

      Interpretation of wax symbols and signs

      The meaning of figures and various signs alphabetically.

      The letter a:

  1. 1. Apricot. Such a symbol is characteristic of a temperamental and quick-tempered nature. These character traits will bring a lot of problems to a woman. If a fortune-telling girl has a soulmate, the chosen one will be dismissive of loved ones and relatives of her beloved.
  2. 2. Stork. An excellent sign that promises family well-being, the birth of a healthy child and testifies to the enormous creative potential of a person.
  3. 3. Car. The image of the vehicle portends a short trip or a romantic trip, going out with friends to nature.
  4. 4. Angel. A sign of cardinal changes in the life of a person who should not always rely on the help of relatives and friends, you need to learn independence, take responsibility for your actions.
  5. 5. Amphora. The chosen one is not ready to build a serious and long-term relationship with a girl, he just fools her head.
  6. 6. Arch. Traveling abroad, the onset of a new life stage.
  7. 7. Watermelon. This berry testifies to the strength of mind, determination, ambition and leadership qualities of a young lady.
  8. 8. Pineapple. The beloved constantly doubts his feelings, he cannot decide on his preferences and will cause a lot of suffering to the girl.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Eggplant. The girl underestimates herself, she should be more confident in her own abilities. If wax is poured in order to tell fortunes on a lover, this vegetable is a bad sign and promises misunderstanding, disagreement in relationships and alienation.
  2. 2. Ballerina. Great dependence on the opinions of others, inability to make decisions independently, useless pastime, failures in professional activities.
  3. 3. Bow. You should show more care and goodwill towards people from your close circle, so that in difficult times they come to the rescue.
  4. 4. Banana. The past will remind of itself in the near future, past events will negatively affect the girl's love relationship. The young lady is able to betray her chosen one and cause him severe mental pain.
  5. 5. Drum. Loss of reputation through the fault of your loved one, hypocrisy, gossip, other people's gossip.
  6. 6. Battery. Next to the girl there will always be a person whom you can rely on in a difficult life situation, he is loyal and honest, he will never betray.
  7. 7. Bank. Deep disappointment, vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams.
  8. 8. Tower. Internal changes, spiritual growth and self-development, emotional uplift, rapid rise up the career ladder.
  9. 9. Shoe or boot. Life changes, a sense of security and justice.
  10. 10. Baton. If a married lady saw such a sign, it means that she connected her life with a superficial and frivolous person, whose family occupies one of the last places in life. The beloved does not pay due attention to his wife and children, he is cold and cruel. If the sign appeared during the fortune-telling of an unmarried girl, then she needs to carefully approach the choice of a life partner.
  11. 11. Binoculars. You should carefully weigh your decision, do not exaggerate your capabilities.
  12. 12. Damn. The young lady will have to be alone for a long time.
  13. 13. Bomb. You need to control your emotions, otherwise there will be a grand scandal. The girl runs the risk of ruining relationships with all loved ones because of her explosive nature.
  14. 14. Glass. Great prospects for the future, amazing opportunities. Fate gives a unique chance, you can not miss it.
  15. 15. Bagel. The young lady will be deeply disappointed in her lover, because he is not what he seems.
  16. 16. Letters or numbers. Clear symbols promise positive changes, good news, while blurry ones promise negative changes, sad news. If there are dots next to the letters, this portends a big profit. Numbers can foreshadow events that will happen on the date associated with these symbols, and letters can mean the name of a person who will play an important role in the life of a fortuneteller.
  17. 17. Bottle. You should not succumb to the temptation, you need to control yourself and limit the use of alcoholic beverages in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  18. 18. Bouquet. An invitation to a gala event, a nice present from a loved one, a romantic date.
  19. 19. Alarm clock. You should postpone all affairs and pay due attention to your state of health, otherwise there may be serious problems.
  20. 20. Bust. Neglect of family values ​​for the sake of material wealth. We must not forget about loved ones, because they can turn away from a person and he will remain completely alone.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Vase. Spiritual harmony, tranquility, peace, contentment with one's life.
  2. 2. Bicycle. You need to show more perseverance and diligence in order to achieve your goal.
  3. 3. Rope. A negative sign that promises troubles, mental and physical suffering, insurmountable obstacles.
  4. 4. Wreath. A joyful, happy event, a fun pastime, the fulfillment of a cherished desire, pleasant chores.
  5. 5. Fan. Major troubles in professional activities, clarification of relations with household members, misunderstanding in relationships with a lover, his coldness.
  6. 6. Grapes. Great love, family wealth, prosperity, abundance and prosperity.
  7. 7. Fork. You should take a closer look at your close surroundings. Among these people there is a person who wishes evil to the fortuneteller and weaves intrigues against him.

Letter G:

  1. 1. Kettlebell. The person has a difficult character and cannot find a common language with others. No need to be so rigid and categorical so as not to complicate your life.
  2. 2. Nail. A loved one uses a young lady for his own selfish purposes, he is greedy and hypocritical.
  3. 3. Guitar. Family harmony, complete understanding with the beloved and household, peace of mind, peace.
  4. 4. Eye. In a close environment there is an ill-wisher, a deceiver, a hypocrite.
  5. 5. Mushroom. A long and happy life of a fortuneteller and people dear to him, a joyful surprise, an unexpected event of a positive nature.
  6. 6. Pear. A sign of monetary profit, harmonious relationships and the successful completion of an important life stage.
  7. 7. Coffin. A bad sign, portending a serious illness and imminent death.
  8. 8. Goose. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected developments, receiving an invitation to an important event.
  9. 9. Lips. Sensuality, passion, intimate caresses, a sign of a temperamental nature.

Letter D:

  1. 1. Sofa. Passive lifestyle, laziness, indifference, apathy.
  2. 2. Door. Soon a new life stage will come, which can bring both positive and negative changes.
  3. 3. Tree. E if the branches are directed upwards - a happy event, if they are lowered down - deep sadness, boring pastime, irresistible longing.
  4. 4. House. Purchase of real estate, change of residence, marriage, household chores.
  5. 5. Road. Unique opportunities open up before a person, fate gives a chance to improve life. You should use it so that you do not regret the lost time later.

Letter J:

  1. 1. Acorn. Creative inspiration, new business idea, useful pastime.
  2. 2. Woman. Friend or rival.

Letter Z:

  1. 1. Castle. A new acquaintance, a new love, a change in the type of activity, a transition to a new job.
  2. 2. The fetus of a child. The embryo symbolizes the birth of a new idea, plans, a new life stage. A clear picture - all undertakings will be crowned with success, vague - you need to analyze your goals and desires and not make hasty decisions.
  3. 3. Star. Realization of innermost desire, achievement of the intended goal, implementation of plans, career growth.
  4. 4. Umbrella. Minor domestic troubles, disputes, the emergence of a conflict situation in relationships with a loved one, a tense atmosphere at home.
  5. 5. Question mark. Variability, uncertainty, indecision.
  6. 6. Comma. Mystery, mystery, intrigue in a relationship with a lover.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Needle. A person is too vulnerable and susceptible to other people's comments.

Letter K:

  1. 1. Drop. Many small ones - to financial profit, one big one - easy money, inheritance.
  2. 2. Stone. The girl's lover is impractical, he does not have a strong character and gives in to momentary weaknesses.
  3. 3. Cabbage. Cheerfulness, positive thinking, good nature.
  4. 4. Card (playing). The chosen one does not reciprocate, he is cold and indifferent.
  5. 5. Saucepan. Material losses, loss of a valuable thing, large cash waste.
  6. 6. Square. Comfort, stability, family well-being.
  7. 7. Key. Believing in yourself will help you realize your cherished dream and achieve great success in your work.
  8. 8. Book. Self-education, self-improvement, obtaining new skills and knowledge, broadening one's horizons.
  9. 9. Wheel. The onset of a new life stage, big changes.
  10. 10. Ring. A sign of imminent marriage, a magnificent wedding. If the ring is broken, the marriage will be short-lived. If there are many dots next to this image, the person will receive a profitable business offer.
  11. 11. Ship. Romantic trip, long-term business trip, forced separation from loved ones.
  12. 12. Comet. An unexpected turn, a rapid development of events.
  13. 13. Crown. Respect and general recognition, rapid career growth, material prosperity. All the plans will become a reality in the near future.
  14. 14. Wallet. Cash spending, long-awaited purchase.
  15. 15. Cross. Unsuccessful life period, chronic bad luck, deterioration of health, troubles at home and at work.
  16. 16. Circle. The completion of a stage in a person's life, the achievement of the task.
  17. 17. Bed. A person needs a good rest and a change of scenery.

Letter L:

  1. 1. Lemon. Strong envy, moral dissatisfaction, mental anguish, dissatisfaction with one's life.
  2. 2. Leaves. Lucky event, luck, financial prosperity.
  3. 3. Spoon. Unexpected guests, a dinner party, a family feast.

Letter M:

  1. 1. Medal. Hard work will be appreciated.
  2. 2. Lightning. The irresponsibility and frivolity of a person will lead to disastrous consequences.
  3. 3. Hammer. You need to be responsible for your words and be responsible for your actions.
  4. 4. Monster. The dark side of personality, vicious hobbies.
  5. 5. Man. A new suitor, a short-term romance or a long and strong relationship with a lover.
  6. 6. Ball. An unsuccessful life period will soon be replaced by positive events and great joy.

Letter H:

  1. 1. Handcuffs. Addictions, violation of the law, disregard for moral and ethical standards, restriction of freedom of action.
  2. 2. Scissors. A person should decide on his desires and goals and get rid of negative memories. You have to make difficult choices in order to move forward and develop.

Letter O:

  1. 1. Cloud. Emotional uplift, creative inspiration, burst of energy. Great inner potential, dreamy and receptive nature.
  2. 2. Points. Illusory perception of reality, self-deception.

Letter P:

  1. 1. Web. Unjustified risk, participation in an adventure, a dubious event. The ill-wisher weaves intrigues behind the back of a fortuneteller.
  2. 2. Palm tree. A serene and happy life, a family vacation, a romantic trip, a trip with friends, exciting adventures, a holiday romance, a fun pastime, vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions.
  3. 3. Feather. Low level of concentration, inability to bring the work started to its logical conclusion.
  4. 4. Hourglass. It's time to make a responsible decision.
  5. 5. Pistol. A grandiose family scandal, a great danger.
  6. 6. Train. Business trip, moving to another city or country.
  7. 7. Horseshoe. A favorable period in the life of a fortuneteller, successful business negotiations, family idyll, material stability.

Letter R:

  1. 1. Child. The appearance of offspring, an early pregnancy, a new business project.
  2. 2. Rose. The fulfillment of a secret desire in the near future.
  3. 3. Hand. Strong friendly ties, comradely help and support.
  4. 4. Mermaid. Temptation, deceit, cunning of an ill-wisher, gossip, slander, female deceit.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Airplane. If directed upwards - a quick journey, if downwards - defeat, collapse of hopes, broken dreams, vain expectations.
  2. 2. Heart. Sincere affection, sincere and bright feelings, great and mutual love.
  3. 3. Candle. Solemn event, significant event, fast wedding.
  4. 4. Cigarette. A person cannot make the right decision and complete what he has begun, he is sprayed into trifles and does not notice the true state of things.
  5. 5. Sickle (lunar). Major life changes are coming.
  6. 6. Rock. Life obstacles on the way to the intended goal, insurmountable difficulties.
  7. 7. Sun. Talents, creativity, great opportunities, the birth of a child, a favorable stage in all areas of life.
  8. 8. Spiral. Everything secret will soon become clear, the past will make itself felt.
  9. 9. Glass. Poor health, mental vulnerability, physical malaise, moral devastation.
  10. 10. Wall. A symbol of alienation, misunderstanding, conflicts with households and disagreements in the work team.
  11. 11. Arrow. Bad news, unpleasant incident.
  12. 12. Steps. Climbing the career ladder, promotion, general recognition, respect for people from close circle.

Letter T:

  1. 1. Phone. An important event, a serious conversation. A person does not always say what he really thinks.
  2. 2. Point. Financial profit, the emergence of an additional source of income.
  3. 3. Axe. Problem situations at home and at work. The conflict and harshness of character will bring a lot of trouble to the young lady.
  4. 4. Pumpkin. Cardinal changes of a positive nature, a new job, love relationships, a change of scenery.

Letter F:

  1. 1. Flag. Risk of injury and physical injury. For unmarried girls, such a symbol promises a wedding with a military man.

Letter X:

  1. 1. Bread. A good sign that symbolizes abundance, financial well-being, good health and longevity.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Flower. Brilliant opportunities, positive mood, peace of mind, peace. The desired will soon become a reality, plans will come true.
  2. 2. Church. Oath of fidelity and devotion, wedding ceremony, spiritual heritage.

Letter H:

  1. 1. Cup. Small life pleasures, pleasant pastime in a circle of friends.

Letter W:

  1. 1. Pants. A dual situation, a person has to make a difficult choice.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Apple. A symbol of health, success, prosperity, happiness and love. If the fruit is bitten or wrinkled - a person needs to resist the temptation or momentary temptation in order to achieve what he wants.
  2. 2. Egg. Radical changes are coming, a new life stage, new ideas and opportunities, brilliant prospects.
  3. 3. Anchor. high position in society. The person is socially significant and enjoys success with the opposite sex. Temporary difficulties, which will soon be replaced by great joy.
  4. 4. Pit. The imminent death of a fortuneteller or a person from his inner circle.

The meaning of animals and birds

Deciphering the appearance of wax outlines of birds and flying creatures in the water:

  1. 1. Stork. Family happiness, life harmony, bursts of creative inspiration, creation.
  2. 2. Raven. Deep sadness, difficult life period, health problems.
  3. 3. Dragon. A person has high ambitions, he cannot sit in one place for a long time and constantly strives to develop and reach the heights. The young lady knows what she wants and is used to always winning.
  4. 4. Hen or chicken. Mutual understanding in personal relationships, establishing business relationships.
  5. 5. Swan. A long-awaited letter, positive news from distant relatives or friends.
  6. 6. Bird. Good news, a pleasant meeting with an old friend or school friend.
  7. 7. Duck. Luck, success in all endeavors.
  8. 8. Heron. Negative attitude to life and past grievances do not allow to fully develop and achieve great heights. A girl needs to change from the inside in order to be successful.


  1. 1. Butterfly. Changes of a positive nature in all spheres of life, making the right decision, getting rid of negative emotions.
  2. 2. Fly. Internal irritation, disharmony, gossip and intrigue, loss of reputation.
  3. 3. Spider. A stable financial position, exposure of a cunning enemy, he will not have time to carry out his insidious plan.
  4. 4. Bee. A person will become successful thanks to his diligence and determination.
  5. 5. Snail. Slowness, suspiciousness, self-doubt.

Animals and magical creatures:

  1. 1. Alligator. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected developments, emotional shock.
  2. 2. Ram. The person is stubborn and believes that any method can be used to achieve their own goals and satisfy their ambitions, but such beliefs will become a big problem in building a serious relationship.
  3. 3. Badger. The chosen one is not ready to change for the sake of the girl, he lives in his own illusory world and does not notice obvious things.
  4. 4. Squirrel. The girl is reasonable and thrifty, she knows how to think logically and worries about her future.
  5. 5. Behemoth. Love and strong affection, however, the beloved is thick-skinned and does not know how to show tender feelings for his chosen one.
  6. 6. Bull. Great danger, a threat to the health and life of a fortuneteller.
  7. 7. Wolf. The chosen one of the girl is bold and courageous, he has great ambitions and always achieves what he wants. Due to the firmness of the lover's character and his uncompromising nature, serious disagreements and scandals can arise.
  8. 8. Giraffe. Illusions, daydreaming, rich imagination, a sign of a romantic and subtle nature.
  9. 9. Hare. Internal fears, fear of approaching danger, bad premonition.
  10. 10. Snake. Great danger, enemy treachery, severe illness.
  11. 11. Hedgehog. You will have to show firmness and determination and go against the opinion of loved ones in order to protect your own interests.
  12. 12. Raccoon. You will make mistakes and not learn from them, err in your judgments.
  13. 13. Unicorn. Like-minded people who will help make great discoveries.
  14. 14. Kangaroo. Nothing can prevent the young lady from realizing her own ideas and plans.
  15. 15. Goat. Favorable period for the conclusion of major transactions, cash investments, making responsible decisions.
  16. 16. Cow. Prosperous life, financial stability.
  17. 17. Cat. Betrayal of a close friend, disappointment in people from a close circle, an unpleasant event.
  18. 18. Lev. Hidden talents, inner strength, fortitude, endurance, self-control, wisdom and justice.
  19. 19. Horse. If a person is selfless and persistent, soon his life will change for the better.
  20. 20. Bear. Failures in personal relationships, the emergence of a very influential and wise patron.
  21. 21. Mouse. Unpretentiousness. A fortune-telling girl is poorly versed in people.
  22. 22. Rhino. The appearance of a stubborn and strong admirer who does not take into account other people's opinions and will significantly complicate the life of a fortune-telling young lady.
  23. 23. Monkey. Deception, betrayal, deceit of a person from a close environment. He is cunning and prudent, can cause great harm to a young lady.
  24. 24. Deer. Stress resistance, life stability, family well-being.
  25. 25. Cancer. Serious problems on the love front, scandals, unpleasant events.
  26. 26. Dog. In the life of a girl there is a devoted and faithful person, she values ​​\u200b\u200bfriendship with him very much.
  27. 27. Owl. An early death, deep mourning, an incurable disease, mental trauma.
  28. 28. Pig. In arrogance, pride, a person does not recognize his own mistakes and does not learn from them.
  29. 29. Elephant. Life wisdom, invaluable experience.
  30. 30. Tiger. The animal symbolizes the enemy's strength and the danger of the enemy.
  31. 31. Lizard. An unpleasant meeting, a serious conversation, a visit from an ill-wisher.

Fish and marine life:

  1. 1. Shark. You should be careful, because the ill-wisher is cunning and dangerous, he is plotting evil. The emergence of a strong competitor in the business.
  2. 2. Dolphin. A person can always count on help and friendly support, he is surrounded by kind and devoted comrades.
  3. 3. Whale. Reliability, calmness, stability.
  4. 4. Medusa. You will have to find out something that will prevent you from sleeping peacefully at night, keeping other people's secrets.
  5. 5. Fish. Comfortable existence, pleasant atmosphere, family comfort.

The meaning of the figures is the basic knowledge necessary to obtain a true result in divination by candlelight. Once you can easily understand the interpretation of the received patterns, you can really accurately predict important events in your life, as well as in the fate of any person who turned to you.

In the article:

Fortune telling by candlelight - the meaning of figures of an abstract nature

This article contains the meanings of figures that can be useful in divination by candles or wax. It is much more convenient to print them out and keep them handy while predicting the future. After you pour the melted wax into the water, proceed to the interpretation of the figure that you have.

A straight line indicates that you will soon be engaged in a new project. Perhaps it is related to work, or maybe you will have a new hobby. True, how successful your activity will be cannot be determined from this figure, but you can tell fortunes on the cards or use other methods.

If you get a lot of small dots, this portends you profit, financial success. And the more points, the more money you get.

One circle hints that you are too fixated on one issue. Sometimes this figure means stability, the absence of any changes. Elongated egg-shaped circles speak of new ideas or dreams, you may have to make an effort to implement them, but your ideas are worth it.

Sometimes letters or numbers appear instead of wax figures. Here the interpretation will depend on the question that you asked the candle during divination. They can point to names and predict the approximate time of the event you need.

Fortune telling by candlelight - deciphering the figures of living beings

When divining by candlelight, deciphering the figures is very important. If you can correctly interpret what the wax is telling you, you will be able to know your future. Here you can find the generally accepted interpretations of wax figures. But there is also an intuitive approach to deciphering wax predictions, which you can learn about in the corresponding article.

Caterpillar, worm - beware of frivolity, especially in relation to close relatives.

Hedgehog, porcupine - problems because of your character, which is as prickly as the needles of these animals. You need to learn to be kinder to people.

Snake - enemies, diseases, rivals in love affairs. However, the snake can also symbolize the temptation, which is better not to succumb. Sometimes the snake is interpreted as an approaching danger.

  • Cat - you can not rely on your friends or the person you are guessing at.
  • Chicken - a favorable and calm life, marriage, pregnancy, a cozy life.
  • Swan, duck - good news, happiness in personal life, good luck.

Spider - your enemies use some kind of trick, and you will have to think for a long time how to get around this trap. Sometimes a spider means gossip, as well as dependence on something.

Ghost - news from the past or people you haven't seen for a long time.

Fish - a favorable combination of circumstances, comfort and enjoyment of the success achieved. But this prediction is true, if such a figure appears when divining for a new place of residence, then it means that the new housing will be better than you expect. In all other cases, the fish means silence, which will negatively affect you. Try to remember what you kept silent and who might be offended by this. Sometimes this is not silence, but betrayal on your part, and also a fish can be an advice to keep everything a secret.

  • Elephant - wisdom, sometimes expectation. Perhaps you should not climb on the rampage, but it is better to wait and not waste your nerves.
  • Dog - good friends, their help. Perhaps you will find partners and work together to cope with the case.
  • Owl - difficulties, failures, illnesses.
  • - in difficult situations, always hope for help from above, ask - and they will help you. Your faith will open any door for you.
  • - there will come a good time for reconciliation or in order to show another person your good attitude towards him.
  • Dragon - the situation that you are guessing at will require considerable effort from you. If you can boast of willpower, you can easily handle it.
  • A female silhouette is either a rival or a friend. In order to understand exactly what to expect in your situation, you can try to find out details about this person using other fortune-telling. Perhaps it will suit you. But if a man is guessing, a female silhouette can be interpreted as a girlfriend or lover.
  • Man - if a woman is guessing, then a man means a friend, admirer or groom. If a man is guessing, then a male silhouette can mean both a friend and a rival or competitor.
  • Child - the silhouette of a small child predicts new projects and activities for you. Perhaps you will have a new hobby. Sometimes such a figure is obtained in pregnant women or in those who expect pregnancy in the near future.

Fortune telling by candlelight - interpretation of inanimate objects

Arch - soon your life will become more eventful and interesting. You will find many adventures and unexpected plot twists. You need a new life stage, you will learn a lot, despite the fact that both good and bad events will happen in your life.

Tower - a wedding or an acquaintance with a future husband or wife. Sometimes the tower symbolizes imprisonment, perhaps you will be bound by obligations and lack of time in the near future.

Fan, fan - frivolity will lead you to difficult events. You can lose your job, have a serious fight with relatives, or destroy your family.

Wreath - for a man, a wreath means a meeting with his future wife. For a woman, a wreath symbolizes a happy girlhood, so perhaps marriage will not happen soon, but the rest of the joys of life are still available to you.

  • Rope, thread - problems.

Branches - if they are directed upwards, joy, success and happiness await you. If the branches hang down, for example, like a willow, this promises disappointment and sadness.

Eye - you are in full view of the enemies. They are trying to watch you. Perhaps you have new ill-wishers. Or maybe the ones you already have will try to harm you. Another interpretation of wax eyes is deception or your unwillingness to notice obvious things.

  • Mushroom - pleasant surprises.

House, building - if the building looks like a government agency, problems await you. If it looks cozy and looks like an ordinary house, such a figure portends the onset of a good period in life. Unmarried people will have a marriage, and when divining for a trip or a trip - either failure, or departure for a very long time, a change of home. Sometimes figures in the form of houses fall out to move or buying your own home.

  • Stars, moon, sun - luck, success.
  • A book is a new life stage, most likely associated with gaining knowledge or experience.
  • The cross is a very bad sign, a whole series of problems awaits you. But if you manage them, something good is waiting for you.
  • Ring - marriage, love or acquaintance with a future spouse.
  • Crown - success.
  • Ladder - advancement in a certain industry, achievement of success, most likely, work is meant.
  • Mill - gossip.
  • Knife - quarrel, breakup, betrayal, betrayal.

Clouds, clouds - doubts, problems. Like the figure itself, its prediction cannot be called clear. Sometimes clouds symbolize a hidden future, the absence of any interpretation at all.

  • Glasses, binoculars - reconsider your attitude to the situation, perhaps you yourself do not want to notice that its solution is in front of your nose.
  • Loop - great difficulties, most often they are associated with debts and financial situation.

Fruits and leaves - material success, abundance and prosperity. When divining for love, it has a good meaning - they love you, they are faithful to you, only pleasant events await the couple.

  • Horseshoe - good luck.

Rose is love. If you are not guessing at the chosen one, but, for example, at work, a rose means clearly expressed sympathy.

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